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Marcus Robbins

from my viewpoint
Science and religion suggest that we live in a universe that
has dimensions not only of space-time but also of spirit.
Our existence depends on what we can call a Loving
Divine Mind that imagines and speaks everything into
being. Therefore, all creation is sacred and we are images of
a divine ‘Word’, part of an extended mind, and formed out
of, and for, loving relationships that connect us all together.
These images can be thought of as having ten facets which
form complementary pairs of ideas. They give us five
principles of space-time, and one principle of spirit. The
facets are fractal, occurring at every scale and time of our
creation’s existence. The diagram shows how they relate
and the principles can be described as follows:

Metrics of


Principle of Freedom and Force.
Everything has an original creative
freedom which is subject to the force of
laws so as to give it order and limits.
(i.e. ‘controlled creativity’)

Principle of Matter and Motion.

Everything has substance which embodies
motion at all levels so as to give it existence
and allow it to work.
(i.e. ‘changing permanence’)

Principle of Parts and Purpose.

Everything has separate and different parts
which integrate into a greater whole so as
to give it purpose.
(i.e. ‘integrated separation’)

Principle of Mind and Meaning.

Everything has a mind, consciousness or
thought behind it, which expresses itself so
as to give it meaning.
(i.e. ‘meaningful mindfulness’)

Principle of Self and Others.

Everything has an internal ‘self’ or
structure which relates with other external
entities so as to give it identity.
(i.e. ‘relational individuality’)

Principle of Love and Obedience.

Everything has the creative energy of
Divine Love which must be fully released
to allow its perfect form and development.
(i.e. ‘perfected participation’)

These principles help explain how everything exists and
‘works’. The last one is a ‘principal principle’ that shows us
why things exist. To understand that, we must consider the
spirits and what it means to be ‘physical’ and ‘spiritual’.
Intelligent spirits (angels) populate the spirit
dimension. They were created out of divine love
as agents to help give meaning and form to the
physical world. We humans are now co-creators
and helped by them in this evolving and amazing universe.
What is Divine love? It’s the desire to increase, and the
act of increasing, the creativity of another entity, according
to the divine plan of creation. It has to be freely chosen and
used fully and unconditionally. If all the angels
had followed this plan completely, creation and
the world in which we live would be perfect and
balanced i.e. the mystery of ‘heaven’.
However, some angels (1 in 3) inevitably chose not to use
love creatively and acknowledge its source, and introduced
egotistic ‘unlove’ (i.e. ‘sin’) and imbalance into creation.
These 'bad' angels (i.e. the devil, demons etc.)
caused all of us humans to love imperfectly, too.
So we can say we are a product of ‘evilution’ as
well as evolution and our civilisations. We can now
choose to desecrate creation and create ‘hell’ for ourselves.
Hence the origin of natural and human
'unlove' as well as divine love in creation. So, we
have two roles to play. First, with the help of the
good angels, we can and must act as stewards
of creation, recognising that the divine is in all things i.e.
panentheism. And second, we must battle against and
subdue the unlovely, bad angelic, aspects of creation.
There is divine help to do this. To cut a long story short,
this possibility has been gradually revealed to us over
millennia, thanks to our religions, using three channels of
knowledge (and religious practices). For Christians, it is:
 by our dependence on nature in its
father/mother role, using our instinct
or built-in knowledge (meditating).
 by the history of the Jews, the life of
Jesus the Christ, the Bible, and the
Christian church, using our senses or
learnt knowledge (living/loving).
 by the spiritual dimension, the Holy Spirit, angels and
saints, using our intuition or immediate understanding
without reasoning (praying/praising/thanking).
Unfortunately, ‘unlove’ has muddied
all these channels, especially the last
one. The love with which the universe
has been made is clearly seen if we value
the beauty in nature, the goodness of
humanity, and the truth revealed by our
consciences. We have no excuse!
Jesus, born 2022 years ago, is Divinity
in human form. He’s sorted out the
cosmic consequences of ‘unlove’,
showed us how and why to love, and
given us all types of powers and ‘tools’
to confront the bad spiritual and human
forces. However, we have to ask for this
help and use all our facets and principles in balance, for the
good of everyone, without expecting anything in return,
except that of knowing that we are loved unconditionally.

Jesus said we have to use the Golden Rule (which we find
in all religions), which says: Treat others as you would like
to be treated. So we have to know and love ourselves in a
selfless (not egotistic) way if we are to love others. The
Octaikon (see end) introduces many ways of doing this.
Note that Divinity can be imagined as a
transcendent ‘language of love’
which is expressed as an immanent
‘relationship of love’ using voice,
word, and breath. We need these
three together to ‘speak’ the language of
love and form loving relationships.
Christianity describes them as the
Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Jesus is the divine
‘Word’ or the ‘Christ’ (the pre-existing creative principle) in
human form). Trinitarian patterns and ideas can be found
throughout creation (see * last page).
Heaven is a state of being in pure
love, which we approach throughout
this life. In a perfect space-time world
without 'unlove' and 'evilution', our
lives would still end, but as a welcomed
transformation and return to the
spiritual dimension, rather than death
to be feared. Meanwhile, our purpose
in life is to recreate that heaven on earth as far as we can.
To do that we must apply the principles to love God and
others as ourselves, using all our features and principles in
balance, for the good of everyone, and forgiving them
their ‘unlove’. Jesus’s resurrection shows the way.
So - may God bless you as you seek and find this way of life
and love. It’s unique in defending us from all that ‘unlove’!
Jesus was asked: “How can we know the Way
to Love?” He answered, “I AM the Way, the
Truth and the Life, without me, no soul comes to
the divine source of Love”
(paraphrased from the
biblical Gospel of St. John,
ch.14, vv. 5-6). Read St.
Paul’s first letter to the Christians in Corinth,
ch.13 to get an idea of what Divine Love should
look like in practice. For an introduction to the
Christian faith visit

(Left) This drawing of

Mary and Jesus is
based on a sculpture
by Gaudi in the
Basílica of the Sagrada
Família in Barcelona,
All illustrations in this
leaflet created by
Marcus Robbins.

(Right) Grey “unlove” encircles the

universe, earth and humanity,
separating us from the white light
of divine love. But that light has
broken through into the centre of
our lives reflecting images of the
Divine in many colours, with Jesus
(the cross) rescuing us from the
“unlove” we have created.

The ‘Octaikon’ graphic and its ten facets
can help to explain all levels and aspects of reality
and how they balance each other.
To explore the idea and discover how I have used it, visit
Please write to me if you have any questions:
This document is a text version of the video clip on YouTube:
with several revisions and additions.
A PDF is available from Scribd
*Search for #finding3inallthings on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

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