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THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT’S OFFICE REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT TANZANIA RURAL AND URBAN ROADS AGENCY (TARURA) ai DESIGN REPORT FOR PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ALONG CWT- DAR MORO ROAD WITHIN SENGEREMA URBAN Prepared for; Prepared by; Chief Executive Officer, Design Team TARURA, Tanzania Rural and Urban Road Agency Mwanza Region (TARURA). Submission Date; March 2022 Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ES.1: The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania through Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency (TARURA) is committed to improve the conditions of its urban and rural roads network by implementing regular maintenance and upgrading works in each fiscal year. ES.2: During the financial year 2022/2025 the Roads Fund Board has set aside special finds for Periodic Maintenance and Spot Improvement Works along Selected Roads within Sengerema Urban, ES,3: Manual classified traflic counts were carried out on a selected roads. The classified counts were carried out for 16 hours for seven days. AADT was obtained for each road. ES.4: The DCP data from the site were analyzed using AfCAP LVR-DCP Software. The in-situ strength profile of the existing road was determined and compared with the catalogue requirements provided by the Pavement and Materials Design Manual (1999). ES.S: The limiting grades on the project road have been dictated by the existing road alignment and terrain, prevailing constraints. Due to a relatively flat terrain of the project area, the vertical alignment of the roads did not deviate much from the existing profile. ES.6: The hydrological study has been carried out to estimate design flood values at all existing and proposed drainage sites along/across the roads under consideration. Due to lack of rainfall records/data, the estimation of the design flood values was made on the basis of information on catchment characteristics of the rivers/streams downloaded using Earth Explorer from USGS. Flow and flood analysis was done using QGIS Software. Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council TABLE OF CONTENT LIST OF TABLES. v LIST OF FIGURES .. Vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS, vi 1, GENERAL INTRODUCTION... 1.1 Introduction.. 1.2 Scope of the works... 1.3. Project Area Description. 13.1 Location of the proposed Project and topography 2 13.2 Climate. ntnnnnnnne 23 2, ROAD CONDITION SURVEY... wd 21 General... 2.2 ‘Typical Distresses in Gravel-surface and Earth Road 4 23° Site Visit 5 2.3.1 Observation from Site Visit. 2.4 — General Condition of the road 3 TRAFFIC COUNT ANALYSIS 3.1 Introduction. Role and Funetions.. Reference Specification ‘Traffic Data Collection, General Selection of Counting Site: Vehicle Classification and Configuration. 7 Traffic and Site Safety... wo 8 General... 8 Site Safety. 8 Site Markings 8 Typical Conversion of Traffic Count General... 8 Conversion of Average Daily Traffic to Annual Average Daily Traffic 9 Conversion of Peak Hour Trafic to Average Daily Traffic (ADT) 9 Conversion of Day Time Traffic to Average Daily .. 4, ALIGNMENT SOIL SURVEY. Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council 4.1 Introduction. 12 42 Main Objectives... 2 4 Scope of Work senso 12 44 Methodology 12 4.4.1 Site Survey, Planning and Sampling 12 4.4.2. Undertaking the DCP Survey 45 Laboratory Testing 43.1 Natural Moisture Content 4 45.2 Particle size distribution... 4.5.3 Bar linear shrinkage. 4.6 Results and Analysis . 4.6.1 Analysis of the DCP Survey DATA (strength and thickness of pavement layers) 15 4.6.2 Material Samples.. 4.6.3. Laboratory Results Summary 5. PAVEMENT AND MATERIAL DES Introduction. Climate: 53 Traffic... 54 Subgrade class... 5.5 Determination of the Upgrading Requirements... 17 5.5.1 CWT-Dar-Moro Road 7 5.6 Sources of Material... 18 5.6.1 BOMTOW Pits sosssnnnnnnnnis 19 5.6.2 Aggregate.. 20 5.6.3 Sand Sources. 20 5.6.4 Water Sources 6. GEOMETRIC DESIGN 6.1 Design introduction 6.1.1 Objective of the assignment. 6.2 Design Standards. 6.2.1 Road Cl 6.2.2 Terrain 6.2.3 Surface Type os 6.2.4 Camber and Cross fall... 6.2.5 Road Dimensions 6.2.6 Design Speed Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council 6.3 Horizontal Alignment... . . 22 7, HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC DESIGN REPORT... 23 7.1 Introduction, 23 7.2 Objectives of study. 2B 73 Study area 23 74 Methodology 4 7.5 Delineation the Watershed and Catchment Area of CWT-Dar-Moro road.......25 7.6 Delineation of Drainage Networks and Catchments using QGIS... 26 7.7 Design of the Road Ditches... . 28 7.8 Summary of the Results carried to Structural Design... sess 30 8, DESIGN FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (CR). 8.1 General. REFERENCES... APPENDICES... Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT Moro Road in Sengerema District Councit LIST OF TABLES ‘Table 2.1: Traffic Counting Stations Detail... ‘Table 2.2: Conversion Factors for AADT..... ‘Table 2.3: Conversion of 16-hour Traffic to 24 hours Traffic: Table 3.4: Conversion of ADT/Lane to AADT/Late .... ‘Table 2.5: Forecasted AADT/Lane .. ‘Table 1.1: Material Strength Profile along CWT-Dar-Moro road... ‘Table 3.2: Summary of Sampled Pit Detail: ‘Table 3.3: Summary of Consistence and Grading Test Results... . 16 ‘Table 4.1: Adopted Design Standard for CWT-Dar-Moro Road. svecssenneens BD Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1: Location of CWT-Dar-Moro road... Figure 1.2: Topographic map of Sengerema Town Council 2 Figure 3.1: The dynamic cone penetrometer picture along CWT-Dar-Moro Road... 13 Table 4.1 Subgrade Class of Various Road Sections Figure 4.1 Pavement and Improved Subgrade-Major Gravel Roads. Figure 4.2 Gravel Material requirements.. ‘Table 4.2 Material Properties in Various Borrow Pits ..c.s:snssinnnsennien ‘Table 4. 3: Summary of aggregate test results of Quarries in Mwanza... 20 Figure 5.1: Location of the CWT+Dar-Moro road... seenenneeennes 4 Figure 5.2: Catchment area see 28 Table 6. 1: Runoff Coefficient.. ‘Table 6.2: Trapezoidal channel parameters Table 6.3: Cross culvert parameters... Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council AADT. ADT ICAP crs pe pep DEM DESA DN DROMAS ESA GDEM ais GPs Gis Gas Gas HGV KML Lev LVR MGV Mow osm Rd SRT st LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS: Annual Average Daily Traffic Average daily Tra ‘Aftican Community Access Partnership Crushed Stone District Council Dynamic Cone Penetration Digital Elevation Model Mean daily Equivalent Standard Axles The average penetration rate in mnvblow of the DCP through a pavement layer District Roads Management System Equivalent standard axles Global digital elevation modal Geographical Elevation System Global Position System Gravel materials with strength above 15MPa Gravel materials with strength above 25MPa Gravel materials with strength above 45MPa Heavy Good Vehicle Keyhole Markup Language Light Good Vehicle Low Volume Road Medium Good Vehicle Ministry of Works Open Street Map Road Remote Sensing, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Street Surface Treatment Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council TARURA Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency TRRL Transport and Roads Research Laboratory uses United State Geological Survey VHGV Very Heavy Good Vehicle Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council 1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction ‘The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania through Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency (TARURA) is committed to improve the conditions of its urban and rural roads network by implementing regular maintenance and upgrading works in each fiscal year. During the financial year 2022/2023 the Roads Fund Board has set aside special funds for Periodic Maintenance and Spot Improvement Works along Selected Roads within Sengerema Urban, It is intended that part of the proceedings of the fund will be used to cover eligible payments under the contract for construction of the proposed road in Sengerema Distriet Council. Hence, a joint team was formed to conduct detailed design of the selected road in Sengerema District Council. This Engineering Design Report summarizes the findings, analysis, results and recommendations of the detailed engineering design, preparation of tender documents and associated cost estimates for the proposed road improvement. 1.2 Scope of the works The scope of the works was to carry out detailed engineering design and cost estimates for the selected CWT-Dar-Moro road. In carrying out this assignment the following activities were conducted; * Road condition survey, # Soils and Materials Surveys * Traffic Surveys, Analysis and Forecasts * Hydrological and Drainage Studies © Detailed Engineering Design and © Preparation of Cost Estimates. 1.3 Project Area Description Sengerema District Council is among the 8 district Council within Mwanza Region, Located South West of Mwanza City Council. The head quarter of Sengerema District Council is located at Sengerema town, About 40 kms from Mwanza City. The distriet Couneil has an area of 8,817 Square kilometers. Out of this area, 3,335 square kms are dry while 5,482 are covered by water of Lake Victoria. It is bordered to the north and east by Lake Victoria, to the south by Geita Region and to the southeast by the Misungwi District. The district's population has grown to 663,034 in 2012. Sengerema town is located at Latitude -2.3333 and longitude 32.5 with minimum elevation of 1165 and maximum elevation of 1285m. Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council 1.3.1 Location of the proposed Project and topography Location of the Sengerema Town and its Topography was done using Google Farth Terrain data, TCX convertor, Microsoft excel, SAGA and Surfer 14 ROAD ALIGNMENT. CWT-DAR MOR ROAD N & Leceno g 8 Figure 1.1: Location of CWT-Dar-Moro road #3709000: 1275 1370 1265 1250 #3708000: Fe 240 1235 1220 707000 1220 1210 1205 f706000: 2390 rigs 180 1375 1165 Figure 1.2: Topographic map of Sengerema Town Council Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council Knowledge on the Topographical features of the study area was important since terrain has a major influence on design standards for roads. For example, a much higher cost would be incurred if the same design standard adopted for a relatively flat terrain were used for hilly and mountainous terrains. For the design of pavement structure, understanding the topographical nature of the study area would lead to a reduced cost of construction since geometric standards could be adjusted if large earthworks required prove to be costly. Table 9-5 of the Low Volume Roads Manual 2016 gives an approach to defining terrain classes by measuring the number of S-metre contours crossed by a straight line connecting the two ends of the road section in question. In accordance with the above-referred table from the LVR Manual 2016 and the topographical features for Sengerema as shown in Figure 2, our study area was classified as a Flat terrain. This is mainly due to a less than 10 five-meter contours per km from the topographical map and the natural ground slopes perpendicular to the ground contours are generally below 3%, In flat terrain, wwe expect less velocity of storm water, which would in tum require adequate drainage system considerations. Detailed approach has been captured in our hydrological study/report in which a slope of 1.2% was adopted. 1.3.2 Climate The pavement and materials design manual categorizes the Tanzania climate in three zones namely dry (less than one month receive rainfall higher than the evaporation), Moderate (1-3 months receive rainfall higher than the evaporation) and wet (More than three (3) months receive rainfall higher than the evaporation). The moisture regime has major influence on pavement performance as the stiffftess and strength of subgrade soils and granular materials vary with their moisture content. Considering the map showing the climatic zone (Figure 2.1 of the Pavement and Materials Design Manual 1999) Sengerema district has been categorized into Moderate Climatic Condition. Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council 2. ROAD CONDITION SURVEY 2.1 General A road condition survey is the process of collecting data to determine the structure integrity, distresses, skid resistance and overall riding quality of the pavement. The road is designed for a specific period of time and constructed accordingly so it needs maintenance in order to reach the design period. Part of this road is gravel, the design period of this road is 5 years, so in order the road to be in good condition as intended it needs maintenance each year either Routine maintenance, Sport improvement, Periodic maintenance or Bridges and structure maintenance, so it is necessary to know the condition of the road every year for doing proper maintenance works according to planed budget. 2.2 Typical Distresses in Gravel-surface and Earth Road In gravel surface road and Earth road we expect seven primary distress types, tho: re; © Corrugations (wash boarding) this closely spaced ridges and valleys at fairly regular intervals. This type of distress is usually caused by traffic and loose aggregate especially in prolonged dry periods, «Dust, this caused by wear and tear of traffic on gravel roads loose the larger particles from the soil binder. As traffic passes caused dust clouds create a danger to trailing or passing vehicles and cause significant environmental problems. ‘© Improper cross section - an unsurfaced road should have a crown with enough slope from the centerline to the shoulder to drain all water from the roads surface. The cross section is improper when the road surface is not shaped or maintained to carry water to the ditches. ‘Improper roadside drainage - poor drainage causes water to pond. Drainage becomes a problem when ditches and culverts are not in good enough condition to direct and carry runoff’ water because of improper shape or maintenance. ‘* Loos aggregate: The wear and tear of traffic on gravel roads will eventually loosen the larger aggregate particles from the soil binder. This leads to loose aggregate on the road surface or shoulders. Traffic moves loose aggregate particles away from the normal wheel path and forms berms in the center of the roadway or along the shoulder. ‘* Potholes; Potholes are bowl-shaped depressions in the roadway surface. Potholes are produced when traffic wears away small pieces of the road surface, this grow faster when water collects Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council inside the hole, The road then continues to disintegrate because of loosening surface material or weak spot in the underlying soil © Ruts; a rut is a surface depression in the wheel path that is parallel to the roadway centerline. Ruts are caused by permanent deformation in any of the road layers or subgrade. 2.3 Site Vi ‘The site visit/survey was done on 14/03/2022 from the start of the road at CWT village chainage 0+000 to Moro village chainage 1/000 Km, we used car/pickup, tape measure, wheel measure, camera and road conditional forms to detect and measure visible distresses and overall Roadway condition, 2.3.1 Observation from Site Visit The detected defects/distresses at specific chainage were notes in the attached forms in Appendix I and presented in summary as shown in the table 3.1 below. ‘Table 3.1 Road Condition form shows observations from site Chainage Visible distresses Proposed Intervention F050 Water crossing the road Construction of access culvert 0¥000-07800 | Water crossing the road Construction of side drain 0135 Water crossing the road Demolish and replace with new culvert 0207 ‘Water crossing the road Demolish and replace with new culvert 07250 Low level Fill with gravel or approved material 07300 Water crossing the road Construction of new culvert, 900mm © 07370 Waiter crossing the road Construction of 900mm © pipe culvert F310 Water crossing the road Construction of 900mm @ access pipe culvert F800 Silting of culvert Desilting of culvert Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council 2.4 General Condition of the road From chainage 0+400 to 0+600 the Condition of the road is Good with some part needs structures due to the rain water crossing the road as shown in Road Condition Forms and photos, Chainage 0+000 to 0400 the condition of the road is Bad because it has a lot of ruts, potholes, improper cross section and improper road side drainages, Chainage 01-600 to 1+000 the condition of road is fair with some areas of the road needing structures due to rain water crossing the road as in Road condition form. General the condition of this road CWT-Dar-Moro is bad and needs maintenance for its good performance. Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council 3. TRAFFIC COUNT ANALYSIS 3.1 Introduction Traffic data collection and projections of traffic volumes are basic requirements for planning of road development and management schemes. Traffic data is essential for both geometrical and structural pavement design and also assisting in the planning of road safety measures. 3.1.1 Role and Funetions ‘The importance of the traffic data is planning of particular section of the road network and for its subsequent, ‘Traffic flow pattern appears to be random in distribution, as it reflects people's ifferent types of roads under varying motivation in terms of different composition of vehicles on environment conditions. 3.1.2 Reference Specification Reference was done through Low Volume Roads Manual 2016 (LVRs) and Field Testing Manual 2003. Generally, the LVRs provide guidance for traffic count in Tanzania on how to use the counted data and for axle load survey reference was done through Field Testing Manual 2003. In LVRs only Five types of Vehicles should be counted for purpose of Structural Pavement design. Heavy vehicle those having registered un — laden weight of 3 tons or more, small buses under 25 seats, Large buses over 25 seats, Light Good Vehicles 2 Axles, Medium Good Vehicles 2Axles and Heavy Good Vehicle 3 Axles are included as heavy vehicles. 3.2 Traffic Data Collection, 3.2.1 General ‘The primary source of traffic data in Tanzania especially in Urban and Rural roads are based on ular manual traffie counting programs. It is an idea to establish permanent and regular manual traffic counters and permanent/ regular manual traffic stations and counters with full location details (Lat and Long) and its data base being known. 3.2.2. Selection of Counting Sites ‘The following was kept in mind in deciding the counting stations: ~ ‘© The road section should have uniform geometric characteristics along the road length and be away from junetions © Loe: on should be a horizontal (flat) and geometric straight road section ‘* Section of the road to have an uninterrupted traffic flow ‘* Section to meet safety requirements 3.2.3. Vehicle Classification and Configuration For the purpose of this document of Upgrading of CWT-Dar-Moro road (1.00Km) to Gravel Standard, TARURA classification which is available in DROMAS systems was adopted. Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council 3.3 Traffic and Site Safety 3.3.1 General Traffic safety during the conduct of traffic surveys is mandatory and is the responsibility of the institution or body undertaking the surveys, The Road Act Cap 13 of 2007 section 33 places a statutory responsibility in ensuring that appropriate safety measures are in place before commencement of the survey. 3.3.2 Site Safety The location of the counting sites was chosen with full consideration to traffic safety both for installation, maintenance and use of the site. Whenever manual traffic surveys are in progress, proper signals were in place for safety of enumerators. The site was inspected for safe use by supervisor who was also ensure that no sign is removed from site until the survey is completed. 3.3.3. Site Markings ‘The counting sites was ensured to have an unambiguously identification number. The counting site number was linked to the existing Road Reference System. The following is the list of the identified counting station. Table 2.1: Traffic Counting Stations Details ‘Station Number Chainage 195026-STOL (0+050 3.4 Typical Conversion of Traffic Count 3.4.1 General ‘Main input parameters for design of the road are the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) and the cumulative loading over the design life of the road. Determination of the AADT from 12-hour traffic count was achieved by converting to 16-hour flow (the volume of traffic flow counted in hours) by using applicable conver hour flow ma n factors, Having obtained the 16-hour counts, a further conversion to 24+ be carried out to obtain an Average Daily Traffic flow, and subsequently to Annual Average Daily Traffic. For illustration, the following conversion factors have been used in the calculations: Table 2.2: Conversion Factors for AADT Scenarios ‘Urban Rural Recreation High 1.016 111s 1271 Medium 10 1.06 Ladi Low 0.989 1.016 0.962 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council 3.4.2 Conversion of Average Daily Traffic to Annual Average Daily Traffic Annual Average Daily Traffic is the average traffic that is expected to use a particular road over a year (365 days). The Average Daily Traffic, con-version to Annual Average Daily Traffic is determined from the following expression: AADT = T-ADT /365. Where: AADT Average Annual Daily Traffic. T-AD Total Average Daily Traffic. 3.4.3 Conversion of Peak Hour Traffic to Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Peak hour traffic used for design is the traffic which passes a point during the most severe peak hour(s) of the counting period. In order to convert peak hour traffic to Average Daily Traffic (ADT), the peak hour traffic should first be converted to 12 hour or 16-hour traffic flow and then to 24-hour traffic flow. For instan if peak hour flow is 10% of 16-hour counts, then for any given number of vehicles, ADT is given by the following: Peak hour flow * Conversion factor = ADT (16-hour) Then, ADT (16-hour) * Conversion factor. = ADT (24-hour) The conversion factor is the proportion of traffic flow over a given peak time as it relates to that prevailing traffic counted under same traffic conditions and over a specific counting period. 3.4.4 Conversion of Day Time Traffic to Average Dail After conducting a seven (7) day traffic count on selected stations on both lanes along the road to be upgraded in Sengerema District Council, then the obtained 16 hours count (lane with maximum traffic volume) was converted into 24hours count using a confidence limit of 90% with 10% tolerance and the following are the observations: - Table 2.3: Conversion of 16-hour Traffic to 24 hours Traffic SIN| VEHICLE TYPE 16 HOURS ADT/Lane 24 HOURS ADT/Lane ‘CWT-DAR-MORO CWT-DAR-MORO 1_| Articulated > axles 0 0 2_| Articulated > Gaxles 0 0 3_| Articulated > Saxles 0 0 4 [truck > 6 axles 0 0 5 [truck Saxle 0 0 6 | 4axle Truck 0 0 7_|3 axle Truck T 2 8_| axle Truck 3 6 ‘9 | 2 axle Truck (Light) 12 14 TO_| Big bus 2 3 L_[ Min bus 4 3 12 | Car 15 i 13_| Pickups 9 10) 14 | Tractor 1 2 15_[ Three Wheeler 25 28 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council 16_| Motorcycle 48 34 17 [Bicycle 20 3 ‘* As for the Annual Average Daily Traffic (ADT), the derived Day Traffic is converted using a conversion factor of 1.016 to obtain ADT as follows: Table 3.4: Conversion of ADT/Lane to AADT/Lane ‘SN | __ VEHICLE TYPE ‘ADTiiane T ‘ADT Lane T | Arioulated > Taxles o 9 2 | Aniculated> Gaxles 9 9 3__[ Anticulated> Saxles 0 9 [tuck > 6 axles o 9 5 [tuck S axle o 9 | 4axle Truck o 9 7 [Baxle Truek 2 2 §_| Dante Truck 6 6 9 [Paxle Truck (Light) a 14 10 _| Big bus 3 Ti | Min bus 5 12_| Car 17 13 | Pickups 10, 1a | Tractor 2 15_| Three Wheeler 28 16 | Motoreyele 34 (7 Bieyele B [ After obtaining Normal traffic (Traffic that pass along the existing road in the absence of any upgrading to a higher standard), We also considered the diverted (Traffic that changes from another route to the project road, but still travels between the same origin and destination points) and generated traffic (Additional traffic that occurs in response to the new or improved road). Low Volume Roads recommend a 20% factor for the generated traffic of the current traffic, hence after upgrading the traffic data will be as follows Table 2,5: Forecasted AADT/Lane SIN | ___VERICLE TYPE Current AADT/Lane Forecasted AADT/Tane 1. | Articulated > Taxles 0 0 2._[ Articulated > 6axles 0 0 3.__| Articulated > Saxles 0 o 4.__[ truck > 6 axles 0 0 3. [truck S axle 0 0 6._|4axle Truck 0 0 7._[3 axle Truck 2 2 8._| axle Truck 6 7 9.__| 2axle Truck (Light) “4 a7 10__| Big bus. 3 4 TI. Min bus 5 6 10 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council Car 7 20 Pickups 10 12 Tractor 2 2 Three Wheeler 28 33 Motoreyele 53 64 Bicycle 23 7 The current total ADT considering traffic from 1-14 in the above table is 70 Total AADT at design period in years (N) Using the following formula: AADT n= AADTo x [(1 + 1/100) © Where: r= Assumed annual growth rate expressed as a decimal fraction from 2%-4.5 %, (National Bureau of Statistics) N= design period in years From the above formula; N Syears, Assumed annual growth rate, r = 3%, Current AADTo=70 AADTy=70 x (140.03) AADTy =82 Based on Geometric Design Manual, the road falls in Design Class 6 (DC - 6). an Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council 4. ALIGNMENT SOIL SURVEY 4.1 Introduction Materials investigation forms part of the detail design for the selected roads in Sengerema District Council. In order to maintain, construct, rehabilitate or upgrade a road network, large quantities of soils and gravel materials are required and normally alignment soil surveys are needed for a reliable design of improved pavement layers, estimates of earthworks quantities to be made and the pavement design to be validated. Therefore, the availability of pavement materials in the area is important for choice of the most economical pavement structure within a range determined by the traffic loading and climate. This report entails the approach used for investigation of the characteristics of the existing materials to determine their adequacy for use on the proposed pavement structure to achieve a balanced pavement design for the proposed roads. 4.2. Main Objectives ‘The purpose of the investigation was to determine the engineering characteristics of the existing alignment soil material so as to establish basis for upgrading requirements of the road so that the road users can be provided with safe, comfortable and robust ride throughout the service life of the road. 4.3. Scope of Work ‘The scope of the investigation involved the following: ‘* Site survey, Conduct Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) Test and sampling of alignment soil material. © Conduct laboratory tests on the sampled materials ‘* Analysis of the conducted tests 4.4. Methodology 4.4.1 Site Survey, Planning and Sampling Site survey is the process of visiting and inspecting the area to which work is to be constructed. Site survey and planning involves gathering all necessary information which helps in the analysis and design process. Due to the topography of the site it was agreed to not alter the alignment of the road, Conducting of the DCP Test began on the existing road alignment. 4.4.2 Undertaking the DCP Survey During the test, it was ensured that the device was held vertically and the rod shall not be jammed towards the side of the hole. Prior to its release, it was vital to ensure that the hammer has touched the upper top of the apparatus to achieve a minimum of 800mm depth or refusal attention was drawn to whether the condition of the apparatus was in good condition (Corn not worn, Rods not bent, and all fasteners tight). DCP values obtained on large stones were not recorded during the test since such ‘measurements produce abnormal result. 2 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council Figure 3.1: The dynamic cone penetrometer picture along CWT-Dar-Moro Road ‘The frequency of DCP testing was determined based on the level of confidence required. The road condition for Sengerema District Council roads was uniform, fairly flat with reasonable drainage (Page 5-8 Low Volume Roads Manual 2016). Therefore, in accordance with Table 5-3 (Frequency of DCP Testing) of the LVR Manual 2016, the frequency of testing of five (5) numbers per km is adequate. However, a testing frequency of 10 numbers per kilometer was selected due to the higher confidence level required. The test was staggered across the road on both sides of the outer wheel track and centerline while recording the distance from centerline and the width of the roads. ‘The readings were taken at various stations by considering variation of the soil properties along the road and care was given when carrying out DCP survey by discarding any measurements which B Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council would produce anomalous results. The results table includes road condition, road side, moisture regime, name of the test sites, and chainage in km and road width. Readings for penetration per blows were recorded for each test point. The results of DCP survey data for all two roads in Sengerema District Council are attached in Appendix 2. ‘The advantage of DCP method is that, the strength characteristics and thickness of the subsurface materials at field moisture and density conditions can be obtained directly without disturbing the in- situ materials. The method aims at achieving a balanced pavement design while optimizing the use of local in-situ material strength as much as possible. It is relatively simple, practically oriented and fits the purpose when the time is limited. Immediately after completion of Conducting DCP, Sampling of alignment soil materials began. The method adopted was the disturbed sampling by excavation of pits of half square metre to a depth of 0.6m using hand tools to produce a representative sample, Three samples from three different trial pits were taken for testing, During sampling It was ensured that a sample is representative sample and well mixed, to each of the sample collected the project name, Date, location and depth of sampling were recorded the Sampling frequeney of the sample was based on location of significant changes in soil condition along the road scetion and which will provide sufficient information about the soil condition during the design of pavement, 4.5 Laboratory Testing Laboratory tests were conducted to the selected samples in order to obtain information which was later used in the analysis of the results. This was achieved using the gravel roads Testing Kit (GRTK) ‘The tests which were conducted are as follows: available at the council o! © Moisture content © Particle size distribution © Bar linear shrinkage 4.5.1 Natural Moisture Content Apart from soils in dry desert areas, the voids within all natural soils contain water. Some soils may be fully saturated with the voids full of water, some only partially saturated with a proportion of the voids containing air as well as water. Moisture content (or water content) is simply the ratio of the mass of water to the mass of solid particles and is an invaluable indicator of the state of the soil and its behavior. The test is carried out by oven — drying a sample until all of the free moisture is expelled. 4.5.2 Particle size distribution Particle size distribution is the determination of amount of different particle sizes present in materials. ‘The particle size distribution involved a sample of 3000g mass of an air-dry sample which was then sieved in sieves of 37.5mm, 26.5mm, 4.75mm 2.0mm and 0.425mm to obtain its particle size distribution of the sample which were expressed as a percentage of the total dry mass of the sample and as a result the grading coefficients and oversized index were obtained 14 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council 45. Bar Linear shrinkage is the decrease in one dimensional length expressed in percentage to the original Bar linear shrinkage length at liquid limit. Bar Linear shrinkage is an indicator of plasticity of gavel materials. Linear shrinkage is the difference between the Original length of the sample and the length of the sample after oven dried. The test was carried out on material passing 0.425mm sieve and latter dried using solar oven at 105°C — 110°C for at least 4 hours then thereafter Linear Shrinkage (LS) and Bar Linear Shrinkage (BLS) determined. 4.6 Results and Analysis 4.6.1 Analysis of the DCP Survey DATA (strength and thickness of pavement layers) This was done using the A(CAP LVR — DCP v.103 programs. The in situ strengths of the material were strongly dependent on the prevailing moisture and density conditions. The results from the survey were used directly to determine uniform (homogenous) sections along the surveyed road. The in situ DN values obtained from a survey of the proposed road were plotted on a chart versus the depth and were compared directly with a related DCP design catalogue. Each road was divided into uniform sections using a ‘CUSUM’ analysis. This identifies variations in in-situ strength caused by varia ons in layer thicknesses, Based on an “average analysis” for each uniform section as undertaken by the Computer Aided Design (AFCAP DCP) the layer strength (DN) profiles for each uniform section were plotted using the data from all of the DCP profiles included in that uniform section. ns in density, moisture content, material type and va Table 1.1: Material Strength Profile along CWT-Dar-Moro road Section No Chainage DN Value top CBR Grade layer 1.0 01000 t0 04393 4 Ss 2.0 0 +393 to 0+600 21 12.09 Gis 3.0 0+600 to 0+800 16 16.12 G25 4.6.2: Material Samples According to the site survey the number of samples obtained were 3 samples from Three Test pits as follows: 15 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council Table 3,2: Summary of Sampled Pit Details S/N | TEST PIT CHAINAGE DEPTH OF SAMPLING NUMBER, 1 T 0+150 0-800 2 2 07500 0-800 3 3 0+900 0-800 |.6.3 Laboratory Results Summary The results obtained after testing of the samples obtained are as follows: Table 3.3: Summary of Consistence and Grading Test Results Pit No Layer NMC(%) | O1@%) Ge SP 1 0-800 2.6 0.0 38.52 179.1 2. 0-800 13 0.0 37.87 283.1 3, 0-800 2.2 0.0 38.49 216.6 16 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council 5. PAVEMENT AND MATERIAL DESIGN 5.1 Introduction The pavement designs aim at providing the road surface which can withstand the expected traffic loading over a specified design period without deteriorating over a predetermined level of service. ‘This will be achieved by providing a pavement structure whereby stresses on subgrade induced by traffic are reduced to acceptable levels. Stresses in the pavement layer will be kept within acceptable limits by providing suitable materials which will accommodate the stresses, provide all weather access but also maintainable. 5.2 Climate: ‘The moisture regime has major influence on pavement performance as the stiffness and strength of subgrade soils and granular materials vary with their moisture content. Considering the map showing the climatic zone (Figure 2.1 of the pavement and materials design manual 1999) Sengerema Distriet has been categorized into Moderate Climatic Condition. 5.3 Traffic ‘The annual Average daily traffic (ADT) determined over the design period of Five years in accordance to chapter three was found to be 120 vehicles/ Day. This is among the major influence determining the pavement structure. 5.4 Subgrade class. ‘The subgrade class as obtained from the DCP survey as analyzed in Chapter Three of this report. Each section was analyzed and results obtained. The DN values converted to CBR values. The subgrade was summarized as per table below. Table 4,1 Subgrade Class of Various Road Sections ‘SECTION ‘CHAINAGE (KM) SUBGRADE CLASS Section 1 (0000-04393, S15 Section 2 (07393-07600 SH Section 3 (0600-17000 SIS 5.5 Determination of the Upgrading Requirements. 5.5.1 CWT-Dar-Moro Road In Pavement and material design manual 1999, there are only two types of gravel roads. The first one (minor gravel roads) applies when the ADT is less than S0Vehicles/Day. The second (Major gravel road) is when the AADT is between 50 — 300Vehicles /day. CWT-Dar-Moro Road falls in the second group hence it will be constructed in accordance to clause 11.3.2 of the Pavement and Material Design Manual. 7 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council © Section No. 1-3 (0+000-1+000KM) Considering the ADT and the insitu subgrade layer of the project road, a gravelling course layer of 150mm should be installed. This is in accordance to Figure 11.2 of the Pavement and Material Design Manual. ob Figure 4.1 Pavement and Improved Subgrade-Major Gravel Roads 5.6 Sources of Mate Materials selected for use in the upper layers should have adequate bearing capacity under any individual applied load, adequate bearing capacity to resist progressive failure under repeated individual loads, the ability to retain bearing capacity under various environmental influences such as climate, drainage and moisture regime at the specified density and anticipated in-service moisture condition, Gravel wearing course should comprise of materials that a free from dust, non-erodible, non-slippery and enough cohesion, nevertheless, they should have adequate strength to accommodate the repetitive ic loading, 18 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council Material properties: Requirements: cork Climatic zones method Wer Moderate or ary CBR [%] at 95% of MDD (BS- [MIN 25 after Heavy compaction) eee en ene ee ee % passing 37.5 mm min 95 12 Shrinkage product, SP » 1.4 and SP = LS x (%pass. 0.425mm) aasoe 17 Grading Coefficient GC ” 16-94 Field dry density, [% of MDD] : (8S-Heaw compaction) nares sand » Ih built up areas a maximum Shrinkage Product of 270 is desirable to reduce duct probleme. ® GC =[(% passing 28mm) - % passing 042mm) ]x(% passing Smm) / 100 Figure 4.2 Gravel Material requirements The search for material for construction was carried out in the vicinity of the project area. Due to limited time and lack of a materials laboratory nearby the study area, sources of materials normally used for the works in Sengerema were only identified and samples were taken for evaluation of their suitability. Laboratory testing of the sampled materials shall be carried out in Mwanza and results shall be available and reported before the commencement of the works. 5.6.1 Borrow Pits ‘The development of borrow pits and quarries to supply road construction material may impose significant negative impacts on the local environment and its inhabitants. Therefore, appropriate precautions must be taken in the planning, development and operation of all borrow pits. Three borrow pits were ident at Sima (around 12.0 Km from the site), Nyamizeze (around 2.59km from the site) and Nyamililo borrow pit (around 12.5 Km from the site). The borrow pits had an average overburden of 400mm. Visual assessment of the materials encountered was undertaken and samples were taken for laboratory testing. Both borrow pits proved to have sufficient quantities of materials to accommodate the requirement of the project. 19 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council Table 4.2 Material Properties in Various Borrow Pits BORROW PIT PROPERTY SIMA CBR (%) at 95% MDD 34 (BS Heavy Compaction) % passing 37.5 98.4 Shrinkage Produet, SP 178 SP=LS x (% passing 0.425mm) Grading Coefficient, GC 31 5.6.2 Aggregate ‘These must be more stringent in terms of strength, grading, particle shape, binder adhesion, dust contents etc. The aggregates for a concrete shall be durable and free from organic matter or any other contamination, Requirements for aggregates to be used for concrete in the projects road should adhere to BS 882. Table 4. 3: Summary of aggregate test results of Quarries in Mwanza SINo. ‘Test Name Results 1 TEV wer (KN) 140-160 2 TEV ay (KN) 150-170 z Water absorption (%) 0.26050 4 Specific Gravity 2742.91 5. LAAV (%) 20-23 5.63 Sand Sources There is no any liable source for sand at site, however sufficient quantity may be obtained from seasonal river. We recommend to use river sand from selected river within Sengerema District Council 5.6.4 Water Sources Water sources for construction works in Sengerema District Council depend on seasonal rivers, SEUWASA and Lake Victoria, The main source available all time is from Lake Victoria, The sources shall be tested if they are suitable for use in mixing conerete and other earthworks. 20 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council 6. GEOMETRIC DESIGN 6.1 Design introduction Geometric design is the process whereby the layout of the road through the terrain is designed to meet the needs of all road users. However, the needs of road users where the roads provide a relatively low speed access function differs from road users on a more highly trafficked trunk road which provides a relatively high-speed mobility function. Accordingly, the standards applicable for any design activity for a road should be in line with the terrain, functional characteristics, traffic composition and accommodation of all road users’ needs, land use and physical features and any other factor that might influence the design approach. The geometric design of CWT-Dar-Moro road was carried out in accordance with the Low Volume Roads Manual 2016 for DC 6 road class and Geometric Design Manual 2011 edition. 6.1.1 Objective of the assignment To design the roads to accommodate all road users and provide cost effective, safe and adequate level of service. 6.2 Design Standards 6.2.1 Road Class In accordance with Table 2-2 of the Geometric Design Manual 2011, the road class for CWT-Dar- Moro road was classified as DC6 and the design traffie flow (AADT) falling within the range of $0 — 200. 6.2.2 Terrain ‘The terrain of the project area was classified as Flat since the natural ground slopes perpendicular to the ground contours are generally below 3% (Table 9-5: Terrain Classes; LVR Manual 2016). 6.2.3 Surface Type ‘The proposed surface of the project road is of Gravel material (unpaved road). 6.2.4 Camber and Cross fall A normal cross fall of 6% was adopted based on Table 8-4 of Geometric Design Manual 2011. Achieving proper camber and cross fall is essential to ensure rapid shedding of water off the carriageway and to prevent moisture ingress into the pavement structure. Recoverable side slopes of 1:4 or flatter were used. Side slopes are designed to ensure the stability of the roadway and, on low embankments, to provide a reasonable opportunity for recovery if a vehicle goes out of control across the shoulders. 21 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council 6.2.5 Road Dimensions In accordance to Table 2-3 of Geometric Design Manual, the following are the dimensions adopted for Design Class 6 (DC-6); However since the project has to be implemented without causing any compensation to the houses that might be demolished if the dimensions in the Manual are strictly followed, some modifications have been to solve this and to meet budgetary need while providing the required service as stated in the last chapter of this report, ELEMENT DIMENSION() Road way 8.0 Carriage width 6.0 Number of lanes 2 Lane width’ 3.0 Shoulder Teach side 6.2.6 Design Speed A design speed of 80km/h was adopted according to Table 4-4 of Geometric Design Manual 2011 This is to ensure a quality road in terms of the level of service and to meets the required functional need. The selection of design speed for CWT-Dar-Moro road has been influenced by physical, environment and economic factors including the type and function of the road; nature of terrain, land use, traffic volume expected to use the road and expected speed that drivers will choose in a given section of the road. 6.3 Horizontal Alignment The geometric design will rely to the calculations and analysis of the criteria made to fit the road to the topography of the site while meeting the required safety, service and performance standards. The positioning of the road centerline has been guided by the existing road alignment. Priority was given to follow the alignment of the existing road as much as possible to avoid any compensation needs and make good use of the strength of the in-situ material on the existing gravel roads Departures from the existing alignment have been necessitated by the requirement to provide a more satisfactory horizontal alignment to improve/enhance safety and for aesthetics reasons for the designated design speeds. The table below summarizes the above designed elements. Table 4.1: Adopted Design Standard for CWI-Dar-Moro Road Design Elements CWT-Dar-Moro Road Design traffic flow (AADT) __| 50-200 Design Class DCG ‘Terrain Flat Surface type Unpaved Gravel) Carriage way 6.0m @ lane 3.0m Shoulder width Varying Design speed (km/h) 80 Side slopes 4 Camber/Cross fall &% 22 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council 7. HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC DESIGN REPORT 7.1 Introduction Catchment area (Drainage Basin) is the area which supplies a river system, lake and reservoir with ‘water. The whole area consists of smaller and sub catchment supplying tributaries of the Main River and direct catchment which drain straight into a lake or main river. The catchment area determination is based on digital elevation model (DEM) which is a prerequisite to set up physically based distributed hydrological models. The size of the model area depends on the details of the study so that the watershed characteristics can be assumed as homogeneous. The smallest part of the area that a hydrological model can be applied to is called a catchment. This method of catchment delineation has several advantages including process reliability and reproducibility, saving time and labor, results within a digital domain can be linked to other data set easily. In this report drainage network and catchment have been obtained in 1 Are Second Format and GeoTIFF Are Second Format for analysis. 7.2 Objectives of study ‘The main objective of the study is to calculate the catchment areas, which falls in CWT-Dar-Moro road using satellite-based DEM. Specifically, the study aimed to: © Find the amount of water collected in the project area. * Find the size of the ditches, which will accommodate the amount of water estimated above 7.3 Study area In this study we are concerned with area of the town with study area which lies between Latitude 2.641068°S and Longitude 32.664298° and the elevation of the town is located at an average 23 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council elevation between 1229m and 1229.08m. Figure 5.1: Location of the CWT-Dar-Moro road 7.4 Methodology To obtain the required Catchment area of the CWT-Dar-Moro road, the DEM file from Shuttle Radar ‘Topography Mission (SRTM) in 1 are second global is downloaded using Earth Explorer from USGS. The KML file is obtained from Google Earth, this file gives the proper location of CWT- Dar-Moro road and uploaded it in USGS platform. ‘The platform gives the ability to prepare data sets and provide the results in three options such as BIL 1 Are Second format, DIED 1 Are Second Format and GeoTIFF Are Second Format, In using QGIS 3 the early adopter release thus the GeoTIFF format was selected. After downloading all data, we used GIS tools to perform the remaining task. GIS is an effective tool to perform many operations such as digitalization, delineation of streams of watershed and carryout variety of spatial analysis. This tool can be efficiently used to carry out hydrological analysis and hence used for sustainable Watershed Management Projects 24 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council 7.5 Delineation the Watershed and Catchment Area of CWT-Dar-Moro road © GIS tools ‘A geographic information Systems (GIS) is a framework for gathering, managing, and analyzing data, Rooted in the science of geography, GIS integrate many type of data. It analyzes spatial location and organizes layers of information into visualizations using maps and 3D scenes. With this unique capabilities, GIS reveals deeper insight into data, such as patterns, relationships and situations helping users make smarter decision. © Google Earth: Google Earth is a virtual global map and geographical information program that originally called Earth Viewer 3D created by keyhole Inc. a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) founded company acquired by google 2004.It map the earth by the superimposed of images obtained from Satellite Image, Aerial Photography and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Here it has been used to aid marking the exact location of the proposed road of CWT-Dar-Moro road. * ESRI and Topo maps: Environmental Systems Research Institute is an Integrated Supplier of Geographical Information System (GIS) software, Web GIS and is a collaboration project to create a free editable map of the world. The Topo Maps used in Upgrading of CWT-Dar-Moro road to Gravel Standard projects was supplied by ESRI in the QGIS. © Finding Required Location: The first thing in preparation of data in finding CWT-Dar-Moro road Catchment area is to obtain the required proper location of the river specifically where the proposed Upgrading of CWT-Dar-Moro road to Gravel Standard should be positioned. This is done using Google Earth where KML file is obtained. The required location in the USGS will be determined by importing the obtained location files in KML format from Google Earth. © Enter Search Area: After obtaining the location then the USGS gives the ability to enter the search area where the data is required. © Enter Data Set: The data Set gives the ability for selecting the required data, which you need, and at what format you propose. We are interested in Digital Elevation data mostly the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission with specification of | are Second Global. The results obtained were downloaded and saved. 25 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council 7.6 Delineation of Drainage Networks and Catchments using QGIS © QGIS: Quantum GIS is a free and open source cross platform desktop geographic information systems (GIS) application used in preparing the catchment area and delineation of the CWT-Dar-Moro road. It allows users to analyze and edit spatial information, in addition to composing and exporting ‘geographical maps. It supports both Raster and Vector layers. The sequential steps followed for delineation of catchment and stream network using DEM data are presented below: © Fill Sinks: It is the first step of DEM pre-processing. The objective of this step is to make a depression less elevation model. Here sinks in the original DEM were identified using the Sink tool. A sink is usually an incorrect value lower than the values of its surroundings. These depressions points create problem as any water that flows into them cannot flow out. To ensure proper drainage mapping, these depressions were filled using the Fill tool and a fill DEM has found. Sinks are removed from DEMs using the standard flooding approach described by Jenson and Dominguez. Depressions are filled by increasing elevations of depression points to their lowest outflow point. © Calculate Flow Direction: In this step, the direction in which water would flow out of each cell has been determined. The fill DEM found in the previous step is treated as input here and the Flow Direction tool is used for this ctions were job. The output is an integer raster whose values ranges from 1 to 255. Flow din calculated using the eight-direction (D8) flow model whieh assigns flow from each grid cell to one of its eight adjacent cells, in the direction with a steepest downward slope. The D8 method was introduced by O’Callaghan and Mark © Calculate Flow Accumulation: Its the initial stage of defining the stream network system. Using the Flow Accumulation tool, the number of upslope cells flowing to a location were calculated here. The output flow direction raster created in the previous step has been used as input here. © Define Stream Network: The correct automatic derivation of stream is an unsolved problem. The most common method of extracting channel networks from DEM is to specify a critical support area that defines the minimum drainage area required to initiate a channel using a threshold value. In practice this threshold value is often selected on the basis of visual similarity between the extracted network and the lines depicted ‘on topographic maps. The threshold value has been specified on the raster of flow accumulation that This task has been accomplished with the spatial analyst tools, As a derived from the previous step. 26 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council result, all cells with more than ‘threshold value’ cell flowing into them have been part of the stream network. Threshold value for stream network delineation can be found in Tarboton and Daniel. ‘© Stream Segmentation: After derivation of stream network, a unique value was assigned for each section of the stream raster line, associated with a flow direction. The stream Link tool has been used on two raster file that are extracted from the above steps. © Catchment Grid Delineation: Using the Watershed tool, the catchments have been delineated for specified locations. The flow direction raster and the flow accumulation raster based on fill DEM data those are found from the outputs of steps above been used as input, ‘© Catchment Polygon Processing: Finally, catchment polygons have been found. Among them, the polygon on which the study area situated is the catchment of interest * Catchment areas of Rivers in CWT-Dar-Moro road: Based on the above procedures all the map details have been traced electronically to about a scale of 1:250,000. The QGIS reduce automatically the spot levels of peaks and low points along the ridge and bed level of the river along its length at intervals, which we have noted it down. The map selected for analysis was ESRI-Top Map obtained from quick map services from QGIS plugins. The ridgeline bounding the watershed contributing to the flow to nearby rivers was easily traced electronically. The QGIS provides the river trace showing exactly the river, tributaries and the ridge of the catchment boundary line well prepared to produce the Catchment Area Map. The area bounded can be worked out by using vector tool in QGIS where geometry tools and export/ add ‘geometry Column can be and used in area calculations. 27 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT-Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council CATCHMENT AREAS AT DIFFERENT POINTS ALONG CWT-DAR MPAKA MORO ROAD ‘omens Wy 1 1 1 oni ee a +¢ en LEGEND coe eee f 7 Figure 5.2: Catchment area + Results, Discussion and Conclusions Following the above steps, catchment and drainage networks have been delineated for the study area using Isec DEM data and 3see DEM data, 7.7 Design of the Road Ditches ‘+ Amount of water flowing in flood plain along CWT-Dar-Moro road We have to estimate amount of water captured and the location where they have to be discharged. ‘There are three methods of determining the design flood discharge for Structures along the flood plain areas. ~ 1. Empirical where by different formulas or envelope curves are used. 2. Statistical where by probability methods using past data of annual flood, which are closed to site, are used, 3. Rational where the Unit Hydrograph and design storm methods are used. Due to lack of enough flood data at CWT-Dar-Moro Road, the Statistical TRRL East African ‘Model Method in conjunction with Rational Method was selected in determining Design discharge. 28 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT:Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council Resources used are the followin «East African Meteorological Department Technical Memorandum No 17 © TRRE Laboratory report no 623 ‘© TRRL Laboratory report no. 706 © Low Volume Roads Manual ‘Then by using the rational equation: Q = 0.278 x CIA Where: Qis Design peak runoff rate, (m*/s) C is a runoff coefficient iis a rainfall intensity, (mmv/hr.) ‘A isa Drainage area, (ha) ~ 1 Km? = 100 hectares Table 6, 1: Runoff Coefficient Vary fat (1%) Sand and gravel Undulating (15%) [008 Sandy days on Hilly (6-10%) 6 Clayand cam 016 Grassland 021 Mountainaus (108) [0.26 Sheet tock 026 No vegetation 028 Runoff cosffient = C, + C,4CV Deuals: Return period 10 years. Slope = Undulating Soil = Sandy clay ‘Vegetation=Farm Land Cr = 0.08, C=0.08, Cy =0.11 ~ C = 0.08+0.08+0.11 = 0.27 Rainfall intensity = 110mm/24hrs = 4.58mnv/hr. (From Bast African Flood Model. Report 602) 29 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT:Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council Design of Cross Culvert Method used: TRRL Flood model ‘The method has been used so as to obtain design discharge at various points along the road where the streams of water cross the road. The major inputs to TRRL model among others are; Catchment area, A Channel length Channel slope Land slope [ype of stream Location VVVVVY ‘The obtained discharges have been used as input to HydraExpress in Civil 3D in order to determine the suitable size of the required structure. (See the attached TRRL Report and Culvert Report) 7.8 Summary of the Results carried to Structural Design ‘The following tables show the results for side drains and cross culverts, Table 6,2: Trapezoidal channel parameters From To Bottom | Depth(m) | Side Discharge | Side Chainage(m) | Chainage(m) | width(m) Slopes__| (Q)inm'/s 0+020 0+160 0.6 08 04 0.0011 Right 0+ 200 07360 06 08 04 0012 Right 0+ 380 07540 06 08 04 0.0004 Right 07560 07660 06 08 04 0.0005 Right 7 0 07780 07900 0.6 08 04 0.0005 Right Table 6,3: Cross culvert parameters Dickarga@) Required | Eaingsrcior, | —Remavis ome ba 050 o7 Tone Const Iline-900mm dia. new(Access culvert) Tas 255 | mst aia | Teron [Denn end 0+300, 048 Iline-900mm dia None Construct new 04360, Hine-900mm dia None Construct new 0560 Tin500mer dis“| None | Consmet ew 0+660. 0.416 lline-900mm dia_ Iline-900mm dia No need Ons Od Ti ds [ Tin 500m di Desig rau 30 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT:Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council 8. DESIGN FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (CR) 8.1 General ‘The budget set for CWT-Dar Mpaka Moro road is only Tzs. 32, 000, 000 .00 for all types of maintenance. Despite having a lot of defects/distresses, however itis difficult to correct all defects due to budgetary constraints. Having this in mind, an assessment has been done to sort out things that are more vulnerable to climate impact thus necessitate for their maintenance in order to restore the accessibility of the road throughout the year. The major climatic threat on this road is rainfall, thus the maintenance to be implemented should aim at providing means to enable the road to withstand the effect of the rain while providing a quality service to the community. 8.2 Observed vulnerable sections of this road to climate impact and measures to mitigate from impact After Road condition survey and assessment of areas/sections which are more vulnerable to climate impact and by considering the budgetary constraints the following activities are planned to be implemented. © Chainage 0+050, 0+135, 0+207, 04300 and 0+307 this points of road, water crosses the road. New culverts are required to be constructed to improve drainage across this road. Planned Activities: Construction of 2-lines of culverts at chainage 0+135, 0+307. ‘From chainage 0+000 to 0+800, side drains are required especially in RHS Planned Activities: Excavation of side drains (240m*) and construction of stone pitching (440m*) as per drawing at most severe sections observed during the time of implementation. ‘© Chainage 0+200 — 04270 this section is sunken Planned Activities : Fill with gravel material to uplevel the sunken area ‘* Chainage 0+000 to 1+000 the condition of the road is generally bad and impassable since there is no camber, a lot of ruts, sunken sections and poor drainage. Planned Activ : Heavy reshaping and gravelling and compaction (SM width of carriage way, 150mm layer thickness) for the whole road, 31 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT:Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council REFERENCES Ministry of Works, T. a, (2016). Low Volume Roads, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania: Goldprints. MoW. (1999). Pavement and Materials design manual. Tanzania: Ministry of Works. MoW. (2015). Manual for the Provision of Low Volume Roads. Tanzania: MoW. MoW. (2016). Manual for the Provision of Low Volume Roads, Tanzania: MoW. MoW, (2011). Road Geometric Design Manual Afcap website; GDP; and National Bureau Standards 32 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT:Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council APPENDICES 33, Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT:Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council APPENDIX 1: DCP MATERIAL TEST ANALYSIS AND ALIGNMENT SOIL PROPERTIES utp pont analysis Page of We tea ProjecpaterTiheren toa? Repo Anais Date: 04,2022 ——~ReadNumber: 195026, DCP test points included in analysi Dore pa Somaya Panion aamag G] cana Test 2 111 Maccn 2022 imuks 0398 overstressed festa Siren 702, samass 00 overstrssed ce stractre Number (DSN) (ow): n vine Dat 109 ce strctre Number (DSN (low): 5s Teac Loading iss TUG TLC 0.03 Ratio DSN e/25Nae] 8) a Standard Pavement Balance Curve (SPC: Category VI: Poorly Balanced Deep Sructure (P80) Average equivalent strength (Existing Pavement Structure) epth Whee ON EF Blows “hve EModa {vm {on low) own / blow) (wara) 151-300 waar 19 uv % 301-450 nas8 aa 2% % 41-600 mas a2 an u 601-800 un 18 10 26 * Weighted average penetration ate Pees ‘OCP Balance Curve SNapp (90 <= 8 <= 90), 0 es) Pavement depth (mm) Pavement depth (mm) ‘0 Number of OC? Blows Pavement Structure Number (% of DSN8O0) SReCAP 2.0%, Bul ate May 25 2001 (08:3 07,08 Aor, 2022 Projet fle: \User\usen Desktop CW: DAR MORO ROAD OC utp pont analysis Page ot See TLC003 Ave. Data Inadequate —= Adequate = = E DN (rm/bow) Average equivalent strength (Redefined-EasyDCP Pavement Structure] Depth We hve. OW 3 Blows “ave E Moda Av) {om low) {own / low) (ora) 30 1423 Te a % 110-230 1587 of a 8 230-330 ns? 03 2 6 330-480, 1505 56 n a 80-50 3320 00 ‘ ” 40-200 3478 18 2 26, SReCAP 2.0%, Bul ate May 25 2001 Projet fle: C\Users\usr\Destop\CWT DAR MORO ROAD DCP. (08:34 0, 08 Ase, 2022 Page sof 100] 200] 00] 00] 00] Pavement depth (mm) 600] 700] Deviation from Standard Pavement Balance Curve (SPBC) %mm 95 Sa ey == T1c003 | Ave, Date = Inadequate —= Adequat 200] Pavement depth (mm) «0 DN (mmo) E-Moduli (MPa) and Layer Strength Diagram (Existing Pavement Structure] este "hve Moda (oom) (ora) 301-450 6 451-600 2» 01-90 26 E-Moduli (MPa) and Laver Strength Diagram (Redefined EasyDCP Pavement Structure] epee "hve Moa (com) (ors) Projet fle: \User\usen Desktop CW: DAR MORO ROAD OC ReCAP (08:34 0, 08 Ase, 2022 Ceo Paget Cd === T1c003 20 Pavement depth (mm) «0 Ave. oate Inadequate —= Adequate Elastic Moduli, (MPa) T1003 Ave. Data = Inadequate —= Adequat 200] Pavement depth (mm) «0 Elastic Moduli, (MPa) Summary of + and eas (Curve fitt table - Exist structure) Dei Cumatatve ares (om) (ermm), A 0-376 Ter a77- 788 26 75792 3 ‘Bolu Area as Projet fle: C\Users\usr\Destop\CWT DAR MORO ROAD DCP. ReCAP 6 07, 08 Ao rox utp pont analysis Pages of DCP Penetration data FromTa (end ep md Bows per Tom Ave BN fave EModut (m/w) nea) 3-40 ry 375 2 41-50 30 a5 2 51-60 60 a5 2 1-70 0 a5 2 nao 20 us % 81-30 30 nn % 31-100 200 280 4 yoL-no 0 08 a i120 20 on 100 mi-130 0 on 100, it 140 on 100 281-290 20 Bet ne 21-300 300 826 9 sono x0 768 28 311-320 320 78 re an-330 330 186 1m a0 30 635 182 31350 350 635 182 351-360 360 sn 176 sa1-s40 $40 ss si1-550 380 4% Ss1-s60 60 0 61-570 $7 0 s7i-5a0 00 ” 81-590 590 ” 91-600 500 % 01-610 510 a ReCAP 2.0%, Bul ate May 25 2001 meee. (5:6 07,08 Aor, 2022 Projet fle: C\Users\usr\Destop\CWT-DAR MORO ROAD DCP cenb utp pont analysis Page af 7-690 90 n ssa 2 81-650 50 2 ros 3 rel-770 170 * 2420 3 m7 190 76 2430 38 ra1-790 790 6 2420 38 1-200 200 ” soa @ * Weighted average penetration ote 01, ud Date May 252021 Projet fle: C\Users\usr\Destop\CWT-DAR MORO ROAD DCP cenb ReCAP (08:34 0, 08 Ase, 2022 Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT:Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council APPENDIX 2: SUMMARY OF HYDROLOGY REPORTS baranster symbol | unt | case suoy Seurectinfomatin Fpeatsrar atone Stepoierstons rowan [sed etree rs, Soo eter 50.00 ma Tea) —E aT PS Soc earth SOO a Testing ong] —§ SOSH, FS Soop arr SOUS [ss ana orzyerranan peo a ne = TeReT Te ware earl ape oTTLepSTOT lewsirere Taser var wd abe Tele worked war Appa Fee Zand T TS PATA RS I rar F TSE Jo 2¢ennt fat | men 1a (W024 x28 “Tiana ows Saha whe amp haa oi Sand Tale ITAL ‘pherenal aan, and fiedaey| 65 3 Seare iled sey! 035] 3 [ciate ror e ass aeeoa, [cnsane E ea ind or BL oo 6 fesevor azine n 35 TIRES waned earl oi Tal ALDGATE oat atime Te ear a BE ay aT bes sedcinn cor Bae ass Air = 1003903) sna ese os ae TETAR TERIOR [eae Tet ren ot Teese [rue run Om 90 aS tg OT [rags cage Bog ae 33 Gees 95 HOON OT Hood wae stensior me Te | hes [oar suf 255905) re em a Aira (4 SPA een ats fre sic mn 2 ad watson ie Ta [or [a7 "(fae 2505). baranster symbol | unt | case suoy Seurectinfomatin Fpeatsrar atone Stepoierstons rowan [sed etree rs, Soo eter 50.00 ma Tea) —E ma PS Soc earth SOO a Testing ong] —§ Trask FS Soop arr SOUS [ss ana orzyerranan peo a ne = TeReT Te ware earl ape oTTLepSTOT lewsirere ca este eh obo he werk arp epee Pre? 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Channel Report Fydrafow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 30® by Autodesk, Ine. SIDE DRAINS-CWT-DAR MORO ROAD Wednesday, May 25 2022 Depth (m) 4.2000 0.9000 0.6000 0.2900 Trapezoidal Highlighted Bottom Width (m) 0.6000 Depth (m) 0.6800 Side Slopes (z:1) 0.4000, 0.4000 Q (cms) 1.0325 Total Depth (m) 0.8000 Area (sqm) 0.5930 Invert Elev (rm) 1221.0000 Velocity (mis) 17412 Slope (%) 4.0000 Wetted Perim (m) 20648 N-Value 0.025 Crit Depth, Ye (m) 0.5852 Top Width (m) 1.1440 Calculations EGL (m) 0.8346 Compute by: Qvs Depth No. Increments = 20 Elev (m) Section 1222,2000 1221.90 1221.6000 1221,2800 1221,0000 120.6900 1220.4000, oo 8 4 6 7% 9 105 42 «419 «15 165° «18 Reach (m) 0.0000 0.3101 0.6000 Culvert Report Fydrafow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 30® by Autodesk, Ine. Wednesday, Apr 27 2022 1-LINE 900mm dia,PIPE CULVERT ALONG CWT-DAR MPAKA MORO ROAD Invert Elev Dn (m) 4218,0080 Calculations Pipe Length (m) 7.0000 Qmin (cms) = 0.1400 Slope (%) 0.4986 Qmax (cms) 0.5600 Invert Elev Up (m) 1218,0430 Tailwater Elev (m) (de+Dy2. Rise (mm) 900.0 Shape Circular Highlighted Span (mm) 900.0 Qtotal (cms) 0.1400 No. Barrels 1 Qpipe (cms) 0.1400 n-Value 0.012 Qovertop (cms) 0.0000 Culvert Type Circular Conerete Veloc Dn (m/s) 0.3390 Culvert Entrance ‘Square edge w/headwall (C) _Veloc Up (m/s) 1.2166 Coeff. K,M,c,Y,k 0.0098, 2, 0.0398, 0.67,0.5 HGLDn(m) 1218.5650 HGL Up (m) 1218.2560 Embankment Hw Elev (m) 1218.3310 Top Elevation (m) 1219.4430 Hw/D (m) 0.3197 Top Width (m) 6.0000 Flow Regime Inlet Control Crest Width (m) 0.0000 asm “HUINE soGnm ia PIPE CULVERT ALONG CWE DAR MPAA MORO ROAD roe) Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT:Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council APPENDIX 3: DRAWINGS umvvA warm 34k yimannasn UBwven Dk ye¥ Nouaas TWNGYH NV EET fasrofe 34 fare 30 7 Thin hd er 8 9 Cyr C1 z L eozreetea seer ara esses ra copou aaowNeR PROIRE eapynvn L9RUSH “Byers ¥nsor #9 Nouns a GLO-s1es0U09 YoY) WS J lem Atuosew auo}g yoIuy WUu9S}——_, 00S SSMOn umynvn Teo peoy [eAe19-ST1V190 NoILoas avou Design Report for Periodic Maintenance of CWT:Dar-Moro Road in Sengerema District Council APPENDIX 4: BOQ

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