Theaching Clinicla Medicine The Key Principals. Q J Med. 2015

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Q J Med 2015; 108:435–442

doi:10.1093/qjmed/hcv022 Advance Access Publication 30 January 2015


Teaching clinical medicine: the key principals

From the 1Ethox Centre, Department of Public Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK and 2Faculty
of Medicine, Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel

Address correspondence to A. Schattner, Ethox Centre, Department of Public Health, University of Oxford,
Rosemary Rue Building, Old Road Campus, Headington, Oxford OX3 7LF, UK. email:

Background: Many studies analyse the diagnostic Results: Twenty-four principles were identified
process, diagnostic errors and diagnostic excellence and each one is presented followed by a brief

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but few provide a broad, yet practical view of this commentary.
complex and highly context-dependent challenge. Conclusions: No single strategy can provide a solu-
Methods: A personal, experience- and research- tion for all diagnostic problems. However, the 24
based selection of the principles of data collection, principles have proven validity and can be applied
processing and clinical reasoning found to be most for solving diagnostic problems in varied settings
useful in achieving an efficient, timely and patient- and as a scaffold in teaching diagnosis at all levels
centered diagnosis. of medical education.

Diagnosis is the vital engine that carries forward not whether identified by autopsy studies,4 malpractice
only the train of treatment but also health outcomes. claims,5 chart review,6 or self-reported.7 However,
Acquiring the science and art of clinical diagnosis these were studied in retrospect and apply to groups
is central to medical education, but there is no only. Studies of the cognitive aspects of diagnostic
consensus on how it should be taught. Diagnostic decisions based on actual8 or standardized9 patients
problem solving is highly context dependent. The transformed our insight on mechanisms of bias and
absence of a single, universal problem-solving pro- diagnostic failure, but their practical implications
cess common to all cases and all physicians in- are uncertain. Other studies try to decipher the key
creases the challenge facing practitioners and to being superior diagnosticians10,11 or the essence
educators.1 Diagnosis is often taught by clinician of medical expertise.12 However, not many studies
educators demonstrating on current patients, but address the diagnostic process as a whole, starting
this is usually done without attention to its general from the patient encounter and data gathering,
principles. Moreover, role model clinicians teaching through analysis and the basic principles of decision
diagnosis at the bedside2 have been pronounced making. Although some excellent books have been
‘endangered species’ and are hard to come by.3 devoted to diagnosis, these lengthy texts are not very
CPCs, clinical problem solving, clinical images practical.13,14 For example, the advocated use of
and other published ‘exercises’ in diagnosis provide Bayesian approach requires complex time-consum-
enlightening examples of clinical reasoning but are ing mathematics that most clinicians had rather
often selective and present unusual patients. avoid.15 We present an experience- and research-
Learning from diagnostic errors can be beneficial, based overview of the major practical principles

! The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Association of Physicians.
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436 A. Schattner

covering all stages of the diagnostic process that can *Thoroughness in data collection does not guaran-
be used as a framework in teaching as well as by tee accuracy in interpretation and diagnosis, but re-
residents and clinicians in all settings. mains a strong starting point.31 In addition, the more
patients are seen, the more ‘illness scripts’ are mas-
tered,32 and the more efficient would the next en-
Methods counter be. Although shunned by some,14 the
technique can be applied after some experience
The author has been serving as head of a large (400 within a framework of minutes, retaining its inherent
admissions/month) academic department of medi- power.
cine for 24 years. Diagnostic principles were
derived from a long personal experience in practi- II. Record and arrange key findings using
cing, researching16 and teaching diagnostic meth-
a ‘problem list’
ods to medical students, interns and residents.
Commitment to medical education has mandated After recording the findings, review the data, iden-
ongoing follow-up of the literature on decision tifying meaningful ‘clusters’ and ‘key phrases’ and
making, clinical reasoning and diagnostic arranging them in a laconic (<100 words), com-
errors—an additional important influence on the prehensive (all types of problems, biologic and
choice of principles. The author’s research in related other), dynamic (constantly changing with new in-
areas such as the intrinsic value of the history and formation or insight) problem list.33
examination,16, 17 the non-biological aspects of dis-
*Although this step seems to slow you down, it has a
ease,18 the patient–physician relationship,19 clinical
high yield for the provider ensuring a concise sum-
excellence20 and non-clinical influences on deci-
mary of all salient facts, a view of the whole picture
sion making21 have also been incorporated.
and an excellent departure for problem solving, test
Several principles have been included after they
selection, presentations and consultations.34 Here, a

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proved highly useful in deciphering some intriguing
first attempt to grasp the gist of patient symptoms
problems in the past.22-28 and their meaningful connections can be made.35

III. Cherchez Les ‘red flags’

Screen your problem list giving early consideration
Twenty-four principles central to clinical reasoning to potential ‘red flags’! Any high impact/high treat-
and diagnosis were identified. Each is briefly ability possible diagnoses identified, require urgent
described, followed by a comment. intensive attention.26,27
* This is similar to the rule-out worst-case scenario
I. The ABCD rule—Achieve the most from (‘ROWS’) principle.36
the Basic Clinical Data
Methodical, personal, curiosity-driven gathering IV. Does ‘pattern recognition’ apply?—
of the patient’s narrative (all history elements, all if so, verify
potential sources), followed by a systematic (yet
Intuitive, ‘augenblick’ (‘at the blink of the eye’)
problem-directed) examination, often also incorpor-
diagnosis suspected by its overall appearance
ating electrocardiogram, chest X-ray and basic la-
and ‘Gestalt’ based on reflexive recognition of
boratory tests will likely diagnose correctly four of
resemblance to previously seen cases, is often
five patients16,17 or suggest appropriate investiga-
rapid (seconds), efficient (effortless) and
tions. A sound base of knowledge and skills is a
accurate.37 However, it is also highly prone to bias
prerequisite.10,29 Attention to the timeframe28 and
and errors.38
to detail, ‘the  rule’ (A. Schattner, submitted for
publication), and awareness of the operating char- *Pattern recognition (PR) should be always be tried
acteristics (strengths and limitations - sensitivity, spe- first but mandates confirmation: a quick verification
cificity, likelihood ratio) of common history and stage is suggested wherein the provider mentally
examination elements15,30 are particularly useful. compares the degree of match between disease
The history (and especially the reason for presenta- characteristics and mental model of the essentials
tion) remains the most rewarding single source of of the suspected diagnosis,32 as if written on two
diagnostic information.23 Simple or recurrent prob- overlapping transparencies. Any significant incon-
lems are often amenable to a much shorter, focused sistency may signify error and makes re-evaluation
approach. necessary. Reliance on non-analytical reasoning
Teaching clinical Diagnosis 437

tends to increase with experience but is not had better be given priority and carefully con-
limited to experts. Since even accomplished clin- sidered23,28 before ‘unrelated’ conditions arising de
icians remain susceptible to bias,9 a further quick novo.
‘conscious’ double-check is always essential.39
VIII. Could it be iatrogenic?
V. Identify & analyse specific features Take a moment to consider the possibility that the
germane to the case patient’s medications (possibly ‘over the counter’ or
Having failed PR, look for ‘specific’ features that are ‘natural’ preparations) or past medical interventions
both central to the case and unique. These idiosyn- underlie the current symptoms, signs or abnormal
cratic clues often allow a shortlist of just a few dif- laboratory tests.
ferential diagnoses.40 Conditions appearing under *This particular brand of ‘pretest probability’ is par-
two or more columns of ‘specific’ features are espe- ticularly common, comprising the main diagnosis in
cially promising diagnostic possibilities and should up to 19% of hospital admissions43 and a similarly
be critically evaluated by selecting appropriate significant proportion of primary care consultations.
*This variant of the usual analytical (‘hypothetico-
IX. Try ‘Occam’s razor’—the law of
deductive’) (HD) method that names the main parsimony
etiologies for the patient’s presentation (usually, Consider the possibility of a single unifying diagno-
4  1) following a conscious deliberate search and sis that may account for all (or most) clinical find-
slowly constructs a workup to rule out/rule in ings, before resorting to multiple concurrent
hypotheses1 may be more effective. different explanations (so-called Saint’s triad).44
*Today’s elderly patients with multimorbidity and
VI. The rule of reflexive consultation

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polypharmacy may easily have more than one
‘Look it up’ as a habit, as early and as often as operative problem, but still, Occam’s law often
possible using PubMed (even Google), UpToDate, applies.25
Textbooks, as well as expert colleagues. Main con-
clusions had better be added to the patient’s chart. X. The ‘law of imperfection’: prevalent
Such attitude not only ensures a broad comprehen- ‘partial’ presentations
sive view but also informed test selection and inter-
pretation22; a learning opportunity17 and fostering Do not expect to find a perfect set of symptoms,
an attitude of humility and maximal care—as signs and tests characterizing a given condition in
opposed to overconfidence.41 order to make a diagnosis. Any combination may
occur and sometimes even a single symptom and
*This habit also establishes the art of diagnosis as a sign may suggest the correct diagnosis.
lifetime learning endeavor10 and is in line with
Graber’s ‘get help’ category of interventions likely *Complete presentations are most commonly found
to reduce diagnostic errors.42 in textbooks and are not necessary for diagnosis.

XI. Is there a tenable alternative?

VII. ‘Milk’ the pretest probability
Finding (or being unable to find) a tenable alterna-
The diagnosis is often pathogenetically related to the tive diagnosis is of paramount importance in the
patient’s past predisposing factors and susceptibil- diagnostic considerations.
ities (genetic, past illnesses, iatrogenic, occupa-
tional, lifestyle and other easily ascertainable risk *Any ‘Key’ symptom or sign must be explainable by
factors and exposures). These predispositions consti- the diagnosis. A potential alternative explanation
tute the ‘pretest probability,’ also defined as the detracts, whereas its absence may strongly support
expected prevalence of the suspected condition in it even in the absence of a typical confirmatory test
similar patients. (few tests are 100% sensitive).
*This relationship may be true even when it does not XII. The dog that did not bark in the
initially seem so. Unfortunately, errors of omission
in obtaining these history elements prevail and they
night. . .
may ‘surface’ only after a long circuitous and costly We are all tuned primarily toward positive findings
detour. Thus, a quick but comprehensive survey of and preoccupied with their importance. However,
predispositions (which may be unapparent at first) what is not found is often as important—useful in
438 A. Schattner

ruling out diagnoses (by absent key findings) or, of the encounter setting) are common and may re-
even more significant, in drawing attention to an quire additional attention so that diagnosis will not
expected but absent feature as a potential specific be adversely affected.47
diagnostic clue.
*Situation-related factors which tend to influence
*Do not look only at the half-full glass. The empty and may skew clinical reasoning process must be
half may be as revealing. recognized and acknowledged.

XIII. What is it?—Or what it is not! XVI. Maintain fluidity in clinical reasoning
Sometimes it is sufficient (and much more useful) to For complex problems, remember to examine, re-
determine that a given presentation is not one of construct and reformulate hypotheses as data are
several significant and ominous possibilities. To be obtained and the case evolves.
able to state its exact cause is occasionally a hard *’Premature closure’ remains one of the most
and not cost-effective task (e.g. syncope, headache, common and unyielding errors in diagnosis.6,34
low back pain, etc.).26,27
*Uncertainty is the ‘bread and butter’ of the diagnos- XVII. Think of ‘robbins’
tic process and a degree of tolerance had better be Once any past diagnosis is encountered, think in
adopted. This is true provided ‘red flags’ are effect- terms of the renown pathology textbook:
ively excluded. Under such circumstances, time Backwards—What caused it? Forward—What does
may be a powerful, safe and frugal diagnostic tool it cause? And Present—How is it being treated? Can
(strategy of ‘watchful waiting’ or the ‘test of time’): it be linked to the present illness?
patients may either get well spontaneously or the Think of the complex patient in terms of which
diagnosis will become more obvious.45 anatomical systems are involved (e.g. gastrointes-

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tinal tract [GIT], peripheral nervous system [PNS],
XIV. Be aware of common biases leading myocard) and what pathogenetic mechanisms
to diagnostic errors might apply (e.g. infectious, inflammatory,
Several common cognitive biases need recognition
and attention, since they precipitate pitfalls in diag- *This type of evaluation is much better than erratic
nosis, especially when using the intuitive PR mode. ‘name dropping’ of many different possible
Dozens of biases have been identified, including: diseases . . . Both anatomical systems and pathogen-
considering recent, memorable, easily recalled diag- etic mechanisms can be further subclassified (e.g.
noses or those in your field of expertise as more likely GIT—small bowel; PNS—autonomic; myocard—
(‘Availability bias’, ‘Recall bias’); preferring data diastolic dysfunction; or: Infectious—viral, bacterial,
that support it, excluding contradictory material protozoal, etc.). Maintain healthy skepticism: do not
(‘Confirmation Bias’; ‘Anchoring’); tendency to stop take prior diagnoses for granted but take time to
considering alternatives and sticking to your diagno- briefly check their ‘solidity’ (validity).
sis (‘Premature closure’); tendency to rule out a
common disease presenting without its prototypical XVIII. Invest time!
features (‘Representativeness bias’); pursuing rare but Some diagnostic problems require more effort and
more exotic diagnoses (‘Base rate neglect bias’); let- are inherently time consuming. Unless urgent, slow
ting emotion influence your reasoning (‘affective down, consult, reflect, schedule another appoint-
bias’); and endless testing to exclude even highly un- ment if necessary.36
likely possibilities (‘Uncertainty angst’).
*Discern as quickly as possible between the straight-
*Unfortunately, there is no good evidence that forward and the complex. The latter will not be de-
awareness may prevent diagnostic mistakes due to ciphered without appropriate time allocation.
common biases.46 Nevertheless, until we know Complex diagnostic problems are more likely to rep-
more on strategies effective in cognitive debiasing, resent atypical presentation of the more common
enhanced reflection on our diagnostic reasoning37 diseases that should be considered before rare ones.
and critical thinking need to be encouraged.
XIX. Consider using the ‘test of treatment’
XV. Mind interfering context factors
Failure to respond to treatment as expected may be
Contextual factors (such as language barrier, emo- a clue to diagnostic error. More often, a probable
tional volatility, bias vs. patient characteristics, effect but uncertain single diagnosis may be resolved by
Teaching clinical Diagnosis 439

‘test of treatment’ (e.g. edrophonium in myasthenia; is disregard of the patient’s psychological status, an
low-dose corticosteroids in polymyalgia rheuma- inseparable and influential feature of illness.17
tica). Also, clinical deterioration after discontinu-
ation of an empiric treatment may suggest its XXIV. Respect, show empathy, share,
appropriateness. support
*Provided it is used sparingly and interpreted vs. a The diagnostic process may occasionally be pro-
predetermined objective measurement, the ‘test of longed and creates an ordeal for the patient too.
treatment’ may be a useful adjunct to diagnosis in Throughout, be truthful to your patient, even when
selected cases.48 in doubt or in need to consult a colleague or infor-
mation source. Once the diagnosis is established
XX. Back to Step 1? and verified, communicate it to the patient/family
In case the diagnosis remains obscure despite pro- without delay, providing information, answering
longed and extensive workup, personally repeating questions—but stressing positive aspects and main-
the complete patient’s history and examination may taining hope.19
point the clinician in the right direction and resolve *Sharing and support are essential components
the difficulty. of the diagnostic journey and of patient-centered
*Rather than repeating sophisticated imaging studies care.57
that have already proved non-contributory, going
back to the basics with a fresh mind may be more
rewarding.23–25 Discussion
Accurate, comprehensive and timely diagnosis is
XXI. If unwell . . . central to patient care and a major determinant
of health outcomes. However, cases of delayed,

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In a ‘bad’ day (of feeling unwell, fatigued, or burn-
out)—take extra care or preferably step aside (if you missed and erroneous diagnosis are common with
can), for recreation and ‘recharge’.49 an incidence of 10–20%.4,37,58 This significant rate
of diagnostic failures is confirmed by surveys59 and
*Persisting despite temporary incapacity is a recipe research60 and remains disappointingly persistent
for mistakes.50 despite all advances in medicine.
Many factors appear to be responsible, including
XXII. Ensure ‘tracking’ & feedback the complexity of the diagnostic process1; time con-
Make a habit of regularly obtaining feedback on straints61; susceptibility of even the most sophisti-
your diagnostic performance by comparing your cated tests to false (positive or negative) results62
findings and thoughts with test results and ‘tracking’ that is underappreciated by physicians4; prevalent
your patients’ subsequent course. Retain continuous bias and cognitive errors63; context variability and
mindfulness and reflection on your performance. shortcomings in teaching. Findings from research on
physicians’ diagnostic reasoning have not yet been
*Providers often overrate their performance.41,51,52 sufficient to determine how clinical diagnosis
A habit of tracking and feedback ensures that no should be taught.64
abnormal results are disregarded7 and that mistakes Most of the literature on diagnosis focuses on the
are recognized, encouraging a continuous learning performance of the analytic (HD) method vs. the
curve, improvement of performance12 and decrease intuitive, subconscious, non-analytic (PR) method
in future diagnostic errors.53 (‘‘dual processing’’) and the merits of their combined
use which is strongly advocated.37,39,65 Another
XXIII. Avoid ‘tunnel vision’—be holistic centrepiece is the cognitive aspects of clinical rea-
soning and contribution of bias to diagnostic errors.
Commitment to diagnosis does not end with the
Other texts provide a mathematical basis for the in-
patient’s primary complaint: heed any potential
formed use of history elements, physical findings
problem that may affect the patient’s health in the
and test results.14 However, providers have paucity
future.16 Also, diagnosis does not end with biolo-
of data and a limited capacity for detailed numerical
gical disease: attention to prevalent emotional fac-
analysis.15 Few have addressed the diagnostic pro-
tors (such as depression, anxiety, stress) may reveal
cess as a whole continuous process, providing
important risk factors and further active diagnoses.17
advice on its general, widely applicable principles.
*Relating to one major condition at the expense We have made a personal, experience- and re-
of others is a common form of neglect54–56 and so search-based selection of 24 basic principles of the
440 A. Schattner

Table 1. The 24 practical principles of clinical Not all of the 24 principles discussed were
diagnosisa created equal. Except for the two basic methods,
the most crucial techniques in our experience are
I. The ABCD rule—Achieve the most from the ABCD—Achieving the most from the Basic Clinical
Basic Clinical Data Data (I)16; Reflexive Consultation and learning
II. Record and arrange key findings using a ‘prob- (VI)10; and assuming Holistic commitment for com-
lem list’
prehensive patient care (XXII).57 These three quint-
III. Cherchez Les ‘red flags’
essential principles ensure the numerous benefits of
IV. Does ‘pattern recognition’ apply?—if so, verify
V. Identify & analyse specific features germane to a clinically based approach17; a whole, patient-cen-
the case tered view of the patient’s health57; and an attitude
VI. The rule of reflexive consultation of humility, optimal care and lifelong learning, as
VII. ‘Milk’ the pretest probability opposed to overconfidence.41 Other principles re-
VIII. Could it be iatrogenic? inforce the weight of the patient’s pre-existing risk
IX. Try ‘Occam’s razor’—the law of parsimony factors and susceptibilities in the pathogenesis of a
X. The ‘law of imperfection’: prevalent ‘partial’ new diagnosis (VII and VIII) and underline the value
presentations of more reflection and introspection (XIV, XV and
XI. Is there a tenable alternative? XX) and of regular follow-up and feedback (XXII).
XII. The dog that did not bark in the night . . .
Both approaches are essential not only for reducing
XIII. What is it? Or what it is not!
XIV. Be aware of common biases leading to diag-
diagnostic error but also for continued improvement
nostic errors and learning. Adopting a systematic, methodical
XV. Mind interfering context factors modus operandi is an additional theme with
XVI. Maintain fluidity in clinical reasoning myriad benefits that we believe and translate into
XVII. Think of ‘robbins’ improved diagnostic skills (I, II and XVII). Further
XVIII. Invest time! principles stress the inherent values in diagnosis

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XIX. Consider using the ‘test of treatment’ of selected practical logic laws (IX–XIII); consider
XX. Back to Step 1? unique, personal patient-related factors (XV and
XXI. If unwell . . . XXIV); as well as providers’ factors (XXI). Other prin-
XXII. Ensure ‘tracking’ & feedback ciples highlight the element of time as both a valu-
XXIII. Avoid ‘tunnel vision’—be holistic
able diagnostic clue by itself, a diagnostic policy in
XXIV. Respect, show empathy, share, support
non-urgent problems and an obligatory investment
a in complex ones (I, XIII and XVIII). Quite a few of the
Principles IV and V refer to the two basic (reflexive vs.
principles can be particularly useful for patients who
analytical) methods of reasoning. Principles I, VI and XXIII
are of prime importance, whereas XXIII and XXIV highlight present a major diagnostic challenge (V, X, XIII and
an essential commitment toward the patient and family XVII–XX).
that is inseparable from the diagnostic process. Thus, the 24 principles have the potential to
become useful in teaching and as a reminder to
practicing clinicians in hospitals and primary care.
Interestingly, they conform to the SOAPS mnemonic
diagnostic process (Table 1) that may be used in summarizing the essential ingredients of excellent
teaching this science and art as well as in practice. clinicians: being Systematic and orderly; using
Only 2 of 24 principles cover the basic aforemen- Observation and listening as the basic skills;
tioned methods (IV and V) but contain important Accessing databases; being ‘Personal’; and provid-
modifications. First, since PR is so vulnerable to a ing Shared decision making and patient-centered
myriad of biases and cognitive errors,37 a brief man- care.20
datory verification step is suggested and added The strength of the study is in the derivation of the
for confirmation.46 It is intended as a cautionary principles from both long-term personal experience,
measure and unlikely to detract much from the research and the current literature. Their usefulness
swiftness and elegance of PR. Second, the usual for solving diagnostic problems has been repeatedly
HD method was preceded by an alternative analyt- demonstrated in bedside teaching rounds and con-
ical approach based on identification of a few spe- sultations, and has occasionally been published.22-28
cific features of the patient’s problem, working out They can be easily applied to daily patient care, pro-
their short differential diagnosis and concentrating viding practical guidance on information gathering,
on the few entities that may account for all. Only processing and diagnostic decision making.
if these fail, the usual HD method is recommended Limitations include the entirely subjective selection
(i.e. listing the differential of each major symptom or process and lack of validation in controlled studies.
sign and testing accordingly). Diagnostic errors, although little discussed in the
Teaching clinical Diagnosis 441

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