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RAMESH PATEL at Aragon Ltd.


I. RP – nominated on NHB – project is important for RP…wants to shine – happy
his friend Gibson is on it. Third person is Maria. Each expected to contribute in a
specific area to the presentation. Gibson doesn’t pull his weight…. Does not
attend meetings. Conflicted due to other sensitive deadlines. Gibson banks on RP
to cover up – thinks he will understand. Date of presentation nearing…Gibson
believes he can come up with his contribution in the penultimate meeting. RP
furious. Wants to speak to Gibson in this regard.
II Define the case problem and write a problem statement.
Defining the case problem: Patel’s chances of gaining visibility are at risk
because his friend’s Gibson’s work pressure is making it difficult for him to
pull his weight in the team, and contribute to the presentation.

Alternative ways of stating the problem:

a) How should RP handle the situation arising from Gibson not contributing to
the project?
b) How can RP ensure that Gibson contributes his bit so that the presentation is
c) How can RP ensure that the presentation is successful?

III. Analyse the facts and underlying assumptions

a. RP wants to gain visibility…. Fact

He assumes the success of the presentation will help him gain visibility

b. Gibson is under pressure on account of multiple projects… fact

RP assumes he can still make an effort to contribute.

c. Gibson plans to contribute before the presentation… fact

He assumes he will be able to contribute at the last minute.

d. The success of the project is important to RP… fact

He assumes it is equally important to Gibson. Maria’s view not indicated.
e. RP thinks Gibson has to do his bit for the presentation to succeed
Assumption.... Maria and RP cannot share his work

Key criteria 🡪 Constraints

i) Time is a constraint – contribution has to be soon, before the

final meeting, so the recommended solution has to be timely.
ii) Relationship is a constraint- Friendship must not be damaged
(assumption is that the relationship with Gibson is important to
iii) Habit is a constraint- RP seeks to alter Gibson’s behaviour.
(Assumption is that working style and habits can be altered.
Perhaps this is Gibson’s style of working…. Pitches in at the last

SWOT Analysis of the case

RP is good at his work; so is Gibson–they have a chance to do well.
RP and Gibson are friends.
There is time still, though not much.

They are running out of time.
Gibson has no ideas so far.
Gibson has spread himself too thin; is under too much pressure.

RP can use their friendship to persuade Gibson
RP may take Maria’s assistance in pressurising him – two is better than one
– seems less biased.

Gibson may not be able to contribute effectively at the last minute
Gibson may not be able to change his work style.
Rival companies are coming up with comparable games

IV List Possible Alternative Solutions and mention the assumptions, pros

cons of each alternative
1. Speak to Gibson plainly to do his bit. (Assumption – frank talk is best between
friends) May backfire. Gibson may not take things kindly to RP’s advice and
2. Speak to Maria; get her views (may help RP gain perspective on his own
behaviour); and together approach Gibson.
3. RP can offer help to Gibson with his other tasks. (Assumption is RP (& Maria)
can help in those areas. And Gibson will not take offence! Are RP / or Maria
willing to go the extra mile?)
4. RP and Maria (or RP alone) should study usage data (Gibson’s part of the
job). (Assumption is they are qualified to make the presentation without
5. Tell Gibson to opt out. (Assumption is they have the authority to reconstitute
teams; that Gibson will be ready to opt out; that this will not ruin their
friendship; that this will not cast RP in a poor light and reflect on his inability
to work in a team.

V Select a solution and prepare to defend it:

RP can offer to help Gibson. 2 criteria are satisfied by the 3rd solution.

Time 🡪 Doing the task on their own will be time consuming. They cannot risk it.
Relationship 🡪 Speaking tactfully doesn’t damage the friendship, ensures co-
operation, and does so within the timeline.
Habit / Behaviour change can be brought about through persuasion, not angry
reproaches and incriminations. (Possibility of change, if RP uses emotion and
logic and points out Gibson’s personal benefits due to the success of the

VI Implementation/Action plan
Meet Gibson; offer help and empathise with his situation.
Tell him how his behaviour is jeopardising his own and the team’s chances to gain
visibility. Listen to him. If necessary, sit with him, help out. Schedule another pre-
meeting – meeting.

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