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Word list
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Unit 1. The Code of Hammurabi

Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 empire n. many lands that are ruled by one 제국
2 irrigation canal n. a path made for water to be used for (농공학) 용수로(用水路)
3 grid n. a pattern of lines that are crossed in a 격자무늬
planned way
4 taxation n. a requirement that people pay money 조세
to their government
5 punishment n. unpleasant consequences for actions 처벌
that break laws or rules
6 justice n. maintaining fairness among people 공평성
7 slab n. a thick piece of material like stone or 평판, 판
8 government n. an organization that has political rule 정부
over a certain area or population
9 conquer v. to overtake by force in battle or war 정복하다
syn. defeat
10 illegal adj. not following the rule of law syn. 불법의
11 inflict v. to make someone experience (괴로움 등을) 가하다
unpleasantness syn. impose
12 distribute v. to hand something out over an area or 배부하다
among people syn. spread
13 influence v. to have an effect on a person or a 영향을 주다
situation syn. impact
14 principle n. a strong belief that people act on syn. 원칙
15 predecessor n. one who comes before another 전임자; 이전 것
16 orderly adj. in a planned and peaceful way 정돈된; 질서 있는
syn. organized
17 describe v. to talk or write about the details of 묘사하다
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something syn. tell about

18 massive adj. extremely large and heavy 거대한
syn. colossal
19 put on display to leave something out for others to see 전시하다
syn. show
20 in fact the way things are in reality syn. really 사실상
21 such as in the same way syn. for example ~와 같은
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Unit 2 . The Three Climate Zones of West and Central Africa Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 climate n. the pattern of weather in an area 기후
of the world
2 plain n. a large area of land that is 평원
mostly flat and dry
3 ecological adj. related to the interaction 생태계의
between plants and animals and
their environment
4 transitional adj. related to conditions that are 과도적인
5 plateau n. an area of land that is mostly flat 고원
and at a higher elevation than the
area surrounding it
6 oasis n. a place in a desert with water 오아시스
and trees
7 vegetation n. the plant life in a certain area (특히 특정 지역・환경의) 초목[식물]
8 tropical adj. of or occurring in a moist and 열대의
generally warm climate
9 flat adj. level having a surface that 평평한
remains the same and is not curved
10 survive v. to continue to live 살아남다
11 ideal adj. perfect exactly meeting 이상적인
12 distance n. expanse amount of space 거리
between people, places or things
13 landscape n. the combined physical features 풍경
of a large area of nature
14 environment n. the relationship between climate, 환경
water, soil and living things
15 affect v. to make a change in something 영향을 주다
16 characteristic n. a particular trait of some person 특징
or thing syn. feature
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17 receive v. to be given something syn. get 받다

18 crop n. fruit and vegetables that come 작물
from a seasonal harvest
syn. produce
19 think ahead to plan in advance 미리 계획하다
20 be crowded with having a high concentration of ~로 붐비다; ~이 가득하다
21 have (little) room (not) possessing adequate space ~을 위한 공간이 있다(없다)
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Unit 3. How Light Works Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 energy n. the capacity that something has to work, 에너지, 힘
move or bring about change syn. power
2 source n. the beginning, or the starting point of 원천, 근원
something syn. origin
3 wave n. a line that rises and falls 파, 파장
4 bounce off v. to move away from a surface as the result of 튕겨나가다
striking it
5 reflection n. the action of light or sound changing 반사
direction as a result of bouncing off a surface
6 prism n. a transparent block of glass that can divide 프리즘, 분광기
white light into different colors
7 spectrum n. the range of colors in white light, visible (빛의) 스펙트럼
when separated by a prism
8 coal n. black, dense matter that can be burned as 석탄
9 object n. an entity that is not living syn. thing 사물
10 absorb v. to draw in 흡수하다
11 separate v. to move or keep things away from each 분리하다
other syn. part
12 analyze v. to carefully consider the parts that make up 분석하다
some situation syn. dissect
13 direction n. the course along which something could 방향
move syn. way
14 perceive v. to know of something through one of the five 인지하다
senses syn. sense
15 combination n. a thing that is the result of many things put 결합(물)
together syn. composition
16 represent v. to present something or convey a meaning in 나타내다, 상징하다
the form of a sign syn. symbolize
17 immediately adv. happening right away without any time 즉시
being lost syn. instantly
18 individual adj. existing as an unique entity 각각의
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19 turn on to cause to begin functioning (전기 등을) 켜다

20 give off to send out or away from (냄새·열·빛 등을) 내다[발하다]

21 make up to constitute 구성하다
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Unit 4. The Food Chain Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 producer n. a living thing (like a plant) that makes its 생산자
own food and can be used for food
2 organism n. a living thing 유기체, 생물
3 consumer n. a living thing that must eat other living 소비자
things as food in order to live
4 decomposer n. a living thing that consumes and breaks 분해자
apart dead matter
5 bacterium n. a very small living thing which often causes 세균
a disease pl. bacteria
6 fungus n. a living thing that consumes decaying 곰팡이류
matter pl. fungi
7 tissue n. a group of cells that form parts of living (세포들로 이뤄진) 조직
8 path n. a course along which some process 길, 방향
9 sustain v. to allow to continue happening or living 살아가게 하다
10 transfer v. to move or change the positioning of 옮기다
something in relation to something syn. shift
11 nutrient n. a substance that contributes to the health 영양분
of a living organism
12 visualize v. to make a picture in the mind 마음 속에 그려보다
13 demonstrate v. to prove or make an example by visual 보여주다, 증명하다
means syn. show
14 maintenance n. the process by which something is kept in 유지
good condition syn. upkeep
15 primary adj. basic syn. fundamental 기본의
16 connected adj. joined together syn. linked 결합된; 관계가 있는
17 creature n. living thing syn. organism 생물
18 constantly adv. not changing or stopping 끊임없이
19 depend to require support from some source ~에 의존하다
(rely) on
20 in addition to over and above ~에 덧붙여
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21 break down to decompose or divide into parts 분해되다
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Unit 5. Pancakes of the World Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 recipe n. instructions for making a certain food 조리법
2 topping n. something you put on top of food to 고명, 토핑
make it look good or to add flavor
3 savory adj. tasty, but not sweet 맛 좋은; 자극적인, 매콤한
4 buckwheat n. a small grain used for making flour 메밀
5 batter n. a mixture that usually contains flour and 반죽
milk or water and is used for cooking
6 lentil n. a small bean-like seed that can be 렌즈콩
7 whisk v. to mix quickly so that air is added 휘젓다, 휘저어 거품을 내다
8 spatula n. a flat kitchen tool mostly used to turn 주걱
things over while cooking
9 customary adj. often done and practiced since old 관례적인
times syn. usual
10 ritual n. an event or process that is done in the 의례; 의례적인 일
same way repeatedly syn. ceremony
11 competition n. an event between two or more rivals to 대회, 시합
determine which is best at something syn.
12 stir v. to mix in a circular motion 젓다
13 ingredient n. something that is put into a mixture or (요리 등의) 재료
14 comparable adj. having features or characteristics 비슷한
similar to someone or something else
15 annual adj. occurring once every year 매년의
16 lack v. to be without syn. miss ~이 없다, 부족하다
17 assortment n. a group of various things 모음, 종합
18 nonetheless adv. however; still 그럼에도 불구하고
19 in terms of describing something as measured by ~ 면에서
something else
20 call for to list as something needed for a recipe ~을 필요로 하다
21 be accompanied to happen or be present alongside ~을 동반하다

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Unit 6. The Children of Ancient Rome Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 stilt n. one of two wooden sticks that has a 대말, 죽마
place for the foot and is used to raise a
walking person
2 knucklebones n. an ancient game played with five small 지골 구슬로 하는 공기놀이
objects which are thrown up and caught
3 drape v. to cause cloth to hang or fold over (옷・천 등을 느슨하게)
something 걸치다[씌우다]
4 locket n. a piece of jewelry with a small space for 로켓(사진 등을 넣어
holding things, generally worn around the 목걸이에 다는 작은 갑)
neck on a chain
5 charm n. a small object designed to protect its (행운의 상징으로 목걸이나
owner, often worn on a necklace or 팔찌 등에 다는) 부적[
bracelet 장식물]
6 sew v. to join together with needle and thread 바느질하다
7 weave v. to use an interlacing pattern to make (옷감・카펫・바구니 등을)
clothing or baskets 짜다[엮다]
8 literature n. artful and expressive writing 문학
9 socialize v. to interact with other people 사귀다, 교제하다
10 typical adj. in the manner of the normal syn. 전형적인
11 observe v. to watch and note changes syn. see 관찰하다
12 accept v. to allow to become a part of syn. 받아들이다, 받아주다
13 formal adj. following structure and tradition 격식을 차린
14 responsibility n. something done with the belief that is 책임
the proper thing to be done syn. duty
15 occasion n. an occurrence which does not often 일
happen syn. incident
16 include v. to contain something as a part of a 포함하다
17 provide v. to make things available to someone 제공하다
syn. supply

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18 manage v. to be in charge 관리하다, 감독하다

19 ward off to keep away ~을 피하다, 막다
20 be supposed to intended for the purpose of ~하기로 되어 있다
21 according to referring to information from ~에 따르면

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Unit 7. National flags of the World Word list

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No Words Meaning Translation

1 identity n. the qualities that make a person or group 신원, 정체
what they are
2 population n. a group of living organisms that share (어떤 일에 종사하는・특정
certain traits 범주에 속하는) 인구[동물들]
3 revolution n. a sudden, complete change in government 혁명
syn. rebellion
4 hardiness n. the quality of being able to withstand 인내력, 강인성
difficulties syn. robustness
5 solidarity n. agreement between all the members in a 연대, 결속
group, resulting from their shared beliefs
syn. unity
6 crescent n. the shape of the moon when less than half 초승달 모양
of it is visible
7 Christianity n. a religion based on the teachings of Jesus 기독교
8 origin n. where something comes from 기원
syn. beginning
9 identical adj. appearing to be exactly the same 동일한
10 honor n. the quality of always acting in the correct 도의심
manner syn. integrity
11 unity n. the quality of being connected through 통합, 연합
shared beliefs
12 respectively adv. in the order listed (언급된 순서대로) 각각
13 vary v. to change from time to time syn. differ (상황에 따라) 달라지다
14 recognize v. to identify clearly syn. realize 깨닫다
15 glimpse n. a brief sighting 잠깐 봄

16 Intent n. reason for doing something syn. purpose 의도

17 coincidence n. an instance of two things happening at the 동시 발생
same time
18 form v. to bring into existence 만들어내다
19 stand for to symbolize 상징하다
20 for instance for example 예를 들면
21 result from because of ~에서 기인하다

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Unit 8. Sound and Echolocation Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 vibration n. repetitive shaking while staying in 진동
one place syn. quiver
2 particle n. a tiny piece of matter 입자
3 ripple n. a small waves on the surface of 잔물결
4 length n. a measured distance or duration 거리, 기간
5 texture n. the way the surface of something 질감
appears to the eyes and to the touch
6 ultrasound n. sound that is above the range that 초음파
humans can hear
7 moth n. a kind of insect that is similar to a 나방
butterfly but duller in color
8 prey n. an animal that may be eaten by 먹이감
another animal
9 grab v. to grasp suddenly syn. take (와락) 붙잡다
10 detail n. a specific trait that is part of 세부 사항
something larger syn. particular
11 invisible adj. unable to be seen 볼 수 없는
12 species n. a specific kind of animal syn. sort 종 (種: 생물 분류의 기초
13 navigate v. to make one’s way along a journey 길을 찾다; 항해하다
14 reach v. to travel as far as ~에 닿다, 이르다
15 determine v. to conclude what something is after 알아내다, 결정하다
having observed it and thought about it
syn. decide
16 escape v. to avoid or get away from some bad 탈출하다, 벗어나다
situation syn. evade
17 effective adj. producing a desired result syn. 효과적인
18 tap v. to hit something lightly 톡톡 치다
19 make sense of to understand ~을 이해하다
20 in other words expressed another way 다시 말하면

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21 have the ability to able to do something ~을 할 수 있다

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Unit 9. The Human Immune System Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 infection n. the invasion of the body by germs 감염
2 antibacterial adj. fighting or stopping the growth of 항균성의
3 mucus n. a slippery bodily fluid 점액
4 enzyme n. a chemical substance produced by 효소
living cells that contributes to important
chemical reactions in the body
5 digest v. to change food into energy and 소화하다
6 antibody n. any of various substances in the 항체
body that fights infection
7 swelling n. an instance in which a part of the 부기
body becomes larger
8 lymph n. a tissue mass in the body that helps 임파선
gland(node) fight infection by catching foreign
9 germ n. a life form that is too small to be 세균
seen that causes illness syn. pathogen
10 invader n. someone or something that enters 침입자
by force
11 recognition n. the act of knowing or identifying 알아봄, 인식
someone or something
12 substance n. that which takes up space and has 물질
mass; stuff syn. matter
13 recollection n. the act of remembering 기억
14 witness v. to see something happen 목격하다
syn. observe
15 detect v. to become aware of syn. perceive 알아내다, 감지하다
16 function v. to be in action syn. operate 기능하다
17 obstruct v. to keep something out syn. block 막다
18 advance a. done ahead of time 사전의
19 fight off to fight against or keep away ~와 싸워 물리치다

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20 lock up to keep something in a place ~을 안전한 곳에 넣어두다

21 carry out to complete 수행하다

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Unit 10. The Ancient Olympic Games Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 athletic adj. having to do with sports 육상의
2 sacred truce n. a highly special and respected 휴전
agreement to stop fighting for a
period of time
3 spectator n. a person who watches an event or 관중
4 sprint n. a (usually) short run at the highest 전력질주
speed possible
5 chariot n. an ancient wagon with two wheels 마차, 전차
that was drawn by a horse
6 contestant n. a person who competes in a 참가자
7 spear n. a weapon with a sharp end 창
attached to a long stick
8 laurel wreath n. a circle of leaves or branches that 월계관
symbolizes victory, and was worn by
the winner of a competition
9 accuracy n. the quality of being as near as 정확도
possible to some ideal or goal
10 practice v. to do something regularly or 연습하다
11 allot v. to give some portion of 할당하다
12 reminder n. an act or message meant to help 상기시키는 것
someone remember
13 significance n. the importance of something 중요성
14 territory n. land that is under the control of a 영토
government syn. dominion
15 attempt v. to make an effort to do something 시도하다
syn. try
16 independent adj. not being controlled by others 독립적인
syn. self-governing
17 bar v. to not allow to enter or take part in 막다, 금지하다

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syn. exclude
18 regard v. to consider someone or something ~으로 여기다
in a particular way

19 be based on founded on, begun in a certain way ~에 근거하여 있다

20 be made up of consisting of ~으로 구성되다
21 be preceded by having something that has come ~에 선행되다, ~ 후에 일어나다

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Unit 11. Medieval Castles Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 pest n. an insect or animal that is harmful to 해충
2 plumbing n. a system of drains and pipes that bring 배관
in and take away water and gas
3 fortify v. to make something stronger in order to 강화하다
protect it
4 ditch n. a long, narrow channel that is dug into 배수로
the ground, usually as a way to direct water
or divide land
5 armory n. a place where an army’s weapons are 무기고
6 treasure house n. a place where valuables are kept and 보물 창고
7 orchard n. an area where fruit or nut trees have 과수원
been planted
8 tournament n. a competition in which players compete 토너먼트
against each other in a series of games
until there is one winner
9 evolve v. to slowly change (점진적으로) 발달하다
10 architecture n. the art of making buildings 건축
11 construct v. to build something by combing different 건설하다
parts to form a whole
12 besides prep. along with ~ 외에
13 eventually adv. in the end 결국
14 chamber n. an enclosed area in a building syn. room (특정 목적용) -실(室)
15 surrounding adj. the quality of something being around 인근의, 주위의
something on all sides syn. encircling
16 structure n. something that is built for some purpose 구조물
syn. construction
17 artificial adj. not produced by nature syn. fake 인공의
18 feast n. a large, special meal for many people 연회
19 give rise to to lead to the development of ~이 생기게 하다

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20 go about to approach or deal with something in a 일을 하다, 시작하다

certain manner
21 be replaced by to take the place of ~으로 대체되다

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Unit 12. How the Stock Market Works Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 term n. a name used to describe a concept 용어
2 ownership n. act of having something as property 소유(권)
3 stockholder n. a person who owns shares of a 주주
4 debt n. the state of needing to repay another 빚(을 진 상태)
5 loan n. money lent with interest charged 대출(금)
6 dividend n. a part of a company’s profit that is 배당금
paid to the people with shares in it
7 aggressively adv. done in a bold way 공격적으로
8 cautious adj. careful to avoid risks 조심스러운
9 investor n. someone who lends money in the 투자자
hope that they will make a profit
10 available adj. able to be used or included 이용 가능한
11 guarantee n. a promise that something will happen 굳은 약속, 보장
12 overall adj. everything considered in total syn. 종합적인
13 perform v. to act according to expectation syn. 수행하다
14 trading n. the activity of buying and selling in (상)거래
business and finance syn. commerce
15 doubt v. to not be sure that things are as they 의심하다
appear syn. distrust
16 acquire v. to come to have syn. get 획득하다
17 benefit n. to be useful or profitable to syn. gain 혜택, 이득
18 expand v. to increase in size, number or 확장되다
19 in theory according to ideas about what could be 이론상으로는
20 be wary of be cautious of ~을 조심하다
21 come out ahead to finish something with benefit to one’s 이익을 올리고 끝나다

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Unit 13. Sink or Float? Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 float v. to stay at the top of a liquid 뜨다
2 sink v. to drop to the bottom of a liquid 가라앉다
3 density n. the amount of matter per unit of 밀도, 농도
4 molecule n. the smallest unit of a substance 분자
that is composed of at least two
5 experiment n. a test done to learn something or 실험
to find out if something works or is
6 jar n. a ceramic or glass container, 병
usually used for storing food
7 fresh water n. water that is not salty 담수

8 dissolve v. to spread out within a liquid 녹다

9 opposite n. something that is in direct 반대되는 것
opposition to some other thing
10 compare v. to say how two things are alike 비교하다

11 determine v. to conclude what something is 결정하다

after having observed it and thought
about it syn. decide
12 bottom n. the lowest point 맨 아래
13 notice v. to perceive something 의식하다, 알다
14 predict v. to say what will happen in the 예측하다
future syn. foretell
15 observation n. act of noticing something that 관찰
16 displace v. to move something into a 옮겨놓다
different space syn. relocate
17 slightly adv. to a small degree syn. 약간

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18 whether conj. should it be the case ~인지; ~이든

19 come up with to think of an idea 생각해내다
20 be equal to the same in amount or quality ~와 같다
21 on the other hand to consider something in another 다른 한편으로는

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Unit 14. How Spacesuits Work Word List

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No Words Meaning Translation

1 atmosphere n. the mixture of gases that is 대기
around a planet
2 air pressure n. the force exerted by the weight 기압
of air
3 oxygen n. a colorless gas that is present 산소
in air on Earth and needed for
most animals and plants to live
4 nitrogen n. a colorless gas that forms 질소
most of the Earth’s air
5 canister n. a container that can be used to 통
hold things
6 communication n. the act of exchanging 의사소통
information, thoughts, or feelings
7 radio n. a piece of electronic 전파 병기
equipment equipment that is used to
communicate over a distance
8 ground n. someone who directs airplanes 지상 관제팀
controller or spacecraft from a place on the
9 coordinate v. to arrange for the timing of 조직화하다, 편성하다
events to work together well syn.
10 fluid n. a substance which flows and is 액체
not solid syn. liquid
11 vacuum n. a space which contains no 진공
12 insulate v. to protect from change in 단열 처리를 하다
13 expose v. to leave unprotected 노출시키다

14 eliminate v. to get rid of syn. discharge 제거하다

15 shield v. to shelter from harm syn. 보호하다, 가리다


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16 fluctuation n. a change in a price, amount, 변동

level etc
17 capacity n. the quality of having ability syn. 능력
18 potential n. the ability to develop or 가능성, 잠재력
19 deal with to take action regarding some ~을 처리하다
20 breathe out to release the breath 숨을 내쉬다
21 build up to accumulate 모으다; 늘어나다

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Unit 15. Inventive Entrepreneurs Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 Capital n. money or property, especially used 자본
to produce more wealth or start a
2 fund v. to provide money for an event, 자금을 대다
activity, or organization
3 venture n. a new business project that 벤처 사업
involves financial risk
4 niche n. a specialized area of demand for a (시장의) 틈새
product or a service
5 practical adj. relating to that which is useful 실용적인
and can be put into effect
6 technically adv. concerning special skills 기술적으로

7 financially adv. having to do with money 재정적으로

8 risk n. an action attempted that carries 위험
with it the chance of failure
9 combine v. to put together 결합하다
10 ignore v. to purposely not take notice of 무시하다
11 directly adv. in the manner of something that 곧장
happens without hesitation
12 complicated adj. not simple or direct, difficult to 복잡한
13 strain n. a force that puts pressure on 중압, 압박
something, sometimes causing
14 commonplace adj. occurring often syn. ordinary 아주 흔한
15 spot v. to see or notice someone or 발견하다, 알아채다
16 essential adj. basic and important syn. 근본적인
17 manufacture v. to make things on a large scale 제조하다
syn. mass-produce

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18 unify v. to bring together 통합하다

19 make a to decide what to do or to choose 결정하다
20 pass up to decline to do something 거절하다, 포기하다
21 be tired of to begin to dislike some situation ~에 싫증나다

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Unit 16. The Renaissance Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 creativity n. the ability to think of or create 창의성
something new
2 geographical adj. having to do with geography 지리학상의
3 thinker n. a person who thinks carefully about 사상가
important subjects or produces new ideas
4 philosophy n. a particular set of ideas and principles 철학
about life
5 humanism n. a belief system that sets people at the 인문주의
center and views that people’s needs can
be satisfied without religious beliefs
6 realism n. artistic representation of things as they 현실주의
really are
7 astronomer n. a scientist who observes objects in 천문학자
space and how they move
8 scientific n. the process through which scientists 과학적 방법
method collect data to construct an accurate
representation of the world
9 continent n. a vast geographic area that occupies a 대륙
plate on the Earth’s crust
10 curiosity n. the quality of wanting to know about 호기심
many things
11 emphasize v. to call attention to 강조하다
12 encourage v. to support and help to accomplish 고무하다
13 realistic adj. like reality 현실적인
14 consequently adv. as a result syn. therefore 결과적으로
15 imitate v. to try to be more like some other thing 모방하다
syn. copy
16 average adj. not unusual syn. ordinary 평균의
17 thoroughly adv. to a great extent syn. completely 완전히
18 contact n. written or spoken communication with 연락
19 go through to experience 경험하다

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20 as well also ~도 또한
21 due to because of ~ 때문에

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Unit 17. Time Zone Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 revolve v. to move around something along (축을 중심으로) 돌다[회전하다]
a circular path
2 rotate v. to turn around an axis while 회전하다
remaining in place
3 solar time n. time measured according to the 태양시
sun’s movement
4 reference point n. a point to which other points or (판단・비교용) 기준

lines are referred, usually in terms

of distance and direction
5 leap second n. a positive or negative second 윤초
adjusted to UTC that makes it close
to astronomical time
6 physical n. a mark that shows where one 물리적 경계
boundary area ends and another starts
7 longitude n. the distance east or west of an 경도
imaginary line along the Earth’s
surface running North to South
8 pole n. the northernmost or 극
southernmost point on the Earth
9 matter v. to be important or to have an 중요하다
10 adoption n. the act of putting something into 채택
11 confusing adj. unclear and hard to understand 혼란스러운
12 forward adv. towards the front or in 앞으로
13 vertical adj. pointing straight up at an angle 수직의
of 90 degrees to a flat surface
14 establish v. to formally begin something syn. 설립하다
15 maintain v. to work to stay at the same level 유지하다
syn. keep up

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16 evenly adv. in equal amounts syn. equally 균등하게

17 contain v. to keep within syn. hold 포함하다

18 globe n. the earth or a round sphere that 지구(본)
represents the earth
19 keep track of to be constantly aware of changes ~에 대해 계속 알고 있다
in activity or location
20 in relation to considering another thing when ~에 관하여; ~와 비교하여
addressing a subject
21 lead to to bring about ~을 유발하다

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Unit 18. The Forces of Flight Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 propel v. to cause to move forward 나아가게 하다
2 aviation n. the science of making planes fly 항공(술)
3 curved adj. not straight; possessing curves 곡선의
4 resistance n. a force which makes a moving 저항
object slow down
5 streamlined adj. designed to move efficiently and 유선형의
quickly through the air or water
6 scale n. an instrument that measures 저울
7 stable adj. not likely to move or change syn. 안정된
8 opposing force n. a power that counteracts some 반대되는 힘
other power
9 exceed v. to go past expectations 넘다, 초과하다
10 likewise adj. in a similar manner syn. similarly 마찬가지로
11 inspire v. to cause to want to do something 고무하다, (감정을) 불어 넣다
12 overcome v. to accomplish in spite of opposing 극복하다
forces syn. surmount
13 delicate adj. easily harmed or torn syn. fragile 부서지기 쉬운
14 conventional adj. in an ordinary manner syn. 관례적인
15 generate v. to make syn. produce 만들어 내다
16 involve v. to make someone or something a 포함하다
part of an act or process syn. include
17 factor n. one of the reasons for some 요인
outcome syn. contribution
18 particular adj. relating to something special or 특정한
19 slow down to make less quick 속도를 늦추다
20 pull up to use force to draw something 끌어 올리다
21 cut down to reduce 줄이다

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Unit 19. Charles Darwin and Evolution Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 evolution n. the process in which animals and 진화
plants change and develop gradually
over a long period of time
2 botanist n. a scientist that studies plants 식물학자
3 geology n. a branch of science concerned with 지질학
the history of the Earth and its physical
4 finch n. a kind of small songbird that has a 되새류(부리가 짧은 작은 새)
cone-shaped bill
5 specimen n. a sample of something that is to be 견본, 표본
studied scientifically
6 natural selection n. the process through which genes are 자연 선택
passed on or eliminated
7 reproduce v. to bear offspring 번식하다
8 dominate v. to strongly influence 지배하다
9 fascination n. having a great amount of interest 매혹
10 expedition n. a journey made for a certain reason 탐험
11 trait n. an inherited characteristic or 특성
12 encounter v. to have interaction with 접하다
13 reject v. to refuse 거절하다
14 alter v. to cause to be different syn. change 바꾸다
15 notion n. a fleeting way of thinking about 개념
something syn. idea
16 profession n. the main activity in which someone 직업
makes money syn. occupation
17 proof n. a thing or action showing that 증거
something is true syn. evidence
18 specific adj. relating to one particular thing 구체적인
19 millions of some number of millions 수백만의, 수많은
20 over generations coming to be after many life cycles 여러 세대에 걸쳐
21 for further study in order to do more research 더 많은 연구를 위해

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Unit 20. Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel Ceiling Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 chapel n. a building which is used for 예배당
Christian worship
2 sculpture n. the art of making objects out of a 조각
material such as stone, wood, or clay
3 platform n. a tall, flat structure on which 단, 연단
people can stand or work
4 mold n. a soft, green or gray substance 곰팡이
that grows on old food or on objects
that are in warm, wet air
5 the apostles n. the group of early Christians who 사도
taught and spread the Christian
6 panel n. a flat and usually rectangular piece (문이나 벽에 붙이는 목재・유리
of material that forms part of a door, ・금속으로 된 사각형) 판
wall, etc.
7 Genesis n. the first book of the Bible, which 창세기
describes how God created the world
8 biblical figure n. an important or famous character 성서 인물
in or relating to the Bible
9 access v. to reach 접근하다
10 obstacle n. something which makes progress 장애물
11 innovative adj. new and creative 혁신적인
12 occupy v. to use in a space so that it cannot 차지하다
otherwise be used
13 precise adj. in a sharply defined manner syn. 정확한

14 commission v. to assign or hire to do a task syn. 의뢰하다

15 crumble v. to fall into small pieces syn. 허물어지다

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16 exhausted adj. to have used up all of one’s 기진맥진한

energy syn. spent
17 neglect v. to not give proper attention to 무시하다
something that warrants attention
syn. disregard
18 onlooker n. a person who watches a public 구경꾼
event but does not participate in it
19 be known for to be recognized or celebrated for ~으로 알려지다
someone or something
20 upside down with the top side turned to the bottom 거꾸로
21 reach out to extend out 뻗다


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