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Introduction to computer applications ,IT-101

Submitted to:- mam Rabia Butt

Submitted from; Syed Umair Ahmed Gillani
Roll no; 21020920-198
Department;BBA 1st Semester
Section ; D

List organizations / projects using mainframes and supercomputers. With the
help of evidence andreferences, understand how each online system that uses
each of them works?
Mainframe computers is as yet utilized in various ventures like
banking ,insurance,healthcare,Government,aviation and retail and so on.
But when it comes to banks, 44 of the top 50 banks use IBM Z. All types of banks need
to handle large numbers of transactions. Investment banks need to prioritize quality
transactions and respond quickly to changes in financial markets. Older commercial
banks that revolve around creating credit cards,withdrawing ATMs, and renewing online
accounts mean that banks of all kinds need to handle large volumes of transactions. In
both cases, the large independent entity allows the bank to process the data to the
extent that the asset server can manage it. Enterprises use mainframes for applications
that rely on scalability and reliability. For example, banks can use mainframes to host
customer account tdatabases. Transactions in this database can be sent from
thousands of ATM locations around the world. ATMs are basically mainframes. This is
useful for withdrawing money from your bank or sending money to another account.
Therefore, it helps you track your data and manage large amounts of data.
supercomputers are used in a variety of computationally intensive studies and complex
scientific calculations. Due to its high speed and high accuracy, it can be said that it is
used in organizations that require large-scale calculations or many calculations. Like
NASA, climate and weather, space evolution, nuclear weapons and nuclear reactors,
new compounds (especially for pharmaceutical purposes) and cryptography.
Weather Forecast:
According to NASA, droughts and floods not only affect the lives of millions of Africans,
but also the lives themselves when water and food are scarce. Government agencies
and charities rely on early warning systems to help residents cope with extreme or long-
term events. Water scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in
Greenbelt, Maryland have integrated computer models and observational data into the
NASA Water Forecast Analysis System (NhyFAS). It produces monthly forecasts of
drought and flood potential in Africa and the Middle East. Since NhyFAS operates
several land surface models within the community, it requires the computing power of
NASA Goddard's NASA Climate Simulation Center or NCCS's Discover
supercomputer. NCCS Data Portal's NhyFAS forecast products are sent directly to
food safety analysts who work with the US Agency for International Development's
Famine Early Warning Systems Network to support humanitarian efforts.

Question no 2;
Choose an embedded system working in your surroundings .Elaborate the
system step in working scenario according to your understanding .your answer
may not exeed 10 line?
There are many embedded computers used in everyday life, such as smart watches.
Digital Camera;
•One of the inserted items is a computerized camera.
•Cameras that we use today are brilliant and have a great deal of elements that were
absent in early cameras all on account of the inserted framework utilized in them.
A computerized camera has essentially three capacities, to catch a picture which we
call information, to store picture information, and to address this information.
•Today pictures are put away and handled in type of advanced information in bits.
•There is no requirement for the film for putting away pictures. This element has
expanded the capacity limit and made it simple to move images.S

•In advanced cameras, the principal picture is caught and changed over to
computerized structure.
•This computerized picture is put away in inner memory.
•At the point when the camera is connected to your PC for transferring pictures, it
moves the put away information.
* The sensor verifies that messy water has been delivered or not, and
on or off outlet valve.

Question no;3

Suppose you are starting a business and it requires communication

within the organization as well as outside the organization. Describe
the workflow of your business and discuss the involvement of
computers in each department or module?
Printing Press;
We are going to start the News Printing Press business. As for the workflow of the
business, we will need a person who is going to get information then this information will
be sent to a writer who will write it. After that, it would be sent to a machine which will
print it send make copies of the newspaper. Which would be sold to different newspaper
shops. As for communication if we have to connect inside the building is where is
business is running we would use LAN like receiver phones etc. If the reporter wants to
get information internationally we would use WAN and clarify information certain people
would be given a computer to check it online or publish it online.
Use Of Computer:
When the paper is running on press, computers give input and afterward self-right to
guarantee the mechanical precision of the gig. So in each space from controlling ink
and shading loyalty to ensuring the mechanics of the interaction run as expected, PCs
assume an expanding part.

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