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Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Carlos Campus
San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Detailed Lesson Plan in T.L.E 12 Beauty Care (Nail Care Tools) Service

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
A. Identify the different nail care tools.
B. State the importance of knowing nail care tools.
C. Familiarize with the nail care tools.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Nail Care Tools

References: K to 12 Basic Education Technology and Livelihood Learning

Module-Beauty Care (Nail Care Tools)

Learning Outcome: Explain the usage of the different tools in nail care.

Materials: Laptop, TV Screen, Pictures, Marking Pen, White Board

Values Integration: Cooperation and cleanliness

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activities Students Activities

I. Preliminary Activities
A. Prayer
“Class, please stand for a short prayer. Who A student will volunteer to lead the prayer.
would like to lead?”
B. Greetings
“Good Morning class!” “Good Morning Ma’am! “
“How are you today?” “We’re fine Ma’am.”
“Very good.” Everybody, please take your seat.

C. Checking Attendance
“I’d like to know how many absentees we have
“We’re glad to say that there are no absentees
today?” in our class today.”
“Good to know, class! Keep it up!”
D. Classroom Management
“Before we begin with our discussion, kindly The students will properly arrange their seats
arrange your chairs properly and check if there and dispose any pieces of trash they may find.
are any pieces of trash around you. Please
properly dispose it inside the trash can to
maintain classroom cleanliness.”
E. Review
“Last meeting we have defined the definition of “When we think of the words beauty care, we
terms of nail care service. Now, class I want to think of hygiene, relaxation, manicure and
ask you, what do you know about beauty care? pedicure.”
Tell me what comes to your mind when you hear
those two words.”
“Okay very good. I’m glad that you’ve still
remembered our previous lesson. So now let’s
II. Lesson Proper
“Now, class would you like to play picture puzzle “Yes Ma’am.”
(The teacher will group the students into five)
“I have here pictures of different tools in beauty “Yes Ma’am.”
care and all you have you to do is to identify the
nail care tools. Am I understood?”
“Mam, we can see different pictures of nail
“How do you call these tools?” care tools. That is Cuticle Nail Pusher a tool
used to push back and loosen the cuticles.”

“And how will you describe tools?” “Tools are handled artides that are used to
fulfill a task which cannot do with our bare
hands alone.”
“Now, do you have an idea what our topic is for
“Yes, we do, Ma’am!” Our topic for today is:
today, class?”
Nail Care Tools.”
“Very good, class!”
“Kindly read the learning objectives for our lesson A student will read the learning objectives.
for today.” At the end of the lesson, the students should
be able to:
A. Identify the different nail care tools.
B. State the importance of knowing nail
care tools.
C. Familiarize with the nail care tools.
“Okay, class I will show you a video presentation Two representative students from each group
about nail care tools and their uses.” I want will choose a nail care tool and describe it’s
atleast two representative per group to describe use.
the tool that they will choose to explain.”
“Callous Remover, Cuticle Nail Pusher,
“Based on the video presentation give me an
Nail Cutter/Nail Clipper/Nail Trimmer, Cuticle
examples of nail care tools.” Nipper, Cuticle Scissor, Nail File, Trolley, Foot
Callous Remover - is a tool designed to strip off Basin, Nail Buffer, Mixing Bowl, Orangewood
calluses and corns. Stick.”
Cuticle Nail Pusher - is a tool used to push back
and loosen the cuticles.
Nail Cutter/Nail Clipper/Nail Trimmer - is a hand
tool made of metal used to trim fingernails and
Cuticle Nipper - is an implement used to cut the
Cuticle Scissor – is an implement used to cut the
Nail File - is an implement used to shape the free
edges of the nail with the coarse side and bevel
the nail with the finer side.
Finger or Manicure Bowl - is a small bowl used
for soaking the fingers to soften the cuticles.
Orangewood Stick - is an implement with
pointed and rounded ends to remove excess
Foot File -is made of metal or sandpaper, with a
rough file on one side to remove calluses and a
fine file on the other to smoothen the feet.
Plastic Container for Cotton - is a small
receptacle where cotton balls are put.
Foot Spa Basin - is a large rectangular container
used for bathing and soaking the feet when
giving a pedicure.
Supply Tray - is a flat container that holds the
necessary cosmetics and implements.
Manicure Tray - is a flat container where all the
necessary tools and implements are placed for
use by the manicurist.
Trolley - is a wheeled cart that is pushed by hand
and used for transporting manicuring and
pedicuring tools and materials.
Manicure Nail Brush- is a plastic handled brush
with nylon bristles used to clean dirt and
cosmetic residue from the nail surface and skin.
Mixing Bowl - is a small open-top, rounded cup-
like container used for mixing the aromatic oils
and other fluids for the hand or foot spa.
Nail Buffer – is an implement used for
smoothening and polishing the nails.

“Excellent!” Now, class what have you learn from The students will explain the purpose of each
our lesson and explain how the different tools in nail care tools and its usage.
nail care are used.”
“Explain what nail care tools are and their The students will explain what nail care tools
importance”. are.
“Very impressive class!”
“How does knowing about the different nail care “It helps us to prevent mishandling of tools
tools help you in your daily life?” which may cause accidents or injuries to
ourselves or to someone else. Also, knowing
these use and purpose of these tools can help
us build a manicure/pedicure business of our
own which may become a source of income
for us.”

“Why is it important to know nail care tools?” “It is important because taking care of our nails
is part of maintaining our personal hygiene.
When people see how we take care of
ourselves they will be encouraged to do the
same, which also promotes the better hygiene
and even possibly, a healthier body.”

“Now, class since you already understand our “Yes, we are, Ma’am!”
topic, are you ready for a short quiz?”
V. Evaluation
Directions: Identification
1. Is a tool designed to strip off calluses and
2. Is made of metal or sandpaper, with a rough
file on one side to remove calluses and a fine file
on other to smoothen the feet.
3. Is a large rectangular container used for
bathing and soaking the feet when giving a
4. Is a small open-top, rounded cup-like container
used for mixing the aromatic oils and other fluids
for the hand or foot spa.
5. Is a hand tool made of metal used to trim
fingernails and toenails.
6. Is an implement used for smoothening and
polishing the nails.
7. Is a plastic handled brush with nylon bristles
used to clean dirt and cosmetic residue from the
nail surface and skin.
8. Is an implement with pointed and rounded
ends to remove excess polish.
9. Is an implement used to shape free edges of
the nail with the coarse side and bevel the nail
with the finer side.
10.Is a wheeled cart that is pushed by hand and
used for transporting manicuring and pedicuring.

Bring your own complete nail care tools.

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