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Production plant: YOS, Korea
Chemical name: Carbon Black, amorphous
CAS no.: 1333-86-4
Statistical code / customs tariff code: 2803 00 00
Colour index: Pigment Black 7
Colour index no.: 77266

Chemical Characterization
Carbon Black is an inorganic black pigment which is insoluble in non-oxidizing media. Manufacturing at temperatures of over
1000 °C in an oxygen-reduced atmosphere results in carbon levels higher than 98 %. Carbon Blacks consist of primary particles
which form stable aggregates.

Food Contact Regulations

This type of Carbon Black is not recommended to be used for materials and articles intended to come into contact with food.
Thus, it is not recommended for toy applications either.

Registration Status
HIBLACK® 30L POWDER is listed in the following inventories:
Australia AICS (Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances) registered
Canada DSL (Domestic Substances List) registered
China IECSC (Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China) registered
EINECS (European Inventory of Existing Commercial Substances) 215-609-9
REACH (Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006) 01-2119384822-32-xxxx
ENCS (Existing and New Chemical Substances) registered
ISHL (Industrial Safety & Health Law Inventory) registered
Korea KECI (Korean Existing Chemicals Inventory) - former ECL (Existing Chemicals List) registered
New Zealand NZIoC (New Zealand Inventory of Chemicals) HSNO approved
Philippines PICCS (Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances) registered
Taiwan CSNN (Chemical Substance Nomination & Notification) registered
USA TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) registered

Toxicological and Ecological Information

All data are given in our Safety Data Sheet in chapter 11 and 12.

Heavy metals
HIBLACK® 30L POWDER constitutionally does not contain any heavy metals. Through random sampling the following data
were obtained:
Antimony < 0,001 % Chromium, total < 0,0005 % Selenium < 0,001 %
Arsenic < 0,001 % Lead < 0,001 % Zinc < 0,001 %
Barium < 0,001 % Mercury < 0,0001 %
Cadmium < 0,0001 % Nickel < 0,001 %

Not hazardous to water
Water Hazard Class (WGK)
(Catalogue of Substances Hazardous to Water, Cat. KBwS, ID No. 1742)
Hazardous Material Classification Non hazardous material acc. to regulations for transport
Classification No classification acc. to Directive 67/548/EEC and Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP)
IARC Group 2B (possibly carcinogenic for humans)
MAK Category 3B (inhalable form possibly carcinogenic in humans)
No labelling required in accordance with Directive 67/548/EEC and
Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP)

CAS: Chemical Abstract Services Register Number
IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer
MAK: Maximale Arbeitskonzentration (German maximum workplace concentration)
HIBLACK® 30L POWDER – 2016-07-05 page 02

Other Chemical Legislation

HIBLACK® 30L POWDER constitutionally does not contain hazardous substances as defined by the following directives and
regulations. Therefore, it is in compliance with:
Regulation Substances
EU - Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS) and amendment
Pb, Hg, Cd, Cr, PBB, PBDE, phthalates
Directive (EU) 2015/863 (repealing Directive 2002/95/EC)
EU - Directive 2012/19/EU (WEEE)
certain dangerous substances
(repealing Directive 2002/96/EC)
REACH Annex XVII (45)
(repealing EU - Directive 2003/11/EC)
REACH Annex XVII (46a;b + 47)
nonylphenol, nonylphenol ethoxylate, Chromium (VI)
(repealing EU - Directive 2003/53/EC)
REACH Annex XVII (43)
Azocolourants resp. aromatic amines
(repealing EU - Directive 2002/61/EC)
REACH Annex XVII (51 + 52)
(repealing EU - Directive 2005/84/EC)
POP (Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic
PCB, PFOS, Flame retardants, pentaBDE and others
Polluants) -Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 and amendments
Substances listed in Annex 1 (Parts 1, 2 & 3)
EU – Regulation No 649/2012 (PIC Regulation)
and in Annex V (Part 1 &2))
EU - Directive 2000/53/EC (ELV) and amendments heavy metals
EU - Directives 94/62/EEC and amendments (PPW) heavy metals
U.S.A - CONEG Regulation, January 1994 heavy metals

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)

Please note that the analytical investigation of PAHs is not part of our standard quality and production control. The following
values are derived from random tests of single samples. Tests were conducted in accordance to FDA test method No.63.
The values are given for informational purposes only in order to enable you to do an overall assessment on substance
concentrations in your final product and should not be considered guaranteed specifications. Our general disclaimer below
Substance CAS-No. according to
Benzo(a)anthracen 56-55-3 < 2.5 (EU) No 1272/2013 )

Chrysen 218-01-9 < 2.5


Benzo(b)fluoranthen 205-99-2 < 2.5

Benzo(j)fluoranthen 205-82-3 < 2.5
Benzo(k)fluoranthen 207-08-9 < 2.5 PAH-list AfPS-GS-2014-01 )

Benzo(e)pyren 192-97-2 < 2.5


Benzo(a)pyren 50-32-8 < 2.5

Dibenzo(a,h)anthracen 53-70-3 < 2.5
Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 191-24-2 < 20
Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 193-39-5 <5
Acenaphthylene 208-96-8
Acenaphthene 83-32-9
Fluorene 86-73-7
Phenanthrene 85-01-8 Sum < 200
Pyrene 129-00-0
Anthracene 120-12-7
Fluoranthene 206-44-0
Naphthalene 91-20-3 < 40
Total of 18 PAHs (according to PAH-list of AfPS-GS-2014-
< 200
01 for GS-Mark certification)

CONEG: Coalition of North-Eastern Governors
HIBLACK® 30L POWDER – 2016-07-05 page 03

) referring to the PAHs as listed in COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1272/2013 of 6 December 2013 amending Annex
XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Registration, Evaluation,
Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) as regards polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
) Information in regards to GS-Mark: Total of 18 PAHs (according to PAH-list AfPS-GS-2014-01 for GS-Mark certification)

The limits (e.g. on PAHs) required according to some voluntary quality standards apply to the final consumer article, which may
contain amongst others only a small amount of Carbon Black.
We would like to point out that those standards require tests on the final article, which are in the responsibility of the producer of
the final article.

Besides, HIBLACK® 30L POWDER constitutionally does not contain:

● Materials of animal origin ● Class I or Class II Ozone Depleting Chemicals ● Asbestos
● Genetically modified organisms (GMO) ● Volatile organic compounds (VOC) ● PCB/Dioxine

The analytical investigation on above mentioned substances is not part of our standard quality control.
This declaration replaces all previous ones relating to this subject.

This document was created electronically, therefore it is not signed.

Orion Engineered Carbons

All information given in this Product Safety Information is based on our present knowledge and experience. However, it implies no liability or other legal
responsibility on our part. In particular, no warranty, whether expressed or implied, or guaranteed of product properties in the legal sense is intended or
implied. All information are intended for persons having the required skill and know-how and do not relieve you from verifying the suitability of the
information given for a specific purpose prior to use by testing, which should be carried out only by qualified experts. Use or application of such
information is at your sole responsibility and risk, without any liability on the part of Orion Engineered Carbons GmbH and any of its affiliated companies.
For additional information please consult the Safety Data Sheets and Technical Bulletins to our products. We reserve the right, however, to make any
changes as required by law, further developments or as necessitated by technical progress at any time, without prior or subsequent notice. This
document is valid until the next relevant legislative and/or regulatory change with a maximum of two years as of the date of issue.

Product Stewardship & Health

The Americas Europe/Middle East/Africa Asia Pacific
Orion Engineered Carbons LLC Orion Engineered Carbons GmbH Orion Engineered Carbons Co.,ltd.
4501 Magnolia Cove Drive, Suite 106, Hahnstraße 49 94, Galsan 1- Dong, Bupyeong-Gu
Kingwood, TX 77345 60528 Frankfurt am Main Incheon 403-081
USA Germany Korea
Phone +1 281-318-2030 Phone +49 69 36 50 54 -165, -167, -168 Phone + 82 32 510 6086
E-mail: E-mail: E-mail:

Global Corporate Headquarters

Orion Engineered Carbons S.A., 15 Rue Edward Steichen, 2540 Luxembourg, Phone +35 22 70 48 06 0

Orion Engineered Carbons GmbH, Hahnstraße 49, 60528 Frankfurt a.M., Germany,
Board of Management: Jack Clem, CEO / Charles Herlinger, CFO
Registered Office is Frankfurt, Register Court Frankfurt am Main Local Court, Commercial Registry B 90485

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