1994 - Implicit and Dynamic Explicit Solutions of Blade Forging Using The Finite Element Method

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Journal of

ELSEVIER J. Mater. Process. Technol. 45 (1994) 69-74


Behzad Soltani, Kjell Mattiasson and Alf Samuelsson

Department of Structural Mechanics

Chalmers University of Technology
S - 412 96 G6teborg, Sweden

Blade forging has been studied and solved by two elastic-plastic finite element codes, NIKE2D and
DYNA2D, as a two-dimensional plane-strain problem. The main difference between the two codes is that
the first one is implicit while the second is dynamic explicit. The efficiency of implicit and explicit solutions
regarding blade forging has been studied.
The initial position of the circular preform was optimized so that the corner spaces of the dies become
filled and the pressure on the dies become as small as possible thus satisfying the design condition of flash-
less forging. The grading of the finite element mesh for the preform has been studied and been found to
be of great importance.
Blade Forming is one of the bulk forming pro- Rebelo et al. [4]using rigid-viscoplastic mate-
cesses in which two dies form an original billet of rial, solved the problem in plane strain condition
metal, normally in circular shape. Figure 1 shows for several coefficients of friction. The mesh in-
the shapes of billet and dies at the beginning and cluded 120 linear elements. They also made ex-
end of the process. This problem as other closed periments on a wax model and compared the
die forging processes involves contact surfaces results with the numerical results.
with friction as well as geometrical and material Kang et al. [5] have established systematic pro-
nonlinearities. cedures for preform design in blade forging by
The important point in this process is to deter- means of a forward loading and backward tracing
mine a position for the preform which results in simulation.
flashless blade forging, while the blade and its sur- During past years, the efficiency and accuracy
faces have got suitable mechanical characteristics. of the two finite element methods, implicit and ex-
Precision forging of blades reduces machining to plicit, has been considered for metal forming pro-
a minimum. The family of blade airfoils are impor- cess. In implicit codes for each load step, the equa-
tant family of cross sections of parts, so the forging tions of equilibrium are solved in an iterative
of such parts will be a beneficial process. To obtain manner, while in explicit codes dynamic equations
a useful blade, with enough good characteristics, are solved with so small time steps that a stable
one need to simulate this process beforehand in- solution is obtained. In metal forming, though
cluding all the complexibilities. This can be often quasistatic, it is still possible to use a dynamic
achieved only with a numerical simulation. The ini- code and solve the problems by an explicit method.
tial position of the billet and the forging force are In these problems, the inertia effect caused by the
the most important results of such a simula- mass matrix are often negligible even if the speed
tion[I-3]. is increased in order to reduce the computer time.
Several solutions to the problem by the finite Several investigations are reported in which the
element method have been reported [2-5]. In two methods are compared[6-8]. It seems to be
these solutions, the flow approach with implicit clear that for enough large and specially 3D prob-
lems, the explicit is better and faster. The majority
method has been used.
of these investigations are performed for sheet

0924-0136/94/$07.00 © 1994 - Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

SSDI 0924-0136(94)00162-6

metal forming. The objective cf this study is to

compare the two methods for forging simulation. eralized von Mises type for large deformations.
The flow rule is a power law plasticity with isotropic
hardening, as follows:
During the process, which is assumed to be in
O'y --~ K(£ 0 + E--P)n (1)
plane strain, the dies move slowly, so the process in which O'y,K, n, g0,and ~-Pare the current yield
is quasistatic. The billet is circular and its diameter
stress, strength coefficient, hardening exponent,
is 72 mm and the length of the final shape of the initial strain and effective plastic strain, respective-
blade is 163 mm° The airfoil curve of blade is deter-
mined by the upper and lower dies which have been
defined by 34 and 32 point respectively. The characteristics used are E=210 MPa,
In the finite element discritization, the upper and v=0.3, 0=8400 kg/m 3, K=658MPa, n=0.19 for
lower dies and billet are divided into 39,42 and 624 the billet and E=2100 MPa, v=0.3, Q=8400
elements, respectively° The total number of nodes kg/m3 for the dies.
are 841.
3. D E S C R I P T I O N O F T H E C O D E S
I t''' ~ I The two finite element codes used were
Nike2D, Hallquist (1986), and Dyna2D, Hall-
quist(1988). Nike2D is an implicit code for static
and dynamic problems. It can handle finite de-

!.< formation in two dimensions. The Updated La-

grangian formulation with the Green-Naghdi
stress rate and a four noded isoparametric and
quadrilateral element with 2x2 gaussian points are
Dyna2D is a dynamic and hydrodynamic code m
which the explicit method is used. A four noded
isoparametric and quadrilateral element with one
integration point is used. To prevent zero energy
deformations, hourglass viscosity in several ways
can be introduced [10].
In both codes, contact algorithm will control
the movement between surfaces. At sliding lines
with friction interface springs are used to prevent
penetration of one node into the surfaces of anoth-
er body. The Coulomb law with a penalty coeffi-
cient is used in the contact algorithm.
Figure 1. Billet and blade between dies In both codes, rezoning technique is available
for replacing the deformed mesh with a more
The friction between dies and material is simulated smooth one.
by the Coulomb law with friction coefficient of 0.6.
In the implicit solution, the process is steered by a 4. I M P L I C I T AND EXPLICIT
prescribed linear displacement of the upper die. It PROCEDURES
moves down 45 mm during the process. In the ex-
Starting from the weak formulation of the tin-
plicit solution the velocity curve is taken as a sine
ear momentum equation, and discritizing it by
function modified at start and finish so that the
quadrilateral elements, results in a system of ordi-
inertia effect becomes zero at the beginning and
nary differential equations of second order in time
the end of the process. The size of velocity is opti- domain, with obvious notations
mized and will be discussed later on.
The material is supposed to be elastic-plastic with Mii + F(int)(u, u) = P(u, b, t) (2)
elasticity of hypoelastic kind and plasticity of gen-

In metal forming, the equations are nonlinear possible to increase the velocities considerably
but the inertia term can be disregarded. The qua- without any unacceptable inertia effects in the re-
sistatic equations have been solved by an implicit sults. We have used this method.
method by Nike2D. They are solved by the BFGS The effect of artificial inertia has been studied
quasi N e w t o n - Raphson method. in the final step by comparing the effective plastic
The method is unconditionally stable but the strain due to a reduction of the initial high velocity.
time steps are restricted in order to get an accept- 5. C O M P U T A T I O N S
able accuracy.
The initial position of the billet between the
In the dynamic-explicit solution by Dyna2D, dies should be determined in such a way that mate-
the problem is solved by the central difference rial flow reach corners on both sides almost at the
method. The mass matrix is lumped so that the same time. Firstly, it should satisfy the flashless
equations become uncoupled. forging condition defining closed die forging. Sec-
The step size is limited by the stability condition ondly, the pressure at corners should be almost
equal which is useful for both dies and product,
A t < hmi n V/-~ (3) and the forging load should be as low as possible.
To find the optimal position, the problem has been
where hmin is the smallest side of the smallest ele- solved with different positions. Figure 2 illustrates
ment in the mesh. the results of one bad case of setting initial position
This is calculated automatically by the code, (the center of billet is located at 6 mm from the cen-
and it is often of order of micro seconds. Duration ter of the dies) and the optimal one (at - 11 mm for
time in a real process can be about one minute, implicit and explicit methods).
meaning that the computing time by the explicit
method would be too long.

t J

Figure . An unsuitable mesh and its solution

The third condition that determines the setting
position is the requirement to get the corners filled
more easily. To be able to fill the corners complete-
Figure 2. Effects of suitable and unsuitable
initial position of billet ly the mesh itself has to be chosen with great care.
Due to small cavities in the corners the elements
In order to decrease the computing time either which will flow into the corners have to be small,
the total duration time is decreased or the density corresponding to the size of the corners.
is increased to allow larger time steps. Several meshes with different number of ele-
Both methods must be handled by care as they vio- ments and nodes and different configurations have
late the real data. Byour experience itis, however, been used to find the best. For this, the elements at

the boundary were around three times smaller than 5.1. I m p l i c i t c o m p u t a t i o n s

the internal dements. This mesh could fill the cor-
ners. Figure 3 shows one of these meshes and its fi- In the implicit code, Nike2D, the size and the
nal form and Figure 1 shows the best one. number of load steps can be chosen. In the case of
The third factor which can prevent corners to divergence of the N e w t o n - R a p h s o n method, the
be filled is the angle position of the initial mesh of load step size is decreased until a primary solution
the billet. In final stages, the setting of elements is found. The corners are probably not filled in this
near the corners should correspond to the shape of solution.
the corners. By rotation of the initial mesh, a better In order to fill the corners the optimal setting
result may be obtained. In bad situations, one ele- position of the billet is sought by trial and error us-
ment may lock the motion of metal flow towards ing a suitable mesh and rotating the initial mesh.
the corners and the solution will not become com- Then the mesh is rezoned and the penalty coeffi-
plete. This rotation is only a computational param- cients are determined. Due to linearization in each
eter for filling the geometry. In our example the step of the N e w t o n - R a p h s o n method, errors are
complete solution was obtained with a rotation of obtained. The load steps should be decreased, until
2 degrees for the implicit and 2.8 degrees for the the changes in results become small enough.
explicit method. The contours of the effective plastic strains in
the final step, and of the vertical components of the
At the final steps of the process, the pressure on
interface forces on the upper die were compared
the dies will increase and the default penalty coef-
for five different load steps and from this the load
ficient of springs which prevents penetration is not
step size of 0.5 mm with 300 steps was found to be
large enough. Otherwise , penalty coefficients
should be as small as possible. Testing several coef-
ficients for different slidelines and checking the pe- The other results obtained from this implicit
solution are shown in figure 5, namely the total ver-
netrations will determine the optimum for each
tical (forge force) and the horizontal forces on the
slideline, separately.
upper die on the billet during the process. These
During the process, when the mesh is highly de-
curves show expected trends. The forge force in-
formed, a rezoning or remeshing technique is nec-
creases during the process and has high value at
essary to reorder or reproduce the mesh elements.
the final steps due to the high pressure of the billet
In our simulation at around half of the termination
material on the dies at these steps. The horizontal
time, rezoning was applied and the deformed mesh
force on the dies before the final steps is mostly the
was replaced by a smooth one. The contours of ef-
effect of billet friction, but at the final steps it in-
fective plastic strains before and after rezoning
creases in a high rate due to the material pressure
correspond well (figure 4).
on the dies.
5.2. E x p l i c i t c o m p u t a t i o n s
In the explicit code inertia terms have to be in-
cluded. The real process time is ,however, so large
that it is necessary to increase the velocity up to
several hundred times the real one in order to get
efficiency. However, if it is too large, the solution
0.44 [ tends to an impact problem and this becomes clear
__3 from the results. In explicit codes the solution al-
ways can be completed unless the Jacobian of an
0.15 --~ element becomes negative or the allowable mini-
• ~... _ ~
mum time step of the code is reached or some con-
flicts in the problem definition arises during the
In the first stage we start with the same mesh,
position of the billet as in the implicit solution. In
0.44 ] the second stage we optimize the initial position
and the rotation of the billet and determine the
Figure 4. Contours of effective plastic strains penalty coefficients for prevention of penetration.
before and after rezoning

In large deformation problems, the elements

1100 become highly distorted if there is no smoothing of
the elements during the process. Sometimes the
903 structure of the initial mesh influences to the
70O shape of elements at the final steps. In this case, by
a small change of the position or rotation of the ini-
tial mesh, the difficulty will be removed.

0.0 . . . . . .
0 10 20 30 40 mm
KN . . . . . . . .




o.o ....
10 20 30 40 ram 1.4
loading range
Figure 7. Contours of effective plastic strains
Figure 5. Vertical and horizontal force on the
surface of upper die in implicit and explicit solutions

To prevent zero energy modes due to the use of

only one gaussian point, the F l a n a g a n - B e l y t s c h k o
method with an hourglass artificial viscosity coeffi-
cient of 0.4 was used.
At the third stage, the largest velocity which
does not cause considerable inertia was searched.
The optimized case was at a average velocity of 29
m/s and a termination time of T=0.0015 s.
Figure 6 shows the optimized solutions of ex-
plicit and implicit codes.

6. C O M P A R I S O N S AND
Penalty coefficients for several slidelines were
in both methods optimized by trial and error. In the
explicit method they were smaller than in the im-
plicit method and easier to find, which made the
solution better.
Optimal initial position and rotation were almost
identical in the two codes giving confidence in the
Figure 6. Explicit (up) and impficit solutions Both solutions were run on a SUN workstation.
The CPU time for the complete solution were 2112
seconds for the implicit and 1652 seconds for the


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