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Questionnaire on Aerodynamics

Questionnaire on Aerodynamics 1

0:00 Minimum pressure coefficient and laminar-turbulent flow transition

2:56 Critical Reynolds number (Figure 1.56 Variation of laminar and turbulent skin friction
coefficient for a flat plate as a function of Reynolds number based on the chord length of the
5:40 YouTube videos that help with flow simulations
10:59 Different experimental results from different sources for the same geometry
12:10 Difference between airfoil and wing or airplane experimental data
16:42 Trusted sources on airfoil experimental data
21:17 Motivation to interact in aerodynamics classes
22:25 About the importance of the quarter-chord properties

Questionnaire on Aerodynamics 2

0:00 Dimensionless nature of the aerodynamic coefficients

4:15 Concept of the flow similarity
8:22 Three approaches in aerodynamics: theoretical, numerical and experimental
15:13 Understanding the steps of the numerical approach
15:13 Understanding the steps of the numerical approach: pressure coefficient involvement
24:15 Can we simulate the square trailing edge of the airfoil? How to fix this problem?
27:08 How to calculate the velocity from Cp (incompressible flow).
35:07 Continue - Understanding the steps of the numerical approach
35:35 Understanding the steps of the numerical approach: Selection of the flow model
36:38 Understanding the steps of the numerical approach: Computational volume for airfoil
38:28 Understanding the steps of the numerical approach: Some aspects of the meshing
39:43 Understanding the steps of the numerical approach: Importance of the boundary and
initial conditions
40:57 Understanding the steps of the numerical approach: Methods of solution
41:58 Understanding the steps of the numerical approach: Results processing

Questionnaire on Aerodynamics 3

0:00 Basics of the Courant number

37:21 Momentum coefficient at quarter-chord point
Questionnaire on Aerodynamics 4

0:00 Order of approximation in Ansys Fluent

2:17 1-st order of approximation of the partial derivatives
9:02 2-nd order of approximation
10:50 3-rd order of approximation
15:48 How the approximation is obtained (methods of approximation)
17:42 Choice of the approximation order
32:28 Choice of the advanced solution methods of the flow equations
35:39 Best size of the airfoil for the numerical simulation
49:05 Simulation at M = 0.3 and high Reynolds number with an incompressible flow model

Questionnaire on Aerodynamics 5

0:00 Aerodynamic coefficients: values from the references and calculated

4:29 Upper limit of the angle of attack
5:19 From where to start the calculation of the Work 1?
11:14 Estimation of the stall and maximum velocity of an airplane by the airfoil characteristics
16:54 Lift-to-drag ratio and rise of the drug for the real airplane
24:27 Why is the flow inviscid outside of the boundary layer?

Questionnaire on Aerodynamics 6

Calculation of the pressure coefficient from the pressure or velocity data in incompressible flow.

Questionnaire on Aerodynamics 7

0:00 Transformation from the graphical to numerical data in Microsoft Excel

14:53 Validation of the experimental and analytical data
19:58 Tips about the approximation of the aerodynamic coefficients
20:44 Calculation of the maximum flight velocity
28:29 Approximation of the aerodynamic coefficients and data representation (discussion)
36:47 Report format, ABNT
38:06 About comparing of the experimental and numerical data
39:16 Pressure coefficient as a function of the Reynolds number (low-velocity flow)
Questionnaire on Aerodynamics 8

0:00 How to receive the Laplace equation from the continuity equation.
5:56 1st elementary flow - the Uniform flow
7:43 2nd elementary flow - the Source flow
9:38 Superposition: flow around a semi-infinite body
12:07 Flow around Rankine oval, 3rd elementary flow - the Doublet flow
12:45 Flow around the cylinder (non-lifting)
15:00 4th elementary flow - the Vortex flow

Questionnaire on Aerodynamics 9
Simulation of Airfoils in Ansys Fluent

0:00 Acceptable error for the aerodynamic simulations

4:38 Correspondence of the simulation and experiment in terms of Reynolds number and Mach
6:32 Convergence plots in the report for various angles of attack
8:15 Independence of the lift from Reynolds number
9:23 Saving reports in text files and visualization in graphs
22:08 Animation of the stationary flow
24:39 Convergence (residuals) values
28:26 Non-importance of the drag coefficient in non-viscous flow
29:29 When the residuals will not decrease, is it normal?
33:48 Errors in the Pressure coefficient calculation
37:45 There is no universal solution for all cases
41:02 Possible confusion about data from the airfoil and from the wing
42:45 How to adjust the Reference Values to plot the lift coefficient in Ansys Fluent

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