Speech by Martin Luther King: Content

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“I Have a Dream" is a public speech that was delivered by American civil rights
activist and Baptist minister, Martin Luther King Jr., during the March on Washington for
Jobs and Freedom on August 28, 1963. The speech that was delivered by Martin Luthe
King will be analyzed as following:

1. Content. Beginning with a reference to the Emancipation

Proclamation, which declared millions of slaves free in 1863, King said "one
hundred years later, the Negro still is not free". Toward the end of the speech,
King departed from his prepared text for a partly improvised peroration on the
theme "I have a dream". King described his dreams of freedom and equality
arising from a land of slavery and hatred. King's speech invokes pivotal
documents in American history, including the Declaration of Independence, the
Emancipation Proclamation, and the United States Constitution. King says: "It
came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity." The most
widely cited example of anaphora is found in the often quoted phrase "I have
a dream", which is repeated eight times as King paints a picture of an
integrated and unified America for his audience.

2. Body Language. In the speech King‟s position among the

audience made him as a part of the victims. His movement and eye contact
did not ignore any of populated crowd.

3. How Speaker is Connecting with the Audience: The speech

was lauded in the days after the event and was widely considered the high point
of the March by contemporary observers. King could connect the audience so
well that this speech is yet considered as the one of the best speech so far.

4. Tone Variation. In this regards King had very exciting variation in his
tone to attract his audience. King's 1963 speech mixes a tone of condemnation
towards present injustice to Black people with a contrasting tone of rising
optimism about the future. Two words that jump out as setting the tone are
"injustice" and "promissory note" to describe the condition of Black people in a
prospering and powerful nation.

5. Magic Elements. The most magical element of King‟s speech

was to transform his dream to his audience as the black people‟s dream. The
word “I have a dream.” is the most magic element of the speech. He could
successfully give hope to the American Black people that one day they will also
get the same privilege as the white people get. In his “I Have a Dream” speech,
Martin Luther King Jr. blends realism with hope. He maintains that African
Americans are still “not free” and are “sadly crippled” by segregation and



In 2013, Hasan took part in a debate at the Oxford Union to consider whether
Islam is a peaceful religion. Hasan, who is an Ithna‟Asheri Shia Muslim, vouched for
Islam as a religion of peace, citing political and cultural reasons for violence in Muslim
majority countries, as opposed to holding the religion of Islam responsible. The video of
the debate remains one of the most viewed videos on Oxford Union's YouTube channel.

1. Content. Mehdi Hassan is a British political journalist, broadcaster,

and author. He is famous for one of his debates at the oxford union, where he
gave his argument for Islam being a peaceful religion. The debater is widely
recognized and praised for his skills as he smoothly turned the tables and
convinced the audience to take a positive stance towards the religion of Islam.
This debate is acknowledged as one of the finest in the debating world. Mehdi
Hassan‟s central argument refutes the stance of „Islam being a violent religion‟
and proposes how only a minority of extremists take the teachings of Islam out of
context. He starts his speech by calling himself the „representative‟ and the
„ambassador‟ of Islam, to emphasize how significant this debate is to him.
Towards the end, he encourages the audience to look around and observe how
peaceful the majority of Muslims are and stresses upon the stance of „Islam
being a peaceful religion.‟

2. Body Language. In a debate like this Mehedi Hasan did not

show aggressive body language towards the opposition rather his movement
was very rethomic with his speech. His eye contact towards audience was
perfect. His body movement was matching with his speech.

3. How Speaker is Connecting with the Audience: He starts

with condescendingly agreeing to the statements made by the other party, to
establish how astonishing their statements were. He further highlights personal
incentives the opposition could have to debate on this topic, and this might
be considered as a personal attack by multiple listeners. Still, as it can be
inferred from the laughter, the audience sitting in the chamber found it to be
amusing; therefore, in a way, this keeps the audience entertained. Moreover, he
uses phrases such as “Finish the sentence,” “moving swiftly on,” “the irony is ” to
keep the audience engaged.

4. Tone Variation. This is the most attracting part of his debate. He used
the tone so accurately so that the opposition can effectively get into the point.
Though he was very fast in his speech but he ensured that his massages are
well understood. Some time he gave extra pressure to few catching word which
helps people to understand the meaning.

5. Magic Elements. When he is presented with counter-arguments

he uses phrases such as ” I agree with you,” “I agree with you one hundred and
ten percent,” “that is also my point,” ” It is a very good point” to acknowledge the
other side and then further goes on to defend his stance in a way the opposition
cannot entirely refute as Mehdi Hassan does not necessarily disagree with the
counter-argument but just defending his stance.

Furthermore, Mehdi Hassan repeats himself at times to keep the audience

attentive for instance he stated he does not follow a religion that introduces his
God to him as “a god of war, like a Greek god of wrath, as a god of hate and
injustice,” he says the same phrase differently in order to get his point across.


Anisul Huq is the first mayor of Dhaka North City Corporation. He is a successful
businessman, entrepreneur and political leader. On 30 January 2016 Mayor of Dhaka
City gave a motivational speech to student of Daffodil University. This speech was both
emotional as well as inspiring. His speech is analyzed as following:

1. Content. The Mayor delivered his speech in Bengali. His speech was
heart touching. He spoke from his life. Initially he spoke that financial crisis
cannot stop your success if you have dream. He told that life is not easy, so yoy
have to struggle. His speech was kicked off by saying that men are as big as
dream. His all educations were in rural area. He mentioned how his mother
inspired his success.
Few key advices he gave:

a. Align your dream with your parents dream.

b. Have confidence.

c. Take blessing from your parents.

d. Should have a dream in your life.

e. Work hard to get success.

2. Body Language. Though in his speech his body language did not play
vital role yet he could attract the audience with appropriate movement of body
with the content of speech.

3. How Speaker is Connecting with the Audience. In his speech Mayor

Mr. Anisul Huq connect the audience by his voice, expression and own life
experience sharing content. What he spoke he spoke from his life. He could
touch the emotion of the audience.

4. Tone Variation. Mayor Mr. Anisul Huq has a God gifted attracting
tone. Again his variation of tone few sentence gave the listener to understand the
importance of that sentence like “Have that confidence.”

5. Magic Elements. The most magical event of his speech was his own
life sharing example. When he spoke about his mother all the audience were
clapping. He showed the student that how a man from an ordinary family
background reaches to the pinnacle of success. He will always remain as
inspiration for the new generation.

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