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Vol. 37, N o .

3 Transactions, American GeophysicaljUnion

hm 1*51

Discordant Uranium-Lead Ages, I


Abstract—A graphical procedure is described for rapid calculation of discordant uranium-

lead ages resulting from multiple episodes of uranium-lead fractionation. A proof of the validity
of this graphical procedure is given. The graphical procedure is extended to permit the cal­
culation of the effect of the presence of primary radiogenic lead and of constant loss of inter­
mediate daughter products.

Introduction—The element uranium has two assumptions have been fulfilled, the ages will be
238 235
long-lived isotopes, U and U , the final decay concordant; when they are not fulfilled, the age*
2 0 6 2 0 7
products of which are P b and P b , respectively. will be either discordant or 'accidentally' con­
Measurement of the uranium concentration and cordant.
2 0 6 2 0 7
the concentration of radiogenic P b and P b These papers will discuss discordance and
in a chemical system (such as a mineral) containing accidental concordance arising from failure of
uranium permits the calculation of two uranium- assumptions (a), (b), and (c), which may be con­
lead ages, the U ^ - P b 2 0 6
age, T i and the U ^ - P b 2 0 7
sidered 'intrinsic discordance' as opposed to
age, T calculated from the equations of radio­
'technical' discordance resulting from failure d
active decay assumption (d).
1 /p 206b
I n this first paper a graphical scheme will be

) a)
presented for the calculation of the effects of failure
of assumption (a) a t discreet episodes in the
2 0 7
1 /Pb \ history of the mineral, and a discussion will be
given of the effects of failure of assumptions (b)
and (c), within the framework of this graphical
I n this discussion it will b e convenient to
2 0 6 method. I n a subsequent publication this graphical
designate the U ^ - P b decay b y superscript or
207 procedure will be applied to problems of geo-
subscript 1, and the I P ^ - P b decay by the sub­
chronology, namely, the interpretation of regu­
script 2. Thus, equations (1) become
larities in a group of discordant ages such as those
b y Ahrens [1955] as well as the inference of the true
age of a group of oogenetic minerals giving dis­
( L A )
cordant ages, even when no regularities are present.
T 2 +1 This graphical scheme will make use of a diagram
206 238
(Fig. 1) in which the mole ratio P b / ! ! (A/Pi)
where the X's are the decay constants, and D and is plotted as the ordinate and the mole ratio
2 0 7 3 5
P refer to the daughter and p a r e n t concentrations, P b / ! ? (D2/P2) as the abscissa. In the case of
respectively. concordant ages, for every age 7*0 = T\ = T« there
Where these two ages are found to be equal to will correspond unique values of D1/P1 and A/ft
one another, the ages are said to be 'concordant.* denned b y t h e equations
W h e n they are unequal, they are said to be 'dis­
cordant. 1
— = e ^x

These two calculated ages will be equal to one Pi

another and to t h e true age of the mineral if the
following assumptions are fulfilled: (a) There have P2
been no gains or losses of uranium or lead during
0 0
the tune since t h e formation of the system, (b) T h e locus of these values for 0 < r < is the

T h e r e have been no gains or losses of intermediate curve marked 'concordia' on Figure 1.

members of the radioactive decay scheme, for Description of the graphical procedure--The
example, radon, or ionium, (c) Proper corrections procedure will be described without proof. The
have been made for the initial concentration of proof of its validity is found in the following
Pb 2 0 6 2 0 7
and P b . (d) T h e chemical analyses have section. Consider a sample of uranium mineral (or
been properly performed and the correct decay more generally a chemical system containing
constants Xi and Xs have been used. When these uranium) having a true age r . If the assumptions


other hand, i of the uranium were lost, R = f, ±

and li = f L i .
From the procedure given above, it is seen t h a t
regardless of how much uranium or lead is lost
during this episode, the resulting point (Q{) will lie
on this straight line. From the coordinates of the
point (Di/P hD2/P2) found by this procedure,
the discordant uranium-lead ages can be calcu­
^^^^^^ lated by use of E q . (2). Thus the effect of a single
episode of uranium-lead fractionation has been
CONCORDIA For the special case R = 1, t h a t is, no frac­

tionation, the result is t h a t the point Q char­ t

acterizing the mineral remains on the curve 'Con­

cordia' at r . If, on the other hand, all the lead

2 D /P
were lost at r , perhaps due to a remineralization

with exclusion of lead, then Ri = 0 and h « 0

FIG. 1-D/P diagram illustrating the graphica* and the point characterizing the sample will lie
-ocedure for calculating the uranium-lead ages re-
?jung from a given history of uranium-lead frac- on the curve 'concordia' at t± . I n this case the age

of the sample can be considered more properly to
be n .
a), (b), (c), and (d) are valid, the point char­ For the case of multiple episodes of uranium-
acteristic of this mineral sample will lie on con- lead fractionation, the resulting point Q can be n

cadia at r . If the mineral has lost lead or uranium found by extension of this same procedure. Assume

or gained uranium during a geologically brief a second fractionation R* occurred a t a later time
episode at a time n years ago, the position of the r . T h e effect of this is found by the following

paint (Qi) characteristic of this mineral m a y be procedure: (1) D r a w a straight line between the
found by the following procedure: (1) D r a w a point Qi (found b y the above procedure for the
straight line passing through the point on the first fractionation) and the point r on concordia.2

carve 'concordia' corresponding to a true age r 0

(2) Defining the length of the straight segment
and that corresponding to a true age TJ . (2) Qt2 = L , the desired point Q will lie a t a distance
2 2

Defining the length of the straight segment T TI =

h = R2L2 from T 2 on concordia. For a third frac­
It, measure off a distance along this segment of tionation a t r , the procedure is repeated with

length h - RiLi from n . Ri is the ratio b y which Q r = £ and k = RzLs giving point Q . For the
2 z 3 z

Dt/?i and D2/P2 changed a t time r\. T h a t is case of n fractionations, the procedure is repeated
n times, finally resulting in a point Q . From the

R\ = (D/P)immediately after l o s s / coordinates of this point, the discordant ages

Ti and T2 can be calculated. These are the ages
(D/P) immediately before loss
t h a t would be measured for a mineral with a true
Tie end of this segment is the desired p o i n t Qi. age tq that has undergone n fractionations R{,
Is the case of lead loss, it is assumed t h a t R is the (i « 1,2, • • • n) a t times n in the past.
same for both the lead isotopes, t h a t is, t h a t the This construction is illustrated by the following
kid which is lost has the same isotopic composi­ example, illustrated by Figure 2. Consider a
tion as the total lead which was present in the uranium mineral having a true age of 1350 million
total lead which was present in the mineral. This years. 900 million years ago the uranium and lead
is not a very severe restriction for lead loss, b u t within this mineral were partially separated. A t
it must be noted t h a t lead addition will n o t in this time 17 pet of the lead within the mineral
general fulfill this condition, and therefore the was lost, while a t the same time 50 pet of the
graphical procedure has been limited to losses of uranium was lost. As a consequence of this frac­
lead or uranium or additions of uranium. This case tionation, the ratios Di/P\ and D2/P2 change by a
wkre R is unequal for Di/Pi and D2/P2 is dis­ factor 1.65 and R\ = 1.65. I n recent times (es­
cussed in the section on Extensions of the graphical sentially zero million years ago) a second frac­
ptmdure. For example, if half the lead were lost tionation occurred, resulting in the loss of 27 pet
with no loss of uranium, the Ri = J. If, on the of the lead present in the mineral, with a loss of

This analytic expression will be obtained b-

solution of the equations of radioactive deal
generalized to include the effects of gains or loss©
of parent and daughter isotopes. These are

f =-XP + G p P

- \P + GD D

where P and D refer to the concentrations ^

parent and radiogenic daughter isotopes, X is the
decay constant = hi 2/half-life, G and G® are P

arbitrary functions of times representing gains

FIG. 2 - D / P diagram illustrating a numerical example ( G > 0) or losses (G < 0) of parent and daughter
of the graphical procedure isotopes, respectively. These equations may be
solved b y elementary methods with the result
only one per cent of the uranium. Hence R — 2
0.74. - Ae F ( r o ) r
dt (4)

Following t h e graphical procedure described Jo
above, a straight line is drawn through the points
900 and 1350 on t h e curve 'concordia.' T h e point
Qi is found by measuring t h e separation of these
two points and measuring off a distance 1.65 times \t + (G - Gp) dt,

this separation along this line from the point 900.

Q is found by drawing a similar line between 0
2 and T is t h e true age of the mineral. (An equation

and Qi, and measuring off the proper distance essentially t h e same as (4) has also been derived
from 0. This distance is 0.74 times the distance b y F . Wickman and his discussion of it will be
between 0 and Q±. published in the report of t h e Pennsylvania State
Since this hypothetical mineral underwent two University Conference on Nuclear Geophysics,
fractionations, it is characterized by the point Q . 2 September, 1955).
From the coordinates of this point {DJPx = 0.214, I t m a y be seen b y inspection of the form of F
and D2/P2 » 2.64) the ages T = 1260 m y a n d
x in (4) t h a t a gain of parent represented by a
T « 1330 m y are calculated from ( l a ) . An exact
2 function Gp will have exactly the same effect os
analytic calculation of this example gives T\ — the ratio D/P as a loss of daughter with Gd =
1250 and T « 1330 m y. T h e accuracy of this
2 —Gp . I t will therefore be impossible to distinguish
graphical procedure depends only on the care with between loss of parent a n d gain of daughter m
which the construction is made. between gain of parent and loss of daughter by the
T h e effect of a continuous process can be ap­ effect on t h e ratio D/P. Without any loss of
proximated by graphically calculating the con­ generality t h e expression (Gd — G ) can be re­ P

tinuous process as a sum of episodic fractionations placed b y an arbitrary function of time G, which
with the interval between episodes small. will represent the n e t effect of gains or losses of
Proof of the graphical procedure—The graphical parent and daughter. I n this work where 'loss of
procedure outlined above will be proved to be daughter' is used, it will b e understood that the
correct b y showing t h a t the coordinates of t h e possibility of gain of p a r e n t is also implied, and
resulting point Qn corresponds to the coordinates similarly for loss of parent.
D1/P1 and D2/P2 which would be found by an By assuming different forms of G , the effects of
analytic calculation of the effect of n fractionations different kinds of fractionation processes can be
Ri{i — 1, 2, • • • n) at times r\ in the past. I n the calculated. For the case of n episodic fractionation
following discussion the symbol t will be used t o a t times r - , i = 1, • • • n the function G will be

indicate time increasing in the usual sense and given by

having the value zero a t the time of mineralization.
T h e symbol n will be used to indicate the time of
an event measured back from the present.
G - Y^a d[t - (T(5) - n)] { 0

, _ __ , ) l is the Dirac 5-function

r then
1949] defined by

(!) immediately after loss (13)

8(x) = 1 a > 0
(?)immediately before loss
Thus the 5-function can be visualized as a or in accordance with the definition of Ri
.gactioa which is zero everywhere except in the a
Ri - e i (14)
samediate neighborhood of one point. Similarly,
£ will be zero except a t the moments n . T h e (The proof of (14) h a s been materially simplified
jScuIties of mathematical rigor associated with as a result of a suggestion b y G. Wasserburg.)
thease of (6) can be resolved in the usual way b y
replacing the 5-function b y a gaussian a n d taking Eq. (7) can now be rewritten as
if standard deviation to be arbitrarily small.
1 Xr
Iks the fractionation can be thought of as taking § - 2 [ e ^ " - J"*] ft + (e * - 1) (15)
place over a period of time which is geologically
short, for example, a million years. This is the general expression for the ratio Z>/P
By substitution of G (5) into (4) and integration, resulting from the decay of parent in a mineral of
true age TO which has undergone n fractionations,
aoe obtains
Ri a t times t% . For a uranium mineral there will
be two such expressions, one giving DJP\ and t h e
d I _ fiXry] + e \r n _ j ()

other D2/P2 •
Using this general expression, the graphical
The differential equations (3) can be combined procedure will be proved by induction, (a) I t will
a the form first be shown that t h e point {DJPi, D2/P2) found
b y t h e graphical procedure agrees with the result
i(2)-x + (£) W + w <s, of t h e analytic calculation for the case'?* = 1.
(b) I t then will be shown t h a t if the construction is
valid for n — m, it will also be valid for n = m + 1.
Demonstration of (a) and (b) above will prove
+ G+ \ (9) the construction valid for any number of frac­
This equation will be integrated over a short Regarding (a), b y substituting n = 1 into (15)
period of time (2e) including one of the episodes r * . we obtain

- JRI^ * - e
1 0 XlTl
] + e X l T l
- 1
+ Sai5(j{ - ( T O - n)) dt
Jn~(Ti+c) JT2
TO— (,T{—e)

(10) These are the parametric equations for the

0 (r --fe)
locus of points representing minerals having a
true age T and which underwent a fractionation

Ri a t a time n in the past. According to t h e

graphical construction, this locus should b e a
7^r Z f = = X
^ + a - - f 2eX (11) straight line passing through T and n on the curve 0

T h a t it passes through T can be seen b y letting

as e-> 0 the parameter R\ « 1, then

El « >iro . 1
(?) (12)
i / after loss

\ - t / before loss
P " 2

which are the coordinates of r on the curve 'con­ 0

cordia as given by (2). n m m
Similarly when the parameter ft = 0 -i = S [^i-i - n /J,
^i y—I T—i

Pi ' m j7i
= 2 [e X l T
' - ' - e " > ] n Ri + x
- n

i J= l XESJ

and similarly
which are the coordinates of n on concordia. By D 0
m m

differentiating each of (16) with respect to the - ? = S [ ^ ' ' - ' - e ^>1 n « i + (eVn _ j x

parameter Ri and dividing, we obtain the slope -t 2 y=i IBBJ Y

of the locus which according to ( 1 5 ) are the coordinates of a

point Q which has undergone m fractionation?

Ri at times n . T h u s the locus of a point which has

i ) (19) undergone m + 1 fractions ft at times r - } pass
through this point. For t h e case R = 0, we get

the point

which is independent of ft, t h a t is of the position

of the point on the locus. T h e slope is therefore t h e and
same at all points on the locus, t h a t is the line is
straight. 5? = e x R
2 M + 1 _ ^ T H A T I S ? T H E P O I N T O I I

According to the graphical construction, the

distance along this line (Z) between n on concordia concordia
and the point characterizing a mineral which under­ By differentiating (23) with respect to JR ATVI MFL

went a fractionation Ri at t\ is given by k — RiLi taking their ratio we obtain

where L is the length of the segment r o n . T h e

length can be found by use of the coordinates of r 0

and r i on concordia from equations (17) and (18)

and the Pythogorean theorem to be
2 x T
Z i = [* i o - e V i ] 2
+ [eVo - e V i ] 2
(20) m m
- e X l T
' ] I I ft + ( e X l T
B y using (16) and (18) and the Pythogorean y=l *=y
m m
theorem we obtain similarly
- e X2T
' ] I I ft + (e ™ XsT

y=i i=y
2 2 2 2
/ x == ft [eVo ] + ft [*Vo (21)

and by comparing (20) and (21) we obtain which is independent of R i. Thus the locus c; m+

points corresponding to minerals which hixt

k = RiLi thus completing the proof f or n = 1. (22) undergone varying fractionations R +\ at tk.- m

r i is a straight line passing through Q ar.„

m + m

Regarding (b) if it. is assumed t h a t the graphical r + i on concordia, as given by the graphical pro­

construction is valid for n — m, it will now be cedure.

shown t h a t it is valid for n = m + 1. T h e distance Z + i between Q and r^+i on m m

T h e coordinates of a point which has undergone concordia will be (by use of the Pythogorean
n — m + 1 fractionations will be theorem)
7 V m+l

E >1 I I
ft X R
4- ( E I - + I - 1) {s m

i^ '- i r 1
- * XiTy

m+l m+l y-i *=y
~ - 2 - e * q n ft + ( e
x T X2T 1
-+ - l) + (e^lTm _ 1) - (^!T M + 1 A
J 2 y=i T»y

(23) + \ 2 t^ " ' 27 3 -1

- e X2Tj
i n ft

For the case ftnfi = 1, t h a t is, no fractionation [y«i I-y

a t stage (m 4- 1) the point will have the coordi­ + ( X R _ 1 )- - 1)1 (27)

E 2 M

Meeting terms decay constant X for the growth of daughter being

less than the decay constant X for the decay of
n Ri[ parent (3).
2 :1 =
m+l . , > Therefore, (3) can be replaced b y


= - \P +G P P
(28) (30)
= \A(t)P + GD D
m + l dt
He distance L+i between r on t h e curve m+1

CONCORDIA' and the point characteristic of a mineral where A(t) represents the fraction of intermediate
fir-ch has undergone m + l fractionations Ri at decay product which is retained.
limes TJ will be These equations can be integrated to give

A { t ) e
dt (31)
P Jo
m+l "12

{ n ft (29)
I t may be expected t h a t A will be different for
the two decay systems, U and U . 238 235

S For the case of constant loss of intermediate

;=1 i-i J
By comparison of (28) and (29) decay product the function A can be taken outside
2 2
the integral. In this case the value of D/P will be
P i m+ — R +iL +l
m m
decreased by a factor A. For combined multiple
Tms the locus of points characteristic of minerals fractionation and constant intermediate product
which have undergone m fractionations Ri a t loss, the resulting values of D i / P i and D2/P2 can
times Ti and an additional fractionation R i a t m +
be found by first applying the graphical procedure
time r i will be a straight line passing through
and finally multiplying DJPi by A i , and D2/P2
the point Q and the point r i on concordia.
m m+
by A .2

For a given fractionation R +i, the distance of the

Presence of primary radiogenic lead—Eq. (3) can
point from r + i on concordia will be equal to
be generalized to include the effects of primary
WWi where Lm+i is the distance from Q to m
radiogenic lead with the result
T»FI on concordia. By hypothesis the point Q m

(which represents the point characteristic of

minerals which have undergone m fractionations
li i = 1, 2. • • • m at times n) is given correctly
where (D/P) is the initial radiogenic daughter to

by the graphical procedure. I t has been shown parent ratio.

ibove that the analytical calculation is in agree­ For the case of multiple episodic fractionations
ment with the graphical procedure for finding
f^i from Q . Therefore, the point Q m + i found by
m Xr Xr Xr
(^) i [e ^ - eq IL R + (e « - 1)
tk analytical calculation will be the same point
tod by the graphical procedure, thus completing
+ (33)
the proof.
Extensions of the graphical procedure—In the
a *
FOREGOING discussion a procedure has been demon­ which differs from (15) only in the last term.
strated for graphically calculating the discordant Therefore, the effect of primary radiogenic daugh­
uranium-LEAD ages which will result when a mineral ter can be found b y applying the graphical pro­
undergoes a series of episodes of uranium-lead cedure and finally adding the term
fractionation (failure of assumption a). A brief
iiscussion WILL now be given of the calculation of
the effects of failure of assumptions (b), and (c)
as well as the effect of unequal fractionation of
(D.'-S* § t0 Md
K (34)

M 207
?F and Pb . B y a proof along the lines of t h a t in Proof of the
loss of intermediate decay products—For the graphical procedure, it can also be shown t h a t the
equilibrium case (implicit in (1)) the loss of an graphical calculation is valid for the case of
intermediate decay product is equivalent to the primary radiogenic daughter if the starting point

for the graphical procedure is taken to the co­ where R'm+i is the factor by which Di/P i§ 1

ordinates of r on concordia augmented by

changed. A similar expression will give (ZX p.
for Qm-f 1 •

Concluding remarks—A graphical procedure has

(!)/" been demonstrated for calculating the effects ct
failure of assumptions (a), (b), and (c). By use of
this procedure the discordant ages resulting from a
The effect of unequal fractionation of Pb and
given history can b e calculated uniquely. How­
Pb —As a consequence of an earlier process of
ever, if the discordant ages are given, it is not
uranium-lead fractionation, the uranium in a
possible to infer the history uniquely. This graph-
mineral m a y b e displaced from the lead. T h e ical procedure will be found useful, however, fe
radiogenic lead resulting from the decay of this inferring the possible histories of a given geological
uranium will then be in the vicinity of the uranium unit and in some cases the probable history. These
and the two lead isotopes will not be homogeneously applications and their limitations will be discussed
distributed within the mineral. Any subsequent in a subsequent publication.
fractionation might then cause A / f t and D2/P2
to change by different factors. REFERENCES
I n this case it can be shown t h a t the points
Qm+i resulting from varying amounts of fractiona­ AHRENS, L. H., The convergent lead ages of the oldest
tion of this type will not lie on a straight line monazites and uraninites, Geockim. et Cosmockiv.
Acta, 7, 294, 1955.
between Q and T +i on concordia b u t will lie on a
m in
DIRAC, P. M. J-, The principles of quantum me­
curved line between these two points. T h e co­ chanics, 3rd ed., p. 5 8 , Oxford University PRESS,

ordinate D1/P1 for Qm+i will be 1949.

Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie

(^lfm + l - 1) + Hon of Washington, Washington 15, D. C.
(Communicated manuscript received February %
(cMrm+i i } ( 3 5 )
- - ] 1956; open for formal discussion until November I,

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