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2022 Annual Meeting

The annual meeting was called to order by President Gary Patterson at 7:05 pm on March 8, 2022.

There were 25 members present and 3 members submitted absentee ballots.

President Gary Patterson motioned to approve the agenda and Mary Dupuis supported it. The motion
passed unanimously.

Ron Sabata motioned to approve the 2021 Secretary’s minutes. Deloy Stark supported the motion. The
motion passed unanimously.

Jim Huff reviewed the financial report with the association. Jim shared that the association has roughly
30 lawn mowings per year. Any money from one-year rolls over to the next to add to the next budget
cycle. Patti Horstman motioned to approve the Treasurer’s report. Deloy Stark supported the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.

Vicki Patterson recognized Jim and Mila Huff for their 33 years of service with cards and a treasurer’s

Sandy Stark presented a “Family and Friends” plate to the HOA with the idea that each member of the
HOA would pass it on to someone else in the HOA with a homemade item on it. She had it start with Jim
and Mila Huff. Jim and Mila thanked the group for the plate, cards and box.

The nominating committee (Chair Teri Riggins, Ron Sabata and Patti Horstman) have their report. They
thanked Jim Huff and Gary Patterson for their service to the HOA Board. Riggins shared the following

“We tried to do our due diligence by: 1) emailing everyone requesting anyone with interest in filling a
position or just having questions to find out more about the positions to contact one of the 3 of us. 2)
Walked the neighborhood and hand delivered a second request of anyone interested in serving on the
board and giving back to our community. We had the concern that if we do not have an effective board,
the HOA would need to hire a management company and dues would greatly increase. The nominating
committee spent several hours and many evenings fulfilling the obligation that we were asked to do.

Due to lack of interest shown, the committee went through and discussed a variety of possibilities of
people who have not served but might be interesting in talking to us about the responsibilities. We
spoke with 12 people in which most preferred not commit. Once narrowed down, the nominating
committee spent 60-90 minutes in each interview and a) read through each of the four positions:
President, Vice President, Secretary, & Treasurer; b) asked for strengths and possible weaknesses for
each position, c) past experiences on any boards or past experience in general, d) great conversations.

The committee feels like we have a great slate of officers to present and that are all willing to give and
serve time for the betterment of the Pine Meadows HOA. A variety of generations are being nominated
as well as diverse backgrounds with the same and different ideas all offering and willing to work
together, learn from each other and serve our community to the best of their ability.”

The slate of officers was as follows: President: Mary Dupuis, Vice President: Ross Cone, Secretary: Brian
Stark & Treasurer: Teri Riggins. Teri Riggins motioned to accept the slate as read. Kathi Vontz supported
the motion. A call for open nominations was requested so Teri and Kathi rescinded their motion and
support. No nominations came from the floor. The nominating committee shared with the association
that after meeting with 12 candidates, the four on the slate were the only volunteers willing to serve.
Teri Riggins again motioned to accept the slate and Kathi Vontz supported the motion. The motion
passed unanimously.

Jim shared and reminder the members that you if have paid your dues beyond March, to please add $25
to each month beginning with April with the increase of dues to $125.

Brian Stark recognized the members of each of the standing committees. Also, that the association has
some openings on committees as the Bylaws state that there can be up to 5 volunteers on each
committee and to encourage engagement, the Board would continue the practice of having each
member only serve on one standing committee. Brian said the Board was excited to see the number of
households involved in committee work compared to previous years.

Kathi Vontz motioned that moving forward all items agenda for the annual business meeting would be
received 15 days in advance, including the minutes, Treasurer’s report, nominating committee report
and any other updates and report and should be updated on the any documents, such as Bylaws, to
make this happen. Helen Sellentin supported the motion. Brian Stark shared that members had given
feedback supporting the motion as well as concern about the meeting time with driving at night and
that later in Spring with the days are longer would work better. Kathi amended to include updating
documents for the meeting time as well and Helen supported the amendment. The motion passed

Jim Ray discussed the assessment of homes in the HOA regarding HOA members and lot sizes with
increased association fees. Discussion followed. No action taken.

Sandy Stark requested to Chair the social committee and would be willing to have volunteers to get it up
and started. Discussion occurred regarding the coffees. It was recommended from members to send
private invitations on their own so HOA functions can be inclusive of all members.

The Board reminded members that first 10 minutes of each Board meeting is open to members to
discuss any items they would like to bring before the Board.

President Gary Patterson adjourned the meeting at 8:07 pm.

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