Guided Waves

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Chapter GUIDED WAVES brea Covered Waves between parallel planes Transverse Electric (TE) waves Transverse Magnetic (TM) waves - Characteristics of TE and TM waves Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) waves Characteristics of TEM waves Attenuation in parallel planes Wave Impedance for guides 2) INTRODUCTION In the chapter of electromagnetic waves, uniform plane waves have been discussed. In free space, propagation characteristics of uniform plane waves are very important. But in actual cases, propagation is by means of guided waves, that is, waves that are guided along parallel wire or coaxial transmission line, or between conducting planes or wave guides or dielectric surfaces. In this chapter, waves between parallel planes are discussed. QIWAves BETWEEN PARALLEL PLANES | Assumptions : (a) Pair of parallel planes are perfectly conducting. (b) Separation between the planes is ‘a’ meter in x- direction. (c) Space between planes is perfect dielectric (6=0) of permittivity © and permeability 1. GUIDED WAVES 322 be DIRECTION OF PROPAGATION —> Fig, 6.1 Parallel Conducting Planes (d) Planes are of infinite extent in the y and z direction. (e) As the plane is extended to infinity in the y- direction there are no boundary conditions to be met in this direction, therefore field is uniform in the y-direction ie. derivative with respect to y is zero 2- 0 (P Direction of propagation of wave is along z-direction, therefore the variation of all the field components in the z-direction is expressed as e™ Where Y= +iBy Here — ty is propagation constant and it is not equal to xy #1). In special ease of uniform plane waves, Yj reduces to 7. Oy is attenuation constant, and c By is phase constant. (@) In time varying form, the field variation is expressed as Phaed ev’ ow — ~ (iat ~ (a, +j8,J2) If there is no attenuation, a,=0 then field variation is expressed as diet Be = ello -Ba) Boundary conditions : In order to determine the electromagnetic field confi 4 ‘ t i allel planes, Maxwell's field equations are solved with the ‘slowing bouniecy aunt : (1) Electric field must terminate normall i ial component of electric field must be zee” ne Cmmauctor that is, tangent Eran = 0 (1) Magnetic field must lie tangentially along t! : ‘ component of magnetic field must be seca” "2H Surface, that is, the normal 4, nor perivation of field equations In general, Maxwell's equations (Modi Man odifi ; i ' Vx H= joel : xH=jorE (Modified Ampere’s circuital law) (1) (Faraday’s law of em iduction) ool): a, a, a, fy eet eee VxH= a0 ye =e (E,a, + Ea, + £,4.) H, H, H aH a ae a3| ete _ oH) ay | Oy me | *% | ax = joeBy ay +jaeBy ay +JO8B, @ Comparing the respective components on both sides, we get au, \aHy|_, ye 4 aH, aH,| 4 Fae ee aH, aH,| _ 5 ee a | ee 3) ctive components on both Similarly expanding equation (2) and equating respe sides, we get a8, FEs| __ jon, yo a, Bs By 9B). _ jo a Ox EY aE, 2Ps| __ jopH, ie cd) as the direction of propagation is along z-direction, the an be expressed a5 i, or ani t™, assumption (), ‘ation of field components © H,= oH, “iy ze oats? e au, Bee oll ‘Thus oe (5) GUIDED WAVES Similarly -5(b)) ~ygEs -(5(@)) and ~iEy (5(d) also from assumption (e), 2-=0 i; OH, aE, 2B: 9 i dy ay ay Oy +(5(E)), By substituting equations [5(a, b and e)] in equation (3), we have ll, =JoxE, (Gla) aH, ~ ig --6(6)) --6ie)) Similarly by substituting equations [5(c, d and ¢)] in equation (4), we have gE, =~ jouH, (Ta) “4B, 270) (TO) Now use equations 6(a) and 7(b) From equation 6(a) where => eo bp ype WAVES 4 ‘Again use equations 6(a) and 7b) ame From equation 7(6) G~ aE, Hy =L|= Ly Fog [ae * Es Substituting value of H, in equation 6(a), we have or or or where = s aB: x=-T Oe J Ke ax (8(6)) uations 6(4) and 7(a), we get Similarly by using and solving ed! AB(C)) and (8id)) where eaent the equations of plane wan propagating nite parallel planes: tween the infit a and magnetic fields strengths are in gg Ruations (8a, bs ¢ and d)) repr 42 direction varying sinusoidally be soomalt equations (8), the components of electri pressed in terms of B, and H If B,=0 and H, =0, all the components will vanish, therefore it is observed that there must be a z component of either B oF I ie. component along the direction of Propagation, trol plane guide are classified into following, ‘Therfore, the propagating waves ™ paral H, exists ¢ types according to whether Ey oF Waves oF Waves or E Waves (H 1. Transverse Blectric (TE) H Waves (E, = 0, H, #9) .B, #0) 2. ‘Transverse Magnetic (TM) TRANSVERSE ELECTRIC (TE) WAVES OR H WAVES (Ez = 0, Hz +0) In this case, the component of electric field vector E lies in the plane transverse to the direction of propagation that is there is no component of B along the direction of propagation where as a component of magnetic field vector H lies along the direction of propagation. As the direction of propagation is assumed as z-direction, therefore E,=0andH, #0 in equations (8), we get E,=0H,=0 and E,#0,H, #0 Now write wave equations for free space in terms of E (Refer article 5.7 and of Chapter 5) Now by substituting E, a a VE=iZE because ¥y = (jou)(o + jue) =- 0" peE As o= 0 (From assumption (c)) = Z=-o? pe [Using assumption (€] : =E,e% and By = Eye [Using assumption (/)] ca : Thus re GE, eae ore tee By substituting above values of 5 and — in wave equation, we get aE 2 2, aot GE, =~ o*pek, or ~ f+ ope) E, or =-KE = KE, ) vhere FG wh Wags ate ve E,=E, et da (10(@)) 2 ae ae, FE, Thus fe ax! ax? (106) By substituting equations (10) in equation (9), wave equation becomes 2, PE, i ~KE,, ax’ 0 ‘The above equation is a standard differentia) equation of simple harmonic motion and its solution can be written in the form By, = Ar sinks + AgcosK, E, = (A; sinkx + Ap cosK,xje an or (because By = Eyy ¢“™) where A, and Ay are arbitrary constants. A, and Ay can be determined with the help of following bound: Ejn=0 at the surface of conductor ary condition : This implies that By=0ata Ey =Oatx ‘Thus apply boundary condition that By=0atx=0 So equation (11) will become 0 =(AysinK,0 + AgcosK,0) ew Thus Ay=0 2 “. equation (11) reduces to B, = Aysin Kye? (12) Now apply boundary condition that Ey=0 at x =a in equation (12), we get Asin Ky ae or as Ay#0 = mm . va, whore m= 1, 2,3 discussed nish, Its a special case and will be Jaton) Ot 'm = 0, all field components V2 Ww GUIDED Waves equation (12) becomes An singin) By By = An sincmnvn ME | (yy =JBer if Og =O) ...13(@) or Put equation (13 a) in (8 d) and integrate f ince) 3g [ joy Me yy | Ay sin] 725" le Ca KPa Bat 2 Ae | ain (CH )e J i Jou mba ) a AL mncos (=) Q He= Jjoua a Arm cos fe ie a Joya C2 ig =JBQ) «..(13(0)) Differentiate (13(b)) w.r.t. x Aym?r?sin |W eye oH, a ox joua® Substitute above equation in equation (8(c)) or or Co yy =JBy) .(1300)) Equations (13(@), (b) and (¢)) represent the expressions for field components £0" Bach value of m in equations (13) represent a particular field epmfiguratio® - TE waves. Es. SeaWnes ae 329 spd he wae associated with integer m = E, wave. The lowest order s designated as T ode that can exist in this cas Me ¢ is TE, mode. ‘A sketch of field distributi tious tig. 62 ions at some particular instant of time is shown for te mode 3 x H E Fig. 6.2 Electric ‘and Magnetic fields between parallel planes for the TE, wave BE rransvensy MAGNETIC (TM) WAVES OR £ WAVES (Hz = 0 , Ez #0) nent of magnetic field tt is there is no of electric field vector IT lies in the plane transverse component of HI along the direction In this case, the compo! vector E lies along the direction othe direction of propagation that i Propagation where as componen' Propagation. ‘As the direction of propagation is assumed as HH, = 0and B, #0 ations (8), we eet B,=0 and By #0, Hy #0 space in terms of IT z-direction, therefore, By substituting Hz=0 in eau H, Now write wave equation for free v= eH [Using assumptions(e) and (f)] - ope, l| or i sah, l| # or ae (4) where Ki=% | } As Hy -(15(a)) Hi] eH, | ax* == 15(5)) {|} By substituting equations (15) in equation (14), wave equation becomes | 2 | “aia He The above equation is a standard differential e ig and its solution can be written in the form | Hy, = Aa sin Kyr + Aycos Ky x i or H, = (Ag sin Ky + AycosK x) og? 18) (because Hy = Hy, e) quation of simple harmonic motion where Ag and At are arbitrary constarits, Here, the boundary conditions cannot be applied directly to Hy to determine the constants As and A4, because, the tangential component of H i nor Zero at the suriat of a conductor (Hign #0). However from equations (6c), Ey will be teste cea of Hy, and then the boundary conditions would be applied to Ree Peaine’d Differentiate equation (16) w.rt. x : aH, ax Ky (Ag cos Ky x ~ AgsinK, x) et? g,=(L)2Hy bs) From equation 6(c) ime } dx a as sua of 2b pat value of “5 in above equation E., He [Ay cos K, x - Ne / ie | 4 ¢05 K, x— Ay sin Ky x] e™ dD Applying the boundary condition i that E,=0 at = 0 in equation (17), we get 1K.) (Ky 0 (i) [Ay cosk,0 - Aysink, 01% or Ay=0 + equation (17) reduces to K, p =(|-& i E,= () [-A, sin Kx) (18) Now applying boundary condition that E,=0 atx =a equation (18), we get o= (@] [-Ay sin Ky al or sin K,a=0 cr K,a=mn 2m @ a :. Equation (18) becomes 7 7 (azt)e p(s |= | mr (max or E; Foe a | (21g =sBa) 9a) ) and integrate Substitute equation 19(a) in Ge! { 2x [= mate J ox «(MEX |e or ee or or 332 or mr a men GUIDED Waves Bee }s (1946) Equations (19 (a), (6), (c)) represent the expressions for field component for TM also the probability of waves. In the case af Transverse Magnetic waves there is ¢ m = 0, as by putting m = 0, in equations (19), some of the fields exist (e.g. E, and H,). Therefore the lowest order mode that can exist in TM waves is the TM, mode. A sketch of field distributions at some instants of time is shown for TM, mode in Fig. 6.3 rlat ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' : ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t Fig. 6.3 The TM; wave between parallel planes, Dominant Mode. It is defined as a mode which has lowest cut-off frequent Example : TM, 333 GUIDED WAVES: —@faiicuaracteristics or Ts AND TM WAVES =] The characteristics or properties of TE and TM waves can be studied with the help of propagation constant 7, for these waves (a) Propagation Constant +20) where K,= 2% a ‘At very high frequency, so that Thus or ‘This shows that quantity under the radical will be negative and then y will be pure imaginary that is y= Og + iBy uation constant and B, is phase constant. a, is defined as a constant which indicates the rate at which tes from one point to another. Also where ay is atten Definition of oy. the wave amplitude reduces as it propaga| fo anath ; its of 22 or Never, It is real part of propagation constant. It has units of “> or ae Definition of By By i8 defined ‘as a measure of the phase shift in radians per unit length, radians It is the imaginary part of pro i pagation constant, y, with units ™ Comparing the imaginary parts of above two equations, we get V ope a Phase Constant ess in the +2 direction as waves ang Under these conditions, the fields will progress fT acting planes the attenuation of such waves will be zero for pe that is Attenuation Constant (b) Cut-Off Frequency si As the frequency is decreased, there will be a stage at critical frequency, fe 3 at which or or or Gif w= po, e=en) (- vo= Here f, is the cut-off frequency. For alll frequencies less than /,, the quantity under the radical of equation (20) will be positive and , will be a real number, that is y= 0, +j 0= oy, as By=0. This implies that fields will be attenuated exponentially in the +z direction and there will be no wave motions as B,=0. Definition of Cut-off frequency (f,). The frequency at which wave motion ceases is known as the cut-off frequency of the guide. ‘Another Definition. It is defined as a frequency below which there exists only attenuation constant, a, and phase shift constant, By=0 and above which og=0 and or By exists. m As f=Bw ‘Thus for each value of m, there is a corresponding cut-off frequency below whith wave propagation cannot occur. Above the f,, the wave propagation does occ and there will be no attenuation (ay =0) of the wave for perfectly conducting planes. (c) Cut-Off Wavelength Yo wee) fe Put the value of vy and f, in above equation, _ ne 2a vite Toes GUIDED WAVES 335 The above is the expression for the cut-off wavelength. (d) Guide Wavelength Definition. It is defined as the distance required for the phase to shift through 2n radians That is or wv 2 bs be= oe (2) This is the expression for guide wavelength Now at f, aoe ea — ‘may ' By substituting value of ( a J in equation of Ay, we get Oe 8” She ahhe (if t= to, €= 0) 2rvp ( 1 2 ecause ty = 7s) Horo or where aa ig the free space wavelength. RS 0, = 2nf, and @= nf GUIDED 336 WAVES Thus The above equation also represents guide-wavelength in terms of free space and cut-off frequencies. Derivation of the relation between i, and 4.) : -— fig and hy (Or hy in terms of) 1 As oo co: Therefore the expression of guide wavelength can also be written as This is the relation between hy, 4 and 2. Another Form : By squaring both sides of above equation, we get or ‘This expression also represents the relation between 2. hy and Ae (e) Phase (Wave) Velocity Definition, Its the velocity of propagation of equiphase surface along the gui? o yee Pp By Put the value of B, in above expression GUIDED WAVES When frequency becomes high enough so that wpe >> (2) ‘ a then or Now at f,, 2 mr y 02 Hyeg = (2 j Hofo= lg (if =o and €=e0) Thus equation of v, will become o ate —— "Hof - O2Hoky a; ye) VI- Te ‘These are the expressions for the phase velocity. hase velocity is also known as Guide Velocity. 5,1 Dominant Mode ‘The mode propagating at the lowest cut-off frequency in a guide is called dominant mode Example : TE, (®£ Degenerate Modes When two or more modes have the same cut-off frequency, then they are referred as degenerate modes. Example : TE, and TM, & Evanescent Mode It is defined as that TE or TM mode in which the operating frequency is less than the cutoff frequency and wave propagation does not occur. a a wi —! TRANSVERSE ELECTROMAGNETIC (TEM) WAVES (Ez =0, Hz =0) + E and magnetic field vector i i jd vector In this case, the components of electric fiel a. H lie in the plane transverse to the direction of propagation, components of E and H in the direction of propagation. 'TEM wave is a special case of TMm wave for m = 0. Put m = 0 in equations (19, a, 6, c), we get -(21(a)) or (216) or w( ZC) (because ¥g=JBs) Expressions (21) represent the field components of TEM waves. ‘As E; is zero, therefore the electromagnetic field is entirely transverse. Uniform plane wave is a TEM wave. TEM wave is also called Principal Wave. A sketch of TEM wave between parallel planes is shown in Fig. 6.4. Fig, 6.4 TEM wave between parallel planes PROPAGATION CHARACTERISTICS OF TEM WAVE (a) Propagation Constant As ye V(2 y 2 ‘e @_| 7O'ne (For TE or TM wave) GUIDED WAVES But for TEM waves, m = 0 So Ye > 1= 0 Vices m™ (if p= po and €= 0) Also By comparing above two Phase shift constant, Attenuation Constant, (b) Cut-off Frequency As But for TEM waves, m = 0 (c) Cut-off Wavelength ee e+ By equations, we get f= Five for TE or TM wave fe=0 As For m= 0 de = 02 (d) Guide Wavelength As Therefore ge a =) (Free space wavelength) (e) Phase (wave) Velocity As or or (By > BD (f) Intrinsic Impedance. It is defined as the ratio of transverse components of electric field vector and magnetic field vector. A, 2 ee 2 Oko Aye = (Using equations 21(b) and 21(c)) GUIDED Waves 340 ne ee ee - fe _ooltato Me N= Qeg ae Ce Bg B= @ Vit0en) Intrinsic Impedance, or 3), VELOCITIES OF PROPAGATION There are two types of velocities encountered during discussion of wave propagation between parallel planes. Group Velocity (vg). It is the velocity of energy propagation in the direction of the axis of the guide. &, Group velocity is always less than free space velocity vo = tS HOEO Phase velocity (vp). It is the velocity of propagation of equiphase surfaces along the guide. wp=fh Multiplying and dividing by 2x, we get or or Phase velocity is always greater than free space velocity vo = 6.8.1 Relation between v,, Vg ANd v9 ie As phase constant fly can be written in free space between parallel planes ** 2, tee Voto 28 @ ‘GUIDED WAVES 2, 2 G2 m oa By = @"Hoeo — at Differentiate above expression 2d By = 2 ad oHIgt dd __Bg or Os * By or This is the relation between v, , vy and vg 6.8.2 Another form of vg (vg in terms of wavelength or frequency) As Substitute value of v, Group Velocity, or These are the expressions for the group velocity. [RRA rrenvation 0 PARALLEL PLANE GUIDES | : have assumed the ideal conditions, like dielectric is lossless and In guides, we Hovfectly conducting. This means that we have assumed c= 0. the guide walls are per! 7 But in actual guides, conductivity of the walls is usually very large but not infinite and so there are usually some losses. ‘ Oy # 0 Infact Og = Og + Oe where ay— attenuation constant for a lossy dielectric, a, > attenuation due to the power losses in the conducting plates of te parallel plane guide GUIDED WAVES 342 Definition po 2.x power transmitted To Solve og for TE, TM and TEM Waves nes Using the field distributions calculated for the Tossless case for Lae TM modes, the magnetic field strength tangential to each conducting surface i Nu Tt cute the current flow in that surface. Using the values of the current an\ of the walls, the losses are computed and a, is determined. 6.9.1 Attenuation Factor for TE Waves ‘The expressions for E and H for TE modes (equations 13a, 136 and 18c of article 6.3) between perfectly conducting parallel planes are E,= Asin (2) ewe @ (t=) a ‘The amplitude of linear current density (total conduction current per metre width) in the conducting planes will be equal to the tangential component of H (i.e. H,) at x = 0 and x = a (See Fig. 6.1) au v w(2(a)) (2(b)) wn(2(0)) I3syl = 1H! (atx = 0, x =a) mmA, "ona [From equation 2(c)] The power lost per square metre in each conducting plane is 1p Jey Re V 2c, in Substitute the values of |J,y| and R, in equation (3) 1(mmA,) A [on aja) V 3c, onl) where R, = surface resistance Therefore total power lost in upper and lower conducting surface 2 ; a A(MRALY [Om 1 (mma y [on 2\ ona 26, *2\ ona 26,, 2 mma) 4 [on pa 26,, wd) W (GUIDED WAVES 343 Now ree transmitted in the z direction through an element of area da = dxdy is given by average complex Poynting vector, that is Power transmitted Per unit area 1 ; =FRe(ExW).a, =f Re (E, a,x Ha). a, =-1 Ree =~gRe(E, Hya,).a, (because ay x ax =— az) 1 govt (because az. a@z= 1) A =-2 JA, sin (2 — BoA gin (mm 2 a on a {using equations 2(a) and 2(b)) BoA in? (=) a Zaye Therefore average power transmitted in the z direction for a guide 1 metre width with a spacing between conductors of ‘a’ metres " 2 = | BAL gin? (mae j 20H a ‘ mo! ie ‘ — BAe © Au of5) Power lost per unit length As = 2 Average power transmitted Substituting values from equations (4) and (5) in above equation, we get ‘mn ope bn pan" a Ae N Ba. Bere) a bie 20, dan 2 if am?n? Vag or : Og ag) = 3 Baw) Bona fee vase pee Vote (22) for frequencies above cut-off frequencies, here Therefore Oy. GUIDED WAVES A] Obm am?n? NV 26_ hl (where Rs = coat is surface resistance) 6.9.2 Attenuation Factor for TM Waves ‘The expressions for E and H for TM waves (equations 19a, 19b and 19c of article 6.4) between perfectly conducting planes are - max) i, H=Acce( @ s 4 (6(a)) B B= aA ewe 008 (6(6)) F 5 sin (MEE) ov, E EA al? Fey .(6(€)) ‘The amplitude of linear current density (total conduction current per metre width) in the conducting planes will be equal to the tangential component of H (ie. H,) at x = 0 and x = a (See Fig. 6.1) (eel = 1851 aeons) [from equation 6(a)] The power lost per square metre in each conducting plane is 5h R, AD) where Re = surface resistance uz Substitute the values of a and Rg in equation (7) On nm. (8) SUED WANES Now the power transmitted in i te ot the z direction through an element of area da = dxdy is given by average complex Poynting vector, that is Power transmitted per unit area 1 Re (Bx). a, 1 = 3 Re (Ea, x H,a,).a, 1 =7Re (Ei, Hya,). (because ax x ay = az) q E, Biel (because az. az = 1) Therefore average power transmitted in the z direction for a guide 1 metre width with a spacing between conductors of ‘a’ metres wa 2 = | BeBe cog mt ie 2oe a =0 p = Ache dae (9) Power lost per unit length As 2 = 2 x Average power transmitted Substituting values from equation (8).and (9) in above equation, we get AG | Om O, = 2, 20, Bary Aye mn 2x ra doe On errs) Bye here ee eee ee encies, for frequencies above cut-off fred 0 "Bem 2oe Y 26 Therefore o ass © aoe pe - ope ( 2 . othe (WE = a8 pe and | [Re= lim. ig surface resistance) 20m } 2ueR, aR, Thus or The attenuation for TM differs from attenuation for TE in that tH attenuation reaches a minimum at a frequency that is V3 ti to frequency. (Refer Problem 6.15). yithat is 8 times the? 6.9.3 Attenuation Factor for TEM Waves ‘The expressions for E and Ii for ‘TEM : | ifaw obey chia, Va ey a Hy= Aye : (ave By , ee oe nee cao! ‘The amplitude of linear current density (total eon vi nduction current per met? ¥)) in the conducting planes will be equal to the tangenticl t of HT (ie ‘omponent o x = Oand x =a (See Fig. 6.1) Beck get ae - GUIDED WAVES Sy ee 7 TT (at x= 0, x=) [from equation 10(a)) The power lost per square metre in each conducting plane is ly» ZI2R, where Hy surface resistance Oty 26 Substitute the values of |J,| and R, in equation (11) 1yp tyr /[on 29 Reg Ai VS Therefore total power lost in upper and lower conducting surface 1 429/ 2tn bn 4 N26m 20, Az Ob 205, (12) Now the power transmitted in the z direction through an element of area da = dxdy is given by average complex Poynting vector, that is Power transmitted per unit area = Ree xH’).a, +3 Re (E, a, x Hy a). a, Re (B, Hya,).a, (because ax x ay = az) Dole pole tole to EH, (because az . a: For TEM waves E,= nH, Substituting equation (14) in equation (13), we get Power transmitted per unit area = 3 nH,H, 1 2 =301H,| 2S 5 naz fusing 10(@)] ide 1 metre herefore average power transmitted in the z direction for 9 guide | Q Wig “a? | with a spacing between conductors of ‘a’ metres >» a cae (15) _ __ Power lost per unit length = Dyc Average power transmitted a (eee or uniform plane waves , 0g > 0 Substitute values from equation (12) and (15) in above equation | At ‘on, omm=— 7 Vie x 2 6, | axgn Aja ‘m A sketch of variation of attenuation with frequency for different modes j propagating between parallel conducting planes is Fig. 6.5 REGION OF wave TM WAVES PROPAGATION. IN NO WAVE 1 PROPAGATION, FOR TE AND TMMODES ! K | S ATTENUATI \ ' t t ' (08 WAVE IMPEDANCE FOR GUIDES = Definition. It is defined asthe ratio of transye: gnetic field strengths. se components of electric a%! may : 5h GUIDED WAVES. 349 Therefore mathematically wave impedance ‘Z’ towards the positive direction of the coordinate axis at a point can be defined by the following ratios : (a) or (b) or (ce) or Similarly, mathematically wave impedance ‘Z’ towards the negative direction of the coordinate axis at a point can be defined by the following ratios and it will be negative of above ratios : (d) or (e) or or 6.10.1 Wave Impedance for TE Waves ‘The expressions for E and H for TE modes (equations 13 a, b, c of article 6.3) between parallel conducting planes are _ (mine) gait E,=A «n( : }e oe eae te)" ou @ (= A, H, ' 350 F In TE modes, B, , H, and H, components are there, impedance will be used 0 following definition ef ya, Du A (from the (a) definition of wave impedancy Put values of E, and H, in above equation Aysn( eRe Z,(TE) = 23. (TE) = =o By ‘many ae [BE Now As By= ofue-("E) ‘mny 2, At ho (x) -ote So By substituting value of B, in expression of Z,ATE), we get on ZTE) = 7 @ al 3s GUIDED WAVES 6.10.2 Wave Impedance for TM Waves The expressions for E and H for TM modes (equations, 19 a, 6, ¢ of article 6.4) between parallel conducting planes are E, tea, oo (= aid Hy = Ay cos (=) ee B-- ZEA, on (= Jara a jem In TM modes, E,, Hy and E, components are there, so following definition of wave impedance will be used E. iy EM) = Put value of E, and H, in above equation Be a, cos ( }s ere a 2, (TM) = are -fe al 7 (By substituting value of Bg) or This is the expression for the wave impedance for TM waves. 6.10.3 Wave Impedance for TEM Waves The expressions for E and H for TEM modes (equations 21b and 21c of article .6) between parallel conducting planes are B,- fe Be aoe Hy= Ae H, components ar e there, 5° following definition of wa,, In TEM modes, E, and impedance will be used Ey Zi TEM) = i, H, in above equation fe Agee Z,(TEM) = Ley (TEM) = he Put value of E, and (Bg 2 B and e=a) because =f (because oe “Woes, Where ng = Impedance for uniform plane waves. This is the expression for the wave impedance for TEM waves. | ‘The wave impedances for waves | between parallel planes are shown as function of frequency in Fig. 6.6 Problem 6.1 r Fig. 6.6 Wave impedances for waves between pat? Find the cut-off frequency for TE, modi js all? conducting plates separated by 3 . © propagating between to PS Solution ‘The cut-off frequency is given by _m : fe= 95% where vy= 3x10! Bere as ” 10" cm/sec + i mel GUIDED WAVES So As So or Problem 6.2 353 1 Bq % a = 3 cm (given) _ 3x10!” fe 9x8 =0.5x 10! Hz fe=5 GHz If a wave of 10 GHz propagates in parallel conducting plates separated by 8 cm, find the cut-off frequency, and cut-off wavelength for the dominant mode. Solution Cut-off Frequency For dominant TE mode, So Plate separation, and So So Cut-off Wavelength ~ For dominant TE mode So Problem 6.3 If a wave of 6 GHz is pro! ind the cut- anel a = 8 cm (given) vy = 3x 10! em/sec 3x10" pd 2x8 = 1875 x 10"? H, pagating between parallel conducting plates ‘off wavelength, 4,, free space wavelength, 4, Separated by 3 cm, fi ‘and phase shift constant, B, for TM, mode. guide wavelength, Ay a ... L Solution Cut-off Wavelength, 4, For TM, made So | | Plate separation, | So | | Free Space Wavelength is Where 09 = 3x 10° emyoe Operating Frequency, f= 6 GHz =6x 10° Hz Ht NT | as Wi | GUIDED Wave | | | | | | So | Guide Wavelength Phase Shift Constant Problem 6.4 Wh i es ena ware oto tte propagates in parallel conducting plates separated , fine ut-off frequency f,, phase velocity (guide velocity), v, and group velocity, v, for TE, mode. : Solution Cut-off Frequency m fe= 5g 0 a=5em m=1 _ 3x10! fe 9x8 = 0.3x 10Hz fe= 3GHz Phase Velocity (Guide Velocity) vo fe Vi-6§ 3x10! 3x 10° 1- 9 10x 10 _ 3x10 Vi - (0.3 » Ip = 3.15 x 10! mec. or vp = 3.15 x 10° Mee Group Velocity 86 x 10" cme oe vg = 2.86 x 10° Move GUIDED WAVES 356 pS Problem 6.5 : Show that the field solution of a propagating plate waveguide can be interpreted as the superpost _g TM, wave in a parallel tion of two plane waves bouncing back and forth obliquely between the two conducting plates. Solution For TM waves, So Here the first term on R.H.S. of above equation represents a plane wave propagating obliquely in the + z and —x directions with phase constants iy and *. Similarly, the second term represents a plane wave propagating obliquely in the +z and 4x directions with the same phase constants B, and é as those of the first plane wave. ‘Thus a TM, wave propagating in a parallel-plate waveguide can be regarded as the superposition of two plane waves as shown in Fig. 6.7 Zz Fig, 6.7 Propagating wave in parale-plate waveguide as superposition of two plane waves. Problem 6.6 When a wave off = 1.5 f, propagates in parallel condueting plates separ by 8 cm. Calculate the propagation constant, y, for TM, mode. GUIDED WAVES = Solution For TM, mode So pein .1875 x 10! Hz 1.875 GHz Sf, Bx 1875 8125 GHz As operating frequency, So Propagation Constant 2 mr y yas ae For TM, mode Yai _(e) \s Ze 2x 3.14 x 2.8125 x 10° ga (3 = jN0.3466 ‘Yq =J(0.4388) or y= 0+ (0.4388) Also as, y= %q +B g By comparing above two equations Attenuation Constant, Og = 0% Phase shift constant, By = 0.4388 or Be = 43.88 Vin Problem 6.7 | , What is the condition for the propagation of waves in parallel conducting Plates ? LO evel] GUIDED WAVES, 358 Solution While solving problems regarding wave F students can use any of the following conditions Condition | ; Cut-off wavelength, 2, should be greater than operating wave! particular mode. vce propagation in parallel conducting plates, length, A for a that is Ii< Condition Il Cut-off frequency, f, should be lesser than operating frequency, f . then wave will not propagate for that particular mode. that is If f,>f then wave will not propagate. Condition Ill Imaginary part of propagation constant should not be zero, that is 4 should not be purely real, It shows that the phase of the wave is changing and this is possible only when propagation occurs. As y= Oy + By ‘Thus Note. Problem 6.8 is solved with the help of all the above three conditions. Students can use any of the three conditions to show (prove) that a particular mode ean propagate between parallel conducting plates or not. Problem 6.8 If a wave of 8 GHz is propagating between two parallel i separated by 5 cm. Check whether TE, mode propagates ores oe Solution Operating wavelength Now cut-off wavelength ————— ee GUIDED WAVES 7] For TE, mode =2 5 cm (given) 2x5 m a So de “Thus So TE, mode will propagate between parallel conducting plates. Alternative Method I (With the help of Condition II) my - fey _2x3x 10! "2x5 0.6 x 10! Hz or f.=6 GHz Thus So TE, mode will propagate. Alternative Method II (With the help of condition III) As For TE, mode 158— 2.80 ae y= N80 1.58 = N22 j110+ om or or e000 360 ations By comparing above two equ‘ and phase shift constant By = 110 Vim js imaginary, s0 TE, mode will propagate ‘As phase shift constant By is not Zero oF Ye between parallel conducting plates. Problem 6.9 A wave of frequency 10 conducting planes separated by 5 cm. ‘Assumin| Setermine the propagating TE,, modes throu; Guz is propagating between two parallel i free space between the planes, igh the guide. Solution For wave propagation, cut-off frequency should be less than the operating frequency that is f. GUIDED Wargy 366 3 10, 3 x10 3.23 Problem 6.13 Show that a 2 GHz signal cannot propagate in the TM, mode in a paralie, i 5 cm. conducting plates having a plate separation of Solution oe ‘The cut-off wavelength for TM,, mode is given by ‘Thus % Thus So, TM, mode cannot propagate between the parallel conducting plates in tie given frequency. Problem 6.14 A parallel plate guide has plate separation of 4 ey : allel . The frequen impressed signal is 7 GHz. Check Whether TE, os TM, mode propagate not. Compute (Z,)rp, and (Zp)ry4,. ‘ Solution Cut-off frequency , mvp f= 2a For TE, and TM, mode { mel 3x 10! S = 3x10! 7 fe Dea =0.: 10, 375 x 10! H - 3.75 GHz - GUIDED WAVES a or fe

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