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CH-1 Evalution and fundanental
Ecanamie and_ Non-Fcanami Ac tiity
LAIL human begios haue deent typs needs.
So,n oadea to dgea90 hosa thoso needs
they bawe toplasm Some a he othes
oes Homan Acttie

Economic Non- ECOname

Achiuitie Acivihios

) FcohomicActivies-

Actiuties which Ose Undestaken by people_with

h e obáect al easnLDg monoy ase Knonas
QCo0omi activities
These activitfes aL0 concened wih_psoductian,
and sesuices.
xchange and dishibution agaods
pu-pose a economic actiuiHes should expectation
The 4usthe
money iocomewhich is used_n
CALahon woalth
Chasactesishcs Business
An econamicactiuity- Business is consides.ed as

a n eco0amic activihes inuoluing the puchas


peduction and /a Sale al oodsana s8uie

motive q easning Phaait by Saiyig
human needs in Society

2)Psaduc han og baocuAement oapocs

Business iocludes_allthe actiuihes Conceingd
yih the banduetion a haocusement ygod
and seaices Jar sales. Sekuices include
TAanspatation Banking iosusance et.hoads
mayConsiet toms.
3saleoa exchana a aoadc 4 Gouesa
Thereshauld be sale as ekchainge a
goadcandiseuices betueen the SelegA
and thebuyes,

4)Doalioa in doad seauicecc 9eaua

heae should be eguslasity q dealinas
O exebanga gpeds SAuicesOne Sigle
taansetiens sale_apuAchase does naf
Conshucte busuness.

5Panlteanioa he main bsose husines

s to eaan peo A business Connot Suszive
Laithout maKing ait
Page No.

o c
tmiau o
e s
Reue.oEvey bUSIness0vests mey
t h the abáehve af eaaning psalit but the
amount q PAaQit eas.ned may vas

Elemepis oaisk A l business actiuities Caay

elements isk bocausa Qustine is
uncetain andDusiness hasno Contaol dvea
seuesal Qactors lika, Staikoc, ixe +het, and
change 10 C o 0 S u m e taste ete.

*Comnasisan al Busness olllessieD and

Econamc Acuhies

Rusiness- oession Emalo2me -nT

Mánuactubing gaads * Medica Waske
Mioiong LegalL *Emplyae
Panducing a selling Accoutamy Salesman
*a electacnic goods.
BusinesS Reeis to pwachase, bsadkuchao anda
Sales dgcods and Seuices Cuith he obgective a
Panllession Tnclude thase actiuihes which aequae
Special Kaguwledge and chills in the occupathon

Page No.
Ohaec hive Buciness-The obiective a es
means h e purhose os wbich a business
established and casfed on.cbe. se G
abjehve is essenhal os success
he busioessman always baue mulhple objeche
ISEconomic Obaechve
2 Socia abjecive
Businesg Obaechive

Economic Soeia
LObAechue \obneci
Eanning Bolit Qualihy KSeaice at
Manhet Stand ing Gai paice.
Topouahon Auoidente ootisoc
0hmum uthilisatian a and unlaa taades
esLUALOS paachisss
Impsouing aoduchvity CaenssationEnmplayen
Empley welase
HCommunihy SEsuice
1)EasainaPadlits Bayt meaS exces
CVer the expeditune.The aeuenue
(onemostt and asee-
pLime objechive a Cuey businesSoman
pAdit A business Cannot Suwive isto eaan
PAit Nat oply Yo_ Susuival butwihaut Oasninq
it is alsa
eowth_andexparsion business

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