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The World of Illusion (Maya) and the Resultant Ignorance

Our Mind Represents the World (and in fact only Senses a small
fraction of Reality) and thus the World we see is an Illusion (Maya)
and this Ignorance of the True Nature of Reality is Avidya.
Conversely, liberation from ignorance to True Knowledge of Reality
(Avidya, Prana) results in Nirvana (Moksa) a Freedom from Desire.

'In a psychological sense Maya is the human tendency to regard appearance

as reality and reality as appearance. In an epistemological sense it signifies
human ignorance concerning the difference between appearance and
reality. In an ontological sense it refers to the creative power of
'At the higher level of comprehension it is possible to comprehend the
ultimate oneness of reality; at the lower level, everyday experience leads
us to think of reality as a multiplicity of individual persons and things and
at this lower level there is no escape from samsara. Moksa, the release
from samsara, is obtained only by an experiential realization of oneness at
the higher level of comprehension. According to Sankara, the lower level of
experience is Maya, often translated as illusion.' 
'Release (Moksa) is not a mode of being which will be had after death in a
special place or heaven. It consists in the transformation of the inner life
which occurs after mystic union with the one, identical to direct awareness
or knowledge (Vidya) of Brahman. It is not the destruction of the world but
the shaking free from the false view of it which is Avidya.' (Collinson, Fifty
Eastern Thinkers, 2000)

We do represent the world, a red apple is not really a red apple, it is

a structure of many trillions of Spherical Standing Waves the size of
the universe, whose Wave-Centers have evolved into this complex
structure that has electrons / Wave-Centers trapped in particular
frequency 'orbits' that resonantly couple with electrons in my eye due
to oscillating interactions of their In and Out Waves. This particular
frequency is represented to my mind as red. The Metaphysic of Space
and Motion does not yet explain this representation, but it does
explains the Cause of the Representation. Most importantly though,
neither Space, nor (Wave) Motion are Representations, but are in fact
'What Exists' such that we can exist as Matter in Space and have a
mind that 'Represents' these Spherical Standing Wave Motions of
other Matter in Space.

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