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Integrante: Infante Clavijo Leily Gianella

Explosion Rocks Russian Air Base in Crimea

The topic to be discussed is about the explosion caused

by the country of Russia in Ukraine, for which the
President of Ukraine, Volodímir Zelenski, stated that the
¿Qué tema desarrollaré? night from Friday to Saturday would be "the hardest"
when predicting that Russia will try to storm kyiv, for
which he asked the Army not to lose control of the

Shortly after, Ukraine showed that Russian troops

reached districts north of kyiv, and images show the
advance of armored vehicles.

The mayor, Vitali Klitschko, assured that there have been

explosions in the urban area of the capital, some of them
near a power plant.

The Ukrainian government handed over 18,000 weapons

to volunteers and asked its citizens to make Molotov
cocktails to defend the city.

Many of the inhabitants of the Ukrainian capital and

Kharkov have taken refuge in metro stations and

The Ukraine War 2022 took place in Ukraine in 2022, in the

midst of a civil revolution that took place throughout the
country. It erupted after Ukraine's President Viktor
Yanukovych fled the country after months of protests against
his rule.

Presentación de la tesis
¿Qué opino sobre ese tema?

The Ukraine war broke out when Russian troops invaded the
country and took control of the Crimean peninsula. This led to
an armed confrontation between Ukrainian forces and pro-
Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine.

¿Qué argumentos
sustentarán mi tesis?

The Ukraine and Russia war 2022 will be a very interesting

conflict to follow. Both sides have a lot at stake and the fight
is expected to be fierce. Uncertainty about the ultimate
outcome of the war is high, and any outcome could have
long-lasting consequences for the region.


In a few words, it has brought devastation to many and the

worst thing is that people and innocent people are dying, but
every life is important and the war not only affected a few, it
affected the whole world because of the sanctions against
¿Cuál será mi reflexión final? Russia on trade, some things have increased their value like
wheat among other things.


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