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// AUGUST 21, 2022 // VOLUME 31 // NUMBER 17

From Your Student Pastor CMALLORY@EASTMONT.ORG
“Summertime, and the living is easy…” These are the opening lyrics to “Summertime” by Ella Fitzgerald (1968). We all love
summertime. Sure, the heat and humidity are excessive, but when we reflect on the great moments of our lives, we tend to
visualize summers with vacations to the beach, fishing on the lake, ice cream, etc. We all wish the easy living, comforts of
summer would last forever. But at some point, for the sake of growth, we have to leave the “comfortable” and step into new
seasons, new opportunities for growth.
Eastmont is just now stepping out of “summer” (literally) and into a new season with tremendous opportunities for growth
and development, but seizing on those opportunities will require every one of us to embrace that dreaded word:
C-H-A-N-G-E (Just typing it makes my stomach uneasy). To embrace something new requires releasing our grip on
something known. Our past experiences shape who we are, and we all naturally want to re-create those positive
experiences for others who come behind us. It worked for us! It’s comfortable! But is it always best or most effective?
I’ve served in student ministry for eighteen years. I love what I do. Recently, however, I’ve been spiritually convicted by how
comfortable I am in my methods of ministry. Are the methods I employ today shaped by my students’ needs? Or am I simply
doing what is easiest and most comfortable? Likewise, as a church, are we willing to leave our comfort zones to allow new
avenues of ministry to develop and thrive? If we desire to see God’s Kingdom advance through Eastmont, then we must be
willing to sacrifice what is comfortable and tackle the challenges that arise for the sake of the Gospel and for the lost in
Montgomery. Will you join me in praying for God to grant us the wisdom to recognize where our comfort might be a
hindrance to the gospel? Will you pray for His Holy Spirit to empower us to walk headlong into the challenges that await us
as we develop new avenues of ministry for the Kingdom? God has proven Himself faithful to Eastmont for generations, and
I believe He will continue to be faithful for generations to come.
Charles (Bubba) Turner and Lisa
Killough in the loss of their brother,
Ken Turner, who passed away on
August 6, 2022.

Jackson Mallory
Profession of Faith
and Baptism

Family Fest
Bailey Newell
Profession of Faith
and Baptism

Ava Creshaw
Profession of Faith
More than 500 people came out to
and Baptism enjoy Family Fest! It was a great
opportunity for Eastmont to engage
with our community, to have some
If you are interested in
fun together, and to dunk a few
placing flowers in the
pastors! Thank you to all those who
Worship Center in honor of made it possible.
or in memory of someone,
please contact Deborah Ministry Happenings
Speigner or the church Visit our website or social media for details
office. Children College
Preparing for the Pew -
BUILDING LOCK UP A class for kindergartners to prepare them to join Home Groups -
adults in worship Resumes August 28.
August 21
Bible Skills, Drills, and Thrills - Wednesdays @ 6:00 pm Sundays @ 6:00 pm at
Kent Harwell & Kent Johnson the Kim home.
August 28 Topic: Ask Me Anything:
Music Ministry Students
A Biblical Response to
Phil Redding & Taylor Guttensohn
All Your Questions.
Fall Beach Retreat -
Choir & Orchestra November 11 - 13
WEDNESDAY NIGHT Rehearsal - Cost: $70
Wednesdays at 6:00 pm
FELLOWSHIP MEAL Register on the Events
Forever Young Choir - page
August 24 Tuesday, August 23 @
Senior Adults
Baked Chicken, Hashbrown Casserole, 9:00 am
Green Beans, and Rolls Handbell Rehearsal - Forever Young - September 20 @ 10 am in room 205
August 31 Resumes Sunday, with special guest, Dr. Lonette Berg, Alabama
September 11 @ 5:00 pm Historical Commission. Covered dish lunch to follow.
BBQ Pork Sandwiches, Chips, and
Ark Encounter Trip Meeting - Tuesday, August 23 @
Baked Beans
6:00 pm in room 205.
Have you ever heard something so
often that you become numb to it? WEEKLY GIVING
It’s like watching the local crime
segment on the news. We hear JULY 31
about bad stuff so regularly that GENERAL FUND $31,726.71
we become desensitized to it. But EMERGENCY FUND $1,255.00
the fact remains, no matter how
many times it happens we should
GENERAL FUND $50,411.25
still grieve over these things and seek ways to foster change as we are able.
One of the things you’ve heard from me many times before is the troubling
statistic that 70% of young adults leave the church for at least a year between the
ages of 18-22. For them to “leave” the church means that they were once a part of LIFEGROUP TOTALS
the church. You and I have both witnessed the dropping out of members that AUG 7 AUG 14
were not just part of the church, but vital members of the church. But we can do
something to change that.
When Paul writes his letter to the Ephesians, he was writing to combat weariness STUDENTS 57 51
in the readers' commitment to the gospel. They were discouraged, which led to ADULTS 390 402
moral compromise with the surrounding culture. In response he writes these
TOTAL 534 542
words, “Ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all

God’s people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my
prayers” (1:15-16).
Visit our website @
In the same way, we can make a spiritual impact in the lives of our college
students. Many of them are wrestling with their commitment to the gospel and for the adult and children's
the lure of moral compromise. This can be especially hard for those that are away plans to read through the
and no longer have the same spiritual guidance and accountability. One way for us Bible chronologically.
to change that is by encouraging them and praying for them from afar. We’ve
started the College Encouragers program for Eastmont to keep those
connections and to keep investing in their lives. WEEKLY
Would you commit to writing our students, praying for them, and
serving them while they are away? To become a part just contact
8:30 am Worship Service
Karen or Gene.

9:45 am LifeGroups

o ming 11:00 am Worship Service

Upc vents We need a few more

5:00 pm Handbell Choir

E people to commit to Wednesday

being a prayer 5:00 pm Fellowship Meal
warrior/encourager for 6:00 pm Prayer Meeting &
Goodwyn staff. We are Bible Studies
in particular need of Choir / Orchestra
about a dozen men or
couples who will pray
for and encourage male
staff members. (Student Worship)
Call Karen in the office if Mission Friends
you are willing. (Preschool)
Bible Skills, Drills, &
Thrills (1-6 Grades)
Periodicals Postage
Montgomery, AL
The Encourager USPS No. 018-816 is published and mailed
bi-weekly by Eastmont Baptist Church, 4505 Atlanta Highway,
Montgomery, AL 36109. Postmaster: Send address changes to
Encourager, 4505 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109.

From Your Student Pastor

Family Fest

Ministry Happenings

Encourage One Another

Upcoming Events

Office: (334) 277-6300 Careline: (334)277-6384 Prayer Room: (334) 277-8876
Email: Website:
Facebook: Twitter: @eastmontbaptist
OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm; Friday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

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