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We used a script-fading procedure to teach 3 children with autism to initiate bids for joint
attention. We examined the effects of (a) scripts, (b) varied adult scripted responses, and (c)
multiple-exemplar script training on promoting unscripted language during bids for joint
attention. All 3 participants learned to initiate bids for joint attention, and the response
generalized to untrained stimuli, conversation partners, and the classroom environment.
Key words: autism, joint attention, script fading

Children with autism often display rote and examining the use of written scripts to teach
repetitive language and have difficulty initiating children with autism to initiate bids for joint
social exchanges in a variety of contexts (e.g., attention. A secondary purpose was to examine
play, conversation). An identified component of the effects of (a) scripts, (b) varied adult
language development is joint attention, which responses to participants’ bids, and (c) multi-
involves the sharing of attention between two ple-script training on unscripted bids for joint
social partners and an object or event (Char- attention.
man, 2003) and is marked often by behaviors
such as pointing and shifting eye gaze from an METHOD
individual to the object. Children with autism
exhibit deficits in both initiating and respond- Participants
ing to bids for joint attention (Charman, 2003). Three children with autism participated in
Script-fading procedures have been used to the study. All participants could communicate
teach children with autism to initiate bids for joint using at least four- to five-word sentences and
attention (Krantz & McClannahan,1998; Mac- did not initiate bids for joint attention reliably.
Duff, Ledo, McClannahan, & Krantz, 2007). Kevin, a 7-year-old boy, attended a public
However, one limitation of previous studies is that school classroom; Jillian and Drew, a 4-year-old
unscripted language was scored if the response was girl and boy, respectively, attended a university-
emitted in the absence of the script. Thus, after based preschool. All three participants had a
the script was removed, the participant could have complex language repertoire (e.g., they could
used only scripted statements, and all would have initiate conversation and use five- to seven-word
been scored as unscripted. Given that one of the sentences). Kevin and Jillian could read five- to
defining characteristics of autism is rote and seven-word sentences; Drew was able to read
repetitive behavior, it is important to investigate one- to two-word phrases.
whether scripts promote language that deviates
from trained statements. Setting and Materials
The primary purpose of this study was to We conducted preteaching in the participants’
replicate and extend MacDuff et al. (2007) by individual learning area or in a quiet area of the
classroom. Teaching sessions were conducted in
Address correspondence to Thomas S. Higbee, Dept. of an infrequently used hallway at the school, and
Special Education and Rehabilitation, Utah State Univer- generalization to untrained stimuli and conver-
sity, 2865 Old Main Hill, Logan, Utah 84322 (e-mail: sation partners was assessed in either the same or
doi: 10.1901/jaba.2012.45-387 similar hallways. Generalization to the natural

388 JOY S. POLLARD et al.

Table 1
Scoring Criteria and Examples of Unscripted and Scripted Bids

Condition Criteria Unscripted Scripted

Teaching and adult scripted Addition of words or phrases ‘‘Look, it’s a little doll’’ ‘‘Look, a baby’’
responses ‘‘Look, it is a baby’’
Omission of the word ‘‘look’’ ‘‘It’s a car’’ ‘‘Look, baby’’
or the item name
Same unscripted bid or ‘‘Hey, it’s a ball’’
variations of same statement ‘‘Hey, it’s a car’’
emitted to multiple objects
Multiple-script training All of the above including ‘‘Look, it’s a Potato Head, ‘‘Look, it’s a Potato Head’’ or
combination of trained scripts it has eyes’’ ‘‘Hey, it has eyes’’

environment occurred in another classroom or absence of the script. We defined unscripted

school hallways. statements as contextually appropriate state-
We identified 30 two- and three-dimensional ments that deviated from the originally trained
stimuli and assigned 10 of them to the gen- script by more than the addition, subtraction,
eralization condition. The remaining 20 stimuli or alteration of articles and conjunctions (see
were used during teaching, adult statements, Table 1 for scoring criteria and examples).
and multiple-script training conditions. We
chose stimuli that participants frequently con- Preteaching
tacted and were of potential interest (e.g., We first determined whether the participants
colorful objects and toys). We attached the text could tact all stimuli and read all words used in
script ‘‘Look, it’s a —’’ to each stimulus during the scripts. Unknown stimuli and words were
teaching sessions. taught in structured teaching sessions until
participants responded correctly for 100% of
Dependent Variables trials in one session. We also taught participants
Independent bids for joint attention were to read a different script of similar length to
scored if the participant (a) oriented to the ensure that they could read and follow a script.
object, (b) emitted a contextually appropriate
vocal statement, and (c) oriented to the con- Conditions
versation partner by physically turning the head We used a multiple baseline design across
or body toward the person within 2 s of making participants to evaluate the effects of several
a vocal statement. Independent bids did not conditions on scripted and unscripted bids for
need to occur in the specific sequence listed joint attention. Before each session, we prepared
above and were scored regardless of whether the the hallway with 10 two- and three-dimensional
script was present or whether the participant stimuli. We randomly chose stimuli from the
referred to the script (e.g., orienting to the adult pool of 20 and varied their location between
and then to the object while making a statement sessions (e.g., wall, floor, table). An adult
or orienting to the object and then to the adult walked down the hallway within approximately
after reading the script were both scored as 1 m of the participant. To control for other
independent if no prompts were used). variables that may influence unscripted lan-
Next, participants’ verbal statements were guage, the adult verbally responded to any
scored as scripted or unscripted. We defined verbalizations with the generic phrase ‘‘yes,
scripted statements as those that were trained that’s right’’ throughout all conditions except
specifically (i.e., ‘‘Look, it’s a —’’), independent the adult statements condition. Each session
of whether it was emitted in the presence or began with the adult saying ‘‘Let’s take a walk’’

and ended either when the participant initiated ‘vroom.’’’ Prior to the session, we assigned
a bid or walked past all 10 stimuli. adult responses and unsystematically varied
Baseline. The adult did not provide any statements throughout sessions.
prompts. Sessions ended when the participant Multiple-script training. The purpose of this
walked pass all 10 stimuli. condition was to determine if training multiple
Teaching. We attached the printed script, scripts simultaneously would further increase
‘‘Look, it’s a —,’’ to all stimuli. As the participants’ unscripted bids. We used the same
participant approached each stimulus, we stimuli as in the previous phases and created
physically prompted the participant from eight to 10 new scripts that could be used across
behind (a) to orient to the object, (b) to point several stimuli (e.g., ‘‘Look, it has eyes’’
to the script, and (c) to orient to the adult. We pertained to five stimuli). Prior to each session,
used a 2-s prompt-delay procedure to prompt we unsystematically varied the scripts and
the participant verbally to follow the script. placed them on all stimuli, ensuring that
Prompts were faded from most to least within statements matched the features of the stimulus.
sessions. Jillian and Drew required an error- We prompted participants to initiate bids with
correction procedure to reach criterion. If they the new scripts using the same procedures
missed a component, they were prompted to described in the teaching phase. Due to the
start the bid from the beginning (e.g., reorient quantity of scripts and projected amount of
to the object) and to complete the bid without time it would have required to fade the scripts,
errors. These prompts continued for errors typical fading procedures were not used.
made during the remainder of the study. Instead, we conducted probes throughout the
The scripts were faded by removing the last phase; all scripts were removed to assess
word until the script was no longer present. unscripted language because participants typi-
Fading occurred when the participant indepen- cally followed scripts when they were present
dently read the script for 90% of the stimuli and unscripted language could not be assessed.
across two consecutive sessions or for 100% of During probes, sessions were identical to
stimuli in one session. The teaching condition baseline, with the exception that error correc-
ended when no scripts were present and when tion was used for incomplete bids.
independent bids were initiated for 90% of the Generalization and maintenance. We assessed
stimuli across two consecutive sessions or for generalization of bids to untrained stimuli and
100% of stimuli in one session. We ended the conversation partners (peer and adult) once for
remaining conditions when participants’ un- each condition except the teaching condition.
scripted statements were maintained at stable Procedures were identical to baseline. Next, we
levels. assessed generalization to the natural environ-
Adult scripted responses. The purpose of this ment using a classroom and untrained hallways
condition was to evaluate the extent to which of the school with naturally occurring stimuli
adults’ language models increased participants’ (e.g., pictures on wall, bulletin boards). One
unscripted bids. Sessions were identical to the or two sessions were conducted during each
previous condition, with the exception that the condition except the teaching condition. Ses-
adult responded to bids with one of three sions lasted approximately 2 to 5 min and
statements pertaining to the feature, function, ended after the participant had walked the
or class of the stimulus. For example, if the perimeter of the room or length of the hall.
participant said, ‘‘Look, it’s a car,’’ the adult During classroom probes, sessions were
responded with one of the following: ‘‘Yes, it’s identical to baseline, with the exception that
red,’’ ‘‘Yes, it goes fast,’’ or ‘‘Yes, it says error correction (i.e., the participant was
390 JOY S. POLLARD et al.

prompted to complete a scripted bid) was used (e.g., ‘‘ball’’). All participants learned to
to maintain high levels of independent bids initiate bids for joint attention during teach-
so we could assess unscripted language dur- ing. Independent bids were maintained at
ing independent bids. During school hallway high levels during the adult scripted responses
probes, we used a model prompt because it was and multiple-script training conditions for all
less intrusive than a physical prompt. The adult participants.
initiated bids for joint attention to the During the teaching condition, we observed a
participant using a statement similar to the slight increase in unscripted language for Jillian
participants’ trained scripts. Last, we conducted and an increasing trend for Drew; however, we
a follow-up 6 weeks after training in either the did not observe an increase for Kevin. During
classroom or hallway. Procedures were identical adult scripted responses, we observed a slight
to those used in generalization probes. increase in unscripted language for Jillian and
Drew and a large increase for Kevin. Because
Treatment Fidelity and Interobserver Agreement scripts were reintroduced during the multiple-
We assessed interobserver agreement for all script training condition, we initially observed a
components of initiating bids for joint atten- decrease in unscripted bids for Kevin because he
tion. An agreement was scoredwhen both was following the scripts precisely. However,
observers recorded a correct or incorrect Jillian’s and Drew’s unscripted statements
response for the individual components in the remained stable. During the unscripted probes
bid. Interobserver agreement was calculated by in the multiple-script condition (i.e., scripts
dividing the number of agreements by the were removed from stimuli; open circles in
number of agreements plus disagreements and
Figure 1), Jillian’s and Kevin’s unscripted bids
multiplying by 100%. Agreement was assessed
increased to nine and 10 responses, respectively.
for an average of 29% (range, 27% to 32%) of
Drew’s responding occurred at rates similar to
sessions and was 96%, 98%, and 97% for
the previous condition.
Jillian, Kevin, and Drew, respectively.
We also assessed generalization to novel con-
We assessed treatment integrity for an
versation partners (i.e., peer and adult) and
average of 34% (range, 29% to 39%) of
novel stimuli during baseline, the adult scripted
sessions, with an average integrity of 99.6%,
responses phase, and the multiple-scripts phase
99.7%, and 99.6% for Jillian, Kevin, and Drew,
for all participants (Figure 1). Only Drew
respectively. We scored whether the adult
made bids during baseline generalization probes
correctly prompted the participant to initiate a
(to a peer). Bids for joint attention increased for
bid and responded with the correct scripted
all participants in generalization probes during
statement. Treatment integrity was calculated
the adult scripted responses phase (range, 50%
by dividing the number of correctly imple-
to 100%) and were even higher during the
mented components by the total number of
multiple-script phase (range, 80% to 100%).
components and multiplying by 100%.
The average rate of unscripted bids during
generalization probes in the natural environ-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ment is represented in Table 2. Responding
Figure 1 displays data for independent bids during baseline generalization probes was near
and unscripted statements during indepen- zero for all participants. Unscripted bids during
dent bids. During baseline, participants emit- generalization probes in the classroom in-
ted few to no independent bids. Independent creased for Kevin and Drew in the adult
bids emitted during baseline for Kevin and scripted responses phase; however, Jillian’s bids
Drew were merely one-word tacts of the items did not increase until the multiple-scripts

Figure 1. Independent bids for joint attention (scripted and unscripted combined) and unscripted statements made
during independent bids. Open data points reflect only unscripted independent bids.
392 JOY S. POLLARD et al.

Table 2
Rate of Unscripted Bids for Joint Attention in the Natural Environment

Class Hall
Baseline Adult responses Multiple scripts Multiple scripts Follow-up
Jillian 0 0 4 0.35a 1.63 (class)
Kevin 0 3.12 2.12 3.75a 6.7a (hall)
Drew 0 0.79 2.44 0.32a 1.99a (class)
Response initially did not generalize or maintain; data represent responding after additional prompts.

phase. During the school hallway generalization to determine if participants attend to the
probes (multiple-scripts phase), all three par- models and incorporate those statements into
ticipants required an adult model before bids their bids for joint attention. It is also important
were observed. Only Jillian’s unscripted bids to note that we used only social praise when
were maintained at the 6-week follow-up. training participants to initiate bids. Social praise
Additional training was implemented for Kevin often does not function as a reinforcer for
and Drew because we did not want to end the children with autism, and external reinforcers
study without participants demonstrating the may be needed to teach social exchanges. Thus, it
response. For Kevin, the adult modeled the is more likely that these responses were bids for
response; however, Drew needed booster ses- joint attention rather than responses maintained
sions (i.e., prompts used during teaching were by other consequences (e.g., edible items).
reintroduced) before responding was observed. One limitation of the current study is that
Overall, our results support those reported by unscripted bids were scored even if bids were
MacDuff et al. (2007), by demonstrating that variations of the same phrase. Two participants
scripts are effective for teaching children with often emitted the same unscripted bid or used
autism to initiate bids for joint attention. We variations of the same phrase, which raises
extended previous research by assessing gener- the question: Were these responses rote and
alization to the natural environment and using repetitive? In future studies, observers may score
a more stringent definition for unscripted only the first occurrence of a statement. Further
responses. research also may include social validity mea-
We found that when adult responses were sures in which novel adults identify whether
held constant during teaching, we observed an statements are rote and repetitive. Another
increase in unscripted language for only one limitation is that prompts were used during
participant; however, when adult language was generalization sessions for two of the three
varied, unscripted language increased for the participants who were completing all steps
other two participants. This may provide except orienting back to the adult. This limits
support for the importance of joint attention the conclusions that can be drawn about
in facilitating language (Charman, 2003). generalization of bids, because prompts cued
Although the observed increase did not specif- responding.
ically include language from the adults’ re- In summary, script procedures were effective
sponses during the study, participants were in increasing bids and unscripted language
observed to emit language from adult models during either adult language models or multi-
during other parts of their day. Future research ple-script training. More research is needed to
should continue to evaluate adult language identify the necessary components to increase
models in the context of teaching joint attention varied and unscripted language.

REFERENCES MacDuff, J. L., Ledo, R., McClannahan, L. E., & Krantz,

P. J. (2007). Using scripts and script-fading proce-
Charman, T. (2003). Why is joint attention a pivotal skill dures to promote bids for joint attention by young
in autism? Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sci- children with autism. Research in Autism Spectrum
ences, 358, 315–324. Disorders, 1, 281–290.
Krantz, P. J., & McClannahan, L. E. (1998). Social
interaction skills for children with autism: A script- Received March 1, 2011
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Applied Behavior Analysis, 31, 191–202. Action Editor, Bridget Taylor

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