NIEL Workplace Insights

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NIEL's Workplace Insights

Test Date: Jul 20, 2022

Welcome to your Workplace Insights report. You were asked by an employer to take assessments powered by Criteria Corp, and this report
provides an overview of your personalized results. All of your responses were combined to create a unique profile for you. Within the report, it's
important to know that there are no "good" or "bad" qualities. The results are designed to help you heighten your self-awareness and to
understand how to relate better to others in the workplace.

NIEL's Report Summary NIEL General Population

Attitudes & Outlook Work Habits


Openness Motivation

Self-Confidence Conscientiousness

Patience Assertiveness

Competitiveness Extroversion

Temperament Interaction Style

Notable Traits
You can be described as:

Goal-Oriented Independent, Aggressive

Values achievement, sets goals, and prioritizes Often committed to own views; tends to take the lead in
achieving them work situations

Extroverted Competitive
Socially outgoing, gregarious, often initiates social Innate drive to win, measures performance in
interactions comparison to others

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NIEL's Workplace Insights Test Date: Jul 20, 2022

Work, Communication & Interaction Style

Goal-Oriented. Very Independent, Aggressive.

You tend to be goal-oriented and intent on meeting or exceeding the You are likely to have a strong individualistic streak and will be
expectations set for you. You have good follow-through on tasks comfortable influencing others and advancing your own interests.
when engaged with your work. Individuals with low cooperative scores are often motivated to take
the lead on work projects and can be a good fit for independent,
competitive, and results-oriented fields such as sales or managerial
Extroverted. roles.

You are more extroverted than most and can be characterized as

sociable and outgoing in group settings. Extroverts tend to be
energetic, enthusiastic, and active, and you may prefer roles and
activities that involve frequent socialization. You should feel
comfortable talking to a wide variety of people.

Temperament, Attitudes & Outlook


You are competitive by nature, valuing competition, and are inclined

to place a high value on winning or surpassing standards of
achievement set by others. In work settings, competitive individuals
often excel in fields such as sales.

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NIEL's Workplace Insights Test Date: Jul 20, 2022

Strengths & Potential Challenges

Strengths Potential Challenges

You will generally have good follow-through and be attentive to In team settings, competitiveness has the potential to create
goals. conflict if it is not channeled or managed effectively.

Your competitive nature and will to win are well suited to roles (e. Your independent, aggressive streak might put you in conflict
g., sales) where clear, measurable, and transparent performance with other members of the team if your interests are not aligned.
metrics are valued.
You may not be most comfortable in roles that involve constant
Neither consistently assertive nor overly deferential, you will be change or frequent experimentation.
assertive in some situations and not in others.

You have a strong commitment to advancing your own interests

and will act proactively to do so. This comfort with going against
the grain should stand you in good stead if you ever need to
make necessary but unpopular decisions.

Sociable and energetic, you are comfortable initiating social

interactions and likely enjoy working with others.

You will likely be comfortable in roles where job duties don't vary
greatly from one day to the next and where expectations are
clearly laid out.

You are likely to display an effective balance of patience and

impatience in pursuing opportunities or navigating frustrations
with work-related tasks or projects.

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Development Suggestions

Work Habits Temperament

Achievement-oriented by nature, you will benefit from being Competitive by nature, you should look for win-win relationships.
challenged to achieve even greater effectiveness in a role and The most successful people are often those who are effective at
to look for opportunities to further refine your strengths and building relationships of mutual value. Be aware and
apply them for greater impact. considerate of others' needs when interacting with them and
focus on helping others achieve their objectives.

Interaction Style Persisting is an important characteristic in the accomplishment

of tasks and deliverables. However, there may be times when
Some interactions call for a more direct approach, whereas trying a different approach is more beneficial than just trying
others may require a gentler touch. When engaging with others, harder in the same direction. Knowing when to step back and
you should make sure to consider the situation, the people assess the effectiveness of one's approach, and being open to
involved, and the context to help you determine the level of persisting in a new direction, can meaningfully contribute to
directness that is warranted. accomplishing your objectives.

Your independence and willingness to advance your own

interests will be an asset in many roles. However, sometimes it Attitudes & Outlook
is necessary to put the needs of the group before individual
goals. Doing so may be more effective in the long term. You will Your natural preference may be to walk the same familiar
be well served to consider the benefits of having a group where ground. But it may benefit you to remember to never stop
everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals learning and to engage in at least a few activities with the sole
together. intent of learning something new.

As an extrovert, you may benefit from the realization that the

most effective way to complete a task is to work hard and avoid
distractions. Interacting with others is important for building
relationships at work and being part of a successful team. But
some tasks need to be accomplished alone. Speaking up in
meetings and sharing ideas is valuable, but other people need
that chance to be heard and understood. Extroverts who find
themselves doing most of the talking may need to make an
effort to listen more instead.

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NIEL's Workplace Insights Test Date: Jul 20, 2022

Workplace Stressors & Motivators

The following section relates common workplace situations to your behavioral preferences, to better understand how your potential may be best
realized. Situations that may be comfortable or motivating for some people may be stressful or de-motivating for others. Below is a list of
common workplace situations together with an indication of how each may impact you.

Not at all Somewhat Extremely

comfortable comfortable comfortable

Having to work alone

Open discussions

Rigid enforcement of rules

Change in workplace expectations or job duties

A narrowly defined role

Having clear and well articulated goals

Being exposed to frequent conflict

Taking the lead in group settings

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