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Paint Your Happiness: How Art Can Be Uplifting!

One of the myths of art is that it is only satisfying to those who are “talented” or “good”
at drawing, painting, sculpting, etc. The reality is that art does not need to be
approached from the perspective of a professional in order for it to be moving and
uplifting! Art creates an opportunity for everyone and anyone to tap into the creative
side of their brain and make something that they are proud of. Professional artists are
not the only people with ideas to paint onto a blank canvas or the creative capacity to
make an authentic piece of art. Here at Pinot’s Palette, we believe that art brings joy to
anyone who picks up one of our paint brushes. We know that art can genuinely make
anyone happy, all you need to do is take that first step and give it a try!

Art and happiness is by no means a new idea. For decades, studies have shown that
artistic creativity brings about pleasure and joy. American psychologist Dr. Robert
Epstein is a firm believer that “the creative process is itself a source of joy for most
people…with the new creative powers we’re also better able to solve the little problems
that beset us daily”. With 20 years of research to back his claims, his research shows us
that creativity gives us a motivating boost to get through the day. Art and creativity
brings light to our lives as we practice invention and exploration through the process.
Creating something new, something that you made yourself, is ultimately fulfilling and

From a biological perspective, art actually connects with the chemicals in your brain!
Recent research from the University of London shows us that looking at art increases
your dopamine levels in the brain’s frontal cortex, leading us to feel positive. In fact, the
feelings we feel surrounding art are compared to the emotions surrounding romantic
love! What better way to spread the love than through the joys of art?

Art therapist and visual artist Cathy Malchiodi reports that numerous clients have
expressed an increase of positivity through art therapy. According to clients, art has
given them the chance to find comfort in their struggles and focus on the enjoyable
process of discovery and creativity. Art can take pain and make it something beautiful
and positive. It can be a transformative experience that allows us to work through our
problems and find brightness in dark places. Art can truly bring about happiness and

The creative process of making art is an uplifting experience that allows any of us to
work through new ideas, find the courage to make a statement, or release any emotions
we have bottled up inside of us. Putting all of these thoughts and feelings onto a fresh
canvas or piece of paper is sure to feel refreshing. Also, learning new skills, and realizing
how creative you can be, is definitely something to feel proud of! As you express
yourself, you are also learning new abilities at the same time. It’s a productive path
towards happiness!

We hope to help others find joy in art and creativity! Sign up for any of our upcoming
classes and find where your happiness begins! Cheers!

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