Debates Galore-Parts 1-3-189

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Debates Galore

For years, I’ve been in debates with people. It can be fun and stimulating all in the same time. Due
East is a pro-Masonic propagandist who believes in the lies of the Discovery Channel (which supports
Freemasonry). I came in to refute this person recently in 2009.

Due East: replies to this nonsense.

1. french revolution. Discovery channel: freemasons had nothing to do with it

Fact: freemasons openly admit they did it, in their own journals.

Would you like to site sources such as these journals because I would like to see them. FYI
One of the most famous Free-Masons Lafayette fought on the side of the crown. It is thought
that Masons had some influence on the revolution because it is a fraternity which hold
democracy dearly important to it.

Response: First, this isn't nonesense. The words that you disagree with are from a man
on Youtube who legitimately exposed the Discovery Channel's lies on Freemasonry.
Now, There are plenty of sources proving the Masonic role in the French Revolution.
Lafeyette supported the American Revolution, which was against the agenda of the
British Crown. The British Crown wanted to maintain America as a colony of the
British Empire. Freemasonry overtly believed in democracy, but covertly advanced the
new order of the ages Utopia (as admitted by 33rd Degree Freemasons C. William Smith
& Manly P. Hall). Freemasonry didn't rule all of the Revolution, but leaders members
of the Revolution were indeed Freemasons. That isn't a lie.

In the chamber of Deputies during the session on July 1, 1904 the Marquis de Rosanbo

• "Freemasonry has worked in a hidden but constant manner to prepare the

revolution... We are then in complete agreement on the point that freemasonry was the
only author of the revolution, and the applause which I receive from the Left, and to
which I am little accustomed, proves, gentlemen, that you acknowledge with me that it
was masonry which made the French revolution."

• Mr. Jumel: "We do more than acknowledge it, we proclaim it."

• [Source: Mgsr. Henri Delassus, La Conjuration anti-chrétienne, vol. 1, 1910, p. 146;

quoted in de Poncins, op. cit.,p.30].

Here‘s another source on the French Revolution & Masonry connection: “Masonry
early comprehended this Truth, and recognized its own enlarged duties. Its symbols
then came to have a wider meaning; but it also assumed the mask of Stone-masonry,
and borrowed its working-tools, and so was supplied with new and apt symbols. It
aided in bringing about the French Revolution, disappeared with the Girondists, was
born again with the restoration of order, and sustained Napoleon, because, though
Emperor, he acknowledged the right of the people to select its rulers, and was at the
head of a nation refusing to receive back its old kings. He pleaded, with sabre, musket,
and cannon, the great cause of the People against Royalty, the right of the French
people even to make a Corsican General their Emperor, if it pleased them…” (Albert
Pike, “Morals and Dogma,” pg. 32-33).

Freemasons wanted their utopian system under the guise of "democracy." Democracy
is just as bad as an authoriatarian monarchy. The reason is that a Democracy deals
with mob rule suppressing the liberties and rights of the minority in a population.

Due East: 2. Discovery channel:wash DC symbolism has nothing to do with freemasons.

Fact: why didn't they tell us the obilisk is an ancient pagan symbol for Osiris' penis.

American Masonry has been very Christianized. Free-Masonry itself is religion neutral.
Freedom of religion is very important as is freedom of choice. And I would say DC
symbolism is somewhat Masonic as the architect and planner were Masons.

Response: American Masonry is not Christianized. It has nothing to do with

Christianity as Freemasons admit to this. Freemason J. D. Buck wrote: "It is far more
important that men should become Christs than that they should believe that Jesus was
Christ." (Mystic Masonry, 1913, p.138). Freemasonry accept death oaths and believes
in the Kabbalah (along with accepting tenets of Ecumenicalism). These and other
reasons prove that Freemasonry isn't apart of Christianity at all. It's an oxymoron for
you to proclaim that American Masonry is Christianized then say that Freemasonry is
religiously neutral. Freedom of religion is fine with me. The freedom of choice is fine as
long as it doesn't involve hurting people like in abortion. Abortion is murder and it is
not representative of the freedom of choice at all. D.C. is very Masonry since many
architects of various buildings there were Freemasons.

Due East: 3. the "G" in mason's symbol means goodness or god.

FACT: "G" means "gnosis", ancient, mystery term for knowledgeon and on...

The G stand for one thing and it is Geometrico (Geometry). The sacred science.

Response: The G in Masonry have many meanings according to Freemasons. I trust the
Masons' interpretation of G better than you. G means to the Masons as meaning God,
Generation, etc. Freemason W L Wilmhurst said that G means:

"...The "G" therefore denotes the Universal Spirit of God, permeating and unifying all
things . It is a substitute for the Hebrew letter Yod, the tenth letter of the Hebrew
alphabet, and out of which all the other letters of that alphabet are constructed in
correspondence with the truth that all created things are modifications of the one
primal Spirit . In the Instruction-lecture of a Degree outside our present constitutions,
the "G" is explained as having a three-fold reference ; (i) the Glory of God, or glory in
the centre ; (2) Grandeur, or the greatness of perfection to which man may become
raised by initiation into union .with God at his centre ; (3) Gom-El, a Hebrew word of
praise for the Divine power and goodness in designing that perfection and that union
between the Creator and the creature. There is also a Hebrew tradition that Gom-El
was the word uttered by Adam on first beholding the beauty of Eve and perceiving the
ultimate destiny of humanity..." (MASONIC INITIATION by W.L. Wilmshurst
Chapter II)

Symbolic Teaching: Or, Masonry and Its Message is a book written by Masonic scholar
Thomas Milton Stewart. He admits that:

"...On page 367: 'While it [the letter G] is the initial of Geometry, of God, and of the
Great Architect of the Universe, the sacred and mystic name of the Masonic deity, it
[the letter G] symbolizes the generative principle, and the initial of the work of
emanation or generation.

The Hebrew Yod ['} according to some high Masonic authorities, means the same as the
letter G....When it occurs in Masonic emblems, it denotes the letter G, the masculine
generative or fedundating principle..." (pg. 223)

Here is Freemason Eliphas Levi's view on the Masonic G in Masonry:

"G which Freemasons place in the center of the Burning Star signifies Gnosis and
Generation, the two sacred words of the ancient Kabbalah. It also signifies Grand
Architect, for the Pentagram, from whatever side it may be looked at, always represents
an 'A'. By placing it in such a manner that two of its points are above and only one
below, we may see the horns, ears, and beard of the hieratic god of Mendes (Baphomet)
when it becomes the sign of infernal evocations." (Masonic author, Eliphas Levi, quoted
by Masonic author, Arthur Edward Waite, "The Mysteries of Magic: A Digest of the
Writings of Eliphas Levi", 1909, p.205).

So, what we have here is that the letter G has many meanings from God, geometry, to
the generative principle. This is admitted by Freemasons themselves. So, you certainly
got me confused with a ignorant person that doesn't know too much about Masonry
since I have done my homework for years. I've debated and refuted Masons for a long
time. So, people like you inspire me even more to make stirring comebacks on this issue.
Frankly, this isn't nonsense. This is reality.

By Timothy

IM supports the unbiblical Passion of the Christ film. I can in to response to IM’s views.

IM: First of all, "truthseeker", I have a question for you. Before recommending this sermon,
did you listen to it?

Response: Yes, I've look at it.

IM: I have listened to the sermon and here is what I think. I did find some agreement with
him and his initial comments. I, too, am thankful to God that the events surrounding Christ's
crucifixion have become a subject for widespread discussion as a result of the release of
"The Passion".

Response: Well, I agree with that.

IM: I, too, am thankful to God that Mel Gibson has attempted to accurately depict the events
surrounding Christ's last 12 hours leading up and including the crucifixion, and that Gibson
has stood up for his principles against those who would have had him not follow the
Gospels so closely. I, too, am thankful the movie is allowing Christians an opening to
witness to non-Christians.

Response: Mel Gibson may have good intensions to show people about Christ's
crucifixion, but good intension isn’t going to save anyone. It invalidates the
scriptures so I reject it. Not to mention that Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ adds
many things in the film that are no where in the Holy Scriptures at all. I don’t believe
he followed the Gospels closely in the film since a lot of the film are based on the
occult visions of the Catholic mystic by the name of Anne Catherine Emmerich.
Emmerich was also a German nun. “The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according
to the Meditations of Anne Catherine Emmerich” is a title of a book that described Emmerich’s

IM: Now then, I did find much to disagree with. Keep in mind, the pastor is coming from the
perspective of someone who has NOT seen the movie, and I am coming from the
perspective of one who has. The pastor claims the movie deals only with the physical
suffering of Christ, while ignoring the spiritual suffering of Christ, which he claims is what
the Bible focuses on. This is absolutely untrue.

Response: This is a weak point. Many pastors like from Cutting Edge opposed it and
they have seen it. Just because someone didn't see a movie doesn't disqualify him or
her from commenting on it. This is Freedom of Speech and there is enough paganism
from Catholic mythics, etc. to oppose it. It does manly focuses on the physical
suffering of Christ. The beatings lasted for an extremely long time and it had few
spiritual references except for the defeat of Satan, some of Jesus Christ’s miracles,
and Christ shown naked which is blasphemy at the end of the movie. We should
understand the physical and spiritual matters of Jesus Christ. Yet, Jesus saves man
from his blood not by his crucifixion.

IM: Christ's spiritual suffering and struggles are dealt with extensively in the movie. In fact,
the movie opens with his spiritual suffering and burden in the Garden of Gethsemane. The
pastor even mentions Christ's spiritual suffering in the Garden and how important but for
some reason he never mentions that this was dealt with in great detail in the movie. Why?
Either because he knew the truth and chose to ignore it for convenience, or he does not
know the truth. I will give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he simply doesn't
know what he's talking since he has not seen the movie.

Response: The pastor fully explained the Gethsemane situation in his work. The
Gethsemane scene was so much a lie that I don't know where to start and I've seen
the movie. At the beginning of the movie, Satan questions Christ's will to handle the
sins of the world, which didn't occur in the Bible. The apostles thought Christ was
weak which didn't exist in the Bible. Jesus is fainting nearly and weeps which didn't
exist in the Bible in that magnitude. So, Mel Gibson distorted what the Gethsemane
scene was all about.

Christ is presented as too weak and weary which never occurred in the Bible. Christ
kills a snake, which is nowhere in the Bible. Christ experience agony but never fear.
Christ is never afraid of anything in the entire universe and the Passion shows him to
be extremely afraid which is not faithful to the Gospel accounts.

This scene is not necessarily spiritual but physical pain with a little spiritual feeling
of handling the sins of the world. I assume the pastor knows what he is talking
about. Just because the pastor doesn't mention every facet of a movie doesn't mean
that he's ignorant of the movie. You love to use character assassinations. The Pastor
is certainly telling the truth about this unscriptural, obscene film, yet you don't see it.

IM: He makes the point of saying that in the Bible the first mention of Christ's blood during
these final 12 hours is in the Garden with "sweating blood". This is completely consistent
with the movie, as some beads of blood are visible on Christ's face and brow in the Garden
before it shows Him shedding blood anywhere else. His point though fails on another count
as well. Christ's blood is mentioned in the Gospels before the Garden. It is mentioned, for
example, at the Last Supper when Christ told his disciples to "do this in remembrance of
me" when He was referring to his shed blood and broken body.

Response: Christ's blood in communion was totally symbolic when he said, "This is
my blood" since he used bread and wine not cutting himself to show his blood to
them. He was signifying the plan of salvation and the future events, which would
happen unto him. You refuse to put it into context. The blood he was describing was
a remembrance not literal blood and flesh that the disciples ought to eat and drink
which is contrary to the Bible in the OT and NT. We are not allowed to eat flesh and
drink blood in a religious ceremony as mentioned in Acts. As for sweating blood, I
see no problem with that. The blood that saved all mankind was from the cross.

IM: That was, of course, in reference to the blood he would shed leading up and including
the crucifixion. Was he referring to His sweated blood in the Garden? I hardly think so. The
pastor is getting dangerously close to Mormon doctrine here as they put an inordinate
amount of emphasis on Christ's suffering in the Garden.

Response: I see no problem with that and the pastor wasn't getting to Mormon
doctrine since the pastor perfectly believes that Christ's cross and the resurrection
saved mankind unlike the Mormons who believed that Gethsemane did it. This isn't
deductive but Mel Gibson’s views isn’t representative of the truth of Fundamental
Christianity. There is a distinction between Jesus Christ’s experience in the Garden
and the shedding of Jesus Christ’s blood on the Cross that saved all of the sins of
the world.

IM: They, in fact, claim that He suffered MORE in the Garden than on the Cross, and that
Christians who focus on the Cross are misguided. It is a way for them to draw attention
away from the Cross which is where Christ said "It is finished". The pastor is suddenly
sounding like a Mormon here. By the way, the LDS Church is also "discouraging" their
members from seeing this film. Wonder why? I think it's because they don't want their
members to truly understand or be moved by what Christ did on the Cross and understand
that what He did on Calvary is where their sins were redeemed and that the Garden was
just the beginning of Christ's suffering.

Response: This accusation is just a lie. Nowhere does the pastor say that
Gethsemane was the place of his sacrifice neither the area of our salvation. The
Pastor David Cloud never said that Jesus Christ suffered more in the Garden than on
the Cross. Mormons should see it since its a deception. In fact the movie doesn’t
place too much emphasis on his resurrection and the cross, which saved us. The
movie ended when Christ’s buttocks is shown walking out of the tomb which is
heresy. I’m Moving on from your conjecture.
IM: Again, the pastor is speaking from a position of ignorance. He hasn't seen the movie. I
have. The movie clearly shows that Christ is suffering spiritually as well as physically. Some
reviews I have read from other viewers have even mentioned that they thought, despite the
physical suffering what was shown, that Christ was depicted to have suffered more

Response: People who know enough about the movie yet haven't seen have a right to
critique it just like anyone else. Christ is depicted as a weak man unnecessarily
beaten too much with a short scene at the end of his resurrection. This movie has the
spirit of Satan by its unbiblical scenes and occult references. What is spiritual about
Christ depicted as a weak person, Romans beating Jesus Christ, the brutality lasting
the majority of the film, and lies spread about him. It even has Mary soaking the
blood of Jesus Christ, which is no where in the Scriptures. It focuses too much on
the physical suffering of Jesus Christ before crucifixion, which doesn’t save at all.

IM: "Spurious religious experience" was a favorite phrase of the pastor's. He insinuates that
people who are moved by this film will NOT have conviction of sin, that there will be no
change in lives, etc. Remember, he made these comments BEFORE the movie came out.
As it turns out, he could not have been more wrong. Many, many people have reported
conviciton of sin, changed lives, etc.. His prediction turned out to be untrue. Will every
single person become a fundamental Baptist after watching "The Passion"?

Response: As for experience, Theoretically, many people can change their lives as a
result of watching this film, but that doesn't justify it. It's a Roman Catholic Movie
based on false beliefs, so why I'm wasting my time following a man's movie who
consider me a candidate for Hell. Mel Gibson publicly stated that folks like me are
going to Hell since Mel and his Jew hating father Hutton are part of the Vatican I cult.
Vatican I denies that non-Catholic Christians are saved. There are many instances of
people dying and having stroke after watching the film as well. Why haven't you
discussed that in detail? So, the big picture is that the Passion distorts what’s really
important in Christianity. What’s really important in Christianity is morality and
improving life not obsessing with death and brutality plus violence.

The possibility of positive experience doesn't excuse a false film. That fundamental
Baptist comment is typical of you since you seem to might harbor distorted views on
fundamental Christians. The pastor perfectly outlines that Evangelicals, Lutherans,
Presbyterians, and other Christian groups are part of the Christian family. He doesn't
believe that neither do I conscribe that Baptists are the sole Church for a human to
go to.

IM: No, but that doesn't mean the movie can thus simply be dismissed as a "spurious
religious experience". Does everyone who hears this or any of the pastor's messages have
conviction of sin or make permanent changes in their lives? NO. Not even everyone who
heard Christ's messages became followers or continued to follow. Look at Judas.

Response: This is lame comparison. First, you say positive responses existed as a
result of the movie and then you say that some people who receive Christ's message
or the Pastor's message will reject the call for salvation. Of course that's true. Not
everyone will receive Christ. What does that have to do with the subject? How does
that refute this film as pagan propaganda? Nothing. A film shouldn’t be used as a
primary evangelist tool and if today’s Christians need a film to get back to God, then
that’s a sad fact for our sinful generation. People and individuals ought to directly
save people primarily by our own personal actions and deeds fulfilling the
commandment of Jesus Christ (to preach and send the Gospel to all Creation as
found in the book of Matthew).

IM: He was one of the 12 disciples, and he betrayed Christ. Therefore, by the pastor's
measure, neither he, nor even Christ could pass his "spurious religious experience" test.
What is the good pastor going to say to somebody who says to him "Pastor, I was
tremendously moved and convicted after watching 'The Passion'. I have a deeper
understanding of the love Christ had for me.

Response: What does Judas have to do with the legitimacy of the film or to do with
experience anyway? The answer is nothing The Pastor does say the truth about the
film. Just because some has a good response and wants to be saved, doesn't mean
he or she is saved or the film is true. You can be saved with or without looking at the
movie. That's all I'm saying and that's the truth.

IM: I want to do everything I can to love Him back. I have repented of sins that I've been
holding on to. I have immersed myself in the Word. I have been more bold in sharing Jesus
with others."? Is he going to tell them "Ahh, just forget all that stuff. You just had a 'spurious
religious experience' and nothing more. Go back to being the comfy, cozy, lazy Christian
you were before"? I hope not. I hope he will be able to swallow his pride.

Response: Nowhere does the Pastor say that by looking at the film or having an
experience with the film will lead a person to hell. He didn't say that neither do I
believe it since that's ignorant and silly. You're adding words and to people's mouths
and lying.

Wow, what ignorance. Did the pastor explicitly say that you must have a spurious
religious experience to be saved or not? No. He just said that some experiences
might not be a product of the film being holy. Being moved and being saved are two
different things. I can be moved by looking at a movie and still refuse to be saved,
etc. See the analogy. Christ doesn't save a man on account of a movie. If someone
wants to be saved as a product of witnessing the movie, I see no problem as long as
it is told to that person that the movie is a deception. The Pastor has no pride and
you are too elaborate on religious experience, which is desperation on your part. No
real Christian would mock a person after looking at a movie anyway. No real
Christian is going to tell a person to be lazy, but be inspired to fight for truth. Now,
see you want to propel the movie to something that it isn’t. It isn’t a godly endeavor.
It’s a slick way to promote Ecumenicalism and lies to deceive Christians.

IM: The pastor contradicted himself rather strongly when he emphasized that Gibson's
Christianity has nothing to do with whether you should see this movie. He said you should
judge the movie on its merits and not judge it on what kind of Christian you think Gibson is
or isn't because we aren't in a position to judge Gibson.

Response: Well whether the Pastor said that or not, I believe Gibson's version of his
false Christianity does have a role in looking at the movie. I judge false doctrines, the
movie, and Mel Gibson's false beliefs as the Bible say to do and I've listed a dozen
Bible verses to you directly to back myself up. I'm in a position and every man is in a
position to judge Gibson's doctrines and movies not his motives or him personally.
Only God can judge a man's motives and heart. Yet, we have a right to Judge
righteous Judgment as found in John 7:24.

IM: He then turns around and rails on Catholic atrocities of ages ago, such as the
Inquisition, and asks "how can a Protestant go see a movie done by a Catholic"? There he
is judging Gibson as being a less of a Christian, right after saying we shouldn't judge the
movie by judging Gibson. What is also ironic, is that this pastor is a fundamental Baptist, is
he not?

Well, the Baptists aren't even Protestants as I have recently learned. In fact, the Baptists
were tortured and brutalized by guess who? Not the Catholics. Protestants! So, to be
consistent, we shouldnt' see any movies done by Protestants, now matter how good of a
"Christian" the director is.

Response: This response by IM is so false that I'm laughing off the edge of my seat.
ha ha ah ah hah ah ah ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!!! What is wrong with showing the
truth of Catholic atrocities centuries ago? Are they false? They are true and I see no
problem with a man doing it to expose Roman Catholicism. Many Catholic atrocities
are recent like the Catholic Ustasha killing Serbs, Jewish people, and Gypsies during
WWII, Serbian persecutions in the 1990s, or the pedophile priest scandals, etc. He is
a human being and every right to show the evils of Romanism. I have a biblical right
to judge Gibson's religion if it has false doctrines and it does. What's wrong with

Nothing is wrong with that and I'm called to Judge Righteous Judgment (John 7:24),
which is the verse you don't like at all. Baptists and Protestant do have some
differences, but both are still Christians. Catholics persecuted both Protestants and
Baptists so this is a lie by you. Protestants didn’t just presecute Baptists alone.
Catholic persecuted Baptists as well. Some Protestants did in fact killed Baptists but
Roman Catholicism killed million of people potentially in over 600 years (1200-1840s)
in their godless Inquisition. Murder is wrong for both sides but Roman Catholicism
killed more people than any other religion in the history of the world. That’s more
than Islam and they never forgiven themselves until recently by the new world order
proponent John Paul II in his lowbrow apology.

The Protestant movie thing is just sad by you. You can see movies about religion
whether Catholic or Protestant, but you can criticize it if it has blatant falsehoods and
that’s what the pastor is doing. The movie shouldn’t be seen (or endorsed) because
its a distortion and a disservice to the Gospels. The movie has Catholic influence in
it. Mel Gibson even admitted it as a Catholic movie. Even if a Protestant shown the
exact same thing about Christ, I will reject it just as harsh as if a Catholic did it.

IM: The pastor's final and biggest point is that he believes the movie is idolatry and violates
the 2nd Commandment? I completely disagree. This argument has been put forward by
fundamentalists before, and they have simply taken it too far; otherwise, throw away ALL of
your pictures, books, videos, and tapes that talk about God. Hypocritically, the pastor is
putting his own "image" of God on the internet, violating the 2nd commandment by his own
standard. Ridiculous? Absolutely.

Response: This is another one of your great lies. The pastor perfectly outlined
idolatry as any image that represented as God or the worship of images as God. Any
pictures, pictures of family members, books, video tapes, and other images can be
possessed by human beings as long as they are not used to represent God or to be
worshipped as God. The pastor does say that it’s a sin to use images to portray
Christ. See, the Passion portrays a mere man as Jesus Christ in the film. People are
worshipping this man. Even if it’s acting, The 2nd Commandment forbids that even if
you are faking it. Not to mention that veneration of images and the veneration of the
mass is unbiblical since you are praising mere objects. Yet again, you outline
fundamentalists with stereotypes. Most real fundamentalists follow God, read the
Bible, and live a good life.

IM: I love the Lord with all of my heart. I would be sickened and very outspoken against
anything that I felt was unBiblical, blasphemous, or irreverant toward my Saviour. If this
movie had such an agenda, I would be the first to denounce it. I'm certainly not afraid to
express my opinion, and will do so, even if I'm a minority of one. Mel Gibson is not perfect.
His movie is not perfect. It's a good thing, though, that God doesn't require perfection from
us, or ALL of us would fail. Some choose to find one thing wrong with "The Passion" and
pass judgment on it as being evil. By that standard they are passing judgment upon
themselves as evil.

Response: Good people and saved people can be deceived about a movie. This is
outlined in prophecy so I wouldn’t be shocked if I’ve heard of a saved person
praising this movie when its pagan nonsense. No one is saying that Mel Gibson has
to be perfect or a perfect Christian. This is emotionalism by you. But the Bible does
say you have to have a basically good life and follow the fundamentals of the faith.
Mel doesn't by believing bread and wine transforms magically into blood and flesh to
be eaten, a man is the head of the earthly church, there is an inter-dimensional vortex
between heaven and hell, Mary is the Co-Redeemer, sinless and Queen of Heaven,
participating in movies that used Gods name in vain and massive amounts of
profanity, and that his church is the one true church and you're going to Hell if you
refuse to join it. Mel committed adultery against his own wife as well. Just because
people aren’t people, doesn’t mean we refuse to criticize evil. See, you equate
criticizing an unscriptural movie with an extreme form of judging. It isn’t.

The movie is blasphemous by presenting Christ as too weak, showing him naked at
the end of movie, and adding scenes that have no basis in the Bible. I find tons of
things in the movie that are false not just one.

They also include Satan depicted as androgynous or female when Satan is male,
Mary strengthen Christ at his beating by the Romans when it didn’t happen, Children
tormenting Judas in transforming in demon faces which didn’t occur in the Bible,
Satan tempting Christ in Gethsemane which didn’t happen, and even others. You
seem to point out a few good areas then ignore tons of contradictions of the movie.
How deceptive of you trying to convince me of this film.

IM: The pastor's sermon would have been much, much better and accurate if it had been
much, much shorter. He should have stopped after expressing what good things are
resulting from this movie.

Response: The pastor can outline what he wants as long its God’s truth and his
words ring true to me. Good things? Good things don’t cut it when you’re describing
the Bible. You have to be as accurate as you can with good things and very few
mistakes and this movie has a few good things and tons of mistakes therefore I
refuted you and your mistakes. To omit the unscriptural nature of the film is just as
wrong as slandering a person. So, no I will refuse to omit evil. I will expose it. The
Passion of Christ was based on an occult, Catholic mystic with its obscene scenes
and an agenda to promote the heresies of the Roman Catholic Church. I will not back
down from that premise at all.

By Timothy




March 26, 2004

9:46 pm. EST

Here's my response to Michael is here. Michael supports the Jesuits obviously and believes in a
distorted view of the Vatican.

Michael: I know this is a h__ old post but i'm only just reading it. I think you are a person who likes
knowledge in an argument, but these points you make seem too sketchy to put into a blog:

Response: ha ha!!! Fundamentally, more sketchy information are found in other blogs than
mine. I certainly see your point that we should be as accurate as possible. I wrote that
information many years ago, so today I'm much more accurate with my information including
my arguments.

Michael: 2). All you said was Reagan was cozy with. Then link the abortion decisions. By that logic you
could blame all decisions on the jesuit.

Response: I said more than what people Ronald Reagan was cozy with. I exposed for years
how Ronald Reagan passed the pro-abortion law in 1967 and how he sponsored anti-gun
legislation in California as early as 1967. He passed the anti-gun Mulford Act. I do link the
abortion decision with the politics of that time in California. Also, Reagan expanded the debt
and allied with the Bohemian Grove. Reagan supports the Vatican and Jesuits by agreeing
with a Vatican concordat in 1984, etc. His administration members had numerous Knights of
Malta as well. I don't link the Jesuits to all evils. I just acknowledge the Jesuit connection to the new
world order, which is clearly evident from authors like Edmond Paris (and others). See, the big picture
with Ronald Reagan (who was even a honorary 33rd Degree Freemason) was that he fronted a
conservative image in order to achieve political expediency. In actuality, he was a deception and now
more folks realize this.

Michael: 4). The orders that turned around and began to support movements in South America were
taking on a policy of pro-indigenous rights and sorry for the aristocratic domination previously. Many
priests were killed for this. I think saying they supported the dictators is generalising or not true.

Response: Many low level people in South and Latin America may sincerely wanted freedom,
but leading Sandinistas members did as much terrorism as the Contras did. There is nothing
with promoting pro-indigenous citizens’ rights in a nation. It is something wrong by using
terrorism in order to get that accomplished. They were funded by the Jesuits just like the
Knights of Malta (like SMOM Oliver North) funded the Contras. There is no justification for the
terrorism committed by both sides. Killing priests is wrong. Also, killing anti-Communists
were wrong as well in the 1980's. The Jesuits and the Vatican supporting some Latin American
dictators is a fact and it isn't generalizing at all. Although, tons of people in Latin and South
America are patriotic and were liberty lovers. I will not back down from that point. Examples
include how the JP II linked up with dictator Castro and Pope Benedict XVI sucking up to the
pro-NWO dictator of Hugo Chavez. Even back in the back, the Pope supported the Ustashi
dictator Ante Pavelic during WWII. What more evidence do you need?

Michael: 5). I accept that this society is secretive, but involves many people, and this man could have
different reasons for founding. Please more information why the Jesuit part is linked to it. He might be
the member of a local football club too lol. If most Jesuit high ups did this then okay, but...

Response: Much of society is secretive. I do realize that secrecy involves many people. I never
omitted that it didn't. You can't pronounce evidence otherwise. Now, Ignatius Loyola didn’t
invent the Jesuits to create some club. He created it for the evil purpose of trying to destroy
the Protestant Reformation. Loyola followed occult Meditations as well. I just made this work
to prove the Vatican link to the new world order that tons of people in the alternative choice to
neglect. They neglect it, because they are either shills or haven't studied the issue in more
depth. I've shown tons of information on Jesuits links to the new world order throughout this
blog. You can Google "Jesuits" in this blog and the information is there. No one said that
every Jesuit is involved in all evil. Yet, it is true that many Jesuits are involved in internationals
evils spanning centuries.

Michael: 6). Jesuit priest William Fulco translated the script into Hebrew, Aramaic, and now
translators are evil doers?

Response: You are putting words in my mouth. No one said that all translators are evil. What I
said is that the Jesuit Fulco translated the script of the Passion film. That film is unbiblical on
many levels and it doesn't focus on God's sacrifice. It focus on grosteque brutality primarily.
Also, Mel enacted unrepentant pornographers in the film including relying on the words of an
unscriptural mystic in the film. By these facts alone, the Passion is a deception.

Michael: 7). Again, so now UNESCO reps are evil doers? Okay he reps foreign policy committee. I
believe all american UN appointees will be the kind to represent interests, for the nation itself is very
state-centric not human/world-centric

Michael: UNESCO is evil since it promotes the new world order, population control, and anti-
national sovereignity ideas. State centric? The basis of the United Nations was to form a world
order. Even UNESCO founder Huxley wanted a global government. So, the agenda of many
internationalists is a global outlook. Evil doers do exist in UNESCO and some people in that
group don't even know the true agenda of UNESCO by ignorance. You need to realize this.

Michael: 8). Again connecting a president to a university or influence as the sole reason. I mean,
Georgetown is one of the top ten producers of Peace Corps volunteers. I think its important to note
Clinton went against a popular vote but that is not always bad, it was a rights based issue. Fear of
majority as tyrannical was legitimate in founding fathers.

Response: Also, you do know that I have mention more than an University as the sole reason I
disagree with Bill Clinton. Just because a person works in an University, doesn’t mean that
person is a boy scout. Georgetown is an University that actively recruit elitist people in order
to go along with the agenda of the establishment. Also, you do realize that Bill Clinton is a liar
under oath, involved in China gate, he scapegoated patriotic conservatives for the OKC
Bombing, he is complicit in the Waco murder, he supports abortion heavily, is anti-gun, and he
bombed innocent nations (in Sudan, Iraq, and Serbia). Some folks don’t realize that. I do. So, I
don't admire Bill Clinton. He's not a man that I strive to be. I strive to follow God not a Jesuit-
trained puppet like William Jefferson Clinton at all. Him opposing the Vietnam War is fine, but
him aligning with Jesuits isn‘t.

Michael: As for hitler references. I think hitler could find bad people in any group. If he modelled SS on
them, it was because of their rigorous training.

Response: The Hitler reference is accurate and you can't find a single thing to refute it. It's a
fact that he modeled the SS after the Jesuits. Rigorous training? Is that the best you can come
up with? The reality is that the Jesuits are murderous group complicit in the Bartholomew
Massacre, the assassinations of people, infiltration of governments, etc. for centuries. Hitler
probably knew of their wicked history and based his SS after them more than just rigorous
training. Not to mention that the Vatican funded the Nazis via SMOM Franz von Papen, which you
haven't refuted. The Vatican aided the Nazi Ustashis and other fascist Roman Catholic dictators all
over WWII (even Franco). So, you need to realize that and the truth.

Michael: I am not saying they are clean, but i don't like the reasoning provided.

Response: The Jesuits aren't clean. I shown tons of evidence for that. Also, my reasoning is sound on
this issue. See, the Vatican is an unscriptural organization. The Jesuits came about in 1540 as a
means to destroy the Protestant Reformation (which gave us our Bill of Rights culture in America).
Therefore, I will not apologize for my views. I will not be intimidated. I will not relinquish my views.
Also, this reasoning is clear since I have used historical examples, connections, and other evidence to
back up my views.

By Timothy

*I usually don't respond to Pastor Harry here, but I have to since I strongly
disagree with him on Iraq. Harry is against the death penalty when Jesus Christ
said in Revelation that he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword.
The death penalty was mentioned before the Mosaic Law anyway. He also utilizes
the Bible Codes, which aren't 100% accurate and God is apparent not hidden. He
supports the Passion movie when David Cloud, Watch Unto Prayer, Cutting Edge,
and other ministries have exposed its pornographers, unbiblical scenes, and
occult symbolism before [i.e. Icon Publications funded the film and it's logo is the
All Seeing Eye of Horus or Lucifer]. Harry is right to oppose abortion and support
Terri Schiavo. He is right to expose blatantly apostate "Christians" like Benny
Hinn, Billy Graham, Joyce Meyer, and many others. Here's my response to him. My
words are in bold.

Harry: IRAQ: THE REAL REASON FOR WAR The Liberal "Puppet" Show wants us to
believe that President Bush invaded Iraq for Oil. The latest accusation of Cindy Sheehan
is that "Bush went to war to kill American Soldiers" . . . as human sacrifices? The real
reason that President Bush invaded Iraq is three-fold: 1). To Stop Saddam from
developing or acquiring nuclear weapons before the year 2012, when Earth may be
threatened by a massive comet or astreroid (WHAT NASA CANNOT TELL US).

Response: Once again Pastor Harry is into deception. George W. Bush is working
with extremists in the American government who don't have American interests
in heart. They seek to illegally drive Saddam out to force democracy into the
populace. Harry needs to realize that the Iraq War was illegal since Article 1,
Section 8 forbids declaring war without Congressional Declaration. Bush used
Resolutions and not a Declaration of War by Congress. This is beyond "liberal"
since many real conservatives oppose the Iraq war like Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin,
Johnson, and many other people. It's obvious that oil isn't the only reason for war,
but even the BBC reported that America seeked Iraqi oil in the war. The neo-cons'
The Project for an American Century Document document the reasons for the
Iraq War as extending their hegemony worldwide. Even a note sent by a Neo-Con
to Bill Clinton in the 1990's expressed concern over Iraq's oil supplies and seek to
inspire Clinton to invade Iraq.

You should have more compassion for Cindy Sheehan since she is a grieving
mother who is right I might add on the issue of Iraq being immoral and carried
out improperly. I don't know Bush's heart, but the administration certainly made
mistakes and seek to continue to see dead soliders for even years to come. You're
reasons for the Iraq War is as bogus as Bush being an authentic conservative.
Also, Saddam never had massive quantites of WMDS and he had no nuclear
weapons. Many nations are acquiring and developing nukes like India and
Pakistan, but we don't invade them. You parrot the same lie that the Neo-Cons
keep on showing. You need to becareful of date setting for if it doesn't come to
pass, the Bible Code is proven wrong again as the Bible Code mentioned a disaster
in 2000, but nothing occured.

2)To Liberate The Iraqi People from a brutal Dictatorship that included Support of
terrorism, Mass Murder, Torture and Gang Rape.

Response: What right do we have to illegally invade a Nation. Nations globally

have dictators, torture, crime, gang rape, terrorism, etc. like North Korea, Sudan,
and many other places. That doesn't mean we invade them all. We have no right
to be the policeman of the world, unless you want to embrace a globalist mindset
of internationalism. We are a soverign country, not an empire builder at all. The
primarily reason for invasion is for a direct direct to our soil and Iraq wasn't that
threat. In fact, many American troops have tortured citizens. Now, Iraq is far from
being liberated like inside America we have illlegal laws all over the place. If we
in America have anti-civil liberty laws, how can we truly liberate Iraq completely.
It's apparent that we imposed a new government there. is a link
proving the falsehood of true Iraqi liberation.

3) To (hopefully) stabilize the heart of the mideast with a Democratic Form of

Government. The worst mistake that The USA could make is to withdraw our Military
from Iraq. This will result in a violent civil war led by Al Qaeda terrorists and possibly
bring OSAMA BIN LADEN to power in Iraq as the new leader. Listen to my new
Interview on DoomsDay Talk radio on how Bin Laden may emerge as the new leader of
Iraq and trigger an Economic Collapse in the USA, using Oil as the new weapon of
terrorism. Pastor Harry/Church of Philadelphia-Internet

Response: The Middle Eastern region is not fully stabilize after the War. To be
honest with you, the Middle East didn't get more violent or less violent in my
mind. It remained the same, except with the insurgent terrorizing American G.I.s
and Iraq becoming a honest nest of terrorism. As for a democratic government,
we aren't a democracy. We are a Republic with elected officials. A democracy is
mob rule with the majority ruling all of the voting situation. A democracy leads to
chaos, but a Republic is for the political stability and governmental fairness
inside this country. Obviously, the Founding Fathers condemned the proposition
to create a democracy as the basis for our form of government. I hope Iraq
becomes a Republic without illegal interventions by foreign nations. Many people
to oppose the war, don't believe in an immediate withdraw of troops. I do believe
in an eventual withdraw with steps and a time table. We will have to withdraq
our troops someday since that's the nature of most wars. That's common sense.

Al-Qaeda is nothing more than a military industrial complex creation as said by

Alex Jones and numerous other individuals. Al-Qaeda was funded by the CIA for
decades. Osama might be dead and in this "war" on terror, there has always been
an exaggeration of terror threats to America. Osama bin Laden and Saddam
Hussein were assisted by the CIA for decades. Saddam worked with the CIA as
early as 1959, so Harry's scenario is faulty. There is a threat of civil war with or
without our troops in Iraq like the Constitution controversy and the Sunnis
refusing to adhere to the proposal. I have faith in God and I don't embrace fear-
mongering or illegal, immoral wars like Iraq with our G.I.s and civilians killed,
D.U. poisoning, and other negative activities. Pastor Harry's link of his blog is at

By Timothy

Note by Me: I was born ready for this and I've haven't debated a Muslim in a
while so I may appear rusty, but you will get the point in this exchange.
A Muslim wrote:

Waste of your time primarly, and mine secondarly. Let me ask you a
question, If to be able to go to heaven, you have to believe in Jesus
Christ, yet what about all the people who lived before Jesus, is God
that Unmerciful to throw them in Hell...Including Abraham, and all the
other prophets who didnt believe in Jesus cuz he wasnt born yet, ohh
so these prophets knew Jesus personnally and he told them to tell
their people to believe in Jesus, not God?!?!

Response: I don’t waste my time investigating important issues of the day.

Those who lived before Jesus had the early leaders and prophets to help
people receive God. Abraham lived before the arrival of Jesus Christ in the
flesh on Earth. The plan of God allowed those to follow God’s Law to go to
heaven in the Old Covenant. That's why they didn't adhered to the Messiah
yet. Many of the prophets didn’t realize of Christ, but some did like Isaiah who
directly called the Messiah Mighty God (Jesus Christ). God’s plan was to allow
his Son to arrive at a later certain point in history.

A Muslim wrote:
Wow since when did the Son become more praise worthy than the
father. Simply too patriarichal. And plus If its Jesus's Job to save,
what does God do? Does God actually make other people do the job
for him?! I am sorry but your weakenning your God's capability, My
God is Allah. Which is not a moon God as you stated but an unseen
God who tests us by not appearing in the minimal capabilities of our
mind and i can tell yours is much less than the rest of us. Before you
attack a religion, go attack your own, or else someone else will. Oh
yeah dont you know your own history?! The Christians were the ones
considered Untolerant. Went to spain and slaughtered and butchered
Jew and Muslims who lived in an Islamic state tolerant of the other
two religions?

Response: I’ve never said of giving more praise to the Son than the Father.
The Son is to be given equal praise and respect as to the Father. The Bible is
patriachial and if you don’t like take it up with the Bible. Jesus is God and God
does saves. God Father sent forth the plan, the Son suffered on the cross and
gave his life to save souls, and the Holy Spirit inspires, teaches, and helps
people to walk with God in a powerful way. That’s the connection. God gives
man free will and God can work miracles, but God isn’t stupid. He realizes that
it’s a person’s responsibility to help himself to receive aid from God. I’m not
weakening God’s capability, but God isn’t a slot machine, but a intelligent
being who we need him to succed. We will have to do some of our moves in
achieving that with asking God for help like always, but not relying on God as
the supreme compromiser of sin or folly. In other words, we help ourselves,
so God can help us. Allah is your god. Allah isn’t the moon god, but the solar
god of ancient times.


proves that Allah existed before Islam was created for the solar diety not the
moon god that many Christians believe. Allah doesn’t mean Almighty God and
many experts proved that before. Here’s entomology: The Word Allah is
divided into the 2 syllables Al and Ilah. Al means the in Arabic. Ilah doesn’t
mean Almighty God in Arabic, but “the deity” which was utilized in pre-Islamic
times by many Arabic tribes. Many scholars point out that Ilah (the deity) was
utilized for a wide variety of deities:
“All said 'Allah', but each one had its own deity in mind. The expression 'the
god' (al-ilah), which became the only usage, became the bridge to the concept
of an identical god which all tribes had in common” (J.Wellhausen, p. 218)

*Allah just originated from Mesopotamia and caught on by Muhammad to

devise his religion of Islam:

“We will now discuss the derivation process of the god's name from the
beginning. We might have waited until the end for this revelation, but it
seemed good to me to let you in on the plot so that you can follow the Hajj of
Allah better. The root form of the name of the earth god in Sumer is found in
Enlil, the primal god. If we drop the gender prefixes from Enlil and his consort
Ninlil, we are left with the root, "LIL." This is reduced later in many cultures to
"IL." (Some "scholars" have tried to say that IL is EL, but the root form of IL is
LIL, so this notion just won't work. Of course these "scholars" have no
respect for the Bible unless it supports their presuppositions.) The system of
putting prefixes before the god names was used in the Hamatic cultures like
Sumer . After the god / goddess moved on to Semitic cultures such as Assyria
and Semitic Babylon, a suffix was attached after the "LIL" or "IL" root.

The most startling coincidence to me, of ancient Sumerian god names

concurrently inscribed in the same epigraphs with much more recent god
names, is in an inscription in stone from Al-Ula in Northern Arabia , circa 500
BC, just 1000 years before Muhammad. In the same Semitic language dialect,
and in the same time frame, are two other names of the gods- Mar-Allah,
meaning Lord-god, and Adar'IL, a Sardonic contraction using the root form of
the name for god from Sumer , LIL.

This shows that the basic IL or LIL root form survived for 2500 years,
appearing in both names in ancient and recent forms! In Jawf, in the same
area and time frame, the feminine form for Allah is found commonly as in
Ham'illat (ILAT is the goddess). Also, in inscriptions near oases, Allah and
Allat (sometimes ILAT) appear with no descriptive attachments, either in
appeals for help in travel, or as part of the signature of the suppliant (like
Abdallah-- IL root in name!). What does this mean? This means that IL and
Allah shared the reverence of the ancient Sumerians, circa 3000 BC, and the
northern Arab tribes in 500 BC. Survival time-- 2500 years. (Winnett, F V, and
Reed, W L, Ancient Records From North Arabia, Univ. of Toronto, 1970 [This is
a key source for epigraphs.] pg. 79,126-127 / 245,253b. Winnett has done some
of the best and most recent work in inscription interpretation.)

*The Answering Islam site says this : “This is not a pretty sight to the Muslim
reader because it clearly shows that Allah descended from the original pagan
god, Enlil, after the tower of Babel . The reason we can be sure of the
connection between Babel (or Sumer) and Mecca is that Enlil, whose LIL root
name would not go away, survived for 2500 years to be included in Northern
Arabia in the Kaaba.”

“Muhammad cleansed the Kaaba of 360 pagan idols and gods, but he retained
the resident god of choice, Al-ILAH, or Allah. If he was extending the heritage
of EL or Elohim into the world, as he claimed he was, then why didn't
Muhammad use one of the clearly biblical names extant in the Bible AND right
there in Arabia ? In fact, Allah and Elohim are mutually exclusive, so Allah is a
pagan counterfeit.” (Van Netton, Steve, Allah Divine or Demonic, pg. 113-14,

“The Quraysh ADOPTED ALLAH AS BAAL, and added the goddesses to his
cult the same way as Baal had three daughters in the Fertile Crescent . They
venerated him and his three female companions in his new House, the Kaaba
at Mecca .” (Bergsson, Snorri G., Goddesses and Wica worship,'Neo-
paganism at its most deceptive form, Islam and Goddess Worship Chpt. IV,
pg. 15, 1998-2000)

I dissent with a false religion and every man has a right to disagree with other
religions if there is falsehood in it. I’m a man so I won’t back down on this
issue. I know my history of my race, of America , and other things very well, so
I don’t need lectures about history. Intolerance of evil, sin, and hate is good
and biblical. I’m intolerant of sin, hate, vengeance and anti-God concepts and I
like that indeed. Catholics not Christians murdered Jews and Muslims in the
Spanish Inquistion and that isn’t justified. Muslims attacked all of North Africa
stealing their land (millions of square miles) in the Middle Ages. Also, Muslims
are trying to kill my people off in Sudan . 2 million dead in 20 years!!!!!!!!! What
kind of stuff is that and you’re lecturing me about history. Islam also enslaved
blacks for centuries and still do so unto this day which isn’t justified now.
Saudi Arabia is an Islamic state now and they practice in religious intolerance
by jailing or killing religious dissidents.

A Muslim wrote:
And dont you know that the western part of Rome was the worst place
to be in the Middle ages? Where Christianity was established? By
force.What kind of tolerance is that. And that they converted or killed
whoever opposed the idea of praying to Saints for forgivness (again
giving people God's responsablitity) And having priests forgive you
during confession...Hey i thought it was Jesus that forgives, I guess
Jesus gives his Job to other people as well...well like father like
son.Oh and How would mohammed have known how an embryo looks
like in a mother's womb looked like. Or that theres seven skies I.E
Stratosphere..theres actually 7. Or the revival of Rome during the
renaissance period. All written in the Quran. Does your bible have
that?! Anyways see you in heaven.

Response: During the Middle Ages, Western Europe had trouble, but the
Bible Believing Celts and Irishmen like Columbanus and St. Patrick tried to
spread the Bible into Europe to assist European ignorance of God and truth.
Christianity was never shown by force. The Koran explicitly has violent
references and as little as decades after Muhammad’s death, Islam spread by
force and killed thousands of people to convert to their false religion. This
isn’t tolerance. Real Christianity suffered death by the Roman Empire decades
after Christ's resurrection and ascension into heaven. Fake Christianity spread
by force since forced conversion and violence is forbidden in God’s Word.

All of this killing and praying to saints for forgiveness refers to the Papal
religion not real Biblical Fundamental Christianity. There is no proof of the
NT of having priests to forgive all my sins with confession so this is a tactic
to falsely equate Romanism with Christianity which isn’t the case at all. Jesus
does forgives alone and I’m no Papist so I reject forgiveness by priests. All
believers are priests as set forth in the NT. Muhammad realizing of an
embryo, 7 heavens, etc. have nothing to do with the conversion issue at all.
The Quran has tons of errors while the Bible doesn’t (There are resources
that answer every supposed contradiction in the Bible).

A Muslim wrote:

The truth is with God right? But your scripture are corruped and you
cant proove otherwise. And so right now your following some priest
who decided to change the bible to conform to his patriarchal needs.
If you think this is non-sense. Take a history of Music course. They
changed words around to conform to the celebration either easter or
christmas. And if you saw Passion of the Christ, you would hear at a
certain moment Jesus Uttering in aramaic "Ya Ilahi" Ilah is Allah in
Arabic...Ilahi means MY...

Response: The truth is God and his Word right. The scriptures are never
corrupted with the Magdean Papyrus (64 A.D.), all books of the NT done (100
A.D.), Syrian Peshitta (147 A.D.), Old Latin (150 A.D.), and other versions of the
word recorded for 2,000 years. Homer's Illiad wasn't in written copies until
hundreds of years later yet the Bible had written copies in less than 3 decades
after the ascension of Jesus Christ. If you want to call the Bible less than
accurate, call nearly every ancient scripts from ancient Babylon , India , Persia
, Africa , etc. inaccurate since they had the same procedures and higher delay
of recording than the Bible has. Scholars finding almost of the NT in the words
of the Church Elders and the Massoreth texts preserving the OT, makes the
Bible one of a kind, unique, and infallible. I’m not Catholic so I don’t follow a
priest and I don’t believe in changing God’s word to suit patriarchal needs
since the Bible itself is basically patriarchal in terms of leadership. Islam is
even patriarchal with Muhammad and his allies, so you need to take it up with
Islam as well. There’s always a possibility of change, but when the words over
the centuries look accurate, then I don’t doubt it. The Koran had no at the fact
preservation in decades, but its first written copies existed in at a mininum of
200 years after Muhammad’s death. We have copies of the NT as early as 64
AD. And have the Dead Sea Scrolls containing tons of the OT with the
Massoretic texts housing the OT equating Biblical preservation so I’m not
worried at all. Easter and Christmas are pagan holidays and many Christians
refuse to celebrate them like Baptists and independent groups so it’s no
consequence toward me at all.

The Passion is a Satanic movie with addition to the Bible, pagan scenes,
occult actions, and deception so forget the movie. Allah refers to the solar god
and even if Cavaziel said Ilah, it’s still inaccurate by the other parts of him
saying chalice which never appears in the Bible.
Muhammad was someone who:

a). added to the New covenant when Christ at the cross instituted it with any
addition from further “prophets.” b). Has violent fruit by many Muslims
invading sovereign countries to illegally retrieve land in North Africa and other
regions as a matter of decades after Muhammad’s death. C). Provide a set of
beliefs that contradict the Bible and even the Quran in several instances that
I’ve pointed out. Many include that Abraham lived in the valley of Mecca (Sura
14:37). The Bible says he lived in Hebron . Pharoh's wife adopted Moses (Sura
28:8, 9). Bible says it was Pharoh's daughter. Surah 11:44 says that Noah’s
Ark rested on Mount Judi when it landed on Mount Arafat in Armenia . Surah
6:74 calls Abraham’s father Azar when the Bible says that it was Terah. Surah
37:100-112 says that Abarham was about to sacrifice Ishmael when the Word
of God clearly states that Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac. These simple
examples of the numerous distortions of the truth by Islam therefore the
Quran is less than perfect when the Bible have thousands of copies and
preserved for 1,000s of years. As for women and Islam, much of the Koran
does grant woman some equality with men, but a man can beat a wife while
the woman can’t do the same (Surah 4:34), a man can have up to 4 wives while
a woman can’t have up to 4 husbands (Surah 4:3), and in inheritance (Surah
4:11). Islam is a false religion.

are real sites with rational thought of dissenting with Islam. I hope you repent
and leave Islam and convert to Jesus Christ.

November 10, 2004

By Timothy

Answering Jaryla

Jaryla: What is it with you Americans and the Jews?

Response: What's with us. Some of us Americans respect the Jewish's people
contributions in history, science, religion, etc. We respect them unlike real anti-Semites
in Europe. I'm just not going to hate Jewish people or Arabic people period.

Jaryla: About 95% of people in the current land of Israel were of Arab origin until the state of
Israel was formed. During the creation of the 'Israeli state', many native Palestinians were
displaced and forced off their land. Now they remain under illegal occupation by Israel in the
West Bank and Gaza following the 1967 conflict. In addition, Jewish settlements continue to
be built in these areas and the Palestinian refugees have not been allowed to return home.
How can people possibly pass off all this behaviour as the 'will of God'?

Response: You actually believe that. Jewish people were in the land since Biblical days.
The Greeks and the Romans stole the land thousands of years ago. Also, after the
Disapora, there was always a permanent presence of Jewish people in the land from 70-
1948 A.D. Many historians have proven this since the Yemeni, Sephradic, Ethoipic, and
other Hebrew tribes communicated with the Arabic people during the 600's A.D. The
Palestinians for the most part originated from Muslim Arabs migrated into the land at
the 600's A.D. Jewish people and Arabic people were peacefully co-existing with each
other. The land was further stolen by the Byzantium and Ottoman Empires. The
British defeated the Ottoman Empire after WWI and caused the Mid East strife today.
Me and little brother personally blame the Brits since the Brits funded both radical
Muslim and radical Jewish groups to try to kill each other. In fact, according to some
scholars, if the Jews and Arabs were not infringed upon by the Brits, they would of
made up their own solution easily. The land therefore belonged to the Jewish people for
centuries before any massive immigration of Arabs in the land. I don't agree with
displacement or oppression unto the Palestinians (done by Zionist extremists not holy
Jewish people), but they weren't the first people there. Even the refugee situation isn't
totally controlled by the Israelis, but by the U.N. The U.N. is also making the refugees
stagnant in their own condition. People stole land for thousands of years. America is the
perfect example of that. The Gaza Strip recently in 2005 have been given to the
Palestinian leadership. Also, it is just for the Palestinians to recieve just compensation
for their land taken from them, but that doesn't disregard the Jews presence in the land
as well. Not to mention that Palestine was a term coined by the Romans in a bigoted
guesture to restrict the Jews to inhabit Jerusalem. Palestine existed from the word
Philistine as well, but the Palestinians aren't originated from the Philistines at all, but
from the Arabic people.

Jaryla: Terrorism is a problem which has to be dealt with, but you have to look at what fuels
it, and the oppression of the Palestinian people certainly isn't helping. By continuing to
exhibit a rabid pro-Israeli bias, America will become more and more isolated in the world
and continue to fuel the hatred of the Arab people.

Response: I think this "War on Terror" is a farce. Many of the Muslim international
terrorism are funded or controlled by intelligence agencies and government. 9/11 being
an inside job (i.e. controlled demolition, stand down by NORAD, goverment
foreknowledge, training of "hijackers", some of the "hijackers being alive after 9/11,
etc.) is admitted by more of the public. Real terrorism deal with abortion, political
persecutions, religious persecutions, and other things. I never support any oppression
against Palestinian people. Supporting that and being a real religious person is an
oxymoron. Just like I don't support oppression against Jewish people as well. I think
Real Americans should care less what the world thinks. We should care what God
thinks and follow his will. I follow my Creator and we should treat all of our neighbors
equally regardless of creed, color, or nationality. I don't believe in Israel's foreign
interests superceding our own since Israel ought to handle their own business. I think
the main problem is corrupt leadership among both sides. If real leadership existed
among the Israelis and Palestinians, change will occur. Also, the average Jew or Arab in
the Middle East doesn't want them to be scapegoated all of the time anyway. Low-level
Jews and Arabs aren't to be blamed for this mess at all.

Jaryla: In fact, you could almost call Israel the 51st state of America.

Response: Israel is not the 51st state and Christians don't believe. Anti-Semites want
Israel to not exist and I don't believe that as well. It may not be God's will to oppress
Palestinians (That displacement was obviously wrong), but it is not God's will for us to
curse Israel and claim that Jewish people are to be blamed for all problems in the
world. America and Europe have more evil, dirt, and sin than Israel will ever recieve.
Like always, I don't consider you an anti-Semite at all. As for us American Christians,
the Bible clearly states that Jesus was a Jew, salvation is of the Jews, Israel is the apple
of God's eye, and God will have a New Jerusalem filled with both Jews and Gentiles.
So, I believe that Israel should exist, I believe in no oppression of Arabs and Jews, and I
don't accept dual loyalty as well.

By Timothy


This person called himself “NewTestamentChristian,” but he’s far from one.
Here are his words. I show his words, so this can be a template to refute
racists like this person. Racism is evil and it’s satanic in my eyes, because to
view a man as less than a man because of what he is definitely is like
disrespecting God (since God created all human beings). This racist person is
ignorant of history, political science, and archaeology completely. His words
are the following:

Your blowing hot air does not impress me, or God either.
First, the Egyptians were NOT Black African/Negroe descendants of Canaan. They were
descendants of Ham’s son Mizraim. To confirm this, go to Genesis 12:10. The word translated
“Egypt” is ‘mitsrayim’. Then go to Genesis 10:6 which lists the sons of Ham. The word translated
Mizraim IS THE SAME. The Egyptians were not Negroes!
Second, all Hamites were not cursed. Only Canaanites! Not Egyptians, not the ancient Libyans,
but Canaanites. Look at Genesis 9:25 to confirm this.
Some will then say to me that ALL the Canaanites were wiped out. NO! Only those Canaanites
who lived in the land called Canaan or Israel were wiped out. Read the list of Canaan’s sons in
Genesis 10:15-18 and then read the list of Canaanites in the land of Israel in Deutoronomy 7:1
and 20:17. Now, I have three questions for those who still say all the Canaanites were wiped
out. Where did the Arkites, Sinites, Arvadites, and Zemarites go? Is living in a small tract of land
the same as being spread abroad? Why did ancient historians say that Black Africans cme from
Thirdly, you reveal your complete ignorance of ethnicity in calling the Jews Arabs. What? The
Jews are Arabs now?
Fourthly, their are, in spite of your desires to the contrary, pyramids IN OTHER PARTS of the
world. Ever heard of the Mayans? Well, they were a Semitic/Asian group of people living in what
is now Central America, and they built pyramids!!!! Furthermore, lest the “Zimbabwe” ruins be
brought up, they have been proved to have great similarities to Hindu temples and are near gold
mines, meaning Japhetic/Indo-European people from India colonized and mined Africa long
ago, leavingh the only great ruins ever placed upon the part of Africa which is dominated by
Fifthly, the Asians invented the rocket, gunpowder, the magnet, paper, and built the Great Wall.
The Europeans invented the telescope, electrical circuits, lights, cars, skyscrapers, radio, and
nearly every great invention. The Black Africans have only become great because of us.

Sixthly, the argument of the Not-so- “Orthodox” False Pagan Religion portraying their leaders of
their wicked heretical Nicean Council means NOTHING! You met as well argue that Satan drew
those drawings and that proves a truth of God!
All of your words prove only one thing to me, you are an ignorant, angry Black who hates the
truth! I find that those who are told in the Bible to be in submission utterly detest it and rebel
whenever possible. This applies to children in relation to their parents, to wives in relation to
their husband, and to Negroes in relation to Europeans and Asians. The fact is, Blacks owe
everything culturally, economically, technologically, religiously, and politically to Europeans and
Asians. Without us you are a continent of ignorant, poverty-stricken, illiterate, war-torn, savage
tribes. Without us, you have no concept of government beyond whoever kills the most is the
leader, no concept of marriage, no concept of technology, no concept of reading and writing. No
art. No literature. No peace. No stable monarchies. No God. No music. NOTHING! These are
facts. The Black Africans are to be in subserviance to the sons of Japheth and Shem.
Repent, World, of your resistance to God’s principles and order at every turn.

My Response:

Now, it’s time for me to respond. NewTestamentChristian, you really don’t impress me with your
lies and half truths. Let’s have a real response shall we. Now, many of the Egyptians are
black as this is evident on archaeological images and works from classical historians.
Black/African people aren’t descendants from Canaan, which is a lie. Canaan biblically
speaking descend the Phoenicians, Canaanites, etc. They are Hamitic, but speak with a
Semitic tongue. Sub-Saharan Africans are not descended from the Phoenicians. The Arkites,
Sinites, Arvadites, and Zemarites either died off or became integrated with the Arabic
populations in the Middle East and Northern Africa. Mizraim relates to Egypt as found in
Genesis 12:10 as you say. These are the sons of Ham, yet they aren’t curse regardless of what
Eric says except Canaan. Now, biblically speaking black Africans are descendants of Cush and
Phut plus Mizraim. Also, most historians say that Black Africans came from Ham (in his other
sons) not from Canaan. Canaanites were heavily wiped out, yet the New Testament ends the
curse of the Law, so that old curse doesn’t apply today in 2010. Jewish people aren’t Arabic
people, but both are related. They are Semitic ethnically and linguistically. Many ancient
Europeans copied cultures from Africa to develop their governmental/religious system. That’s a
fact. Ausar-Khepera is right on that point. There are other great civilizations like the Mayans and
others. NewTestamentChristian, you are arrogant in trying to mock someone’s intellect just
because they are black. Let it be know, that tons of blacks have strong intelligence with a
resilient spirit to overcome grave challenges in the society the world over. Zimbabwe even by
mainstream historians are proven to be an advanced civilization mostly inhabited by black
Africans. There advanced buildings were created by black African peoples. I will never ever let
racists and liars deny the great contributions of black people in human history. You cite
inventions from other people and that’s fine. Yet, you ignore the complex contributions of black
Africans in ancient times. The Songhai Empire (which existed in AD 11th-17th) was an Empire
larger than Mali that was renowned for its scholarly culture and complex government. One
person said of it that:

"(Surpassed) all other Negroes in wit, civility, and industry."

-Leo Africanuas, who was16th Century Spanish Moor

Now, There was the Meriotic alphabet found in Nubia. This script was formed during the
Napatan Period in ca. 700-300 B.C. It was deciphered in modern times by British
Egyptologist Francis Llewellyn Griffith in 1909. The Meriotic language have yet to be
translated completely. There were 23 letters in the Meroitic alphabet, including four vowels.
There are tons of ancient architecture in Africa like the Temple in Aksum Kingdom in Ethiopia.
The Tichitt Walata is found in ancient Ghana. It’s an ancient architectural location. It was built by
the Soninke people and is thought to be the precursor of the Ghana empire. It was being settled
around 2000 B.C. One finds well laid out streets and fortified compounds all made out of skilled
stone masonry. In all, there were 500 settlements. The famous University in Timbuktu exist and
the Great Mosque of Djenne in Mali. It was constructed in the 1200’s. It was reconstructed in
1906 to 1909 to be the largest clay building in the world today. Berki, writing in 1067 about the
City of Aoudaghast in Ghana recorded that it is, "A very large city with several markets, many
date palms and henna trees as big as olives, filled with fine houses and solid buildings."
Ashanti architecture was especially famous in the world as well. So, complex architecture
and inventions definitely existed all over Africa in ancient times and today in the 21st
century. Even scholars acknowledged the great architecture of sub-Saharan Africa. The person
who talked about Haiti and Katrina obviously don’t realize that Haiti was colonized illegally for
centuries, Haiti was exploited by unfair loans made by the IMF plus others, illegal occupation
came against Haiti by American forces during the early 20th century, and now we are witnessing
a military occupation of the nation. Haiti experienced a more complex history than is being
witnessed by the mainstream media. As for Katrina, people have been exploited and problems
exists there beyond ethnicity (not to mention that FEMA have been exposed as causing
corruption over there). There are problems in the black community. No one denies that, yet
instead of whining about it in stereotypical terms, people should fight these problems head on.
It’s easy to stereotype and scapegoat a whole race of people in an evil fashion. Yet, this isn’t the
way I would go in how to conduct my life at all. Blacks should owe nothing to Europeans and
Asians technologically, economically, religiously, etc. Blacks owe everything to God alone for
it’s God that gave all humans life and inspiration to build up the civilization of mankind.
With faith in God, blacks left alone can easily create a massive, stabilizing influence in the
world stage of trade, technology, real science, and political development. All things are
possible through Christ. Black people have always been great in terms of their history for
thousands of years. Black people made technology, science, astronomy, literature, a
written language (like the Meriotic script), and other tools of civilization for thousands of
years indeed. It takes a human being to realize that all of humanity have value, all humans
are born equal (this isn’t related to communism regardless of Eric says since
Communism is about forcing people to have equal property rights. Equality isn’t done by
force. It’s something your born with by the hand of God), and all believers in Jesus Christ
are one. No man should be subservient to no man except to God. You need to repent for
embracing bigotry against your fellow human beings. See, I respect the real people who any
race including black people who are teachers, scientists, lawyers, athletes, musicians, scholars,
blue collar job workers, and others who are making a real difference in the communities of the
world. Don’t get it misconstrued. I still disagree with Secret Societies, the Jesuits, etc. Yet, I
won’t let my opposition to them to scapegoat a whole group of people. This isn’t over since I will
defend the dynamic nature and unique value of all human beings of all backgrounds forever. I
thank God that people like me are around to set the record straight on this issue.

By Timothy


This is my debate with neo cons on racial issues:

DanInBranson wrote:
<quoted text>
You are trying to be facecious. You knew exactally what I meant. But nice try at
trying to spin it away.

I love being sarcastic. That's my job. Now, people like us know what people like you mean
you display that propaganda. Instinctively, you want everything in history (especially negative
events enacted against people of color) to be a mirage and let everyone forget their identity or
real historical events. Sorry, I don't live in that world. Legitimate solutions are needed to
make a more tranquil society are necessary. Although, people have a right to expose the
legitimate parts of American history and the dirt. You're only lying to yourself if you desire
black people to get over it. You wouldn't say that to the Jews in relation to the Holocaust or
other ethnicities. See, when blacks expose slavery, they are not collectively blaming your race
(or white people) in the present for it. They are reminding themselves of their past
experiences, so black people can thrive to make more accomplishments in the present and the
future. No, I won't get over a single event that my ancestors suffered by imperialists. I will
allow the past to not make be paranoid about racial issues, but not make me naive about them
either. Learning about black slavery is legitimate to give black people a fuller understanding
of their struggles and it reminds them that they can overcome many challenging
circumstances. It's not about hating the white man. It's about realizing the past in order to
create a better future.

DanInBranson wrote:
<quoted text>
You know absolutely nothing about me or my beliefs. Simple fact is people today use
something that they were never apart of to get their way. Won't happen with me
anymore, nor with my Black wife (She wont let me use Af-Am since she considers
herself to be just an American). She rose above all the rhetoric to become a succesful
person and didn't let what happened 150 years ago hold her back. In other words, she
made no excuses.

I know some of your beliefs that you show in this forum. People use something that they are
not apart of? That's cop out since the struggle of my ancestors are apart of me. That's my
blood period. You can't tell me what I'm apart of or not. Your wife can consider herself an
American if she wants. You have the right to marry a Black woman if you want. No real man
has an issue with that. It's a free country. Eat apple pie, worship the Founding Fathers in
America, and you can embrace jingoistic stuff. As for me, I'm an African who lives in
America. I have the First Amendment right to consider myself whatever I wish to. See, free
speech cuts both ways. Don't you love it. Oh, so ignoring history is your forte. It isn't my
forte. You can never forget what you came from or what your ancestors experienced and you
can still rise above rhetoric. 150 years my foot. Slavery still exist worldwide against my race
(in Africa and other people in Europe, Asia, etc.), so don't give me that stuff. Learning the
truth and being reminded of what's real history isn't holding people back. Your ilk just want
our people especially to keep living some colorblind, fantasy land. No, I'm not bowing down
to historical revisionism. I'm going to live and embrace my racial identity and say it from the
rooftops without any regrets. I have no regrets. Also, your ilk loves to say no excuses. Say
that to people who suffered IMF injustices in the Third world. Say that to innocent victims of
police brutality worldwide. Tell that to the victims of the corporate BP disaster. Tell that to
people who lost of their homes of many ethnicities under corrupt circumstances. So, there is
really no excuses for Wall Street pirates. There is no excuses for the super rich elite. No
excuses is a tactics by reactionaries to promote their austerity agenda. They forgot that life is
complex and not everyone will go through the same experiences. There shouldn't be idleness,
but helping the poor and the disadvantaged isn't apart of some agenda to create a stagnant
society. It's about the representation of promoting compassion in the world.


Here's another debate on the issue of abortion:

Tommy D. Kuzdas : Gee Wiz, maybe Milinda Gates believes that women, just like men, have
the right to decide their own destinys. Maybe she believes that WOMEN, not the state, not
the church, have the right to decide for themselves when they will have children. Oh my god,
what an incredible concept! Women are human beings, not slaves, not incubators, which by
the way is what you seek to make them.

Response: I have to response about this issue. Any rational human being believes that a
woman has a right to fulfill their own destiny. This pro-abort propaganda is getting old
Tommy. No one is even supporting to restrict women on when they have children. We
want no murder of unborn children. There's a difference. Always, why don't you guys
discuss the possible hardcore side effects like depression and sterility that can come as a
result of abortion, the new evidence of the personhood of the unborn by 3-D ultrasound
devices, many mainstream scientists calling life as beginning in conception, and
Margaret Sanger's meeting with the KKK in 1926 plus her Plan of Peace proposal
calling for the segregation of what she calls the "unfit." We Pro-Lifers don't deny
women their humanity. We love women, but you deny the unborn their humanity. I
find it hypocritical when you support the women, but want unborn babies to be killed.
Shedding innocent blood is morally wrong for me. Also, laws exist restricting obsence
human behavior, so just because we are restricted on what we do to our bodies, doesn't
mean that we want women to be placed as second class citizens. Citizenship to the
unborn is just. Abortion is a violation of the Constitution being cruel and unusual
punishment and it's murder without the due process of law. We Pro-Lifers will fight
and I'm not intimidated, because stats, history, and facts are on our side.
By Timothy


*This debate is cordial and interesting. This is what many in Freemasonry believe in. His words are
found here.

Masonic Traveler: Thanks for the reply back. I very much enjoy the spirited debate and analysis, with
someone as convicted as yourself. You are absolutely right, it is a free country, and as such, all
opinions are valid, as are all faiths.

Response: It took me a while to make my response. I enjoy debates as well. I’ve debated many
Freemasons before. I’m smarter and more intelligent now than I’ve been then. Well, we both
agree that it’s a free country and I have a right to disagree with you and you have a right to be
deceived and join Freemasonry. All opinions aren’t necessary all valid. For example, if I had
the opinion that killing an innocent person is justm, that is an invalid opinion since innocent
life deserves not death. There are universal truths found in many opinions though. Do you
believe that all faiths are valid? If that is true, then you are wrong. Many faiths have extreme
and illogical beliefs like pagans assigning divine qualities to nature or people worshipping a

Masonic Traveler: First to presume your righteousness over someone else’s is wrong. Because you
are of the opinion that God is on your side, and your interpretation of the bible is factual and correct is
a huge presumption. What makes you right, but you think God told you so? How did he tell you,
through messages in the scriptures that only you and a few others could decipher? Why didn't he tell it
to everyone? Why just you?

Response: I never presume that I have righteousness over anyone else. I did say that there are
absolutes in the world and not all religions are valid. Well, do you know how God is on our
side? It’s by if our agenda is in accordance to the word of God. Again, you talk about the
interpretation of the Bible. The fact is that tons of parts of the Bible don’t need elaborate
interpretations. Tons of passages of the Bible are easy to understand like fornication being
wrong (I Corinthians 6:9-11), God created man in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), and other
concepts. This isn’t hard to know. You don’t need to have a college degree to understand the
Bible at all. The next part of your words is silly. The Bible says perfectly that it gives human
beings instruction so man can be approved of. The Bible in the New Testament has almost
25,000 copies and is the most preserved ancient document in human history. It is confirmed
by science and many archaeological discovers. It set much of the moral course of America.
Masonic Traveler: Swearing death oaths is not taking the lords name in vain. There is no vanity in it,
no spiritual gain to it. It is an act of solemnity that is a personal choice. Again, who are you to say that
it is wrong, because the way you believe, you feel, is the way everyone should believe? Sounds

Response: Swearing death oath is taking the Lord’s name in vain. God never called people to
kill other human beings if you violate the Masonic oath (even if it’s not literal, but solely
symbolic). First, you know the Bible says not to kill and second Christ said these words:

“Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear
thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths: But I say unto you, Swear not at all;
neither by heaven; for it is God's throne: Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by
Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because
thou canst not make one hair white or black. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay,
nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.” (Matthew 5: 33-37)

You call killing people if you violate an oath solemn. If that’s your version of solemnity, then I
feel sorry for you. It is wrong. You seem to have a problem with moral absolutes. Again, death
oaths are wrong, because it is wrong to threaten death against innocent human life. It is
wrong, because the oath falsely won’t call the Light the Light of Jesus Christ, but a Masonic
Light. It is not fascist to show my opinion. It isn’t fascist to warn people. I’m not a fascist. If
you want to understand real fascism, look at Waco where the government and foreign troops
killed men, women, and children in violation of Posse Comitatus. See the Chinese using
executed body parts for cosmetic products. You need to look at the crisis in Dhafur. That's
real fascism. Many Christians and religious folks assign wrong doing all of the time and this is

Masonic Traveler: The all Seeing Eye is a relatively recent addition to Freemasonry, added sometime
in the last 150 years or so. It is more representative of the concept of an all seeing God rather than a
pagan symbol. Same as the pentagram. Though these symbols have been devices of Freemasonry
for many years, they are recent additions. Much of the symbology of Freemasonry spawned from the
Victorian age as members tried to give symbolic meaning to the ideas of the fraternity. You mention
that Washington DC has man of "those symbols", but if you look closely, those symbols evolved over
time through all of Europe to be deposited eventually into the ideas of a "New Republic" that was
started as America. The only occult meanings put into them are from the simple minded who need to
see it.

Response: The All Seeing may be used by Freemasonry recently and I trust your information
since you’re a Mason yourself. On the other hand, even you know that the All Seeing Eye was
utilized by ancient Egypt to represent the sun god Horus. This was why Moses and the
Israelites rejected Egyptian paganism since they assign divine characteristics to mere
creations of God. The All Seeing Eye originally was a pagan symbol along with the Pentagram.
The All Seeing Eye of God isn’t the eye of God since God was never referred as a single eye,
neither a single eye inside a triangle from the Holy Scriptures. Many New Agers use the Single
Eye in their precepts. Sources like John Daniel’s Scarlet and the Beast, 33rd Degree Scottish
Rite Freemason Albert Pike, Thomas Milton Stewart’s “The Symbolism of the Gods of the
Egyptians and the Light They Throw on Freemasonry” prove that the All Seeing Eye is from
the Ancient Mystery Religions meaning the Eye of Horus. As for the Victorian Age, I take your
word from it, but many of Masonic symbols originated from the Ancient Mysteries also. Even
Masons admit to that. D.C. does have those symbols of a Pentagram, Compass, etc. That’s
admitted, so it isn’t a fantasy. The Inverted Pentagram has blatant roots to the occult. The
Pentagram was used by the Babylonian, Greeks, and other civilizations for thousands of
years. D.C. also has the Washington Monument representing the sun god and other images
from pagan religions.

Masonic Traveler: The intolerance is in passing judgment, which in this case is your calling something
evil and sinful. Because YOU think it is. I would question you further; do you think Jews are evil
because they don't believe Christ is the Messiah? Do you think Muslims are evil for praying to Allah,
and not believing what you do? That's where the intolerance comes from. It is intolerant to call
someone evil for his or her faith, what ever it may be. To say they are wrong and going to hell for it is
NARROW MINDED. You can dissent with other faiths, but to call them wrong, only shows your
intolerance. You do have a First amendment Right to spew what your faith is, but to insist that others
adhere to it, or your version of God will send them to Hell is intolerant. It's casting judgment, of which
I'm sure you have half dozen scriptures on, but it's still imposing a matter of faith onto someone else.
How this ties back to Freemasonry is that it accepts men of all faiths, all acknowledging God through
their own faiths.

Response: I see that you still have the distorted definition of intolerance. Intolerance is hatred
of someone because they have differences. I don't hate anyone because they are different. I
hate evil and sin alone. I’m sorry, but calling certain things evil and sinful is normal for us
humans. For example, I call abortion evil. I call murder evil. I call theft and cheating evil as
well. If you don't like that, then you're misguided. As for judgment, judgment isn’t as monolith
as you believe it to be. I can judge righteous judgment as Christ said in John 7:24. Judging
corruption as evil is normal and justified as well. The concept of judging and judgment is not a
monolith. Of course, we can’t judge every minute detail in life, but we are to hate evil. That’s
common sense. I believe any Jewish person is evil when they involved themselves in any
illegal or morally corrupt activity. If they don’t believe in the Messiah or Muslim pray to Allah,
they are deluded people.

I have a right to believe in this. I never called anyone evil because of their faith. I call people
wrong when they follow a false faith, there’s a difference. People have a right to call people
faiths as wrong. Where did you get dissent as intolerance? Also, never do I condone forcing
people to follow what I believe in. I never accept forced conversion at all. The bible is rather
clear on Hell, regardless of your compromise on it. If you don’t accept the Word of God on
Hell, then you can move on. I know what Freemasonry believes. Freemasonry is Universalism
and you admitted to this by accepting men of all faiths and claiming that all men can go to
heaven if they peacefully follow certain monotheistic religions.

Masonic Traveler: Obviously, this aspect is beyond you. You look only to the bible as a true and
unaltered text of God's word, scribed by men of divine sanction. Bu how do you know that? What
makes that true? Do you just believe that? Is it faith alone? What about before there was a finished
bible, what did Christians have to go on then?

Response: I knew you would question the inspiration of the Word of God. My aspect of
disagreeing with false religions is within me friend. I’m just a guy who’s not into the
Universialist/One World Religion crowd. I look to the Bible as the word of God that’s
accurately translated spanning thousands of years. I know it’s the word of God and true for
tons of reasons. Let’s look at some facts shall we. I don’t talk about the OT much, because
even the skeptics admit that the Massoretic texts involving the OT are very accurate. The New
Testament is the most documented ancient source in history with about 24,600 copies (as
proven by Let Us Reason Ministries). Scholars find that there is 99.99% free of significant
variance in the NT. This was admitted by the great Greek scholar A.T. Robertson. Ancient
documents like the Iliad and Homer have hundreds of years before their first copy is found.

The NT Bible has its first copy found in about 64 A.D. with the Magdelean Papyrus, which is
less than 35 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Sir David Dalrymple says
that all of the early church writings have every quote from the OT except 11 verses. So, yes,
I’m very comfortable in believing the accuracy of the word of God. Christians used the OT
before the NT was created. The Old Testament was created in that time as you know. The NT
was developed by consensus among the early Church and NT Bible were formed as early as
147 A.D. with the Peshitta. 157 AD. The Old Latin Vulgate (Old Itala) was created. From 185-220
AD, Origen, born in Alexandria mentions all of the Books of the OT and NT. He makes over
18,000 citations.-250 AD was when the Sadhidic version was created from Upper Egypt. I have
faith in God. I trust the Bible because of its accuracy, none controversial on its origin,
thousands of copies, accurate archaelogical and scientific information, and other reasons.
People died, so we can read it and I will not diminish the courage of men who preserved it like
Tyndale, Wycliffe, Coverdale, and others. That's real.

Masonic Traveler: As some have written about Freemasonry as a religion, in many aspects they are
correct. Freemasonry is an institution governed by faith of its members, but that faith is not the basis
for their meeting. Neither is the focus prayer to a deity. The prayers in lodge are ceremonial but still
solemn and true. They stand to recognize God through a universal prayer or recognition. If you want to
use the idea that because prolific writers of Freemasonry set the tone, could I not use that premise to
say that Christianities prolific speakers and preachers stand to represent the Christian ethos? So then,
Pat Roberts is professing the true nature of Christ in wanting to Assassinate foreign dignitaries, and
Catholic priests stand to represent all Christians as pedophiles? Because some people write or do
something does not make them the ultimate spokesman for a group. How many religious leaders
stood to defend segregation and racism? Were they right in their Christian values? Did they truly
speak for God?

Response: I’m glad you admit to some religious aspects of Freemasonry. No Freemason that
I’ve debated admitted to this at all. Freemason may not focus a prayer to a deity, but one of its
requirements is to believe in a deity. Masonry having altar, prayers, the requirement to believe
in one God, an universalistic attitude toward monotheistic religions, and other facts do denote
Freemasonry as a Srythentic Religion. It's interesting to note that 33rd Degree Freemason
Albert Mackey admitted that Freemasonry is a Religion. Mackey wrote that:
"...But the religion of Freemasonry is not sectarian It admits men of every creed within its
hospitable bosom, rejecting none and approving none for his peculiar faith. It is not Judaism,
though there is nothing in it to offend a Jew; it is not Christianity, but there is nothing in it
repugnant to the faith of a Christian. Its religion is that general one of nature and primitive
revelation—handed down to us from some ancient and Patriarchal Priesthood—in which all
men may agree and in which no men can differ..."
You can believe in Universal prayer if you want. Again, you love to bash Christian by citing
inaccuracies. That isn’t so intolerant Traveler. Ha ha ha ha !!!!!!! I thought you wanted me to be
so tolerance friend. Well, let’s dig into facts shall we. Many Christian men, women, and
children made great contributions in science, math, civil rights, history, etc. You know this and
if I’ve list many of them, it would last many pages.

Many Christians are great speakers. Pat Robertson is wrong and just because a man profess
to claim Christ’s teaching, doesn’t mean he is not immune from mistake. Pat made a mistake
and he apologized for it. Pat is right about some moral issues though. Many Catholic priests
are pedophiles and I don’t agree with Catholicism. That’s their business. You seem to forget
the case of William Morgan. Morgan was a Mason, left, and he was a righteous man. He wrote
a book exposing Freemasonry yet Masons killed them in following their death oath. This was
in the case of Pat Robertson wherefore Pat violated the Word of God. Morgan’s death was in
total accordance with the death oaths of Masonry. Charles Finney’s work validated the
Masonic death of the heroic patriot William Morgan. That death was wrong. D. L. Moody is
another man who disagreed with Freemasonry and was a strong Christian. Many Christians
stood to fight against segregation and racism. You know this. John Quincy Adams stood up
against racism and opposed slavery. Wilberforce in England stood up against segregation and
slavery and England banned slavery on the part of his efforts. Many churches stood up
against segregation in South. You’re forgetting something. Many Masonic Lodges for years
segregated against blacks to come into the Scottish Rite. The Scottish Rite only accepts
blacks recently.

Also, the Prince Hall Lodge was formed to disagree with the racism among many Scottish Rite
members. Many Prince Hall Lodge people include Jesse Jackson, Collin Powell (33rd Degree),
Scottie Pippen, Andrew Young, and Kweisi Mfume, and Julian Bond. The Prince Hall Lodge
infiltrated many black churches. Even the B’nai B’rith lodge discriminates and only allows
Jews to join it. That isn’t tolerance. Ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!! You shouldn’t have brought up this
issue. Many leaders of the segregationist movement were Masons in the 1960’s like Governors
George Wallace of Alabama (he changed later in his life), Orval Forbus of Arkansas, and Ross
Barnett of Mississippi. Strom Thummad and Robert Bryd are Masons and each once
supported segregtion. Bryd used to be a Klansman. Activities by Pat were wrong and it
violated the Word of God, since they don’t speak for God in that instance. It’s as simple as
that. Many Christians are fighting for truth like Cutting Edge Ministries, Liberty to Captives
Ministries and other conservative Christians. We don't agree with Bush's agenda plus we
stand up for our beliefs. Also, you cite nothing on many Christians opposing evil with great
character. is a link that can help you demit from
Masonry. I hope you leave.

Masonic Traveler: The last point I want to make is on symbolism. You mentioned the obelisks, and
pentagrams, and I spoke of them earlier, but reversing the table do you celebrate Christmas with a
Christmas tree and presents? Why, there is nothing in the bible that says Christ was born under an
evergreen. Do you or children you know hunt for Easter eggs? More paganism in society I suppose
you would say. Lastly, did Christ say to worship me though the form of an unequal cross? More
symbolism, but from my recollection, Christ never said anything about worshiping him through the
symbol. Symbols abound and when TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT can easily be misconstrued and

Response: I used to celebrate Christmas. Now, I reject it as pagan filth. I already know about
Christmas and I reject Easter. I do believe in celebrating the resurrection of Christ. Just
because paganism exists in society, doesn’t mean we are to accept it. Just like crimes exist all
across the whole, doesn’t mean we are to participate in it. Also, I don’t wear a cross. I don’t
worship through a symbol or image at all. Symbols exists, but not all symbols denote positive
attributes. Symbols are to represent another thing, but I don't obsess over them constantly or
worship them.

Masonic Traveler: I’m curious to hear your thoughts.

Response: These are my thoughts backed up by history. It’s kind of ironic that you try to mock
the concept of a “new world order” and “one world government” yet people like George H. W.
Bush, Paul Warburg, Gorbachev, and others talked and supported a new world order or one
world government for many decades. That's very real and it isn't fiction. Even Henry Kissinger
recently promoted a New World Order in response to Bush’s visit to India. The New World
Order is not a myth at all. Bush is pushing for the Pan American Union merging our economies
and political structures with Mexico and Canada. I do respect Charlie Sheen questioning the
offical story of 9/11 as well. I'm moving forward and exposing torture, exposing evil,
disagreeing with execessive federal power, and standing up for our civil liberties.
Freemasonry is just contrary to Biblical Christianity on so many levels.

By Timothy


Here's my Response to a Person who is a skeptic:


The skeptic: What the poster of that video clearly doesn't understand (and apparently neither
did the person being interviewed, or at least not coherently) is that the very NAME Lucifer
MEANS "bringer of light", and is analogous to Prometheus, who gave to humanity the gift of
fire, without which humanity would never have arisen from a savage state.

A Response: I do understand what I posted and what I know about Lucifer. It's funny that this
person makes a bunch of assumptions. It's interesting that this person is accurate to outline
that Lucifer has pagan origins. Now, Lucifer means light bearer. It's not exactly equated to
Prometheus. Therefore, Lucifer has nothing to do with Prometheus as a person at all. As for
the true light giver, it didn't came from a mythical false god like Prometheus. It's by the true
God alone. It may be analogous, but Lucifer isn't Prometheus at all. What Lucifer actually
was to pagan cultures like ancient Rome was the planet Venus. In the conversation, the
Mason wasn't talking about Venus or Prometheus, but about the biblical Lucifer. The reason
is that both men are having a religious discussion. The Mason claims to be a Christian. Now,
Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12 is blatantly given a negative connotation and criticized for its evil.
Lucifer was falling into the nations was cited in Isaiah.

The skeptic: The problem with Christian Fundies is that they take things they don't
understand out of context and twist it to fit a theology that has been corrupted by the forces of
oppression. Instead of seeing the analogies between different faiths, they allow themselves to
be deceived by the surface differences into regarding all other religions as false, rather than
another piece of the ineffable and unknowable whole of the Creator.

My Response: For a person who claims to have tolerance, he makes potent stereotypes about
people. Now, many conservative Christians know purely about Freemasonry and their dogma.
They cite quotes from Freemasons all of the time. For example, Albert Pike is quoted as
supporting telling lies into the Blue Lodge in order to deceive them. Here's Albert Pike's own
words on this subject:

"...Masonry, like all the religions, all Mysteries, Hermeticism, and Alchemy, conceals its
secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and
misinterpretations of it's symbols to mislead those who deserve to be mislead; to conceal the
Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it. Truth is not for those
who are unworthy or unable to receive it, or would pervert it. So God Himself incapacitates
many men, by color-blindness, to distinguish colors, and leads the masses away from the
highest Truth, giving them the power to attain only so much of it as it is profitable to them to
know. Every age has had a religion suited to its capacity. The Teachers, even of Christianity,
are, in general, the most ignorant of the true meaning of that which they teach. There is no
book of which so little is known as the Bible. To most who read it, it is as incomprehensible
as the Sohar*.
So Masonry jealously conceals its secrets, and intentionally leads conceited interpreters
astray..."(Morals and Dogma Pages 104-105)

I have quotes of this. I have quotes of Freemasons admitting to seeking a new order in the
world and the promotion of the Kabbala. Not, this isn't using out of context quotes or fitting a
theology for a purposes. That's reality and facts. Corrupted?? The Bible has been preserved
for thousands of years. One example is the Massoretic text and the Textus Receptors are
respected sources. No one is blind to see differences of religious. Although, people have a
right to reject Ecumenicalism and an One world religious philosophies. In other words, there
are moral absolutes and some religions are false. Scientology is false, Mormonism wasn't
created by the apostles, and cults do exist. I hope this person doesn't agree that all
monotheistic religions are fine. Also, learning differences is fine. To disregard differences
and just compromise your belief system is just as silly as calling all religions as equivalent to
each other. The Creator isn't divided into parts. The Creator is the whole Creator. He's God
Almighty and he doesn't need false religions to validate himself at all.

Skeptic: Remember the parable of the elephant.

Response: I hope you remember this video and the parables of Jesus Christ. Thanks for
getting me apt. I'm apt to respond.

By Timothy

Hello Henry,
I find all your articles extemely interesting..However, at the moment you are focussing on
Jews. While undoubtedly they are at the top of the pyramid...and we know who they are,
please do not over look the very capstone of that pyramid..the Black Pope -Hans Pieter
Kolvenbach who has just resigned as Jesuit General (the first one ever to do so). Maybe too
many people became aware of his power and he has slunk off into the shadows to carry on his
dastardly work. This is the REAL power and the Jewish Bankers do HIS bidding. Read
'Vatican Assassins' by Eric John Phelps.



Clifford Shack Replies:


People just don't get SabbateanFrankism. This huge ongoing conspiracy that united Jew and
crypto-Jew since 1666 controls our little blue-green planet. Controlling the Jesuits was a
piece of cake. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits was of Jewish descent. Loyola's
lieutenant was of Jewish descent. The Jesuit leadership from the beginning was ripe for
infiltration by the power-hungry Sabbateans. Who controls the Vatican Empire? Look to who
can murder a pope (John Paul I)and get away with it.
The Cult via Freemasons overseeing Vatican policy. Read "In God's Name" for details. For
God's sake, the Rothschilds restored the Pope to power after an uprising against the Vatican
that they more than likely instigated.

Jesuits power over the world. Okay. Forget for a moment that the Jesuits are Sabbatean-
Frankist at the pinnacle of their power structure. How powerful would the Jesuits/Vatican be
without money. That quantified illusionary energy that the Cult cranks out from thin air.
Jesuit world power. Give me a break. Smell the Hoummas!

My Response to the Jewish baiter Cliff:

My response is to Cliff who made his views known in downplaying the Jesuit influence
in the new world order. Makow didn't write the previous comment. Cliff made so many
false comments that I don't know where to begin. First, people know all about
Sabbeatean frankism since I've studied this issue for years. They were apostate Jewish
people that reject the Torah and wanted to destroy mainstream Judaism. There is no
evidence that these Frankists ruled the planet in 1666. Continents and tons of
civilizations existed in the 4 corners of the Earth without any Frankist or European
influence in that time. The Jesuits also wasn't controlled by the Frankists since they
didn't invented them. Ignatius Loyola was a Gentile as there has been no conclusive
evidence of him being Jewish. Jesuit Francis Xavier desired to either convert to rid the
world of Muslims and Jewish people. The Jesuit order banned officially Jewish people
from being apart of their order from the late 1500's until 1946. Who controls the
Vatican Empire? It's the Jesuits who control that Empire, because they The People who
murdered Pope John I were the Frankists, but the Freemasons and the Jesuits who his
aims of getting rid of the Masons in the Catholic Church plus investigating the activities
of the Jesuits (reported by author David A. Yallop, Eric Jon Phelps, John Daniel, and

Freemasonry doesn't oversee Vatican policy neither do the Frankists. Freemasonry

existed from the ancient Mysteries created by Gentiles not Frankists. At least 2 Gentiles
created modern Freemasonry in England called the Grand Lodge of England at 1717.
The Frankists today are controlled by Freemasonry. The reason is that Freemasonry
invented the modern arms of this pro-Frankist movement like the B'nai B'rith Lodge
and members of the ADL. The Rothschilds didn't restore the Pope to power. Napoleon,
the Jesuits and others help restore the Pope to power because that was after the
previous Pope issued a bull banning the Jesuit order.

Jesuits and the Vatican have power globally. Also, the Vatican have arms like the
Knights of Malta, the Constantinian Order, Opus Dei, Knights of Columbus (like Jeb
Bush and Cathy L. Lanier, who is part of Homeland Security), and others with
international power stronger than Jewish people. The Vatican is the richest religious
entity in the world. The Knights of Malta, The Pilgrims, and others combined have
more wealth than the Rothschilds. Also, the Rothschilds according to the Jewish
encyclopedia is a funder for the Vatican Empire. The Vatican/Jesuit had tons of
economic power before the Rothschilds came into big prominence in the 1800's. For
example, they controlled most of Europe from the Middle Ages and beyond with their
creation of the Knights Templar. Also, money based on nothing has no value. Paper
money has little value. Material wealth (or wealth based in goods and services) are the
true measures of power. The Vatican and the City of London have more of it than any
religious or political entity on planet Earth. So Frankists power, give me a break. The
Vatican also is working with the Saxe-Coburg Gotha bloodlines in charge of British
Freemasonry (evidence on many the Grand Master Duke of Kent having Catholic
relatives). As for the Federal Reserve, a lot of Jewish people are in it. That's true, yet
many banks from different regions like NY mostly have non-Gentiles in it. In NY
historically, many Jesuit trained or SMOMs have prominent roles in it.

Texe almost seems to align Jews with mighty evil, but this isn't true. Even if someone is
Jewish, that doesn't mean that someone is an enemy. Texe Marrs doesn't overtly say I hate
Jews, but Texe does believe that the Jewish people rule the world alone. Texe Marrs is right
that wicked Masonic Jews must be exposed, but the Vatican/Jesuits ought to be exposed as
well. On occasion when he exposes the Vatican, he exposes Vatican 2 Catholicism. It's only
now, when Texe is more keen on exposing pre-Vatican 2 Romanism. Texe talks about
Communist, but he forgot that Engels taught Marx a lot of Communism. Communism itself
originated from the Ancient Gentile Mystery Religions, Gentile Plato, Gentile Thomas More,
Gentile Jesuits in the Communes of Paraguay all before Marx. He can talk about Bolsheviks,
but it was the high level Freemasonry and the Vatican/Jesuits (like Hammer, Bishop Ropp, J.
Peter Grace, and others) that rules that Revolution. Most of the original Bolsheviks were
killed by Stalin (including Trotsky). Stalin by the 1950's wanting to exterminate Jewish
people. He can talk about Masonry, but Masonry's obelisk, the all seeing eye, the 2 pillars,
JAH-BUL-ON, phoenix, etc. have nothing to do with Torah Judaism or all Jewish people. It's
the almost collective blaming of Jewish people that's why many disagree with Marrs. I don't
believe Marrs is the biggest error guy in the world though.

We ought to expose evil Frankists, but they are no where near the power of the Vatican
today. Not mention that Cliff Stack omitted tons of Knights of Malta with great
international power. SMOM Alexander Haig is a honorary Chair of COSCO. Knight of
Malta Joseph Edward Schmitz (who is a leader of Black water), Knight of Malta Steven
Saxton (the head of Hollywood International), Knight of Malta Geoffrey T. Boisi (used
to be part of Goldman Sachs and a member of the Trilateral Commission), SMOM
Edward L. Hennessy, Jr. (the AlliedSignal Inc. (now Honeywell), chairman and CEO),
and others. The Supreme Court is mostly Roman Catholic. They talk about the Neo-
Cons. Most of the PNAC Neo-cons are CFR Gentiles. Jesuit-trained Generals and other
companies were crucial in the execution in the Iraq War. The neo-cons are mainly
puppets of the CFR, who created many policy papers advocating this terror war. The
literature of Avro Manhattan, Eric Jon Phelps, Jack Chick, and other confirm this
information. Now, this isn't blaming all Catholics or Jewish people for all evils. It's the
exposure of these Elite groups with inordinate power in the world. I respect Sheila's
bravery in exposing the truth about these things and Cliff is wrong on so many levels.

By Timothy


A pro-Masonry person: I am so disturbed that you are allowing the propagation of this type of

Masons are not satanic. Anyone who has ever seen a funeral service that they were involved
with would know.

If you have ever seen a Shriner (Shriner burn hospitals and Crippled children hospitals) you
have seen a Mason. In order to be a Shriner, you MUST be a Mason.

Before you pass on garbage, get facts straight.

My Response: I knew a person like you would respond like that in half truths and lies. I've
responded to Masons for almost 10 years in debates, so you are no exception. Masons are
deceptive and Satanic by using lies on its lower deception. Many of them claim to accept
godhood like Manly P. Hall and others. Masons have deaths oaths, praise false gods, and
promote the new order of the ages. I have quote after quote backing up these words. A funeral
service doesn't prove whether a group is legitimate or not. You know this. The mob can have
a funeral. Freemasonry use aims to cover up their unbiblical doctrines. I don't show garbage
on this issue. You show ad-hominem like usual. You pro-Masons are angry that the truth is
coming out that Masons accept the occult and believe in swearing death oaths in their pagan-
related rituals, which is anti-Christian.

I've got my facts straight. You need to get your facts straight. You don't offer a refutation, but
ad hominem attacks. As for me, I list fact after fact about some Masons praise Lucifer/Satan
in a video, and other sources, how Masonry teaches lies in their Blue Lodge members, and
how one Mason admits that Masonry isn't Christianity. Masons praise the false god of JAH-
BUL-ON in the Royal Arch degree. They also embrace the pagan obelisk, which relates to
sun worship. Masons embrace the occult Kabbalah and other parts of the Mystery Religion
system. There is nothing wrong with helping people in hospitals. Shriners have been caught
in sex scandals for years though. Shriner swear an oath to Allah and Muhammad, which is
anti-Christian. I already realize that you must be a Mason to be a Shriner.

My response is in blue:

1) Did George Bush participate in any pagan ceremony at Bohemian Grove. If so, when was

Response: The Bohemian Grove is a notorious pagan place. That enough should deter any
Christian from joining it. Also, Bush is pictured giving lectures at the Grove. I'm not 100%
certain he is pictured at the Cremation of Care pagan ceremony, but many are pictured. Just
because you don't practipitate in rituals in an elitist, occult club, doesn't mean you go to its
headquarters or condone it. I don't condone any occult groups at all.

2) Buddhists can go to heaven. In my experience, very few will, but anything is possible.

Response: Unless Jesus Christ was a total liar, you are right that Buddhists can go to heaven.
Yet, I don't believe Jesus was liar. The Bible is perfect clear that Jesus is the only way into
Heaven: "...“Jesus saith unto him, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE: no man
cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). Many Buddhists don't even believe in one
God, so that alone disqualifies the Buddhists to heaven right there.

3) My comments were not silly. Taking off your shoes is a religious practice in Japan. I, a
Christian, have joined in several religious practices as a matter of etiquette. George Bush did
the same. Do you really think he worshiped a Shinto god?

Response: Everyone has a right to their opinion. This isn't just about taking off shoes in
Japan. This is about Japanese Christians and mainstream news accounts condemning Bush
for worshipping in a Shinto shrine and clapping the hands of their false god. Religious
practices? You can easily peaceful decline religious practices and be cordial in a foreign
country. The scriptures forbids being involved with false religious practices that don't merit
salvation: "... Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey
God rather than men."(Acts 5:9)

"For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how
ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; " (1 Thessalonians 1:9)
Bowing before a false shrine is a worship. If it walks like a duck, squack like a duck, it's a

4) No core conviction was violated. Even handshakes, nodding and verbal greetings are
pagan practices. Worship emanates from the heart. Don’t you remember all the scriptures
about that?

Response: Core convictions are violated when you clapped the hands to celebrate false gods,
when people praise the false of Molech, and when you have death oaths which Jesus himself
condemned in the book of Matthew. I find these things repugnant and offensive. This has
nothing to do with simple handshakes, noddings, and greetings. Occultism is real in the world
and we must expose it and help people to leave the dangerous world of the occult. The Bible
says: "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with
all long suffering and doctrine. " (2 Timothy 4:2) Worship does come from the heart, but
all acts don't by man aren't necessary good. We need to be careful of deception and make sure
we are sincere and not violate the Word of God to try to "appear good." Even worldly people
know that's a con.

5) Where does the Bible forbid working with un-believers. The scripture about being
unequally yoked refers to marriage. Taken to the extreme, you are saying that no Christian
should work for a non-Christian employer or with any non-Christian employees. As an
employer, a Christian should never hire a non-Christian. Do you work with any non-

Response: The Bible definitely forbids yolking with unbelievers: "...Be ye not unequally
yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with
unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" (2 Corinthians 6:14)
Obviously this verse has nothing to do with jobs or communicating with people of different
creeds. This has to do with religious fellowship (i.e. baptism, commonion, etc.). In other
words, we aren't supposed to have religious fellowship with unbelievers, unless if we want to
share the gospel with them, etc. It's as simple as that.

6) I like the “fruit inspectors” line. I’m gonna steal it ;) I do agree with you in principle on
most of this, but Christians are to be temperate and moderate. I’ll talk about keeping it
between the ditches in closing.

Response: I agree with being a Fruit inspectors. I do agree Christians are to be temperate not
moderate. Jesus want us to hot or cold, not moderate. A moderate Christian is a weak
Christian like many on TV getting intimidated by far left extremists. You can be temperate
and strong in your belief system at the same time.

7) I agree with you about judging. We are not to condemn others. That is not our place.
However, we are to use good judgment in all things. I like your scripture references, and yes,
I’m stealing them too. Ditches. Pastor Hagin taught about not getting into the ditch on either
side. I took your yoking example to the extreme. I hope you get my point in that. George
Bush is the President of the United States of America. He is the head of state of my country.
As a Christian, I do not fault him for nodding at a Shinto shrine, clapping his hands (which is
to scare away evil spirits) and writing his name in a book. Lester Sumrall visited Shinto
shrines and visited with monks on more than one occasion. Japan is an important ally and
showing respect is okay. As to Bohemian Grove, there isn’t enough information to form an
opinion. If Bush’s involvement is like that of a fraternal organization, I can’t really condemn
him for that either. If he were an active promoter of worshiping Molech, my opinion would
be different.

Response: Judging is never monolthic. Therefore, we are to judge in some areas and not in
others like someone's heart. Your stealing my scripture references? ha ha ha ha!!!! The Bible
is free for all men. ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get your point about yolking. George W. Bush is
the President of the United States. That's all the more reason for him to set a basic
explanation of sticking to his core convictions. The media demonize him as being a so-called
"right wing" Christian, yet Bush doesn't agree with conservative Christians on every issue.
For example, Bush allowed Planned Parenthood to recieve over $100 million, supports the
agenda of the American Union (exposed by Ron Paul and Dr. Corsi, which is about forming
one North American nation in the near future. This is part of the new world order that Patriots
have talked about. This plan is further detailed in the document entitled "Security and
Prosperity Partnership Of North America or SPP"), etc. Many in the mainstream media hate
conservative Christians anyway like Bill Maher.

I disagree with Bush being in a Shinto ritual, etc. No Christian should do that if a Christian
did it, they should ask God for forgiveness. It's as simple as that and it isn't complex. We
disagree on that point. Basic respect can easily be achieved with a Shinto ritual. There is tons
of information to form facts about it. Alex Jones in his video "Order of Death" prove that a
pagan Cremation of Care ritual takes place where people worship Molech, the false god of
the ancients. The New York Post reports on how gay male prostitutes go to the Grove to
service some of the members (although not everyone in the Grove are homosexual). The New
York Post on Page Six (Archived Page) at July 22, 2004 reported on this truth. Elite secret
projects are forumulated or proposed in the Grove (without American citizenry oversight)
like the Manhattan Project and Star Wars. Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson from January
17, 2006 wrote about this. It's a occult orientated group that hold sway in the world, but it's
not the most powerful group in the world.

My great-grandfather was a Mason. I believe the ritual of passing to the 31st degree contains
an oath that no Christian should make. I’m not sure if or how he dealt with that, but, he was a
good Christian man. His donations kept his Baptist church going. He helped pay for building
expansion. My dad said he gave cash, quietly, to pay for the ministry for the kids after high
school football games. His money also doubled the size of the other local Baptist church in
town. You can’t buy your way into heaven and he wasn’t doing that. He put his money where
his heart was. Notice, I said he gave money quietly. He never wanted recognition. I encourage
you to pray for President Bush. He is the leader of the free world. The free world is where
Christianity flourishes. This is an example of when differences between two Christians
should be dealt with in private. Airing our Christian laundry in public does damage to the
faith and it hinders the little ones.

-Penelope (if you have more information, please send it)

Response: People know how I feel about Freemasonry. Freemasonry in its modern sense
existed in 1717. I've debated Freemasonry. All in all, the vast majority of Freemasonry are
not Devil worshippers or hardcore evil people. Yet, Freemasonry is eerily against the
scriptures on many level. One level is that in the Blue Degree, you swear a death oath
including cutting your throat, etc. The Bible is Matthew forbids swearing death oaths and
Exodus says "THou shalt not kill." Even if these oaths are symbolic, they invoke God's name
and we aren't to take God's name in vain. There is deception also in Freemasonry. Albert Pike
(a Confederate and one of them most Famous Freemasons in America) said:

"... Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy,
conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false
explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to
be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away
from it ... So Masonry jealously conceals its secrets and intentionally leads conceited
interpreters astray." [Morals and Dogma, p. 104-5)

Pike was a 33rd Degree Freemason and his Morals and Dogma book is required reading for
Freemasonry. Therefore, many Masons endorse lying to lower levels. This isn't Christian to
me. The Bible says:

"... But as for the cowards and the ignoble and the contemptible and the cravenly lacking in
courage and the cowardly submissive, and as for the unbelieving and faithless, and as for the
depraved and defiled with abominations, and as for murderers and the lewd and adulterous
and the practicers of magic arts and the idolaters (those who give supreme devotion to anyone
or anything other than God) and all liars (those who knowingly convey untruth by word
or deed)--[all of these shall have] their part in the lake that blazes with fire and
brimstone. This is the second death." (Revelation 21:8)

Lying is a sin and unrepetant liars are going to Hell. Pike supports lying, so he is a deciever.
In essence, Freemasonry is the acceptance of pagan Mysteries merging with a belief in one
God in trying to promote so-called "Tolerance, justice, and brotherhood." To merge the
Mysteries and a belief in one God, doesn't cut it with God: "... What harmony can there be
between Christ and Belial [the devil]? Or what has a believer in common with an
unbeliever?" (2 Corinthians 6:15)

Freemason Foster Bailey wrote that: "Study of spiritual realities found in Masonry reveals
that we have perpetuated and increasingly activated the essential principals of the ancient
Mystery Schools which have existed from the very earliest times." in his book the Spirit of

Pagan symbols are present in the Lodge like the Inverted Pentagon, the circle and the dot, the
obelisk (representing the Egyptian false sun god), All Seeing Eye (used for thousands of years
as the Eye of Horus), etc.

According to 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Mackey, the dot and the circle refers to this:

“The point within the circle is an...important symbol in Freemasonry, but it has been
debased in the lectures (given in lodges) that the sooner that the interpretation is forgotten by
the Masonic student, the better will it be. The symbol is really a beautiful but somewhat
abstruse allusion to the OLD SUN-WORSHIP, and introduces us for the first time to the
modification of it, known among the ANCIENTS AS THE WORSHIP OF THE PHALLUS.
(Albert Mackey, The Manual of the Lodge, Clark Maynard Co., New York, 1870, p. 156)
Freemasonry from its own writings is not based on the Bible and its accepts those of other
creeds into "Brotherhood." It’s a culture war in America. It's good to pray for our leaders, but
we must expose evil. We must make known of the Presidents' errors so he can wake up. I
really don't care if people see my words to you or not. I like debate as long as it's cordial.
Freemasonry have great secrecy, yet Jesus said openly I spoke into the world and in secret
have I said nothing. Freemasonry claims that they have a "Light" in their Lodges. Well, Jesus
is the true Light of the World. Many Christians who have been deluded into Freemasonry
may be sincere. They are just sincerely wrong. Freemasonry have therefore death oaths,
accepts paganism, and uses deception in its lower levels to control its members.

That's reality. I've studied Freemasonry for many years. There is nothing wrong with freely
talking about every issue under the sun. As for me, I will keep on talking about torture, the
bad policies of the Iraq War, the evils of abortion, eminent domain, our civil liberties (oh yes
the Patriot Act has been wrongfully utilized against Toy stores and innocent scientists),
illegal immigration, the new world order (David Rockefeller is quoted as wanting an one
world government. This is fact not fiction), and other important issues. Even Pope Benedict
called for a New world Order. Me personally, I don't blame Bush for everything wrong in the
USA unlike some in the far left. In the final analysis, we ought to fight for truth.

Good day, Penelope

By Timothy

That’s what I did with using my old debates and displaying them to you in 2005. Enjoy. I had
this debate about 9/11, Iraq, Bush, etc. with Anne Crosby or Orphan Child around April 1,
2004 at 8:42 am. EST. She is a neo-conservative who agrees with the Bush agenda:

Orphan Child wrote:

Quite frankly, I have confronted you quite often TS. I am not afraid of you, and I
am not a neocon. In fact, I am an old school conservative.
Response: You are not an old school conservative now. Do you know why? It's because you
support the vast majority of Bush's policies of illegal laws (The Patriot Act and its Section
213 states that police can arrest you and search your property for any reason all
without a warrant and not even tell you about them secretly searching your property.
Even if there were provisions to do that before 9/11 in Drug cases it still violates the 4th
Amendment of searches and seizures without a warrant or just cause for it defines it for all
citizens accused in an ambiguous definition of terrorism. No where before 9/11 did the CIA
have domestic powers and Patriot Act I and II gives the CIA that power as well. According to
Ron Paul, many Congress people weren’t given enough time to investigate the bill more
elaborately in Insight Magazine.

The Patriot Act was proposed before 9/11 and Bush does have veto power and he still signed
it. Section 802’s definition of a terrorist is so ambiguous that it could include a whole host of
non-terror actions being labeled as a felony. That's illegal, illegal wars (Iraq was no threat to
America, no ties to al-Qaeda, no complex WMDs, therefore no purpose for war), and big
centralized government (Homeland SSecurity, Northcom, IAO, etc.) Real conservatives and
real liberals oppose that irrational nonsense and garbage. That's garbage. Hugh and Bill are
funny cowards. I've come to anyone's face and say what a lousy failure this President is.

Orphan Child wrote:

AQ took responsibility for 9/11, as well as taking responsibility for many other
terrorist attacks. It seems you would like to forget that AQ has been in the terrorism
business for a couple of decades now.

Response: Of course it’s reasonable for some low-level rag-tag al-Qaeda members taking
responsibility for 9/11. 9/11 was a terrible event. Osama (the head of al-Qaeda) on the other
hand denied any involvement in al-Qaeda in an Ummat Pakistani interview on September 28,
2001 saying it's against his religion to kill innocent men, women, and children even in the
course of battle. He swore on the Koran. This whole interview is found on (The Website)
I don't agree with everything Osama says, but I will here the man out and Osama was a
victim of CIA manipulation from Afghanistan in the 1970's onward. I don't forget that al-
Qaeda is a CIA creation for decades. It's a known historical fact that from 1979-1992, the US
gave $6 billion to the mujaddehin to fight for jihad. Osama was a well-known supporter of
the MAK and other jihadists in the 1980's that were paid by him and armed by the CIA.
MAK evolved in al-Qaeda by Osama.
The ISI and CIA supported Osama's activities and new evidence point to this support even
after the Gulf War when Osama disagreed with U.S. troops on American soil. Al-Qaeda
committed terrorist acts but in the early days, America supported them. That was the time he
became the big boogeyman and patsy. Even according Harrison from the Woodrow Wilson
International Centre for Scholars, the U.S. gave Muslim radicals $3 billion in funding. A lot
of the tapes you hear of al-Qaeda members and Osama are proven frauds. is a site of a MSNBC article by reporter Mike Moran

exposing the CIA ties with Osama bin Laden. He said this is blowback or we prop up a man
and now he’s the great enemy will have to fight. He’s right and the Osama that you see today
is a total product of the CIA. I won’t believe a lie. Osama bin Oswald had nothing to do with
9/11 by sophistication, influence, power, and devices. Also, the BBC reported that many
hijackers (7) are proven alive and well after 9/11. There is no way they could of done it
since they were alive after the fact or do you want to believe in the Easter Bunny
instead. To believe Osama has the power in a cave to use 4 planes without intercept to
sensitive U.S. targets in perfect symmetry to kill 3,000 people with no warning detected is
garbage and a LIE.

Orphan Child wrote:

Are you trying to make me believe that you would of supported any efforts to avert
9/11, previous to 9/11? You do not support any efforts to avert another 9/11, post

Response: I support preserving freedom (including protecting this country) whether before or
after 9/11. What I don't support is fingerprints, illegal laws, unnecessary penalties for minor
offenses, a high deficit; jobs outsourced overseas, continuation of this fake Drug War, the
IAO Big Brother apparatus. There's a difference between wanting to protect your country
and blatant in your face Big Brother and Bush is the greatest Big Brother, government
expanding, illegal law creating President in American history. Bush should have
protected this country when he received warnings from 14 countries outlining that planes
were going to hit buildings. Condoleezza Rice (CFR agent) lied about this blatantly.
Orphan Child wrote:

Terrorists were trained in private airfields in Florida. One right up the road from

Response: That’s a half-truth. Many of the accused hijackers were trained in American
airbases in Florida not just simple and private airfields.
MSNBC now admits that military documents that it is possible for Saeed Alghamdi and
Ahmad Alnami to train as foreign nations since their locations were in 10 Radford Boulevard
where foreign trainees are usually found.

This is Pensacola Airbase, a military (not a private) facility. The website where it can be
found is at
(Prison Planet Site linking up with MSNBC)

In the website it mentioned that: “THREE OF THE alleged hijackers listed their address on
drivers licenses and car registrations as the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla.—known as
the “Cradle of U.S. Navy Aviation,” according to a high-ranking U.S. Navy source.”
(Scoop Archive Site) is another site proving it again.

Orphan Child wrote:

Nobody stood down that day. Nobody was prepared, pure and simple. All of this
confirmed by mainstream news articles.

Response: This is silly and desperation on your part. The fact is that NORAD did stand
down. NORAD is very advanced and tracks every object in the atmosphere worldwide. To
say that NORAD wasn't prepared for the greatest terror attack in American history is
ludicrous and overly ignorant plus not rational. You are not thinking rationally obviously just
like Bill in AZ and Hugh. NORAD had 90 minutes to protect the Pentagon after the
Second Tower was hit. NORAD can easily immediately send planes in 5 minutes to guard
D.C., but didn’t until after the Pentagon was hit. Why? There are more than 7 bases in
continental America to protect us. They did nothing so they stood down allowing 3,000
people to be killed. General Myers said he could respond until after the Pentagon was hit
which was over 90 minutes after the first Tower was hit in NYC. This doesn’t add up. (Center for

Cooperative Research)

is a site with mainstream sources proves the inconsistencies of the NORAD lies. New
information from Michael Ruppert's Beyond the Rubicon has Dick Cheney, by an executive
order, in May 2001 to handle all war games. During 9/11, Cheney stood down NORAD
(admitted from testimony from Mineta and Alex Jones recorded military folks who told him
that NORAD stood down as well) from intercepting the plane (or missile) to the Pentagon.
Cheney also headed 5 war games during 9/11 as cover to execute 9/11. (NORAD say this as
22 blips on their screen) Ruppert's book proves this and lists Cheney as one of the suspects
involved in 9/11.

Orphan Child wrote:

And if you want to use Payne Stewert as an argument, go ahead if you like. I have
debunked that old saw about four times now.

Response: Who is Payne Stewart? I don’t know who he is. Tons of scholars disagree with the
idiotic story of 9/11 giving by the White House. They include me, Carol A. Valentine, Alex
Jones, Paul Watson, John Kaminski, and Jim Marrs, liberals, conservatives, and libertarians.
There are legitimate questions about 9/11 that the administration has failed to answer and that
isn’t extremist but common sense. It isn’t way out for the government to be involved in 9/11.
The government has been involved in terrorist attacks for a very long time: just look to the
Reichstag, wars, etc. I see no refutation by you in refuting the people that I’ve mentioned
whom are telling the truth on what happened during 9/11.
Orphan Child wrote:

Please do use real sources. It would help a lot.

Response: I’ve shown tons of real sources before and in this refutation.

Orphan Child wrote:

Clinton was in office for the genocide at Waco. I don't particularly care if he was an
internationalist, he didn't take care of the national defense.

Response: Clinton was in office during the genocide of Waco and is an internationalist. There
are indeed a lot of national security failures he did and I don’t deny that.

Orphan Child wrote:

How can you really bring up the 70's and 80's, and try to pin the blame on the
present administration? That is a stretch. The most recent cite there is 20 years old.

Response: You know why I cite them. It’s because it connects the dots. There is nothing
wrong with showing the past to let you understand the present and improve the future. Have
you learned that logic? I do cite recent sources, which is another lie.
One is W199- EYE in 2001, which Bush signed to prevent the FBI to investigate the bin
Ladens or face imprisonment. One example of this is from (Propaganda Matrix
Site linked to the Times of India)

when Osama bin Laden’s brother was refused to be investigated by the government. This is
recorded in the Times of India and the BBC (both mainstream new articles) Who are you
trying to con neo-con? Don’t you know that FBI agents are angry over this tragedy and
bringing up lawsuits now including one from Minneapolis over this?

Even recently according to Newsday, at

“Bush campaign gear made in Burma His campaign store sells a pullover from nation whose
products he has banned from being sold in the U.S.” There are tons of sources exposing this

Orphan Child wrote:

Your delusions are yours to have and hold. But please get your story straight, before
launching an attack upon rational people.

Response: I have no delusions. Give me one example of my delusions which tons of people
in America and millions worldwide have. I’ve got my story straight. You don’t, but continue
through half-truths, character assassinations, and backups from pseudo-patriots like Bill in
AZ and Hugh Tombstone. If you truly love liberty you need to oppose the Patriot Act,
Homeland SSecurity, the war in Iraq, the UN, WTO, GATT, etc. and not align with
Bush. Bush is not a patriot or a true Texan. Bush is supporting the United Nations by solely
using their Resolutions to fight in Iraq and promising along with Blair future U.N.
cooperation in the aftermath and reconstruction of Iraq. He isn’t even a Texas but born in
New Haven Connecticut. He’s a Northerner faking a Southern bravado. I’m a Southerner
born in Virginia and Bush isn’t and isn’t a Christian being a member of the Satanic Skulls
and Bones and Bohemian Grove.

People who want rising deficits, more American G.I.s killed in illegal wars, job and
economic woes, environmental threats, illegal laws to remain coming forth, the Second
Amendment and the Bill of Rights burned is not a rational person to me. You are Refuted.

By Timothy


Debates and Discussions Part 2
So many changes have occurred since even the beginning of 2010. This work will detail more debates
and discussions about various issues. This debates and discussions are more relevant in our time. I feel
like I have to show these words as a means not only for inspiration, but to let the whole world to know the
truth. The truth is that racial discrimination and religious bigotry are immoral actions. The truth is that all
human life is valuable and all humans are created equal irrespective of their background. So, we
realize these things. We understand the reality of the situation. We are fighting against economic
inequality and imperialism. We are fighting against the scapegoating of black human beings. We are also
fighting for human liberation and authentic justice in the Universe. That is why real flavor and real advice
are necessary items to build souls up and allow evils in the world to be crushed down. Now, some of
these debates are emotionally charged, because of the Trayvon Martin verdict. Some of the words here
are controversial or politically incorrect. These are grown folk discussions. LOL. I love debates and
discussions. Now it is the end of 2013. It has been five decades since the March on Washington, but the
fight for economic and social justice is still etched in my consciousness. That’s real. That is why in real life
when I just talk about certain issues, opposition to me was small. Yet, when I questioned the whole
mainstream capitalistic economic system and seek to have a class struggle for economic justice
among all human beings, then opposition to me increased by the reactionaries. We have the right to
condemn many of the intolerable conditions in society. Now, it is the time advance genuine equality for all
human beings of every background. So, here it is.

By Timothy


Vonveezil wrote the following:

LBJ was one of the Democrats who opposed the Civil Rights act in the 50's. When he
signed it into law in '65 he is also quoted as saying " By signing this bills we have made a
built in voter block that will never leave us " . And you haven't and what's it gotten you?
Destroyed family units, poverty, welfare, murders, ghettos, unemployment and nothing in
return. Be a good slave and vote for the Democrats, who are still the slavemasters.

My Response:
You are too old to believe in reactionary propaganda or fairy tales. No one said that LBJ was perfect,
but he did the right thing to sign civil rights laws in the 1960's. He was right on that issue. To extend
human freedoms that relates to voting and civil rights is a great thing. I am an Independent brother.
Just because a brother or a sister is a Democrat doesn't mean that individual is some mental slave
to Democrat "slave masters." Blacks from across the political spectrum possess reasonable insight
and intellectual freedom to greatly evaluate issues. That old time 19th century rhetoric is silly and
offensive. The GOP is responsible for the Patriot Act, the 2007 economic recession, the War on
Drugs, the Iraq War, the Southern Strategy, and other evils in our society. Both parties aren't
perfect and you are trying to shame blacks to join a political party (presumptively the GOP) that
wants our social contract to be nearly eliminated. It won't work. Also, your buddy Ronald Reagan
said in 1967 said that he agrees with discrimination as it pertains to housing. Your buddy Mitt
Romney said that the government can't create a single job, which is a total lie. Congress itself is
made up of government jobs including folks working at post offices nationally.

The poor and middle class pay state, local, and other forms of taxation even (so, these people
collectively aren't lazy or lack personal responsibility). Not all family structures in the black
community are ruined. Welfare is mostly used by white Americans and welfare is necessary for
those that need it (it should not be used for anyone). The poverty rate decreased by the progressive
programs from 1945-1975. Ghettoes were originally created by our oppressors as a means to
suppress revolution & maintain the status quo. It wasn't invented by blacks collectively at all.
Murder from genocides in multiple continents has been done by white supremacists spanning
centuries. Other problems that you cite are a product of Reaganomics, trickled down economics,
and socioeconomic problems not progressive freedoms at all.
-By Timothy (Me)

vonveezil wrote the Following:

The desperation is in the White House. There's a steamroller coming down the street and you all are so
brainwashed you won't even see it rolling over you. It's always something to hear how blacks THINK MLK
would say or think. You have no idea what he would do or say. You're only guessing and guessing along
the lines that the Democrats, Corrupt Media, and the race baiters/hustlers ( aka Al and Jesse) tell
you.What do you think of Alveda King? I'm a Tea Party member. I have never seen one time where race
was injected into anything. Many blacks are also in the TP. The media says its racist. Over 600 events
and one incident of racism and that person was thrown out of the event. Every event Sharpton or Jackson
put on is total racism. You keep on walking round with blinders on. One day the black community will
wake up to the horrors perpetrated against it by the Democrats. I hope its soon, so the black community
can finally lift itself up , instead of being held back and down. See, I want ALL Americans to do well.

Go to YTube

My Response:

Your words have been the same words that have been used in order to maintain laissez faire economic
policies, which don’t work to build up society comprehensively. Also, brothers and sisters here aren’t
brainwashed. I am an Independent brother. Many sincere black people are Democrats, Republicans, and
Independents. Just because a black person is more progressive or more conservative doesn’t mean that
that brother or sister are some slave to either of the 2major parties. We know what Dr. King would think
on some issues, because we show you his quotes, ideas, and ideologies. You hate it since many of Dr.
King’s words in opposition to war, in promoting a radical redistribution of economic and political power, his
critiques on capitalism, etc. goes against your Tea Party dogma. I think Alveda King is a very sweet,
intelligent sister that loves black people. I think she is wrong in allying with reactionaries like Glen Beck
though. I believe that she is wrong on some issues (like on economics). Republicans regularly inject race
in their campaigns in calling blacks to have personal responsibility when most blacks accept personal
responsibility. They inject race via their controversial comments (from Santorum, Gingrich, etc.). This
doesn’t apply to all Tea Party and all GOP members, but some of them. Where is the modern evidence
(in 2012) of Al Sharpton and Jesse showing extreme racism? Al Sharpton supports voting rights; he
opposes police brutality, and wants freedoms. You can disagree with him on many things, but on those
issues, he isn’t presenting racism on those topics. Al Sharpton expressed regret on some of his errors of
the past. I don’t support Sharpton on every issue, but he is better than an O’Reilly or a Limbaugh type.
Jackson is rather not in the spotlight as he was in times past.

The black community is awaked on many levels. Every day, people in the black community are having
voter registering drives, fighting for education, fighting crime, promoting the beauty of the black African
phenotype, and fighting against war. Collectively, my black people are fighting for improvement and
justice period. You just deny that since you want black people to accept 19th century thinking in a near
22nd century world. Also, no one here worships Democrats. No party is perfect, but we realize the
massive imperfections in the GOP (from advancing bellicose war mongering to supporting anti-voting
policies). You want all Americans to accept your philosophy. You may want all Americans to do well, but
you want blacks and all people to accept your reactionary views. You can’t have your wish since people
have the right to disagree with you in a cogent, tolerable fashion. We don’t need privatization of all
resources in the world to be free. We don’t need theocracy to be free. We don’t need austerity,
xenophobia, and Islamophobia to be free. We just need human rights to spread unto all backgrounds in
order to be free. We need both public and private resources in order for us to be free. The mainstream
media is dominated by corporate/CFR interests, so a real person doesn’t unconditionally trust the
corporate-sponsored mainstream media at all. You have the right to be a Tea Party adherent and I have
the right to accept individual/private power and collective/public power to help society.

By Timothy (Me)


AntSWeb wrote the following

Well Al Sharpton isn't Jesus and he's far from being any kind of Christian. He's a wolf in
sheeps clothing if anything. Truthseeker, you have a lot to learn about Al Sharpton. Just
because he has a "REV." in front of his name, doesn't mean he follows that righteous path.
He's incited a nation full of hate and racism. Blacks murdering and raping whites is so
common, everybody seems to have accept it as a fact of life, some will even make up
excuses for the black criminals, believing that white people deserve it and/or that whites
have, possibly via mind control, made blacks do it. It's unacceptable if the victim of a violent
attack defends himself, as e.g. Zimmermann did, it may inspire other people to finally grow
a pair and stand up to thugs on our streets.
Sharpton's demanded they arrested Zimmerman, so Florida did. Sharpton demanded a trial
and he got one. Sharpton didn't like the verdict so his comment was this is "an atrocity."
After the verdict, Sharpton didn't like the jury, even though the prosecution and defense
both picked them and approved of them. Sharpton now says the jury is racist.
The true atrocity was the incredible blatant and sickening anti-White - pro-Black bias
exhibited by the media controlled by the person yelling the loudest or for ratings. The media
blew this case out of all proportion for what really should have only been a news item of
interest to a local audience. Sharpton ensured it was not. Why is that...It was an opportunity
for him to cash in and to take this anti-White - pro-Black war to a different level, which it
has. And the black community fell for it. The media and Sharpton and Trayvon's parents
went so far as to use photo bias in using a four year old photograph of Trayvon, rather than
a recent image that would have portrayed him in an accurate light. Most of all, they tried to
frame the whole event as being another tall tale of the evil, hateful, and bad 'White racist'
man who fatally attacking a poor and innocent young black youth because of the color of his
skin. George Zimmerman isn't even a white man nor is he racist.
Sharpton was wrong about Tawana Brawley, Duke LaCrosse Players, and now he's wrong
about Zimmerman.
Sharpton, in 1987, there was the Tawana Brawley case and at the same time of the Crown
Heights Riots. Sharpton's role were vile words that incited the anti-Semitic rioters, which
made an already volatile violent situation much worse. Sharpton constantly screamed to the
rioters, "No justice, no peace!"
Sharpton has blood on his hands because he is partially responsible for the continued
violence during that riot and for the stabbing death of a jewish scholar visiting from
Australia. Not to mention the 100's of other people that were injured or killed. Looting and
burning buildings, rapes, murders and he fueled that fire ANDDD fueled that fire and he
called numerous people racist....all from a lie this girl told that Sharpton kept going. If you
let the law handle things appropriately, the truth will prevail. Sharpton didn't do that and he
pushed, and pushed, and pushed the hate of the rioters and in the meantime, innocent lives
were lost or injured.
You all hang on to every word Sharpton says like he's Jesus. That's sick, disgusting, and
ignorant. Your mob mentality brain isn't capable of logic hence the HIGH rate of black on
black crime. It's a fact and there's your truth, Truthseeker.

My Response:

You listed so many errors, false statements, stereotypes, etc. that is shocking even for me. Now, like
many of what you people do, you take things out of context, you put words in folks’ mouth, and you
change the subject. The subject at hand in this article is about the lives of black males mattering.
That is the point. He is right in saying that the life of black males matter. Black males matter in the
world and in the black community just like all black human beings matter regardless of nationality
or gender. I never called Sharpton Jesus. I know all of the reactionaries’ views on Al Sharpton. I
know many of his controversies. The truth is in between the 2 extreme perspectives of the
situation. The truth is that Al Sharpton is not perfect, but he is right on some issues (from being
opposed to police brutality to wanting the life of innocent black males to be protected in the
world). You just want black folks to accept your reactionary way of thinking. Sorry, we will not,
because we will follow our own thinking. Our black community believes that we are our brothers'
and sisters' keepers (We don't agree with telling the suffering let them eat cake). My black people
reject imperialism and Empire and we believe in collective action beyond just individual initiative.
The rest of your points outline issues that you need to take up with NAN and Sharpton not with me.
I am my own man and I have my own independent thinking. Al Sharpton apologized for his previous
errors and in the 21st century, he never called for inciting a nation to hate and racism. You cannot
find a single quotation from him saying that recently at all. Most black human beings are not raping
white human beings. I never support rape of anyone of any color, gender, or background period.
Rape done by whites or blacks is evil. Whites have a huge legacy raping blacks (including other
humans of color) in epidemic levels for centuries and even recently. White folks target us all of the
time for romance or sexual exploitation. You stalk us all of the time including here in social media
when we want to independently express our ideals. You say nothing here to rebut the white racist
trolls here, but want to target my sincere, non-offensive words on the issue of the value of black
life. How ironic. I reject the offers from many whites who want to have romance with me. I love
Sistas. Most black human beings love black people. I love black women socially and romantically.
Also, most crime in America is intraracial or occurs among the same race. Not to mention that black
folks have talked about the great evil of black on black violence for a very long time and white
reactionaries like Bill O'Reilly ignore that truth. Crime in the black community has to do with many
factors. It has nothing to do with all black human beings collectively being culturally inferior (which
your ilk implies all of the time). No one is many excuses for anything.

Folks are talking about how poverty, discrimination, oppression, recessionary economic realities,
and socioeconomic factors contribute to criminal actions including the bad conditions in poor areas
including other areas. That is reality not excuses. Zimmerman has a known history of assaulting a
woman, he was accused of sexual molestation, and he assaulted a police officer. These actions are
far worse than what Trayvon Martin ever did in his life. His or Zimmerman's MySpace was filled with
bigotry against Mexicans, so he is no hero. Any man that assaults a woman is no hero. The family of
Trayvon Martin demanded an arrest. The family of Trayvon Martin demanded a fair trial revolving
around the murder of their innocent son. The family of Trayvon Martin shed tears sincerely over the
passing of their beloved son. Al Sharpton was asked by that family to help. See, you disrespect a
grieving family since you don’t care about a grieving family. You care about advancing an agenda
that gives vigilantism a path to exist in the world (and give license for racists to kill innocent,
unarmed black youth in cold blood under the guise of stand your ground. Your agenda is to try to
make black human beings docile to the system of white supremacy. You want black human beings
to accept an Eurocentric way of thinking that abhors protests, that abhors standing up strongly for
justice, and that abhors expressing a black cultural identity in a firm way. We as blacks have the
right to roar for freedom and roar righteousness in our legitimate indignation). Also, a lot of folks
and many human beings did not like the verdict. The verdict was a tragedy and Sharpton never
called the jury racist explicitly. You just use anti-black race baiting rhetoric. The death of Trayvon
Martin was a tragedy. The other real atrocities are when Sean Bell was murdered by the crooked
police and when the innocent six year old Sister Aiyana Jones was murdered by evil police too. The
real tragedy is North Carolina trying to pass a regressive voter ID law that limits voting access. The
real tragedy is when our brothers and sisters are taught self-hate by a wicked, materialistic Western
society. The real tragedy is about reactionaries ignoring the epidemic of white pedophilia, white
serial killing, white massive war crimes against foreign lands, white rape, and other crimes by white
supremacists then and now. There is nothing wrong with being pro-Black, so to imply that it is a sin
to be pro-Black is silliness. The mainstream media reported on the trial and was down the middle in
my eyes (in some cases and biased in other cases). Many folks in CNN and FOX supported
Zimmerman. FOX is like Zimmerman central, so you obviously need to learn that. FOX News labeled
Zimmerman as an angel. The truth is that Zimmerman is half white and he is not black. He not being
black is a fact. No real person said that he was totally white. Zimmerman is blatantly a vigilante, a
fake cop, claims that it is God's will for him to murder a teenager, and an assault of a woman. He is
a sick person. Also, you ignore the whites rioting in Tulsa, Oklahoma where dozens of innocent
black, women, and children were murdered by white terrorists. You forget about rioting Europeans
harming and even killing black human beings in Europe because of their black skin color recently.
You ignore even today, some black Americans experience racism. You ignore the civil liberty
violating stop and frisk action in NYC. So, you want to minimize black suffering as an excuse to
justify white domination of Western society (which is the system of white supremacy). See, that is
the point. I do not hang onto every word of Al Sharpton. That is another lie that you have made. I
am not ignorant. I am intelligent, I am black, and I am beautiful. I have rich and noble history. Black
women are the most beautiful women on the face of the Earth too. I do not have a mob mentality
you bigot.
My brain is highly cognitive. There has been a decrease in overall crime in the span of three decades
inside of the USA. We have issues in our black community, but we are not mostly criminals you
bigot. We can defeat racism with the destruction of the system of white supremacy. You try to
ignore some of your faults as an excuse to paint the false narrative that black human beings are
collectively brutes (and we are responsible for the Maafa and our oppression totally. We are not). I
make no excuses for Al Sharpton’s errors. You just want to change the subject as a means to make it
about him while ignoring the subject at hand. Unjust laws have the right to be eliminated via
constructive avenues. I have never condoned rioting of innocent property at all. Most blacks never
endorse rioting that destroys property of their own communities at all. We condone justice and
peace. Sometimes, you have to sacrifice for freedom and you have to fight for freedom without
being docile to white people. A real black person never bows before a white man or a white woman
at all. The subject in this article was about black males having value. My life as a black man has
great value. We just stand without malice like men and like women. That truth is what you can
never refute at all. Black is Beautiful. Black is Strong. Black is Lovely. Our dark melanin is indeed
God's Gift and it is great as well. Black is the Truth for God is pro-Black African. The truth is Golden
and it is in 4-D. I will break it down for the Brothers and the Sisters indeed. My flavor is real, the
struggle continues, and my soul is blessed.

By Timothy (Me)

courtneyrR: Standing Ovation!!! Racist really should worry about the 86 percent of YT on YT
crime, that happens in their communities that rarely gets told by the media . The focus seems to
be a bit one sided. Excellent post. :)

Me: Thank you Sister from my heart. You hold it down as well. At first, I did not want to
respond to the guy. Then, I read the rest of his words and then I felt a thought in my mind to
wanting to respond. Also, you are blessed with your wisdom too. Yes, the enemy focuses on our
issues as a means to push psychological buttons, try to intimidate debate, and have a very limited
view of the issue at hand. Thanks for your words Sista. You are very intelligent and filled with

The following is my discussion with the Nice Sister Courtney on racial profiling and other issues:

CourtneyR: You are right.We certainly do not need to become a police state but they will turn it into
one unfortunately, the wheels have been set in motion. Smh.

Me: You are correct. That agenda that you mentioned has been accelerated since 9/11
unfortunately against everyone. We as a people have experienced that (or a police state
atmosphere) for centuries with the Maafa, slavery, Jim Crow, etc. We should be judged on the
content of our character not on the color of our skin. That truism refutes the nefarious policy of
stop and frisk comprehensively.

CourtneyR: You are right. Profiling of the black man started with slavery and continues today,
Me: Indeed, Sweet peach :)
We have suffered a lot, but we continue to exist. We have many victories against the Maafa, Jim
Crow, and other injustices. We are strong. Brothers and Sisters will persist amidst the storm and see
the sunshine when it is all said and done irrespective of the evils of profiling. Stop and frisk should
end including other injustices in the world. I think this is the time where we should reminded that
we should care for each other. We are allies and I appreciate your views and gracious insights on
issues. The common bond of us in the mutual Power of Black Love is more potent than the evils of
the world. The struggle continues, but we can have victory. White supremacy is never omnipotent.
The power of the Creator and black human beings are surely more powerful than white supremacy
indeed. We have been through tests and exciting events. Not everything will be perfect in life. We
are still works in progress as you have eloquently mentioned before. What is most important is how
we serve our people filled with altruism and righteousness.

CourtneyR: Great post! :) Interesting facts I was reading about Profiling. In 1514: The Ultimatum of
King Charles.The Requerimiento of King Charles I mandated that all natives of the Americas must
either submit to Spanish authority and convert to Roman Catholicism or face persecution. It was the
only one of many colonial Spanish criminal justice mandates, established ostensibly to promote law
and order in the New World, that used a racial profiling policy against American Indians.
1642, a Maryland man named John Elkin confessed to the murder of an American Indian leader
named Yowocomco. He was acquitted in three consecutive trials by fellow colonists, who refused to
punish a white man for killing an American Indian. The governor, frustrated with the bizarre verdict,
ordered a fourth trial, at which point Elkin was finally found guilty of the lesser charge of

1669: When Murder Was Legal

As part of its 1669 slavery law revisions, the Commonwealth of Virginia passed the Casual Slave
Killing Act--legalizing the murder of slaves by their masters.

1704: To Catch a Slave

The South Carolina slave patrol, arguably the first modern police force in North America, was
established in 1704 to find and capture fugitive slaves. There is abundant evidence to suggest that
pro-slavery governments sometimes arrested free African Americans as "fugitive slaves,"
transferring them to slave traders for later sale.

1831: The Other Nat Turner Massacre

Immediately following Nat Turner's rebellion on August 13th, approximately 250 black slaves were
rounded up and killed--55 executed by the government, the rest lynched--in retaliation. Many of
the slaves, particularly the lynching victims, were selected more or less at random, their bodies
mutilated and displayed on fenceposts as a warning to any slaves who might choose to rebel.

2000: Tales from the Jersey Turnpike

In response to a lawsuit, the State of New Jersey released 91,000 pages of police records
documenting a consistent pattern of racial profiling in motor vehicle stops along the New Jersey
Turnpike. According to the data, black drivers--accounting for 17 percent of the population--made
up 70 percent of drivers searched, and had a 28.4 percent chance of carrying contraband. White
drivers, despite having a slightly higher 28.8 percent chance of carrying contraband, were searched
far less often.

Me: These are great historical descriptions of profiling in history. This is great research from you
Sista Courtney. That information is useful in allowing skeptics and our people to witness what both
of us are talking about when we discuss about racial profiling or various forms of oppression in
general. The Kings or Queens back then created many of these policies. Their descendants are many
of our oppressors today in this modern generation. In other words, Presidents, corporate leaders,
and other factions of white supremacy are related to the European Royal & Religious elite back then
who instituted the Maafa and various unjust laws that you have mentioned. I heard of the racial
profiling evils in New Jersey as well.

CourtneyR: Yes, you start to see the pattern. You see how and why it came about. smh....If we
didn't start it, who did? it sure wasn't us.

Me: It certainly wasn't us. That is why I do not understand why reactionaries try to justify racial
profiling, stop and frisk, or likeminded laws when you have mentioned the evil historical precedents
for those policies at all. It is flabbergasting. The good news is that many human beings see the
handwriting on the wall and desire real changes in society. Some are standing up. Once that brick
wall of oppression is cracked, then the wall will come tumbling down. The worth of our people are
worth more than the rose of Sharon and the lilies of the valleys (as my mother use to say. Yes, my
mother is a very country woman. She speaks with a Southern accent. She is a great Woman. My
competitive nature including my interests in politics comes from my Father and my humanitarian,
sensitive side comes from my Mother), so we should continue in our work. This work includes
charity, mentoring, speaking out, communicating in the Net, learning our history, funding real black
business, having connections with family including friends, and improving our souls. You have
mentioned boycotts and that is a great idea. Collectively, we have huge economic influence and we
should use it against those who never respect us. We should care for each other and respect our
similarities including our differences as Brothers and Sisters. We may stumble at times, but as long
as our total trajectory is improvement than we can be further inspired to carry on. In the final
analysis, we are all Family. We are all one blood and one people. The struggle for human liberation
is not easy, but our efforts now is worth it for our descendants. We are worth it and our work shall
not be in vain. So, thank you Sister for your excellent research and your strength.

CourtneyR: Can't rationalize irrational things. Your mother and father seemed like a great team. :)
My mother is a leo,a natural leader at 5 '2 lol I was always in awe growing up ,witnessing her work.
:) Dad was too, him being a virgo fit well . Both worked with kids etc. both from the country but also
really quick on their feet being up north for 30 plus years. Nothing wrong with competitiveness
when men and women are pushing one another towards balance. Also, nothing wrong with women
showing that they can keep up and be relied upon, when men need them for that. We are not
competing to be men, but competing to be assets and team players when called for. That's a good
thing in my book.
Me Answering a Bigot on Africa.
Me: This person seems to forget the diverse urban and rural communities in Africa filled with
transportations, homes, stadiums, shopping locations, and diverse amount of human beings. He is a
deceiver to assume that Africa is collectively a land of squalor when it is not. He wants to accuse
folks of racism to cover up his own racism. Therefore, we know the truth of the matter. The enemy
can't stand Africa, so they try to bash it when it has the richest resources in the face of the Earth
(and it is the origin of all human life).

mikeinnc232: truth, I will bet that you have never been to Africa either. Keyna, Tanzania, and
Djibouti take up half of the African continent. Everywhere I went, the people lived a life of poverty. I
took pictures and would be happy to send them to you so you can be more aware of what Africa is
like. However, after you two never going there, you still think it is this magical place of your
ancestors, please feel free to move there. Hmmm, I don't see the door hitting you in the rear as you
rush to go there!

Me: You can enjoy your bigotry all you want, but doesn't ignore the truth. You need to learn and
appreciate the jewels and gems that Sister EjErica gave you. The reality is that there are numerous
locations in Africa with firm economic development, with technological growth, and with great
transportation infrastructure. Issues like poverty still exist in Africa. Much of it is a byproduct of
racist white European imperialism, neoliberalism, and colonialism. Africa is not totally in ruin at all.
Now, it was good thing that many Black Brothers and Sisters organized strongly to defeat
imperialists and colonialists heavily after the end of World War II. Dundo, Angola is a growing city
with an ecological background. Nairobi, Kenya has improved. Also, the greatest refutation of your
argument is improvement. Just because some areas of Africa have issues like poverty doesn't mean
that they can never be improved upon. Areas globally have similar issues as Africa. In the future,
Africa will be stronger and you can't stand it. Also, who are you to tell where we as black people will
go. Many of us from the States went to Africa and have stories opposite of your deception. You have
ignorance and you mock my folks' ancestors, so I will not respond to you anymore. Your ilk is one
reason why I will never ally with your ilk. That is all the more reason for Black Unity to be
strengthened since folks like you express how you really feel about us in the Net (but you rarely
express that same hatred of Africa, etc. in public in front of a mass of black people). Monrovia, Fes,
Cotonou, Freetown, Kaduna, Kampala, and other locations of Africa have rich architecture, down to
Earth human beings, and a strong cultural history. There are many development plans occurring all
of the time in Africa.

See, Africa is the origin of human life and has the richest resources on the face of the Earth. Dr. Umar
Johnson, Malcolm X, and others went into Africa and outlined a description opposite of your
perspective. Nothing is racist about my words here. I never dehumanized you. It is never racist to
outline the beauty, the value, the insight and the strength of black people at all. It is never racist to
describe and expose the racist practice of European imperialism either. So, you lie here accusing me
of racism as a means to cause tensions, but I will not fall for your trap. Black people are the first
humans on Earth and dark melanin is very Beautiful. Black is Beautiful. Blackness is God's Gift.
Black is the representation of truth, beauty, and the Creator's first humans. See, I told you. It is a
crossover, a slam dunk, and Game Over. You can never intimidate a Strong Black Mind. You can
believe in that. You can never stop the truth or Africa at all.

By Timothy (Me)

EjErica: Excellent!

Me: Thank you and you made excellent responses as well. I will not sleep on your wisdom as
well. We will not stop, because we can't stop. The enemy can never stop the flow or the funk.

EjErica: Right!

Truth, don't we know it. He continued to name areas that were undesirable, deliberately leaving
out the lingering affects of Apartheid (which existed not just in South Africa as written law)which
has a lot to do with the problems that he speaks of as well.
Transport, infrastructure, open market economy, residential and business continual
development, etc..(let him read up on it).. as well as its natural resources that finally are going
back into its countries( a slow, but promising process due to corporations that have their dirty
little hands all over it still, which he also failed too mention that these same corporations and
politics as well as some inner political corruption play a major role in funding the Kony's of the
world in order to stall progress so to make it easier to benefit from the fighting and atrocities in
some areas) instead of being raped and pillaged by foreigners and stolen.
Smh at the mindset of these people.

My Debate with a Racist:

Jim: This is so pathetic that Afro-Americans call these 2 men names because they don't bow down to
"pity poor me because I'm an Afro-American". Martin was a thug following his father's foot steps. He
chose the wrong man to attack. By the way, GZ isn't a white man but Hispanic. These men chose to get
an education, work for the position they hold without blaming the white men for any missed
opportunities. I mean Hell if had all of the Government programs that give me jobs based on my skin
color and laws that protect gangs when they attack one individual. I wouldn't complain about nothing.
Afro-American men can't fight a single white man or woman without a gang therefore that tells me that
they're cowards & boys not men.

Me: Black Men fought one on one for ages you racist (from Muhammad Ali to Brothers in certain
situations). That is why you say this garbage on the Net, but we as blacks say what we feel about you in
the Net and out of the Net.

Jim: Apparently, you don't follow some news channels that report non-bias news. It's never 2-3 guys of
the caucasion or hispanic race attacking a single person it's always Afro-Americans. By the way, I could
care less about what people thinks of me because I know I'm NOT racist. My comments will always be
the same either in person or on the net. I don't have false friendships with anyone or ethnic groups. I
have been discriminated by Afro-Americans more than any other group including the Uber-Rich white

Me: I do listen to the news. So, you trying to be intellectual is not warranted. See, this Brother is very
intellectual. I know my stuff. I realize that select corporate interests advance stereotypes about blacks
via the news media. I know that the news have lied about the Iraq War and other events in history. So,
the news is a tool. It is not infallible at all. Apparently, you mention news accounts as the sole basis to
create your irrational opinions of black human beings. There are tons of accounts in real life that outline
black men fighting one on one in martial arts tournaments, boxing activities, and self defense actions for
a long time. Also, whites have been involved in jumping blacks for centuries from James Byrd Jr. to the
old riots in the 20th century where groups of whites jumped innocent black human beings.
So, you need to know history. The vast majority of Black Americans are not murderers, rapists, or
imperialists. The most degenerate imperialists, pedophiles, meth addicts, murderers, rapists, and liars in
modern history has been one ethnic group. It is not mine. We as blacks are the ones who have the
blessed dark melanin. We are the ones who are the first humans on Earth. We are the ones with the
genetics of the origin of human race. You came from us not the other way around. You ought to give us
the respect that we deserve (especially in this forum) or we can just move on. Also, any unjust violence
made by anyone towards innocent human life is immoral irrespective of race.
You cite no evidence that you have been restricted of a job, restricted to go on the Net, restricted to
own a home, restricted to eat at a shop, restricted to make a loan, restricted to own a car, or restricted
on how to live your life day by day solely by so-called black discrimination. You are a racist by assuming
that blacks can not fight non blacks one on one outlining your embrace of the lie of black inferiority.
Obviously, blacks are not physically inferior and can fight one on one via MMA fighters, boxers, regular
folks, etc.

Jim: I don't make irrational opinions about no one from news stories but from facts.. Seriously though,
the Afro-Americans need to get over the PAST because that's exactly what it is: Past. Not one, Afro-
American in 21st century has been a slave or owned by anyone. Apparently, you don't hear about
Chicage with black on black murderers on a daily basis. Someone is the first humans according to what
scientist you want to listen to.

Me: LOL. I will never get over a single thing. That is my right. You have the right to ignore the past. See,
the events of Sean Bell, Oscar Grant, Trayvon Martin, and Aiyanna Jones did not occur in the long
distance past. These events occurred in our generation in the 21st century. For the sake of my God, my
ancestors, and my people, I will get over nothing. I will advance Justice though. I want the end of the
system of white supremacy. Native Americans being slaughtered by white racists have been over, but
they have received reparations centuries later. Black slavery is still here in many nations of the world.
Also, what does African Americans not being slaves now have to do with Justice. Justice is done in many
forms. There should be economic justice and racial justice since oppression in many forms currently is
still a reality. Also, I know about Chicago and you are a slick racist by citing racist talking points. The
murder rate in Chicago has declined in the past months. The situation in Chicago has to do with
socioeconomic factors, illegal gun trafficking, and poverty not black genetics at all. Also, my community
has talked about black on black violence for decades. Also, most mainstream scientists have proved that
blacks are the first human beings on Earth conclusively. You are grasping at straws here. In the final
analysis, there is nothing immoral about Black Power and Black Equality.

By Timothy (Me)


Refuting a Capitalist Extremist:

your insult of hardworking men, black men ESPECIALLY THOMAS, as your passive aggressive
racism destroys you from within, also shows that you have no credibility and are weak morally
you might have great intelligence than that would put you in the same league as Clarence
Thomas, so what you call him



My Response: Clarence Thomas is hardworking though. I will give you that.

He is hardworking to work for the Tea Party agenda. He is hardworking to falsely compare
affirmative action to Jim Crow segregation. He is hard working to advance corporate interests
with his ties to Monsanto. He is hardworking to ally with an extremist like Rush Limbaugh (who
made disrespectful, bigoted comments for many years).

In that regard, he is extremely hardworking. These words are not insults. These are stone cold
facts. Me not wanting to be like Thomas, Tiger Woods, and Benson is not insulting them. It is
outlining my personality in a descriptive fashion. Clarence Thomas has intelligence, but even
intelligent human beings can be greatly deceived about certain political parameters. I have no
racism at all, which is falsely assumed by you. I am not morally weak, but you desire blacks to
be docile to your agenda though. I consider myself a black man with the free speech right to
outline my views. Blacks have the right to be independent beyond the two party system.

-By Timothy (Me)

Socialism is evil:

interesting response you say Nat Turner is your guy hmmmm the only people Nat went after
were the very people who were "helping" him now why do you suppose that ??? because like
the welfare preachers they know how to give people "just enough" to buy Dem votes and keep
you angry and Nat knew THAT back in his time ( I know they didnt have welfare but I think you
get what I state) he knew that real /true help wasnt the patronizing garbage heaped upon
innocent people ,, but by allowing a man to work and be rewarded for whatever the going rate
was a persons self esteem is the foundation for how they view the world/// themselves false high
self esteem? and you stay angry works the same as low self esteem but honesty =respect hey,
you put in an honest days work here is your honest days pay So think about the "paycheck" that
is given so that the self esteem stays right where THEY want it to and THEY know that THESE
people would rather get a little and in return vote for these "helpers" b/c they cant find that self
esteem within themselves to rise above it If they were to condemn that "help" they would not
only be socially ostracized but then ok, dont take that "help" and the cycle of self loathing
continues which group/person promotes no men in the home the CLARENCE THOMAS group
or the nancy pelosi group?

My Response:
This is the quintessential argument from folks like you who have a certain economic
perspective. Nat Turner was living under a tyrannical system and his rebellion against a
tyrannical system was justified. He went after many oppressors and slave-owners, who were
never helping him at all. They were oppressing him and his people. Also, the rest of your words
deal with a political argument. I am not a Democrat and I am not a Republican.

Your argument should be taken with the Democrats not with me since I am an Independent. As
for welfare, I do believe that welfare should be fairly granted to those that need it and not given
to those who do not need it. That is a fair proposition for me. I do not believe that folks should
be starving to death. If private resources can’t help some who are starving, then I do believe
that public resources should assist those that private help can’t reach. Also, poverty is complex.
Many folks are in poverty not because of laziness or morality issues. Some are poor by no fault
of their own via sequestration. So, it is not immoral for those to receive help if they need it
without this help being exploited or corrupted. I am not angry all of the time. I can be filled with
joy. There is nothing wrong with building self-esteem. Also, human family is diverse. There are
many loving nuclear families, blended families, and single families. The Black Community is a
community and there is strength in the communal value of humanity. Using community related
solutions is fine with me.

You will have social dysfunction in any family if a community suffers poverty, economic
inequality, lax schools, lax health care, and lax education. Wall Street is granted record welfare,
but the poor is readily cut of welfare. So, we should advance more real fathers in home, but we
have to face the fact that not all families will be nuclear. We have to face that fact, because of
numerous reasons. Male and female influences ought to exist for any child though. It is not
about Clarence Thomas (who I exposed his resume for all to see here) or Nancy Pelosi. It is
about forming independent solutions to solve our problems. We need both individual and
collective solutions for life is individual and social. We need social changes including institutional
changes beyond just individual initiative (which I have no issue with per se).

By Timothy (Me)


My Response to an Angry Human Being showing stereotypes and racism against Black people:



My Response:

You mentioning the mantra of white racists is normal for folks like you. You have a sense of great anger,
yet I have done nothing to you neither have most of the black community either. The reality is that most
black men and most black women are not murderers, rapists, imperialists, stalkers, and self-haters at all.
Most in the black community want constructive means as a means to achieve Justice in society. Just
because you utilize capital letters and outline demagogic rhetoric doesn't mean you are right on every
point that you have outlined. The reality is that there are organizations and activists discussing the needs
and interests of every background under the sun (including the interests of you). It is just that my black
interests are heavily undervalued and under appreciated by people like you and others (We know who the
others are). The majority of black human beings are not the fulfillment of sick stereotypes, which are
notoriously devised by white racists. The greater crimes of white society far exceed the errors of black
human beings. Most black human beings are hardworking, are trying to do the right thing, and seek true
equality in the world. I am not ignorant nor are others Black Brothers and Black Sisters here.

Also, black human beings have the intellectual Curiosity and strength to comprehend fully that blacks are
not the only folks suffering in the world. We blacks just realize that this is a forum dedicated to black
interests and we have every God-given right to outline our grievances, our passions, and our agenda
irrespective of the cries of get over from you or anyone else. The truth is that blacks are not responsible
for the growth of economic inequality, for environmental degradation, for the Shoah, for the Maafa, for the
modern existence of imperialism, for massive poverty, for the War on Drugs, for gentrification, and for
other problems in the world. We know full well who is responsible for these actions. The lie that black
human beings are responsible for their own oppression totally is refuted by the fact that now many black
human beings are constructively living their lives (and also racial discrimination, job discrimination, and
bad economic policies continue to harm the poor. These realities have nothing to do with all blacks
bringing it on themselves. It has to do with a wicked system that blacks have the right to fight against).
The morality issues that you bring up should be talked about, but moral rectification is not enough. We
need radical the changing of institutions so that all black people can benefit. Yes, we as blacks are owed
Justice from a system that used us for labor without pay among the time span of long centuries. Yes, we
as blacks are owed respect since all men are created equal. Yes, we as blacks are owed equality and an
end to white supremacy, because the arc of the moral Universe is long, but it bends toward Justice. We
are owed something here. Not to mention that no human made it on their own in human history. All
humans fundamentally had help, because all humans are interconnected in their interpersonal
relationships. That means that legitimately assisting a human being is not immoral at all. We are
all our brothers' and sisters' keepers. Yes, we are.

Wall Street banks receive trillions in record bailouts, but some of the reactionary extremists refusing to
just bailout the poor is hypocrisy personified. Many of the new poor were once middle class workers.
They are now poor by being laid off with no fault of their own (or by sequester). So, the lie that social
mobility is a guarantee is fantasy. A radical redistribution of economic and political power must be
executed as a means to seek real change. You being biracial means that you are biracial. All biracial
human beings should be treated with dignity and respect. It has nothing to do with black oppression, but I
do find that many blacks and many biracials try to make justifications of an oppressive system by totally
scapegoating all black human beings in general. Other blacks and biracials sincerely want Justice for
black human beings indeed. So, I want to make that perfectly clear. We can change by activism (We as
blacks should act in boycotts, creating businesses, and developing our infrastructure in the black
community), but we should advocate the end of white supremacy without blaming blacks for everything
under the sun. I believe in the Golden Rule (of doing unto others as others would do unto me), but I will
not be a Golden Fool and kiss up to white reactionaries at all. I will never forget my ancestors. I will never
forget the struggle of my blood. So as individuals, we as blacks should improve our lives individually and
collectively we should work as a community to fight for collective solutions. Justice can never come until
there is a radical change in society. I will move forward for justice and not move on into bourgeois,
arrogant attitudes and social compromise. Since the Jews will never forget the Holocaust, I
will not forget the Maafa. Many Brothers and Sisters are doing something with
their lives. I believe in self-determination without ignoring the past. Ignoring the
past increases the risk of repeating history. I will always remember my African
past and I will forever love my Black Heritage. Nyeusi Nguvu
-By Timothy


The Following debate is about Guantanamo Bay and Torture.

Me: It is a good thing that Yasiin Bey is bringing this issue to light. The human beings in
Guantanamo Bay suffer much trauma and injustice. That is why many of them suffer hunger
strikes and many of them are not even major terrorist leaders at all according to researchers
from across the political spectrum. That place of Gitmo ought to be closed and alternatives
should be made in dealing with foreign policy issues indeed.

Scapegoat4URLife: Okay, if they're not major terrorist players, they're just poor innocent little
Muslims, then why is the U.S. willing to spend 800,000 dollars a year on housing just ONE

Me: The reason is that the U.S. establishment wants to continue the war on terrorism. Likewise,
I feel that a closure of Gitmo along with alternatives are necessary. Constitutional law professor
Marjorie Cohn is a Guantanamo/civil rights reporter and analyst. She has documented the
information that I have mentioned here. Many of the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay receive no
charges or no extensive due process. The experience recreated by Yassin Bey describes
torture activities. The war crimes made by some in the West has been fully documented from
the use of cluster bombs to immoral wars of aggression. The vast majority of Muslims in the
Earth are not guilty of massive, extreme terrorism in the globe. I will never defend Empire in my
life. Human rights mean something here in this Earth.

Scapegoat4URLife: I will agree with you that human rights are important...but why is America
scrutinized and held to a higher standard than anyone else. I severely doubt that any Middle
Eastern country abides by the rules of the Geneva Conventions or cares as deeply about
human rights than the citizens of the overly criticized empire.

Me: You are right that no nation is perfect. Even Middle Eastern nations that enact social
policies or any political maneuver which violates fundamental human rights ought to be called
out on it. America is placed in a huge sense of scrutinization because it existed as a major
superpower after the conclusion of WWII. With great power comes great responsibility. Since
the U.S. is the strongest superpower presently, its actions are monitored more (especially since
we who are Americans are supposed to follow freedom, justice, and all of those other wonderful
sounding concepts). The fruit of the war on terror causes the U.S. to bear responsibility on that
fruit. Also, we have to remember that many Middle Easterners want freedom and want true
human rights as evident with the various protesters seeking those aims. We realize that there is
a difference between real Americans that want freedom in the world and the corruption found in
the Western Empire indeed.

By Timothy (Me)


This was a discussion with Courtney on the generation gap:

Me: Jay Z made many interesting points. Many of his words are accurate, but racism is still in
epidemic levels in the States. You can just look at the criminal justice system and various unjust
laws on books now to witness that. A lot of his words reflect the differences between the
younger and older generations. The following is what I have wanted to write for a long time. The
younger generation seeks transformative human expression & unique creativity, which is fine.
Yet, sometimes, some of them glamorize vulgarity and some of them view that form of
expression as being equated to enlightening commentary on society. I disagree with that view.
The older generation wants stability and social continuity. That is fine, but some of them must
realize that even the younger generation has a lot of value and the youth's spirit for justice and
social change is not inferior to the older generation's spirit for the same aims. In other words,
the younger generation's unique style and strength should never be downplayed or devalued by
the older generation. Therefore, the younger and older generation (who has massive
similarities) should work together on common cause to build up our communities and execute
solutions. I do not agree with many of Jay Z's lyrics that in my mind degrade his own people
including women. Yet, we should also have a dialogue among our people and we should fight
for economic justice, social justice, and real revolutionary changes in the world in favor of the
interests of our people. That is the fundamental point.
CourtneyR: YOu said--In other words, the younger generation's unique style and strength
should never be downplayed or devalued by the older generation.

So true,in all actuality, we need them but they need us too. We just have to show them how to
redirect that energy as well as helping them to close the generational gap that exists between
the two. We need their strength, creativity , lively spirit like they need our experiences and
wisdom to help create real unity and real solutions to problems that exist. Another great post . :)

Me: Thanks Sis Courtney. I have been thinking about this issue for a while. There has been
news about it and debates here about it. Also, your words are correct as well. We should bridge
this generation gap and our energies are important to harness in the positive direction. The
older generation's experience and long lessons and the youth's creative spirit and huge strength
merged together is a great combination as you say. Balance and social Unity are great parts of
our cultural ethos.

So, you always bring that fire of wisdom too. I do greatly respect you, love your insight, and
certainly it is great to see Brothers and Sisters coming together for a common cause. I am 29 (I
am approaching my physical prime. When we approach our physical prime, our spiritual
development grows exponentially if we do the right thing), so I know both angles. I know what
older folks say and what younger folks say also. Once again, bless you, Lovely and Insightful
Sister :)

CourtneyR: Thanks Truth. Your insight is much appreciated. So much strength and truth coming
from people on this site despite all the other nonsense. At 29, you are already ahead of the
game with your mindset. :) Wait until you hit your 30's. The age of being your best you
physically,as well as seeking more wisdom, strength, more spirituality. Knowing both angles
leads to more understanding about life. Bless you too. :)


Canuck Sailor: Here's a thought for you - most of America expected riots after the verdict.
That didn't happen, at least not in a big way - and that, as I think Sharpton said, shows that
the black community has matured since Rodney King. It also surprised the heck out of a lot
of white people, who, as you said, 'equate being firm with nihilistic behaviour, etc'. Now the
white community has to accept the fact that blacks didn't behave as expected, didn't riot and
loot - that's a good thing. A lot of whites are going to be listening more closely now to what
you have to say, because of that.
The problem with speaking too strongly is that you feed into SOME people's expectations of
what blacks might do/say/are. Take Edud for example. He's almost scary with the way he
speaks and the things he believes. Most white folk would be afraid to be in a room alone
with him, based on what he says here.
I'm not saying don't be firm - but seriously, there's a fine line there.
Can I ask why you have a problem with Clarence Thomas?
My Response:

You are an honest white man. I will give you that. It is true that not everyone is going to
handle what I say or mention. That is the reality of life. This doesn’t mean that truth is to be
obfuscated so to speak. Not to mention that my words are hardly neither brutal nor
offensive. They are direct, sometimes sensitive, sometimes creative, at times direct, and
sometimes indirect. They represent the diversity of the human experience and the range of
profound human emotions. Too often, many whites want blacks to be gentle as in
submitting to their power base of interests instead of allowing black people to advance their
own self-interest (and their own power or independence). We need to be careful that the
term gentle is never used for an excuse for trying to make blacks docile or accommodating
to an oppressive system.

The LA riots 11 years ago never spread massively in America and the riots in the aftermath
of the verdict of Zimmerman also were never huge. So, it is a reality that refutes the lie of
white racists of collective black barbarism. Also, the black community has always been
mature for thousands of years, even during and before the unjust beating of Rodney King.
There is a time and place for everything. Sometimes, it is necessary to be sensitive and
other times, it is not. We are in a state of emergency in the world, so being firm is a just
action of a real man or a real woman. I can’t slip tea or sit in a reclining chair when an
emergency is occurring among my people. I like Edud’s style. He is a great man and white
folks’ fears of strong black men are common. I know that, because a black man has every
right to be strong in the face of discrimination and oppression. Strong black men and Strong
black women were the causes of many of the legitimate changes in the world. We have the
right to strong in the face of police brutality and extrajudicial murders of our brothers and
sisters in cold blood every day. We have the right to be firm and strong regardless of the
expectations or reservations of some white people.

So, yes, Edud is fully justified in showing his strength in this forum. I will never throw a
Brother or Sister under the bus to validate your ideologies. Nice try though. Clarence
Thomas. That is a long story. In summary, Clarence accepts the reactionary agenda of
harming the Voting Rights Act and he has ties to Monsanto. He ignores the system of white
supremacy oppressing him while blaming blacks totally for our own issues. As a Supreme
Justice, he on many occasions voted against the interest of the poor, minorities (he falsely
equates affirmative action to segregation. Affirmative action brought into college and now he
opposes it), and suffering prisoners. He sexually harassed a beautiful Sister and then tries
to use deception afterwards. He loves the agenda of the Tea Party Movement that loves
oppressive laws and an economic regressive agenda. It is what it is.

By Timothy (Me)

A Discussion with Courtney about Jesse Lee Peterson:

Courtney: I was watching the Rev Jesse Lee Peterson on Piers Morgan, and I could not believe
the words that was coming out of his mouth about about TRAYVON. Even if we are diversified
as african americans, how could anyone that looks like him, say the awful things that he said
,about another african american unarmed teen that was shot down and murdered for no reason?

Me: Yes, I heard about Jesse Lee Peterson for years since 2007. He's no Rev. to me. He is
notorious with his self hate. He said that thank God for slavery and other disturbing
commentaries. What he said about Trayvon is typical of him. This male Peterson (not a real man)
should at least respect the parents of Trayvon Martin by not slandering a child that passed away.
He slandered the First Lady Michelle Obama in offensive terms before too that I won't mention
here. He is a traitor to our people. His words have to do with massive submission to the agenda
of white supremacy. Obviously, Allen West is wrong on many issues and he is in league with the
reactionaries. West refuses to expose racial profiling or the racist criminal justice system,
because he has a vested interest to submit under the throne of white reactionaries.

Courtney: i've never seen anything like Peterson and he calls himself a REV? a rev of what?
hate?I was told that also, that he has been like this his entire life. What he said about TRAYVON
was despicable.I didn't hear what he said about First Lady Michelle Obama. I will have to look
that up. How can any african american man,refuse to recognize racial profiling? Especially,
when other races of people are.?

Me: He is a minister of true hatred for his own people (by saying that the Maafa was a like plane
ride or saying that women should not be allowed to vote), which is one of the worst hatreds that a
human can have. The stars are aligned and the sky is blue, so it is obvious that racial profiling
exists. He lives in Los Angeles today and was born in the Deep South. Jesse Lee Peterson
definitely has issues and suffers from the slavery mentality (he views whites as superior
culturally, mentally, socially, and religiously to his own black people). Allen West is another
extremist. West is wrong, but Peterson is on a whole other level. Jesse Lee Peterson, Larry Elder,
and the rest of that reactionary CLIQUE are something else, but the Lord and real human beings
are something special. So, it is always RBG 4 Life Sista. You can best believe in that.
Courtney: Their is another rev by the name of James david manning on you tube. I have to listen
to them sometimes to get an understanding on how and why they believe what they are saying. A
part of me thinks that, they truly don't believe what they are speaking but, aligning themselves
with those that hate us ,for profit. We most certainly should be valued as human beings.

Me: Indeed. Your words made me to mention another point. Psychologically, some of them
mention those extreme words since they want to mimic the old school, Eurocentric system of
thinking that was very common in the States decades ago. They believe that we must mimic a
white supremacist, Eurocentric, anti-female, authoritarian system (which was hugely common in
the 20th century, before that century, and in the Middle Ages too) to have true freedom. Yet,
when you look at African history and culture, we see men and women treated as equals. We see
balance, love for spiritual insight, and the need to not mimic our oppressors to gain liberation.
So, they or these personalities want to copy their oppressors (in loving neoliberalism, loving
imperialism, loving xenophobia, having an anti-female thinking process, using ad hominem
attacks against black human beings constantly), since they were taught by the enemy to despise
any expression of progressive insight that deals fairly with males and females. They were taught
to hate Africa and when they hate African culture, then they hate themselves. It is in our culture
to love one another without spewing irrational rhetoric under the guise of religion when true
spirituality deals with courageously and forthrightly building up Brothers and Sisters (for justice
and equality. That is the point).
You will notice that folks like Manning and Peterson use negative energy in trying to break
Brothers and Sisters down (in trying to brainwash folks into accept white supremacist views.
That is why Peterson is quoted as slandering Africa. That is why Manning loves to condemn
Africa also. Manning ignores the fact of advanced African civilizations of yesteryear). Manning
and Peterson are victims of being brainwashed by the system of white supremacy. There are
deeper insights in their mentalities as well. I do not want to preach too long though.

Courtney: It's a form of brainwashing in a sense. The Mannings and Peterson etc. What they are
doing is a great disservice. Thank you for what you wrote. I can look into it deeper now.

Refuting a Lying Woman Hater named Indy Syder and a Great Communication with the Great,
Sweet Black Woman Courtney:

Indy Syder:

"And shouldn't lady O be allowed to complain or have her opinions like everyone else? The man
with the bad beard, spoke so badly about my sister. All the good that she has done and one
disagreeable opinion with the right and now she's so bad. Please!"
I don't know who "Lady O" is because Oprah isn't much of a lady. That's just my one little opinion.
She should be allowed to have her opinions that are exploitative of a situation and that's misguided
as well. Trayvon Martin doesn't belong in the same sentence as Emmitt Till. Trayvon Martin was a
hoodlum in contrast to Emmitt Till who was tortured because of his skin color for sassing a white
chick. Martin was profiled because he looked suspicious not because he was black. Till was killed
because he was black - the sassing of the white witch give those but holes their sick reason to
murder him.
When Oprah had her feminist-driven talk show, Trayvon Martin wouldn't have been discussed or
mentioned. When her junk show was on the air, how often did she bring up the shootings of black
men by the police? Rarely during her crappy talk show did she address issues surrounding black
men. In fact, she took indirect cheap shots at black men when the opportunity arose. So the hell
with that load of crap. There are other reasons to hate Oprah even before she made her silly
comments. So screw Noprah!
Onto the maggots on here, anytime black people say something that doesn't fit into the black way
of thinking - in other words, if you think outside the porch, you're not black - then they're sellouts.
Those two black men made decent points but some chicken-and-rib-eating clowns on here
manipulated the message to depict them as sellouts. Critical thinking is very unwelcome in the black

My Response:

It is time to have fun. You are such a coward. You will never say those ad hominem attacks to me as
a man (or a real Sister. A real Sister would put you in your place with the quickness). You are never a
real man. If you were a real man, you would inspire both genders of the black community to
improve themselves in an inspirational fashion and use constructive solutions to enrich all genders
of the black community. You could of build up black women and any black woman suffering. You
can advocate plans and programs to assist the Sisters suffering in negative straits (like child care,
self-esteem programs, advancing educational programs to help the Sisters, anti-poverty programs,
teaching community development, teaching the value of Sisters in society and their true, great
value in general). You do not do that since you want hatred to spread like a cancer in our
community (with your wicked, lying dehumanizing comments constantly about black women). Your
hatred has nothing to do with expressing the diverse views that is legitimately found in the black
community. Your views has to do with stirring up emotions and trying to falsely blame black women
collectively for all issues going wrong in the black community, which is inaccurate. These two black
men are wrong since there are similarities among both young human beings. Of course, differences
abound among both young males. Although, Trayvon Martin was never convicted of any felony.
George Zimmerman is the real super hoodlum that assaulted a woman. He assaulted a police
officer. He was accused of sexual molestation. I have no respect for George Zimmerman at all.
Zimmerman stalked an unarmed, innocent child. Trayvon Martin had every legal right to walk in
that vicinity. He has every right to walk away from the stalker. He had every right to defend himself
against a fake vigilante cop. Also, I did some research and found one law that could of convicted
Zimmerman in Florida if the prosecutors had done their jobs.

So, Trayvon Martin had a much greater character than George Zimmerman period. One of the liars
on the panel said that Oprah Winfrey knows nothing about the Civil Rights Movement, which is a
lie. Oprah in that situation was not exploitative. She gave her honest opinion. I outlined the
similarities of both boys being each were unarmed, each were innocent of any crime, each being
black, each being murdered in an extrajudicial fashion, and each inspiring us to carry forward in the
movement for black equality. You can't refute that at that unless you lie about it. You are such a
liar. Never did I call someone a sellout when a black person outlines a minority opinion in the black
community. I did not call Alveda King a sellout at all. I did mention that a black person is a sellout if
they ally with characters like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity (that don't give a care about real black
interests at all since they refuse to want to end the system of white supremacy). Your comment
about critical thinking not welcomed in the black community is your other great lie. We have black
doctors, black lawyers, and other black scholars loving critical thinking today. Critical thinking is a
cultural ethos of black people, so you can take that lie somewhere here. Critical thinking is loved by
black academia and in other realms of black society. I am not finished yet.

You listed so many lies about me that I lost count. If you do not have respect for an unarmed,
innocent black teen being murdered, then you are a traitor to your race.

All of your words are filled with lies, slander, half-truths, and ad hominem attacks (since you have
no mature thinking on the issue of black relationships). You embrace hatred and bitterness. I
embrace love for the Sisters and respect for the Brothers doing the right thing. You are an unstable,
cowardly man indeed. Just because some black women talked about issues of gender oppression in
the past doesn't mean that we should end such discussions completely today. Such discussions are
necessary with the news of females being sexually assaulted in the military. We should still talk
about it and inspire all black men and all black women to be better human beings. Never do I justify
errors made by some black men or some black women at all, which is your lie again. You are a
pathological liar. To further imply that against me makes you a liar. The Don Imus controversy has
to do with a white man slandering black women. It has nothing to do with all black women at all. All
black women are not moral degenerates. They are Queens and Black Women are the mothers of
human civilization. Most black women try to do what it right period. No one forced these artists'
against their will to degrade their own race including black women. Degrading black women in lyrics
is truly an abomination. The corporate executives are wrong also. Black women are our greatest
allies in this struggle for liberation.
*Black Women are always Beautiful and Strong. Black Men are always Strong and Real. Black
women are not responsible for the Maafa, for the War on Drugs, for the war on terror, for the
destruction of the Tulsa community, for the murder of the Brothers and Sisters from the Black
Panther party, for the corporate exploitation of our community, for the assassinations of Dr. King
and Malcolm X, for the murder of Trayvon Martin, for the murder of Sean Bell, for the current
recession in our community, for environmental racism, for the corporate funding of lyrics that
degrades our people, for the Tuskegee Experiment, for the murder of Oscar Grant, for the harsh
realities of struggle many black people have to go through in finding job employment, the corrupt
subprime mortgage that harmed much of our communities, for the modern existence of
imperialism in the world today, and for the system of white supremacy in general you liar. You,
Indy, are such a coward (including your cohorts. See, you mimic the evil white male sexism that is
oppressing the world today. Therefore, your thinking is a white male sexist thinking not a real black
African conscious thinking. You love the views of your oppressor, because you are a traitor. You are
a collaborator with the enemy) in refusing to confront white racists causing these things against
black men, black women, and black children in the first place. For me, I debated racists all my face.
They know I feel about them. At least I will fight evil and not bash my people. So, Black males and
Black females are great human beings indeed.

You have the right to outline disagreements about Oprah's views on feminism and other topics. No
one says that you have no right to free speech. I do not justify Oprah's errors. Oprah is not perfect,
but that is not the issue. The issue is in reference to the debate about Trayvon Martin. Yet, you lose
profound credibility when you issue ad hominem attacks and perverted rhetoric against women
(including folks like me. You can show disagreements like a man, but calling folks maggots and all of
this other phony mess makes no one fear you). You say not a single thing about black women being
demonized in musical lyrics. You say nothing about black women having gender inequality still. You
say nothing about black women being called out of their names and blatantly assaulted by sick
human beings of all stripes. You say nothing about black women being sexually assaulted. You say
nothing about black women being scapegoated for all ills in the world by white supremacy (since
you follow a white supremacist, Eurocentric narrow minded view of gender. In ancient Africa, there
were Kings and Queens and it is in our culture to never call Sisters out of their names you race
traitor. Mothers and black women in black African cultures always were placed on a pedestal). You
say nothing about poverty and economic inequality harming our communities. Nothing. I am real
black man, so I will always defend black men (from Malcolm X to Dr. Umar Johnson) and black
women. I defended black men in this forum now when a bigot questioned black manhood and black
physical strength. If you deny it here, you are a liar. I knew you would type about me, because I am
the type that doesn't agree with your anti-black female misogyny nonsense. I get under your skin
(which you have admitted), because you know full well I will never be brainwashed by the likes of
you. Anyone with your level of misogyny has issues (which I won't discuss here). So, I do believe
that a diversity of thought should be advanced in the black community. Yet, these 2 black men ally
with a racist like Sean Hannity. You ally with that agenda. I will never collaborate with my enemy.
My enemy is my enemy. I am not a maggot. I am a grown black man with strength, dignity, and
honor period. You will never say that those words to me face to face at all. You can never intimidate
me or any Brother or Sister here. It is a shame that a person like you wants to cause division when
we should be uniting with Black Women in common cause to advance liberation for our people. No
gender is perfect. Males and females made mistakes and errors. No one denies that. Yet, we need
to acknowledge our mistakes and solve our problems in the right way (without blaming each other
for all ills in our community). You know full well with my intellect, you seem to want to target
Brothers like me. Your types always target me since I refuse to put up with your ideological garbage.
We need to have real dialogue without hateful rhetoric. You always shift subjects as a means to get
away from the real issue. The real issue is that Brothers and Sisters with imperfections need
solutions, hope, correction, love, compassion, respect, and inspiration without being dragged to the

You are such a woman basher. Real men stand up for justice. Real men acknowledge the great
intellect and beauty of black women. Real men are opposed to white supremacy. Real Men will
never stereotype black women negatively. Real Men will place Black Women on a pedestal. Real
men praise Women and that is one cornerstone of true manhood. Black women are apples in my
eye. Black women protested with us in Jena Six, in the Civil Rights Movement, in the SYG protests, in
the protests for Justice for Trayvon Martin, and in other real, progressive movements in our history.
They cared for us, educated us, inspired us, loved us, and respected us as full human beings. Black
women are strong and they are great human beings. Black women are great inspirations and me
saying that truth has nothing to do with being a simp. It has to do with me being an honest human
being. I will always defend my people. You calling a suffering woman the h word signifies your hate.
Instead of giving programs to uplift and assist these women, you want to call them every name
under the sun, which is your cowardly and lying agenda. You are a male and not a true man. A true
man advocates solutions not ad hominem attacks and immature. You have a long way to go in being
a real man. If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem.

Black Men and Black Women have great value in our community and they should be honored and
respected. You need to step in the House of the Lord and get blessed with Truth and Facts. You
have no respect for black women and you have no respect for the black community, so these are
my last words to you in response. Since you are not a real man (with your anti-black woman
misogyny, immoral ad hominem attacks, blatant lies, etc.), I will not respond back to you anymore.
Black Women are always Queens and they deserve respect, freedom, and justice.

Game Winning Score. Game Over.


By Timothy (Me)


Words from the Great, Sweet Black Woman named Courtney:


Good Morning Truth. :) ON behalf of black women, and men everywhere, who understand what you
just wrote, Thank you. You are absolutely right. This blame game has to stop between black men
and women.It serves no purpose at all in solving anything. The blame game does not allow for
discussion and dialogue to take place at all. I know, I'm grow sick of it and so do others. What are
people bringing to the table to help for better understanding, healing and conversation to take
place? What little changes are people making in their everyday lives, in how they treat other black
men , women, girls and boys.? How do they choose to engage others? Is it with more hostility? The
two people that you are speaking about that criticized Oprah, in my opinion, are out of line. If
nothing else, Oprah has put her money were her mouth is. Yeah ,she may have had to dance with
the devil but she took some of that money, and redistributed back to many. She gives away a lot of
money to African Americans. What have these two done? Because I'm not aware of anything.
SEcondly, you are right. What purpose does it serve for any Black, African American , to align
themselves with the disgusting rhetoric or those like Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, O Rielly and the likes
of those like them? Can they not see the real agenda as to why they need some black people , to
agree with them to make their hatred of black people valid? People never look beyond the surface
and never examine how and why things are being said to them and about them. They just take
things at face value. Their is a reason why , YT racist, need Blacks to agree with them. Not because
these YT racist love black people. It's a way to falsely validate why they hate blacks to begin with.
Then they can turn around and say, even your OWN people agree with us. Now, that's sick.
YOu said "Game Winning Score. Game Over. Checkmate."
Like Mookie Wilson in the 86 world series lol

My Response to the Sweet Sister Courtney:

Thank you Sister. Good morning to you Sis Courtney. You are strong and eloquent as always.
Sometimes as a man, the lion comes out of me. I will always defend Sistas as this is how my mother
and my father raised me to be. We are in the right side of history and we are in the winning Team.
We should thank the Lord that we are brainwashed to that reactionary propaganda from Limbaugh,
Hannity, and O'Reilly.
On Behalf of your defense of Black Men, I thank you too. You always defend black men here, so all
of us as real Black men appreciate you too.
I know you are sports fan Sis with your baseball reference I see you. LOL. Go ahead on wit your bad
self. LOL.
Bless you. :)

Courtney: Funny how my comment disappeared on here again. :) Likewise. I was a mets fan for that
year then traded them in for the yankees.. According to my brother ,even to this day, I'm not a real
yankee fan. lol

Me: LOL. Yes, sport rivalry is something serious among many. In Virginia, there are many sports fans
as well. Football season is coming on and it is an interesting time of the year.

Courtney: Tell me about it. lol. I went to baseball games a lot. I do enjoy watching different sports.
Yup , football is knocking. :)

Me: It is interesting that you mentioned baseball since my grandfather and my oldest brother loves
baseball. I have been to local baseball games before including other sporting events. I like to eat
food too not just enjoy the game. Football is great and the thing about football is that you are in the
edge of your seat. I also like track and field and basketball too. You are like a great, excellent
homegirl that a Brother can feel a positive vibe with. You are a Real Black Woman and I greatly
respect you indeed. :)
Courtney: Thank you, it runs in the family. My father played baseball and football. He was even
scouted and went on a few tryouts for the big time in both. He was a product of the GRAMBLING
greats , under Eddie Robinson. He was a very good athlete for both but sadly it never happened for
him due to injuries. he use to take me to games when we were younger and showed me how to
play. He was very involved in our lives so he wanted us to know everything. lol. My brother ran
track and field. He was pretty fast. I played softball and basketball but softball was my absolute
favorite. You're right about football. I learned a lot watching it with him as well. My brother is really
into soccer and has been for a few years. He also plays with people when he see's folks playing at
parks. smh. lol He runs with his two dogs. He's in great shape at 34. AS for me, It does not take
much for me to get involved, get excited about things. If its going to spell out fun, i'm pretty much
all in. :) I grew up with it so its very normal. going to yankee games with dad was always a great
time. EVeryone gets so into it. Yelling ,screaming, booing. You're right. It gets serious. lol Who is
your grandfathers favorite team? YOur brother also and what about you?

Me: You have a blessed life Sis. You are a true Queen. Ironically enough, my grandfather loves the
Yankees and the old school all black Baseball leagues from back in the day. I received a card from
one member of that league as well. There is nothing wrong with a Sista getting her sports on.
Athletics readily teach discipline, leadership, and teamwork. Exercise can improve our immunity,
thinking, and emotional strength. I love to do football and running when I was a child as well. My
oldest brother loves random teams from baseball. I am not into baseball like that now, but back in
the 1990's, I received baseball cards, etc. from various team. Team cards were readily common
when I was a young child. I do respect many teams like the Yankees and the Giants. I like the Heats,
I like Washington (in terms of football) including the Cowboys (LOL. I know it is like water and oil.
My other older brother loves the Cowboys a lot), and I like other teams as well. Back in the 1990's, I
love the Chicago Bulls with Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, and so forth. My youngest brother loves
sports, but he is a pretty boy. He loves the women and he will not sweat. LOL. Ideologically, we are
like a Dream Team (with the Brothers and Sisters communicating and being mature in our daily
lives). We can appreciate our similarities and our differences in a progressive, spiritually
enlightening fashion as human beings.

Sista, there is nothing wrong with a good Sweat either (in terms of exercising and sports). :)
Courtney: And you, a true King. We all have had a blessed life. That includes you and yours so
Thanks :) You got a card from one of the players from the Negro league? You are in possession of a
piece of history. Don't lose it and safe guard it in a plastic, clear case. So special. Their was a player
who played in the negro leagues my father told me about, who was or still is apart of the chicago
cubs franchise in some way. I can't remember if he said that he was a scout or not. I don't
remember his name but I was told stories about that league. So many overly talented black men
who could not play in the major leagues all because they were black. smh. Football and running as a
kid huh? Well, you can always sign up for fall league in something if you ever get the itch to run
around some more. :) My fathers favorite football team was the Cowboys. I remember watching the
games with him and he talking about Tony Dorset all the time. I still have his Cowboys caps and
jackets. I'm a Cowboys, Saints and Jets fan. Basketball, it's the bad news knickerbockers all day. You
are a heat and bulls fan? They are our arch enemies. Yeah I know, Scottie, Jordan, the rings. The
only thing I can say positive about that rivalry with the knicks was, we talked a lot of junk in high
school when John S posterized Jordan and Grant. lol. No rings still to this day but hopefully we will
get a ring before I hit my 40s. lol Your youngest brother is not down with the sweating. That's cute.
You're right .So many good things about sports that we can learn from. Leadership,discipline,
emotional strength, learning the importance of teamwork, immunity like you said and helping to
keep us young. :) Absolutely nothing wrong with sweating. Even that is good for us. Gets rid of
toxins. Thanks for the convo. It's appreciated brother Truth. :)


Me Dropping Science on JJ:

Cool story bro..... I guess pointing out the fact that blacks commit the majority of crime in
America is comparable to the Nazis spreading lies about the Jews, which were based on the
capitalist nature of Jews. You know what, forget it, you are to caught up it the victim identity to
try to reason with.
My Response:

I will have to drop some science on you. Those who commit the most pedophilia, Wall Street
corruption, meth crimes, drug abuse, robbery, rape, serial killings, other forms of sexual abuse,
and other most crimes in America are not black human beings. Scapegoating blacks is a pastime
of folks like you. It is in your nature to be hostile to a strong, masculine black man (and to a
strong Sister I might add) that tells it how it is. Yes, I am roaring with masculine power here and
I am not ashamed by my blackness. Now, we know about the Nazis' crimes. We know the
economic system of the Nazis. They murdered socialists, communists, and Social Democrats.
They were funded by multinational corporations from the West. So, we know their agenda. Also,
our ancestors were victims of oppression by you know who, so I have right to mention it. Our
people are battling against the system of white supremacy (which oppresses many folks today).
Victims have every right to mention the oppressor by name. Also, you have no right to dictate to
a victim of oppression that they can not call themselves victims seeking justice. We seek justice
plain and simple.

By Timothy


Answering another Racist:

MLK was a drunken serial womanizer and adulterer, a card carrying member of the
COMMUNIST party. A liar and a plagiarist and a fake. MLK and Rosa parks went to communist
training camps in Tennessee and the whole bus incident took them 3 months to STAGE. RP
admitted to this! Why did they seal his FBI files for 50 years? Your hero was a scumbag!

My Response:

You are a liar. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. rejected Communism as a philosophy. He was never a
Communist. He was never a member of any Communist Party membership files at all. He fired
many suspected Communists in the SCLC. He disagreed with Communism in his many
speeches, books, and interviews like the one he did with the Merv Griffin show back in 1967. He
wrote the following about Communism (from his Strength to Love book):

"...Communism is based on ethical relativism and accepts no stable moral absolutes. Right and
wrong are relative to the most expedient methods for dealing with class war. Communism
exploits the dreadful philosophy that the end justifies the means. It enunciates movingly the
theory of a classless society, but alas! its methods for achieving this noble end are all too often
ignoble. Lying, violence, murder, and torture are considered to be justifiable means to achieve
the millennial end. Is this an unfair indictment? Listen to the words of Lenin, the real tactician of
Communist theory: "We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, lawbreaking, withholding and
concealing truth." Modem history has known many tortuous nights and horror-filled days
because his followers have taken this statement seriously...This is our best defense against
Communism. War is not the answer. "
There is no evidence that he was a fake. He was not perfect and your heroes have been
imperialists, adulterers, and murderers spanning centuries (from Thomas Jefferson to others).
What does going into a training camp have to do with accepting all Communist principles.
Nothing. The truth is that the Highlander Research and Education Center was a location that
wanted labor rights and human equality. It was never dominated by Communists at all. It was
smeared as Communist by racist white reactionaries. Horton argued otherwise. "Highlander did
not and does not welcome enrollment of anyone with a totalitarian philosophy, whether from the
extreme right or the extreme left," he said. "The attempt of the Georgia governor's commission to
draw from the serious and fruitful deliberations of this gathering sustenance for the efforts of
Southern racists to equate desegregation with communism evokes our strong condemation."
While no evidence was found linking Highlander with any subversive group, Tennessee
Attorney General Albert Sloan filed a suit to have the schools charter revoked based on
allegations the school was conducting integrated studies which was against Tennessee State law.
Not to mention that worshippers of capitalism murdered millions of human beings from the
Maafa to various wars. Also, many civil rights leaders were independents and were not
Communists like Ella Baker and Malcolm X. By 1976 the FBI had acknowledged that it had not
obtained any evidence that King himself or the SCLC were actually involved with any
communist organizations. The FBI sealing his records can never negate many of the truths that
he spoke.

The abolitionist movement, the civil rights movement, and other black movements for social
change were never dominated collectively by Communists at all. Communism is an economic
philosophy that human beings have the free speech right to agree or disagree with. Rosa Parks
was never a lifelong Communist at all. It takes a true liar to smear a Black Woman, especially
after she has passed away. I made a promise to Almighty God in private that I will defend my
race. I will. Rosa Parks courageously stood up for human rights long before you were born.
There is nothing immoral about the Montgomery Bus Boycott or any moral boycott at all. The
Montgomery Bus Boycott was never a farce since it worked to end discrimination and to fight
oppression in the world. The FBI is a terrorist organization and has no right to lecture any black
person on morality. The FBI directly murdered Black Panthers. They lied about human beings.
They executed illegal warrantless wiretaps all over the country. J. Edgar Hoover enacted illegal
secret projects like COINTELPRO and Operation Chaos. Many of them or FBI agents are
traitors not heroes. Dr. King was never scum. He was not perfect, but he was right to believe in
equality. He was right to believe in human justice. He was right to fight against poverty. He was
right to speak up like a strong black man for liberty. He was right to fight institutional racism. He
was right to disagree with Jim Crow oppression harming the black community back then. He was
right to sacrifice his time to express sympathy for the plight of the American ghettoes back
decades ago. He was right to adhere to strength and compassion, which exemplifies the strength
of our black people. He was right to disagree with the war in Vietnam and wanting a legitimate
resolution to it. So, you are a white racist that wants to harm black progress. It is as simple as
that. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did more for our people than what you could ever do. It is
always right to agree with Black Power, Black Equality, Black Strength, Black Truth, and Justice
(including an end to white supremacy).
Therefore, I will continue to roar for truth here. You can never slander a black man here that
stood up like a man for freedom and peace. Also, you never addressed by points about the FBI,
etc. at all since you spew half truths and blatant lies. The truth can never be destroyed. The truth
is that black human beings have every right to have equality and justice. The truth is that black
human beings are very strong and resilient in the face of tyranny and oppression. The truth is that
Black is Beautiful. See, this Brother right here now knows your scheme, but Black Unity is
stronger than your evil. I will always respect the Brothers doing the Right thing. I will always
love the Sisters with a Social and a Romantic Love.

It is always RBG for Life.

By Timothy (Me)


I had to take this racist T. Davis to school for a minute:

T. Davis:
Throw more of TAXPAYER'S money at the problem is always the liberal imbecile response. How
about a fast lane to the lethal injection? How about enforcing the laws on the books? How about
the culture of savage feral violence that is promulgated and encouraged in the black community
and every stupid rap song? No amount of "funding" would stop crazy a** people from doing stupid
sh*t! You will eventually run out of other people's money and starve to death like you deserve!

My Response:

Yes, I mention that GOP information to stir your mind. It worked. You say nothing on the trillions of
dollars sent to Wall Street banks or the trillions of dollars sent in wars. Investments to help society
have worked for the many thousands of years of human history. Advancing the general welfare of
society is legal. I rather my taxpayer dollars got out to fund or help human beings than to enrich
corporate elites or the military industrial complex. Taxpayer funding for Social Security and other
public tools have enriched society in many ways. You omit that. Article I, Section 8 makes this action

Your ad hominem attacks are immature. Government funding ended the Great Depression.
Government money cut poverty in half from 1960 to 1970. Government funding and investments
grew the economy in the 1990's as well. Using investments wisely have worked wonders in Sweden,
Singapore, Finland, etc. I am not a simpleton you racist liar (You love Lincoln, but Lincoln used
taxpayers' money to fund the transcontinental railroad and the Homesteads). That is why I do not
understand why some blacks want to ally with you since you believe in silliness.

My words are not an imbecile response you racist and liar (by claiming the Dr. King was a
Republican). You only want blacks to be a mental slave to your views not liberated. It is not about
Republican vs. Democrat. It is about human compassion vs. selfishness. It is about liberation vs.
white supremacy. There must be radical changing of institutions not just moral development. A
harsh theocracy never worked here. Even the Founders understood that. That is why we reject such
reactionary theocracy proposals. We need economic and social justice not just improvements in
ethics. We need jobs, a living wage, and an end to the war on terror. Rap has nothing to do with the
origin of poverty, crime, and environmental issues in the world. You can ban rap and such problems
will still exist. These issues existed before modern rap was formed. Music is complex and many
forms of rap reject unjust violence. The corporate elites advance nihilistic music while rejecting
more positive music. That is the truth you ignore, because you want to scapegoat blacks for the ills
of American society. We should advance more positive music and cultural development, but not
selfish individualism or blaming the poor for all social ills of the world. You are the types of people
that always want to change the subject when you do not have your way. I am a strong black man
with a strong intellect. You can't play me and you can't intimidate me. I know my worth. I know
my views and I know how to refute folks like you every day of the week and twice on Sunday. You
wanting human beings to starve to death is your evil, demonic agenda all along.

-By Timothy

Other Real Folks responding:

edud01: Cut his head OFF with the SWORD of TRUTH!!!

Courtney: Did he really just blame rap? Maybe we should blame Death Metal for all the serial
murderers and murders they commit? snh Anyway, you said
" You only want blacks to be a mental slave to your views not liberated. It is not about Republican
vs. Democrat. It is about human compassion vs. selfishness. It is about liberation vs. white
supremacy. There must be radical changing of institutions not just moral development
Brilliant and spot on. That requires work. Work that many of them are not willing to do and cannot
do. :)

Me: Right Sista. They act like rap is to be blamed for the sun rising, the water moving, and the stars
exploding. They seem to forget about the complex nature of music. I listen to all sorts of music like
you do (You are obviously a fan of music and you are gifted in musical expression), but I have the
sense enough to not blame every condition in our communities on one genre of music. The
reactionaries will have to be left behind, while we will be on grind and our work as a means to fight
for real changes in the world. Our people will always be live and direct with loquacious, eloquent
words and pure soul. Soul power is better than their evil agenda. Thanks for your words Sis. You are
always down for the cause and you have real flavor. You are a true Sista indeed Courtney. :)

Courtney: Yes. Having sense is the key. :) Second, I love music and always will. That means,just
about every kind of music. Even a folk song, here and there. lol. That's something that is not going
to change in me. Hip hop, soul, rnb, classical, some rock, some country,gospel, etc. But that does
not mean that just because someone likes the different messages and expressions of music that,
they do not know who they are. The first time I ever heard the word Soul Power, I heard it from
James Brown, the JB,s Fred Wesley.My dad wore those vinyls out. lol I agree, at some point, when
do people stop being so overly reactionary and really start looking at the role that everyone plays in
these situations and what we can do to point it in a different direction?
Thank you for just understanding. :)


Refuting a White Racist from South Africa

Me: There is nothing wrong with real economic development. Our goal should be for black
human beings to totally run, control, and influence their own resources (without no hands
running these resources except for us. That is the real definition of Real Power). The growth of
independent infrastructure in the black community is always a great goal to aspire today.

Jamal (the white racist): How is that working you for you in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), South Africa,
Haiti and Somalia? Liberia? Blacks destroy any country the infest, period. Being able to speak
English and having an education would be a start. But average 65 IQ left of the bell curve
savages will never be able to compete with Humans. Sorry! The TRUTH hurts.

Me: You are a racist piece of work. You can never make me angry, but your cowardly self
constantly harasses black human beings all of the time. See, there is not a single piece of
evidence that black humanity in the world have an average IQ of 65 collectively at all. Many
scholars have refuted the claims of the Bell Curve. Black human beings are not savages. We as
black human beings are humans created in the image of God. Many African nations suffer via
imperialism, neo-imperialism from the West, and other issues not because black human beings
in Africa are less than human you liar. If European imperialism never existed in Africa, Africa
would be in much better condition today. Your lying self ignores how UN agents and Western
imperialists have harmed Haiti with sanctions and other evil policies. Black human beings are
human. There are many black communities in the world that are doing the right thing. You
conveniently ignore the growth found in Kenya, Nigeria, Namibia, Sierra Leone, and other
African nations (which are highly successful nations) since you embrace a distorted, false

Since you love to throw numbers around. Here are some more. Among black teenagers, 15-19
(almost all of whom are unmarried), birth rates have plummeted since 1991, from 118.2 births
for every 1000 such women to only 51.5 births per 1000 women in 2010. And even with the
weak economy, black folks are almost 40 percent less likely to be dependent on government
benefits now than they were in 1993. Currently, only 1 in 9 African Americans are dependent on
various forms of cash or SNAP benefits throughout the course of a given year, down from about
1 in 6 in the early 90s. According to the stats, the same one that points out the 72 percent figure
for the share of black births out of wedlock — the birth rate for unmarried black women fell by
nearly a third between 1970-2010, from 95.5 births per 1000 unmarried black women at the
beginning of that period, to only 65.3 births per 1000 such women by the end of the period. In
terms of achievement itself, while white reading scores for 9-year olds on the National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) have increased about 6 percent since 1971, black
scores have risen by 20 percent; among 13-year olds, reading scores barely budged for whites
from 1971 to 2008, while rising 12 percent for blacks; and for 17-year olds, white scores
remained flat while black scores rose by 11 percent. Likewise, math achievement scores for
black 9, 13 and 17-year olds have risen faster since 1971 than scores for whites. These stats
are accurate.

The reality is that Africa is not monolithic. Africa has a lot of strong, independent, and honorable
human beings. Africa has issues, but Africa still is filled with technology, highways, and other
great domestic services. Some of the most beautiful fauna and flora are in America and
especially in the Motherland of Africa. Beautiful black women are found in Africa too. That is
why I would not mind it if I marry a Black American woman or a Black woman from Africa either.

2BDetermined (A Brother): There you go again! Never educate your enemy. Leave him and his
kind in the dark my brother. You and I know the whites got everything through theft and
dishonesty. Not to mention they skip out on taxes and swindle other peoples wealth. Each one
teach one but, not him.

Me: It is what it is Brother. I rarely respond directly to him. Yet, on this instance I wanted to as a
means to show this racist that if I wanted to, I could refute him badly and I did. We can all refute
him badly. Your words are correct. Their modern empire was created by conquest, theft,
subterfuge including religious deception. Therefore, they have no moral right to lecture any real
human about anything. So, we as Brothers and Sisters should continue to fight for global black
pan Africanist liberation indeed. Also, After this, I will never respond to him again.

By Timothy (Me)

Answering a False Accusation:

Sandy Jones: Lol, you figured it all out all by yourself there Dr. Hater racist. You sound just like
a Professor teaching at a real University. Most white people and black people don't understand
why a white women is wanted so badly by the black men that seek them out. But you figured

My Response: I can respond in a million different ways. Here is one. Now, black human beings
(among both genders) have displayed great intellectual curiosity since the dawn of black human
existence, so your words are typical of folks like you. I do not hate you. I choose not to date
folks like you. I choose not to marry folks like you. I choose not to worship folks like you or
grovel at your feet. I worship God and I romantically love Black Women with all of my heart. So,
all humans should be treated with dignity and respect, but as a Black Man I will love Black
Women with a great Love beyond apage LOVE. Black Men and Black Women in history refuted
folks like you intellectually. Now, what I have mentioned details specific black human beings
with self hatred. It is accurate and you have not outlined why my words are racist at all. See,
these words are not racist, because it is a reality is that some black human beings date or marry
white women for purposes of self hatred and low self esteem (including not realizing the
greatness of their BLACKNESS). That is a documented fact. I never outlined the proposition
that I have all answers or that I deciphered all knowledge. Also, Sandy, most Black Men love
Black Women. Most Black Women love Black Men. Nice try though. So, most black men do not
seek white women at all. Many white women seek out black men in real life. Therefore, Black
Unity and Black Love are superior to your rhetoric.

What I do mention is that Black Love and Black Power are legitimate actions that black human
beings can do as a means to develop further the Black Community. When Black Men and Black
Women ally, struggle together for justice, use almsgiving, and humanely advance their interests,
then these legitimate activities can benefit all black people, especially in the long one. So, I will
be thankful of my black skin melanin. I will be thankful of the strength, intellect,and beauty of
Black Women. I will be thankful of the strength, intellect, and integrity of Black Men. I will be
thankful of my ancestors including real Brothers & real Sisters then including now that fought for
black liberation. I will continue in my life to inspire humanity and to fight for justice for my people
point, blank, period, and exclamation point. I with respect the Creator. It is what it is. It is always

By Timothy (Me)


This Debate is about Politics:

Me: Well it is what it is what brother. You covered all bases. I do believe that we should be
Independents politically as to not worship either one. Yet, the GOP has gone far off the cliff.
Rand Paul allying with a neo-Confederate is antithetical to black people alone.

The Republicans always used religion as a means to gain votes. When you look at religion and
spirituality, it talks about helping your neighbor, economic justice, caring for Nature or the
environment, and it talks about the poor receiving justice. Taking care of the least of these
means something. We are all our brothers' and sisters' keepers.

Many of the leadership of the Republicans including much of the Tea Party crowd hate much if
not all of that agenda. So, we as a people are not deceived about the GOP's antics. This is a
party who wants to get our vote, but they advance policies that can restrict the African American
vote is morally hypocritical. Also, we know about the Democrats' errors too. With the advent of
the Trayvon Martin death, more Brothers and Sisters are coming together. We realize the
enemy's tricks. I can never trust the wolves nor the foxes unconditionally. If the Republicans
refuse to change their reactionary agenda, then they do not deserve our vote at all. The
blueprint is there too. We know what they must do. If the GOP believes in infrastructure
investment, an end to the War on Drugs, loving voting rights, seeking to have a living wage,
wanting the rights of workers to be preserved, calling for the complete end of the system of
white supremacy, having a clear pro-environmental agenda, loving the social safety net, working
to enhance the economic development of the African American community, seeking the
advancement of human civil liberties, advancing an end to imperialism, fighting to have
universal, strong education like Finland, and believing in universal heath care, then their support
will grow in leaps and bounds.

T. Davis: Or you can just blindly vote democRAT, the party of the KKK. The party of gay loving,
baby killing liberal Obamabots. Gay marriage and abortion are what they love! DemocRATS
hate Jesus and any religion. The article left out Robert KKK Byrd (dem.) and all the
democRATS that voted against the civil rights act! Republicans wrote the civil rights act! The
Southern Strategy it was claimed would have blacks voting democRAT for 100 years! It seems
to be working! By the way Lincoln and MLK were also republicans. Please pull your heads out
and try to sniff a clue!

Me: LOL.

Enjoy your life. I heard of this story before. Sorry, I will not bow before the donkey nor your
elephant. Both national parties have a history of nefarious actions and bigotry. Today, the
Republican Party is for radical austerity, radical war mongering, and a sick hatred of many real
human rights. Now, no one said that the Democrats are perfect (many of Robert Byrd's actions
were wrong), but folks do know the wicked history of the GOP. The modern Republican
Southern Strategy was created in the late 1960's by Nixon (and others) as a means to appeal to
the thinking of white racists including as a means to gain political power. That has nothing to do
with advancing black equality. It has to do with a bigoted, politically evil purpose. Reagan used
the Southern Strategy as a means to scapegoat the poor and the minorities in his many
speeches during the 1980 election. Also, many religious followers of Jesus and other religions
are from across the political spectrum. The GOP or mainstream conservatives have no
monopoly on spirituality at all. You love to mention Lincoln forgetting that he was an economic
progressive. Abraham Lincoln wanted massive government funding for the Western
homesteads and the Transcontinental railroads. Dr. Martin Luther King was never a Republican.
Black human beings had a leadership in the cause of black liberation not Republicans or
Democrats. The Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act was supported by many
Republicans, but it was signed by a Democrat.

Today, many Republicans want to eliminate certain sections of the Civil Rights Act including
certain sections of the Voting Rights Act ironically. The 2 social issues that you cite have been
exploited as a means for reactionaries to try to intimidate black human beings to go along with
their regressive agenda. Many of the same ones that claim to be for the sanctity of human life
reject public care for mothers (many of them reject food stamps or even some nutrition
programs to assist newborns via public money) and they reject an end to unjust wars. Evil wars
& war crimes violate the sanctity of human life constantly. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was an
Independent by not registering with the 2 major parties. He voted for JFK and LBJ since he felt
that Barry Goldwater had an extreme reactionary agenda. So, the truth is never pale. It is live in
living color. The devilish policies of the modern Republican party are ever known. We are all
know who is the Devil though. Wink Wink. LOL.
By Timothy


A funny discussion with a man named Clarke101 (who makes the errors of using excessive
profanity and slandering a woman’s child. The great woman is named Erica):

Clarke101: Elderly people LOVE having a bunch of cops around.

Me: Elderly human beings should be treated with respect not as prisoners in public locations
though. If the police were in the halls outside of the theater, then that is one thing, but them
being inside of the theater is highly distracting and deals with the agenda of intimidation. I will
not worship cops. Some of them abused our race for decades. I am on the civil libertarian side
on this one, yet you have the right to your views. We are not obsessed with victimization (since
many of our people don't even know that they are true victims of oppression). We just hate
oppression and we want white supremacy ended. Hopefully, you can change much of your
ways and just refuse to curse, harass, or use other sick language against certain women on

for no other reason than to keep all you disrespectful young hooligans with ya hats turned
backwards and ya underwares showin, playing that loud PROFANITY LACED HIPPITY HOP in
check. And to knock ya in yo head if you get out of line. HIT HIM AGAIN OFFICER HE'S STILL

Me: This is a new younger generation. The younger generation has the right to say what is real
and we will say it loudly and triumphantly. I know what you are trying to do. It won't work on me,
because I believe in reasonable actions without distractions. I will respect my elders, but I will
not be fooled by old prejudices and old deceptions. Also, the vast majority of older folks and
younger folks are not hooligans regardless of what you mention. They love peace. They respect
black cultural themes and they love fair treatment among the human race. The rest of your
stereotypes of young folks seems to make mention of a point though albeit your exaggerations.
Hats or caps, hoodies, and other forms of clothing never outlines the total definition of a person.
It is the character, deeds, and actions of that person that defines the true essence of that
person. I reject an authoritarian society where we are to be conformed to strict codes that
violate individual liberty (or make cops like gods, who can arbitrarily enforce rules against the
populace in any fashion possible). I reject vulgarity, but we can have individual creativity without
vulgarity. That is the fundamental, iconic truth of the situation. This legitimate right to express
our grievances and to fight white supremacy are great procedures to enact during our
generation indeed.

Clarke101: LOLOLOL. Yeah it's NEW alright. ÀND MAKE EM PULL THEM D_______ PANTS

LOL. LOL. You are a dang silly man. Most young folks have their pants up. We should
encourage moral growth not old reactionary dogmas. Also, I will tell my people to stand up
against the enemy and we all know who the enemy is. It is a vicious, devilish enemy that
harmed our people for a long time. I am not coded with my language here. At the end of the
day, Black Power is greater than the enemy. The other slick comment that out made below this
comment threatens no one. You are much older man than me. No one is intimidated by you at
all and we who disagree with you are very intelligent indeed. Opposing police brutality is
intelligent and not worshipping cops like they are Gods is intelligent as well.


This Discussion is on Racial Issues and History

Me: You are 100 percent right. We should more appreciate of our gifts and talents. We can
never be apologists for white racists, reactionary politicians, extremist media pundits, or
vigilante murderers at all. We should respect our own culture and support each other in a
potent fashion. Stockholm syndrome and the slavery mentality didn't die in 1865. We have
to continue to fight for our true liberation and help our communities. The self haters use the
arguments that white racists use against blacks as a means to justify their sickness. This
has nothing to do with true ideological diversity among our people, which I have no issue
with. It has to do with some of our people seeking to intentionally go against Black Love,
Black power, and justice for black people in the world (while denying accountability among
whites who act in a fowl way). You will notice that the self haters refuse to mention the 2
words of white supremacy (which is the modern system causing this oppression in the
world's population in the first place). We should discuss issues about spying, the economy,
foreign policy matters, health care, the environment, and other things. Yet, I will not use
those issues as an excuse to deny the beauty of my black heritage at all. I will always love
my blackness.

Canuck Sailor: You're American. Not African, except by heritage. I happen to trace my
ancestry to England, but I'm not English, I'm Canadian, of English heritage. Live with what
you are, not what you pretend to be.

Me: Enjoy your life. I have every right to call myself in a designation. You using
hypotheticals will never intimidate anyone here. I am of Black African heritage point blank
period. I have the right to classify myself as I wish. I am an African as Kwame Ture said
about himself. I pretend to be nothing. Your arrogance in telling blacks what they ought to
be is telling. I will not be put in my place. I will stand on my feet.

Canuck Sailor: Truth, if I might comment? What you said about 'firm' in discussing your
African roots....not every white person is going to be real comfortable with what you call firm
- you might offend some, although others, like me, will toss it right back at you ;>)...can I
suggest, when someone white appears to be asking an honest question, that you start
gentle, because the concepts are fairly foreign to what we, as whites, know as the norm.
The gentle approach won't scare some of the more timid away and you'll win more converts
to the cause. You can let your mother's sensitivity talk through you...

Me: This is a common sentiment among some. Here is my response.

I will never be ashamed of my black masculinity here. Being firm (without malice) in
advocating justice, in advocating truth, and advocating an end to white supremacy is purely
intrepidly legitimate in my eyes. If any man can't handle the truth (no matter how painful it
is), then that man needs further enlightenment. Now, for a long time, black men like me
have been told to be silent, to be docile, and to never offend certain people for the sake of
accepting the tenets of a hypocritical white supremacist society. Black men have been
harmed and many have forsaken their masculinity as an excuse to be passive like a Tiger
Woods or a Clarence Thomas type of a Brother. Yet, this is not how I role. I will never get
down like that. I will not be docile to an oppressive society. I will stand and speak my mind
like a strong black man in a tolerable, firm, and a gloriously progressive way. Black
manhood ought not to be emasculated, homogenized, or sanitized at any circumstance.
See, you can be firm and act constructive at the same time. Some whites falsely equate
being firm totally with nihilistic behavior, bigotry, malice intent, or obscene violence (within
their preconceived biases about some black human beings. They need to eliminate their
erroneous biases). Constructive dialogue can be firm not just gentle. Now, there is nothing
wrong with real sensitivity. A man being sensitive is not a threat to his manhood. There is a
time and place for everything.

I will be sensitive to women, friends, allies, and children like my mother, but if you are a
grown man, then you are capable to accept grown truth (especially if you are 25 years old
or older). If some white folks can't accept or are easily offended by real, non threatening
words in a keyboard screen peacefully shown about justice, then that is not my problem. My
goal is to have justice for Brothers and Sisters (I will always love Black Sisters with a social
and romantic love. The Sisters are very special gifts in the world from the Creator. They will
always be placed on a pedestal). I will always respect humanity (you should be treated the
same as any human being), but I will not be politically correct for the sake of selling out my
principles. The truth can be sensitive (or filled with flowers & sunshine) and it can also be
politically incorrect.

Canuck Sailor: How can you be proud of what you aren't? You're not African, you're of
African heritage, as you correctly noted in your reply. If you want to be African, then you
should move back there and take up citizenship. Same as if I want to be English - I'd move
to England.
I'm not putting you in your place by the way - I'm trying to understand why, after how many
hundreds of years, you insist you're African - when you aren't.
Fact is - America is what it is in large part because of black people - particularly when you
consider the challenges your people have faced - you have much to be proud of when you
call yourself a black American.

Me: I think we have different cultural interpretations and a disagreement. Men can agree to
disagree on subsequent issues. I come from a unique social, cultural reality than you. My
ancestors were brought here in the Americas via in chains and suffered centuries of
mistreatment (along with the destruction of our language, culture, creed, and societal
structures). So, you have to understand that many blacks legitimately express a lot of the
anger against the system of oppression (not against you personally) because of the system
of white supremacy. Many of us identify with Africa since it is our original homeland. It is the
land of our origin. Many leaders from Malcolm X to Kwame Ture called themselves Africans
as a means to identify with their cultural origin including their true identity. We know that we
are born in America, but my heart and soul is African. I will forever love Africa as apart of
our social, mental, spiritual being.
We live in a new generation and many Brothers and Sisters want to know more about
Africa. It is all about representing our humanity and we have moral right to call ourselves
African if we choose to. Africa is not England. Africa is a continent and a fixed cultural
identity. England is a nation not a continent. I am not ashamed of the accomplishments of
black Americans in the States. I celebrate them from legal affairs to human rights affairs.
Yet, as black people, we have the right to identify culturally and historically with Africa. The
pan-Africanist movement is not about unjust antagonism. It is about advancing justice and
love for all African peoples of the world.

Canuck Sailor: That makes more sense now, and there was no need to say the anger
wasn't against me personally - the tone of your note said that - but thank you all the same.
And yes, you're correct, it's difficult to understand, coming from my perspective.

John Henry (a Brother): " I will not be put in my place. I will stand on my feet."
Stand Tall!


The Following Discussion with Sista Courtney is about Trayvon Martin and Our

CourtneyR: You know what I find strange with these racists? All of a sudden, they appear so
concerned about black life in chicago and across this country. What's going on in those
neighborhoods etc. You can see right through them, what they are attempting to do. What
are they doing about it to help out? SEcond, the bottom line is, TRAYVON's situation and
murder has nothing to do with what is going on in chicago and across this country. His
murder has to do with racist propaganda , attempting to muddy the waters of TRAYVONS
murder by trying to link the two. These are two separate issues and they know this. It is
their way AGAIN, of not taking responsibility for their own racist, unjust actions towards
african american men in this country.

Me: Exactly, Sister.

The racists talk about situations in our communities, but they never advocate radical,
revolutionary solutions in our communities. They just advocate the same old gentrification
and privatization schemes that never fully work to solve our issues. They exploit the
suffering of our people as a means to try to dominate us (and falsely scapegoat us totally for
our oppression). They want control over us, which is why they try to constantly follow us
on social media (or in other areas in real life). If we were not a threat to them, they would
ignore us. Obviously, every black male and every black female is a threat to their system.

The good news is that since 2012, more folks see their wickedness. Their Empire is
crumbling and we must be prepared for the aftermath of the end of white supremacy fully.
Genetically, they are jealous of us being the first, being blessed with dark melanin (and
having a great phenotype), being heavily fertile (with having 2 billion worldwide in the near
future), being musically gifted, being creative in unique forms, and being heavily spiritually
attuned the ways of the truth. We are the original humans. We are a naturally
compassionate and loving people, which is why when we love each other, that spiritual force
of goodness overshadows the racists' negative energy.

So, Sister we are blessed and our humanity shines through. Trayvon Martin's death was a
turning point in our history. It separated the wheat from the rotten plants. It has galvanized
our community. Hopefully, we can use his memory to fight for more improvements in our
community. The war is not over yet, so we ought to continue to be active and help our
people with love and altruism. We owe it to the brothers and the sisters that passed away
unfortunately to fight for a better world for us (and our descendants). You certainly inspire
me including Erica, Dandelion, Soulty Soul (whose comedy is so good that she can win in
Apollo with one try. LOL. Go ahead on with your bad self), Vanity, BroShabbazz, Jazz, John
Henry, edud, marcus, and others.

CourtneyR: Dr. William Gates was arrested because, a YT stranger in HIS community saw
Gates trying to gain entrance into his own home. Unbelievable right? NOSEY! Also, when a
human being does something wicked against another, they have to cover their tracks. They
have to keep an eye out and look over their shoulder because of the criminal ,wicked act that
they committed against another. Like slavery affects african americans in this country, you
better believe it does the same to YT people in this country. They are terrified of
consequences so, trying to control, dominate,and using false scapegoats against african
americans is actually, their way of trying to keep african americans from coming together
and rising up, as an united front, to deal with their imposed system of racism against brown
black people. Also,I was watching something about the power of melanin and dark matter
and the Pineal Gland. OMG!!!!!!!!!! So very interesting and I am still learning about it. :) One
part it states that, We haven’t learnt yet that not all people are our friends nor that all people
have the true sense and patterns of humanity. It also goes on to say that this includes some of
our own.So very deep. EVeryday, we are learning and working on ourselves. The people that
you mentioned, have real, relevant stories to tell. Things that we can all learn from since we
have different experiences but share the same common story in this country.I am inspired by
you and those that have such a fight,balance,compassion, and leadership role towards life.

Me: You are right Sister. I did some research on the Internet and it confirms our high level
pineal gland power. Also, I found out that melanin contributes to great eye development.
This has been found by Chemist James Norris, PhD, and retina surgeon Kourous Rezai, MD.
So, Sister we are blessed. That is why they (we know who the they are. Wink Wink. LOL)
hate it when we act in Unity against the oppression of our people. Dr. William Gates is a
moderate type of Brother and they treated him like a common criminal. If they can do that to
him, they can do to anyone. Yet, we should not live in fear all of the time. We should just live
our lives faithfully and be in tuned with spiritual truth and strength. Strength and
compassion are not 2 mutually exclusive actions that we can execute separately. We can
utilize both at the same time as a means to have liberation and soul enrichment.

CourtneyR: I find the connection of melanin and the pineal gland, absolutely intriguing
because it is. And so do they( we know who they are WINK WINK LOL) You are right. We
should not live in fear because it's our GOD given right to exist peacefully.Strength and
compassion are apart of being spiritual. It does not have to be one or the other...

Me: You are right sweetie. That is why they try to mimic our image with surgeries, tans,
fashion, music, and culture in absolute jealousy of our God given gifts. When the Brothers
and Sisters peacefully protested for Justice for Trayvon Martin in over 100 cities recently,
that refuted their lies about these protesters (of claiming that they were enacting violence as
falsely said by that reactionary Sean Hannity). We have the right to protest and allow our
voices to be heard in the world. So, this move towards justice is a long one, but a necessary
one. We are in the right side and we win in the end. One of the human beings that inspire
me ideologically is the Sister Cynthia McKinney. Her words led me into the path of
advocating true social justice on another level. So, Blessings to You Sista. You are amazing
like always. :)

CourtneyR: I was very proud to see all of these younger people mobilizing and letting their
voices be heard, about what happened to TRAYVON. Speaking loudly against STAND
YOUR GROUND LAW. And it looks like things are picking up steam.. They have realized
that, they can't let this issue go now. Not after what happened to TRAYVON, JORDIN
DAVIS and the countless other black men who are profiled for being AFRICAN
AMERICAN.. Hannity has gotten worst. Rush worst. They have so much hate inside of
them. We are certainly on the right side of life, on this issue and it has to be corrected.
Thank you, so are you. :)

Appendix A: More Great Discussion Between Me and the Great Black Sister Courtney

Me: Some of these trolls exploit political controversies as a means to try to intimidate black
people in this forum. They also want as much black human beings as possible to ally with
bigoted, nefarious characters from the Tea Party movement and other reactionary characters.
So, I know what the deal is. Debate, Dissent, and critique are fine with me, but not
disinformation, fear mongering, and obscene rhetoric against the President including his
family by white racist extremists (since these sick folks have not just slandered the
President, but his family too. Also, I do give due respect to the elegant and beautiful first
Lady Michelle Obama for her exercise campaign that contributed to the lower childhood
obesity numbers in the States recently).

Courtney: But that's the thing, they are NOT intimidating anyone here or anywhere else for
that matter. Pretty much a waste of time and space on their part. smh

Me: Indeed. They are wasting real time for real discussions about solutions in our
communities. They are like Don Quixote. They are riding the horses into faux causes and
falling down hurting no one, but themselves. Brothers and Sisters know the real truth
amidst their smokescreens. We are not intimidated by their rhetoric for we have truth on
our side. When we have the truth, their deceptions will never effect us at all. We should
continue to advance Unity, real solutions, Love for each, growth spiritually including
morally, and the fight for Justice (as a replacement of the wicked system of white
supremacy). I love your genuine, Kind Heart.
Good Morning to you Sister. Bless you Soul. :)

Courtney: Absolutely, What they are trying to do is disrupt flow but as they can see, it does
not work. I'm all about advancing unity and finding real solutions but I also recognize that
we should do our part as well by not becoming the problem. We all have work to do because
the wicked, believe in their sick agenda. One of the goals for these types is to create issues
and problems when their aren't any. We see it on here all the
Be bless and thank the one that made you that you do not see life, through their eyes. That
many do not subscribe to their way of thinking.
Good morning to you.As always, stay blessed. :)


Me: Indeed, Sister Courtney, I feel like my mind is running on huge cylinders today. LOL.
My conscious feels stronger. Maybe it is because of the food I ate or I had a huge time to rest.

Courtney: Your conscious feels stronger? What are you eating? :)

Me: LOL. Just regular foods (cereal, bananas, meats, applause, etc.). Sometimes, it is just one
of the those days when you have a lot of energy to write information.

Also, Sister, I feel like we are in the right track here more than ever. I find it interesting that
the anti-woman haters (and the pessimists including the psuedo-black conscious types) are
readily allied with white reactionaries like Alex Jones (a man that slandered the family of
Trayvon Martin and these sellouts want to love him like he is a Savior. Just like these
sellouts can't get enough of their idol). Alex Jones loves Larry Elder, made exaggeration
about riots, made numerous false predictions about events, outlines massive xenophobic
rhetoric, loves Stand Your Ground, loves the Tea Party movement, etc. Alex Jones also touts
Thomas Jefferson, a 100% racist, rapist, and slaveholder. These liars need to keep it real for
minute and listen to reality. Alex Jones allows Ted Nugent on his show and he never calls
Nugent out on his rant against the black community on his show. Nugent is known to
mention racist, sexist garbage for years. Alex Jones refuses to call out white supremacy as
public enemy number one as the reason for our oppression explicitly.
I am doing my research about this. Actually, I did my research about him or Alex Jones for
years. I know all about his agenda. I am putting things together. Also, these frauds &
sellouts readily demonize Brothers and Sisters who are doing great research (those who are
doing Great Research are Dr. Fuller, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, and others). Ever since
August 1, I feel like these liars (who constantly have a negative, demonic attitude, which
signifies anti-blackness) are coming out the woodwork to try to use black conscious (or
opposition to globalism) as a means to demonize black human beings on the low (especially
black women). I will not obsess on this point for now on since I made my peace on this
issue. I will move forward in advancing real Black Power.

Courtney: Brain food. :) Nothing wrong with that. One of my favorite fruit is a pear. That's
my go to fruit that I carry during the day to curb the sweet tooth. You are aligned in thought.
Maybe it's time to write a book. :)

Me: LOL. Maybe I will when I am older. Thank you Sista. LOL. I love a good pear. Back in
the day, I would eat a pear with the quickness. Bless you. I do like strawberries since they
give me a lot of energy as well.

Courtney: You. are welcome. Yes, the obsession to try and make everything black, obsolete is
beyond wicked. The fear has to do with not dealing with their history truthfully. What
saddens me is that, we have some of our own, who really hate themselves to the point that
they will do all in their power to side with the many lies told about us from racist people. It's
really crazy to see how you are prejudged as an African American woman or man by others
when in fact, they don't know a thing . This is why it's so important to hold your head high
and keep on stepping.

Me: Indeed Sister. We should never give up. That is the fundamental focal point that you
have eloquently mentioned.
Positive energy and real inspiration can lead into momentous achievements among our
people. You as an African American woman and me as an African American man have been
prejudged before, but we do realize that we are in a long family tree of heroes. Our ancestors
were great heroes that worked, cared for each other, built up great civilizations, and carried
forward the idea of Justice for humanity.
We carry their tradition by the legitimate things that we enact in this generation of near the
22nd century. All of your words are accurate here of keeping our heads up. One thing that
racists hate is when we will not show hateful, negative energy. If we show positive, strong
energy, it can go a long way in inspiring our people (and it can cause more hope plus joy to
exist in our communities. This energy along with militant action can further develop
solutions in our communities too). So, Courtney, thank you for your words of wisdom and
your inspiration for me and others here. Your light shines brightly here. You truly inspire me
in my life.
Thank You. :)

Courtney: Thank you for your wisdom , strength and inspiration. Thank you for STANDING
up and DEFENDING AFRICAN AMERICAN black women and men. As you can see, the
world needs it more than ever now. I really hope Mr. Simmons can clear this up. WE don't
need people making light of black heroes and the very real sacrifices that they made on the
account of us and the entire world.


Courtney: I guess he does not know that their are black people who would rather work 2
and three jobs than ,take assistance. Assistance should be for those who really need it.
Nothing wrong with it but lets be clear,the percentage of whites using food stamps, are very
high. The first time I ever saw one was someone that I knew from school, who was YT ,
using them, and they lived in a very nice house. Getting the kitchen remodeled with straight
granite countertops but was on food stamps. Go figure. True story. smh

Me: Indeed Sister. Poverty is a real scourge and it does not discriminate. I see a lot of the
white poor all of the time in Hampton Roads, Virginia (where I am from). Many of them
vote against their economic interests all of the time. It is ironic to say the least. That is why
it is certainly necessary for us to fight against poverty. Also, assistance should be given to
those that need it as you have mentioned. These extremists like O'Reilly & Limbaugh fail to
see that our average tax rates are in fact lower than most years in the past five decades
(among many taxpayers), we have record corporate profits, and the social safety net is being
radically cut (yet, they still want more radical cuts when humans now in America are
literally starving to death). Many of us have been blessed, so we will treat the suffering and
the poor with humane compassion and profound, mature dignity. That is why I am more
progressive on economic issues. Helping the least of these and the Golden Rule are common
sense spiritual truths that both of us take to heart.
Good morning to you. :)

Courtney: NO it does not discriminate at all. The poor come in all colors ,shapes and sizes.As
you stated, just because someone is poor, does not mean they do not deserve compassion,
dignity and a helping hand because it can happen to any one of us at any given time. The
poor are not to be pitied but helped as you stated and being witnesses to people who are
poor, should humble us. Again, what we take for granted, others need and could use. I
always heard from my mother, " finish everything on your plate because their are kids who
wished they had food to eat, or water to drink. Same principal.
Good morning back. :)

Me: Thank you back.

Courtney: lol You're welcome.


Me: I think that age has nothing to do with it since many young folks are mature. He is 26.
Yet, it is common sense for a pastor to not party at a Rick Ross concert, especially if you are
in that position. Pastors are not perfect, but there is a line. He could of gone to a political
rally, go into a barbeque, go hang out with friends, go to other concerts (from musicians like
Sade, Anita Baker, and even some young religious musicians), and other places for having
enjoyment. Just because you are a pastor, doesn't mean that you should end your fun. Yet,
Ross talks about things in his lyrics that a real pastor can never support totally. The good
news is that he can build himself up. He can use that as a learning experience (of seeing that
we fall at times and his error is not the end of the world, just a bump in the road). In the final
analysis, we are all fighting against police brutality, oppression, unjust wars, and monopoly
capitalism. So, with faith and strength, he can be a better man.

Courtney: Yes. he even could of invited rick ross to a gathering , spoke to him about many
things to take back messages to others. Learn and move on.

Me: Indeed, Wise and Sweet Sister. :) He or the young pastor can use his youth to bridge the
generation gap among his parishioners and other religious human beings.

Courtney: I agree. Why not? :)

Me: Right Sister, Instead of tearing the Brother down, we should allow the Brother to
redeem himself and be a better human. He is not like Jimmy Swaggart or a person like that.
Redemption and human improvement ought to be one of the very vital basis of true
spirituality. In this generation, we need to build up the Brothers and the Sisters in the world.
I think that the youth have a lot of great value and this Pastor Rodney can have a real chance
to be more revolutionary. He only needs a little direction, education, and inspiration. At the
end of the day, we should help the poor, comfort the suffering, and use action as a means to
benefit the people. That is how we receive our Crown and become real human beings.


Me: You are right. He tries to slander black people (both males and females now) as an
excuse to deny the criminal nature of white supremacy. I will never ally with a man that says
to blacks go back to Africa if they want reparations. I will never ally with a man that
committed perversion in violation to his marriage commitments to his wife. This adulterer
has no moral right to judge the black community at any circumstance. He is 6 ft. 3 and I am
slightly shorter than him. So, he is no threat to anyone here. I wish that I was on his show,
because I will say some words to him. He is a puppet of the FOX News network and the
banking elite. Single mothers have nothing to do with the death of Trayvon Martin at all.
This liar Bill O'Reilly has omitted that we in the black community has talked about and
debated issues of family, the entertainment industry, and other likeminded issues for
decades. Trayvon Martin's death has to do with a vigilante and woman beater killing an
unarmed, innocent black male. I can not mention all that I want to write here, because of
censors. In private, let's just say that I have colorful words for Bill O'Reilly. O'Reilly is a piece
of the work that ignores the need for economic and social justice (not just moral including
ethical development) as a means to liberate black human beings. Sociologist Dr. Stephen
Steinberg made an article about these issues refuting Bill O'Reilly's lies called, "'Poor Reason:
Culture Still Doesn't Explain Poverty." In other words, regardless if you are a single mother
or not, if you lack educational, economic, and political resources including fair institutions,
some (not all) will still suffer in certain circumstances. Humanity is dynamic not monolithic.
The Leave it to Beaver stuff doesn't work all of the time. I do believe that any child should
have male and female influences though since we are in the human family. We need
comprehensive solutions not Eurocentric, theocratic, and reactionary propaganda. Our
African culture has been communal. We had grandfathers, cousins, and the whole
community caring for our children beyond just the nuclear family (which I have no issue
with if that family is loving and real). Ironically, his ancestors were oppressed heavily
centuries ago by the same corporate elites that dominate his network today. He follows the
agenda of our oppressors.

Courtney: Bill O rielly is a bully. Ever notice when he does not like what you are saying, he
talks over you? or tries to get you out of there? Some people on here do that. lol. They are
truly tragic. When people like Billio do this, you know you have them beat. You got to them
and they can't control themselves. Making immature, degrading remarks about people they
don't personally know. To easy. smh

Me: Right Sister. He is a bully. He disrespected Jeremy Glick (who was a grieving son), so
that outlines his character. I talk with a masculine voice especially if I want to make an
explicit point. If I was on his show, it will be a loud exchange. Yet, Sista, with folks like that,
we can thank God that we can never be brainwashed. We can thank God that we love truth
and wisdom not dissension or ignorance. He loves torture and he tries to lecture us on
morality. On economic issues, he is the like Tea Party activists. We have them beat
ideologically as you say since their intemperate anger outlines insecurity and hatred of any
progressive insight. Blessings to you like always. You are certainly a gifted Sista and I love
your wisdom. I love your sensitivity and I love your strength :)
Courtney: HAving to much COMPASSION is like having to much LOVE. :) Life is a journey
and everyone has their own scheduled time, living their journey and bringing,calling into
their lives what they want it to be. It has to come from a very pure place that does not judge.
Something as all of us as human beings do,. We are not perfect but, we have those among us
that strive to lend understanding to others, even if they themselves, have not gone through
whatever someone else may be dealing with. It's harder to have compassion for someone
when they can't relate. But even with that being said, you still have those people who are
good natured, who try anyway. :) Their are a lot of wicked people in the world and on this
site, who look to project the VENOM that is in their hearts, onto others. It's like looking at
them through a mirror. I just have to shake my head because what they fail to realize is, the
only thing that is truly in CONTROL, is the one who made you. Once you understand that
in your being, EVerything else , and everyone who think like them, are small in nature. The
great thing is, those that walk with us ,still try and extend that hand. The receiver of that
kind of extension that shuns that, is not ready to deal with their issues. Step away, give it
time,. Before its over for them, they will hopefully get it. I love your Strength, insight,
intellect and kindness. Don't conform to those around you, who do nothing but put bad
energy back out.

Me: Thank you. I will remember your words. You are so kind and your words inspire my
soul, Sista.

Me: Tattoos are not a fad anymore. I seen the rich, poor, middle class, elderly, every race, and
every background have them now. The vast majority of folks I have seen age 35 or younger
have at least one tattoo. Back in the 1960's, that was not the case. This is a case of
generational differences, cultural differences, and a wide spectrum of issues. I will look at
both sides to make up my mind fully about this issue.

Courtney: I don't mind a few. Just my personal taste. NOthing against those that have
sleeves on arms and legs,necks and faces (overboard) but I don't like that many on the
human body. I think he should of worn a suit because so many YT males like Jesse James etc
have the same amount of tats that the game has and I don't think he would be turned away if
he wore a suit. Had the game wore proper attire for their dress code. ,and they turned him
away, that would be a serious issue..

Me: Yeah, generationally the older crowd are more repulsed by tattoos all over the human
body than the younger generation. For folks in my generation and younger, it is the in thing
is to have tattoos on the neck, on the back, on the hand, on the legs, on the feet, on the torso,
etc. You get the picture. LOL. This incident deals with his attire, dress codes, and what other
occupants were wearing. The Game is an artist that folks in my generation know about. We
know about his errors and some legitimate things that he has done. There is a balance to be
struck. We should have decorum in a setting (in other words, we can't be nihilistic or
obscene), but at the same time, we should not use this incident as an excuse for us to
sugarcoat our soul or our normal black creativity too. We are Brothers and Sisters and we
ought not to be bourgeoisie for anyone.

Courtney: tattoos on the neck, on the back, on the hand, on the legs, on the feet, on the torso,
etc. You get the picture. LOL.
Thats not a person, that's a walking build board. lol.. Just kidding. Thats way to many and
plus, this is what I think about. What happens when all of these people get older, like in
their 60's and 70's with that many tats everywhere? I have two small ones. One on the inside
of my left wrist. A music note I got in 2001.i'm done. :) I do believe that we should not have
to be bourgeoisie for anyone. Just be respectful ,when you walk into someone else's house, so
to speak. :)

Me: You are correct. We can be humble in our walk, but not sellout our core convictions.
That is the name of the situation. When we walk into anyone's location, we should show
human beings dignity and respect. I have looked at both sides and now I have made up my
mind now. My view is that the Game certainly has a long way to go in improving his
conduct. I believe that he can not just go into any establishment looking any type of way.
Long term, he doesn't have to be like Benson, but he can express his gifts in more
constructive ways. That is the fundamental truth. We are not children anymore and
vulgarity and other evils are antithetical to the values of our community. Thank you for your
words, Sister. Also, you are a genius on the essence of music situation. You really know your
stuff about music.

Courtney: Absolutely. I believe the game has great potential to be a really good leader. He
takes care of his children, and the show that he had with his fiancee and children, was an eye
opener to a different, gentler side of him. But like you said, he has some more growing to do
in certain aspects of life. Like we all do. So , I can't write him off because, he showed me
some things that I like about him. Not talking about his past but he deserves a chance. As far
as Robin, Pharrell and company, what they did, by trying to sue the GAYE estate first so the
family didn't sue first, when its CLEARLY a rip off of Marvins song, is straight up GREEDY.
But, that's what this business is about, and this is why its so hard for many to make it,if you
are not about the many games that go on in that industry. Certain sides and things about the
industry, is not for everyone.

Me: Indeed. In the long term, the Game can shock humanity if he go into radical
improvements. As long as a Brother or a Sister is living, I will never completely count that
human being off totally in life. As long as we are alive, folks can wake up and see the light.
We can see history where folks we least expect can do great things in the future. We know
about the Game's errors, but one thing that is true is that he loves his children. Even on the
reality show, you can never deny that. We all need that growing including the Game as you
have mentioned. Our bodies are our temples and we should love our people in a
compassionate way (but we can never give our people license to glamorize nihilism or
revelry either. Checking our people is an example of compassion as well without breaking
someone down in an evil way). We know the enemy loves unnecessary chaos and evil
vulgarity. We should never fall into their footsteps. Your words about the industry are
accurate indeed. The industry is like a hot mess and a half.

Courtney: I can agree with that.You said. Checking our people is an example of compassion
as well without breaking someone down in an evil way). Love that! One thing that is great
about the internet is,we don't really have to rely on the industry now to get music out. That
is crazy to me. The great producer, Easy Moe Bee, gave me some really good advice when I
was younger.He was also a really nice person to talk to because he was patient in teaching
me some things about radio.At that time, I was trying to come in with my own sound and
not sound like everyone else and he showed me what the difference was about what radio
wanted ,vs what I wanted. I met a few cool people along the way and not so cool people
along the way. Their were no women around when I was actively pursuing it. Groupies yes,
but not many women behind the machines.. Lenny Green was cool too but, at the end of the
day, every creative person, has to stay true to what it is that they do and thats a huge
decision to make. At the end of the day, no one can see your vision.No matter what avenue of
creating that may be. Whether it be painting,drawing, music,writing, photography and the
list goes on.

Me: Indeed Sister.

You are certainly gifted in music. We all have great stories that deal with our gifts. At the
end of the day, we all have our paths in life. We should follow our inner voice or conscious as
a means to fulfill our life's potential. We should individually work on Self and collectively
fight for the improvement of the black community in general. There are huge temptations in
life in general, but we can overcome them with self control and learning lessons along the
way. You seem to be a great soul by your reflective nature (and your great insight on music,
policy matters, and life in general). Therefore, we should encourage each other and respect
each other as full human beings. I think things happen for a real. Every since I communicated
with you, it feels like I put my life into more perspective and spiritually I have grown. I am
not perfect in every way, but I have improved in my own personal maturity. You are great
Sister and Keep up the great work in inspiring minds and building up the community. All of
us here love you as a Strong Sister and respect you as a Great Human Being. :)

Courtney: Truth, NONE of us are perfect in life but because we are imperfect, it makes us all
the more beautiful. We have nothing, if we don't continue to strive upwards for
clarity,reflection,understanding. If we don't go out and experience what life has to offer. We
owe that to ourselves while we are here, with the time that we are given.No one knows
what's going to happen but appreciating the gift of life, being alive, reaching out to one
another, is apart of living life peacefully. Doing what is right so everyone can at least
experience what its like to be kind, understanding, compassionate, uplifting towards each
other. I don't understand the unnecessary cut throat behavior that happens with one
another. That is not how it's suppose to be and it does not have to be in my opinion. That is a
waste of time. Like you stated, we all have our own journey and things do happen for reasons
that we may not understand or simply, those things just were not meant to be. Maybe their
are other avenues that are meant instead. I appreciate so many people that I come across on
this site and in life. No one is better than any other. Both women and men alike. I am drawn
to your energy because its a subtleness that I understand, that comes across people
,especially in men. Your parents should be very proud of you because so many of us here
respect your nature. Thank you and blessings to you too. :) Great human beings are all
around us and they are made. We all are great.


Courtney: what does surprise me is how many people out here think they have the right to
control others. REALLY? People are really having a conversation about how black men
should walk on the sidewalk in 2013? are you kidding me? you have the right to walk
anywhere you want and how you want. You have the right to breath and defend yourselves
like any other living breathing human being. People are pacifying black men by telling them
to bow down to these unjust laws? the attitude should be , don't start none ,wont be none.
you stay in your place,and there will be no need for me to come out of my place. Don't walk
slow, don't walk fast, don't run so you don't look suspicious. Well F that.You have the right
as black men to poke your chest out as men and claim your manhood and put anyone in
there place if they feel they have the right to take your life. The only thing any man should be
bowing down to is his creator. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO EXIST WITHOUT FEAR of
being MURDERED because of the color of your skin. It is time for black men to unite
because ,all of this is beyond ridiculous.

Me: You are 100 Percent Right Strong and Lovely Sister. Western society always wants to
emasculate black men, which is one of their biggest crimes. A man should always be a man.
We have to be strong in the midst the storm. As long as we have the umbrella of
righteousness, then the rain won't effect us. We can stand the rain and overcome it. A man
has every right to be aggressive in opposing injustice in the world. The actions of
pacification and submission to evils are played out. If a Brother like Forest Whitaker (who is
a great actor and an easy going Brother) was treated like a criminal when he was just
peacefully walking in an establishment, then they have no respect for us. They definitely do
not have respect for women (who are the creators of human life). We as black men and
black women should stand up for our rights and oppose unjust laws. I am a Brother and
showing my creativity, strength, and swagger is cool. A'int no man has the masculinity or
the swagger like black men. A'int no woman has the femininity or the swagger naturally like
a black woman. So, we are first with it and we will the last with a glorious legacy. The
Brother from Richmond (BroShabbazz) is right that we have to teach the youth about the
real truth and do legitimate actions to assist our communities. It is better for us to do
constructive work than stay on the sidelines. I will never be ashamed of how I look, how I
talk, my natural masculinity, or my basic social dispositions. The Trayvon Martin decision
hopefully can be a turning point in our community for us to really cause radical,
revolutionary changes in our black community. We have to do what is right for us and for
generations unborn. You always defend us Brothers Courtney and we always defends Sisters
like you (All black women also are deserving of dignity, equality, and respect). We will
always have your back. :) We will always advance justice firmly.

Courtney: know matter our unique differences, we have your back too. The first man I ever
laid eyes upon was my father. A black man.I see the beauty in black men because of him.
Because of my brother, I see the beauty in you, john, BROSHABAZZ, edud and others. no
matter how idealistic I grew up, i'm not EVER going to turn my back on the black man.I see
the truth and know it. That does not mean that I dont wish peace on others to live their lives
the way they see fit and with who but,this TRAYVON situation is serious.2013 and my
grandmother who is still living, my mother and people of those generations have to continue
to see this nonsense? Its time to start looking out for each other on all fronts and it starts
now.Its why on the net or otherwise truth, I will not argue with another sister, or brother.
will discuss and even not agree but, you will never see me go after,talk down, curse out
another african american because I won't. I will give my opinion and agree or disagree and
admit when someone teaches me something that I may not of thought of before or knew.And
when another women does that to me, I will state that, Im not going there with them like
that. but we can talk it out ...the rest, I put on ignore because they are here to agitate and
purposely start problems by lying on you to push there agenda.


Thank you for your words Sister.
I can not mention all that I want to mention about the evil man Tommy Sotomayor here
since I have to be TV G here. You are so compassionate Sista. With a man like me, I can be
sensitive (to you and others since you are definitely 100 percent real with you having true
love for our community and making a difference in the lives of many human beings), but
towards others, I have to speak my mind in a politically incorrect fashion. Also, I like to
listen to Neely Fuller, Trojan Pam, and others.
You are right that those who slander black women, women in general, black men, and
people in general have no backbone. They are cowards and traitors to our people. Many of
them refuse to confront poverty, racial oppression, or any form of oppression in the world.
They refuse to look at the complexities of society. So, they project their insecurities at black
people (which they make a scapegoat for the horrendous system of white supremacy). Like
always, we can be constructive without fear mongering or evil hatred. As black men and
black women, we bring great insight into the table of discourse. We are equal in our
intellectual power, in our human value, and in our fundamental drive for Justice. Likewise,
we can respect our physical, emotional, physiological, and other differences that we have as
well in a progressive fashion. I can learn a lot of from various black men and various black
women as a means to understand the world better and be more inspired to fight for black
Thank you for speaking up strongly for Black Women and speaking up for Black Men as
well (with your great words about us Brothers. You were raised by a Strong Father, a Strong
Mother, and a Strong Family across many backgrounds. We all love your inspirational life.
You are Blessed and all of us who are real respect you a Great Deal Sister Courtney). Thank
You Dear Sister for your words and your Strength. We are all in this same struggle for
liberation and we will win with the Help of God, our Ancestors, and our people. On a lighter
note: I recently got my edge up and my goatee is shaped up greatly, so everything is all good
Sis. LOL. :)

Thank you. I'm reading the haters comment toward you and it's the typical nonsense
spewed against stand up men. Why do some males think that when a man can talk to
women, that they are simps.? I know men like you. You understand what black women go
through and what they need. But black women also understand that, when MEN like you
,mean business, when its time to get your roar on, We step back so men can deal with
business. The hater, does not know what that is about. They think, controlling women,
talking down to them, cursing them out,making babies and cooking is the only thing women
are good for, in his world. He does not understand ,generally speaking that, men who respect
women can get women to listen and trust and eventually submit to men who understand
that women and men are pairs that come full circle. smh Anyway,Keep being you.Women
here respect your leadership,intelligence,wisdom,care and concern. Black men and women,
can learn a lot from each other, when they are not fighting each other but listening more.
You have a great family thats full of togetherness and love. Protect that and keep it near.Your
mother and father should be so proud ...Bless you and yours. :)
lol, Well, you can never go wrong with a goatee. :)

Me: Go ahead with you bad self then. :) Sista Courtney.
There is a time to be logical (like if I am dealing with bills or handling other affairs of life)
and there is a time to be emotional (if I want to celebrate joy or root for a team) at certain
times in life. It is all about balance. Continue to show your Great Wisdom.

Courtney: Hello Truthseeker2436577 I see. He see's women a certain way, thats fine but
women being other ways, does not make them wrong.. No man in their right mind, would
have an issue with women who are emotional and can be logical.. Um, women tend to be
emotional and nurturing. People that can see both perspectives,can work out issues between

Me: Hello to you too.

You are correct. Life flows in cycles and life is never mechanical or extremely scientific all of
the time. Sometimes, life will throw a curveball and we have to adjust to it in a great fashion.
Humans are dynamic filled with logic and emotion. We can handle each in a strong fashion
as a means to grow our maturity and our social development. A man or a woman showing
emotion and logic is just a part of being human. That is the real and that's the deal.
Goodnight Sista Courtney. A Brother is about to get some Sleep now. LOL. Peace Lovely
Courtney: Lol, its how I see life so thank you. You always have such intelligent things to say
and always defending black men and women who deserve to be defended. You never make
excuses or paint black people with one large brush. As we all know, their are issues and
solutions to them. At the same time, so many black men an women, do not fall into these
negative stereotypes that we see some on here speak about. For those who never see
anything good about black women only means, they are dealing with things that's reflective
inside of them. One day, they will wake up. I know what you are talking about today, about
getting some sleep. lol I plan on doing that myself, after I write back a few more .:) You are a
blessing to everyone here and such a strong, inspirational man. Thank you.

Me: Thank you your words. I am a fair man and I never paint broad brushes against any
human being. I do realize that life is filled with complexities and unique dynamics. You
defend our people with compassion and strength. Hopefully, those deceived about society
will wake up. Some of our community have woken up indeed. The reality is that we should
continue fighting for justice. Our ancestors never stopped fighting and we will never stop
because we can't stop. We can use mentorships, fund black conscious groups, institute
other unique solutions, and fund local black businesses as well. Like you have mentioned,
there is great value in Black Men and especially Black Women. You as a black woman and
me as a black man complement each other in great ways. We go through similar struggles
and we love the essence of our black identity too. Sister, you are the one that is inspirational
too. You go out of your way to give advice and outline tolerant words here. Your light stay
shining and that is a great asset for our people. I will always defend you and appreciate the
goodness that you bring here and in lives of our community. Your family should be thankful
of a great Sista like you. All of us who are real here love you as a Great Black Woman. You
are a glorious inspirational woman inside and out. :) I care for you and I respect you. Thank
you Sister.

Courtney: Good afternoon. You are so right. Our ancestors never stopped fighting. You
touched upon something so profound and that is. like you stated "there is great value in
Black Men and especially Black Women. You as a black woman and me as a black man
complement each other in great ways. We go through similar struggles and we love the
essence of our black identity too".
And because of this, we should be a bit more tolerant of each other as black men and
women,and in general. Great black MEN and WOMEN exist not only here in America, not
only in different states and cities,but around the world and on this site. They know who
they are. :) It does not cost anything , to say something to someone that will help them
understand things. But I'm also a believer in how things are said. That includes me too...If
you want good for yourself, then how could you not want it for others? OUr experiences
make up different but we share a common struggle as well as issues. All the more reason to
learn from one another,uplifting each other, showing those differences so others can relate
but having respect for each other in the search for common grounds on issues. I can only
share what I know like others.NO one is better than anyone else .I can tolerate a lot like
most black women, men, people but somethings we shouldn't have to and won't..I
appreciate your words, your gentle nature, strong leadership,intelligence, laid back nature..
Your family should be so proud. I respect you too so thank you back. :)
Me: Good afternoon Sister
You are so great and eloquent with your words. We inspire each other and I am filled with
joy in the sense that we can help our people in a myriad of ways. Have a Blessed and Nice
Day Sister Courtney. :)

Courtney: Likewise and absolutely. Have a wonderful day too Truthseeker2436577 :)


On the Death of Brother Jonathan A. Ferrell

Me: Hitting him 10 times. This was as an evil, unjustified execution. These recent revelations
confirm my view about this case. It has always been evil murder done against unarmed black
males, but the brazenness of it now by crooked officers is truly disturbing to say the least. A
black man's life ought to valued, but a lot of ignorant folks hate black men and black women
all of the time. This man was trying to receive assistance and he was treated as less than a
man by corrupt officers. Justice should be done, but the crooked boys (not men) in blue will
try to make excuses. Kudos to Newsone for showing this story here, because our people
should be reminded of the injustices confronting our community.

Courtney: Hello truthseeker2436577 Last week, around 9pm here, a man of latin origin,
knocked on my door and rang the doorbell.I went to the door, never opening it, asking him
what he wanted. It was hard to understand him a bit because of his accent but finally
figured out that he was asking me about the house for sale across from me. Now, I'm looking
at this tall man, asking about some darn building supplies at 9 pm, pitch black out. He
wanted to know if I saw some outside the house. In my mind, he was not making sense to
me. Could he have been totally legit? Of course but I don't open the door for people at night
and not really during the day, when I am home. State your business through the door where I
can see you. Anyway, I was like "I don't know what you are talking about.I told him to call
the police if someone pulled a fast one on him. I ended up calling for a patrol car to patrol the
area anyway. What I said to them was, someone knocked on the door asking about building
supplies. That is was probably nothing but found it kind of strange that someone would be
asking at 9 at night. I did not panick and tell the police that someone was trying to kick my
door in. smh. I am confused as to why this female thought that this man ,who was knocking
on the door, was trying to rob and harm her and her child.

Me: Hello Sister Courtney.

Thank God you are Okay. You being Okay is great first and foremost.
You did the right thing since you can just crack the door a little to allow someone to state
their business and so forth. I never had an incident like that before. I do have Jehovah
Witnesses religious missionaries knock on my door and talking to me about their religious
view before on Saturday mornings though. JWs target homes all of the time, but this act to
the young man was totally unjustified without question. The women talking to the operator
could have had a preconceived notion (we know the notion) about a black male knocking on
her door. He obviously was unarmed and ran away from the house meaning that he was no
long term threat to the female. The female acted hysterically. The man was involved in an
accident. This incident requires little investigation. It is a clear cut case of excessive force.
The officer is lucky that he is charged manslaughter since he should be charged with 1st
degree murder as you have mentioned before.

Courtney: Thanks but i'm never worried but cautious. I got stuff for that. :)Anyway, The
reason why I told it is because, their is a clear line between being hysterical and being
rational,calm,and collected. Their would of been no reason for me to ASSUME THAT this
latin, mexican, or other man, was going to do me harm right off the back because the door
was closed.If the scenario by him changed in some sort of way that was threatening, then I
would of went to plan b and called 911 describing what was unfolding. This woman opened
the door at 2 in the morning for someone who she thought was her husband? REALLY?
Usually, a responsible husband will tell his wife, about what time he is going to be home.
And a husband will always say outside the door, "ITS ME" IDENTIFYING himself to his
woman in some way with visual conformation because that would be apart of that
MANHOOD PROTECTION THING for his woman and family.I'm not buying this scenario.
This sounds like a case of the BIG BLACK SCARY MAN SYNDROME. When in fact, it
should be the other way around.

Me: We know the stuff that you got. :) There is nothing wrong with self defense indeed
Sister. :)
The rest of your points are very interesting. The "big black brute" sick stereotype is still
among us as evident with this incident. Many of the racists have embraced this lying
stereotype as an excuse to try to repel legitimate, aggressive black masculine power in the
world (and to scapegoat black men for all ills of America). That is an excellent point that
you have made. That is why black men have every God given right to be aggressive against
oppression, to be aggressive against injustice, to be aggressive as a means to build in society
(and achieve their real, total potential as black men), and to be sensitive to the needs of the
community, the poor, and the oppressed in society. Black women being strong too is no
detriment to her femininity either since as Malcolm X said, when the women is progressive,
then the whole of society is progressive. Also, there are always signals that a wife and a
husband know when a husband comes home. It can be a specific door ring, or a key opening
a door (because if you own a home, you have a key or multiple ones. It is strange for her to
not realize that the murdered man was not her husband). The other way around is also
correct by you since many black human beings (including strong, black grown men) fear
losing their jobs, losing their income, etc. from the current white power structure (as Dr.
King said). So, we should use strength not fear as a motivating factor in fighting for our
liberation as black human beings.

Courtney: You Said- The "big black brute" sick stereotype is still among us as evident with
this incident. Many of the racists have this as an excuse to try to repel legitimate, aggressive
black masculine power in the world (and to scapegoat black men for all ills of America).
Exactly Truthseeker. When in fact , it was the black mans Masculinity and strength that
built America. The stereotypes about the Masculinity of black men are beyond ignorant and
it comes from others who fear and lack and have absolutely no confidence of their own
masculinity. As a woman, the black man and his masculinity,manhood is something that
women should never fear when it's balanced and controlled. That is something that black
women need and look for because it's his manhood and masculinity that protects us and gets
things done as well as understanding that his power is colossal in nature but never misusing
it against his women and children. When WE see a strong,masculine black man, We don't
fear it, We smile at it. Their is nothing wrong with BLACK MANHOOD,MASCULINITY.
He is not made to be soft but we as women ,tap into his compassionate side for us. The black
mans masculinity should not be watered down.

Me: Co-Sign 100 percent Sista Courtney :)

Once again, you are a great defender of us black men and us Brothers appreciate you for it.
Yes, when racists demonize black masculinity, the express their own inadequacies and
inferiority complexities. For some, they falsely assume that strength, power, and legitimate
aggressiveness are negatives in the world. These folks confuse these items with real evil
negatives in the world like mistreatment, abuse, and unjust evil. See, I can be aggressive
legitimately or show my strength as a man, but I should not mistreat or abuse a fellow
human being. That is the point that you and others have made. We as men and women have
differences and similarities. When we appreciate our differences and similarities in a
mutually beneficial fashion, then Unity can grow, love can grow, and Life will be more
fulfilling. I will continue to defend black men and black women forever like always. Have a
Blessed Day Sista Courtney. :) I love you as a great, inspirational human being. :) I love you.

Courtney: You said- For some, they falsely assume that strength, power, and legitimate
aggressiveness are negatives in the world.
As you stated, they are not. Anyone with commonsense, can understand this.I have a
brother, have great masculine black men in my family so I will always defend the truth and
what I recognize as positives, masculine manhood in black men period.No one can convince
me of anything other than that. You have blessed day too Truthseeker2436577 :)

Me: I heard of the popularity of the show Castle before. I like to look at political shows
around this time and then look at other shows later on like comedies or movies on various
channels. I am doing fine. Also, I like Soul Story on VH1Soul too (which shows videos about
one artist's musical evolution throughout their career). In the final analysis, the grind can
never be stopped, the drum still beats, and the soul continues to fly in the Universe.

Courtney: I usually do but sometimes, I get sick of all the talking points on certain news
channels.. I use to like to watch the Keith Olbermann show until they canned him.I will tune
into Melissa Perry, Rachel Meadow wasn't to bad, Chris Mathews. Sharpton. To keep us
with all the lies being told. :)
CAstle is great! well written show plus sister Tamala Jones plays the medical examiner. Just
wish she had more face time but hopefully the new season she will. Love movies. didn't see
World War Z yet so hopefully it will be in red box this weekend. :)

Me: I know what you mean. I remember watching the Phil Donahue show back in 2003
during the run up to the Iraq War. It was cut soon after the Iraq War began. I look at many
political shows to get how folks think on issues and look at the Internet, books, etc. as a
means to get the fuller picture on political matters. I do love Angela Rye's tribute to her
unborn son. I think she spoke from her heart on that matter. I almost shed tears when I
heard her tribute to black males from her heart. Tamron Hall is another strong, qualified,
and determined woman too, regardless of how you think of her politics. Balance is what we
need as you have mentioned. There is time for joy and a time for seriousness. There is a time
to work and a time for play. As long as we fight for truth and improve ourselves including
our communities, then that is all that matters at the end of the day. :)

Courtney: Yup. Tamron Hall has her own show on Investigative I.D and yes I will watch her
on msnbc when I can catch it as well. She is extremely strong ,intelligent. I have even more
respect for her, learning about the murder of her sister and how she channeled that into her
new show.
Thank you for putting me on to Angela Rye. I just watched Letter to my unborn Son. She
spoke 100 percent TRUTH and walks with truth to put it out there like that.YOU CAN'T
CENSOR THE TRUTH AND IT SHOULD NOT BE. She is right and what she said should
be heard and internalized by every black woman with a son and those of us who have non as
of yet.. Thank you for this vital information. :)

Me: You're Welcome Sista. Approaching 2020, the struggle continues, but our faith is strong
and our cause is just. There is nothing like the truth and true love also. I am human so I will
love. I will continue to keep the faith and believe in the honorable adherence to black
liberation. Thank you for your insightful Wisdom. :)

Courtney: Yes it does. Different Generation,same nonsense.So we have to be careful and not
get to comfortable because sometimes things appear as if they have changed, and some
things have ,but these institutions of racism that edud01,
you,broshabbazz,blackheywood,and even the real smitty in his own way, speak about, are
still very much alive. Thank you and thanks to them as well.


Stay Wisdom Up.

I will show the truth filled with the

realness and with the quickness, No

Debates and Discussions

These debates acuminate my own thoughts on various political and social issues. In 2011, this
year has caused a lot of debates in my life. I like debates and this shows my thinking and others’.
So, again, my name is Timothy from VA and here are these debates. Some of
these debaters are very controversial.

CaptainRight wrote:

Right. So you agree it's ok for the government to rob from one person to give to another.

It's right for the government to use taxes to build up our infrastructure as found in Article
I, Section 8 of the Constitution. That's not robbery, that's a part of the law. The tax system
should be fair, but fair taxation isn't robbery. You reactionaries always try to use slick
language, but real Patriots are on to your game and linguistic gymnastics.

Real robberies are some corporations paying 0 taxes, corporate interests polluting the
environment & promoting corporate corruption, war crimes, and another robbery is a
system that violates our civil liberties too (including the excesses of economic
globalization plus the banker bailouts).

see the light wrote:
Everyone pays taxes of all kinds. Poor and middle class get a tax refund-which is
usually more than they put in. It's really called Welfare. It is the so-called rich
people who are paying the most but, you want them to pay more? You Liberals
want to spend other people's money but won't contribute your own.

The poor pay tons of taxes, but not lots of federal income taxes. The reason is that
the poor don’t make enough to owe income taxes. Yet, the poor pay plenty of other
taxes like federal payroll taxes, gas taxes, sales, utility taxes, and other taxes. No one
is tax free in America if they work. In state and local taxes, the poor bear a heavier
burden than the rich in every state except Vermont. It’s true that the top 1 percent
of wage earners paid 38 percent of the federal income taxes in 2008 (the most
recent year for
which data is available). But people forget that the income tax is less than half of
federal taxes and only one-fifth of taxes at all levels of government.

Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance taxes (known as payroll taxes)
are paid mostly by the bottom 90 percent of wage earners. That’s because, once you
reach $106,800 of income, you pay no more for Social Security, though the much
smaller Medicare tax applies to all wages. Warren Buffett pays the exact same amount
of Social Security taxes as someone who earns $106,800. The wealthy are paying record
local tax in over 50 years. That’s a fact. So, the numbers are there, the truth will
prevail, and reactionary rhetoric will die in the end. Compare that to the vast majority
of Americans, whose share of their income going to federal taxes increased from 13.1
percent in 1961 to 22.5 percent in 2007. You omit a lot of things. You omit that some
rich folks pay no income taxes, some rich have tax loopholes, and the disparity
between the rich and the poor have radically widen in the past decades. The
concentration of wealth is heavily in the hands of the super rich. The poor and the
middle class have contributed greatly to this nation. They have shed blood sometimes
at the expense of degenerate, hypocritical, and nefarious lifestyles of many of the rich
folks. Also, using taxation to fund services is a part of Article I, Section 8 of the
Constitution that gives Congress the precise right to tax people. I'm not a liberal. I'm
independent. I'm more progressive on economic issues though.

-By Timothy

Mr Zaius wrote:
<quoted text>
You are confusing crony capitalism with true free market principles. That is why politically
connected corperations like GE do not pay a dime in federal taxes yet their CEO's hold
positions in President Obama's administration. That is why Warren Buffet and his
corporation owes almost a billion dollars in back taxes accumulated over the last
decade, is fighting the IRS in court tooth and nail, yet he is the head cheerleader for the
administration to punish his competitors with higher tax rates.
President Obama is indeed a socialist. His rhetoric is no different from every other
third world tin pot dictator with delusions of grandeur.
<quoted text>
You need to learn the difference between a political speech and words on paper
looking for a signature.
<quoted text>
You actually are quite the whiner. I can only imagine what will happen when
someone tries to fire you for incompetence in the future.

So, you oppose crony capitalism. That is a first. I don't agree with it as well. The truth is that
crony capitalism doesn't work as you have proven. Yet, we have record economic
disparities here, failed trade deals, failed tricked down economics, and record low
taxation among the super rich class. Economists from across the political spectrum have
mentioned that we need to do more than just tax cuts in order to solve our financial
issues. We have to create jobs first and then use actions to massively lower our deficit &
debt in American society.

President Barack Obama isn't a socialist since he doesn't fit the definition of a real socialist.
He agrees with private corporations (beyond just crony capitalism), private organizations,
and private services. A true socialist won't agree with almost anything private involving
itself in the economy. He is more conservative than some conservative politicians in
Europe. Comparing his words to a third world dictator is a silly ad hominem attack.

You can disagree with the man on political grounds, but some of your allies have taken
criticism into the realm of just hatred. Calling for collective bargaining, labor rights, and a
jobs plan aren't equated to the words of some authoritarian 3rd world ruler at all. I
already know a difference between a speech and signature on a law. You need to know
the difference between true socialism and what Obama promotes. I'm not a whiner. I
promote free speech, justice, and realism. You just falsely equate any black man striving
to fight against reactionary lies as whining. I don't have incompetence. That's a part of
your delusion.

-By Timothy

Mr Zaius wrote:

It works well for the people that are connected and it works well for the unethical politician
that has their campaign coffers filled with filthy money.
Lets all wonder how a president, with an approval rating in the 30% range, manages to raise
a billion dollars for his 2012 propaganda campaign
Do you understand that the fourth branch of government, the regulatory branch, composed of
an alphabet soup of bureaucrats, are the reason the economy is stalled and we are entering
another recession?

Socialism is not something you can just bring to the United States over night. It is an
incremental process.
Obama aims to make America into a workers' paradise, a land where government czars tell
Wall Street tycoons how much they can make and where the feds take large ownership
positions in companies like General Motors and insurance giant American International
Group (AIG). This is fact. The government has already used its ownership stake to impose
sweeping mandates and regulations on the companies, such as closing hundreds of

Such as?

Third world dictators tell people when they have made enough money.
Folks are actually saying, "I have never seen a President stoop this low…[Obama is] a
pyromaniac in a field of straw men.”

Such as the folks?

If you say so.

Tons of people realize the flawed logic and the debilitating composition of crony capitalism. Big
money raising has been done by both parties. The President isn’t the first nor the last to utilize
massive money in order to generate revenue for a political campaign. Yet, one thing ironic is that
the President compromised with the Republican in the debt ceiling, the tax cuts for the wealthy,
and other policies, and these compromises haven’t radically improve our economy at all.

I comprehend about these agencies and some of these agencies are cited in the Constitution.
The rest are legally created later on by Congressional legal procedures. The economy stalled
because of numerous reasons. Many big banks are hoarding wealth, no real comprehensive
economic solutions are transpiring here, the war on terror is draining our domestic resources
here, and there are other reasons existing on why our economy has stalled in the USA. People
don’t need an abusive amount of bureaucrats, but I have no problem with pristine resources to
help the poor and other methods that can improve our financial state.

So, you admit that we in the USA aren’t living in an explicitly socialistic state. W e don’t since we
have strong private corporations and private industries. We know that Barack Obama hasn’t
publicly said that he wants the state to control all of the means of production, so to me he isn’t a
socialist at all. I don’t agree with czars since we can handle our affairs without them. The FED did
these policies since we have had a huge recession years ago. I don’t agree with the government
controlling all financial organizations. Yet, if people are starving to death, then helping people
under the “general welfare clause” is fine with me. Regulations are trickly. Some regulations are
bad and some regulations are good. W e have to preserve legitimate regulations that protect our
environment, promote safety, and prevent crony capitalism. We can eliminate any abusive
regulations. There are Progressive Conservatives in Canada that has similar views as Barack
Obama or views more left than he is. Cameron is just like Obama on foreign policy matters not on
domestic issues though. Third W orld dictators make pronouncements beyond just money, but
they speak in favor of oppression, anti-civil liberty policies, and some even promote genocide. I
don’t see Obama using rhetoric as equated to all of the rhetoric from 3rd world dictators at all.
This hatred by some reactionaires are expressed in this link:
''He has no place in any station of government and we need to realize that he is an enemy of
—Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ),

''[An] Indonesian Muslim turned welfare thug.''

—Mark Williams, national spokesman for the Tea Party Express, on President Obama

-By Timothy

Kashta_Bureh wrote:

Article I, Section 8.......of what document? I've read the Constitution, and I don't recall it
mentioning the Federal Government being responsible for building roads and infrastructure, I
thought that was the job of the STATE and LOCAL governments.
Americans already pay state and local taxes and these taxes go towards the construction of
roads, bridges, and stuff like that. W elfare and these other social programs have nothing to
do with that. State and local governments can raise plenty of money through sales tax,
property tax, etc.

Yes, it does mention that Congress has the power to do it nationally or federally to put it in
context. Even the state and local government need federal assistance in extreme circumstance
(not in every instance obviously). Even if you exclude the Article, the elastic clause allows
Congress to pass new laws when it's needed. Theoretically, Congress can pass more laws
anyway. Article 1, Section 8 mentions the following words:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and
Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the
United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United

To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States,
and with the
Indian Tribes;
To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of
Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the
Standard of
Weights and Measures;

[b]To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and

current Coin of the
United States;

To establish Post Offices and Post Roads;[/b]

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited
Times to
Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings
and Discoveries; To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;
To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses
against the Law of Nations;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning
Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a
longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress
Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part
of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States
respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia
according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not
exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance
of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like
Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which
the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other
needful Buildings; And

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the
foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of
the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

To post roads, to promote the arts and sciences, to promote the general welfare of the people, to
promote the elastic clause, and to promote a post office=infrastructure.

-By Timothy

This is the discussion that I’ve had with a great Filipino Christian person:

My Words are in bold. This is a discussion that I have made in January of 2012 during Dr.
Martin Luther King’s holiday. This discussion present my present ideals on various topics.

IM Jan 16 7:11 PM
t (Jan 16 7:11 PM): truthseeker

t (Jan 16 7:12 PM): any new pinto films?

t appears to be offline.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:13 PM): ONe is a video on the history of the Bible.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:13 PM): The link is found in

t (Jan 16 7:15 PM): is it simply lamp in the dark?

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:16 PM): Yes.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:18 PM): Today is Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday in

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:19 PM): So, it's a national holiday.

t (Jan 16 7:21 PM): mr crowley song by ozzy

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:22 PM): That's an old song.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:22 PM): Many musicians love the philosophy of
Aleister Crowley.

t (Jan 16 7:26 PM): what led mtv to be a sex type of music video?

t (Jan 16 7:26 PM): have you watched hells bells 2?

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:27 PM): No, I haven't watched that video.

t (Jan 16 7:27 PM): mtv sex crazed music video?

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:27 PM): MTV shown controversial videos, because

they are very much secular humanist from the beginning.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:28 PM): They've shown the most controversial videos
from the 1990's and now they show more controversial TV shows or awards shows.

t (Jan 16 7:28 PM): do you think mitt romney will be the primary

t (Jan 16 7:28 PM): can he be possibly dethrone obama?

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:28 PM): I don't know. One thing is true.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:28 PM): Mitt Romney is supported by the Republican


truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:28 PM): President Barack Obama is still a strong

political figure.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:29 PM): He's a centrist man that is right on some
things and wrong on other issues.

t (Jan 16 7:29 PM): does he have a chance against obama?

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:29 PM): Romney is a MA moderate trying to act like

he's a conservative for the past 4 years.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:29 PM): He's not moderate on economics.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:29 PM): He's just as reactionary as Wall Street in

terms of his views on the economy.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:30 PM): Romney is trying to criticize Barack Obama

from a Republican standpoint.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:31 PM): The President isn't to be blamed for all of our
issues, but the President shouldn't issue drone attacks on a sovereign nation.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:31 PM): The President seems to want to compromise

on many issues, while the Republicans refuse to compromise. Therefore, tensions
come about.

t (Jan 16 7:32 PM): i think obama is trying to give america to the muslim influence.
truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:32 PM): Romney against Obama will be a close

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:32 PM): What do you mean the Muslim influence?

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:32 PM): In America, we have the First Amendment

where a man has the right to believe in whatever creed they want.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:33 PM): No Muslim should be treated as a second

class citizen.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:33 PM): The vast majority of Muslim human beings
aren't trying to kill us, to harm, or to desire some theocratic state at all.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:35 PM): The President just says that I want Muslims
and Jewish people in the Middle East to have peace and equal human rights. There
is nothing wrong with that.

t (Jan 16 7:35 PM): true islam means smiting the head of its infidels

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:35 PM): I don't agree with Islam, but I don't hate

t (Jan 16 7:36 PM): those arabs are the ones that do not want peace

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:36 PM): Also, radical Islamists use a misinterpretation

of texts in order to justify extremism.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:36 PM): There are many Arabic Christians in the

t (Jan 16 7:36 PM): iran, like the others wanted jews erased

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:36 PM): So, Arabic peoples are our brothers like the
Jewish people.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:36 PM): Iran isn't an Arabic nation.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:36 PM): Iranians are Indo-European.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:36 PM): The leader of Iran didn't say that at all.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:37 PM): He said people should decide the fate of

t (Jan 16 7:37 PM): how bout the nuclear warheads

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:37 PM): Mose Dayan even doesn't want a war in Iran.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:37 PM): he's an Israeli military leader.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:37 PM): there are no nuclear warheads in Iran.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:37 PM): Iran isn't Iraq since Iran has a navy, army, air
force, and thousands of troops.
truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:38 PM): America shouldn't be wasting its resources
when we need to rebuild our economy.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:39 PM): Also, there are many Arabic people and
Jewish people in peace groups that desire real peace in the Middle Eastern region.

t (Jan 16 7:39 PM): do you think assad will meet violent end?

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:40 PM): Assad is the leader of Syria.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:40 PM): The people of Syria should handle that

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:40 PM): In my personal opinion, the people should try
Assad with corruption and he should be jailed for his tyranny. Yet, the people ought
to do that not U.S. troops or NGO forces.

t (Jan 16 7:41 PM): is obama slowly becoming dictator?

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:41 PM): I don't agree with him on civil liberty issues.

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:42 PM): I don't agree with him on the Patriot Act, the
NDAA, NSA wiretapping, etc.

t (Jan 16 7:42 PM): is it true that there are detentions, civilian arrests?

truthseeker2436577 (Jan 16 7:43 PM): There has been illegal detentions during the
Obama years. The NDAA has detentions while Obama supporters claim that the
NDAA detentions don’t apply to US citizens. The ACLU still has reservations about
the NDAA law still.

This is the old Discussion. My words are in bold.


Me: hello

t: i try to apply in our US embassy

since im an american studies major

Me: Why so?

t: hopefully i can

say to the hr

what i learned from you

america is awesome i wonder


made their names in the US

Me: What does hr mean?

t: human resource

Me: America has a lot of freedom, but the materialism here is out of control.

Even in the rural areas, it's abundant.

t: i love the dow jobes history

do u like julius caesar is he great

hopefully ill be like him

great leader

Me: ha aha

JUlius Caesar was a great dictator.

He was an imperialist that harmed the Celts in Gaul and other places in Europe.

You do know this right.

t: iknew

he defeated


Me: The Celts wanted their freedom absent Roman imperialism.

Vercingetorix was captured and exploited by Julius Caesar's forces.

t: they just get squashed

Me: He ended the Roman Republic.


t: so thats the reason of his murder

is caesar also


Me: He was murdered for numerous reasons.

The Senators were jealous of his power being in an authoritarian fashion.

So, they decided to assassinate him.

t: they should talk to him first

through diplomacy

than murder him\

Me: They should at a bare minimum have a trial than just kill him.

t: but you think caesar

is all about



\diplomacy and peaceful means

cant convince him?

Me: I think the Caesar concept is a distortion of a true free society.

That concept is based in authoritianism and unjustified control over the common

The Caesar is a fascist wanting unitary power that restricts power given unto the

The government is by and for the people as Lincoln said.

t: rome tht time is chaotic

Me: Yes

t: so caesar has no choice but to

calm the people

Me: I disagree with you on that since alternatives are certainly necessary to solve
the tramatic time.

t: so there are still other choices than


Me: Yes

A Republic.

Me: Yes

t: whats the source

of roman's violence?

bec of pagan religion

Me: Rome had violence because of political disagreements among their many

this is similar to the Civil War that we had in the USA.

t: whats your take if you want a solution?

Me: A solution would be radical reforms in the ancient Roman world and a
revitization of the Republican form of government.

t: america does hate dictators

thats why you defeated the british

Me: Yes

We hate tyranny.

t: so america defeated the british courtesy of benjamin's diplomacy in france for support?

Me: Not exactly.

America relied on French support.

Also, similar to Vietnam, the British were extend thousands of miles of resources.

The Americans knew their own territory better than the British to defeat them in
guerilla warfare tactics.

t: so i cannot say

it is by france's help

you toppled


Me: The US did have France's help though.

That is true

t: hope china

became a superpower

Me: Why so?

t: bec they are rising

economically and

Me: China should reform its religious and political liberty policies.
t: their influence are

becoming bigger

Me: Then, I will very happy.

t: market factor

cultural factor

Me: We should wish the best for China since China is apart of the human family.

t: olympics

Me: China has great blessings.

t: america will be over

as a superpower

Me: Nothing is set in stone.

Once people said that America would be defeated by the British.

That didn't occur.

So, in 3-4 decades, America could radically improve its economic state.

see the light wrote:

What about all the tax payers who are being charged for illegals from MEXICO-BRINGING
PROGRAMS. Being in Texas that's all you see.

This is what I hear in Texas is a lot of hostility from some people toward illegal
immigrants. Illegal immigration is morally wrong. Everyone knows that. The solution is
either between 2 major paths in my opinion. Either we form the approach of
deporting every single illegal immigrant from America and cut all taxpayer resources
sent to them. The other path is a reform system that deals with border enforcement,
develop ways to better protect our borders, and have illegal immigrants who are here
to compensate for their actions (and if they desire to be citizens, they need to pay a
fine, get at the back of
the line, face real punishments, and then apply for citizenship). Yet, I don't agree
with punishing a child born from an illegal immigrant if that child is born in America. I
don't believe in punishing a child like that like Huckabee said. Neither do I believe in
revising the 14th Amendment to promote anti-immigrant rhetoric.

There is an increased deportation rate in America under Obama. That's a reality, yet
you are right that it's wrong to arbitrarily give out cash and welfare to illegal
immigrants. They shouldn't get any resources unless in exceptional cases (like
emergencies or things of that nature) since human compassion is human compassion.
Many illegal immigrants don't have malice intent (even though illegal immigration is still
wrong); they just
believe that they want to enrich the lives of their families. This issue is complicated
and a one size fit all solution isn't go to cut, because if you say immediately deport all
illegal immigrants, and then you will have serious problems in this country.

Also, I do believe in immediately deporting any illegal immigrant convicted of felonies


I see where you are coming from


-By Timothy

This line right here shows what you are all about.

Perhaps you care to explain why it is your business what folks do with the profits they 'earn'
from working? Are you also angry that NBA stars and rappers are 'hoarding' the money they
have earned as well?

Do you believe the federal government owns all wealth and allows private citizens to borrow

I really love when you go into the rant about how the 'rich' are not paying a 'fair share'.

Here is reality.

The top top 25% of earners contribute 86.34% of the tax money that makes this nation go
around. The bottom 50% of earners contribute less than 2%. Probably closer to 0% in 2011.

You need to admit that you hate capitalism and the free market system and feel that you
deserve to take what you want from whomever has it and divide it up however you see fit and
'fair', comrade.


My Response to Zaius:

To Zaius:

Nice false perceptions, but it doesn't work on me. I don't hate fair markets. I don't agree with the
extremes of Communism nor crony capitalism. You love how I use slick terminology. That is my
M.O. You know what's I'm about. I'm just in support of economic justice and exposing
corproate corruption. I'm about truth and the non-scapegoating of the poor. I'm about
living my life and rejecting the Left/Right Paradigm. I'm about going foward in my
livelihood without trying to brainwash individuals into joining the reactionary "Let's blame
the poor and be a lover of austerity" parade.

You have the right to join the celebration in that parade as it represents your dogma. I have right
to join another parade of social justice and love for real freedom. Now, the rest of your statements
are interesting. It is my business to investigate cash flow. The reason is that we are citizens and
we have every right to see how are taxpayer dollars are being used. We have the right to use
policies to prevent tax breaks or any other shady deals. A man legitimately earning wealth
is fine. Yet, not every business is made up of straight arrow folks. History proves that
legitimate regulation of business practices (not overbearing regulation) can have a
stabilizing effect to prevent corruption. We have no right to steal wealth, but we have the
right to prevent corruption when dealing with economic issues.

Are you angry that corporate CEOs ship jobs overseas, while workers starve at home? Are
you angry that international corporations have record profits while record economic
inequality exist worldwide (not only in America)? Are are you angry at some corporations
promoting ecological disasters and labor plus human rights violations? See, the rappers
and the NBA stars can't create wars on continents, they can't increase unemployment in a
radical fashion, and they can't cause widespread ecological disasters like you know who
can? W e know who they are. NBA stars and the rappers should pay their fair share of taxes too.
With much wealth comes great responsibility.

I don't believe that the federal government should own all of the wealth in the world. I am not a
socialist. I do believe that the federal government can tax citizens and develop infrastructure as
cited in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. Borrowing wealth is a problem, but in the short
term, we should create jobs for people first. Then, we can handle the debt and deficit issue
more thoroughly. Cutting debt radically now won't equate into reasonable job creation.

I love my rants too. There are other sites that I can show and other studies that refute your claim
that the super rich are some boy scouts acting in a scouts honor type of way. The reality is that
income taxes aren't all taxes and they aren't even apart of all total taxes in the federal
government. Here's another source from
"...W hile the richest one percent of Americans do pay about 40 percent of the total federal income
taxes paid in the country, that’s a far cry from 40 percent of overall taxes. Even those working
Americans who don’t make enough money to have federal income tax liability pay federal payroll
and excise taxes, which fall much harder on the middle-class and low-income individuals than
those at the upper end of the income scale.
Once all taxes are taken into account, according to the Congressional Budget Office, the richest
one percent of Americans pay about 28 percent of total federal taxes, which is right in line with
their 25 percent share of total income. And therein lies the real story: the richest one percent of
Americans pay such a large share of federal income taxes because they make such a large share
of the overall income..."

-By Timothy

oh _ ReaIIy wrote:
Yeah, of getting oppressed by people they claim their skin color makes them

You mean black people overcoming obstacles, fighting for liberty, and believing in justice
makes us blacks inferior to no one. It makes black people just as human as anyone else.
Also, having beautiful dark skin color is great and is a blessing from God. We don't bow to
the market like you do. We don't bow to the Tea Party like you people do.

-By Timothy

<quoted text>
Timothy, Blacks worldwide are in a war........and we are losing. One of the reasons why
we're losing is because our men and women can't stay married. Over 70% of the
women in my family are divorced. We've all seen the stats on the number of Black
women who are single, who have kids out of wedlock, etc.
No community can survive without strong families. The Bible says that a house divided
against itself cannot stand. Black American women as a group choose to be
divided, they refuse to get with real Black men because real Black men, like all real
men on
Earth, DEMAND submission, and will not accept anything less. Therefore, Black women
get with these immature thugs because they fear real Black men and don't want
to submit to them, primarily because they've been brainwashed since slavery not
to. LOL, Black American women don't want to unify with us Tim. If they did the
divorce rates wouldn't be so high. You can't build a power base with these women,
that can only be achieved with submissive women who are willing to follow their men
and do what they're told. Its just like the military, when your commanding officer
gives you an order, you follow it. Black American women have trouble following
orders. Foreign Black women do not.

We are in a war and one of our enemies is white supremacy not our sisters. The
sisters in America (and throughout the world) were with us in Jim Crow, fighting
against lynching, fighting with us defending our image like Jill Scott & Angie
Scott, fighting against police brutality even now, and fighting for us in the Jena
Six scandals. So, yes, AAW are our allies in this fight. We have made errors like the high
numbers of divorce and other issues. That is why we should still fight and still unite. The
Divorce rate being high is cause for numerous reasons like socioeconomic factors, disputes,
etc. If BW wouldn’t really want to unite with us BM for real, our population growth rate
would be much lower than it is now.

I agree with you that we need strong families and that a man needs to be a man. Is a real
man the dictator, the thug, the deceiver, or the upright individual seeking change with
confidence plus honor? I choose the later. Therefore, if we want to fight, then yes we stand
up for ourselves and not let any female control us. Yet, we should activate our common
sense to respect females with love and concern. We stand be strong and be great leaders
in our own communities without oppressing sisters. A real black woman is never afraid of a
real black man. White supremacists and ignorant House Negroes will always be afraid of a
real Black Man period. The House is burning, but that doesn’t mean we should not put it
out. We should put the fire out; rebuild our relations among both genders, etc. Programs
can be used to help stop out of wedlock birth, marriage problems, and other issues inflicting
our communities. We can fight back. Also, tons of sisters won’t go near a thug.

Not all Black Women are monolithic. We can do this with discussions, reconciliation, and a
renewed focus. We can do it with strength, faith, and courage. We men should be
courageous to stand. I’ve seen Black American women all of the time giving me advice,
concern, respect, and love (beyond my relatives like the very sweet black sister Ms. Winn),
so AAW are our allies here not our adversaries.

-By Timothy
Yes, I am a white man. Now, I want you to know that some of the nicest women I know are

But, there is no doubt in my mind, based on experience, that the AVERAGE BW is just not
friendly. In fact the average BW is downright hostile towards everybody.

But see, here's the interesting fact about it. I always thought BW were rude and obnoxious
because I am a white man. The fact is, they are like that with blacks to.

And don't give me any baloney about WW being just as bad. WW can't hold a candle to BW
when it comes to rude and obnoxiouos behaviour.

-a man

I am a black man,

Here is my response to you. We agree that some of the nicest women in the world are black. We
agree. From my experience, I've been treated with more respect from BW than WW. Also, I
haven't seen the average BW act hostile toward everybody. You don't know the average BW
anyway since you haven't encountered every BW in America or the world. There are millions of
sisters worldwide.

The average BW is just trying to handle their business. They didn't invent the slave trade, they
didn't shoot an innocent girl in Detroit, they didn't create the war on terror, they didn't go up to
promote slander against black people in the media, and they didn't create Drug War.

So, the average Black Woman is nowhere near obnoxious as compared to the regular white
supremacist system. Black women are Queens. Also, some WW have been partners in crimes in
numerous degenerate acts in history far beyond anything that a sister can ever do. Also, I know a
secret about some white women. Some WW may smile in your face publicly, but they are just
as human as you and me. I've seen white women smile in people's faces and say
disrespectful comments behind people's back. In the final analysis, a WW mostly
promotes interests of her people. Therefore, we who are BM should promote the interests
of our people without hating on sisters. There are folks with bad character in every race. In
the end, no groups of people are superior to another. All human beings are created equal.
So, for anyone to say or assume that WW are less obnoxious than BW is a pure lie since there
are more WW than black women in America. Also, WW have been involved in domestic violence,
assaults, gangs, yellings, and other acts. Gold digging is very obnoxious and we know who the
biggest gold diggers in America are. They aren't sisters at all. Certain white folks try to use mind
games in order to manipulate people. We should be above mind games and live our lives. This
woman hating garbage is tripe and black sisters are great indeed. W e should be up on our toes
and never yet anyone intimidate us. So, black unity is the way to go.

Another secret is that some men falsely equate a black woman's strength with obnoxiousness or
irrational, emotional behavior. Usually, the sister isn't being obnoxious. She is being real. See, a
sister being strong and real is never some hindrance to manhood. It's an added benefit since a
sister's strength can motivate real men to be strong too (and not adhere to stereotypical
deceptions, but real power). A real man will always respect a strong woman since a woman sure
of herself and really apt to oppose injustice is purely fine. Some folks want a sister to be docile,
but I am a black man who wishes that my lover will not be docile. Therefore, sisters, don't be
docile for anybody (not for me or anyone else). Sisters and brothers have the right to be real, to
be strong, to speak out, and to express real soul.
-By Timothy

<quoted text>
I complete understand what you're saying , but you all fail to realize is the
new difference between good black women and good black men. Good black men
speak out against other black men and any negativity directed towards black
women, but good black women co sign bad black women and never speak out
against the negative things these women spread around about black men, and
it's poising the younger generation of black
women and men. These "good" bw women like carribean and others are
under the impression that bw can benifit from the propaganda that these irbw's
spread, so they don't challenge it. And everyone
knows this. Their ability to judge positivity from negativity is
obviously still there, because whenever i create a thread pointing out the flaws of
black women they all come running in calling it bashing, but when these bad bw
create threads, these women are no where to be found. Then if you make one
mad, they'll revert to the same one liners that
the IRBW's use. I want the women to see the real
benefit of their actions, it isn't winning them men over, it isn't making black men
scared they're going to lose them, it isn't making non black men find them more
desirable, it's making them all look like a bunch of G FOOLS!.

This is an interesting discussion. If any man or woman goes out and cosigns any bad person
(whether they are male or female) that person isn’t good to begin with. A good person
would both defend their honor and fight against inaccurate, harsh stereotypes against
people of both genders plainly speaking. I don’t see good black women co signing bad
women since even in YouTube; black women have critiques about each other. The
younger generation has problems, but this problem has nothing to do with real black
culture. It has to do with the materialism and decadence ways of Western society not
black people collectively. This decadence is a reflection of a white supremacist system.
These Western society problems exist among many other ethnicities too not just blacks. I
don’t agree with any propaganda from IRBM or IRBW. I don’t see evidence that Caribbean
wants to benefit via the usage of propaganda from self haters who desire IR for insincere
reasons. Flaws among some black women are known. Yet, these flaws don’t make black
women inferior. It makes them human just like us BM have flaws too. The issue is that
some BM use flaws of some women as an excuse to go IR or blaming a majority of black
women for their own issues. Using that tactic isn’t about critiquing society, which is about
cowardice. It’s cowardice to just demonize black women collectively in our generation
from a limited amount of our social experiences. There are millions of black women and
they have diverse appearances, personalities, thinking, and social dispositions. A strong
black woman will repeal a weak man.

Yet, a real black man will love a strong black woman. Some of us brothers want a weak
woman to dominate and control. I am a man, so I know how men think. Yet, we should be
strong and desire strong women in order to create strong children (and continue to be a
stronger people). With the issues black women deal with, I wouldn’t blame them for being
strong. We men must be strong and upright since so many of us have dropped the ball. A
strong black woman shouldn’t scare a man. It should inspire a man to be strong too in
mental plus social fortitude to desire concrete reform inside of the black community. I
don’t care if non-blacks consider us desirable. Why should we be concern about what they
non-blacks) think of us? We should be concerned about what we think about ourselves
and be motivated to with promote our destiny, our dignity, and our interests for our
people. Black Unity among BM and BW is better than running away to seek vanilla.

By Timothy

jsteeten wrote:

In this forum alone, there's a remarkable number of threads by blacks nervously

discussing the "scourge" of illegal and legal immigration by Mexicans and other
My general experience is that Hispanic immigrants are very hard-working, law-
abiding and place great importance on the traditional family.
Why would they present a threat to blacks? Why are so many AAs afraid of the
presence of Hispanic immigrants in the US?
No real black is afraid of Hispanic people. We just don't have an extremely prejudice
attitude about Hispanics like some other people have. We know the type of people with
this extreme hatred of Hispanics and immigration in general (not just illegal immigration).
I don't agree with illegal immigration morally, but immigration is a complex issue. Most
black people don't want some knee jerk reaction to the immigration debate as an excuse
to scapegoat an ethnicity that never mistreated us in the level of white supremacists.
That's fundamentally the principle.

Some bigots use immigration as an excuse to cause more divisions among blacks and
Hispanic people when white supremacists (and pro-eugenicists) fund many anti-
immigration movements here in America. Conspiracy have documented
the pro-eugenics ties of some of these anti-immigration groups. We aren't afraid of the
social demographics of America changing. We blacks are mostly concerned with
building up our own communities, growing up population growth, and believing real
POWER for our people. It's easy to scapegoat Hispanics, but it's more realistic to not
follow abhorrent distractions. It's vitally essential for my people to focus all of our efforts
in growing and developing our own black community, loving our own black people, and
living the life of fighting for authentic justice.

Also, many Hispanic people have African blood. Some Hispanics (not all) are cousins to
black people. I do not hate on my cousin for anybody. If immigration needs to be
resolved here in America, it should be a comprehensive, rational solution without fear

-By Timothy (Me)

tellitstr8 wrote:
I am a professional black male. Not a bum, hoodlum, drug dealer, none of that. I
refuse to deal with ANY black women. The all have either a "diva" mentality or at the
very least, a false sense of entitlement. I exclusively date white women. Black women
walk around thinking that they are queens. Queens of what? If you have dealt with,
or are tired of, lazy black men then change your selection process. I have no problem
looking down my nose at. ANY black woman. We don't owe the black woman ANYTHING.
You black women purchase insane amounts of fake hair trying to look European, when
comes naturally for the beautiful white woman. I have absolutely no respect,
tolerance, or patience for ANY black woman. Black women deserve every bit of
hardship and pain that they go through.

Sorry you think like that. I can't exclusively white women since I love sisters too much. I like
chocolate. Of course, I disagree with you on many levels. Black women are Queens for many
reasons. One of the vital reasons is that they gave birth to us brothers and have been the
greatest support system to us brothers. I haven't seen the white women, the Asian
women, The Latina women, the Indian women, and all non-black women support the black
man as the black woman has historically. It was the sisters or black women that constantly
support BM in college, they were with us to oppose slavery, that fought with us valiantly
against Jim Crow oppression, that worked with us in kindness and inspiration, and
defended our cherish human rights (against police brutality, against torture, and against
corporate corruption).

So, yes, we owe black women a hell of a lot. Of course, vindictive people exist in some black
people. Yet, these types of people exist in every race. What should be our response to
our troubles in life, brother? Should it be the refusal to have unity with sisters in order to
fight against white supremacy? No. The answer is to look ourselves in the mirror, admit
our errors, hold our head up high, stand up for ourselves, speak up with authority &
power, stand up for sisters, and stand up for our people. We have the right to respond
courageously against anyone that verbally or emotionally mistreats us. We have the right
to defend the honor of black women and we have the right to continue to defend the
truth of black liberation. Not all sisters are monolithic in their personalities or attributes,
so to assume that all black women act like a diva or possess egoism is a lie. If a man has
confidence, true grit, and a real character, he wouldn't have a problem going out with a
real sister. The most strong gold diggers and folks with the diva complex in the West aren't
sisters. We know who they are.

I'm not giving in into sucking up to a white supremacist system. I will strive to improve
myself and my life without blanket stereotypes against my people. There are plenty of
black women that are kind, that are tolerant, and are intellectually mature to
incorporate real, lasting relationships. There is nothing wrong with calling Black women
Queens since a black woman has every right to stand up with her head held high and exist
with strength like royalty. A real man has no issue with a real black woman being strong.
Many black women wear their hair natural, tons of black women respect their African
features like the artist Erykah Badu including India Arie, and most black women are
honorable folks. So, this old slander against BW is Uncle Tomish, it's cowardly, and it's
nothing more than a white supremacist tactic in order to divide black unity. Black Unity,
real solutions, and real cooperation are needed to fight back against the slander of BM
and BW.

By Timothy

Samoan Irish wrote:

LOL! listen carefully buddy you following a former MONK! who wanted to have incest
relationship with a NUN! in fact if you look at the history of the Aglacan church again the
ONLY way you could divorce your wife was through the church again
This is when the great proseuction of catholics happened in England! in fact there
wanted to destory the whole theory of purgatory he took out 4 books of the bible
the book of Sirach due to it backed the theory we don't go straight to heaven! LOL! at
maclom X is he number 8 cause I can tell you this man was anti white, was part of a
nazi type angenda against whites and promoted the ideals of taking arms against the
white man

Now, I don't follow Luther unconditionally as I'm not a Lutheran or an Anglican. I'm an
independent believer in God. I don't necessary believe your claims that Luther
incest with a nun. If he did wanted to achieve this action, then that's wrong of course.
That's nothing compared to the degenerate histories of popes, nuns, priests, etc.
spanning the centuries. Let's not go there.

The Anglican Church in recent years wanted to unite with you Papists, so that's on them.
Great persecution of Catholics in England? Lol. Only a couple of hundred Catholics died. I'm
not approving of that, but thousands upon thousands of Huguenots died in France.
Thousands of dissidents like the Waldensians, etc. died in Europe. Even hundreds of
Protestants and Baptists died under the Catholic theocrat Bloody Mary over in the UK. As
for the UK being Muslim, people will have to decide their own creed. The Bible isn't Catholic
as it was created in B.C. The creation of the Bible ended in ca. 100 A.D. when no Pope
existed (there were only bishops as Cyprian in the 3rd Century condemned the concept of
a bishop of bishops). Also, Synods existed before Jerome's time that outlines the
composition of the Bible texts. Even the OT was created before Catholicism.

As for the Sirach, the Apocrypha has been condemned by the Jews, the Reformers, and
others. These books support not only purgatory, but magic, suicide, and inaccurate
historical events. The apocrypha was meant as tool for background information not to be
made equivalent to the Bible. Purgatory existed from paganism (or people that view
nature as God. This is something you refuse to understand). Mainstream religion is a tool
that the establishment uses in trying to control the human mind & soul. It's as simple as
that. Malcolm X wasn't anti-white per se. He said that many whites have a guilt complex
and deny racism as an excuse to blame the victim of it (being blacks). By 1964 onward,
Malcolm X wanted equality for all peoples (including whites), but he never omitted what
white supremacists have done to his people.

Malcolm X didn't advance taking arms against all whites. He said that he didn't believe
in using arms indiscriminately against all whites. He said that black people have the right
to use arms in self defense when it's necessary and legitimate. What is wrong with
Nothing. Malcolm X wasn't a part of a Nazi agenda as he said that if the Neo-Nazis harm
blacks in the South (who are just trying to exercise their right to vote), and then he
would use ultimate physical retaliation against them since he wasn't hand cupped by
the philosophy of nonviolence.

-By Timothy

Frank wrote:
Definitely! But I don't wanna be stuck with a "black African phenotype" with a "Basketball
Wives", "Love & Hiphop", "Real Housewives", or a "NeNe Leakes" type of mentality!
More important than she be a "black African phenotype" is that she not be CORRUPTED by
this 21st century Sodom and Gomorrah, not PROVOKE HER BLACK MAN to ANGER as did
Rhianna and Evelyn Lozada, that she knows how to BUILD a family rather than DESTROY
ONE, that she UNDERSTANDS the DUTIES OF WOMEN and has a BRAIN!!!

Don't you know that some of those playmates are escorts? I have more respect for Sister Serena
Williams than some playmates servicing Hugh Hefner. We aren't talking about reality TV shows
here, since Serena isn't a part of that movement at all.

Also, you do realize that Allyson Felix, Carmelita Jeter, Jennifer Hudson, and other sisters are
beautiful with a black African phenotype. You kind of omit that, because you prejudge the black
female collective by what you see on TV and the media. See, mainstream television has been used
as a known propaganda tool that intentionally promotes negative, false stereotypes about our
people in order for us to be divided and not united with our people (in creating solutions for our
people). That's the point. See, Basketball Wives and all of these other shows should never make us
as black men to put sisters into a single box. These shows remind us that we should be above
those distractions and fight for true liberty as men. This gender war has been set up by the elites
and their house Negro agents in order to promote division.

Now, it's a new generation and instead of having some silly gender war, we should advocate a war
on illiteracy. We should promote a war on historical lies and a war on discrimination and any form of
oppression against the human race. We should be spiritually inclined and moral, but morality is not
about the hatred of the feminine principle. It's about the respect for it. No one gender is perfect. Both
genders made mistakes and errors. Therefore, both genders should promote common ground in
order for moral regeneration to transpire. Also, tons of females have brains or intellectual curiosity.
Rihanna and the rest of them haven't caused the Drug War. They haven't invented the war on terror
or caused slums and poverty in our world. Their sins never exceed the larger sins of a corrupt,
corporate power structure. As for me, I will never be ashamed of loving black women in their unique
skin colors and physical dispositions. I love the black African phenotype. That's just me.

-By Timothy

Wondering wrote:
The way to radically reduce poverty, is for all those that are in poverty to GO TO WORK.Too
many people that are able to work are relying on welfare to support them.

The problem is that many people in poverty can't go to work, because the resources aren't there. I
can work, so I work. Others don't have that opportunity not because of laziness (for there are tons
of poor folks that have tried application after application and they still can't get a job). It is because
of a bad job market at this moment and other reasons. Poverty is complex not simplistic, so you
need a comprehensive solution to get folks to work like a jobs bill, investments in infrastructure,
and incentives given to companies to grow jobs here in the USA excluding outsourcing. I believe
in welfare used for those that need it (since I believe in compassion). I don't need it, so I don't use
it. Although, there ought to be an adequate social safety net in order to help citizens during a
raining day and this social safety net is even respected by your buddy Rep. Paul Ryan.

-By Timothy

Tim, in any relationship, somebody is going to have to be on top. So, will you be on top
in your relationship with a female, or will she? Because if she is, I'm promising you your
relationship will end, just like 65% of Black marriages.

Black men like you believe you can be "equal" to a woman. This is the dumbest mistake
a man can make, this idea of equality. Women are not equal to us by any means. They
are weaker physically and as a matter of fact mentally to, most of mankind's greatest
inventions were made by men. So, as a man do you really believe in being on top in a
relationship, or will you cede that to your women?

You used Napoleon as a reference; Napoleon was a great men. Hell, if Black men were
like Bonaparte our ancestors wouldn't have been slaves working on plantations! This
belief Black men like you have in being "equal" to Black women is one of the reasons
why our women don't respect us. Iranian or Afghan or Arab women don't see
themselves as being equal to their men. They see themselves as being what they
are, which is subordinates.

-Kashta Bureh

I believe in equality as it’s fundamentally true. Equality doesn’t mean everyone is identical.
A man is not identical to a woman since on average a man is physically bigger and stronger
than a female is. Also, males and females have different genetics, phenotypes,
hormonal changes, organ differences, and other differences. We men created a whole
list of inventions, but women have had their contributions in the world stage as well in
numerous areas. Without a woman, we men wouldn’t be here since we owe a lot to
women. We were born from women, so by that alone, women have a special place in my
heart. Sometimes, women give men inspiration to carry on. Also, females can give a man
an unique perspective on life in general. Equality does mean all humans have equal value.
This means that my life is worth the same as a woman’s life or my value in the world is
equal to a woman’s right (including the fact that men and women should be treated the
same and afford basic human rights).

As for who will be on top, each relationship is different. Some relationships work when
the man is the leader (other relations in that fashion has experienced divorces) and
some relationships work when there is a partnership among males & females (some of
these relationships have ended in divorce too). So, the best relationship for a male and
female may be difference in numerous cases since not all relationships are monolithic or
exactly the same in every circumstance. The 65 percent divorce rates in Black marriages
exist because of many reasons like socioeconomic factors, the recession, etc. At the bare
minimum, a man should be a man and have a voice in the relationship. We agree that a
man shouldn’t be dominated by a woman or a man should never be a mime. I prefer to
be a man in the relationship, while treating a woman with respect. You can that view this
view as you wish.

Napoleon is an example that’s easily refutable. His Empire was temporary in its existence.
He was defeated by a collaboration of European forces and his over extension of
resources in the Russian winter snow. He tried to over extend his Empire into of course
Haiti and failed. Tolerable, pro-democratic societies have existed for centuries that
maintained strength, modernity, and progressive policies like in the America, parts of
Africa, parts of Europe, parts of Asia, and other places. You can have high standards of
living without an Empire. Even if Empires last for centuries, they still have had a chance of
crumbling, because of internal disputes & rebel movements (in the Ottoman Empire,
etc.). Also, Afghanistan is having wars over tribal matters and many Arabic nations are
having revolutions because of the suppression of basic human freedoms. So,
totalitarianism and misogyny against females don’t equate into the Utopian golden
paradise. We don’t have to be like Napoleon to be men.
We just need to be ourselves with confidence, learning self defense, and building real
Power to protect our interests (and preserve black unity globally among brothers and
sisters. We are all in this together).

-By Timothy


dweeb wrote:

She can't handle the truth. Black women hate nice Black men. But love nice Non-BM.
Especially White guys. Then they complain that White guys treat them better. It's BS.
Nice guys treat women nice. Bad guys treat women like booty calls. Black women LOVE Bad
Black guys. It what turns them on.
That is the real truth. She is just in denial.
I disagree. Only a minority of black women want a thug or a bad boy (as opposed
to real black men). The vast majority of black women just want a real strong black
man. Unfortunately in our day and age, the word nice has been damned as being
equated to a punk. Yet, the truth is being nice has nothing to do with being a punk
or weak. You can be nice and strong socially at the same time. It's just the media
and the establishment harbors an anti-intellectual, anti-social behavior ethos within
Western society. Some blacks fall for the trap and act more nihilistic. While, other
blacks see the handwriting on the wall and desire real revolutionary changes in the
black community. Only the sellout Negroes (a minority) will love so-called nice
white people and hate nice black people (of both genders). These Negroes are
ACT LIKE A PUNK. There is nothing wrong with being nice & being a nice black
man, but we can't be passive toward oppression or evil.

-By Timothy

Timothy (Me) wrote:

Sometimes, you don't even get the so-called good men. You get the outcast
blacks (whether the person is good or bad). I have respect for the outcasts (as
all men are created equal and deserve dignity), but I have to keep it real.

-TruthbknownLDN (A Great Black Sister from the UK)


Timothy wrote:
Throughout human history, our oppressors dominated people of color and
raped them (and used false beauty standards including other strategies as
means to glamorize some IR relations & dominate societies sociologically). Our
oppressors regularly via the usage of Hollywood (when they present shows
presenting the most gross stereotypes about BM and BW. This causes a
minority of black people to view black folks collectively in a negative light
thrusting them into IRs. Also, it's a fact that a certain percentage of IRs are a
product of low self esteem, self hatred, and other illegitimate justifications),
movies, ads, media, education, etc. promote the false image of a lighter,
Eurocentric phenotype as being better when the truth is that beauty is diverse
not monolithic.

Many books have talked about this issue.
Ok good post and I agree completely. Hollywood has been using these same tricks
for decades. Beauty is also very diverse like you said but people often times only
consider certain types which is usually what the media is promoting.

-Conscience Sister

MrAnderson9 wrote:
<quoted text>
Timothy, stop being naive. I hate it as much as you do, but the modern day
black woman isn't in the least bit desirable. 1500 abortions a day, lack of
intelligent conversation, worships wm and ww, obsessed with ww and ir, and
bashes other black women using racial slurs against her own sisters.
Black women all fit the same exact mold.

I'm not naive. Both genders aren't perfect, BUT

I"m not dogging sisters out in a war. We live in a war against white supremacists.
So, yes, you show battle cries for reform and propose solutions. Yet, I'm not going
to show stereotypes and dehumanize sisters that gave me my life. I'm not into that.
Also, I reject stereotypes. I know tons of sisters with real intelligent conversations,
and love black men. Not to mention that black women shouldn’t be blamed
collectively for abortion issues at all. That is an evil tactic in trying to make female
guilty when women are victims of a criminal culture (not the orchestrators of it).
You should go out to meet sisters in a wider spectrum of locations. Most black
women don't care about IR, WW, WM, or whiteness at all. Sisters are just trying to
live their own lives. Black women don't fit in the same mold since sisters are not all
monolithic. Viewing sisters as monolithic in negative terminology is no different
than a bigot demonizing BM in offensive designations.

If we want solutions, then we men should be men and stand up to promote our
interests, communicate with sisters on how we feel, and believe in just
respect for our ethnicity. We have to promote more unity among both genders
and both genders should be honest to incorporate authentic solutions without
malice. Malice doesn't solve a thing to our social straits.

By Timothy

dweeb wrote:

So basically. Black women hate nice Black men by default. Unless he can prove he isn't a punk.
How does he do this. But passing her never ending s____ tests. Which is exactly how it sounds.
But I wonder. Does she s))) test the "nice" white guys. Is she constantly testing to see if he is a
punk? What do you think. Of course not.
Black women hate nice Black men and love nice white men.

I agree with you on one point. There are a minority of black people (both males and females) that
treat the so-called "nice" white man as a god, but treats the nice black person (whether the black
person is either male or female) like dirt. I have seen it first hand in college, in the streets, and in
other places. That is unjustified period. Yet, brother, this isn't representative of every single black
woman. You can't generalize. I know sisters from my personal experiences that are very
tolerant, treat a nice man with respect, and these sisters treated me with respect. So, not all
sisters are monolithic in their behavior. Tons of black sisters are nice, strong, and tolerant.
Disrespecting black women is like disrespecting your mother. I am not going to disrespect or
scapegoat black women period. I am accountable for my own actions.

The answer to this issue is for the nice brothers (who want to be romantically involved with black
sisters) to hang out with sisters that will treat you with respect. We have to be patience and talk too.
A lot of nice brothers fail to have adequate social skills. So, in many cases the sister may be
interested in the nice brother (but the nice brother doesn't act right in a socially mature fashion).
Therefore, the nice brother shouldn't answer some quizzes, but he should be active and forward
in communicating with sisters about his feelings or intentions honestly. As for a punk, no one
respects a punk. A punk is not a nice guy period. At least a nice guy has respect. You know it and I
know it. A rich punk is still a punk. Even Malcolm X called them chumps. Why should be as black
men act as chumps. We have every right to be like warriors like our ancestors & express the
full capacity of our masculinity. Why would I be a punk when the strongest blacks in history
stood up like men and women to defend our honor. Therefore, Black women love nice Black men
as Black Women are Queens for real.

So, you can be nice, but assertive.

-By Timothy

Note by Me: I show Zaius’s offensive words, because this is how a lot of white racist people think
like in private. Some racist white people (not all whites) say these words in private all of the time.

By Timothy

Zaius wrote:

"Real" African culture is brutal tribal warfare, polygamy, cannibalism, black magic voodoo,
slavery, rape and outright murder.
All of this is historical fact and can still be observed in most of the global population of black
I have to admit it is impressive that you lot have been able to recreate so much of your
traditional culture inside the worlds foremost first world nation after 400 years of western
training on how to live like humans. The existence of your black slums all about the USA
proves that white people are rather compassionate.

All of those actions that you mentioned have been done by people in the 4 corners
of the Earth, even have by some of your relatives thousands of years ago. These
acts are man-made errors done by every culture throughout history. It isn't limited
to one ethnic group or race regardless of what you say. Like I've mentioned, true,
traditional African culture deals with unity, balance, love of family, the essence of
growing community, collective concern for black people, and the respect for the
great legacy of our ancestors.

That is a historical fact. Many Africans then and now reject those evil acts. You
just use these acts done by some people in Africa as an excuse to promote the
coarse lie of black inferiority. It's as simple as that and you know this. Most black
Africans don't support nihilism and outright murder, etc. That's a slander. If that's
the case, there would be little of the black population existing presently. Black
people have a great legacy from Kush, the universities of Timbuktu, and to the
accomplishments of black people globally now in 2011. Yet, we know which
people used unjust oppression against people of color for centuries (including
others like the Holocaust) and tried to use religion to justify these deeds (and they
still justify it today).

Also, we blacks acted like humans before you were born and before the empires
of Rome & Greece. You just have this hatred of black people since you have a
reactionary agenda. You want black individuals to follow you since you want
blacks to be subservient to you like a Tom. Frankly, we blacks reject your pro-Tea
Party Klan ideology and your bigoted attitude about people that look like me.
Slums exist globally (just like in the mostly white trailer parks in poor sections of
America. More of your people are in welfare in America than our people) and there
are tons of black people making great contributions in the world via art, history,
teaching, athletics, legal affairs, business, politics, manufacturing, science,
mathematics, computer science, and a wide spectrum of occupations or jobs.

Blacks have a strong legacy.

-By Timothy (Me)


Isn't that the truth, I have Caribbean heritage on my mother's side.

The Caribbeans are great people

By Timothy


Cosign sweety.. blk americans and caribeans have more in common then white

Tons of musicians even in America have Caribbean blood and the Caribbeans
make up a large portion of those fighting in the Civil Rights Movement. A
revolutionary spirit and an intellectual mindset incorporate the culture of
Caribbeans (beyond just dance and music). So, they are brothers and sisters in
the struggle for black liberation.

-By Timothy

Words from the Brother crammasters:

crammasters 2 months ago

I have read study after study that says BW are more confident than women of
all other races. As a man, I can cosign that. I have personally seen non-black
females act threatened whenever an attractive sister enters their space. I
have had non-black females attempt to poison me against BW, by saying negative
things about BW, but I don't play that and let them know that UPFRONT.

What the H would I look like, letting a white or Asian female tell me some negative
S about the same women who represent my mother, my grandma, my aunts,
nieces, sisters, friends, etc? What kind of BLACK MAN would that make me??

As far as I'm concerned, speaking bad about BW in general means those non-
black females are jealous of sisters PLUS they can't respect ME if they think I have
so little intelligence that I don't know I'm being insulted (and manipulated).

years ago, before I got married, I had an Asian female coworker tell me, "You
should leave BW alone and let me introduce you to an Asian woman." (i forget
what country she was from).

That made me wonder, now if she felt this way about BW, why was she was
cheesing in this our black female co-worker's face? of course, she waited until that
black female walked away to tell me to leave BW alone.

Once I put two and two together, the lightbulb came on. I realized she felt insecure
around the black female coworker, who had more education, was very intelligent,
adn seriously fine (yea, i tried to get with her).

I have also seenthe kind of dirty looks my wife gets from non-black females
when we go out together. My wife is dark-skinned, wears her hair in a natural,
and has a sexy body and a beautiful face (yeah, i'm bragging :-)

Dark skin dominates the room and a lot of pale-skinned folks immediately
feel intimidated or feel over-powered, or under MELANATED when in the
presence of dark folks. Some know we are special in ways they are NOT.
Some even know who we are, but in a system of white supremacy, they have to
conform to the doctrine of white superiority/black inferiority.

That's why white Hollywood won't put beautiful dark skinned sisters in movies and
TV shows because they make white females look washed out -- and they draw the
eye because they have MORE COLOR.
That's why white folks get tans so they can get some COLOR, look HEALTHIER,

Check out Dr. Welsing's book -- "Isis Papers: The Keys To Color" -- and you will
understand why the lack of skin color created white racism (and envy).

Bottom line, non-blacks KNOW sisters got it going on, that's why they're
always imitating them and trying to get their features -- the lips, breasts, and
butts. They know having long, straight hair don't make the woman, and that there
is much more to beauty than hair.

They know that BW are the most fertile female on the planet and that white
females are the LEAST fertile, and that in EVERY human culture, female
FERTILITY is KEY to femininity, desirability, and attractiveness of the
FEMALE for the human and animal male population.
So they have to knock BW every chance they get, to hide the TRUTH. Which is
why there so many articles knocking BW. It's simple once we understand the
zZZzz wrote:

What the hell are you talking about? The fundamental point is the USA is spending 1.65
TRILLION dollars per year it does not have. It has racked up a 15 TRILLION dollar deficit that is
growing each day.
"[lol] it in in a far less efficient way, many times it is outright wasted.

The question is what are you talking about? Megabanks are hoarding trillions of dollars in
cash as documented by Krugman and other scholars. We can solve the deficit crisis by
doing a lot of things. We can grow the economy first and then have enough resources to
handle the deficit long term. You want the opposite when we have record people in food
stamps. Cutting massively when poverty is increasing is foolishness and it will cause more
poverty. No real person is advocating the government to take all profits from millionaires
and billionaires. People are just saying have populist solutions like an infrastructure bank,
end the war on terror, have higher tax brackets for taxation, have a real jobs plan to
decrease the unemployment rate, have investments in building our country, promote
incentives for economic growth, and rebuild our infrastructure in America.

The military in various European nations may have a relationship with those nations, but
this isn’t the real reason or total for their prosperity. The real reason is that public
services and other unique solutions can be used in the right way to develop these
nation’s services. The Netherlands is having economic growth without austerity as well.
Greece is failing by IMF intervention and other privatization actions according to scholar
Michael Hudson. EU intervention has caused issues in Portugal as well. The British Empire
has been gone for decades. Cameron’s austerity conservative measures have done little
to improve that nation's finances (and riots have occurred there). I’m an Independent,
so Democrats aren’t gods. The Tea Party people have a right to express their views of
austerity and war mongering. People like me have the right to disagree with those views.
Taxation is found in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution and it isn’t theft. You need
revenues to build things. Cutting alone doesn’t work to have radical economic

Social Security isn’t an entitlement since people work to receive the benefits. Other
services are used to help people as well. I comprehend a lot of information. I’ve refuted
your type before (we know your type. Isn’t it obvious? You are a slick SNAKE). Tax increases
have been higher in times past (from 1945-1975) causing great economic boon via
taxation. Taxation in the right way can be beneficial, but massive tax cuts for the wealthy
have increased our deficit. We have record low taxation to the super rich in over 50
years and we still have unemployment in over 9 percent. Trickled down economics
doesn’t work plainly speaking. Cutting out waste is fine, but stripping real services is
foolishness. You hypocrites worship Ayn Rand and neoliberalism (when super banks have
had speculations, participated in evil derivatives, etc.), but that snake oil doesn’t work
anymore. You are a hypocrite by yelling about entitlements, but omit the reality that the
big banks received trillions of dollars in handouts, loans, and other funds from the
government. This didn’t work to move me into loving Austerity 101. I have love Jones for
truth including sisters not wishful thinking or archaic economic philosophies in the 21st

-By Timothy
Zaius wrote:

You sound like Nancy Pelosi. She has an excuse, as she is senile and obviously suffering from

"If you want to ban all government regulations, then enjoy child labor, poisons in our
water, corrupt medical practices, massive discrimination, massive pollution in our
atmosphere, and other evils."

Really now. Like you said, this is 2011.

Have you taken a look at China recently? They are guilty of all these things and we are
borrowing 1.65 trillion dollars a year from them....and you forgot to mention massive
human rights violations and outright slavery.

A vote for Obama is a vote to guarantee the black community will never recover.

"In 2007, best year of the Bush era, white households had a median net worth of
$134,280, compared with $13,450 for black households.

By 2009, the median net worth for white households had fallen 24 percent to $97,860.
For black households, it had plummeted 83 percent to $2,170, a near wipeout.

As Algernon Austin of EPI's Program on Race, Ethnicity and the Economy put it, "In 2009, for
every dollar of wealth the average white household had, black households had two

I want all Americans to be prosperous. I campaigned and voted for Col. Allen West for this
very reason.

The progressives want to keep you on the 21st century democrat plantation so you will
them in power.

To Zaius:

I don’t sound like Nancy Pelosi. I sound like a regular man. You are a pro-Tea Party person, so
your apparent views are typical of your agenda. Now, I don’t believe that Pelosi has
dementia. My quote about government regulations, poisons, etc. is one hundred percent
accurate. Without those labor reforms and legitimate regulations, millions of people
worldwide would die as a product of ailments. Not all regulations are good, but many
regulations are decent. Even your Republican buddies accept some regulations.

This is 2011 and in 2011, we need safety standards, pro-environmental protections, and
other authentic boundaries in our society since we don’t live in the 19th century anymore.
It’s just that certain folks want us to live in the 19th century though. I realize about China’s
corruption. I’ve written for years against China’s population control measures, anti-
Internet policies, and human rights violations.

People from across the political spectrum strongly disagree with the corruption going on
in China. Using that logic, you can’t trade and talk with Saudi Arabia either. You talk about
borrowing 1.65 trillion dollars a year. Yet, you omit that Wall Street corporations are
hoarding $1.8 trillion dollars. The war on terror cost about $3.7 trillion for the past
decade according to the newly released study from the Eisenhower Research Project at
Brown University. Some estimate show the cost higher than that.

Regardless, we should built jobs first (and financially grow our nation) and then handle
our deficit plus debt problems. People are starving to death. So that makes me to make
a priority with promoting job creation above the debt. I respect human life above the

We have a huge wealth inequality that helped to cause the recession. Specifically,
economics professors Saez (UC Berkeley) and Piketty (Paris School of Economics) show that
the percentage of wealth held by the richest 1% of Americans peaked in 1928 and 2007 -
right before each crash. The rest of your stats are very deceptive. Under the Bush years,
the poverty rate increased as compared to the Clinton years. The Bush years didn’t have
radical economic growth as compared to the Clinton years too. Bush Jr. caused a
governmental surplus to evolve into a deficit after the Clinton years. Bush rose the deficit
and under his administration, the corporate pirates have caused the recession in the first

So, Bush experienced worst economic conditions than Clinton and the current President
Barack Obama inherited the economic tragedies from the George W. Bush administration.
Under Barack Obama, he compromised with the Republicans and adopted even some
reactionary tax cuts policies. These policies didn’t great massive economic growth since
the current President was compromising with the Republicans & your Tea Party clan.
That clan is a real CLAN if you get what’s I’m saying. I mean clan as in clique, LOL. Also, the
median net worth for blacks and whites in 2009 are tragic. These events are caused by the
effects of great recession that transpired first during the George W. Bush administration not
because of the failure of real populist economic solutions (which haven’t been tried in this time
at all).

You have the right to campaign with who you want. Col. Allen West is a man. I don’t believe in
following any plantation whether the Democratic plantation or Republican plantation. I’m a
grown black man. I don’t to adhere to some plantation period.You love the Republican
plantation as you have admitted to.

I reject plantations, but I do accept in populism. This populism involves investments,

apprenticeships, ending the war on terror, and even creating debt free money. Also, I’m not an
ignorant fool. You are ignorant by supporting the same policies (like banker speculation,
derivatives, corporate raiding, privatization, Wall Street crimes, war mongering, austerity, and
trickled down economics) that brought us into the recession in the first place.

By Timothy
Zaius wrote:
Giving a radical activist a position as a newsman is the ultimate joke really. At least
the white racists at MSNBC have a token black person now to deflect criticize of their
lily white line up. That is all that really matters.

To the Sister Tamron Hall: Real folks (of every background) appreciate
your contributions to the media, your fight against domestic violence, and
your fight for educational reform in the world. You are an inspiration for
many human beings that desire to follow their dreams.

LOL. You are a funny man. MSNBC expresses it agenda. It's has a more liberal establishment
agenda like FOX News is much more conservative. Bias and the mainstream media are just
the way it is now. That is why I look at the alternative media. The alternative media and
independent magazines, books, and other resources present more accurate forms of
information anyway beyond the confines of the mainstream media. MSNBC does have other
black reporters like Tamron Hall. I like the sister Tamron Hall since you know she's the sassy,
strong type. I like a strong sister and she's more independent in her presentation of her
journalism coverage (she doesn't overtly present a political bias in her reporting at all).
Tamron also isn't some token since she paid her dues from an occupational standpoint. She
worked in Chicago hard to make excellent news coverage. She worked her way to her
position and she earned her occupation via true merit & hard work. So, the sister Tamron
Hall is not only a credit to black people, but all of humanity. What really matters is to see a
wide spectrum of news media to formulate a real picture about the occurrences in the world.
If we look at solely FOX or solely at MSNBC, we will not have a better opportunity to uniquely
witness the essence of the diversity of the human experience.

-By Timothy

Zaius wrote:

It is easy to make claims such as this. Your democrat party does it all the time, and
they depend on people like you to repeat it without the first bit of research.
That is why they give your kind piss poor school and no option for a voucher to
escape them.
The democrat party requires an ignorant, emotionally reactive base.

I certainly hope so.

Like I've said before, I'm not a Democrat. I'm an Independent, so I don't get why you
keep on calling me a Democrat.

I don't need them and I don't use them. It's as simple as that. I research all of the time.
Also, I believe in reform. You just believe that everything private is good. I believe that both
private and public solutions can be good and constructively utilized to solve problems. I
beleive in school choice, but I don't marginalize every public school as extremely non-
successful since plenty of successful public schools continue to exist in America.

I don't use emotionalism to articulate my positions. I used reasoned information and

informed views. In the final analysis, both the Republicans and the Democrats aren't
perfect. Each party has their own flaws and have their own constituents that love to drink
the Kool-Aid in order to reinforce their ideological views. You have drunk the Republican
Kool-Aid faithfully. That is you.

-By Timothy

zZZzz wrote:

What is obvious to folks inside the USA and around the world is that France is well on the
way to losing her character and becoming an insolvent, third world cesspool, due to the
socialist policies she is pursuing.
Ironically these are the same policies Maxine Waters subscribes to.
That is why she and most of her party will be sent home in 2012.

Where has austerity worked long term? The fundamental point is that megabanks are hoarding
trillions of dollars and they aren't spending it to even seek to create job growth. Many
corporations are using outsourcing overseas and these issues are exacerbated by unfair trade
deals and the excesses of globalization. W hy are you talking about France? Sarkozy isn’t
progressive on every issue. French President Nicolas Sarkozy has announced a series of deeply
anti-democratic measures, including the persecution and deportation of Roma, the prosecution of
the parents of young ‘offenders,’ and a proposed law enabling to government to strip immigrants of
their French nationality. France wants a balanced budget rule in their constitution too. France’s
economic problems existed because of complex reasons. Denmark, Norway, Sweden, etc. have
strong public works systems and follow policies opposite of the Tea Party’s fiscal agenda. Yet, they
aren’t experiencing extreme insolvency issues at all.

The false god of neoliberal economic ideology doesn’t work to create economic growth. You need
some spending and some investments (from both the private and public sectors) to create
economic growth. That isn’t a sin and it’s found even in the Constitution that the Tea partiers claim
to love so much. Economic issues have been caused by privatization, corporate corruption, Wall
Street speculation in the derivatives market, and other reactionary policies. Maxine W aters’ anger
is directed to the Tea Party. The Tea Party hypocritically abhor government spending, but many of
them rely on Social Security, Medicare, and other government program to help their existence.
They hypocritically hate government intrusion yet Bachmann has been found to receive tons of
government funds in her daily life. The policies of ending the war on terror, having populist
economic policies, and defending the civil liberties of human rights can work wonders for human
beings in general.

By Timothy

Prof Marvel wrote:

The Help will certainly win Best Picture if for no other reason to spite Lee. But whether it
will or not it SHOULD while none of Lee’s work over the past 25 years should have.
For all Lee’s Mau-Mauing about the black race, this first-time novelist white girl wrote a
better “race movie” than he ever has – she beat him at his own game...
The Help will be studied in film schools; none of Lee’s work has or will. The genius of The
Help is that it takes a topic neither Lee nor Perry – or any black filmmaker!–dare film and
turned it into a box-office blockbuster.
The point is this: it’s the story, not time, place, or situation. Were The Help a movie
about soccer moms in Beverley Hills it still would be the box-office blockbuster it is
because the author’s genius would still shine through.
This is the lesson learned from this movie – story is king!
Likewise, it exposes Perry’s crap movies for the crap they are.

LOL. You must have a hatred of Spike and Tyler Perry. I don’t hate these men and I don’t know
them like that. I don’t agree with all of the acts of Tyler Perry either.

Showing the cultural diversity of black people in films and outlining strong representative of black
iconic figurers in a pro-black fashion has nothing to do with agitation or presenting some sense of
racial bitterness. It has to do with effectively presenting a cinematic point about displaying our
people’s culture & issues. I don’t know if the Help will win the Oscar or not. You don’t know that in
a crystal clear precision either.
Lee doesn’t Mau Mau the black race, which is an old false charge that reactionaries, colorblind
brainwashed sheep, and other likeminded people utilize. Why are you using Mau Mau when it was
the British that terrorized innocent black Kenyans for years long before the Mau Mau existed.
Promoting Black Unity and Black Power is a part of common cause and true common purpose to
enrich black people. Spike Lee is just saying that if we want to experience that prize of social
equality then we have to discuss certain issues even if they make “certain” people feel
uncomfortable. This novelist didn’t beat Spike at his own game. The novelist just inspired a movie.
Nothing more or less. You act like the Help invented the wheel or something. When a film has
popular support among a majority of people, I get cautious since not everything that glitters is gold.
I’m leaning toward one position about “The Help,” but I will look at different points of view to
develop a pristine opinion about the movie. Sorry, but Crookyln, Malcolm X, and other likeminded
films have more relevant in my life than the Help. The HELP may be taught in colleges, but some
things can’t be taught in a school.

Black people are more than “The HELP” in our diverse talents and focused intentions to create a
determined, tolerable future among the black community. Our goal as blacks isn’t to seek
acceptance from white soccer mothers or corporate big wigs. Our goal is to seek unity and promote
authentic validation within our own people whether they live in rural locations, urban places, or
even in the suburbs. Story is vital in a film’s composition, yet a story can be accepted and rejected
based on its content. Content and the way a story deals with controversial subject matters are just
as important as the outline of a storyline.

–By Timothy
Hayden wrote:

Hispanics from mexico aren’t related to black people and whether they are or not is
irrelevant. You should base your opinions of people and situations on their actions not
their skin color. If illegal immigration is wrong it’s wrong regardless of who’s doing it or
what color their skin is.
LOL @ they have black blood so such and such. The only people related to you are your
family. Other black people aren’t even your family. You’re not my brother because we
both have brown skin. I don’t know you.

I knew you would respond in that fashion since that is how your type operates. Here’s
some truth: There are many black Mexicans living in Mexico today. This population is of
course small. There are tons of Afro-Latinos in Latin America South America (even Brueh
about this all of the time). People who are of black African descent therefore number in
far more than 40 million indeed in the Western Hemisphere. Being related to black
people is very relevant since in black culture all black people are brothers and sisters. You
can disagree with that view and that is your right. I accept my brothers and sisters
worldwide and I respect my own black identity. I don’t need to scapegoat people of color
to get my kicks. I don’t need to ignore racist white reactionaries (with ties to eugenics and
the white supremacist system) that don’t give an inch of concern of my people either. I
do base people’s actions on their behavior not on their skin color. I just don’t ignore the
actions of people of a certain color (not all people of this color) causing police brutality,
GMO food poisoning, immoral wars, eugenics, international population control,
corporatize corruption, and other evils beyond what illegal immigrants did in America. I
don’t ally with devils (or a select number of reactionaries) to be a saint.

Some Hispanics (not all) have black blood. That’s the fact that you must accept. People
that are related to me are my brothers and sisters worldwide since all of my ancestors
originally came from Africa. If you’re black, that’s some House Negro, slave minded tripe to
refuse to believe that all black people are related to each other (since these black people
are our brothers and our sisters for real). That opinion that you hold is a disgrace. Yet,
anyway, the truth will prevail, hatred will end, and obsession with Mexicans in a bigoted
tone isn’t in my agenda. A rational, comprehensive solution to immigration is better than
extremism. –By Timothy

You should have an issue with clothing. If you (or I) saw a white man (or
women) with a swastika or a kkk outfit wouldn’t your heart beat faster. It’s the
same with black men (and women) who dress like their from the hood not all
of them are criminals but a lot of them are. I remember this one time I almost
got robbed by two black guys and they were dressed up like thugs. The
chances of a person with a suit and tie obbing you are 1 to 10. Plus I just
a story about a black college student who was killed for fifty cents that’s worse
than most openly racist kkk type white person who I’ve dealt with in the past.
I’d rather deal with their BS than be robbed (or killed) over 10 dollars like a lot
of black people in the inner-city do to each other on an almost daily basis. I’m
so paranoid I don’t even bring my iPod with me out in public, nor have my cell
phone out with me. I remember a couple of weeks ago a thuggish looking
black man kept looking behind me when I was walking but when he was
behind white people he didn’t look behind him.

The biggest uncle toms are the rappers who come from the hood not “white
washed” blacks who grew up in the ‘burbs. For example Sean Combs kid
might get a scholarship from a college because he’s good at football.

Is that fair to a middle class or poor kid that not financially blessed ?

This is a great discussion and here’s my response to you.

I don’t have an issue with clothing typically, but I’m not a nihilistic person. Of
course, if someone wears racially insensitive objects on themselves like swastika
or a KKK, my antennae is raised to protect myself. Protecting others and yourself
doesn’t equal into fear, but common sense. I said I wasn’t afraid of anybody
that’s made up of flesh and blood. I didn’t say I was stupid in putting my life in
general in risky situations. I take a person as an individual if they wear urban
clothing without preconceived notions about them. Urban clothing doesn’t deal
with imagery that is equated to the KKK at all. So, urban clothing is just regular
clothing. I’ve seen brothers with urban clothing all of the time and they aren’t
criminals or real thugs. My heart wouldn’t beat faster. As long as a man doesn’t
put their hands on me, I’m living my life. Criminals exist in many appearances
from the urban look, the suit and tie look, the camouflage look, and other forms of
clothing. Crimes (like WWII, the Soviet gulags, GMO actions, etc.) done by a suit
and tie wearing person has historically been more wicked than a common street
thug. The suit and type types wage wars, use GM foods, and use acts that killed
millions of folks worldwide. I don’t believe in you being robbed or anything like
that, but most people wearing urban clothing aren’t looking to harm you. You are
right that a person should use common sense (if you’re in a crime prone area) to
protect your life.

No one should feel caged in. Also, people in communities can call for crime
prevention programs in college areas and other vicinities as well. You are partly
right on the Uncle Tom part. If an artist promotes nihilistic behavior, hatred of
women, glamorization of violence, and other disruptive acts, they are no different
than a black Uncle Tom hating their own people. On the other hand, a whitewash
black from the suburbs hating his own people isn’t right either. True, authentic
black people exist in the suburbs, the rural areas, and the urban areas. Yet,
music alone isn’t the cause of our problems. We can ban all music period and it
won’t solve anything. I see no issue with a scholarships for athletic people as
long as it’s gotten legitimately (poor people and middle class folks should have
more resources though). The rappers aren’t the reason why inner cities have
problems though. These problems existed before Kool Herc. The reasons for
these problems are socioeconomic factors. The rappers didn’t create slums,
unemployment, family dysfunction, and even the War on Drugs having havoc in
our communities.

Yet, these rappers aren’t gods to be worshipped. They should be held to

the equal standard that all of us black people should be held to in our

-by Timothy (Me)


The vast majority of poor people do not pay taxes sir. They can’t afford a car!!! The amount of
money they would pay in gas taxes would be tiny even if they had a car. The vast majority of
poor people do not pay property taxes either because they cannot afford a house!!! Where
are you getting your information from??? It is incorrect. The rich (top 25 percent) pay 87
percent of income taxes. They also pay substantially more in property taxes because more
expensive homes have astronomically higher property taxes. My statement that half of the
people are paying for the other half is without a doubt true.

It most certainly does border on eugenics. I am not saying that poor people cannot reproduce
though. I am saying that we should have incentives to keep them from reproducing. We
should give incentives to those who are most capable of successfully raising children also. To
be against this is to be for the present system where we are allowing slag to reproduce and
rewarding them for their sloth. It is completely immoral and wrong what we are doing.

One percent of the population owns a great amount in every country my lord. W hat does that
have to do with attempting to make poor people accountable just like everybody else???


Here is my response to you:

The vast majority of the poor and the middle class pay more taxes than the super rich.
That’s a fact (as in both middle class and the poor not the poor alone). The poor may
less taxes in the federal income level since they can’t afford those taxes simply put.
Some of the poor have cars and some don’t Even people in low income neighborhoods
have cars. We have a progressive tax system since a regressive tax system will harshly
harm the poor and increase the risk of a higher poverty rate. In the past, there were
much higher tax rates on the super rich. In that time ironically, economic prosperity came
about from 1945 to 1980. Like I’ve said, federal income taxes are not all of total federal
taxes. All federal taxes for the top 1 percent at 22.7 percent according to the Urban
Institute/Brookings Institute Tax Policy Center for 2010 (or the top 1 percent of income
earner pay about 40 percent of all taxes into the federal government). For instance, the
top 20 percent paid 86 percent of the income tax, but 42.9 percent of the payroll tax.
Also, the Social Security portion of payroll tax applies only up to $106,800 in income.
Meanwhile, the middle 20 percent of earners paid 4.6 percent of federal income taxes in
2007, but 16.6 percent of payroll taxes. Also, the payroll tax applies only up to $106,800
in income, with no tax on earnings above that limit.
So, federal income taxes doesn’t equate into all taxes in the federal level or even all
taxes in the state or local levels either. It should have noted that the income limit applies
only to Social Security taxes. Some rich folks pay more in homes since we have a
progressive system. That when those who have more wealth have great economic

Also, you omit tax loopholes, some super rich paying no taxes, subsidies, and other
economic kickbacks. Having incentives to the poor to not produce children is borderline
eugenics. We both agree on that. A better solution would be to have unique programs to
fight against poverty not the incentive plan. Also, historically many poor human beings
have risen from poverty to contribute greatly to society (and we can have a jobs plan,
radical solutions, and other means to fight against poverty without borderline eugenics
incentives). Also, welfare should be reformed to give it to those who need it. Not
everyone on it acquires sloth, but they are suffering. Poor scapegoating in our time is
futile in developing a real solution. I know about immorality. It’s immoral to have illegal
wars, it’s immoral for bankers to hoard bailout money, it’s immoral to have the crimes
from super rich Wall Street, and it’s immoral for the super rich to cause the recession
too. That’s immoral. Poor people are made accountable for their acts, but they are also
made scapegoats for the crimes of the super rich. The crimes of the super rich include
the recession, various wars, economic plunder, IMF corruption, spying, and various
other scandals.

-By Timothy

Mr Zaius wrote:

Wow, imagine having to work and care for yourself without a big daddy government
there to give you food stamps and a section 8 ghetto slum apt to live in. Imagine
keeping what you earn so you could afford to educate your children in a private school
where they would learn more than gay rights and what slave carried supplies for
George Washington.
It is truly hilarious to see you simpletons led around by your fat noses by millionaires
like Nancy Pelosi that employee illegal aliens and non union workers on their massive
vineyards and winerys. It is like watching a horse chasing a carrot hung in front of his
LMFAO@ “Food Safety”.

There is nothing wrong with a person to live their lives without governmental assistance if
they desire to. Yet, not all people live in the exact way and in the exact same fashion at every
circumstance. Some people need more assistance than others during life’s journey.
Government shouldn’t be a false god neither free markets either. Also, more than 40 million
people have food stamps, Section 8, etc. Many of them have these benefits not because of
laziness or reckless behavior, but because of the effects of an economy in American society.
Some people by no fault of their own lost their jobs and are struggling. Charities and private
non profits alone can’t solve this problem. You need private and public instruments in fighting
against poverty & economic depression conditions.

I believe in keeping what your earn, but even the Constitution says that taxes exist, funding
services exist, and government exists. If you work, you have to pay taxes and many of these
taxes are used to enrich the lives of the poor, the elderly, and the disadvantaged in life’s road.
As for Democratic hypocrites like Nancy Pelosi (legal immigration is fine with me, but without
unions, we wouldn’t have many of the economic & labor rights that we cherish today. Also,
food safety isn’t a sin. Having no regulations to protect our food is suicidal), you are right. We
shouldn’t justify that behavior, but I’m not being a Republican just because some Democrats
have engaged in hypocrisy during their political experiences. You have the right to educate
your child in any place, but it’s common knowledge that radical solutions are needed to
improve public education (without austerity measures). Many public schools are having major
successes. Also, Reaganonics and trickle down economics not working are embraced by anti-
intellectual, ignorant peoples. There has been a higher tax rate on the wealth during the
Clinton years and between 1945-1975 that have caused an economic boon.

-By Timothy

Mr Zaius wrote:

That is 40 million to many. Churches and private organizations exist to help people that
need it. The government is notoriously inefficient so how can they be expected to
distribute what others have earned fairly?
The government is there to protect the sovereignty of the country, period.

The economy is in a hole because of oppressive government regulations. Gas is $4.00 a

gallon because of the EPA. Businesses are running to China and India to escape a 35%
tax rate and BS environmental regulations.

I believe they can. They did before 1965.

The government has no place handing out what I have earned to people who vote for
people who promise to give them what I have earned.

Where does The Constitution provide for this?

We spend more than any other nation on providing public education in the world and it
is a dismal failure. How is dumping even more money a solution?
How does taxing business even harder end in prosperity?
You do not seem to understand that Reagan policies saved this nation from Democrat
Jimmy Carter {Obama the first} and lead to the boom we saw from 1988-2009.
Democrat government regulations are what crashed the economy by forcing banks to
take on people who could not pay back the loans.
I agree with you that over 40 million people in the USA on food stamps, etc. are 40 million too
many. I don’t have it, but I don’t knock the next man having it if they need it sincerely. Now,
we just disagree on how to decrease the numbers. You agree with austerity and I believe that
comprehensive public and private programs can decrease these numbers (like job training
programs, housing assistance, and other real system to develop economic growth). Churches
and private groups can help, but not everyone goes to church and not everyone is even a
Christian or has access to private groups.

Therefore, a more comprehensive solution is necessary to give help to as many human beings
as possible. Inefficiency has existed in the government because of corporate influence,
immoral laws, and other evils. Private corruption and inefficiency have existed and you
conveniently omit that from BP to Bernie Madoff’s acts. No one said that government is
perfect, but government should be part of the solution. The government has more of a
responsibility than just protecting our borders. The government as Article I, Section 8 of the
Constitution says that the government federally (beyond just state power) can promote
science, build roads, have taxes, deal with currency, and deal with infrastructure. The Great
Society programs decreased poverty in half from 1960-1970. The Vietnam War, globalization,
the ignoring of sending funds to help the poor (as Dr. Martin Luther King admitted that
funding imperialism while neglect programs of social uplift can cause America to have spiritual
death), and other reactionary policies haven’t made the Great Society programs completely

The economy is in trouble because of reactionary policies, speculations, Wall Street crimes,
extreme globalization, and bad regulations (as not all regulations are evil). No one says that
every regulation is fine, but we need some of them to prevent pollution, water poisoning,
fraud, and criminal actions. Businesses are running to China and India for their bottom line
primarily or to seek profit. The wealthy have had record wealth causing record wealth
inequality, there is record low taxation on the super wealthy, and we have transnational
corporations still whining. The CBO report shown in October 25 found that the richest 1
percent of all U.S. households saw a 275 percent increases in their income between 1979 and
2007. This is more than doubled their share of the national income. If you want all
environmental regulations gone, expect possible animal extinction, more mutations in our
ecosystem, and more death in our society. I believe that private groups can solve our
problems, but they can’t do it alone.
Before 1965, we had child labor, slavery, the elderly dying by lack of health care, etc.
therefore; progressive efforts were utilized as a necessity to enhance our standard of living.
Even before 1965, the federal government created the Homestead Act to give government
money to fund settlers in the West Coast. Yet, we heard the bootstraps routine from
reactionaries. Without such funding, the West wouldn’t be as developed as it is today. Article
I, Section 8 of the Constitution promotes taxation period. Slight increases in the super rich
(not every business) has caused (in conjunction with tax cuts for the middle class plus
investment or using money to help people) prosperity, because it worked in the past. I don’t
believe money alone can solve our educational problems in public school, but it’s a start. We
can use cultural development, unique programs, tutorship, and other means to help students
not just money.

Reagan saved us? Reagan caused millions of people to be in poverty in his first term with ca.
10 percent unemployment in 1982. The deficit increased rapidly in his 2nd term. Reagan did
cause our GDP to increase in his second term. Carter couldn’t stop the inflation started in ca.
1965 growing rapidly. Volcker closed the money supply causing the recession via the FED not
Carter. Carter gave the rich a tax cut and deregulated trucking, railroads, etc. These actions
didn’t cause economic growth. Obama compromised with the Republicans and this hasn’t
caused massive economic growth either. The economy now was crashed by reckless
speculation via big banks being involved in a derivative market.

-By Timothy
Debates in 2012
zZaius wrote:

You either support them murder of infants or you don't. Frankly I find it hypocritical that we do not
allow mothers that have fallen on hard times to abort their child whenever it is convenient.
Imagine how that would help with the massive poverty this nation is facing! 46 million folks and
rising! We need to give them the tools to deal with this situation! It is about compassion, like the
early term abortions that are allowed now.
The fathers have run off and left the women to care for a child they can't afford and many times do
not even want. You just want to control a woman like this was the 1500's and imprison her if she
doesn't live up to your standards of what is right and wrong.
Animals kill their offspring all the time. If they are defective or not really viable, some animal
mothers will actually eat their children to lessen the burden on her more viable offspring! It is really
along the same lines how we compare animals that seemingly display homosexual tendencies with
humans that make a choice to be gay.
It is all about being fair, and forcing a woman to care for a child she doesn't want or has no time for
is pure evil and no different than slavery.
You don't support slavery, do you?

You believe that corporations alone or private interests alone can solve poverty. I don't. I believe in
both private and public avenues to solve poverty. You reject any form of federal program to assist
human beings living in poverty. I don't. That's a big difference between me and you. The rest of your
arguments are hypotheticals that don’t refute the fact of Santorum being a hypocrite on the role of
the federal government at all. Also, poverty has increased on the middle class while the abortion
rates have remained the same over the course of 10 years. Therefore, regressive, austerity
measures contributed to the higher poverty rate in America not abortion policies alone. When the
middle class is being poorer, the issue is bigger than abortion. I don’t desire infants to die at all like
Peter Singer. I don't believe in slavery. Slavery is about an immoral control over a human being
(with that human being tortured, abused, and sometimes killed without payment or just
compensation). Slavery has nothing to do with the issue of Santorum's hypocrisy at all. I don't agree
with dead beat dads running out of their responsibilities. I don't believe in imprisoning women, so
you are putting words in my mouth. We humans have differences than every animal since we can
deduce complex language, we can travel into space, and we have higher cognitive thinking.
Therefore, laws should be fair and not reactionary. Moral absolutes existed throughout human

You believe in a regressive foreign policy that has led to the killings of millions of human beings in
the past 10 years. I don't. You believe in supporting a party that scapegoats the poor and accepts
Ayn Rand's tired Objectivist philosophy. I don't. I believe in compassion since compassion means
caring for babies after they are born and believing that welfare for those that need it isn't a curse at
all. Also, I believe that just because a child is in a poor environment, doesn't mean that they lack
value. They have as much value as any human. Many people from a poor environment have made
a huge success via affirmative action programs, anti-poverty programs, and other public policy

I never wrote that the federal government should regulate all matters. You are putting words in my
mouth again. You believe that the federal government should bomb sovereign nations under a false
pretext and that the federal government should activate austerity to harm poor citizens.

The tools to solve poverty include investments, a jobs program, help for poor citizens, the rejection
of austerity, better education, better health, mentorships, and other common sense actions.

-By Timothy

Miss_Cocoa wrote:

Actually, I haven't personally experienced dating evil black men. Yet, when I caught a glimpse of
that behavior, I cut them like a fish. They were gone from my dating world. I honestly don't know if I
want to defend the culture of African Americans. I mean truly, what does the African American
culture consist of, in your eyes?
I would be more than proud and willing to defend African American culture had I been raised in a
different era. Such as the era of the black panthers and the refreshing, new range of black artists
and their beautiful music! But now I feel as if African American culture has become about being
ghetto, degrading messageless rap music with sleazy a___ music videos and idk I just feel like the
meaning of African American culture has been completely diluted. Your thoughts?

My thoughts are that our community has serious issues like others. Since, this forum deals with
our people, here are my thoughts. It sounds like a broken record, but it's true that there was a lot
more cultural cohesiveness among black people back in the 1960's (with the Black Panthers, the
Civil Rights Movement, the Black Power Movement, etc.). Today, the degeneracy that we see is
what I don't deduce as a part of real black culture.

I believe that the sleazy music videos, the profanity, the wicked messages, etc. represent a corrupt
Western cartel-capitalist culture. It's a culture that's exploitative and racist (as you see that this
culture bashes both black men and especially black women). Now, the ghetto is just a
location, not a state of mind. Some folks falsely equate ghetto with savage behavior exclusively
when tons of people living in the ghetto presently have made a great living or have a great sense
of personal character. There are folks in the rich communities and suburbs that act in an
inappropriate fashion. Now, the problems in the ghetto exist. That's real and we can't deny that.
They exist because of socio economic and cultural problems not because of the essence of black
culture. We can see real black culture today in 2012 via underground music, real singers,
art, business leaders, scholarships, lawyers, and a wide spectrum of black leaders in our
community. The problem now is that the recession and cultural complications are harming our
community. We have to fight against the degeneracy by being more active (creating programs,
protesting, fulfilling our lives, helping our people, etc.) since no other ethnic group is going to solve
our problems, but us. We are the only people in the final analysis that can alleviate our own

Great fashion works are being created presently by black people like June Ambrose. This is a
part of black culture too. Black people and fashion go hand and hand.

-By Timothy
This is about Liberal people of empowered ethnocentric activism not wanting to live up to
the style of expected integration and assimilation that countless European immigrants had
to do in the past. it is about them being ethnocentric people who generate notions of what
it is to a "black" person out of thin air and then use those notions to insult other fellow
"blacks" who don't follow them. The Irish don't have any vast ideas of what it is to be "Irish"
and don't even mainly identify as Irish here anymore. Not even mentioning that being
"black" isn't a race of any kind.

Today it is all about Liberal ethnocentrics manufacturing their own separate personal
culture in order to self segregate themselves and gain power over everyone else in society
and never assimilate into being "just Americans" with them. I am so glad my Irish ancestors
who faced "no Irish need apply" never had such a tainted podium as these groups do today.
They are all assimilated now and happily can be derided by highly segregated groups as the
supposed formless mass of supposed no differing ethnic ancestry that didn't' supposedly
earn anything of what they have. Well this crap now, is not the "melting pot" that our
nation has always expected of past groups here before. It is a pernicious thing that allows
the generating of a culture around the notion of "being Black" and around being a Mexican
nationalist forever in the US and never really assimilating into Americanism.

Anyone who doesn't live by this Liberal ideology in those communities are abused for it,
men like Herman Cain for instance. This is why I am SOOOO god d___ happy my ancestors
only had the option to "Shut up and assimilate" back then over the racism that they faced.
Now they are long over "no irish need apply" and are a part of just being "Americans" now.
If they had had this Liberal non integrative ethnocentric podium of today back then, then
they most likely would have never assimilated and would have fallen into making similar
notions of what it is to be ideologically "irish" and then would have used that to abuse any
fellow irish people not living purely by that one aesthetic of "irishness". This is not how
"White" people lived and identified on mass here even during the days of racism and

Sure their was the vast phony notion of "whiteness" to justify segregation and slavery
gripping our society back then, but among the mass of "white" immigrant peoples, they
mostly lived by their differing ethnic styles, not some notion of what it is to be"white". I am
sorry that I don't agree with you that those who now identify with this notion of "Black"
identity are anything but people swinging the racial pendulum in counter racialized
direction from the past racists who identified by a notion of "Whiteness". This is notion of
"blackness" is the spawn of bitterness being empowered with advantage. The "Whiteness"
identifying racists laid the seed for your bitter hearted counter identification with
"blackness" culture later, and now you use it to judge others without mercy and never
integrate or assimilate. Yet you wonder why conservative white people like myself can't
identify with you or have dialogs with you most of the time.

None of this Liberal progressive racialism now is helping assimilation in any way, and I
would be surprised if Dr king would be in support of it today anymore. The fact is that the
"Black" movement even of Dr Kings time, bred a lot of militant racial consciousness as it
gained it head of steam to achieve the Civil Rights act. The militancy of these other groups
ran over anyone not as militant or racial as them who was black for their relations with
individual whites as "uncle toms" back then too. Yet that behavior was glorified in men like
Mohammed Ali, who bigotedly insulted a man like Joe Frazer without remorse. This is even
after Frazier had been a friend to him by getting him reinstated to fight and lent him money
during rough times. btw...I am attaching a vid of Ali and his candid words on Joe Frazer and
race issues, if it doesn't end up turning your stomach than something is wrong with you.


Here is my response. In your mind, you conceive this as a liberal issue. To me, it isn’t. To me, even
conservative black nationalists in many occasions (not just black progressives) agree to promoting
black cultural standards in society (for their people’s interests). Promoting these standards again
isn’t racism or divisive bigotry. I disagree with you on that point. Promoting black families, black
culture, and black improvements in education, etc. relate to common sense. Now, empowered
ethnocentric activism isn’t immoral in my eyes. You haven’t shown examples on how it’s wrong.
This activism can be positive. The reasons are that black power can grow confidence in black
people, it can cause more black economic opportunities to grow, and it can grow the black pan-
Africanism agenda more strongly. These acts are very legitimate. Now, European immigrants never
experienced the Maafa, the slave trade, Jim Crow laws, massive rapes on the levels of black
Africans, and the total destruction of their language, culture, and religions. The Irish never
suffered as harshly as black people have then or now. Therefore, the experiences of European
immigrants are different than my people. These ethnic groups (that you discuss via examples)
assimilated into Western society as part of a voluntarily choice and they still maintained their
religious & cultural traditions. For example, Irish, Serbian, Indian, and Chinese recipes, languages,
& religions are commonly known. See, our people have been stripped totally of our language,
culture, and religion by degenerate, racist, and rapist pieces work (I could use other names to
describe these people, but you know the language). Notions about being black are reserved for
black people to define, not you or any other non-black person. These notions aren’t devised out of
thin air, but by clear definitions. If a black person loves his people, and wants black people to
improve their community, he or she is pro-black. If a black person wants the opposite agenda for
his people, he or she isn’t pro-black. That’s a simple description.

The Irish do have definitions of Irish heritage including the Indians, including the Jews, etc. Their
cultural diversity is embraced by them. Even today, the Irish have their parades and cherished
their stories and historical culture. Also, just because an immigrant comes into this continent
doesn’t mean that minorities are lazy or haven’t worked hard. Black people worked their tails off
for this country and discrimination plus hatred prevented many black people (back years ago) from
achieving full equality. That is precisely why new laws like the 1964 Civil Rights Act were created
and activism was executed in order to give black people greater opportunities. Also, true
Americanism isn’t about historical revisionism to deny the cultural aspects of black people or
Mexican Americans. True Americanism is to have tolerance yes, but it is also acknowledge the
errors that acuminated in the history of the United States. See, if you sugarcoat reality, then
falsehoods will blatantly persist in the thinking of some human beings.

We as black people have every right to define our own cultural identity without accepting the
expectations of a hypocritical, supremacist culture. I think a person has every right to voluntarily
join communities to benefit their own people without Jim Crow segregation. How is that evil? It is
not evil for a black people to work with other black people to improve the communities of black
Americans. See, you want to end black people from uniting to solve problems in order for black
people to deny their black heritage. That is your game plan, but in 2012, an increasingly number of
black people reject assimilation into a corrupt, materialist culture. We blacks are waking up and
we want Black Power. As for Americans, no one said that a black person loving their people hates
the term of Americans. If a black person is an American citizen, he is or she is an American. It’s not
a big deal. Yet, as a black man, I have the right to promote my black culture in foods, intellectual
pursuits, fashion, athletics, literature, math, science, engineering, and a myriad of themes found in
black consciousness. If you want a melting pot, you have free reign to live in whatever community
that you wish that embraces that philosophy. More power to you. Yet, my people have issues and I
can’t help my people by embracing colorblindness. I will help my people by uniting with my
people. See, black unity and Black Power ends the paradigm of assimilating into a system that
wishes for black culture to be destroyed.

Also, the reactionary agendas of poor bashing, austerity, theocratic propaganda, etc. have been
exposed for the eyes to see. Herman Cain is wrong, because he believes in a suicidal foreign policy.
He accepts the regressive flat tax and he believes that racism plays no serious role in American life
(when his own people suffer police brutality, discrimination, and stereotypes day in and day out
today). It’s bigger than liberal vs. conservative. It’s about economic justice and treating your
neighbor as yourself vs. the status quo of regressive traditionalism. You are glad that you
ancestors were told to shut and assimilate (that’s amazing since JFK certainly didn’t shut up. He
fought like man and defended the poor and the oppressed). So, the Irish didn’t shut up. I am so
glad that my black people didn’t shut up and brothers plus especially sisters fought back against
white supremacy to defeat Jim Crow oppression. My black ancestors fought like men and women
also to advance black liberation against oppressors too. You discuss about how white people lived
omitting that many white people (not all of them) lived back then in the realm of bigotry, silence
amidst oppression, and betrayal of the Bill of Rights. Black cultural identity has nothing to do with
bitterness or a sense of revenge. It’s about black people seeking to affirm their manhood. It’s
about black people reconnecting with their ancestors and Africa in general. You falsely assume
that a black-identified strong man is obsessed with your people. We are not. It seems that people
like you are obsessed with us blacks, because you are angry that black people are waking up to the
crimes (that originated from European imperialists, rapists, and criminals) & desire Black Unity.
Black Unity & the growth of the black community is a threat to white supremacy indeed. You want
to omit those crimes. I don’t. Many of you white conservatives can’t identity with me in dialogue,
because you deny greatly racism in society (and economic inequality caused by guess what
corporatists). Also, you want black people to accept your thinking, your way of life, and your
attitude under your domination. See, we blacks have the right to not be culturally or socially
dominated by you. We have the right to develop potent black independent thinking that is strong
at its core.

The rest of your words are interesting. Affirming our heritage is real. Now, you use a tactics of
believing in historical revisionism about Dr. Martin Luther King. See, from 1967 onward, Dr. King
woke up a great deal. He saw how America was and abhorred the white backlash (which exists
today in the Tea Party Movement). Dr. Martin Luther King in 1967 and 1968 spoke about the
positives of Black Power, while disagreeing with the usage of riots as morally reprehensive actions.
Also, Dr. King said and wrote that black people must affirm their heritage and that the crimes of
white society are apparent. He also shook hands with Muhammad Ali on tape. I’ve seen the
footage on YouTube. Dr. Martin Luther King wanted a guaranteed annual income, he opposed the
unjust Vietnam War, he wanted an economic bill of rights (via his Poor Peoples Campaign), and he
believed in the growth of black businesses throughout the world. So, Dr. King wasn’t the Tiger
Woods or the Alfonso Riberio type of brother. He was a strong brother with a great intellect and
pristine perspectives that run in glaring contrast to the views of white conservatives like you.
You are right that Ali’s characterization of Joe Frazier was wrong. Frazier was a man making a living
and he financially helped Muhammad Ali. So, Muhammad Ali was right to oppose the Vietnam
War and defend the honor of black, beautiful sisters. Ali was wrong to demonize Frazier in that
fashion. No real man agreed with that. Yet, Muhammad Ali apologized for his error and continued
to fight against poverty, illiteracy, and injustice to this very day in 2012. I don’t believe that a black
person is an Uncle Tom if they are friends with individual whites. A person is an Uncle Tom if they
harbor hatred & disgust for their own people and work to promote white supremacy instead of
black liberation. Militancy is necessary in creating determined change if that militancy is part of a
positive force. Blatant militancy was a crucial method in accomplishing the American Revolution
itself. If militancy is directed in a wrong fashion, then I oppose it.

By Timothy

More Debates with a Reactionary

My Responses are in bold:

@TruthSeeker24 Do you even know what the term "Nazi" is derived from? National SOCIALIST
Workers' Party. Aside from that, my point was that both governments, while on paper were
supposed to be polar opposites, were actually run very similarly. The key to note is the amount of
power the people gave to the government in the guise of protection. If you don't think something like
that is possible if we keep heading down our current path, look at the Patriot Act, a most decidedly
unpatriotic law.

LordGouda 2 days ago


• @LordGouda
I know what Nazism entail and their full name. So, that rhetoric doesn't move me to be like
you (an anarcho-capitalist). It's a historical fact that Nazis destroyed unions, killed socialists,
harmed human civil liberties, and used totalitarianism. Socialism believes in unions and so
forth, so the Nazis aren't true socialists at all. Nazism suppressed the rights of the people. I
reject the Patriot Act. A progressive government should enhance the rights of the people.

TruthSeeker24 1 second ago


• @TruthSeeker24 Actually, the document in its original form does not divide people of color. The
amendments that you just said you support, such as the horrid three fifths amendment, reduced the
rights of certain people. That's my point: if you read the original document, it can be used for
anything we have today. The amendments meant to "clarify" the constitution are what destroyed it.

LordGouda 2 days ago

• @LordGouda
You argument proves my argument that Amendment chances is one method (out of many) to
devise legitimate reforms in America. We live in the 21st century and we can't be static in our
social development. Life evolves and humanity evolves to suit to the changing times of
society. The original document can be used for many things today, but it didn't address
female voting rights, Jim Crow, and other matters. We need Amendments to help our
country. You need to comprehend that.

TruthSeeker24 1 second ago


• @TruthSeeker24 Equality of outcome means not equality ..but the forced

degradation of all standards, dumbing down culture, dumbing down tests
dumbing down performance looking past failure after failure until you get "equality".
Equality is lie, and a tyranny

871yt 3 days ago


• @871yt
Now, equality means that all human beings have equal worth and equal value (and they
should be given the same equal rights & equal opportunities in life). Even Republicans
disagree with you on that issue. Equality is never about equal outcome. You distort the true
meaning of equality to promote a reactionary viewpoint of austerity. Corporate influence has
contributed to our cultural/educational problems. Equality isn't tyranny. Equality is the truth.

TruthSeeker24 1 second ago


Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution allows the federal government to fund science, have
taxes, and build infrastructure. So, yes, the type of government the Founders envisioned
was a government using public and private means to build roads, have science, and to
create infrastructure too. King George used labor exploitation to promote his British Empire.
TruthSeeker24 3 days ago


zZaius wrote:

Poverty will always be with us, until someone invents a pill which can raise IQ levels......!
Knowing that poverty can never be eliminated I choose to go with a system that has uplifted more
people from poverty and vastly improved the lives of millions upon millions of people than any other
system ever created by man.
Free market capitalism, which works best without governmental bureaucratic intervention.
Please read this:
Truly amazing, eh? The power of free market capitalism UNLEASHED!
You are making the same mistake they made in the former USSR , Cuba, North Korea and every
other nation which has embraced socialism as a cure to societies ills. The federal government is not
about compassion. It is about control and political power for a modern day ruling class.
The smaller the government is, the better off the people are.
Surrendering your liberty for the promise of a government utopia, where everything is 'fair' and
'equal' is a shortcut to enslavement AKA North Korea, Cuba, Zimbabwe and on and on.
The political ruling class would just as happily beat you for not picking as much rice as the next guy
as they would be happy to put you in jail for growing a plant on your private property.

You are the famous comedian again Zaius. We’ve been down this road before. Just because
theoretically that poverty can never be brought down to 0 percent, that doesn’t mean we should do
nothing to fight it. Our poverty rate can radically come down from over 8 percent unemployment.
Also, your IQ shot is disrespectful, because tons of poor individuals have a high IQ.

Now, you claim that free market capitalism was the strongest instrument that brought down poverty
more than any instrument known to man. That is of course very false, because never in American
history (or world history) that we have a financial system free from all government intervention.
President George Washington supported federal funds for canals. Eisenhower used federal dollars
to build up our interstate highway system and President Kennedy used government money to fund
NASA, pro-union policies, and foreign aid. That is antithetical to the totally laissez faire capitalist
system. What works is a mixed economy (that promotes private enterprise, legitimate regulations,
and public services too). That works. You list certain nations, which is slick my fellow. The
government can’t solve every problem, but the government can be used as an instrument for
improvements. Humans can show compassion without the state, but that doesn’t mean the
government is left out of the equation. Not to mention that labor rights, civil rights, environmental
protection, and other benefits in our land aren’t representative of free market capitalism at all. I don’t
believe in jailing people growing a specific plant in their private property. I do believe in jailing
people who enact massive fraud, murder, and oppression on their private property though.

Although, you conveniently omit the pro-social democratic nations of Denmark, the Netherlands,
Sweden, Germany, etc. that have strong public resources to help their citizens out. They aren’t
following Austrian economics. Much of their health, education, GDP, and human development index
are better than America's indicators of its standard of living. It was the federal government spending
money to end the Great Depression. It was federal involvement that contributed to the decline of the
poverty rate in the USA in half from 1960 to 1970 as well. Smaller government doesn’t work in every
case to help a kid to pay for student loans or to solve interstate issues. I believe that the
government shouldn’t control every aspect of society. I believe the government should protect our
liberties. I just believe that the government should promote the general welfare of the people. Your
pro-oligarchy positions are really about socialism for the rich and cartel-capitalism for the poor.
The former USSR, Cuba, and North Korea=nations that used policies that violate human civil
liberties. This doesn't refute the notion of legitimate social democratic principles of being essential
to enhance our standard of living at all. You can have the government to exist, civil liberties, and
private & public services to exist at the same time in one country.

It's not about big or small government. It's about efficient government that is free from corporate
control. Our government is controlled heavily by corporate influence. This is one reason why some
parts of the US government has gone haywire.

-By Timothy

My original words to Desmond:

There are exceptions to the rule. Yet, if a man wants to do something, a man should be
just active and accomplish their goals directly. So, I do believe that a man should court a
woman, because culturally we men are territorial, we like our space, and we can be
aggressive because of our testosterone. Therefore, a real man should be active in
communicating with woman for romance first. Sometimes, subconsciously, a woman
courting a man views the man as inferior socially (not physically), because some women
see that man as a work in progress (not a real strong, progressive human being or not an
equal emotionally strong partner). That is why some men who are courted by women feel
lackadaisical in their relationships. They feel entitled when a relationship is about
common bound (and mutual sacrifice) not a man depending on a woman for most of his

It's very creepy for a man to be desperate to depend on a woman for his livelihood. It's
very embarrassing for a man to give up and just let a woman to court him at every
circumstance. So, if a man has trouble in the dating scene, that man should step back
(and have self-reflection and work on himself emotionally & socially then focus on dating
people. That man can focus on his education, his occupation, and other facets of his life
before having a long term relationship with a woman. Getting advice is great too).

By Timothy
How about women? Should they be active and accomplish their goals directly too? Your
reasoning makes no sense. Women are territorial too and they can be more aggressive than
men. A lot of the women who took me out and paid for everything appreciated me for my
manhood...that manhood by itself has more value than. I had a good laugh reading this last
part of your post...when have you ever seen a man give up and just let women court him?
That's some bogus s___. Women pursue men when there is something about the man they
want and value. There is nothing wrong with that. Look, dude there is only one reason why
men pursue women ....TRADITION! But that tradition is based on inequality between the
sexes. Men had all the money and power and stature in society so they were the ones who
could take women out...not the other way around. Guys who have a problem with women
courting men are really just concerned about losing the power and control their money and
status as men gave them..

-Desmond Sandiford

My Response:

Women too should be active and accomplish their goals directly, yet you know there is epidemic of
males falsely collectively blaming women for all issues under the sun. Many women are being
assaulted and disrespected in music, TV, and other arenas. Women are treated harsher than men,
therefore we men have the responsibility to stand up for the value of real women in the world. I
reject the nefarious philosophy for blaming women collectively for dating issues or for the ills of
society in general. My reasoning makes perfect sense since the nature of a real man (from a
biological, historical, social, behavioral, and cultural standpoints) is to be active, confident, and
upright. That is the profound justification for us as males to possess a go getter attitude instead of
just waiting for the signs from the heavens to come to us. You can raise your hands up and the
signs won't come unless you work. We should chart our destinies. Both genders can be territorial,
but males & females aren't identical physically, emotionally, physiologically, or biologically (We are
all equal in value, in our inherit or inborn rights, and in intellect. Males and females have identical

The paying for everything situation is an unique situation. If a woman voluntarily pays you money
for dinner, more power to you. Yet, this (in my opinion) ought not to be the case in most instances.
A man should at least pay half of their own meal if they are going out with a woman. I don't
question your manhood, but I have a disagreement with you. I have seen men give up and allow
any type of female go out with him in real life. That isn't bogus, but that's reality. Women pursue
men for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, it may sincere and sometimes it is not. It depends on the
person since every human is different. The rest of your post outlines a historical argument. The
reality is that many men pursued women illegitimately throughout human history as a product of a
corrupt, elitist, and retrograde social system. That's true, yet this isn't the case with all men who
pursue women. Some men pursue women for companionship without misogyny or the sense of
desiring to dominate a woman via an authoritarian fashion. We have testosterone. It is in our
nature to invent, to create, and to pursue. I haven't seen a man who disagreed with a woman
pursuing a man having insecurities about preserving their own power. A real man pursues, but
pursue ethically. If you want a woman to pursue a man, that's your right. Yet, I don't believe that a
man should be totally restricted in pursuing a woman. It is obvious that gender inequality should
be completely eliminated and some aspects of traditionalism are archaic & discriminatory.

Yet, this argument doesn't refute the fact of a man having the right to acquire an aggressive
mentality not cowardice, and using strength to directly affect profound change in society. Brother,
you have the right to get your Wesley Snipes on (as you admitted to this forum). I have the right to
adhere to my perspective (and date some Nubian sisters. These sisters are the original women on
Earth). I want to be with someone who is a reflection of myself (in the opposite gender) that knows
my pain, my struggles, my culture, my history, and my total identity as a black man living in this
-By Timothy (Me)

zZaius wrote:

Who really cares what MLK would have thought? He is dead and speculation is the equivalent of
mental masturbation.

Damn him and those evil, hypocritical, republican control freaks.

The next thing you know they will want to ban the murder of infants over 150 weeks and sexual
relations with livestock.

I like you Zaius. You are a comedian. It is hypocrisy though in my eyes. The reason is that
Santorum claims that to promote less federal government as a part of his campaign platform, but he
believes in more federal government intervention in our personal and sexual business. That’s a fact.
Dr. King’s views are important to comprehend since his words have relevance in our time during the
year of 2012. Poverty, war, homelessness, education, the environment, and other issues are
relevant in 1968 and in 2012. There is that historical connection between both of those historical
eras. Dr. Martin Luther King’s views live on and he desire a lot of credit for his contributions to
American society. He deserves a lot of respect beyond your words of him. Many Republican
hypocrites want big government in the military & our personal behavior, but refuse to promote
effective federal government intervention to help the poor, the elderly, the sick, and the
disadvantaged along the journey of life’s roads.

Many of them promote anti-civil liberty doctrines & a regressive foreign policy agenda. To his credit,
Ron Paul opposes the Patriot Act, SOPA, and other unjust bills or unjust laws. Ron Paul is just
wrong on other matters. On abortion, I am not a radical pro-abortion man. People know my views. I
do believe that we can find common ground in creating programs to lower abortion rates, to have
funds for pregnancy services, and finding ways to promote stronger child care services (after the
baby is out of the womb). I am not a moral relativist (I don’t agree with bestiality), but the federal
government has no right to dictate my moral conscience or my religious creed at all. That’s none of
the feds’ business frankly.

-By Timothy

Ron Hubbard wrote:

You must be an idiot? The biggest RACISTS today are Blacks. Cry about everything and
whine about everything is the mantra of most blacks today. Especially the Black racist losers
who vote DEMOCRAT. Blacks are citizens and don't need ANY voting acts rights signed.
Lets sleave the past in the past and move on. Blacks get no special rights and due to what
happened in the past.

Black people have the free speech right to protest against police brutality, discrimination, and other
subsequent ills in society. That isn't about human whining. That's reality. Your ancestors protested
against colonialism that was inflicted upon them by the British Empire. If your ancestors did these
actions centuries ago, we black people have the right to make our grievances known. Also, the
acceptable black to you is the bowing down reactionary type of Negro.

Sorry, but most black people have a mind of their own and reject Tea Party logic. We accept
environmental protection, our civil liberties being enhanced, and an end to any form of oppression
against any human being. Also, laws come throughout human history to rectify violations of human
liberties. The Voting Rights Act is still necessary, because it protects against violations to those
valuable human rights. Extremists still exist that want the rights of black Americans to be eliminated.
No real person advocates special rights. People want the extension of the same HUMAN RIGHTS
to all people. For human rights is superior to states’ rights. The Federal Bill of Rights is superior to
states’ rights.

Sometimes, the free market and private interests can't guarantee equal rights among all citizens or
all human beings. These equal rights are sometimes fought for and people died in allowing the
public to have the real liberties to come about. The past is the past, but even in the present,
oppression is around. When oppression is around, we don't say let's ignore it. We don't say, let's
minimize it. We say, let's fight it and eliminate all forms of injustices in the world society now. That's
our job and black people are more than correct to advocate compassion to the poor, not austerity
(and freedom not discrimination or intolerance). I prefer black people to be politically independent
personally, but I precisely comprehend why most of my people are Democrats (since the
Republicans are so extreme that even Eisenhower would be criticized by the Tea Party
reactionaries. Nixon is more liberal than many Republicans today). Peace is also superior to war
mongering and unnecessary militaristic aggression against sovereign countries in the world. So,
black people should advocate social justice and pristine equality via any legitimate means

-By Timothy

Scapegoat4URLife 1 hour agoin reply to truthseeker2436577

Can't argue with most of that...maybe several things. First off, let me keep it real in saying I'm a
conservative so...that's gonna weigh in here.
Dr. King's era was an era permeated by a social and fiscal conservatism that is now
considered reserved for Republicans. The time for unions and civil rights legislation was right
and justified then. Now we have the fall out of too much apathy of education, a sense
of entitlement, an inability to live within our means, a rampant enforcement of double
standards, and instead of a promotion of true equality our society thought it better to simply
hold others down to raise certain groups. The modern Republicans have "knee-jerked" in
reaction to what we've become. They recognize it, and instead of taking a moderate approach
to righting it...they overreact just as bad as their counterparts.
So this issue is more complex if you really want to dissect it. While it may be true that Dr. King
wouldn't have voted for Mitt Romney for the hard right position some modern day Republicans
take, I can say for certain that the 60's era King WOULD NOT like the extreme leftist mentality
that his movement grew into. Now had King not been killed, and instead became part of this
left side extremism...well then maybe he'd support Obama.
King was a 50's style dude and Rev.....that would almost make him a con just by default.
You're looking at him through the liberal eyes of a 2012 era.
But I really digressed problem was with Newone's assertion that because of the
GUESS that Dr. King wouldn't vote for Romney, there's no way all the documentation and
historical fact of him being a Republican are true....which doesn't make sense at all.

My Response:

I see your point, but I just disagree with you on the ideal that Dr. King would be a strong Republican
today (or that Newsone intentionally wanted to promote some illogical presupposition as a means to
deceive viewers). The main point of Newsone was that Dr. King may have been registered as a
Republican, but he would not agree with the Republican platform today. The details may be
quibbled, but the overarching theme remains.
Social and fiscal conservatism was strong in the era of the 1950's and the 1960's. That is accurate,
but we still need union protections and civil rights protections in our time. The reason is that we
have inequality problems, controversial voter ID laws, anti-civil liberty laws like the Patriot Act, and
numerous attempts by some to have voter suppression (against minorities, the young, the elderly,
the poor, etc.). This social reality merits the same preservation of our civil rights and labor
protections that individuals fought for decades ago. This is why activists are legitimately fighting for
our voting rights, labor rights, and human rights now. Although, even JFK didn't accept
Reaganomics. JFK wanted tax cuts and expenditure spending in 1964. JFK wanted detente with the
Soviets and possible normalization with Cuba. Even Eisenhower helped to form the international
highway with government spending. Eisenhower would have been condemned by the Tea Party.
The problems you cite are cultural complications which aren't a product of a failure of the truth of
some progressive ideals. It's a product of extreme globalization, austerity policies, and a
glamorization of evil in Western society, discrimination, economic exploitation, and other
socioeconomic problems. The enactment of certain progressive policies weren't meant to advance
an abandonment of true equality. They were instituted as a basic means to prevent groups from
experiencing discrimination. Certain programs aren't meant to downgrade the power of some, but it
was meant to prevent the power of minorities to be further diminished in an imperfect society.
Groups in various forms exist even if you disagree based on your conservative philosophical point
of view. Therefore, laws protecting groups like in various ethnic groups, genders, etc. are legitimate
if they are meant to grant real opportunities and to protect basic human freedoms. I do agree with
you that sometimes, some Republicans go overboard in trying to rectify cultural/social issues going
on in America. On the other hand, the Dr. King of the 1950's is completely different from Dr. King in
1968. By 1968, he was more radical, he was more progressive (that was his trajectory
ideologically), and believed in a guaranteed annual income to help fight poverty. He wanted
reparations; Dr. King praised the positive aspects of Black Power, and an end to all forms of war.
He believed in supporting the revolutionary movements of the Third World. We don't know exactly
what he would say about some of the unique issues that some in the left believe in. The so-called
"extreme left" on some issues are better than the neo-cons. One thing is certain that Dr. King would
still believe in nonviolence, peace, and he would fight against poverty internationally.

-By Timothy (Me)

vonveezil 54 minutes agoin reply to truthseeker2436577

This is fun. I do believe like normal though, you misinterpret my way of thinking and lump it in
with whatever dogma you choose to make it. When Sharpton is on everyday on MSDNC, it's
all about race with him. One can play the race card too often that when there's real racism it's
like the boy who cried wolf. No one believes him anymore. You said" Al Sharpton supports
voting rights; he opposes police brutality, and wants
freedoms. You can disagree with him on many things, but on those issues, he isn’t
presenting racism on those topics." Really? If he supports freedom then why does he support
such a man as Barack Obama, who is trying very hard to strip freedoms from every American ,
including blacks. Do you really think that asking someone to prove who they are when voting is
suppression? Now please tell me that you and everyone doesn't use some form of ID to bank,
buy liquor, cash a check or just about anything one need a picture ID. But for one of
the most sacred rights we Americans have , you don't need an ID. To get into an Obama
campaign stop , you MUST show 2 forms of ID and have a picture ID. This assumption that
voter ID is suppressive is a joke. The only reason the Democrats and Al fight it so hard is
because then the illegals won't be able to vote.Which they shouldn't be able to do because
they are not citizens. I oppose police brutality also, since I was beaten badly while handcuffed
behind my back by 2 officers in an elevator. Rodney King didn't deserve his throttling but
Denny didn't deserve his throttling either. You say he wants freedoms. What freedoms are you
being deprived of? Is there one thing in this country that a black man or woman can't achieve?
No, there isn't. I live in the 21st century and you telling me that I long for the days of slavery is
totally wrong. No one here at all has ever been subjected to slavery. Not one of you. I have
never owned a slave and never want to own a slave. I'm a proud American, and you all are
Americans also. I own my own business and do work on many black peoples homes. Black
peoples money is just as green as whites, Asians, or Latinos money. You fight for education
but here in Chicago 48% of blacks drop out of school. 440+murders , mostly black on black.
Remember this is not a Republican area , it's a total Democrat area. You say you're striving for
freedoms that you already have. It's just your attitude and mindset that keeps all of you from
becoming whatever you want to become. According to most polls 91% of all blacks are going
to vote for Obama and the Democrats. So you telling me, that in '08 when 98% of blacks voted
for Obama, that was just a mirage? Not to many blacks jumped ship it would appear. You say
you don't worship the Democrats but actions speak louder than words and the overall actions
of the black community derail you affirmation. Look up this movie called Runaway Slave. It's
being offered on many cable networks as a ppv. $4.99. Order it and sit down with your family
and friends and watch it. Or are you to far gone? Nothing keeps you from being all you can be
in this country. Nothing, except your own perceptions of yourselves.

My Response to the Tea Party deceiver:

This is fun. You know that the game isn't over yet. Well, it's about to be. I don’t misinterpret your
words. Your words are rather transparent. You blame black people for rejecting the GOP mostly
and then you try to use historical revisionism and slick tactics in trying to force guilt unto black
people in trying to make them Tea Party adherents. It won't work because doubling down on trickled
down will not massively stop poverty at all. Just because Al Sharpton talks about race on MSNBC,
doesn’t mean it’s an example of him expressing racism. Dr. King talked about race in exposing
racism. Also, Sharpton’s words’ about voter suppression, evils in the political system, and exposing
corporate corruption are accurate. You cite no examples of Sharpton playing the race card in 2012
explicitly. Racism and discrimination are ever real in society and you just deny it. You cite no
evidence on how Sharpton doesn’t support voting rights, real freedoms, and ending police brutality.
I didn’t say that the man is perfect. Supporting Barack Obama is his right. I believe the President is
right on some issues and dead wrong on others. I don’t just don’t have a hatred of the man. Folks
who hate the man have immorally denied his citizenship, called him lazy, questioned his intellect,
and slandered his name (and his family like the coward Glen Beck. Beck had to apologize for
disrespecting the President's daughter). Some GOP people even disrespected the beautiful,
intelligent Sister First Lady Michelle Obama. This isn't representative of all GOP members or all Tea
Party individuals though. The anti-voter ID laws are bigger than possessing an ID, which you
already know. These anti-human rights laws decrease the days in how people can achieve early
voting, many people have been falsely eliminated from voting rolls, and some of these laws have
been struck down by courts all across America. The Voter ID laws force people to have a
government issued photo ID when other documents are sufficient in order for folks to vote. Studies
prove that some of these laws will negatively affect the young and the poor. Millions of U.S. citizens
don't have a government issued photo ID in the realm of 11% of all U.S. citizens.

Many pro-Republican groups put up inaccurate billboards about voting laws as well. Black people
have victories in Ohio and other places too on this issue. Studies prove that voter fraud presently is
very minuscule which doesn’t make it necessary for these oppressive laws to exist in the first place.
Also, not one reasonable person wants non-U.S. citizen human beings to vote in American
elections. Where did you get that perception from? These people who are non-U.S. citizens are still
human beings and they should be afforded equal respect. Why do you cite Rodney King and
Denny? No one is talking about both men here. Most black people don’t agree with what happened
to both of them. Your implication that some blacks massively lack empathy of the suffering of non-
blacks is telling. People are talking about Dr. King. 2 wrong don’t make a right, but the white
supremacist system exists (as exposed by crammasters and other qualified black scholars). You
reactionaries ignore white supremacy and racism since you want to live in your world of trying to
make black people docile & submissive under your way of thinking when dealing with white people.
The Patriot Act and other unjust laws deprive our freedoms. The TSA abusive acts deprive our
freedoms. The evil Drug War policies and the stop and frisk situation deprive our freedoms as well.
Documented voter suppression in recent times deprives our human freedoms. We have the right to
promote our civil liberties period. Also, slavery is still here in the world despite it being banned
overtly & legally in America. Native Americans living today didn’t experience the colonists
oppressing them, but they received compensation in recent years. The legacy of racism still exists
in our time and black people have the right to oppose oppression (whether it's from police brutality
to discrimination). Just because you don’t own a slave doesn’t make it a justification for you to
refuse to expose racism or ignore white supremacy.

Injustices still reign in society like a 6 year old sister being killed by a crooked police officer in
Detroit. Also, you cite the imperfections in other cities as a means to blame blacks collectively,
which is ignorance. These problems are caused by socioeconomic problems, laissez faire economic
problems (these economic policies increased the debt during the Bush years. What people in
Chicago need isn't your way of privatization of all resources, but a holistic approach of both public
and private services in making reforms in the city. You have to spend money in investments in
fighting for change, not just individual initiatives), the Drug War, etc. not by the essence of black
humanity. There are those in Chicago fighting for reforms and you discount or minimize their efforts.
Also, many mostly Republican areas in the Deep South have poverty, record divorces, educational
problems, meth addiction, and other problems. My people don’t make up most of the pedophiles,
serial killers, corporate criminals, and imperialists in America. Guess which people? Also, many
black people have made great accomplishments in life. Yet, they made it by working collectively too.
You never made it on your own solitary. You needed assistance sometimes collectively. The power
of the individual and the power of the collective are parts of the black African cultural tradition. My
attitude has nothing to do with all evils in the world. Also, most black people voted for President
Barack Obama because John McCain was seen as more reactionary. McCain talked about possibly
bombing Iran. Most young people voted for the President in 2008 and most people voting for
Republicans are mostly white people (that doesn't mean that all white people are racist or all black
people are racist for mostly voting for the President). Many black people in Maryland voted for more
non-black Democratic candidates before (and in places across America). I don’t worship Democrats
and to assume otherwise is deception on your part. I cite the errors of the Democratic Dixiecrats in
this very forum. I am an Independent politically.

My actions of believing in truth, opposing globalization, and rejecting austerity are clear. I refuted
the Runaway Slave documentary many months ago in print. Your Tea Party rhetoric (and the Tea
Party is funded by the Koch Brothers and other corporate interests) is fantasy since war mongering,
massive austerity cuts, scapegoating, promoting the interests of the 1 percent, and xenophobia
aren’t the essence of the Dream. The Dream is about us showing respect for humanity of every
background and not to scapegoat black people collectively for every social ill in America. Runaway
Slave won't expose how the New Deal decreased poverty, how the poverty rate was cut massively
from 1945-1975 via progressive action, or how Social Security is a very successful program. It won't
expose NSM 200 and it won't expose how Dr. King wanted a guaranteed annual income for all
Americans. Your denial of white supremacy and the oppression against human beings in society is
telling. I have a great perception of myself and my black people. I do believe that my people can
achieve great things, but I also believe in exposing white supremacy at the same time. I believe in
the Dream and I believe in justice. You can't have peace without justice.


By Timothy

On the Flat Tax:

The Flat Tax has been exposed by numerous folks indeed. The flat tax is loved by many
conservatives and even some libertarians. It’s supported by Rick Perry, Herman Cain (as
popularized with his 999 plan), former House majority leader Dick Armey, etc. Armey is the
chairman of the Freedom Works group. It’s the Tea Party funded Koch Brothers supported group.
Perry and Cantor yell against the stimulus, but use money from the stimulus to fund their projects
in a form of hypocrisy. The flat tax raises taxes on the poor and lowers them on the rich. The non-
partisan Tax Policy Center estimates that Cain's plan (the only one out there so far) would lower
the after-tax incomes of poor households (incomes below $30,000) by 16 to 20 percent, while
increasing the incomes of wealthier households (incomes above $200,000) by 5 to 22 percent, on
average. Under Cain's plan, fully 95 percent of households with more than $1 million in income
would get an average tax cut of $487,300. And capital gains (a major source of income for the very
rich) would be tax free. Usually, the flat tax plans lead into the rich benefiting. The current tax
code is slightly progressive since the rich pay a slightly higher rate. Yet, the poor pay a larger share
of their incomes in payroll taxes, sales taxes, and property taxes. Flat taxes don’t eliminate popular
deductions. A flat tax means a professional whose making, say, $380,000 a year pays the same
income-tax rate as a plutocrat pulling in $2 billion or $20 billion. Our current flat tax at the top is
treating the nation's professional class exactly the same as it treats super-rich plutocrats. The top
1 percent is now raking in over 20 percent of the nation's total income and owns over 35 percent
of the nation's wealth. Simple fairness requires three things: More tax brackets at the top, higher
rates in each bracket, and the treatment of all sources of income (capital gains included) exactly
the same. Also, people on minimum wage in many cases can’t afford many basic necessities of life
(I’m not even talking about health insurance).

-By Timothy

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