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Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

BSIT Res. No ____

Title Page






MAY 2020


The researcher was born on September 14, 1998, in New Leyte and she

was named Sheila Mae B. Cabaguio by her parents. She is the eldest daughter

of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cabaguio. She presently resides at Purok 2, Barangay

D.Lotilla, Isulan, Sultan Kudarat. She finished her elementary and secondary

education at New Leyte, Maco, Compostella Valley Province.

Being in a broken family is not easy. The researcher encountered many

hardships in her life but she remained optimistic in many things. She

encountered failures and rejections but the researcher focused on achieving her

dreams for her family especially for her siblings.

With the unconditional love and guidance of her parents, friends, and with

prayers, the researcher was able to achieve her goal with flying colors because

she always believes that nothing is impossible if the Lord Jesus Christ had

planned it all.


The researcher wish to express their heartfelt gratitude and profound

appreciation to the following persons who became part of their academic journey:

First, to the Almighty God, for the guidance, protection, blessings, and

unconditional love that He gave to the researchers;

To the very energetic College Dean, Prof. Cecilia E. Gener, MIT, for her

guidance, patience, and effort to make this study possible;

To their thesis adviser, Prof. Ian Mark E. Orcajada, for the patience,

motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge he shared to make this

research possible;

To their thesis committee members, Prof. Mary Grace L. Perocho, MIT

and Prof. Cerilo B. Rubin Jr., MIT, for all the comments and remarks for the

improvement of the study;

To Prof Kyrene L. Dizon, their statistician, who provided them guidance on

how to properly gather data for the project evaluation, and to Doreen B. Tampus,

their English critic, for correcting, editing, and checking the manuscript in terms of

grammar and organization;

Special thanks also to DOST-SEI Region XII for the Junior Level Science

Scholarships that they have granted to the researcher to make their financial

endeavors easier, also to Mr. Rodelou Siladan, the assistant scholarship

coordinator who assisted them in the completion of the documentary

requirements of the research grant;

The researcher would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Lord

Dalinas, the CEO of Custard Apple Outsourcing Inc., where they have undergone

their On-the-Job-Training and to their mentors who taught them so many things

in the field of Information Technology, Mr. Edsil Amir, Arlon Jay Medilo and in the

loving memory of their beloved mentor, Mr. Mars Ogay, for the wisdom and

motivation that you gave to the researchers;

To the family of the researcher, Sheila Mae B. Cabaguio who supported

her along the way, Mr. Alvin T. Cabaguio, Susan C. Borantes, Gedion Silvano,

and Eleonor Aguilar; to the siblings of the researcher, her heartfelt gratitude for

the unending financial and emotional support;

To their beloved friends who contribute a lot in this study in terms of

financial and moral support, to Ms. Janine G. Tinambacan, the very supportive

rescuer in different aspects; Christoper Anoba , Bangag, Rosemarie Velasco,

Jessa Nisperos, Mary Joy Guay, Genevieose Talig, Mary Grace Quinones,

Renalyn Lontiong, and MIT family, without you the researchers’ journey is not

going to be this fun;

Also, to the researchers’ sisters-in-Christ in the church, thank you for the

prayers, love, support, and inspiring wisdom, special thanks also to their

classmates who have been part of their journey as they struggle to reach their

dreams; To Sultan Kudarat State University, thank you so much for the

education, good facilities, considerate teachers, and beautiful environment, the

researchers are very proud to be a product of SKSU, “TATAK SKSU.”

Finally, special thanks to his excellency, Mr. Rodrigo Roa Duterte, for the

free tuition law that helps the researchers in pursuing their dreams;

To all of you, thank you.





Title Page i
Transmittal ii
Approval Sheet iii
Biographical Data iv
Table of Contents ix
List of Tables x
List of Figures xi
Abstract ix

Background of the Study 1
Objectives of the Study 2
General Objectives 2
Specific Objectives 3
Significance of the Study 3
Scope and Limitation 4
Operational Definition of Terms 6


Related Literature
Mobile–Based Bus Ticketing System in Iraq 8
Online Bus Ticket Reservation System 8
RFID-based Bus Ticketing System 9
E-ticketing systems 9
Bus application 10
Related Studies
Improved Public Transportation in Norwich City 11
JUST-TAP: A Bus Ticketing System Using NFC 12
Secure Bus-Ticketing System using NFC (2015) 12
Vehicle Tracking Device (2016) 13
Impact of E-Ticketing Application on Bus Transportation 14
Conceptual Framework 15

Input 16
Process 16
Output 16
Feedback 16

Project Development Description 17
Tools and Equipment 18
Project Duration 19
Software Development Methodology 20
Project Schedule of the study 21
Context Diagram 23
Data Flow Diagram 24
Entity Relationship Diagram 26
Database structure 27
Evaluation Methodology 29
Research Design 29
Respondents of the Study 29
Data Gathering Procedures 30
Statistical Tools and Treatment of Data 31


Results and Discussion 32


Summary 39
Conclusion 41
Recommendations 42

Books 43
Journals (Published/Unpublished) 43
Online Sources 43
Thesis 43

Appendix 1 Plan of Course Work 45
Appendix 2 Application for Capstone Project Title 47
Appendix 3 Nomination Guidance Committee 48
Appendix 4 Application for Capstone Project Outline Defense 49
Appendix 5 Approval of Capstone Project Outline 50
Appendix 6 Certification of Statistician 51
Appendix 7 Certification of English Critic 52
Appendix 8 Application for Capstone Project Final
Defense Examination 53
Appendix 9 Application for Capstone Project Final
Printing and Binding 55
Appendix 10 Screenshots and Pictorials 56
Appendix 11 Sample questionnaire 62
Appendix 12 Source Code 67



1 Software Requirement 17

2 Hardware Requirements. 18

3 The budgetary requirements of the study 18

4 Rating Scale used in the Study 30

5 Interpretative Scale used to interpret the Weighted Mean 31

6 Results and evaluation on the functionality 35

7 Results and evaluation on the acceptability 37

8 Results and evaluation on the usability 38



1 Conceptual Framework 15

2 The Gantt chart of the Study 19

3 Agile Methodology 20

4 Context Diagram of the System 23

5 Logical Data Flow Diagram of the System 24

6 Physical Data Flow Diagram of the System 25

7 Entity-Relationship Diagram 26

8 Database Structure used in the System 27



TICKETING APPLICATION”. A capstone project in the College of Computer
Studies, Sultan Kudarat State University, Isulan Campus, Isulan, Sultan Kudarat.



APPLICATION” was designed to provide fast ticketing transactions that could

help the bus company, conductor, and inspector to deliver their services in a

more efficient and accurate way. The conductor is allowed to access and operate

details such as bus number, destination, type of passengers, and fare as well as

the generated reports of every destination containing the information of the type

of passengers, total passengers in every destination, total sales of every

destination, daily total sales and number of passengers. The inspector can

access the reports in every destination which contain the information of the type

of passengers, total ticket, total sales, and total passengers during the

inspection. The inspector can print the report for each destination.

This study uses the descriptive method of research to evaluate the

system’s functionality, accuracy, and acceptability. The proponents thoroughly

followed the identified set of activities and procedures, in each phase of the agile

methodology, namely: (1) Planning, (2) Designing, (3) Build, (4) Test, and (5)


During the evaluation it shows that the functionality of “Mobatic: A mobile-

based bus ticketing application” was a big help to the respondents especially to

the conductor and inspector in terms of providing tickets to the passenger and

generating sales reports. It also a big help to admin of YBL, inc because they

easily check the generated reports. Based on the result it shows that the system

was accurate, acceptable, and functional.

Chapter I

Background of the Study

Buses are the most common way to move people over short and medium

distances in towns and cities, as well as in most rural area. They are also

designed to carry many passengers and buses are popular form of transportation

here in the Philippines. In today’s society, using digitalized equipment can be an

advantage to companies in their delivery of quality services to their clients as well

as to help the employees to make their jobs easier and to make the passengers’

ride to be more comfortable and hassle-free.

The bus ticket is a voucher that indicates an individual has the right to

travel on a bus and deals with records of each passenger in the duration of the

transportation, fare, and details of each traveling bus. There are many bus

operations which are operated manually. The manual or traditional way uses

ticket punch for each ticket which most of the time is not accurate, for instance,

the puncher marks the wrong number indicated on the ticket. With inaccuracies

like this, the researchers attempt to solve the problem by creating a mobile-

based traveling bus ticketing system to make the bus ticket transaction more

efficient. They developed the MOBATIC: A mobile-based bus ticketing

Application. This study provides a bus ticketing application that helps users to

fast track the transaction. Instead of using the manual ticket punch, they can use

the MOBATIC, a digitalized ticket punch which is more efficient and easier to use

in providing their service to their passengers.

Objectives of the Study

General Objectives

This study generally aims to develop and evaluate the MOBATIC: A

Mobile-Based Bus Ticketing Application. This system could help bus ticketing

transactions more efficient and accurate.

Specific Objectives

Specifically, this study aims to:

1. Manage user account (administrator, conductor, and inspector);

2. Provide a different interface for each user;

3. Manage bus details and transactions in terms of:

3.1 Bus number;

3.2 Ticket number;

3.3 Destination;

3.4 Type of passenger;

3.5 Fare;

4. Validate the transaction summary;

5. Generate reports such as:

5.1Ticket and

5.2Summary of ticket per trip

6. Evaluate the system in terms of:

6.1 Functionality;

6.2 Acceptability; and

6.3 Usability.

Significance of the Study

The study entitled MOBATIC: A Mobile-Based Bus Ticketing Application

would be beneficial to the following:

To the Management of the Bus Company

It would help the management to deliver excellent and quality services to

their clients.

To the Conductor

It would save time and effort. It would help the conductor to deliver his

services more efficiently and accurately.

To the Passenger

It would offer more convenient and more accurate services to passengers

in terms of ticketing transactions.

To the Researcher

It would help the researchers gain more knowledge about the Mobile-

Based Ticketing System.

To the Future Researchers

It will be used as a reference to future researches similar to this study on

bus ticketing transactions.

Scope and Limitation

The main goal of this study MOBATIC: A Mobile-based Bus Ticketing

Application is to design and develop a mobile application that enables the

conductor to fast track their jobs and digitalized their bus transactions.

Manage user account. The admin creates the conductor and inspector

accounts before they can log in to their respective accounts. For security

purposes and to avoid further errors and corruption, it is only the admin who is

allowed to manage the registered accounts. The conductor and inspector are not

allowed to duplicate input from the username and password for security

purposes. The conductor and inspector provide their information to the admin

such as identification number, complete name, address, email, and username so

the admin can register their information in the system.

Provide a different interface for each user. The researchers provide a

separate interface for the inspector and conductor. The inspector interface allows

the selection of the route or destination of the bus. The inspector can select the

bus number, plate number, bus type, and the name of the conductor. The

inspector can also check the trip destination summary of the said conductor

where it indicates the total number of different types of passengers, the total

number of passengers, and the sales of a specific route. The conductor interface

allows selection of the route that he/she is going to conduct, he/she can manage

the bus number, plate number, bus type, and the type of passenger whether

regular passenger, student passenger, senior citizen passenger or person with

disability passenger. Then, the conductor can print the specific ticket for his/her

passenger and he/she can also view the total sales summary of each route. The

admin interface can access the fare management where it allows changing the

price of fare and the route direction. The admin can also monitor the registered

accounts of the inspector and conductor. It manages the bus number, plate

number, bus type, and fare. The admin can monitor the sales per route through

the validation of the inspector with the conductor.

Manage bus details and transactions. The system provides an interface

that can access and operate details such as bus number, plate number, bus

type, type of passenger, and fare. It also allows generating reports of every

destination containing the information of the type of passenger, total passengers

in every route, total sales of every route, the total passengers in the entire day,

and the sales of the Day.

Validate the transaction summary. The inspector can validate the sales of

the conductor in every route, the total number of different types of passengers,

the total number of all passengers, and the total sales of the trip. Once the

inspector validated the summary trip of the conductor, the admin can see the

validated proof in the sales from their system.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined theoretically and operationally as used

in this study.

Accuracy - the accuracy of the fare in the generated ticket.

Application - is a computer program designed to perform a

group of functions, tasks, or activities for the

benefit of the user.

Analysis - all the questions will thoroughly check to

provide correct and evaluated questions about


Bus - it means that a large motor vehicle carrying

passengers by road, typically one serving the

public on a fixed route and for a fare.

Conductor - it means that a person who collects money or

ticket from a passenger on a bus.

Destination - A place where the passenger is going.

Functionality - the usefulness of the set of inputs, processes,

and outputs of the application.

Handheld printer - A small device that is used for printing tickets

Inspector - A person who inspects the bus.

Mobile phone - A mobile device that is typically enough to be


Passenger - A traveler on a public or private conveyance

other than the driver, pilot, or crew.

Ticket - it means that a piece of paper that gives the

holder a certain right to travel by public


Chapter II

This chapter contains a review of related literature and related studies that

are relevant and useful in this research.

Mobile–Based Bus Ticketing System in Iraq

According to Ahmed K. Ibrahim and Azman B Ta’a, all public

transportation modes in Iraq, except air transportation still use the traditional

ticket system, which uses a paper-based ticket. The problem with the traditional

ticket bus system (manual ticket) is when users have to stand up in a long queue

to buy a bus ticket or asking information for buses schedule (Al-hijaj, Jabbar, &

Kh, 2015). They state that a mobile bus ticketing system (MBTS) can help and

solve these kinds of problems. By using this system will help the company

employees (e.g. Admins or drivers) in daily work by making their work more

organized and more connected to other company branches. Besides that, MBTS

will be easier for employees to control and check the operations of the company.

However, customers just from their mobile phones will be allowed to check for

ticket availability anytime and anywhere (Ta'a, 2015).

Online Bus Ticket Reservation System

Based on the blog of Mr. Eljah the author of the Online bus ticket, Online

Bus Ticket Reservation System is a Web-based application that works within a

centralized network. The said project presents a review on the software program

“Online Bus Ticket Reservation System” as should be used in a bus

transportation system, a facility which is used to reserve seats, cancellation of

reservation and different types of route enquiries used on securing quick

reservations. OBTRS is built for managing and computerizing the traditional

database, ticket booking and tracking bus and travel made. It maintains all

customer details, bus details, reservation details. In order to achieve the design,

Imo Transport Company (ITC) was chosen as a case study because of its

strategic importance to Imo State. Structured Systems Analysis and Design

Methodology (SSADM) was adopted. In addition, PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

(PHP) language was used for the front-end of the software while the back end

was designed using MySQL. It is recommended that despite the present

functionality of the designed software, additional functionality such as the use of

e-mail to send tickets and notifications to the customer and online payment using

credit cards/debit cards should be implemented into the system. Furthermore,

other operations carried by ITC such as the courier services should also be

integrated to enhance the system (Mohammed, 2017).

RFID-based Bus Ticketing System

According to 58 years old, male Dr. Vinit Kokak (2016), the daily operation

of the public transport system, the movement of buses is uncertain because of

conditions such as traffic congestion, unexpected delays, irregular vehicle

dispatching times, and other incidents. Such uncertainty results in passengers

having to wait for their bus to arrive at the bus stop. Dr. Kokak proposes a new

system based on RFID, in which each commuter owns a smartcard fitted with an

RFID tag having a unique ID. The card is scanned by the RFID reader at the

entrance and again at the exit, and the fare corresponding to the distance

traveled is deducted from the commuter’s account. The system uses Google’s

General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS), making it adaptable to any transit

system for which a GTFS feed is available. In addition, the commuters can track

the position of their desired bus in real-time through an Android app, and get an

occupancy estimate of the bus. The proposed system aims to increase customer

convenience and eventually eliminate the use of paper tickets in transit systems.

E-ticketing systems

Wei Jeng Wu and Wei Hsun Lee assert that E-ticketing system OTA in

2018 particularly on ticket provisioning and offline authentication is required to

enable offline authentication. The design of the e-ticket consists of two parts: a

content part which has details such as seat number, date, time, etc, and a

security part which contains sensitive data such as a ticket ID, one-time

certificate for the ticket, and IC serial number. The security part of the ticket is

encrypted with the public key of the server. The reader is preinstalled with this

key and uses it to decrypt the security part, hence, validating the ticket offline.

Improved Public Transportation in Norwich City

Norfolk County Council (NCC) has developed a Public Transport Major

Scheme to improve public transport interchange and bus priority in Norwich City

Centre. As part of delivering the aims of this scheme, NCC installed 15 on-street

ticket vending machines (TVMs) at selected locations in Norwich, which included

Norwich City Centre, the bus station, railway station, the University of East Anglia

(UEA) campus, and the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. The roadside

TVMs have networked communications links and enable remote monitoring of

machine performance and ticket sales.

The TVMs offer a full range of single, return, and day tickets for travel

within the five fare zones covering the greater Norwich area. Tickets can be

purchased for five different bus operators and the machines accept cash (notes

and coins) and give change. Fifteen (15) TVMs are installed at locations within

Norwich, including the bus and rail stations, Castle Meadow, St Stephens Street,

Red Lion Street, University of East Anglia, Norfolk, and Norwich University


The TVM locations map for the city center indicates two TVMs are

installed at the rail station. However, there is only one TVM at the rail station and

the ‘spare’ TVM has been used for testing and development purposes before it

being installed in an alternative location (to be completed). Servers for remote

monitoring and revenue management systems are located at County Hall,

Norwich (Norwhich, 2017).

JUST-TAP: A Bus Ticketing System Using NFC

Student researchers of the University of Mumbai in 2019 (Bianca

Alphonso, Sarita Saldanha, and Sisil Sunny) reveal that there is a widespread

dependency on buses for public transport, providing important means of

transport within the urban area throughout the world. However, private vehicles

along with public transport, like buses have resulted in congestion, accidents,

and vehicular pollution in urban areas. As seen in various metropolitan cities like

Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, there are various issues and problems related

to severe malfunction and security. There are various problems related to public

transport like facing the severe problem of traffic jam, confusion and

misunderstanding between the passengers regarding fares, having severe

security problems in public transport due to antisocial elements. For making

everyday life more convenient for the commuters traveling in buses, some

technologies can be used like Near Field Communication (NFC), Radio

Frequency Identification (RFID). The proposed system is based on ticketing and

tracking of the bus. The system suggests a user-friendly automated ticketing

system that will automatically deduct the passengers' fare according to the

distance traveled as well as will do real-time tracking of the bus so that the

passengers know exactly when the bus will arrive. Along with this, as a

researcher, we also propose to include features like location-based reminders

which would remind the user about things that he needs to buy when he reaches

a location while traveling by bus.

Secure Bus-Ticketing System using NFC (2015)
Monalisa Lopes, Grishma Shah, Nandini Vyas, Saloni Shetye, Sohagani

Shah (2015) implemented a study to their university in Edjia, India, the secure

bus-ticketing system using the NFC. Their research explains how NFC is used to

generate an e-ticket. This ticket is reusable and will be destroyed on journey

completion. The payment will be done automatically when the passenger scans

the NFC tag filled with data. The NFC package in android provides access to

NFC function, to read NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format) message located on

the tag.

Vehicle Tracking Device (2016)

Fatin Balkis, Binti Alzahri, and Maziani Sabudin proposed a vehicle

Vehicle Tracking Device (VTD). It is a tracking device used in vehicles that has

Short Message Service (SMS). VTD gives information of location to mobile

phone whenever there is a request for it through SMS. The integrated Global

Positioning System and Global System for Mobile communication (GPS-GSM) is

used to track a vehicle using an application such as Waze or Google Maps. A

GPS-based tracking system is proposed which keeps track of the location of a

vehicle and its speed based on a mobile phone text messaging system. The

system can provide real-time text alerts for speed and location.

Impact of E-Ticketing Application on Bus Transportation in Bandung
Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto from the Department of Manajemen University

Komputer Indonesia Bandung, researched the impact of the e-ticketing

application system on bus transportation for the people of Bandung. The

research uses a qualitative method of research. The results show that there is

some positive impact on the implementation of the e-ticketing system. One of

which is to increase public interest in public transport to reduce traffic jam that

often occurs during this time. This is because the implementation of e-ticketing

systems on public transportation provides convenience and comfort in ticket

booking services, both for the people and for the providers of transportation

services. Of course, the convenience and comfort can encourage people to use

public transportation in carrying out their daily activities.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

 Takes a lot of time of
counting tickets
 Manual ticketing  Easy to steal by the
 Manual counting present process.
 No accurate result of
of tickets counting tickets
 There should be an
accurate result of ticket.
 There should be exact “MOBATIC: A Mobile-
sales of the day, total
Based Bus Ticketing
passengers and reports.
Identify Application”

 The Conductor takes a

lot of time using manual
ticket punch.
 Manual ticketing causes
a lot of errors.

 To create a system and
application that can
digitalized the ticket

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of the Study


The input explains the manual punching and counting of tickets in bus

ticketing transactions. This is the basis to determine the needed process to be

done in the study.


The process involves determining the process of manual punching of

tickets, counting of tickets, and providing the instant solution. The common

problem is using the ticket punch manually.


The output is the result of the researchers’ study entitled, “MOBATIC: A

mobile-based traveling bus ticketing system.” Where both the company,

inspector, and conductor can benefit from the ticketing application to fast track

the ticketing transactions.


Feedback is being used by the researchers to enhance and improve the

MOBATIC: A mobile-based bus ticketing application and its features.

Chapter III

This chapter presents the materials and methods used in the conduct of

the study. These were thoroughly identified by the proponents to ensure the

accuracy of the process in the development and evaluation of the project.

Evaluation Methodology

The evaluation determines if the system meets all the objectives, works

properly, and satisfies the users. It is also a crucial part of the development of the


Research Design

In this phase, the researchers design a MOBATIC: A Mobile-Based Bus

Ticketing Application that allows the conductor and inspector to do their jobs with

the use of ticketing apps. In designing the system, the researchers choose the

agile methodology which follows a series of events to finish the project. The

researchers designed the system to be user-friendly and easy to use.

Method of Research

The methods of the researchers for MOBATIC: A Mobile-Based Bus

Ticketing Application used the questionnaire method as the method of research.

it is a vital component in achieving higher quality in research studies this helps

the researchers to gather the result of the survey in the fastest possible way.

Respondents of the study

To evaluate the functionality, accuracy, and interface design of the

proposed application, the researchers randomly selected the respondents. The

original prospect respondents of the study were not available considering the

challenges caused by the pandemic, COVID-19, hence, the adviser and the

panelists of the researchers evaluated the application.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers used a researcher-made questionnaire to evaluate the

system in terms of functionality, accuracy, and acceptability. The statistician

checked the questionnaires before it was approved by the adviser. Upon its

approval, the researchers personally handed-in the said questionnaires to each

respondent for the purpose of evaluation. The study used a checklist and a rating

scale questionnaire to gather the needed data and responses to evaluate the

system in its functionality, accuracy, and acceptability. The responses were

tallied by the researchers according to the statement of the problem and

tabulated for interpretation and analysis.

Table 9. The Rating Scales Used in the Study

Rating Interpretation
5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Moderately Agree
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree

The questionnaires were designed to easily collect the responses and

perceptions of users about the performance of the developed system.

The data from this evaluation provides the system developers feedback to

improve and upgrade the system if necessary.

The frequency of each rating was counted and the weighted mean was

computed and interpreted. Then, the data were described based on the scale

reflected in Table 9.

Statistical Tools and Treatment of Data

The researchers used the frequency distribution, percentage list ranking

and averaging, and weighted mean tools for the gathered data.

The evaluation aims to improve the functionality, acceptability, and

usability of the system in processing the transactions of the users.

Range of Mean Interpretation Description

Very Functional, Very Acceptable

4.21 - 5.00 Strong Agree
and Very Usable
Functional, Acceptable and
3.41 - 4.20 Agree
Moderately Functional,
2.61 - 3.40 Moderately Agree Moderately Acceptable and
Moderately Usable
Less Functional, Less Acceptable
1.81 - 2.60 Disagree
and Less Usable
Not Functional, Not Acceptable
1.00 - 1.80 Strongly Disagree
and Not Usable


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