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Kaur 1

Sukhdeep Kaur

Professor Fracassi

English 2230

26th June 2022

Q1: How does Monsieur Lheureux exemplify the pseudo-businessman, and what is the

consequence of profit without principle?

Pseudo-businessman refers to the unethical way of doing the business. Doing the

business illegally, getting benefits from others property as compared to Monsieur

Lheureux, he was a ruthless businessman, saying others to pay bills with steep interest.

There are many consequences of doing the business for profit and without following

principles. So, firstly as we all know that the prime motive of any business is to get profit

as they only can survive when their company gets profit. Earning a profit is important to

a business because profitability influences whether a company can ensure financing from

a bank, attract investors to fund its operations and grow its business. Companies cannot

stay on in a business without making a profit. Without sufficient capital or the financial

resources used to sustain and run a company, business failure is on the horizon. No

business can survive for a considerable amount of time without making a profit. Profit is

more revealing of your business's success. But it doesn’t mean that any business will get

the profit without following the principles. Not following the principle can be like doing

the business illegally, cheating, and such companies cannot survive for a long period of

time. Thus, for being successful, any company should follow the ethics, principles and if
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they follow, they will get profit and if the company gets profit, they can survive for a

long period.

Q2: What is the danger of pseudo-science as seen in the actions of Monsieur Homais, the

pharmacist of Yonville?

Pseudo-science is spurious science. It seems inviting because it appeals to human

on a fundamental level, but it lacks empirical evidence and procedure as seen in actual

science you may have witnessed pseudo-science and actions through things like Ouija

board, conspiracy, theories, ghost new age religious movement. In medical, there are

some methods which is considered to be unethical, and it should not be used in the legal

profession. It is a belief in the scientific field that is considered to be harmful for the

patient. Anything that dangers the life of the humans and animals is considered as

pseudo-science. There are some medicines that are not required to be prescribed to the

patients and if they are prescribed to the patients, it can be dangerous to their life, impact

their health or even kill them. Monsieur Homais is a fake lecturer, endlessly banging on

about medical techniques and theories that he really knows nothing about. Homais is a

bragger, loving the sound of his own voice as he goes on about various subjects, he

knows little or nothing about. He acts as the town doctor since Yonville does not have

one before Charles’ arrival. He loves the idea of recognition and glory in work and ends

up forcing Charles to do a trial surgery to fix the clubfoot of one of the town’s stable

workers. The surgery seemed to go well enough, but Charles, not being a doctor, made a

small mistake that resulted with the boy losing his leg. He doesn’t really know what he is
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doing, and usually ends up just prescribing drugs or other items that can be bought at his

store, which often puts him in trouble with the law.

Q3: In your view, what is universal in Emma Bovary’s tragic story? Recall that Gustave

Flaubert said famously: “Madame Bovary is me!”

The Flaubert famously state that Madame Bovary is me , and I think every reader

must see somewhat of him-/herself in this character: the lure of a romantic and luxurious

life, the boredom of the day to day, the longing to make amazing more out of existence,

and an increasing desperation to cover up one’s mistakes. Madame Bovary is a true

classic, materialist. The writer wants to convey that everyone is madame Bovary. Each of

us have the greed of having all the luxury. All the events in the novel moved towards the

final downfall of Emma – Death. The relationships she made were merely based on

fictional desires of romantic love, her innocence and friendly love turned to be a rather

stimulating one due to her growing discontent and sadness in her life, she was so self-

engaged that she did not even care for her own child or her husband. She tried every

opportunity to feel content, but her interest of happiness led her to rather her tragic end.

Her idea of love was rather superficial; the good looks, fortunes and culture of other men

formed a difference with her husband. In her romantic quests, she started hating the

people who loved her which eventually made her to take her own life.

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