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Behavioural Questions

1. Give me an example of when you successfully persuaded senior management that

your strategy was the right approach.
2. Do you prefer written or verbal communication?
3. Describe a time when you were the resident expert. What did you do to make sure
everyone got up to speed on the topic?
4. Tell me when you had to rely on documentation to get your ideas across to a team.
5. Give me an example of when you had to explain something complicated to a new
6. Tell me about a successful presentation you gave to a customer.
7. Have you ever had to deliver negative feedback to a colleague?
8. Describe a situation where you used persuasion to convince someone to see things
your way.
9. Was there ever a time that you verbally disagreed with your boss or another
authority figure? What was the situation, and how did it turn out?
10. Tell me about a time when someone brought up an opposing point of view that
never occurred to you.

Ans 1. During my SIP we were working for a company with 11 employees and being
in sales we had only 2 employees which led to increase of workload and thereby
spoiling the work life balance of both the employees observing this problem I told
this to my CEO, and eventually convinced him increasing the workforce which
proved to be a right decision and helped in creating business.

Ans 2. I prefer verbal communication and as far as possible face to face

communication because what I believe is when the person is in front the sharing of
emotions, tone, message and articulation of ideas while listening and giving the right
feedback becomes easier and more simplified and thereby risk of mistakes become
less and thereby improving the overall efficiency of the process of communication.

Ans 3. During one of GD at my under graduation I being the moderator had to host
the same had to moderate the pace of the event I thereby tried calling names of
members in panel to keep them motivated and active.

Ans 4. During our club proceedings with organizing events in college we need to
follow a certain predefined documentation procedure to go ahead and execute
things smoothly.

Ans 5. During my SIP I helped a new joined Employee to acquire the basic skillsets
required for the company and contributed to training and development of him.

Ans 6. During my SIP I was doing a sales representative role in my company where I
had to pitch about the services which we provided I gave 100+ pitches with around
20% conversion rate which is a great achievement for me as my first job.
Ans 7. Yes, I had during one of my projects an employee was intentionally
underperforming where I had to give negative feedback but tried helping him
understand his mistake and do justice to his piece of work.

Ans 8. During my presentation at completion of SIP with company though my role

was for sales, but I suggested some HR related recommendations to be
implemented in company which initially was not acceptable to my reporting
manager but after the discussion he was convinced.

Ans 9. At times during my discussions with my reporting manger during SIP we had
disagreements and things went wrong in a sense but somehow being working under
him I tried understanding his perspective and, he gave me enough space to express
out and in collaboration we came up with a conclusive justification.

Ans 10. Once I was sitting for an interview for internship, I was asked a question on
my decision to do Engineering I placed my answer inclined towards my interest but
the panel was not convinced with the answer and has another POV. I had to accept
their POV as well in sync to mine but ultimately landing up justifying my choice.

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