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A helping hand: Surgeon

helps guitarist continue
passion for music
• By Kenna Coe
• 3 hrs ago

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Eduardo Lucena, who goes by Duda, plays his blend of jazz and classical Brazilian guitar at Bevi Bene
Brewing Company in Charleston on Aug. 11.
As a classically trained Brazilian guitarist, Eduardo “Duda” Lucena’s hands are
the instrument that brings the music to life. His fingers move in fluid movement
to create a seamless mix of Brazilian music with a flavor of jazz on top, as he calls

For someone who relies on his hands, when Lucena began developing stiffness
and discomfort in his left hand, it became an issue he couldn’t ignore.

“I practice a lot of repetition on my fingers, so that stressed the tendons,” said


This irritation of the tendon, known as trigger finger, is one of the most common
issues a hand surgeon sees, according to Dr. Eric Angermeier, a hand surgeon
with East Cooper Medical Center.

“It’s not just these elite level musicians,” Angermeier said. “We see this in
ordinary folks just using their hands for day to day activities.”

Trigger finger is caused by friction inside of the tendon sheath, which causes
inflammation and prevents the tendon from gliding smoothly, said Angermeier.
This can cause swelling and pain as the finger gets caught or hung up.

While anyone can experience trigger finger, people who use their hands for
tedious work, such as dentists, barbers or skilled manual laborers, might be more
susceptible to this inflammation, said Angermeier.

Lucena has put in countless hours using his hands to perfect his craft. He started
playing classic guitar and composing his own music at age 12 while living in
Brazil. At 18, he began studying classical guitar and receiving musical training at
a distinguished music conservatory called Conservatorio Pernambucano.
Unbeknownst to him, Lucena’s journey to Charleston began in Los Cabos where
he started being influenced by jazz music. It’s also where he met his wife who is
from Charleston.

The couple planted roots in Charleston nearly 15 years ago. Lucena appreciates
the jazz scene that Charleston has to offer. Lucena plays four shows each week in
the Charleston area at venues such as the Charleston Grill, Bevi Bene Brewing
Company, Bistro A Vin and other local venues.

Fortunately for Lucena, his trigger finger didn’t keep him away from playing
guitar for too long.

Treatment for trigger finger initially begins non-operatively, said Angermeier.

The patient rests for a while and uses anti-inflammatory medication to relieve
the issue. The next step is a steroid injection. If these initial treatments do not
work, the patient undergoes a minimally-invasive surgery, which was the case
for Lucena.

This wasn’t the first time Lucena had surgery for a hand-related issue. Nearly
four years ago, Lucena broke his right wrist after slipping from a roof while he
was working for a solar energy company. A few months prior, he started having
discomfort in his finger, which ended up being his first case of trigger finger.
When he felt a similar sensation in his left hand, it was likely trigger finger was
the cause once again.

The minor surgical procedure includes an inch-long incision in the palm. The goal
of the surgery is to loosen the tight areas around the tendon and allow the
tendon to move smoothly, said Angermeier.

Typically, a patient can use their hand for light activity right after surgery. It
might take a few weeks for normal activity to resume.
Angermeier, who said he enjoys and appreciates music, listened to Lucena’s
music while performing the surgery. Knowing he helped Lucena get back to
doing what he loves made the surgery more impactful.

“Particularly the Brazilian classical guitar, it’s just amazing to watch what they’re
doing with their hands,” said Angermeier. “To see a patient go through surgery
and so quickly get back to doing what they love, what they do to earn a living and
what their passion is. It’s really rewarding as a surgeon.”

Lucena took it easy while recovering from the surgery. However, he wasn’t out of
work because he was still able to sing. Now, Lucena is back playing his regular
gigs and working on an album with instrumental songs and his original lyrics
that comes out this fall.

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