Review of Gattorna Et Al. (2009)

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John Gattorna and Friends (2009). Dynamic Supply Chain Alignment: A New
Business Model for Peak Performance in Enterprise Supply Chains Across All
Geographies. Farnham, U.K.: Gower Publishing Limited. 420 pages.

upply chain management originated subjects covered in his books are of a broad

S in the early 1980s (Oliver & Webber,

1982). Since then, not much has
been said about how human re-
sources and human resource man-
agement professionals engage in activities in
the supply chain. Even today, we know little
about how human resources behave and how
nature covering many aspects of strategic
supply chain design. Although this material
in general is well written and of interest to
practitioners and students focusing on sup-
ply chain management, most of these sub-
jects draw no direct link between human
resource management (HRM) and supply
they influence the efficient and effective chain management (SCM). This review will
transformation and flow of goods from origi- therefore focus on the chapter titled “People
nal source until the products and services Powering Enterprise Supply Chains.” When
reach end customers. This book is a notable a reference to the author’s other publications
exception. Together with previous publica- can inform this review, I will include it in my
tions (Gattorna, 1998, 2003, 2006) the author discussion.
addresses a subject of high relevance and im- In the noted chapter, the author argues
portance to today’s management of complex that we should put customers’ needs and
enterprise supply chains. wants first in whatever the supply chain
A notion shared across these publications does. According to the author, the problem is
is strategic or dynamic supply chain align- that enterprises today have forgotten the real
ment. Dynamic supply chain alignment is a “game”: that the “only focus that is impor-
framework that integrates formulating strat- tant” is the customer. Instead they have be-
egy with customer buying behavior and the come smitten with a technology focus rather
core capabilities inside the firm (Gattorna, than a customer focus. “The real villains are
1998, 2006). It seeks to improve alignment marketing and sales personnel who are not
between end-customer markets, strategy, doing enough to translate their sometimes
culture, and leadership, on the premise that intimate knowledge through to other parts of
more alignment produces better bottom-line the enterprise” (p. 46). The author continues,
performance. “I see very few enterprises in my travels that
When I was asked to write a review of genuinely understand and have an in-depth
Dynamic Supply Chain Alignment, I consid- knowledge of their customers” (p. 46). Talk-
ered how to proceed. Gattorna’s work on his ing about customer focus as a prerequisite for
dynamic supply chain alignment model is SCM is certainly nothing new (Mentzer et al.,
comprehensive. The framework itself and the 2001). This is so important to the philosophy

Human Resource Management, September–October 2010, Vol. 49, No. 5, Pp. 969–973
© 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Published online in Wiley Online Library (
DOI: 10.1002/hrm.20383

of SCM, however, that we might argue that be matched with product, service, or market
such a focus is foundational. characteristics (Christopher & Towill, 2002).
Consistent with the theme, the author Fisher (1997), for instance, in his seminal
advances the construct of “alignment” be- publication “What Is the Right Supply Chain
tween generic supply chain design and end for Your Product?” argued that supply chains
customers’ needs and wants. “Once you pin serving end-customer markets demanding
down the structure of your marketplace, it innovative products should be designed as
is possible to develop a corresponding range agile supply chains, whereas supply chains
of responses that align with the different serving end-customer markets demanding
customer buying behaviours you have iden- few new innovations should be designed as
tified” (p. 47). It is about designing service efficient supply chains. Thus, the proposi-
packages or “value propositions” that are tion Gattorna poses on aligning supply chain
aligned with or that will fit the individual systems with end-customer market demands
customers’ needs at that particular place and or behaviors is well integrated with previous
time. Alignment, then, in the vocabulary of and current research and thinking on supply
the author, appears to be a constant striv- chain design.
ing for fit among customer desires, system Of more interest to this special issue is
outcomes, and system capabilities. “The dy- the author’s proposition that customer buy-
namic alignment concept requires that four ing behavior should be aligned not only with
levels of human endeavour be aligned—mar- processes and technology, but also with sup-
ketplace, response(s) to customer demands, ply chain sub-culture and leadership style.
internal cultural capabilities, and leadership It is interesting that the author proposes to
style—all held together primarily with lead- align supply chain system design and end-
ership, organizational structures, processes customer markets on more dimensions than
and technology” (p. 47). what has been proposed in previous litera-
Such a concept builds on a contingency ture on supply chain design. In the contin-
paradigm where it is assumed that the opti- gency paradigm, it seems valuable to make
mal system configuration (i.e., the one lead- the supply chain system representation more
ing to the highest performance) will vary detailed and include in its design considera-
over time and depends on a range of factors tions on team and job structures, human re-
internally in the system and externally in source capabilities, human resource behavio-
the system environment (Luthans & Stew- ral design mechanisms, and communication
art, 1977). In this case, the system that has forms and modes.
to find its optimal configuration is the enter- The author proposes that supply chain
prise supply chain; the factors internal to it sub-culture is formed by a list of “cultural
are cultural capabilities and leadership style, capabilities,” but both “sub-culture” and
and the factor externally in the environment “cultural capabilities” remain unexplained
is end customer marketplace behavior. and no argument why and how one leads to
The ranges of responses to customer de- the other is provided. As a consequence, we
mands the author proposes are based on the should ask to what extent the components in
author’s own empirical experience and clus- the list of cultural capabilities (organization-
tered in four generic types of supply chains: al design, process, IT, KPIs, incentives, job de-
(1) continuous replenishment supply chains, sign, internal communication, training and
(2) lean supply chains, (3) agile supply development, and recruitment) are culture
chains, and (4) fully flexible supply chains. enforcing mechanisms. To what extent do
The idea of aligning supply system capabili- they lead to “the collective programming of
ties with intended system outcomes to serve the mind, which distinguishes the members
a particular market segment is well inte- of one group from that of another” (Hofst-
grated with research on lean/agile or le-agile ede, 1980)? How do they lead to the pres-
supply chains as well as how such different ence of shared values, beliefs, assumptions,
supply chain process configurations should and patterns of behavior (cf. Schein, 1992) in

Human Resource Management DOI: 10.1002/hrm


the four generic supply chains proposed by directing the behaviors within the organiza-
the author? tion” (p. 208). Although this chapter is well
Four generic sub-cultures are proposed; written and will inspire practitioners on how
each one should, according to the author, to proceed with performance measurement
uniquely match one of the generic sup- in their own organizations, from an academ-
ply chains. In a continuous replenishment ic point of view it is uncritical. The author
supply chain focusing on relationship de- seems to assume that if measures that fit the
velopment with key customers, a “group focus of the organization or supply chain
sub-culture” should be constructed. In a lean are selected, then more or less automatically
supply chain focusing on high volume, low the desired sub-culture will emerge. Such a
variety, and low cost supply, “a hierarchical straightforward argument is much too hasty
sub-culture” should be enforced. Finally, an (Bititci, Mendibil, Nudurupati, Garengo, &
agile supply chain focusing on responsiveness Turner, 2006). Does it in fact require a cer-
and a fully flexible supply chain focusing on tain organizational culture for performance
hedging and deploying resources should be measurement to work as intended in the first
matched with a “rational sub-culture” and place (Bourne, Neely, Platts, & Mills, 2002;
“an entrepreneurial sub-culture,” respective- Franco & Bourne, 2003)?
ly. No definitions of these arguably differ- A constant theme throughout the chap-
ent sub-cultures and no arguments why they ter under consideration, but most forcefully
should be aligned and designed as proposed so in the beginning, is the criticism of HRM
are provided, however. As a consequence, professionals. “The number of HRM profes-
the reader stands back with a range of ques- sionals is increasing, but their impact is get-
tions. What is meant by these different sub- ting less” (p. 45). The argument appears to
cultures? Why should they be aligned and be that HRM professionals are supposed to
designed as proposed? Why should design of advise and assist top management to shape
incentives in an agile supply chain be guided the people power of the enterprise and not
by “achieve targets; cash and in-kind bonus- only preoccupy themselves with administra-
es” (p. 50)? Why should training and devel- tive, reactive, and routine tasks such as per-
opment in a lean supply chain be made with sonnel administration, recruitment, wages
an “emphasis on analysis and measurement” and awards payments, health and safety, and
(p. 49), and what does such an emphasis pensions (p. 45). Instead, HRM professionals
exactly mean? should aim to understand and address the
Both deficiencies are to some extent interface between strategies or enterprise in-
avoided in a previous publication (Gattorna, tensions and the internal cultural capabilities
2006). What remains, however, is an impres- of the enterprise. The author continues that
sion of a well-thought conceptual idea, but this interface reveals the reasons why most
no real evidence of how and if sub-culture plans are never delivered and supply chains
can be constructed, shaped, or mingled in underperform.
the manner and with the mechanisms the It makes sense to ask HRM professionals
author proposes. to adopt a more proactive role in shaping cor-
An example of a mechanism presum- porate culture and overcoming supply chain
ably able to shape supply chain sub-cultures implementation barriers (Gowen & Tallon,
is the use of key performance indicators or 2002). Such a recommendation is further in
performance measurement as introduced in line with the symbiotic relationship between
chapter 14. The overall argument presented a firm’s culture and its HRM policies discussed
in this chapter is that “performance measure- by other scholars within the domain of SCM
ment ‘done right’ will also be a major facili- (McAfee, Glassman, & Honeycutt, 2002)
tator and shaper of culture and subcultures and HRM (Ogbonna & Whipp, 1999; Ulrich,
within the organization” (p. 207). Perform- 1984). McAfee et al. (2002), for instance,
ance measurement is even elevated to “the point toward four human resource policy
primary tool at management’s disposal for areas—staffing, training, compensation, and

Human Resource Management DOI: 10.1002/hrm


evaluation of employees—and claim their cultural capabilities suggested in the book?

execution has significant effects on organiza- Is the involvement of HRM professionals in
tional culture. cultural and human resource design issues
But is it really so bad or negative as Gat- totally absent in all organizations, and if so
torna leads us to believe? Is the involve- what are the consequences? Is a contingency
ment of HRM professionals in cultural and approach, as suggested in the book, the best
human resource design issues totally absent approach for us to apply when we study HRM
in all organizations? We do not know since practices in the supply chain? This aside, we
arguments are based on the author’s travels should recognize Gattorna as one of the few
around the world and his personal engage- early contributors adding to an emerging dis-
ment with major corporations. cussion on synergies and dynamics between
Finally, we should ask, Why is this prob- HRM and SCM practices.
lem of special interest to supply chain man-
agement? Gattorna talks about organization- Kim Sundtoft Hald (Ph.D.) is an assistant profes-
al, not supply chain, inefficiencies, strategies, sor in the Department of Operations Management
and plans, but isn’t this a chapter dedicated to at Copenhagen Business School. His research
supply chain practices? Where are the unique interests focus on supply chain management,
supply chain issues, the issues cutting across performance management, and social behaviors
multiple companies in a chain or a network? in inter-organizational space. His work has ap-
Organizational culture must be shaped ac- peared in journals such as Industrial Marketing
cording to end-customer market buying pat- Management and Management Accounting
terns (p. 47). But why are cultural implica- Research. Recently, he authored two chapters in
tions for suppliers not discussed? Adopting the book Leading in the Top Team: The CXO
a holistic supply chain management view, Challenge, focusing on leadership roles and lead-
all participating actors in the chain should ership challenges within supply chains.
shape their internal culture and leadership
style to fit end-customer buying behavior.
In summary, this book is a well-written References
collection of interesting and topical chapters. Bititci, U. S., Mendibil, K., Nudurupati, S., Garengo, P.,
The chapters are bound by a common refer- & Turner, T. (2006). Dynamics of performance meas-
ence to supply chain management and pack- urement and organisational culture. International
aged nicely into the dynamic supply chain Journal of Operations & Production Management,
alignment framework developed by Gattorna 26(12), 1325–1350.
in previous publications (1998, 2003, 2006). Bourne, M., Neely, A., Platts, K., & Mills, J. (2002). The
From this perspective, I would recommend success and failure of performance measurement
that practitioners who have an interest in one initiatives. International Journal of Operations &
Production Management, 22(11), 1288–1310.
or more of the topics buy and read this work as
a sort of inspiration for their own practices. Christopher, M., & Towill, D. R. (2002). Developing
Overall, I enjoyed reading this book and market specific supply chain strategies. Internation-
especially the chapter on people powering al Journal of Logistics Management, 13(1), 1–14.

supply chains. Yet important discussions of Fisher, M. (1997). What is the right supply chain for
culture and leadership are left out of this chap- your product? Harvard Business Review, 75(2),
ter; therefore, it is best read together with the 105–116.
author’s other publications. The treatment Franco, M., & Bourne, M. (2003). Factors that play a
of “sub-cultures” and “cultural capability” role in managing through measures. Management
and the severe critique of HRM professionals Decision, 41(8), 698–710.
raise some questions. Why limit the frame- Gattorna, J. L. (Ed.). (1998). Strategic supply chain
work to a focus on how internal company alignment: Best practice in supply chain manage-
sub-cultures can be shaped, when the book ment. Aldershot, UK: Gower.
deals with supply chains? Can, in fact, sub- Gattorna, J. L. (2003). Handbook of supply chain man-
cultures be shaped with the mechanisms and agement (5th ed.). Aldershot, UK: Gower.

Human Resource Management DOI: 10.1002/hrm


Gattorna, J. L. (2006). Living supply chains. Harlow, Mentzer, J. T., DeWitt, W., Keebler, J. S., Min, S., Nix, N.
England: FT Prentice Hall. W., Smith, C. D. et al. (2001). Defining supply chain
Gowen, C. R., III, & Tallon, W. J. (2002). Enhancing management. Journal of Business Logistics, 22(2),
supply chain practices through human resource 1–26.
management. Journal of Management Develop- Ogbonna, E., & Whipp, R. (1999). Strategy, culture and
ment, 22(1), 32–44. HRM: Evidence from the UK food retailing sector.
Hofstede, G. (1980). Culture’s consequences. Beverly Human Resource Management Journal, 9(4), 75–90.
Hills, CA: Sage. Oliver, R. K., & Webber, M. D. (1982). Supply chain
Luthans, F., & Stewart, T. I. (1977). A general contingen- management: Logistics catches up with strategy.
cy theory of management. Academy of Manage- In Christopher, M. G. (Ed.), Logistics: The Strategic
ment Review, 2, 181–195. Issue. London: Chapman & Hall.

McAfee, B., Glassman, M., & Honeycutt, J. E. D. (2002). Schein, E. (1992). Organizational culture and leader-
The effects of culture and human resource manage- ship (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
ment policies on supply chain management strat- Ulrich, W. L. (1984). HRM and culture: History, ritual, and
egy. Journal of Business Logistics, 23(1), 1–18. myth. Human Resource Management, 23(2), 117–128.

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