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Mixed magmatic – phreatomagmatic explosions during the formation

of the Joya Honda maar, San Luis Potosı́, Mexico
Instituto de Geologı́a, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosı́, Dr M. Nava no. 5,
Zona Universitaria, 78240 San Luis Potosı́, Mexico
Instituto de Geofı́sica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Unidad Michoacán,
Antigua carretera a Pátzcuaro 8701, 58190 Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico
Facultad de Ingenierı́a, Área de Ciencia de la Tierra UASLP San Luis Potosı́,
Dr M. Nava no. 5, Zona Universitaria, 78240 San Luis Potosı́, Mexico
Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas no. 152, San Bartolo
Atepehuacan, Ciudad de México, CP 07730, México
Instituto Politécnico Nacional-CIIEMAD, Miguel Othón de Mendizabal s/n. Col. La Escalera.,
07320, 16 Del. Gustavo A. Madero, México D.F., Mexico
College of Natural Science and Mathematics, University of Alaska at Fairbanks,
AK 99775, USA
Centro de Geociencias, UNAM, Campus Juriquilla, Querétaro, Mexico

Abstract: The Joya Honda maar (JHm) is located in central Mexico, 35 km NNE of the city of San
Luis Potosı́. It lies in the Plio-Quaternary alkaline Ventura-Espı́ritu Santo Volcanic Field located in
the eastern part of Mesa Central province. The JHm eruption occurred at 311 + 19 ka (40Ar/39Ar)
along a fissure that formed an elliptical crater (c. 1.3 × 0.9 km wide and c. 270 m deep) with a
major axis oriented to the ENE–WSW. The eruption generated pyroclastic surge deposits that pref-
erentially extended up to a distance of 7 km to the NW–NE of the crater, with a very limited dis-
tribution to the south. At the crater rim, the sequence is 60– 80 m thick on the NE–NW wall and
1– 15 m thick on the south–SW rim. The JHm sequence is divided into five units with different
structures, textures, granulometry and components. The juvenile basanite clasts of these units dis-
play differences in vesicularity, density and morphology under scanning electron microscopy.
These units correspond to the same number of eruptive phases as follows: Phase 1 occurred as a
series of alternating strombolian and phreatomagmatic explosions that dispersed fall deposits
and base surges; Phase 2 began with strombolian activity that emplaced basanite scoria with
low contents of mantle xenoliths; Phase 3 continued with phreatomagmatic explosions that
emplaced wet and dry pyroclastic surges; Phase 4 generated strombolian explosions rich in mantle
xenoliths; and Phase 5 produced a violent strombolian phase that dispersed fallouts rich in mantle
xenoliths and intermixed with discrete phreatomagmatic explosions that emplaced pyroclastic
surges. These eruptive fluctuations during the genesis of JHm are a response to the relative propor-
tions of magma–water interaction through time and complex faulting of the calcareous rocks
underneath the volcano. The distribution and textural characteristics of the deposits suggest that
simultaneous or alternating vents were active during the eruption, possibly following a fissure.
These variations may have been subordinated to factors such as the availability of groundwater,
the velocity of magma ascent, the discharge rate and degassing.

Maars are the second most abundant type of volcano small-volume volcanoes can be produced by highly
on Earth after cinder cones (Lorenz & Kurszlaukis explosive eruptions that occur within days or weeks
2007; Ross et al. 2013; Macorps et al. 2016). These (Vespermann & Schmincke 2000; Németh &

From: Németh, K., Carrasco-Núñez, G., Aranda-Gómez, J. J. & Smith, I. E. M. (eds) Monogenetic Volcanism.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 446,
# 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. All rights reserved.
For permissions: Publishing disclaimer:
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Kereszturi 2015). Stratigraphic studies carried out et al. 1993, 2005; Luhr et al. 1989). Previous studies
over decades in maars show that, in many cases, (Aranda-Gómez et al. 2005) concluded that the
they are the result of complex eruptions and can VESVF volcanism was related to the extensional
develop a wide range of eruptive styles over a province of northern Mexico (Fig. 1b), which be-
short period of time, with alternating or mixed mag- longs to the southern Basin and Range province.
matic and phreatomagmatic events (Houghton & The VESVF was formed by intra-plate mafic alka-
Schmincke 1986, 1989; Houghton & Nairn 1991; line magmas. These researchers classified the volca-
Houghton et al. 1996; Clarke et al. 2009; Ort & nic products of the Ventura Grupo as olivine and
Carrasco-Núñez 2009; Jordan et al. 2013; Van nepheline basanites, basanites and alkali olivine
Otterloo et al. 2013). Such mixed events seem to basalts (41–44 wt% SiO2). They described upper
be common if the appropriate geological conditions mantle and lower crustal xenoliths within the tephra
are present (external factors; e.g. Kereszturi et al. deposits. The xenolith set is formed by spinel lher-
2011; Németh et al. 2012; Németh & Kereszturi zolite (64%), hydrothermally altered andesites
2015). To understand the formation processes of (15%), pyroxenites (13%), two-pyroxene granulites
maars, a series of experiments was run under envi- (5%) and garnet granulites (3%).
ronmentally controlled conditions. These experi- We show here that the evolution of the JHm is
ments showed that vertical and lateral variations in more complex than previously inferred because
the subsurface explosion and the properties of the the eruption transits from magmatic (strombolian
host–substrate are important factors determining activity) to phreatomagmatic events that ended
the crater morphology, the distribution of the depos- with a violent strombolian phase. This eruption is
its, and the stratigraphic and structural characteris- very similar in fashion to other large and complex
tics of maar-diatreme volcanoes (Valentine et al. monogenetic volcanoes (e.g. Valentine et al. 2007;
2012, 2015; Ross et al. 2013; Graettinger et al. Clarke et al. 2009; Ort & Carrasco-Núñez 2009;
2015; Macorps et al. 2016). A well-preserved exam- Jordan et al. 2013; Van Otterloo et al. 2013). We
ple of such mixed magmatic–phreatomagmatic present the results of our investigations of JHm
events is the Joya Honda maar (JHm), located in stratigraphy and our interpretation of its eruptive
the state of San Luis Potosı́, Mexico (Aranda- phases. For the sake of simplicity, the stratigraphic
Gómez & Luhr 1996; Aranda-Gómez et al. 2000; sequence was divided into five volcanic units (I –
Barboza-Gudiño et al. 2002). This maar volcano V). New granulometry, component analysis and
erupted through highly folded and faulted Creta- scanning electron microscopy (SEM) morphologi-
ceous sedimentary rocks in a series of magmatic cal studies allowed us to infer the complex eruptive
and phreatomagmatic eruptions, producing a com- dynamics of the eruption. Among the maar struc-
plex sequence of deposits that motivated this work. tures found in Mexico, the JHm is one of a few
The JHm is located in the state of San Luis known examples that display such transitions asso-
Potosı́ in central Mexico (Fig. 1a). From a geologi- ciated with two or more contrasting explosive erup-
cal point of view, it is located at the southern end of tion mechanisms (other examples include the Valle
the Basin and Range province within the Ventura- de Santiago, Guanajuato, Tecuitlapa, Puebla, San
Espı́ritu Santo Volcanic Field (VESVF; Luhr et al. Luis Potosı́ and El Estribo volcano, Michoacán;
1989; Aranda-Gómez et al. 1993, 2005; López- Dávila-Harris 2003; Cano-Cruz 2007; Ort &
Loera et al. 2008) (Fig. 1b). The volcano is part of a Carrasco-Núñez 2009; Pola et al. 2015).
series of monogenetic volcanic structures scattered
within an area of 5 km2 (Fig. 2a). In fact, two cinder
cones are located very close to the Joya Honda cra- Geological setting
ter. One is c. 250 m south of the maar and is 20 m
high and 200 m in diameter; the other is c. 500 m The Joya Honda volcano belongs to the VESVF
to the ENE and is 30–40 m high and c. 400 m in and is located within the southern Basin and Range
diameter. These olivine nephelinite cinder cones extensional province (Aranda-Gómez et al. 2005;
are covered by the JHm pyroclastic sequence (Luhr Fig. 1b). The VESVF is located at the intersection
et al. 1989; López-Loera et al. 2008). between the Sierra del Coro anticlinorium and a
Considering the dimensions of the maar (diame- NE 608 right-lateral regional fault system that was
ter and depth; Fig. 2b) and the volume and disper- active from the mid- to late Cenozoic (Aranda-
sion of the JHm products, this crater is one of the Gómez & Labarthe-Hernández 1975; Aranda-
most spectacular phreatomagmatic landforms in Gómez & Luhr 1996; Aranda-Gómez et al. 2000;
Mexico and is one of the largest maar craters on López-Loera et al. 2008) (Fig. 1b). Locally, the
Earth (Lorenz 1973; Vespermann & Schmincke JHm sits on the trace of a right-lateral fault (N
2000; Jordan et al. 2013). The occurrence of mantle 60 –708 E) described by Barboza-Gudiño et al.
xenoliths in the JHm sequence has attracted the at- (2002), which coincides with the longest axis of
tention of a number of researchers (Aranda-Gómez the JHm crater, and a cinder cone located a few
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Fig. 1. (a) Location of the Joya Honda maar (JHm) c. 35 km NE of San Luis Potosı́ in central Mexico and the
Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB). (b) Regional geology of the JHm, the Ventura Volcanic Field and the TMVB.
The map shows an inferred NE-trending fault with lateral displacement at the southern part of the JHm (modified
from Aranda-Gómez & Luhr 1996; López-Loera et al. 2008). VESVF, Ventura-Espı́ritu Santo Volcanic Field.

hundred metres to the NE of the JHm (Fig. 2a). same fault system in a NE –SW direction. The N
Another cinder cone occurs south of the JHm; if 60 –708 E fault system has been active since the
we trace an imaginary line between these two Palaeogene and seems to be historically active
cones, they form an angle of 238 with respect to because seismic crises occurred in 1868 and 2004
the N 60–708 E right-lateral fault (Barboza-Gudiño (Gómez-González & Barboza-Gudiño 2005; Bar-
et al. 2002). All these features suggest the occur- boza-Gudiño 2008). The April–November 1868
rence of a NE–SW alignment roughly parallel to crisis was accompanied by underground noises
this fault. To check this possible alignment, we per- reported by the inhabitants of Villa Hidalgo. This
formed a morphometric analysis of these vents village is located around 12 km NE of the JHm
(Fig. 2b) using the parameters of Paulsen & Wilson alignment and along the N 60–708 E fault trace
(2010). The results indicate that these vents are (Barboza-Gudiño 2008) (Fig. 2a). The earthquakes
aligned with a medium to good degree of reliability, produced fractures in the church and several houses
suggesting that they could have been fed by the collapsed, forcing many people to leave the village.
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Fig. 2. (a) Google Earth image (25 November 2010) showing the NE-elongated crater of Joya Honda maar roughly
parallel to the N 608 E right-lateral fault of Barboza-Gudiño et al. (2002) and the location of two cinder cones. An
imaginary line joining these two cinder cones intersects the fault trace at an acute angle of c. 238. (b) Morphometric
parameters used by Paulsen & Wilson (2010) to determine the degree of reliability of individual elements related to
an alignment. These parameters are: vent number, best-fit line, index of vent elongation, standard vent long axis and
average vent spacing distance. (c) View from SE of the Joya Honda maar crater showing its maximum depth
(photograph by Rafael Barboza-Gudiño).

According to these reports, we assigned an intensity 2005). La Peña and Cuesta del Cura Cretaceous for-
of VII (strong) on the Mercalli modified intensity mations (part of the central Mexico Mesozoic basin
scale to this earthquake. sequence) are exposed on the inner walls of the
The JHm is located between two geological JHm, where they are strongly folded (Fig. 3a, b;
palaeoenvironments that converge in the Mesa Cen- Aranda-Gómez et al. 2000).
tral: (1) the Valles-San Luis Potosı́ carbonate plat-
form; and (2) the Central Mexico Mesozoic Basin
(Carrillo-Bravo 1971). The Valles-San Luis Potosı́ Joya Honda maar
Mesozoic sedimentary sequence consists of evapo-
rites and thick stratified limestones of pre-reef, The Joya Honda maar is a complex monogenetic
reef and post-reef facies of Cretaceous age. By con- volcanic edifice produced by a series of explosions
trast, the sediments in the Central Mexico Mesozoic that resulted in an elliptical crater (c. 1300 × c.
Basin consist of Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks 880 m; Fig. 2c) with nearly vertical walls and
(Carrillo-Bravo 1971) that discordantly rest over depths between 150 and 270 m (Fig. 3a, b) (Aranda-
Triassic siliciclastic deposits, which in places are Gómez & Luhr 1996; Kereszturi & Németh 2012;
covered by Oligocene felsic volcanic rocks of the Németh & Kereszturi 2015). The crater base is
Sierra Madre Occidental (Aranda-Gómez et al. 500 × 330 m wide and occupies an area of
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Fig. 3. Photographs of (a) Joya Honda maar (Jhm) deposits at the northern crater wall and (b) contact between the
Jhm deposits and the underlying La Peña and Cuesta del Cura formations. (c) Extent of the pyroclastic deposits
produced by the Joya Honda maar and location of the most complete stratigraphic sections.

0.13 km2 (Fig. 2a). The JHm eruption occurred at 1996; Vespermann & Schmincke 2000). The JHm
311 + 19 ka (a new 40Ar/39Ar date in this study pyroclastic deposits cover the Cretaceous lime-
Fig. 4) when the basanitic magma rose through the stones discordantly (Fig. 3a, b) in an area of
strongly folded calcareous Mesozoic rocks of the 33.7 km2, with a preferred dispersion towards the
La Peña and Cuesta del Cura formations (Luhr NNW and ENE and with a very limited dispersion
et al. 1989; Aranda-Gómez & Luhr 1996) and to the south (Fig. 3c). The eruptive mechanism, its
reached the surface. The size of the JHm makes it location along the NE–SW alignment and the char-
one of the most spectacular phreatomagmatic volca- acteristics of both the conduit and the sedimentary
noes in Mexico. As a result of its morphology and rocks seem to have played an important part in the
deposits, JHm was catalogued and classified as a distribution of the pyroclastic products (cf.
maar (Luhr et al. 1989; Aranda-Gómez & Luhr Houghton et al. 2004; Keating et al. 2008;
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Age in ka
Plateau age= 311 +/- 19 ka


Ar/ 40Ar


0 0.6
39 40
Ar/ Ar
Fig. 4. (a) Plateau and (b) isochron 40Ar/39Ar age diagrams of a juvenile basanite lava collected from the Unit II
strombolian fallout (316197-2479805 UTM).

López-Loera et al. 2008; Valentine et al. 2015; of these sections around the crater and in distal
Macorps et al. 2016). areas allowed us to define five different eruptive
The pyroclastic deposits associated with the phases with specific structures and textural features.
JHm crater have a variable total thickness at the cra- We selected the most complete stratigraphic sec-
ter walls (from 1 to 80 m). Pyroclastic surge depos- tions (11; Fig. 3c) to perform 58 granulometric anal-
its are as thin as 0.40 m at 7 km from the crater yses (4 to 24w) of different samples. Of these, we
(Fig. 3c; section 16). carried out 192 componentry analyses in 0–3w
size fractions in friable samples. The morphological
analysis of 350 (≤3w) juvenile particles was carried
Methodology out in the secondary electron mode using a JEOL
JSM-6610LV scanning electron microscope at
Forty detailed stratigraphic sections were carried the Instituto de Metalurgia of the Universidad
out around the JHm. The stratigraphic correlation Autónoma de San Luis Potosı́. High resolution
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200 –400× images were obtained for the analyses. (sections 30 and 31; Figs 3c & 6a). The base of UI
The probe was used under a high vacuum and an consists of a 25 cm thick, light grey, clast-supported
accelerating voltage of 15 kV. The particles were layer with reverse to normal grading (Fig. 6b). It
coated with 250 Å of gold. The density and vesicu- consists of abundant fine sub-angular lapilli and
larity of juvenile basanite clasts were measured coarse ash juvenile scoria (79%), accidental lithic
in juvenile clasts from 40 samples of the JHm fragments (c. 17%) and xenoliths (3%). This layer
sequence. We measured ≥50 juvenile basanite is interbedded with cross-stratified beds of coarse
clasts (24w fraction) of each sample following the ash (2–3 cm thick) made of the same constituents.
technique of Gardner et al. (1996), from which we UI shows impact sags with soft sediment defor-
obtained the vesicularity index (Houghton & Wil- mation features and crops out on the ENE and
son 1989). As a result of the limitations of the SW parts of the crater wall (Fig. 6a, b). The base
method, the density was not measured in particles of UI was interpreted as pyroclastic fall deposits
,16 mm in Unit I and at the bottom of Unit III. emplaced from strombolian activity that was inter-
The five JHm units (Fig. 5) are described in the fol- rupted by dilute pyroclastic density currents derived
lowing sections: from phreatomagmatic explosions and resulting in
surge-modified fall deposits (co-surge ash falls
Unit I derived from ash clouds; cf. Cas & Wright 1987;
Jordan et al. 2013).
Unit I (UI) lies on top of a 35 cm thick paleosol
observed at some locations around the crater walls Unit II
Unit II (UII) is a dark grey, ≤1 m thick clast-
supported layer rich in coarse lapilli (c. 70%) with
some block-sized (20%) juvenile basanite (Fig. 6c)
and xenoliths (spinel lherzolite and feldspathic
granulite). UII is exposed only on the southern
flank of the crater (it was not deposited on the
north flank), where it is overlain by Unit III (UIII)
and underlain by UI (Fig. 7a). The emplacement
of this layer is interpreted as strombolian fallout
deposits because of its limited range of dispersion
(see Valentine & Gregg 2008; Van Otterloo et al.

Unit III
UIII is a thick sequence of cream-coloured cross-
stratified layers. It varies in total thickness from
3 m on the southern flank to 30 m on the NW–
northern flank (Figs 7a, b & 8a, b). Dune bed
forms, accretionary lapilli and impact sags with
soft sediment deformation are common (Fig. 8c).
On the NE and NW flanks of the crater, UIII discor-
dantly overlies UI and it is covered by Unit V (UV)
(Fig. 6b & 8a). The best exposure of this unit occurs
at section 30, where UIII was divided into six sub-
units (B –G section 30; Fig. 7b) according to textural
changes and erosive discordances. Subunits B– E
and G are interpreted as the product of phreatomag-
matic explosions that dispersed the base surges.
Subunit B (0.4 m thick) consists of light brown fine ash
layers (Fig. 7b). These layers present lenses with lime-
Fig. 5. Composite stratigraphic column of the Joya Honda stone clasts up to 1 cm in diameter. Towards the bot-
maar. Column shows five volcanic units emplaced during tom 5– 10 cm, thick layers with accretionary lapilli
formation. The column displays the maximum thickness and limestone blocks (up to 12 cm in diameter)
and the contact between the underlying palaeosol and the occur. These layers could be massive or cross-bedded,
pre-maar deposits as seen at different locations in the poorly sorted and compacted, displaying impact sags
crater. Units I– V (UI– UV) are indicated. and soft sediment deformation. The subunit lower
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Fig. 6. (a) Unit I overlying a palaeosol at section 31. (b) Unit III discordantly overlying Unit I at section 30
(316686-2480303UTM). (c) Scoria of Unit II displaying vesicles several centimetres in diameter.

contact is erosive, whereas the upper contact with Sub- increases (up to 50%) in Subunits E and G (section
unit C is sharp. 30; Figs 3c & 7b).

Subunit C (2.0 m thick) is made of light brown matrix- Subunit F (1.6 m thick; Fig. 8a) is texturally differ-
supported layers of medium to coarse ash and ent from units E and G. It is a massive, poorly
immersed limestone blocks (30–83 cm in diameter) sorted, matrix-supported ash layer (47% of ash). It
with a low content of juvenile clasts. The blocks are contains c. 67% accidental lithics dispersed in the
concentrated towards the bottom and middle part of matrix (e.g. limestone blocks 23, 30, 35, 40 and
the subunit. Subunit C is poorly sorted, indurated and 60 cm in diameter). This layer is interpreted as hav-
cross-bedded with truncated dunes (0.92 and 1.1 m ing been emplaced by a highly energetic and dense
wide). It shows impact sags with soft sediment defor- pyroclastic density current originating from phreato-
mation and its upper contact is erosive. magmatic explosions that may be similar to those
reported by Van Otterloo et al. (2013) as phreato-
Subunit D (1.0 m thick) consists of light brown fine ash vulcanian at Mt Gambier Volcanic Complex, SE
layers with lenses of gravel-sized clasts of limestones. Australia.
Layers in Subunit D are generally massive, but in some
parts show laminar structures. The bottom has accre- Accidental lithics found in UIII are less abundant
tionary lapilli. than the typical amounts reported in maar deposits
Subunits E (1.0 m thick) and G (2.6 m thick) are com- (cf. Lorenz 1986; Cas & Wright 1987); their con-
posed of several light brown layers composed of fine to centrations are consistent with those described in
very fine ash. Interbedded with these layers are lenses phreatomagmatic deposits of complex eruptions in
of clast-supported limestone fragments (1–2 cm in which a shallow fragmentation level was inferred
diameter). In general, the accretionary lapilli content (Houghton & Schmincke 1989).
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Unit IV UII consists of juvenile basanite (91%; c. 18%

palagonite), accidental lithics (8%) and xenoliths
Unit IV (UIV) is a 4–5 m thick dark grey layer. Its (1%). The layers are unimodal with a median of
base consists of 0.50 m thick dark grey cross-strati- 22.95w, a mode of 23w and regular sorting of
fied layers. The upper (3.5–4.5 m) part consists of a 1.40w (Fig. 7a). Juvenile particles have forms com-
clast-supported layer rich in angular basanite scoria mon in spatter cones (Walker & Croasdale 1972;
blocks up to 0.4 m in diameter and lherzolite xeno- Summer et al. 2005; Valentine & Gregg 2008; Ker-
liths; overall, this unit resembles spatter deposits. eszturi & Németh 2012).
UIV is a discontinuous layer only found in the The UIII deposits have abundant accidental
southeastern part of the crater where it rests on top lithics (66%), juvenile clasts (c. 32%) without alter-
of UIII (Fig. 8b). The stratified basal layers of this ation and xenoliths (2%). Most of these deposits
unit have been interpreted as being emplaced by were not analysed because they are cemented
phreatomagmatic explosions, which shifted to (Fig. 7b).
strombolian explosions that emplaced the clast- The UIV deposits contain juvenile scoria clasts
supported layers (Kereszturi & Németh 2012). (83%; c. 14% is altered palagonite juvenile basan-
ite), 15% accidental lithics and 2% xenoliths. The
Unit V deposits have unimodal distributions with a median
of 21.12w, a main mode at 1w and regular sorting of
UV overlies UIV on the southern part of the crater 1.4w (Fig. 7a).
wall and rests discordantly on UIII on the rest of Near the crater, deposits of UV consist of juve-
the crater’s periphery (Fig. 8a, b). UV consists of nile scoria clasts (80%; up to 70% corresponds to
a stratified sequence of variably indurated basanite altered palagonite juvenile basanite), 15% acciden-
scoria-rich layers that individually vary in thickness tal lithics and 5% xenoliths. The altered palagonite
from 0.20 to 1.10 m. These layers maintain their juvenile basanite clasts decrease from c. 20 to 10%
thickness laterally near the crater and some layers at 1 and 3 km from the vent, respectively (Fig. 9).
present inverse or normal grading. Ballistic blocks These layers with a high percentage of palagon-
(1 m in diameter) with fluidal and bread crust tex- ite can easily be correlated between near-vent expo-
tures are common in near-vent outcrops (Fig. 8d). sures because they occur towards the upper part of
This unit is a light grey to light yellow in colour the sequence where fall and surge deposits are inter-
with altered palagonite. UV contains occasional bedded. The variations described indicate that, after
15– 25 cm thick layers of fine to medium massive deposition, the particles dispersed by pyroclastic
ash (Fig. 8e). This unit has a total thickness of surge clouds were exposed for some time to a wet,
c. 60 m in the NE–NW wall and c. 7 m in the acid environment (Stroncik & Schmincke 2002;
south– SW wall. In the NE–NW wall the thickness Clarke et al. 2009), producing prolonged hydrother-
decreases along the dispersal axis from 60 to 6 m at mal alteration (e.g. Vulcano, Capaccioni & Coniglio
3 km from the crater (Figs 3 & 7a, b; sections 30 and 1995; Chichón, Macı́as et al. 1997). The percentage
17). These fall deposits have been observed as far as of palagonite decreases dramatically moving away
.10 km from the crater (Barboza-Gudiño et al. from the crater until it disappears (see Fig. 9). The
2002). These distal fall layers are interpreted as deposits have bimodal grain size distributions that
emplaced from violent strombolian explosions (cf. occasionally become polymodal in base surge
Valentine et al. 2007; Valentine & Gregg 2008) deposits (21, 22, 0 and 4w). Fall deposits have
that alternated with phreatomagmatic episodes that two modes separated by at least four or five frac-
emplaced near-vent massive, parallel and cross- tions. The first mode always appears at 4w, whereas
bedded layers. the second mode shifts from proximal (0, 21 and
22w) to distal outcrops (0 and 1f). The median
Granulometry and composition of deposits and mode become coarser upwards (Fig. 9). Sorting
shifts from poor (1.8–1.3w) to good with distance
The UI deposits are mainly composed of juvenile (1– 0.8w).
basanite scoria clasts (c. 82% juvenile basanite, of
which 15% is altered to palagonite), accidental
lithics (c. 15% limestone and chert) and xenoliths Density and vesicularity
(c. 3.0% lherzolite and feldspathic granulites). Grain
size histograms show unimodal distributions with The density and vesicularity of juvenile scoria par-
modes at 1f (Mdw ¼ 0.13w; sorting sw ¼ 0.89w) ticles has a broad range of values. The density of
in outcrops on the southern crater and 0f basanite clasts in UII and IV range from 1.3 to
(Mdw ¼ 20.2w; sorting of 0.96w) in outcrops on the 2.8 kg m23 and show a polymodal distribution
north flank (Fig. 7a, b). Particles in samples located with peaks at 1.5, 1.6, 2 and 2.6 kg m23 and vesic-
on the ENE wall of the crater are slightly larger. ularities between 40 and 80%, (Fig. 10). Most
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Fig. 7. Stratigraphic column with granulometric histograms and components graphs of Joya Honda maar units
sampled at section 30 (a) south of the crater.

juvenile particles (75%) have vesicularities ,40%, 3 kg m23 and is polymodal in character (modes of
whereas the rest (25%) have vesicularities between 0.5, 1, 1.7 and 3 kg m23). About 90% of juvenile
40 and 80% (Fig. 10). The median and standard particles present moderate to poor vesicularity
deviation (index and range according to Houghton (20– 60%), whereas the rest present higher vesicu-
& Wilson 1989) of juvenile scoria clasts (36 + larities (60 –80%) (Fig. 10). The polymodal density
14%) show a wide range of vesicularities (Sparks distribution of this unit is similar to type III of
1978; Houghton & Wilson 1989; Gardner et al. Houghton et al. (1996), in which juvenile clasts
1996). The juvenile scoria clasts (60%) of UIII have two or more density modes.
(phreatomagmatic) have density variations between
1.5 and 2.8 kg m23 with a polymodal distribution
(modes at 1.5, 2 and 2.6 kg m23); .70% of juvenile SEM morphology
particles have poor or incipient vesicularities
(,20–40%; Houghton & Wilson 1989) (Fig. 10). The morphological characterization of particles
The histograms of UV show a wide spectrum was based on the recognition of features formed
of densities and vesicularities of juvenile particles. in the particles during the fragmentation process
The density distribution ranges from 0.5 to as a result of either magmatic gas expansion or
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Fig. 7. (Continued) (b) NE and 31.

water– magma interactions (Heiken 1972, 1974; on the particle geometry (cir. ¼ circularity, com, ¼
Wohletz & Krinsley 1982; Wohletz 1983; compactness, elo. ¼ elongation and rec. ¼
Zimanowski et al. 1997; Büttner et al. 1999, 2002; rectangularity) was carried out (see Dellino & La
Dellino et al. 2001). The particles derived from Volpe 1995, 1996; Németh et al. 2012). Autocad
explosive water –magma interactions have angular Map 10 software was used to discriminate the parti-
and moss-like shapes, rough surfaces and alteration cle geometry in digital images to increase their con-
that may lead to the generation of a skin surface trast and measure the perimeter of vesicles. For
(usually rises as flakes) and a few vesicles with statistical processes, we used Statistica 7.0 software,
elongated or ellipsoidal shapes (Büttner et al. which performs a discriminant analysis in which
2002; Clarke et al. 2005, 2009; Düring et al. each parameter is a variable and each particle is a
2012). To discriminate between particles produced sample. The analyses applied generates a simplex
by different fragmentation mechanisms (magmatic (cf., Gabriel 1971) or the representation of data
v. phreatomagmatic), a multivariate analysis based through graphical resources to show the statistical
Downloaded from at University of Colorado Boulder on March 14, 2017


Fig. 8. (a) Unit V (UV) deposits discordantly overlying Unit III (UIII). (b) Scoria deposits of Unit IV (UIV) resting
on top of phreatomagmatic deposits of Unit III (UIII) at section 31. (c) Deposits of UIII showing bomb sags (scale
1 m). (d) Close up of a scoria block inside UV deposits. (e) Panoramic view of UV deposits (scale 1 m) at site 38.
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Fig. 9. Grain size and component histograms of Unit V deposits sampled at the crater wall and at 1 and 3 km from
the crater.

correlation between different variables (rec.*com. the fragmentation parameter is taken as a refer-
v. cir.*elo.), which, in this case, separates the mag- ence using the relationship between Mod/F1 v. F2
matic and phreatomagmatic fields of juvenile parti- (fine ash f , 4, F2; coarse + fine ash f , 0, F1;
cles (Fig. 11a). This curve was calibrated with the Van Otterloo et al. 2013), the UI particles fall in
geometry of particles from previous work (Heiken the magmatic field close to the phreatomagmatic
1972; Dellino & La Volpe 1995, 1996; Büttner boundary.
et al. 1999, 2002; Dellino et al. 2001; Clarke et al.
2005). We also used the Van Otterloo et al. (2013) Unit II
graph based on the level of fragmentation to
discriminate particles produced by magmatic or These particles have highly elongated forms and
phreatomagmatic explosions (Walker & Croasdale vesicles, pitting and a tenuous film of ash adhered
1972; Sheridan & Wohletz 1983a, b; Fig. 11b). to the particles (Fig. 12d–f ), with slightly higher
values in the circularity/elongation ratio (Heiken
Unit I 1974; Wohletz & Krinsley 1982; Dellino & La
Volpe 1996). These features locate these particles
The morphology of particles of juvenile scoria in the magmatic field (Fig. 11a). The same is valid
from this unit has phreatomagmatic characteristics if we consider the fragmentation parameter
(northern part of the crater) v. more magmatic fea- (Mode/F1 v. F2), when all particles fall into the
tures (southern part; Figure 12a–c). Despite the UI magmatic field (Fig. 11b). This suggests that
particles plotting in both simplex fields, most of water –magma interactions played a minimal part
them fall within the magmatic field (Fig. 11b). If by forming thin films of alteration around particles.
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Fig. 10. Density and vesicularity histograms of juvenile clasts of Units II to V sampled at the southern and northern
parts of the crater.
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Unit III Age of the JHm

The particles of this unit have blocky structures with Prior to this study, no age had been obtained for
straight and rounded edges, without vesicles, stag- the JHm. Luhr et al. (1989) reported a groundmass
gered surfaces and, in a minor proportion, incipient age of a sample collected at the remains of an alkali
moss and pitting textures (Wohletz & Krinsley olivine cinder cone located about 0.5 km N 708 E
1982; Fig. 12g –i). The geometric relationships of of the crater rim of JHm. Their sample analysed
these particles place them in the phreatomagmatic with the K –Ar method yielded an age of 1.1 +
field, likewise if we consider the fragmentation 0.21 Ma. This age was then referred to in subsequent
index (Mode/F1v. F2; Fig. 11a, b). investigations of the JHm (Aranda-Gómez & Luhr
1996). To obtain a more accurate age of the forma-
Unit IV tion of the JHm, we collected specific samples of
UII (strombolian fallout) of section 31 located
These particles display surfaces and soft contours inside the crater (Figs 3c & 6a–c; 316197-
of smooth skin (Heiken 1972), slightly elongated 2479805 UTM). Pieces from fresh juvenile basanite
forms with flat fractures, slightly elongated vesicles lava were crushed, sieved and washed in deionized
and fractures due to vesiculation, with rare frag- water. Whole-rock chips were taken for dating.
ments adhered to their walls (Fig. 12j– l). According The sample was processed and analysed at the Geo-
to their geometrical relationships, these particles physical Institute, University of Alaska at Fairbanks
fall within the magmatic field (Fig. 11a; Dellino & following the procedures described in Layer (2000)
La Volpe 1996). The same is valid if we consider and Layer et al. (2009) and dated with the TCR-2
the fragmentation index, although they plotted standard with an age of 27.87 Ma (Lanphere & Dal-
very close to the phreatomagmatic field boundary rymple 2000). The whole-rock step-heating analysis
(Fig. 11b). of this sample yielded an 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of
311 + 19 ka (1s error; Fig. 4; isochron and plateau
Unit V diagrams; Table 1), which we interpret as the erup-
tion age. The isochron age of 330 + 30 ka is con-
The morphological features of particles of this cordant with the plateau age. Our age for the maar
unit present vertical contrasting forms: moss-like, suggests that JHm formed 800 ka after the cinder
blocky with slightly rounded edges, cracks on the cone.
surface due to rapid cooling, and weak vesiculation,
in addition to particles rich in vesicles with slightly
elongated forms (Fig. 12m–o). In the simplex Discussion
graph, most of this particle population was located
between the magmatic and phreatomagmatic fields, The JHm is the result of a complex succession
possibly with a larger affinity towards the latter of magmatic and phreatomagmatic explosions, as
(Fig. 11a). The heterogeneity of this particle popula- indicated by the changes in the eruptive style and
tion is shown in the fragmentation index graph development of five eruptive phases. The stratigra-
(Mode/F1v. F2) with a large dispersion (Fig. 11b). phy, granulometry and component analyses of the
To observe the vertical and lateral variations in the sequence, aided by the morphological analysis of
juvenile scoria particles, we collected samples at particles, clearly indicates that the JHm magma
different heights of the unit and along the dispersion interacted with variable amounts of external water
axis of the fall deposit (Fig. 3c). The SEM results through time.
indicate that some units contain particles with mor-
phological characteristics that do not clearly define Eruption chronology
the fragmentation mechanisms from which they
were generated. In other words, the same unit con- The JHm erupted about 311 + 19 ka (40Ar/39Ar).
tains particles with mixing features between mag- The basanitic magma rose to the surface through
matic and/or phreatomagmatic eruptions. It was an inferred local fault that may be related to the
also common to find layers composed of mixed par- N 608 E-trending right-lateral fault that cuts the
ticles with magmatic and phreatomagmatic features, Sierra del Coro anticlinorium (Barboza-Gudiño
indicating that UV particles are the product of vari- et al. 2002; Fig. 13a). The morphometric analysis
ations in the water –magma ratio (see Büttner et al. and the elongated crater of JHm (Fig. 2a, b) suggest
1999; Houghton et al. 1996, 2004; Van Otterloo that this vent was fed through the same fault system.
et al. 2015). It is worth mentioning that the morpho- López-Loera et al. (2008) proposed that the attitude
logical analysis of particles was carried out in two- of the strata in the overturned anticline in the
dimensional images; future studies should focus on Cretaceous limestones influenced the elongation of
three-dimensional image analysis. the crater due to mass-wasting processes, which
Downloaded from at University of Colorado Boulder on March 14, 2017
Fig. 11. (a) Diagram showing the magmatic and phreatomagmatic fields of juvenile particles of the volcanic units. cir., circularity; elo., elongation; rec., rectangularity; com.,
compactness (modified from Dellino & La Volpe 1996).
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Fig. 11. (Continued) (b) Boundary of the magmatic and phreatomagmatic fields according to the fragmentation
index (F2 v. mod/F1) of all volcanic units (modified of Van Otterloo et al. 2013).

occurred during the JHm eruption. However, our phreatomagmatic eruptions could be due to a
stratigraphic evidence (UI; Fig. 13b) showed that decrease in the flux of water or an increased dis-
volcanic activity could have started simultaneously charge rate of magma (e.g. Houghton & Schmincke
at two vents located at the ENE and SSE parts of the 1986, 1989; Houghton et al. 1996, 2004; Clarke
crater following the NE–SW alignment. Simultane- et al. 2009; Ort & Carrasco-Núñez 2009; Valentine
ous eruptions fed along a fracture have been des- & White 2012).
cribed in other volcanic areas, such as Crater Hill, The eruption continued with strombolian explo-
Auckland, New Zealand (Houghton et al. 1996), sions on the southeastern part of the crater (UII;
the Rothenberg scoria cone, East Eifel, Germany Fig. 13c) dispersing tephra that formed fallout
(Houghton & Schmincke 1989), the Mt Gambier deposits (cf. Valentine & Gregg 2008; Van Otterloo
Volcanic Complex, southeastern Australia (Van et al. 2013). UII consists of spatter deposits of scoria
Otterloo et al. 2013) and Lake Purrumbete, south- with large vesicles (Fig. 6c) and a polymodal dis-
eastern Australia (Jordan et al. 2013). We propose tribution in the density/vesicularity of juvenile
that eruption UI occurred at coeval vents generating particles (Fig. 10 UII). These variations could be
weak strombolian activity, although the northern explained as the result of different levels of outgas-
vent had a phreatomagmatic component that dis- sing from a homogenous magma due to variations in
persed base surges and ballistic projectiles that the time of residence or the ascent rate of the magma
formed impact sags (Fig. 6a, b). Phreatomagmatic in a shallow conduit. Such mingling has been
activity occurred during the stage development of reported in other volcanoes, such as Stromboli dur-
the maar, as attested by the morphological and geo- ing its 2002 activity (e.g. Houghton & Hackett 1984;
metric characteristics of UI particles observed in the Houghton & Schmincke 1989; Houghton et al.
simplex of Figure 11a and the fragmentation inten- 1999; Houghton et al. 2004; cf. Lautze & Houghton
sity values of Figure 11b; UI particles plot at the 2005). The particles of this eruptive phase show a
boundary between the magmatic and phreatomag- typical magmatic morphology under SEM (Fig.
matic fields. 12d–f ), as attested by the location of juvenile parti-
The presence of both eruptive mechanisms along cles in the magmatic field in the simplex and frag-
the NE-trending fracture suggests that magma– mentation intensity graph (Fig. 11a, b).
water interactions occurred in the ENE part of the The third eruptive phase produced a series of
crater, but were intermittent on the SSE part of powerful phreatomagmatic eruptions that dispersed
the crater along the same NE fracture, suggesting the base surges (Fig. 8a–c) mainly to the north up to
occurrence of independent conduits. Several studies a distance of 7 km, while dispersion to the south
have concluded that changes from magmatic to was limited (Figs 3c & 13d). These anomalous
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Fig. 12. SEM photomicrographs of morphological features of Joya Honda maar juvenile particles. Unit I particles
with (a) blocky structure and (b, c) conchoidal edges. Unit II particles with (d) concave edges and small
particles adhered to the surface, (e) vesicles partially filled with clays and (f) blocky particle with vesicles. Unit III
particles with (g) rounded blocky structure and adhered particles, (h) blocky particle with sharp edges and stepped
surfaces and (i) blocky particle with moss-like texture. Unit IV particles (j, k) highly vesicular with concave edges
and (l) elongated with a smooth surface. Unit V (m) blocky particle rich in vesicles, (n) blocky particle with
elongate vesicles and (o) blocky vesicle-free particle.

dispersion directions could reflect the ascent of experiments have shown that the morphology of
magma through an inclined vent (Aranda-Gómez maar craters and their lateral dispersion of ejecta
& Luhr 1996; López-Loera et al. 2008). Recent jets during their formation may depend on factors
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Table 1. Summary of 40Ar/39Ar geochronology data of Joya Honda maar, San Luis Potosı́ sample JH-31-11


Laser Cumulative Ar/39Ar 37
Ar/39Ar 36
Ar/39Ar Percentage of Ca/K Cl/K 40
Ar*/39ArK Age
(mW) Ar measured measured measured atmospheric 40Ar (ka)

500 0.0565 11.2579 + 0.4687 0.4125 + 0.0172 0.0316 + 0.0016 82.7 + 4.3 0.757 + 0.031 0.0651 + 0.0029 1.941 + 0.523 326.7 + 88.1
1000 0.2859 5.4725 + 0.2059 0.3307 + 0.0121 0.0123 + 0.0005 66.2 + 2.7 0.607 + 0.022 0.0548 + 0.0021 1.840 + 0.192 309.6 + 32.2
1500 0.5267 4.7941 + 0.1771 0.5080 + 0.0186 0.0100 + 0.0004 61.3 + 2.5 0.932 + 0.034 0.0573 + 0.0022 1.846 + 0.166 310.7 + 27.9
2000 0.7044 6.1906 + 0.2153 1.2016 + 0.0398 0.0148 + 0.0005 69.5 + 2.6 2.207 + 0.073 0.0640 + 0.0022 1.882 + 0.204 316.6 + 34.4
3000 0.8644 14.0938 + 0.4291 2.5724 + 0.0866 0.0416 + 0.0014 86.0 + 2.4 4.729 + 0.159 0.0706 + 0.0025 1.974 + 0.376 332.2 + 63.2
5000 0.9583 7.2575 + 0.3934 3.8987 + 0.1973 0.0201 + 0.0012 77.8 + 4.6 7.173 + 0.364 0.0759 + 0.0040 1.606 + 0.402 270.3 + 67.6
9000 1.0000 16.4296 + 1.0294 5.8037 + 0.3300 0.0496 + 0.0028 86.4 + 5.1 10.693 + 0.611 0.0823 + 0.0050 2.241 + 0.942 377.1 + 158.5
Integrated 7.7694 + 0.1186 1.4562 + 0.0251 0.0203 + 0.0003 75.9 + 2.0 2.675 + 0.046 0.0633 + 0.0010 1.871 + 0.111 314.8 + 18.7

All analyses are reported at+ 1s and the isotope ratios have been corrected for decay of 37Ar and 39Ar. Samples run against TCR-2 with an age of 27.87 Ma. Irradiaiton parameter (J) used to calcuate
ages ¼ 9.329e-05 + 4.320e-07. Bold type: fractions used in the calculation of the plateau. Plateau information 311 + 19 ka, five of seven fractions 90% 39Ar reléase, mead square weigthed deviation
(MSWD) ¼ 0.13. Isochron information: 300+ 30 ka, seven of seven fractions, initial 40Ar/36Ar ¼ 300 + 11, MSWD ¼ 0.10.
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Fig. 13. Schematic reconstruction of Joya Honda maar. (a) Pre-maar conditions. (b) Strombolian explosions and
phreatomagmatic activity on the southern and northern flanks of the crater. (c) Strombolian activity through a vent
located on the southern flank of the actual crater. (d) Phreatomagmatic activity mainly spread towards the northern
flank. (e) strombolian activity venting through a conduit located on the southern flank of the crater. (f) Violent
strombolian eruptions simultaneous or alternating with phreatomagmatic activity, possibly issued from more than
one conduit located towards the northern flank of the present crater, possibly emplaced along a fracture. (g) Present
day situation.
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such as the host–substrate properties and the verti- The term violent strombolian is used as proposed
cal (depth) and lateral migration of subsurface by Valentine (1998) and Valentine & Gregg (2008)
explosions along a fissure. This suggests that the to refer to an explosive eruptive style that ejects
dispersion of products at JHm may have responded fragments of molten basaltic magma and produces
to ascent along a fissure (Graettinger et al. 2015; sustained eruptive columns c. 10 km high. This vio-
Valentine et al. 2015; Macorps et al. 2016). The lent strombolian style is capable of dispersing fall-
massive, dune and cross-bedded deposits in UIII out beyond the cone (Valentine & Gregg 2008;
are rich in accidental clasts (60– 70%) and contain Van Otterloo et al. 2013). Some authors use the
accretionary lapilli. The content of accretionary term violent strombolian for low-altitude columns
lapilli, plastic deformation caused by ballistic that do not penetrate the tropopause (e.g. Bona-
blocks and massive structures attest to emplacement donna et al. 2005; Folch & Felpeto 2005), lower
from wet pyroclastic clouds, whereas the laminar than sub-plinian eruptions with heights of 14 –
and cross-bedded structures in the deposits 18 km. The violent strombolian style generates lam-
(Fig. 8c) attest to emplacement from dry pyroclastic inated beds that mantle the topography and emplace
clouds at the time of sedimentation (Valentine & ash, lapilli, blocks and bombs (Valentine et al.
Fisher 2000; Jordan et al. 2013). This eruptive 2007; Valentine & Gregg 2008). Violent strombo-
phase practically ended with a powerful explosion lian deposits are not welded because the fragmented
that dispersed a pyroclastic density current rich in clasts have an adequate time to cool and solidify
fine ash and blocks (F in Figs 7b & 8a), similar to during their residence in the eruption column. Clas-
those described as phreatovulcanian deposits at sic strombolian eruptions are intermittent and do
Mt Gambier, Australia (Van Otterloo et al. 2013). not form sustained eruptive columns, thus the dis-
The morphological and statistical analyses of persion of particles is limited to the proximal
these particles in the fragmentation intensity and facies of the cone. Phase V of the JHm eruption
simplex plots placed them in the phreatomagmatic produced a tephra fallout that was dispersed to the
field (Figs 11a, b & 12g– i; Wohletz & Krinsley NE up to a distance of 10 km from the crater
1982; Büttner et al. 1999; Clarke et al. 2005). (Barboza-Gudiño et al. 2002; this study), which is
The JHm eruption continued with minor phrea- why we interpreted phase V as a violent strombolian
tomagmatic explosions that emplaced pyroclastic eruption.
surges, followed by strombolian activity (UIV). Contemporaneous with the fall deposit of UV,
This type of behaviour is very common during the phreatomagmatic explosions emplaced base surge
formation of cinder cones (Kiyosugi et al. 2014; deposits on the NNE and SSE walls of the crater
Németh & Kereszturi 2015). The dispersion of the (Figs 7b, 8a–e & 13f ). Deposits of this eruptive
deposit and its stratigraphic relationships suggest phase (fall and surges) show a preferential distri-
that this phase occurred only through one or more bution to the NNE, suggesting that, similar to the
conduits around the south –SE sector of the crater emplacement of UIII deposits, venting occurred
(Figs 1b, 8b & 13e). No UIV deposit was found through different locations that ejected lateral jets
on the northern flank of JHm. This clearly indicates of material (cf. Valentine et al. 2015; Macorps
that strombolian activity only occurred through a et al. 2016).
vent located in the south –SE part of the crater. The violent strombolian eruption developed a
The SEM morphology of juvenile particles and the sustained eruptive column that dispersed the fall-
fragmentation intensity graphs and simplex of juve- out deposits in the direction of the prevailing wind
nile particles (Fig. 11a, b) are typical of a magmatic (c. 10 km), preventing their accumulation near the
origin (Heiken 1972; Heiken & Wohletz 1985). vent. This eruption was similar to sub-Plinian or
During the last eruptive phase (UV), the depos- Plinian eruptions, which have a fixed emission
its were most likely deposited from a c. 10 km point and eject large volumes of material dispersed
high column. The deposits are clast-supported, par- over long distances mantling the topography. The
allel beds with inverse or normal grading and with event did not form a new cone.
moderate to good sorting (Fig. 7b). They are com- The morphology of the UV juvenile particles
posed of lapilli particles and rare fine ash with a seen on SEM showed a mixture of magmatic and
moderate fragmentation intensity (Fig. 11b) typical phreatomagmatic activity (Fig. 12m –o). In the sim-
of strombolian-type activity. UV fall deposits con- plex and fragmentation intensity graphs, these parti-
tain up to 75–85% juvenile basanite scoria (Figs cles plotted in both fields, indicating possible
7a, b & 8d, e) with common ballistic limestones variations in the magma–water interactions (Fig.
(up to 1 m) and fluidal scoria blocks characteristic 11a, b). The particles also present a broad range in
of proximal violent strombolian activity similar to density values with bi- or polymodal peaks in the
classical eruptions of cinder cones, such as Paricu- histograms between 1500 and 2800 kg m23, similar
tin volcano (Valentine & Gregg 2008; Kiyosugi to the type III particles of Houghton et al. (1996).
et al. 2014). These authors interpreted these deposits as the
Downloaded from at University of Colorado Boulder on March 14, 2017


product of mixing from simultaneous phreatomag- Schmincke 1986; Houghton & Wilson 1989; Parfitt
matic and magmatic eruptions from different parts & Wilson 1995; Houghton et al. 1996; Houghton
of a vent system (see Fig. 11 phase UV; e.g. et al. 1999, 2004; Lautze & Houghton 2005; Clarke
Houghton et al. 2004). et al. 2009; Valentine & White 2012; Jordan et al.
2013; Van Otterloo et al. 2013).
Some considerations Mixed particles with magmatic and phreato-
magmatic textures in the same layer indicate that
The variations in eruptive style during the formation they were emplaced by coeval vents along a fissure
of JHm are the result of internal and external factors. passing through different types of explosion. Under
As discussed by several researchers, the internal fac- these conditions, the variations in magma–water
tors may be due to variations in the magma ascent interactions were probably due to the consump-
rate, the magma discharge, the magma composition, tion/depletion of water or the slow recovery of
the volatile content and degassing (cf. Houghton water in a shallow fracture-controlled aquifer, lead-
et al. 1996, 2004; Clarke et al. 2009; Kereszturi ing to the production of clasts with variable density/
et al. 2011, 2014; Valentine & White 2012; Van vesicularity mixed during coeval events and erup-
Otterloo et al. 2013; Németh & Kereszturi 2015). tive columns (e.g. Houghton et al. 1996, 2004;
External factors could include the hydrological, Jordan et al. 2013).
structural and lithological conditions of the rocks,
the conduit morphology and spatial shifting of the
explosion sites (cf. Sheridan & Wohletz 1983a, b; Conclusions
Houghton & Schmincke 1989; Houghton et al.
1996; Ross et al. 2008; Genareau et al. 2010; The eruption that formed JHm occurred at 311 +
Kereszturi et al. 2011, 2014; Németh et al. 2012; 19 ka, suggesting that it is 800 ka younger than pre-
Valentine & White 2012; Ross et al. 2013; Valentine viously reported. This age is similar to some of the
et al. 2015; Graettinger et al. 2015). Regarding the monogenetic volcanoes of the Santo Domingo
genesis of JHm, the fractures in the Cretaceous Volcanic Field located c. 50 km NE of JHm. The
rocks by the N 60 –708 E right-lateral fault (Ara- JHm formed through a series of mixed magmatic
nda-Gómez & Luhr 1996; Aranda-Gómez et al. and phreatomagmatic eruptions that emplaced a
2000; Barboza-Gudiño et al. 2002) could have facil- sequence of five eruptive phases formed by inter-
itated the ascent of the JHm magma. The geometrical layered pyroclastic falls and base surge deposits,
distribution of cones and the elongate crater could with characteristic variations in structures, textures
have been linked to a subsurface dyke (Paulsen & and components (grain size, components, density
Wilson 2010; Fig. 2a, b). This fault system could and SEM morphology). This evolution of JHm
also have produced secondary permeability in the can be attributed to magma– water interactions
basement rock and changes in the aquifer. Aranda- and the ascent of magma through a complicated
Gómez & Luhr (1996) considered that the fracturing network of fractures in the Cretaceous limestones
of the country rock caused by the JHm explosion (Aranda-Gómez et al. 2000; Barboza-Gudiño
shock waves opened pathways for groundwater et al. 2002). These rocks hosted a complex aquifer
to reach the magma, resulting in an increased avail- with a heterogeneous distribution of fractures and
ability of water and therefore a wet phreatomagmatic marked changes in permeability, through which
eruption. These magma–water variations have been the basanite dyke(s) was fed. From a risk perspec-
inferred in experiments and other studies of maar- tive, perhaps the most important consideration
diatreme volcanoes (Clarke et al. 2009; Ort & about the chronology of JHm is that both the
Carrasco-Núñez 2009; Jordan et al. 2013; Valentine regional fault systems in the area and historical
et al. 2015; Macorps et al. 2016). In these experi- (the intensity VII seismic crises of 1868; Barboza-
ments, the permeability increased during the first Gudiño 2008) and modern (Gómez-González &
explosions and decreased with the re-compaction Barboza-Gudiño 2005) earthquake activity may
of the rock during the final explosions. This latter indicate that future volcanic activity in the region
process favoured the asymmetry and erratic distribu- should not be disregarded.
tion of permeability in the aquifer.
The internal factors that influenced the genesis of
JHm were the magma ascent rate and the magma We are grateful to Francisco Galindo, Marı́a del Carmen
discharge ratio. These factors control the degassing Ojeda and Francisco Solorio, who always shared their
time with us in laboratory work. This research was sup-
and rheology of magma and therefore the wide ported by grants from CONACYT (101548) and FAI-
range of density/vesicularity values of juvenile sco- UASLP (04-25.25) to R. Saucedo. We appreciated
ria of the eruptive phases of JHm. The presence the constructive reviews by Pablo Dávila, Jorge Aranda
of mantle xenoliths in the JHm deposits indicate and an anonymous reviewer, and the editorial work of
a fast ascent rate of magma (cf. Houghton & K. Németh.
Downloaded from at University of Colorado Boulder on March 14, 2017


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