Impact of COVID 19 On Erectile Function: The Aging Male

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Impact of COVID 19 on erectile function

D. H. Adeyemi, A. F. Odetayo, M. A. Hamed & R. E. Akhigbe

To cite this article: D. H. Adeyemi, A. F. Odetayo, M. A. Hamed & R. E. Akhigbe

(2022) Impact of COVID 19 on erectile function, The Aging Male, 25:1, 202-216, DOI:

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Published online: 04 Aug 2022.

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2022, VOL. 25, NO. 1, 202–216


Impact of COVID 19 on erectile function

D. H. Adeyemia, A. F. Odetayob,c, M. A. Hamedc,d,e and R. E. Akhigbec,f
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Osun State University, Nigeria;
Department of Physiology, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria; cReproductive Biology and Toxicology Research Laboratory, Oasis of
Grace Hospital, Osogbo, Nigeria; dThe Brainwill Laboratories, Osogbo, Nigeria; eDepartment of Medical Laboratory Sciences, College
of Medicine and Health Sciences, Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria; fDepartment of Physiology, Ladoke Akintola University of
Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria


Purpose: COVID-19, a novel infection, presented with several complications, including socioeco­ Received 16 June 2022
nomical and reproductive health challenges such as erectile dysfunction (ED). The present Revised 18 July 2022
review summarizes the available shreds of evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on ED. Accepted 19 July 2022
Materials and methods: All published peer-reviewed articles from the onset of the COVID-19 Published online 5 August
outbreak to date, relating to ED, were reviewed.
Results: Available pieces of evidence that ED is a consequence of COVID-19 are convincing. KEYWORDS
COVID-19 and ED share common risk factors such as disruption of vascular integrity, cardiovas­ Coronavirus; SARS-CoV-2;
cular disease (CVD), cytokine storm, diabetes, obesity, and chronic kidney disease (CKD). COVID- COVID-19; endothelial
19 also induces impaired pulmonary haemodynamics, increased ang II, testicular damage and dysfunction; erectile
low serum testosterone, and reduced arginine-dependent NO bioavailability that promotes dysfunction; testosterone
reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and endothelial dysfunction, resulting in ED. In add­
ition, COVID-19 triggers psychological/mental stress and suppresses testosterone-dependent
dopamine concentration, which contributes to incident ED.
Conclusions: In conclusion, COVID-19 exerts a detrimental effect on male reproductive function,
including erectile function. This involves a cascade of events from multiple pathways. As the
pandemic dwindles, identifying the long-term effects of COVID-19-induced ED, and proffering
adequate and effective measures in militating against COVID-19-induced ED remains pertinent.

Introduction inflammatory response with attendant sperm damage

[5]. Studies have also shown that SARS-CoV-2 signifi­
The outbreak of COVID 19 in the tail of 2019 ushered
in an unprecedented challenge for healthcare, with cantly suppresses circulating testosterone, resulting in
reproductive health consequences [1]. Since the out­ impaired male fertility [8].
break of the severe acute respiratory syndrome cor­ Notably, the SARS-CoV-2 virus does not only alter
onavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-caused infection in Wuhan, testicular functions viz. testosterone concentration,
China in December 2019, it has rapidly spread across spermatogenesis, and sperm quality, it has also been
the globe to become a pandemic with negative reported to alter male sexual and erectile function.
effects on socio-economic activities, posing a public COVID-19 pandemic has been reported to distort the
health challenge due to its associated high mortality sexual relationships between partners and sexual func­
rate [2,3]. tion [9–11]. It has also been demonstrated to cause
Although the lungs are the primary target organs endothelial dysfunction, leading to impaired erectile
[4], the male reproductive tract is affected [5,6] either function [12–14]. Available data in the literature also
directly or indirectly via endothelial dysfunction and implicate COVID-19 in the aetiopathogenesis of pri­
psychological imbalance. Studies have reported the mary organic or psychogenic erectile dysfunction (ED)
presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the semen [7]. [15–17]. Hence, COVID-19-induced ED may involve
This virus may bind with angiotensin-converting multiple pathways and the management may require
enzyme (ACE) 2 receptor (ACE2), to induce a hyper- integrated multidisciplinary measures. Since the

CONTACT R. E. Akhigbe Reproductive Biology and Toxicology Research Laboratory, Oasis of Grace Hospital, Osogbo,
Osun State, Nigeria; Department of Physiology, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria
� 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

infectious viral disease is novel and rapidly evolving, peculiar 9- to 12 nm-long spikes that accord virions
this review provides detailed mechanistic pathways in the manifestation of solar coronavirus [3].
the pathogenesis of COVID-19-induced ED and an in-
depth evidence-based integrated, and multidisciplinary
Pathophysiology of coronavirus
approach to its management.
COVID-19 evolves expressly over three noticeable
stages, which are the incubation stage, the symptom­
Structure of coronavirus
atic stage, and the pulmonary stage [30]. Viral intru­
Coronavirus is a member of the Coronavirinae sion is the first stride in COVID-19 pathogenesis
subfamily that belongs to the Coronaviridae family of through its marked host cell receptor [31]. Three basic
the order Nidovirales. Four genera are enclosed in glycoproteins (membrane, envelope, and nucleocap­
the four family: Alphacoronavirus, Betacoronavirus, sid) are analytical for viral particle assembly and
Gammacoronavirus, and Deltacoronavirus [18]. SARS- release, and a fourth (Spike protein) is culpable for
CoV-2, a representative of the Coronavirus family, has adhesion and passage into the host cell [32–35].
a genome size of approximately 29.9 kb [19]. Four ana­ Human ACE2 has been labeled by various research­
tomical proteins are enclosed in the coronavirus enve­ ers as a doorway receptor for SARS-CoV-2 [5,36–38].
lope and they consist of spike-shaped glycoproteins Large respiratory droplets have been identified as the
(S), envelope proteins (E), membrane proteins (M), and most communicable means of SARS-CoV-2, undeviat­
nucleocapsid (N) [20]. The protein aids in the fastening ing infecting cells of the upper and lower respiratory
and initiation of the virus into the host cell [21]. tract; the nasal ciliated and alveolar epithelial cells
The spike of the coronavirus is considered as a class before all else [39]. Though expressed in the lungs,
I viral membrane fusion protein representative that ACE2 is also expressed in other human tissues, such as
likewise consists of those from influenza virus, Human the kidney, heart, testis, small intestine, thyroid, and
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and Ebola virus [22]. adipose tissue (Akhigbe et al., 2020). The expression
The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is again needed as hints at the possibility of the virus directly infecting
access to the host cell. The receptor-binding domain cells of other organ systems when viremia ensues [7].
(RBD) is enclosed in the S1 spike subunit. The host SARS-CoV-2 has been made known to have a greater
and viral membrane fusion of the S2 protein spike affinity for the ACE2 receptor [40,41].
subunit serve as the entering site for the virus Viral and cell membranes fuse after the host cell
(Bahman and Majid, 2022). The ACE2 receptor is used binding; this allows the virus to access the cell [31].
by the SARS-CoV-2 virus to attach to the host cell that The binding of the host cell is not adequate to assist
consists of an array of respiratory epithelial cells, the progress of membrane fusion, requiring S-protein
alveolar macrophages, and monocytes [23,24]. priming or gap by host cell proteases or transmem­
Coronaviruses are the biggest among the RNA brane serine protease [42,43]. SARS-CoV-2, like other
viruses with a positive-sense single-stranded RNA coronaviruses, has been made known to possess a
(þssRNA) in the range of 26–32 kb in length. They are furin-like cleavage site in the S-protein domain, situ­
non-segmented enveloped viruses [25]. They possess a ated between the S1 and S2 subunits [44]. Furine-like
50 -cap design and 30 -poly-A rear [26] The polyprotein proteases are universally expressed, notwithstanding
1a/1b (pp1a/pp1ab) encodes non-structural proteins at lesser levels, signifying that S-protein priming at
(NSPs) to model the replication-transcription complex this cleavage site may bequeath to the widened cell
(RTC) in double-membrane vesicles (DMVS); it is pre­ tropism and improved transmissibility of SARS-CoV-
cisely converted by the genomic RNA, which serves as 2 [31].
a template [27]. Transcription completion and succes­ Nevertheless, it is yet to be ascertained if furine-like
sive recovery of leader RNA occur at transcription protease-mediated cleavage is imperative for SARS-
regulatory progressions, positioned between open CoV-2 host entry [31]. Most alluring is the evidence
reading frames (ORFs). These minus-strand sgRNAs that SARS-CoV-2 has established an exclusive S1/S2
provide a guide for the creation of subgenomic cleavage site in its S-protein, marked by a four-amino
mRNAs [28,29], acid inclusion, which appears to be missing in all
Negative-stained SAR-CoV-2 particles examined in other coronaviruses [45]. This molecular imitation has
an electron microscope brought to light the spherical been comprehensible as a competent transformative
shape of SARS-CoV-2. The diameter ranges from 60 to adjustment that some viruses have earned for profit­
140 nm and an outlying superficial dotted with eering the host cellular machinery [31]. The RNA

genome is duplicated and rewritten into basic and Morales et al. [52] reported that sexual dysfunction is
adjunct proteins as soon as the nucleocapsid is con­ considered one of the major signals to determine low
veyed into the cytoplasm of the host cell. Vesicles testosterone levels in the body. For instance, lack of or
exhaustive of the freshly formed viral particles are reduction in circulating testosterone levels may reduce
then conveyed to and bind with the plasma mem­ or abolish the effects of other transmitters or media­
brane, discharging them to infect other host cells in tors involved in erection. It has been established that
the same manner [32,46]. dopamine, nitric oxide, oxytocin, and some other exci­
Nonetheless, the definite role of the numerous tatory amino acids enhance penile erection in mam­
small viral peptides is yet to be professed. There is a mals [53].
need for more research to have a clear-cut knowledge Nitric oxide is considered one of the mediators of
of the basic attributes of SARC-CoV-2 that determine penile erection [54] as the increase and subsequent
different pathogenic systems [47]. release of NO enhances smooth muscle relaxation and
stimulates blood flow to the erectile tissues, thereby
promoting penile erection [54]. During an erection,
Mechanism of erectile function
the trabecular smooth muscle relaxes and vasodilata­
The process that culminates in penile erection entails tion of the arteries leads to increased blood flow that
a mix of several physiological conditions that border expands the sinusoidal spaces and lengthens and
on the input from both central and peripheral nervous enlarges the penis, resulting in the compression of the
systems. Besides, there are a series of the interplay subtunical venular plexus against the tunica albuginea.
between several biological mediators, vasoactive Therefore, stretching of the tunica compresses the
agents, neurotransmitters, and endocrine agents to emissary veins, hence reducing the outflow of blood
achieve the optimal erection necessary for sexual to a minimum. On the other hand, in a flaccid state,
intercourse [48]. The central processing unit in inflow through the constricted and tortuous helicine
response to tactile, visual, and imaginative stimuli arteries is minimal, and there is free outflow via the
enhances penile erection. In other words, the central subtunical venular plexus. It is well established that
and peripheral control systems remain the two major penile erection can be initiated with a single episode
established pathways that regulate or control penile of pelvic nerve stimulation, while maintenance of such
erection. Stimulations of the peripheral tissues erection can be achieved through arterioles vasodilata­
involved in erection elicit the response that is con­ tion and sustained blood flow to the corporeal body.
trolled by spinal and somatic activities. In addition, Ordinarily, sexual stimulation results in nitric oxide
evidence from animal studies has suggested that the (NO) release by non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic
central control of sexual arousal or erection is predom­ (NANC) nerve ending in the corpus cavernosum and
inantly localized in the limbic system structures. The the endothelial cells. NO then stimulates the cytosolic
medial preoptic area, paraventricular nucleus, medial enzymes guanylase cyclase to produce cGMP, which
amygdala, nucleus acumens, ventral tegmental area, reduces the smooth muscles of the corpus caverno­
and hippocampus are primary structures in the regula­ sum with the consequent increase in blood flow into
tion of male sexual response [49]. Subsequently, a spi­ the trabecular spaces and finally to an erection.
nal network consisting of primary afferent signals
emanating from the genitals, spinal interneurons, sym­
COVID 19 and erectile dysfunction: common
pathetic, parasympathetic, and somatic nuclei are
risk factors
responsible for integrating signals from the periphery
thus eliciting reflexive erections [50]. COVID-19 and ED have been shown to share common
In all of these, the roles of androgens in the regula­ risk factors such as disruption of vascular integrity, car­
tion of penile erection cannot be overemphasized as diovascular disease (CVD), cytokine storm, diabetes,
androgens alongside some other molecular mediators obesity, and chronic kidney disease (CKD) [55]. CVD
play significant roles in achieving an erection. There is has been implicated with other comorbidities that pre­
increasing evidence in the literature on the roles of dispose patients to more frequent and severe forms of
androgen in erectile functions. Studies have shown infections [56]. Studies have revealed that CVD and its
that increased testosterone levels enhance sexual urge predisposing factors were positively correlated with
and function by increasing the frequency of spontan­ fatal outcomes in COVID-19 patients of all ages
eous erections, improving muscle mass, increasing [57,58]. This may be linked to the exacerbation of
lean body mass, and reducing fat accumulation [51]. cytokine storm-induced organ damage, a consequence

of pre-existing organ damage due to comorbid CVD thickening, atherosclerosis, vascular damage, and
[59–61]. It is also likely that medications such as ACE- remodeling via oxidative stress-mediated signaling
inhibitors (ACEi) and angiotensin receptor blockers [78,79], resulting in NO-dependent endothelial dys­
(ARB) that are used in the management of CVD function, impaired penile perfusion, and vascular ED
increase the susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection. [80,81]. Also, diabetes-induced ischaemic-injury causes
ACE2 degrades angiotensin II to angiotensin 1-7, thus somatic and autonomic neuropathies and impairment
dampening its vasoconstriction, sodium retention, and of sensory impulses from the penis to the reflexogenic
fibrotic effects [62,63]. Interestingly, SARS-CoV-2 does erectile centre [82], leading to altered parasympathetic
not only gain entry through ACE2 but also subse­ activity that is essential for the relaxation of the
quently downregulates the expression of ACE2, thus smooth muscle of the corpus cavernosum [83] and
attenuating its protective activities. Although, ACEi consequent ED. Additionally, diabetes-induced and
and ARB activate ACE2/angiotensin 1-7/Mas receptor obesity-induced pro-inflammatory state [78,79,84,85]
signaling that confers beneficial antioxidant, antihyper­ does not only promote COVID-19 infection [74,75], it
tensive, and vasodilatory effects; ACEi/ARB-induced decreases NO bioavailability and downregulates NO/
upregulation of ACE2 could promote SARS-CoV-2 cyclic guanosine-30 ,50 -monophosphate (cGMP) signal­
infection [63]. CVD activates systemic inflammation, ing, thus leading to impaired penile relaxation and ED
which combines with the virus-induced immune [80,86]. Diabetes-/obesity-induced suppression of cir­
response to increase the inflammatory burden [64], culating testosterone [80,84,85,87,88] has also been
leading to a cytokine storm and activation of adrener­ shown to impair erectile function [89,90].
gic response with consequent plaque disruption and Although the underlying mechanisms remain
acute coronary syndrome [64]. CVD also triggers unclear, CKD, defined as a decrease in renal function
ischaemia-reperfusion imbalance that worsens COVID- evidenced by declined glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
19 infection [64]. Similarly, CVD has been established or renal damage (even with normal GFR), such as
as a risk factor for ED. Endothelial dysfunction seen in increased albuminuria, abnormal urine sediment, or
CVD impairs the relaxation of the smooth muscle cells structural abnormalities persisting for >3 months, with
lining the arterioles, thus preventing vasodilatation implications for health [91], has been reported to be
and erection [65]. Also, some anti-hypertensive drugs the most prevalent comorbidity conveying an
used in the management of CVD such as b-blockers increased risk for severe COVID-19 and also conveys
and thiazide diuretics induce sexual and erectile dys­ the highest risk for severe COVID-19 [92]. The
function [66,67]. Although their impacts on male increased risk of SAR-CoV-2 infection and poor prog­
reproductive functions remain controversial, statins nosis of the infectious viral disease in CKD may be
have been shown to worsen erectile function [66,68], secondary to the associated increased risk of infection
and ACEi to induce ED [66,69]. due to advanced comorbidity, uremia-associated
Diabetes and obesity have also been reported to immune dysfunction, and frequent distortions of the
be independent risk factors for COVID-19 infection natural skin barrier [93–95]. Besides modulating the
and ED. Patients with diabetes have upregulated ACE2 immune system, CKD-induced uremia also impairs the
and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP4) expression. These hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis. Uremic serum
receptors do not only modulate glucoregulatory proc­ associated with CKD inhibits luteinizing hormone (LH)
esses, but they also serve as receptors for SARS-CoV-2 signaling at the level of the Leydig cells [96], resulting
[36] and MERS-CoV [70] respectively, thus facilitating in low testosterone levels and impaired negative feed­
viral uptake and increasing the susceptibility to severe back on LH production [97]. CKD is also associated
infection [19,71]. Also, the metabolic derangement, with increased oestrogen and prolactin levels [97].
chronic inflammation, and impaired innate and adap­ These impair libido and erectile function [98]. CKD has
tive immune responses associated with diabetes and also been shown to promote atherosclerotic vascular
obesity increase the susceptibility of diabetic and disease [99], resulting in endothelial dysfunction,
obese patients to COVID-19 infection [72–75]. It is also impaired penile circulation, and ED [100,101]. CKD also
likely that the altered microenvironment associated causes uremia-induced autonomic neuropathy
with diabetes promotes the emergence of pathogenic [102,103], which promotes ED [101]. Other causes of
SARS-CoV-2 variants with the propensity of causing a ED in CKD include the use of medications like digoxin,
more severe illness [76,77]. Similarly, diabetes-/obesity- histamine antagonists, calcium channel blockers,
induced ED involves multiple pathways. Dyslipidaemia b-blockers, and methyldopa [66,101], depression and
associated with diabetes and obesity induces arterial antidepressant [66,101], erythropoietin-driven anaemia

that results in reduced oxygen availability and NO In a report of three cases by Salama and Blgozah
generation [104,105]. [116], it was observed that COVID-19-infected men
developed a decline in sexual function and premature
ejaculation. This was associated with a further decline
ED as a complication of COVID 19
during recovery, but normal levels of testosterone, LH,
COVID 19 and sexual behaviour FSH, oestradiol, and prolactin. On the contrary, Neto
It would be expected that COVID-19- related restric­ et al. [117] observed an increased pornography con­
tions and quarantine/ lockdown periods would pro­ sumption and masturbatory frequency among the
mote sexual intimacy among couples/sexual partners; studied population, although there was a marked
surprisingly, it did not. In a correlational study by Cito decline in libido and general sexual satisfaction. The
et al. [106], the number of sexual intercourses signifi­ increased pornography consumption explains the
cantly reduced during the quarantine period. Also, upsurge in the statistics reported by pornography
there was a reduced masturbation activity among websites [118]. COVID-19-associated social distancing
those who reported autoerotism. The reduced sexual and its attendant negative influence on physical, intel­
activities were reported to be due to poor privacy and lectual, and emotional wellbeing may cause a rise in
lack of sexual desire. These findings are in consonance pornography consumption and masturbatory activity
with the reports of Eroglu et al. [107] that docu­ [119]. The increased length of time spent at home and
mented that the COVID-19 pandemic led to increased the anxiety generated by the pandemic might have
anxiety levels in healthcare workers, which negatively led to the rise in masturbatory frequency [120]. The
affected their sexual functions. This was associated observed rise in masturbatory frequency might have
with a significant deterioration in erectile function, resulted in a reduced interest in real physical sexual
orgasmic function, sexual desire, intercourse satisfac­ intimacy, poor libido, and ED [121,122]. Also, among
tion, and overall satisfaction as well as decreased fore­ men who have sex with men, the use of sex phones,
play times and a change of intercourse positions to webcams, and pornography consumption increased
less face-to-face [107–109]. In addition, Fang et al. [9] but risky sexual behaviour and sexual repertoire
observed that COVID-19 pandemic-induced decreased reduced during the pandemic [123]. However, no
sexual function was associated with increased anxiety study documented whether the masturbation
and depression and decreased frequency of sexual life. practices were solo masturbation, solo masturbation
Previous studies have shown that the fear of COVID- with pornography consumption, or mutual partner
19 may induce anxiety and panic, which may degener­ masturbation.
ate into negative psychological reactions, including Interestingly, Zhang et al. [124] reported that the
adjustment disorder and depression [110] that have COVID-19 pandemic did not significantly alter the fre­
been directly associated with decreased sexual interest quency of sexual intercourse, quality of sexual lives,
[111–113]. Hence, the loss of sexual interest may be and emotional bonding. A study among male canna­
due to, at least in part, generalized anxiety dis­ bis users revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic
order [111,114]. increased sexual frequency and did not alter overall
It is interesting to note that although some studies sexual function [125]. Karagoz et al. [126] observed
implicated COVID-19-led anxiety and depression with lower sexual function and episodes of sexual inter­
reduced sexual activity during the pandemic, reduced course, and increased sexual avoidance and solitary
sexual activity may worsen anxiety and depression. sexual approach behaviour (such as masturbation and
Mollaioli et al. [115] in a web-based case-control study pornography consumption) during the pandemic
compared subjects who had sexual activity and those period compared to the pre-pandemic period,
who did not during the lockdown period. Their find­ although the couples that spent more time together
ings revealed significantly reduced anxiety and depres­ during the pandemic reported better sexual function.
sion scores in subjects who were sexually active Although the impact of COVID-19 infection on sex­
during the lockdown. They also reported that sexual ual functions is yet to be fully explored, it has been
activity and living with/without a partner during the reported that the impaired pulmonary hemodynamics,
lockdown were factors that influenced anxiety and endothelial dysfunction, and testicular damage elicited
depression scores, thus demonstrating the protective by the virus may cause ED [4]. Suppression of the
role of sexual activity toward psychological distress. hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis [127], direct
Therefore, the relationship between sexual activity and inhibition of the spinal erection center from the ner­
psychological stability may be bi-directional. vous system, excessive sympathetic outflow or

increased circulating catecholamines [128], and the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) and extra­
modulation of a short allele in the promoter region of cellular-regulated protein kinases (ERK), leading to
the serotonin transporter (5-HTTLPR) gene [129–132] hyper-inflammatory response [5,6,152] and oxido-
may also play key roles. inflammatory damage to the testis with resultant
reduced testosterone production [6]. The reduced tes­
tosterone levels may also be due to COVID-19-induced
COVID 19 and testosterone
hypercoagulation-mediated ischaemia at the micro­
Testosterone, a key player in male reproductive func­ vascular level, leading to testicular injury [153] and
tion, has also been established to play an immunomo­ impaired testosterone production. The observed low
dulatory role [133]. Testosterone enhances endothelial testosterone levels in COVID-19 infected patients
function and facilitates relaxation of the corpora caver­ modulate endothelial function [135], via oxidative
nosa, increases libido and energy, and suppresses stress-dependent signaling (involving pro-inflamma­
depressive symptoms [134–136]. It also modulates the tory cytokines) and results in ED [144,154].
expression of inflammatory mediators. However, tes­ Testosterone has also been reported to enhance
tosterone seems to exert dimorphism in inflammation dopamine release and NO synthesis [65]. Hence, SARS-
regulation. In a cohort of women with SARS-CoV-2 CoV-2-induced repression of circulating testosterone
infection, Di Stasis et al. [137] observed that a higher suppresses the synthesis and release of dopamine
testosterone level was associated with greater severity [155], leading to impaired sexual motivation, copula­
of the infection evidenced by higher circulating levels tory efficiency, and erectile function. Additionally, the
of pro-inflammatory markers and longer stay in the reduced dopamine reduces NO synthase (NOS) in the
intensive care unit. Although there is a paucity of evi­ cell bodies of the paraventricular nucleus and impairs
dence in females, studies have demonstrated that an urogenital reflexes and penile erection [156,157], lead­
increased testosterone level in women with Polycystic ing to ED.
Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is associated with a rise in
pro-inflammatory markers [138,139]. This is an abso­
COVID 19 and ACE
lute contrast to the findings in male cohorts with
SARS-CoV-2 infection that revealed that a lower testos­ Converging lines of evidence have shown that the
terone level was associated with greater severity of virus adversely affects the endothelium and endothe­
SARS-CoV-2 infection [140–143]. The finding in males lial layers across tissues in the body [158] and this
is in agreement with the anti-inflammatory activity of might suggest the relationship between the virus and
testosterone. Testosterone inhibits inflammation by one of the protein substrates produced by the endo­
upregulating anti-inflammatory cytokines and sup­ thelium, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) [18].
pressing pro-inflammatory cytokines [144]. Zhang et al. [71] reported that the virus accessed
Testosterone downregulates IL-6 gene expression most host cells through the protein ACE2. Endothelial
[145] and also exerts an inhibitory effect on TNF-a dysfunction is considered one of the major symptoms
production by macrophages [146]. Conversely, IL-6 of determining COVID-19 presence in the body [159].
and TNF-a suppress circulating testosterone via The role of the Renin-Angiotensin-System (RAS) in the
impairment of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular pathophysiology of several vascular diseases including
axis [147,148] and suppression of Leydig cell function erectile dysfunction has been previously established
[149,150]. An optimal testosterone level alleviates [160]. Ordinarily, the renin-angiotensin system oper­
inflammation with better outcomes, while a low tes­ ates by converting precursor angiotensinogen to an
tosterone level promotes the inflammatory response. inactive decapeptide called Angiotensin-1 (Ang 1),
Chen et al. [23] reported a decline in circulating tes­ which is mediated by renin bioavailability. This
tosterone and ACE2 expression in SARS-CoV-2 infec­ inactive enzyme Ang 1 is further converted to its
tion, which correlated with the severity of COVID-19 active form, Ang II, through an enzyme present in the
infection [151]. This is in agreement with the findings lungs known as Angiotensin Converting Enzymes
of other studies that observed a low concentration of (ACE). ACE2, which acts as a counterbalance to ACE,
testosterone in SARS-CoV-2 infection [17,140]. SARS- cleaves phenylalanine from Ang II and hydrolyzes it to
CoV-2-induced low circulating testosterone may be angiotensin 1-7 (11). SAR-CoV-2 binding overwhelms
dependent on the expression of ACE2 by the Leydig ACE2, leading to a rise in Ang II (that cannot be con­
cells. SARS-CoV-2 likely gains entry into the testis via verted to angiotensin 1-7 due to unavailability of
ACE2 in the Leydig cells replicates and activates p38 ACE2) [5], which in turn enhances tyrosine

phosphorylation of endothelial NOS (eNOS) via an AT1 when compared with patients in the placebo arm.
receptor-, H2O2-, and proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 Since chronic inflammation persistence is fundamental
(PYK2)-dependent mechanism, resulting in attenuation in COVID-19 disease, arginine supplementation could
of NO production, impaired endothelium-dependent be beneficial in controlling COVID-19 [180–183].
vasodilatation, endothelial dysfunction [161], and ED. Hence, a low level of arginine may increase an individ­
In addition, Ang II may impair vascular tone by upre­ ual’s susceptibility to COVID-19 infection.
gulation of superoxide-mediated impairment of endo­ In an attempt to study the effect of COVID-19 on
thelial function [162], leading to reduced penile arginine concentration, the level of arginine was com­
perfusion and ED. Angiotensin II, via angiotensin II pared between healthy adults with no symptoms of
type 1 receptor (AT1 receptor) [163], causes vascular COVID-19, and symptomatic adults that were hospital­
constriction, endothelial cell migration, proliferation, ized for COVID-19, and symptomatic children that
and hypertrophy and increases uptake and oxidation were hospitalized for COVID-19 [184]. It was observed
of LDL by endothelial cells as well as oxyradical pro­ that the hospitalized adults and children showed sig­
duction, thus leading to endothelial dysfunction nificantly reduced bioavailability and level of plasma
[78,164] and resultant ED. arginine when compared with the controls [184]. This
ACE2/Ang 1-7/Mas receptor signaling has been is in agreement with another study that observed an
reported to play a role in testosterone biosynthesis inverse relationship between the plasma level of argin­
and spermatogenesis [165,166]. ACE2 is the primary ine and the severity of COVID-19 [185]. Therefore, a
source of Ang (1-7) via the hydrolysis of Ang II [167] low level of arginine may predispose an individual to
or Ang I to Ang (1-9) [168,169], with subsequent gen­ COVID-19 and also worsen its progression with likely
eration of Ang (1-7) through ACE and neutral endo­ complications, including reproductive health
peptidase hydrolysis [170]. Angiotensins regulate challenges.
testosterone production via Leydig cell inhibition by Erection is an enlarged and rigid state of the penis
Ang II [166]. Hence, COVID-19-led downregulation of in which one of the main regulators is nitric oxide
ACE2 upregulates Ang II, which in turn reduces the (NO) [186]. L-arginine is the natural precursor for the
activation of the upstream angiotensin-mediated path­ synthesis of NO and its availability at the physiologic
way and inhibits Leydig cell function. This suppresses level is believed to have a positive effect on the pro­
testosterone production and promotes ED. duction of NO [187]. Hence, reduced NO bioavailability
that may be a consequence of a marked reduction in
L-arginine has been implicated as a major cause of
COVID 19 and arginine
erectile dysfunction. In the presence of nitric oxide
The T-cell function of the immune system has been synthase isoforms, L-arginine is converted to NO to be
shown to depend on the circulating arginine [171]. released from both the cavernosal nerve ending and
Suppression of the circulating arginine has been impli­ the endothelial cells of the artery that supplies the
cated in the reduction in lymphocytes’ capacity to penis (penile artery) following the stimulation from
increase rapidly in number [172]. Arginine deficiency the spinal cord [188]. Once the NO has been released,
has also been shown to reduce the proliferating cap­ it will lead to a cascade of events that will eventually
acity of T-cells [173]. In vitro studies have demon­ lead to the relaxation in the smooth muscle of the
strated that arginine can help to restore T-cell corpora cavernosa, veno-occlusion, and penile erection
function [174]. Arginine depletion inhibits T-cell recep­ [186]. Hence, reduced arginine-dependent NO bioavail­
tor signaling, which may result in T-cell dysfunction, ability may contribute to COVID-19-induced ED. This
and increases reactive oxygen species (ROS) produc­ may involve several pathways. Reduced NO bioavail­
tion, thus aggravating inflammation [175,176]. Ochoa ability may downregulate NO/cGMP signaling, leading
et al. [177] implicated a decrease in arginine bioavail­ to impaired relaxation of the corpus carvenosa and ED
ability in reduced T-cell response and function, with [80,86]. Also, a low level of arginine-dependent NO
consequent increased susceptibility to infections. inhibits the vasodilator activity of NO and blood flow
Reizine et al. [178] revealed that the proliferative abil­ [78], thus impairing penile perfusion and erection.
ity of T-cells was significantly reduced in patients with Furthermore, since arginine has been demonstrated to
COVID-19 but was restored following arginine supple­ exert antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects [189], a
mentation. In another study by Fiorentino et al. [179], low level of arginine impairs its capacity to scavenge
it was observed that patients treated with arginine Ang II-induced free radical generation, leading to
were discharged earlier with little respiratory support endothelial dysfunction [162], and ED.

Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the possible pathway of COVID-19-induced erectile dysfunction. SARS-CoV-2 impairs pulmonary
hemodynamics and arginine biosynthesis, leading to reduced circulating nitric oxide (NO) and erectile dysfunction (ED). SARS-CoV-
2 may also induce psychological stress and testicular injury, which results in suppressed testosterone and dopamine, leading to
ED. SARS-CoV-2-ACE2 binding may overwhelm ACE2 with resultant rise in angiotensin II (Ang II), which in turn promotes the gen­
eration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that may induce oxidative stress and accumulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, with
consequent endothelial dysfunction and ED.

COVID 19 and psychological/mental stress transmission) [198] and ineffective cognitive process­
ing of erotic stimuli due to cognitive distraction.
COVID-19 preventive measures, which include social
isolation and distancing, as well as the fear of con­
tracting the deadly virus, financial insecurities, and Management of ED amidst COVID 19 pandemic
uncertainty about the future increased the psycho­
COVID-19 pandemic came with some restrictive meas­
logical distress of people globally. This worsened
ures in an attempt to curtail the spread of the rapidly
increased unemployment and homeschooling
spreading infection. The lockdown measure, including
[190–192]. This led to reduced sexual interaction,
stay-at-home orders, movement/travel restrictions, and
forced separation of intimate partners, widening of
school closures considerably affected the utilization of
communication gap among some sexual partners, and
escalation of marital conflicts, resulting in reduced sex­ medicare and medication-seeking patterns [199–205].
ual activities and increased sexual dissatisfaction Although data reporting healthcare utilization during
[108,193,194]. The burden of lack of privacy due to the pandemic is scarce, about 40.9% of US adults
social confinement, distorted sexual desire, and were reported to avoid medical care during the
expression were also noted to intensify mental stress COVID-19 pandemic [199]. Also, following significant
and sexual dysfunction [195]. COVID-19-driven anxiety community transmission of SARA-CoV-2 [199,203],
and depression were observed to elicit male sexual many elective surgeries for urological conditions like
dysfunction, especially erectile function [9,196]. Likely, ED were postponed [111,206–208]. The Canadian
the reduced erectile function observed during the Urological Association reported a massive deviation in
pandemic was not unrelated to the perceived adverse surgical patterns as only emergency and urgent cases
circumstances and activation of peoples’ psychological were attended to with the introduction of virtual care
vulnerabilities in response to increased emotional dur­ for most other male sexual health cases [209]. This
ess [197]. It is also likely that libido and response to likely took its toll on the management of ED, poten­
erotic stimuli may be negatively altered by the per­ tially prolonging its evaluation and prompt manage­
ceived threat or anticipated negative repercussions of ment and possibly worsening ED. Even where
sex (as a potential risk factor for SARS-CoV-2 medicare was obtainable, the increased

unemployment and financial insecurities associated

with the COVID-19 pandemic likely exacerbated the director-general-s-opening-remarks-atthe-media-
decision of patients to utilize healthcare.
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