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Digitalization is nowadays a top topic in popular and scientific debate. In

physiotherapy (PT), we are participating in digitalization on many levels, for
example, applications for supporting physically active lifestyle and different systems
for distance rehabilitation. Still, there is a lot of potential for development for PTs in
this area.

AI first proposed by Prof. John McCarthy in 1956, aims to reproduce human

intelligence using computers.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of mathematical engineering which has

potential to enhance healthcare through new care delivery strategies, informed
decision making and facilitation of patient engagement. Machine Learning (ML) is
a form of AI that uses computational algorithms that learn and improve with
experience which can be used to automate decision making and make prediction
based upon patient data.

The Artificial intelligence, AI is quite broadly implemented in health care, for

example, systems to help making faster diagnosis and giving basic medical feedback.
AI can be designed and trained for a specific task, like Siri in an iPhone or AI can be
designed for more general purposes covering different cognitive abilities that
humans have, and thus, finding its own solutions for an unfamiliar task.

Four types of AI have been defined; Reactive machines, Limited memory, Theory of
mind and Self-awareness. The Reactive machines (programmes) are those that have
no memory, but they can make predictions, that is, what will a consequence be when
making a choice in some task. The Limited memory systems have some memory,
and thus use experiences for future decisions, for example a self-driving vehicle. The
Theory of mind AI-system understands the existence of other’s beliefs and
intentions, which then can influence the AI system’s decisions. The Self-awareness
AI-system have consciousness of itself implying of understanding how to use AI’s
own information in inferring with others’ feelings. The last two types of AI, Theory
of mind and Self-awareness have not yet been developed. We physiotherapists
should be participating in development of these two not so far existing AI systems to
improve health care.
Millions of people undergo physical therapy (PT) each year — about 9 million in the
U.S. alone, in fact. On average, they spend weeks performing rehabilitory exercises
that last a half hour to two hours, only the first few of which are typically supervised
by a clinician. The bulk of sessions — over 90 percent — are performed in a home-
based setting, and some studies suggest that this leads to deviations from the
prescribed treatment — and prolonged recovery times and increased health care
costs as a result.
PT progress assessments have traditionally been performed manually, or with
the help of basic computer systems — neither of which provide the sort of
meaningful feedback that might galvanize patients to repeat exercises. But
researchers at the University of Idaho believe that artificial intelligence (AI)
might play an integral future role in making the process transparent, and in turn
motivate compliance.

Now, however, some developers have implemented AI as a way to administer

physical guidance remotely, like Sword Health’s platform Phoenix uses AI, to
understand each patient’s physical need provide responsive feedback during
treatment and offer remote guidance from clinical team. But sword isn’t only the
company working on this problem. Physitrack, a digital physical therapy , Tele-
health and patient engagement company launched a new AI tool that lets
providers collect and manage physical therapy data from corresponding Physi
App 2.0.

Aim of this study is to explore the future Global Health needs and examine what
we as physiotherapists can do to address them. “AI will make more efficient and
unbiased in their diagnostic and therapeutic work".

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