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Large-Area Compliant, Low-Cost, and Versatile Pressure-

Sensing Platform Based on Microcrack-Designed Carbon
Black@Polyurethane Sponge for Human–Machine
Xiaodong Wu, Yangyang Han, Xinxing Zhang,* Zehang Zhou, and Canhui Lu*

Piezoresistive sensors, which transduce

It is a challenge to manufacture pressure-sensing materials that possess pressure into a resistance signal, are widely
flexibility, high sensitivity, large-area compliance, and capability to detect both used because of their cost-efficient fabrica-
tiny and large motions for the development of artificial intelligence products. tion, easy signal collection, and potential
Herein, a very simple and low-cost approach is proposed to fabricate versatile high pixel density. Conventionally, elasto-
meric conductive composites are proved to
pressure sensors based on microcrack-designed carbon black (CB)@polyu-
be optional sensing materials for piezore-
rethane (PU) sponges via natural polymer-mediated water-based layer-by- sistive sensors.[10–12] However, these mate-
layer assembly. These sensors are capable of satisfying the requirements of rials are insensitive, unstable, and inca-
ultrasmall as well as large motion monitoring. The versatility of these sensors pable of detecting low pressures (<10 kPa,
benefits from two aspects: microcrack junction sensing mechanism for tiny approximating gentle touch).[13] Recently,
delicate and rational assembling of micro/
motion detecting (91 Pa pressure, 0.2% strain) inspired by the spider sensory
nanoconductive materials has attracted
system and compressive contact of CB@PU conductive backbones for large much attention in manufacturing highly
motion monitoring (16.4 kPa pressure, 60% strain). Furthermore, these sen- sensitive pressure sensors, including
sors exhibit excellent flexibility, fast response times (<20 ms), as well as good assembling polyaniline nanofibers and
reproducibility over 50 000 cycles. This study also demonstrates the versatility Au-coated polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)
of these sensors for various applications, ranging from speech recognition, micropillars,[14] sandwiching ultrathin
gold nanowire-impregnated tissue paper
health monitoring, bodily motion detection to artificial electronic skin. The
between PDMS sheets,[15] hierarchically
desirable comprehensive performance of our sensors, which is comparable to compounding polyurethane (PU) fiber,
the recently reported pressure-sensing devices, together with their significant nylon fiber, Ag nanowires, and piezore-
advantages of low-cost, easy fabrication, especially versatility, makes them sistive rubber,[1] etc.[2] On the other hand,
attractive in the future of artificial intelligence. unique microstructure design has been
demonstrated another effective strategy
for fabricating pressure sensors with high
sensitivity, such as micropyramid array,[16]
1. Introduction hollow-sphere microstructure,[13] porous structure,[17] inter-
locked microstructures[18] and fractured microstructure,[19] and
Flexible and sensitive pressure sensors have considerable scien- so on.[5] Despite these achievements, widespread application of
tific, technological, and commercial impact in various applica- the aforementioned pressure sensors is limited by their sophis-
tions, such as sport motion monitoring,[1] speech recognition,[2] ticated fabrication processes and the use of expensive materials
robot prosthesis,[3] electronic skin,[4] portable healthcare moni- (graphene, silver/gold nanowires, or nanoparticles, etc.). With
tors,[5] etc. In recent years, various pressure-sensing mechanisms the rapid development of artificial intelligence, massive sensor
including transistor sensing,[6] capacitive sensing,[7] piezoelectric materials will be demanded in the near future. Therefore, large-
sensing,[8] triboelectric sensing,[9] especially resistive sensing,[10–19] area compliant and cost-efficient fabrication of sensitive pres-
have been developed to construct sensitive pressure sensors. On sure-sensing materials still remains a great challenge.
the other hand, rational micro- or nanostructural design also plays Spiders are the most sensitive species to surrounding vibra-
an important role in fabricating innovative pressure sensors. tion in the animal kingdom.[20] Their most important vibra-
tion detector is based on a crack-shaped slit system near the
X. Wu, Y. Han, Dr. X. Zhang, Z. Zhou, Prof. C. Lu leg joints between metatarsus and tarsus bones. Inspired by the
State Key Laboratory of Polymer Materials Engineering spider’s sensory system, various crack-based sensors have been
Polymer Research Institute of Sichuan University developed in recent years, including gas sensors,[21,22] torsion
Chengdu 610065, P. R. China sensors,[23] and particularly strain sensors.[24–29] For instance,
Choi and co-workers[24] prepared mechanical crack-based ultra-
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201601995 sensitive strain sensors, which were highly sensitive to strain

6246 © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26, 6246–6256

charged CB+ (CB@CS) suspensions (Figure S1, discussed in

and vibration with a gauge factor (GF) of 2000 in the 0–2%
strain range, benefiting from the disconnection–reconnection Supporting Information). The oppositely charged and well sus-
process of cracks. Zhu and co-workers[26] developed highly pended CB makes it feasible to form controllable conductive
sensitive strain sensors with channel cracks by structural engi- layers on various matrices via water-based LBL assembly.
neering of gold thin films. Additionally, Shi and co-workers[28] Figure 1a shows the schematic fabrication procedure of
prepared strain sensors with microsized cracks based on gra- CB@PU sponges via natural polymer-mediated water-based
phene coated human hairs. However, the electrical conductance LBL assembly. A cleaned PU sponge (Figure 1b) was alternately
of the crack junctions experiences a sudden jump from a finite dipped into oppositely charged CB suspensions, allowing elec-
value when the crack junctions are in contact to zero when trostatic deposition of CB on the surface of PU backbones.
they disconnect. Most sensors based on pure crack mechanism Compared to the original PU sponge, CB@PU sponge turned
exhibit a limited detection range due to the easy breakage of black (Figure 1c). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images
conductive pathways, inhibiting their application in large defor- (Figure 1d,e) show that a PU sponge has a 3D porous structure.
mation detections. Furthermore, pressure sensors based on The surface of PU backbones is very smooth (Figure 1f). After
crack mechanism are rarely explored by far. electrostatic deposition of CB on a PU sponge, the surface of
In this work, we demonstrate a very simple and cost-efficient CB@PU backbones became rugged as shown in Figure 1g,h.
strategy for fabricating flexible, highly sensitive, and versatile CB particles could be observed clearly in Figure 1i, indicating
pressure-sensing platform based on commercial carbon black that a CB layer was deposited on the surface of PU backbones.
(CB) and PU sponges. CB is uniformly coated on PU sponges In addition, the electrical conductivity and elastic modulus of
via natural polymer-mediated water-based layer-by-layer (LBL) CB@PU sponges are found to increase with more LBL deposi-
assembly, forming conductive CB@PU sponges. Using these tion cycles of CB (Figure S2b and Table S1, Supporting Infor-
CB@PU sponges, a wide range of deformations from 0.2% to mation), resulting from the increasing CB mass on PU sponges
60% strain (corresponding 91 Pa–16.4 kPa) can be monitored (Figure S2a, Supporting Information). All the results demon-
in real time. The high sensitivity and versatility of the CB@PU strate that a conductive CB layer has been successfully coated
sponges in pressure sensing are based on a synergistic effect on a PU sponge via water-based LBL assembly. It is worth
of two mechanisms: variation of microcrack junctions in CB noting that the fabricating cost of CB@PU sponges is very low
layer and contact-separation of CB@PU conductive backbones. as given in Table S2 in the Supporting Information. Further-
Moreover, this CB@PU pressure-sensing platform exhibits more, the resultant CB@PU sponges exhibited excellent flex-
excellent flexibility, fast response time (<20 ms), as well as good ibility during bending, compressing, and twisting as shown in
reproducibility over 50 000 cycles. We also confirm the versatile Figure 1j–l. The desirable flexibility and low cost of CB@PU
capabilities of this pressure-sensing platform in speech recog- sponges make this material qualified for manufacturing flexible
nition, health monitoring (pulse, breathing), human activities pressure sensors on large scale.
detection (swallowing, coughing, joint bending), and artificial
electronic skin. The comprehensive performance of our sen-
sors is comparable to that of the recently reported pressure 2.2. Pressure-Sensing Mechanism
sensors,[30–38] simultaneously offering advantages of simplicity,
low-cost, large-area compliance, environmentally friendly fabri- Spiders can detect very small vibrations in their surround-
cation process as well as versatility in monitoring wide range ings, benefiting from their crack-shaped slit organs near the
of pressure stimuli. To the best of our knowledge, this is the leg joints between metatarsus and tarsus bones, as shown in
first demonstration that highly sensitive and versatile pres- Figure 2a.[20,24] Small external force variation causes deforma-
sure sensors can be fabricated using such cheap raw materials tion of the slit, which can be perceived by the neurons system
and simple processes, which opens up new opportunities for under the slit. Inspired by this ability, we selected the rigid and
the widespread fabrication and application of pressure-sensing spherical CB nanoparticles as a conductive filler to form conduc-
devices. tive layers on PU sponge, rather than fillers with high aspect
ratio (such as carbon nanotube, graphene, or metal nanowires,
etc.) which could result in entangling or stacking with each
2. Results and Discussion other. When applying a mechanical compression to the CB@
PU sponges, bending of the backbone caused tension on the CB
2.1. Preparation of CB@PU Sponges layer. Hence, permanent mechanical microcracks could be easily
generated in the CB layers (Figure 2c,d). When releasing the
CB is an abundant material with desirable conductivity and compression, microcracks closed and formed crack junctions.
cost advantage over other conductive fillers. It has been widely In the subsequent pressure-sensing process, reversible discon-
used in conductive polymer composites. However, the poor nection–reconnection of the mechanical microcrack junctions
dispersibility of CB in water makes it infeasible to form uni- (as illustrated in Figure 2b) caused breakage-recovery of the
form and controllable CB conductive layers through water- local conductive pathways, leading to corresponding variations
based LBL assembly (Figure S1, Supporting Information). In in electrical conductance. Specifically, a finite value of electrical
this study, we demonstrated that CB could be well stabilized conductance could be obtained when the edges of the microc-
by appropriate environmentally friendly natural polymers, i.e., racks were in contact. Once the edges disconnected, the electrical
cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) and chitosan (CS). Thus, we could conductance experienced a sudden drop, exhibiting responsive
obtain stable negatively charged CB− (CB@CNC) and positively behaviors to strain stimuli. This mechanical microcrack design

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26, 6246–6256 © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 6247

Figure 1. a) Schematic diagram for preparation of CB@PU sponges. b) Photographs of a neat PU sponge and (c) CB@PU sponge. d–f) SEM images
of a neat PU sponge and (g–i) CB@PU sponge, magnification: 50× (d,g), 200× (e,h), and 20 000× (f,i). j–l) Photographs showing the excellent flexibility
of CB@PU sponges during bending, compressing, and twisting.

that mimics slit geometry of spiders is expected to attain high In addition, the CB@PU sponges possess combinational
sensitivity of the sensors, thus to detect ultrasmall deformations. compressibility and electronic conductivity, which makes the
However, with further increased compressive strain, the dis- sponges capable of detecting large deformations as well. Spe-
connected microcrack joints failed to give a response to larger cifically, compressive deformations cause contact-separation of
strains. Hence, versatile pressure sensors with desired sensing CB@PU conductive backbones under high strains (Figure 2e,f),
capability in broad pressure range are desirable. resulting in conductance modulation of CB@PU sponges

6248 © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26, 6246–6256

Figure 2. a) Sketch of the crack-shaped slit organs near the leg joints of spider. b) Schematic variations of mechanical microcrack junctions in the
CB layer of CB@PU sponges under small deformation. Small strains caused disconnection–reconnection of the mechanical microcrack junctions.
SEM images of the microcrack junctions on a CB@PU sponge after compressing pretreatment, magnification: c) 2000× and d) 4000×. Schematic
illustrations for large-scale compressive deformation of CB@PU sponges. e,f) High strains mediated the contact area between CB@PU conductive
backbones. g) SEM images of an uncompressed and (h) compressed CB@PU sponge, magnification: 100×. i) Schematic evolutions of the conductive
pathways in a CB@PU sponge during continuous compressive deformation. Disconnection of microcrack junctions in the CB layer occurred upon small
deformations and caused breakage of local conductive pathways (middle). CB@PU backbones contacted with each other upon large deformations,
leading to formation of more conductive pathways in the CB layer (right).

(higher strain leading to larger contact area between CB@PU correspondingly (Figure S5, Supporting Information), which
conductive backbones). Figure 2g presents an SEM image of a further decreases the conductivity of the CB layers (Figure 2i
CB@PU sponge before loading compressive strain. The orig- middle). When the applied strain reaches a certain value, how-
inal CB@PU sponge owned 3D, cellular-like networks with ever, some CB@PU backbones contact each other. This pro-
individual backbones. While the microcellulars deformed and motes the formation of more conductive pathways in the CB
even distorted under high compressive strain (60%) (Figure 2h). layer (Figure 2i right), leading to a rise in electrical conductance
It is noticed that some CB@PU backbones contacted with each of the CB@PU sponges. These two mechanisms mentioned
other (Figure 2h inset and Figure S3, Supporting Information), above work simultaneously, and exhibit a synergistic effect
leading to an increase of contact area between the conductive on the pressure-sensing behavior of CB@PU sponges, which
backbones. The variation of the contact area between CB@PU endows CB@PU sponges with a high sensitivity as well as the
backbones made CB@PU sponges capable of detecting large versatility to detect wide range of deformations.
compressive strains.
As illustrated in Figure 2i, when increasing pressure is
applied upon CB@PU sponges, microcrack junctions in the 2.3. Piezoresistive Properties of CB@PU Sponges
CB layer disconnect first. Notably, these microcrack junctions
are distributed at the weakest positions of the conductive back- The electrical characteristics of CB@PU sponges under pres-
bones as shown in Figure S4 (Supporting Information). Thus, sure are presented in Figure 3. Opposite sides of the sam-
the breakage of local conductive pathways results in an elec- ples were coated with conductive silver paste (Figure S6a,
trical conductance drop of the whole CB@PU sponges (dis- Supporting Information) to eliminate the contact resistance,
cussed in Supporting Information). As the compressive strain and to obtain stable signal output. Upon a constant voltage,
gradually increases, the crack-gap and crack-density extends electrical current of CB@PU sponges was recorded with the

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26, 6246–6256 © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 6249

Figure 3. a) Responsive current curve of a CB@PU sponge versus compressive strain along with the corresponding GF variation (inset). b) Relative
resistance change (ΔR/R0) versus progressively increasing pressure. Repeatedly compressing tests of a CB@PU sponge at (c) small and (d) large
strains. e) Instant response of CB@PU sponges, which shows a response time of 20 ms. f) Reproducibility test of a CB@PU sponge for 50 000 cycles
at 40% strain.

variation of pressure. The pressure was applied at normal direc- sponges exhibit higher sensitivity to compressive strain than
tions, causing changes in thickness, i.e., compressive strains that in middle strain region.
(Figure S6b, Supporting Information). The responsive behaviors In addition, the sensitivity of CB@PU sponges to applied
of CB@PU sponges with different LBL cycles were investigated pressure was also investigated. The plot of ΔR/R0 versus applied
and discussed in Supporting Information (Figure S7 and S8). A pressure is shown in Figure 3b. It is noticed that the pres-
sample of CB@PU sponge with 15 LBL cycles, which exhibited sure responsive behaviors of CB@PU sponges could also be
desirable responses to compressive strains, was employed for divided into three regions: positive A region and negative B and
the following tests unless otherwise specified. C region. In A region, ΔR/R0 shows a linear increase against
Figure 3a shows a typical responsive current curve of CB@ progressively increasing pressure, exhibiting a positive sensi-
PU sponges with progressively increasing strain. It can be tivity slope of 0.068 kPa−1, which is comparable to that of some
seen that the current signal experienced a rapid decline in the recently reported sensors.[4,17,30–32] In this region, mechanical
strain range of 0–9% (A stage), revealing a decrease in elec- microcrack-induced resistance increase played a decisive role.
trical conductance. This could be attributed to the disconnec- However, when the applied pressure exceeded 2.3 kPa, contacts
tion of mechanical microcrack junctions in CB layers, followed between CB@PU conductive backbones became a dominant
by the increasing of crack-gap and crack-density under higher factor, and resulted in a negative sensitivity slope of 0.023 kPa−1
strains (Figure S5, Supporting Information). As the applied in B region and 0.036 kPa−1 in C region.
strain increased progressively (9–52%, B stage), however, the The responsive behaviors of CB@PU sponges to small
current values increased slowly. This is due to the increased repeated compressive strain variations (Figure S9, Supporting
contact between CB@PU conductive backbones, which coun- Information) were recorded. As shown in Figure 3c, stable and
teracted the effect of microcracks. It became a dominant factor continuous current responses could be observed. Notably, a
for the resistance change (Figure 2h,i). When the applied strain compressive strain as low as 0.2%, corresponding a pressure
reached 52% (C stage), the current began to rise quickly. In of 91 Pa, could be detected (Figure 3c). This minimum detect-
this stage, increasing contact area between CB@PU backbones able limit is lower than that of some recently reported sen-
played a decisive role for the resistance change. GF, which sors.[30,32–34] As compressive strain increases to 5%, the inten-
is defined as the ratio of relative resistance change (ΔR/R0) sity of signals becomes higher. These responses of CB@PU
versus strain, was calculated to assess the sensitivity of CB@ sensors to small compressive strains might enable us to discern
PU sponges to applied strains. As shown in Figure 3a inset, tiny motions, such as airflow, pulse, speech, and so on.
the GF in A stage (<9% strain) was calculated to be 2.2. In B At the large repeated strain region, a series of character-
stage (9–52% strain), the average GF value dropped to −0.38. istic and noise-free signal outputs were obtained (Figure 3d).
However, in C stage (52–60% strain), the GF reached −3.1. The intensity as well as the shape of these signal peaks varied
These data reveal that in low and high strain regions, CB@PU with each other at different strain values. The higher the strain

6250 © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26, 6246–6256

reached, the sharper the peaks became. These distinguishing estimated to be 0.52, which is in accordance with the literature
responsive signals in large strain region make the CB@PU data[39] for a healthy 174 cm tall, 25 year old male. The transit
sponges capable of detecting and differentiating large-scale time (ΔTDVP), which is defined as the time delay between sys-
human movements, such as joint bending and breathing. tolic peak and diastolic peak,[16,40] could also be obtained from
Figure 3e shows that the instant response of our CB@PU Figure 4h. As a contrast test, once the CB@PU sensor left the
sponges exhibited a fast response time of <20 ms, which is wrist, no current variations could be observed (Figure S14, Sup-
faster than those selected from the world’s best sensors.[14,35–38] porting Information). These results confirm that our CB@PU
The fast response time of this sensor ensures a stable response pressure sensor has the capacity to identify sophisticated dif-
to compressive strains as discussed in Supporting Information ferences in blood pulses, exhibiting its potential in diagnostic
(Figure S10), and could realize the synchronic monitoring of applications.
human motions. The reproducibility of the CB@PU sponges Figure 4i shows the detection of airflows generated by
was also evaluated. As given in Figure 3f, during 50 000 blowing air from the mouth. At first, the tester blow air gently
loading–unloading cyclic tests at 40% strain, the responsive towards a CB@PU sponge (10 mm × 10 mm). Responsive
signal output was nearly invariable, except for a current shift decline peaks of current could be observed, resulting from
due to the slight decrease in conductivity (Figure S11, Sup- the weak air movement. With the airflow became heavier, the
porting Information). The excellent reproducibility of this intensity of the signal peaks increased correspondingly. This
sensor can be ascribed to the desirable compression-resilience ability of CB@PU sensors can be adapted to detect a variety of
properties of the CB@PU sponges (Figure S12), as discussed non-contact actions in certain potential applications, such as
in Supporting Information. Additionally, the repeatability of turbulent flow detection, acoustic transduction, and so on.
the samples was assessed as well (see Figure S13, Supporting To determine the detection limit of the CB@PU sensors, we
Information), which reveals that different CB@PU sponges loaded a very small grain of rice (27 mg) on a CB@PU sponge
have similar response behaviors to pressure. (4 mm × 4 mm), giving a pressure of 17 Pa on the sensor
(Figure 4j, inset). Upon loading the rice, a small decline peak
of current was detected (Figure 4j), which was ascribed to the
2.4. Small-Scale Motion Monitoring weak impact of the rice on the sensor. After that, the current
experienced a recovery process, but still maintained at a lower
We evaluated the capabilities of this flexible and sensitive CB@ state when compared to the original value. The small deteriora-
PU sponges in monitoring small-scale human activities. First, tion of current resulted from the small pressure (17 Pa) caused
a CB@PU sensor was attached to the neck to noninvasively by the rice grain. These data demonstrate the ultrahigh sensi-
detect the muscle motions near the throat (Figure 4a). When tivity of the CB@PU sponge sensor.
the tester pronounced different words (such as bee, dog, snake,
and mosquito), current changes of the sensor were recorded.
As shown in Figure 4b and Movie S1 and S2 in the Sup- 2.5. Large-Scale Motion Monitoring
porting Information, nearly same current patterns were pro-
duced when the word was repeated, indicating the stability of Apart from tiny motion detections, the CB@PU sponge pres-
this sensor. Additionally, the current patterns varied when dif- sure sensors are qualified for large-scale movement monitoring,
ferent words were pronounced, since each word resulted in dif- benefiting from its high compressibility and piezoresistive per-
ferent motions of the vocal muscle. The significant differences formance under large compressive strains. Figure 5a shows
between these current signals reveal a good possibility for this the fabrication of a waistband-based breath monitoring device.
sensor to act as voice recognition devices. Besides, when the A piece of CB@PU sponge, coated with silver paste on oppo-
tester swallowed saliva, the motions around the throat resulted site sides, was attached onto the flank of a rigid waistband. The
in more distinct current patterns (Figure 4c). Coughing and CB@PU sponge equipped waistband was then girded on the
chewing could also give characteristic signal patterns as shown waist of a tester. During breathing in, the CB@PU sponge was
in Figure 4d,e. These characteristic current signals enable us to compressed, accompanied with a decrease in current value of
differentiate the motions near the throat, which makes it pos- the substrate (as illustrated in Figure S15, Supporting Informa-
sible for this sensor to monitor and distinguish human’s physi- tion). During breathing out, the compressed CB@PU sponge
ological activities. relaxed and returned to its original state, resulting in recovery
Then, the CB@PU pressure sensor was attached to the wrist of the current signal. The repeated compressing-releasing pro-
to monitor the blood pulse of human radial artery in real-time cesses gave typical current variations as shown in Figure 5b.
(Figure 4f). As can be seen clearly in Figure 4g and Movie S3 The respiratory rate with a periodicity of 59 times per minute
in the Supporting Information, the wrist pulse could be read could be obtained from the recorded current signal. This con-
out accurately from the time-dependent current signals with a firms the ability of this sensor in human breath monitoring.
periodicity of 84 beats per minute. The measured single wrist In order to further demonstrate the capabilities of this flex-
pulse could be divided into two distinguishable peaks: systolic ible sensor in large strain detecting, a CB@PU sponge was
peak and diastolic peak, marked as P1 and P2, respectively mounted on the joint of index finger with medical adhesive
(Figure 4h). Based on these data, the radial augmentation index tapes (Figure S16, Supporting Information). The tester was
(P2/P1), which is an important value for characterizing arterial conducted to perform finger bending-release sequences. We
stiffness, can be calculated. From the waveforms measured checked the currents signals of the CB@PU sensor at six dif-
by the CB@PU pressure sensor, an average P1/P2 value was ferent bending-release motions of the finger, which are labeled

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26, 6246–6256 © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 6251

Figure 4. a) Photograph of CB@PU pressure sensor attached to the throat to monitor human’s physiological activities. b) Recorded current signal
versus time during pronouncing, c) saliva swallowing, d) coughing, and e) chewing, respectively. f) Photograph of CB@PU sensor attached to the wrist
to measure the pulse. g) Original signal of current curves for wrist pulse monitoring. h) Zoomed waveform extracted from the original signal, showing
some important features that are essential for health monitoring. i) Current response of CB@PU sensor to the air movements generated by blowing
from mouth. j) Current change of CB@PU sensor upon loading a grain of rice with a weight of 27 mg.

6252 © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26, 6246–6256

Figure 5. a) Photographs showing a human breath sensor fabricated by attaching a CB@PU sponge onto a waistband. b) Recorded current–time
curve during human breath monitoring. c) Current signal of the sensor device that was fixed on an index finger at six different bending- release finger
motions. The bottom insets labeled as I, II, III, IV, V, and VI demonstrate the four finger motion states, and the upper insets labeled as I, II, and
III give the magnified signals of motion—I, II, and III. d) The excellent repeatability of this sensor in finger bending test. e) Photographs of arm bending
monitoring by using a CB@PU sponge and (f) the corresponding current signals.

as state I, II, III, IV, V, and VI in the bottom insets in Figure 5c. Figure 3a); while, large-scale motions caused strong compres-
It can be observed that the sensor gave different responsive sion of the sensor and led to increase of contact area between
signals to different motions of the finger (Movie S4, Sup- the conductive backbones (corresponding to B and C stages in
porting Information). In detail, the current signal showed a Figure 3a). These results confirm the satisfactory capability of
sharp decrease peak upon small-scale bending release of the our CB@PU sensor to distinguish different-scale motions of
finger (motion-I). Motion-II also caused a decrease peak of the the finger.
current signal, while a small increase peak could be observed It is noticed that the current responses exhibit outstanding
in the peak valley. However, the current value showed sharp stability and reproducibility in finger bending-release motions
increase peaks upon large-scale motions (motion-III, motion- (Figure 5d), indicating the good reliability of this sensor. Fur-
IV, motion-V, and motion-VI). The larger the motion range thermore, when a CB@PU sponge was attached to the outside
was, the higher the peak intensity reached. These could be of the elbow, distinct and repeatable current signals could also
attributed to that: small-scale motions caused mild compres- be recorded during the elbow bending (Figure 5e,f). These
sion of the sensor and resulted in disconnection of mechanical results demonstrate the capabilities of the CB@PU sponge
microcrack junctions in CB layers (corresponding to A stage in sensors in large-scale movement monitoring, which might be

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26, 6246–6256 © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 6253

adapted to athlete training data acquisition systems, instrument is given in Figure 6b. Small pieces of silver paste, which acted
control for physically challenged patients, and so on. as the sensing pixel elements, were attached onto both sides
of the CB@PU sponge and connected by bent copper wires.
Upon applying pressure on the electronic skin, the resistive
2.6. Electronic Skin variation of each pixel was measured and the color contrast
mapped with the local pressure distribution was plotted. As
The soft and flexible CB@PU sponges feel like human skin shown in Figure 6c, when a pen was pressed on the electronic
because of its elasticity. Along with its low cost as well as fea- skin, the resistive variation depended on the specific location
sibility in large-area production, the CB@PU sponges have of the applied pressure. The spatial pressure distribution was
great potential in manufacturing pressure-sensitive artificial consistent with the location of the pen (see Figure 6d). Next,
electronic skin. As a typical demonstration, we integrated a an index finger was pressed on another position of the artificial
piece of CB@PU sponge (65 mm × 65 mm) into an artificial electronic skin (Figure 6e). It was noticed that the color contrast
electronic skin with 6 × 6 pixel arrays, as shown in Figure 6a. mapping could reveal the distribution of pressure as well as the
The schematic model of this CB@PU artificial electronic skin shape of the finger pad. These results demonstrate the potential

Figure 6. a) Photograph showing a CB@PU based artificial skin with 6 × 6 pixels, and (b) the model of the CB@PU based artificial skin for measuring
spatial distribution of the applied pressure. Photographs of a (c) pen and (e) finger pressed on the surface of as-prepared artificial skin, and (d,f) cor-
responding maps of the estimated pressure profile over a 2D area based on the change in resistance.

6254 © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26, 6246–6256

application of our CB@PU sponges as artificial electronic skins base to crosslinker, 15:1 by mass) was coated on the surface of the silver
that can simultaneously detect the location and shape of an paste to minimize the effect of the conductivity of human skin on the
object. In the future, more pixels could be integrated into the performance of the sensor.
Fabrication of Pressure-Sensitive Skin: A piece of CB@PU sponge with a
CB@PU based electronic skin by using an advanced photoli- size of 65 mm × 65 mm × 5 mm was used for fabrication of the artificial
thography technique[41,42] for higher resolution of the CB@PU electronic skin with 6 × 6 pixels. Small silver paste pieces were pasted
electronic skin. onto the upper surface of CB@PU sponge as electrodes to form 6 pixel
× 6 pixel arrays. The small silver paste pieces on the column selection
were connected by bent copper wires. The silver paste pieces on the row
selection were also connected by bent copper wires. The bottom surface
3. Conclusions of the CB@PU sponge was pasted with silver paste pieces as same as
the upper surface. Finally, both sides of the CB@PU sponge were coated
In summary, we demonstrated a very simple and low-cost with a thin layer of PDMS to form insulating layers.
strategy to fabricate a flexible, highly sensitive, and versatile Characterization: Zeta potential (ζ potential) of CB, CB@CNC, and
pressure-sensing platform based on CB and PU sponges for CB@CS were measured using a Zetasizer nano-ZS (Malvern, UK)
human–machine interfacing applications. The combination of instrument. SEM was performed on a microscope (JEOL JSM-5900LV,
the microcrack junction sensing mechanism inspired by the Japan). The piezoresistive properties of all samples were measured in
real-time by a two-point measurement with a Keithley 2601B source
spider sensory system and the compressive contact of CB@PU
meter (USA) and copper clamps. Compression tests were conducted on
conductive backbones endowed CB@PU sponges with high sen- a versatile testing machine (Instron-5560, USA) at room temperature.
sitivity and capabilities of monitoring ultrasmall as well as large
motions. Notably, the CB@PU based pressure sensors exhibited
excellent flexibility, fast response time of <20 ms as well as good
reproducibility over 50 000 cycles. Various human activities Supporting Information
(such as pronouncing, coughing, swallowing, pulse, breathing, Supporting Information is available from the Wiley Online Library or
joint bending, etc.) could be monitored in real-time using this from the author.
highly sensitive and versatile pressure-sensing platform. This
pressure-sensing platform is comparable in comprehensive
performance with recently reported devices, simultaneously Acknowledgements
possessing advantages of low-cost, simplicity, and versatility of
detecting various human activities. We believe that this simple The authors thank the National Science Foundation of China (51203105
and 51473100) and State Key Laboratory of Polymer Materials
but efficient strategy for manufacturing pressure-sensitive mate-
Engineering (Grant No. sklpme2015-3-04) for financial support.
rials will make a step further towards low-cost personal elec-
tronics and biomedical devices in the near future. Received: April 21, 2016
Revised: May 26, 2016
Published online: June 29, 2016
4. Experimental Section
Preparation of CB@PU Sponges: CB@PU sponges were fabricated via
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