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Manila * Cavite * Laguna * Cebu * Cagayan De Oro * Davao

Since 1977

FAR.3028-Leases MAY 2021

1. What is a ‘lease’ in accordance with PFRS 16? 5. A supplier’s right to substitute an asset is substantive
a. A contract, or part of a contract, that conveys the only if which of the following conditions exist:
right to use an asset (the underlying asset) for a a. The supplier has the practical ability to substitute
period of time in exchange for consideration. alternative assets throughout the period of use.
b. An agreement between two or more parties that b. the supplier would benefit economically from the
creates enforceable rights and obligations. exercise of its right to substitute the asset.
c. A contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one c. Both a and b.
entity and a financial liability or equity instrument d. Neither a nor b.
of another entity.
d. An agreement whereby the lessor conveys to the 6. Lease term is the non-cancellable period for which a
lessee in return for a payment or series of lessee has the right to use an underlying asset,
payments the right to use an asset for an agreed together with:
period of time. a. Periods covered by an option to extend the lease if
the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise that
2. Which statement is incorrect regarding a contract that option.
contains a lease and non-lease components? b. Periods covered by an option to terminate the
a. A lessor shall allocate the consideration in the lease if the lessee is reasonably certain not to
contract applying PFRS 15. exercise that option.
b. A lessee shall allocate the consideration in the c. Both a and b.
contract to each lease component on the basis of d. Neither a nor b.
the relative stand-alone price of the lease
component and the aggregate stand-alone price of 7. Which statement is incorrect regarding the
the non-lease components. determination of the lease term and the assessment of
c. As a practical expedient, a lessee may elect, by the non-cancellable period of a lease?
class of underlying asset, not to separate non- a. An entity shall apply the definition of a contract
lease components from lease components, and and determine the period for which the contract is
instead account for each lease component and any enforceable.
associated non-lease components as a single lease b. A lease is no longer enforceable when the lessee
component. and the lessor each has the right to terminate the
d. A lessee may apply the practical expedient to lease without permission from the other party with
embedded derivatives that meet the criteria in no more than an insignificant penalty.
paragraph 4.3.3 of PFRS 9. c. If only a lessee has the right to terminate a lease,
that right is considered to be an option to
3. Which statement is incorrect regarding identification of terminate the lease available to the lessee that an
lease? entity considers when determining the lease term.
a. At inception of a contract, an entity shall assess d. If only a lessor has the right to terminate a lease,
whether the contract is, or contains, a lease. the non-cancellable period of the lease excludes
b. A contract is, or contains, a lease if the contract the period covered by the option to terminate the
conveys the right to control the use of an identified lease.
asset for a period of time in exchange for
consideration. 8. Which of the following will likely require reassessment
c. The underlying asset can be identified explicitly or of the lease term after the commencement date?
implicitly. I. Significant leasehold improvements not anticipated
d. An entity shall reassess whether a contract is, or at the commencement date that are expected to
contains, a lease at the end of each reporting have significant economic benefit for the lessee
period. when the option to extend or terminate the lease, ,
becomes exercisable.
4. A customer does not have the right to use an identified II. A significant modification to, or customization of,
asset in which of the following? the underlying asset that was not anticipated at
a. If the supplier has the substantive right to the commencement date.
substitute the asset throughout the period of use. III. The inception of a sublease of the underlying asset
b. If the supplier has a right or an obligation to for a period beyond the end of the previously
substitute the asset only on or after either a determined lease term.
particular date or the occurrence of a specified IV. A business decision of the lessee that is directly
event. relevant to exercising, or not exercising, an option
c. If the supplier has a right or obligation to (for example, a decision to extend the lease of a
substitute the asset for repairs and maintenance, if complementary asset, to dispose of an alternative
the asset is not operating properly or if a technical asset or to dispose of a business unit within which
upgrade becomes available. the right-of-use asset is employed).
d. In all of these.
a. I, II, III and IV c. I and II only
b. I, II and III only d. I and III only

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9. The lease term begins 15. Which statement is incorrect regarding depreciation of
a. At the inception date. right-of-use asset?
b. At the commencement date. a. The depreciation policy for right-of-use asset held
c. Earlier of a and b. should be consistent with that for owned assets.
d. Later of a and b. b. If the lease transfers ownership of the underlying
asset to the lessee by the end of the lease term or
10. The commencement date is if the cost of the right-of-use asset reflects that the
a. The date of the lease agreement. lessee will exercise a purchase option, the lessee
b. The date of commitment by the parties to the shall depreciate the right-of-use asset from the
principal terms and conditions of the lease. commencement date to the end of the useful life of
c. The date on which a lessor makes an underlying the underlying asset.
asset available for use by a lessee. c. Otherwise, the lessee shall depreciate the right-of-
d. Earlier of a and b. use asset from the commencement date to the
later of the end of the useful life of the right-of-use
11. At commencement date, a lessee shall recognize a asset or the end of the lease term.
right-of-use asset and a lease liability. Why? d. None of these.
a. Because at the start of a lease a lessee obtains the
right to use an asset for a period of time and, if 16. The Layla Company leased a canning machine with a fair
payments are made over time, incurs a liability to value of P165,000. The present value of the lease
make lease payments. payments discounted at the rate implicit in the lease is
b. Because the absence of information about leases P158,400. The initial direct costs incurred in negotiating
on the balance sheet meant that investors and the lease were P1,250. The asset has a useful life of 5
analysts were not able to properly compare years and the lease is for a period of 4 years, after
companies that borrow to buy assets with those which the asset can be acquired for a near zero cost,
that lease assets, without making adjustments. which is substantially below the expected value of the
c. Both a and b. asset at that date. If the asset is depreciated on a
d. Neither a nor b. straight-line basis, what amount should be the annual
depreciation expense?
12. At the commencement date, a lessee shall measure a. P39,912 c. P31,930
the right-of-use asset at b. P39,600 d. P31,680
a. Cost
b. Fair value
c. The lower cost and fair value 17. Which statement is incorrect regarding presentation of
d. The lower of the fair value of the asset and the right-of-use assets?
present value of the minimum lease payments a. A lessee shall either present in the statement of
financial position, or disclose in the notes right-of-
13. The cost of the right-of-use asset shall comprise: use assets separately from other assets.
I. The amount of the initial measurement of the lease b. If a lessee does not present right-of-use assets
liability. separately in the statement of financial position,
II. Any lease payments made at or before the the lessee shall disclose which line items in the
commencement date, less any lease incentives statement of financial position include those right-
received of-use assets.
III. Any initial direct costs incurred by the lessee c. Right-of-use assets that meet the definition of
IV. An estimate of costs to be incurred by the lessee in investment property shall be presented in the
dismantling and removing the underlying asset, statement of financial position as investment
restoring the site on which it is located or restoring property.
the underlying asset to the condition required by d. None of these.
the terms and conditions of the lease, unless those
costs are incurred to produce inventories 18. At the commencement date, the lease payments
included in the measurement of the lease liability
a. I, II, III and IV c. I and II only
comprise the following payments for the right to use
b. I, II and III only d. I and III only
the underlying asset during the lease term that are not
paid at the commencement date:
14. Which statement is incorrect regarding measurement
I. Fixed payments (including in-substance fixed
of right-of-use assets after the commencement date?
payments), less any lease incentives receivable
a. A lessee shall measure the right-of-use asset
II. Variable lease payments that depend on an index
applying a cost model, unless it is required or
or a rate, initially measured as at the
chooses to apply other measurement models.
commencement date
b. If a lessee applies the fair value model in PAS 40
III. Amounts expected to be payable by the lessee
to its investment property, the lessee shall also
under residual value guarantees
apply that fair value model to right-of-use assets
IV. The exercise price of a purchase option if the
that meet the definition of investment property in
lessee is reasonably certain to exercise that option
PAS 40.
V. Payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if
c. If right-of-use assets relate to a class of property,
the lease term reflects the lessee exercising an
plant and equipment to which the lessee applies
option to terminate the lease
the revaluation model in PAS 16, the lessee shall
also apply that revaluation model to all of the a. I, II, III, IV and V
right-of-use assets that relate to that class of b. I, II, III and IV only
property, plant and equipment. c. I, III and IV only
d. None of these. d. I and III only

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19. The lease payments shall be discounted using 23. Which statement is incorrect regarding reassessment
a. The interest rate implicit in the lease, if that rate of the lease liability?
can be readily determined. a. After the commencement date, a lessee shall
b. The lessee’s incremental borrowing rate, if interest remeasure the lease liability to reflect changes to
rate implicit in the lease cannot be readily the lease payments.
determined. b. A lessee shall recognize the amount of the
c. Either a or b. remeasurement of the lease liability as an
d. Neither a nor b. adjustment to the right-of-use asset.
c. If the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset is
20. What is the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate? reduced to zero and there is a further reduction in
a. The rate that exactly discounts estimated cash the measurement of the lease liability, a lessee
receipts through the expected life of the financial shall recognize any remaining amount of the
asset to the gross carrying amount of a financial remeasurement in retained earnings.
asset. d. None of these.
b. The rate that exactly discounts the estimated
future cash payments or receipts through the 24. Which of the following will require remeasurement of
expected life of the financial asset to the amortized the lease liability?
cost of a financial asset that is a purchased or I. Change in the lease term
originated credit-impaired financial asset. II. Change in the assessment of an option to purchase
c. The rate of interest that causes the present value the underlying asset
of the lease payments and the unguaranteed III. Change in the amounts expected to be payable
residual value to equal the sum of the fair value of under a residual value guarantee
the underlying asset and any initial direct costs of IV. Change in future lease payments resulting from a
the lessor. change in an index or a rate used to determine
d. The rate of interest that a lessee would have to those payments
pay to borrow over a similar term, and with a
a. I, II, III and IV c. I and II only
similar security, the funds necessary to obtain an
b. I, II and III only d. I and III only
asset of a similar value to the right-of-use asset in
a similar economic environment.
Use the following information for the next three questions.
21. On December 31, 2019, Gord Co. leased a machine
from Valir, Inc. for its entire economic life of five A lessee entered into a lease contract for the lease of land
years. Equal annual payments under the lease are for 10 years. The contract provides for annual lease
P525,000 (including P25,000 annual executory costs) payments of P10,000 payable at the end of each year with
and are due on December 31 of each year. The first fixed annual escalation of 2% up to Year 5. At the
payment was made on December 31, 2019, and the beginning of Year 6, a rent review will be done and lease
second payment was made on December 31, 2020. payments will be reset to reflect market including the
The interest rate implicit in the lease is 10%. Gord subsequent escalation rates, if any. The lessee’s
learned that a third party guaranteed to pay Valir, Inc. incremental borrowing rate is 8%.
a residual value of P200,000 at the end of the lease
term. In its December 31, 2020 statement of financial Assume that after the rent review, the agreed rate for Year
position, Gord should report in the non-current liability 6 is P12,000 with annual increase of 1% thereafter.
section a lease liability of
a. P1,243,445 c. P867,790 25. At commencement date, the lessee should recognize a
b. P1,018,047 d. P788,900 lease liability of
a. P41,429 c. P70,842
22. Miya Corp. has leased an item of plant under the b. P68,603 d. P72,558
following terms:
• Commencement of the lease - January 1, 2019 26. After the rent review, the lessee should recognize an
• Term of the lease - 5 years adjustment to lease liability of
• Annual payments in advance - P12,000 a. Nil c. P5,589
• Cash price and fair value of the asset – P52,000 b. P3,065 d. P8,879
• Implicit interest rate – 8% per annum 27. In Year 6, the lessee should recognize amortization
• Depreciation policy – 20% per annum expense of
The total lease related expenses for the fiscal year a. Nil c. P8,202
ended September 30, 2020 is b. P7,869 d. P8,636
a. P13,072 c. P12,272
b. P12,896 d. P10,200
28. Lease modification is a change in the scope of a lease,
SOLUTION GUIDE: or the consideration for a lease, that was not part of
the original terms and conditions of the lease.
Interest Examples include
Date Payment (8%) Principal C.A. a. Adding or terminating the right to use one or more
underlying assets
1/1/19 52,000 b. Extending or shortening the contractual lease term
c. Both a and b
1/1/19 12,000 - 12,000 40,000 d. Neither a nor b
1/1/20 12,000 3,200 8,800 31,200

1/1/21 12,000 2,496 9,504 21,696

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29. A lessee shall account for a modification to a finance 34. Which statement is incorrect regarding presentation of
lease as a separate lease if: lease liabilities?
a. The modification increases the scope of the lease a. A lessee shall either present in the statement of
by adding the right to use one or more underlying financial position, or disclose in the notes lease
assets. liabilities separately from other liabilities.
b. The consideration for the lease increases by an b. If the lessee does not present lease liabilities
amount commensurate with the stand-alone price separately in the statement of financial position,
for the increase in scope and any appropriate the lessee shall disclose which line items in the
adjustments to that stand-alone price to reflect the statement of financial position include those
circumstances of the particular contract. liabilities.
c. Both a and b. c. Both a and b.
d. Neither a nor b. d. Neither a nor b.

30. For a modification that is not accounted for as a 35. PFRS 16 does not require a lessee to recognize right of
separate lease, how should a lessor account for the use assets and lease liabilities for the following leases,
modification? except
a. If the lease would have been classified as an a. Leases of low-value assets
operating lease had the modification been in effect b. Leases that, at the commencement date, has a
at the inception date, the lessor shall (i) account lease term of 12 months or less
for the lease modification as a new lease from the c. Leases that, at the commencement date, has a
effective date of the modification and (ii) measure lease term of 12 months or less but contains a
the carrying amount of the underlying asset as the purchase option
net investment in the lease immediately before the d. Both a and b
effective date of the lease modification.
b. The lessor shall apply the requirements of PFRS 9. 36. Which of the following would not be considered as ‘low
c. Either a or b. value’ lease of asset?
d. Neither a nor b. a. Personal computers
b. Office furniture and equipment
31. For a lease modification that is not accounted for as a c. Delivery vehicle
separate lease, at the effective date of the lease d. None of these
modification a lessee shall:
a. Allocate the consideration in the modified contract. 37. Which statement is incorrect regarding accounting for
b. Determine the lease term of the modified lease. a lease in which the lessee is allowed not to recognize
c. Remeasure the lease liability by discounting the right of use asset and lease liability?
revised lease payments using a revised discount a. The lessee shall recognize the lease payments as
rate. an expense on either a straight-line basis over the
d. Do all of these. lease term or another systematic basis.
b. The lessee shall apply another systematic basis if
32. For a lease modification that is not accounted for as a that basis is more representative of the pattern of
separate lease, the lessee shall account for the the lessee’s benefit.
remeasurement of the lease liability by: c. The lessee shall consider the lease to be a new
a. Decreasing the carrying amount of the right-of-use lease if there is a lease modification or there is any
asset to reflect the partial or full termination of the change in the lease term.
lease for lease modifications that decrease the d. The recognition exemptions shall be made by class
scope of the lease. of underlying asset to which the right of use
b. Recognizing in profit or loss any gain or loss relates regardless of the nature of exemption.
relating to the partial or full termination of the
lease. 38. A lessee shall disclose additional qualitative and
c. Making a corresponding adjustment to the right-of- quantitative information about its leasing activities
use asset for all other lease modifications. necessary to meet the disclosure objective in PFRS 16.
d. Doing all of these. This additional information may include information
that helps users of financial statements to assess:
33. The IASB amended IFRS 16 in response to COVID 19 I. The nature of the lessee’s leasing activities
pandemic. It added a practical expedient to provide II. Future cash outflows to which the lessee is
relief for lessees from lease modification accounting for potentially exposed that are not reflected in the
rent concessions related to COVID-19. What is that measurement of lease liabilities
practical expedient? III. Restrictions or covenants imposed by leases
a. The practical expedient allows lessees to account IV. Sale and leaseback transactions
for all leases as operating leases as a result of
a. I, II, III and IV c. I and II only
COVID-19-related rent concession received.
b. I, II and III only d. I and III only
b. The practical expedient allows lessees to account
for COVID-19-related rent concession received as
39. Future cash outflows to which the lessee is potentially
income over the remaining lease term.
exposed that are not reflected in the measurement of
c. The practical expedient requires lessees to carry
lease liabilities includes exposure arising from:
out an assessment to decide whether a COVID-19-
I. Variable lease payments
related rent concession received is a lease
II. Extension options and termination options
modification or not.
III. Residual value guarantees
d. The practical expedient avoids the need for lessees
IV. Leases not yet commenced to which the lessee is
to carry out an assessment to decide whether a
COVID-19-related rent concession received is a
lease modification or not. a. I, II, III and IV c. I and II only
b. I, II and III only d. I and III only

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40. Which statement is incorrect regarding lease 46. Which statement is incorrect regarding accounting for
classification by lessors? operating leases by lessors?
a. A lessor shall classify each of its leases as either an a. Underlying assets are presented in their
operating lease or a finance lease. statements of financial position according to the
b. A lease is classified as a finance lease if it transfers nature of the underlying asset.
substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to b. Lease payments are recognized as income on a
ownership of an underlying asset. straight-line basis, unless another systematic basis
c. Whether a lease is a finance lease or an operating is more representative of the pattern in which
lease depends on the substance of the transaction benefit from use of the underlying asset is
rather than the form of the contract. diminished.
d. Changes in estimates or changes in circumstances c. Costs, including depreciation, incurred in earning
give rise to a new classification of a lease for the lease income are recognized as an expense.
accounting purposes. d. Underlying assets are not subject to impairment in
accordance with PAS 36.
41. Risks include the possibilities of
a. Losses from idle capacity 47. Initial direct costs are incremental costs of obtaining a
b. Technological obsolescence lease that would not have been incurred if the lease
c. Variations in return because of changing economic had not been obtained, except for such costs incurred
conditions by a manufacturer or dealer lessor in connection with a
d. All of these finance lease. Which statement is incorrect regarding
initial direct costs incurred by lessors?
42. Rewards may be represented by a. A lessor shall add initial direct costs incurred in
a. The expectation of profitable operation over the obtaining an operating lease to the carrying
underlying asset’s economic life amount of the underlying asset and recognize
b. Gain from appreciation in value or realization of a those costs as an expense over the lease term on
residual value the same basis as the lease income.
c. Both a and b b. For finance leases other than those involving
d. Neither a nor b manufacturer or dealer lessors, initial direct costs
are included in the initial measurement of the net
43. Situations that would normally lead to a lease being investment in the lease and reduce the amount of
classified as a finance lease include: income recognized over the lease term.
I. The lease transfers ownership of the asset to the c. Both a and b.
lessee by the end of the lease term. d. Neither a nor b.
II. The lessee has the option to purchase the asset at
a price that is expected to be sufficiently lower
than fair value at the date the option becomes Use the following information for the next three questions.
exercisable for it to be reasonably certain, at the
Mindoro Company purchased a new machine on January 1,
inception date, that the option will be exercised.
2020 at a cost of P2,000,000 for the purpose of leasing it.
III. The lease term is for the major part of the
The machine is estimated to have a useful life of ten years
economic life of the underlying asset even if title is
with a residual value of P200,000. Depreciation is
not transferred.
computed by Mindoro on a straight-line basis. On January
IV. At the inception date, the present value of the
2, 2020, Mindoro entered into a lease contract with
lease payments amounts to at least substantially
Oriental Company for a term of four years. The lease fee
all of the fair value of the underlying asset.
is P1,000,000 per year and was paid in advance by
V. The underlying asset is of such a specialized nature
Oriental. Mindoro paid P120,000 commissions associated
that only the lessee can use it without major
with negotiating the lease and receive an additional
P400,000 as lease bonus.
a. I, II, III, IV and V c. I, II and IV only
b. I, II, III and IV only d. I, II, III and V only 48. Mindoro Company should present the machine in its
statement of financial position as
44. Other situations that could also lead to classification as a. Inventory.
a finance lease are: b. Investment property.
a. If the lessee can cancel the lease, the lessor's c. Other noncurrent investment.
losses associated with the cancellation are borne d. Property, plant and equipment.
by the lessee.
b. Gains or losses from fluctuations in the fair value 49. The net effect of this lease on Mindoro’s 2020 profit or
of the residual fall to the lessee (for example, in loss is
the form of rent rebate equaling most of the sales a. P908,000 c. P820,000
proceeds at the end of the lease). b. P890,000 d. P800,000
c. The lessee has the ability to continue to lease for a 50. In Mindoro’s December 31, 2020 statement of financial
secondary period at a rent that is substantially position, the machine should be reported at
lower than market rent. a. P1,928,000 c. P1,820,000
d. All of the above. b. P1,910,000 d. P1,710,000

45. The lease classification is made at 51. On July 1, 2018, Lessee, Inc. leased a delivery truck
a. The date of the lease agreement. from Lessor Corp. under a three-year operating lease.
b. The date of commitment by the parties to the Total rent for the term of the lease will be P360,000,
principal terms and conditions of the lease. payable as follows:
c. The date on which a lessor makes an underlying
12 months at P5,000 = P 60,000
asset available for use by a lessee.
12 months at P7,500 = 90,000
d. The earlier of a and b.
12 months at P17,500 = 210,000

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All payments were made when due. In Lessor's June 57. At the commencement date, a manufacturer or dealer
30, 2020 statement of financial position, the accrued lessor shall recognize the following for each of its
rent receivable should be reported at finance leases:
a. P0 c. P120,000 a. Revenue being the fair value of the underlying
b. P90,000 d. P210,000 asset, or, if lower, the present value of the lease
payments accruing to the lessor, discounted using
52. A lessor leased a freehold building for 20 years with a market rate of interest.
effect from 1 January 2020. The useful life of the b. The cost of sale being the cost, or carrying amount
building is 40 years. As part of the negotiations for the if different, of the underlying asset less the present
lease the lessor granted the lessee a rent-free period. value of the unguaranteed residual value
Annual rentals of P1.6 million are payable in advance on c. Selling profit or loss (being the difference between
1 January, commencing in 2022. How much income revenue and the cost of sale) in accordance with
should lessor recognize in profit or loss in the year its policy for outright sales to which PFRS 15
ended 31 December 2020? applies.
a. Nil c. P1.52 million d. All of these.
b. P1.44 million d. P1.6 million

53. On January 1, 2020, a lessor signed a 5-year operating Use the following information for the next three questions.
lease for office space at P3,600,000 per year. The
Lessor is a dealer in machinery. A machine was leased to
lease included a provision for additional rent of 10% of
another entity with the following provisions:
annual lessee’s sales in excess of P6,000,000.
Lessee’s sales for the year ended December 31, 2020 Annual rental payable at the end of each
were P10,000,000. Upon execution of the lease, year P2,000,000
lessee paid P500,000 as a bonus for the lease. Lease term and useful life of machinery 5 years
Cost of machinery P5,000,000
The lessor’s rent income for the year ended December Residual value-unguaranteed P1,000,000
31, 2020 is Implicit interest rate 10%
a. P3,600,000 c. P4,000,000 PV of an ordinary annuity of 1 for 5 periods
b. P3,700,000 d. P4,100,000 at 10% 3.79
PV of 1 for 5 periods at 10% 0.62
54. At the commencement date, the lessor shall recognize
assets held under a finance lease in its statement of At the end of the lease term, the machinery will revert to
financial position and present them as a receivable at the lessor. The perpetual inventory system is used.
an amount equal to Lessor incurred initial direct costs of P200,000 in obtaining
a. The gross investment in the lease. the lease.
b. The net investment in the lease.
c. The lower of the fair value of the asset and the 58. The total interest income to be recognized over the
present value of the lease payments. lease term is
d. The higher of the fair value of the asset and the a. P2,800,000 c. P2,420,000
present value of the lease payments b. P2,600,000 d. P1,800,000

55. The net investment in the lease is 59. The selling profit is
a. The lease payments receivable by the lessor under a. P3,000,000 c. P5,800,000
a finance lease. b. P3,200,000 d. P6,000,000
b. Any unguaranteed residual value accruing to the
lessor. 60. Which statement is incorrect regarding the residual
c. The aggregate of a and b. value?
d. The gross investment in the lease discounted at a. The total finance income to be earned over the
the interest rate implicit in the lease. lease term and the selling profit are the same if
the lessee guarantees the residual value.
56. At the commencement date, the lease payments b. If the fair value of the underlying asset is less than
included in the measurement of the net investment in residual value at the end of the lease term, the
the lease comprise the following payments for the right lessor will recognize a loss for the difference.
to use the underlying asset during the lease term that c. If the fair value of the underlying asset is less than
are not received at the commencement date: residual value at the end of the lease term, the
I. Fixed payments (including in-substance fixed lessor will receive cash for the difference if the
payments), less any lease incentives payable lessee guarantees the residual value.
II. Variable lease payments that depend on an index d. None of these.
or a rate, initially measured as at the
commencement date
III. Any residual value guarantees provided to the 61. Which statement is incorrect regarding subsequent
lessor by the lessee, a party related to the lessee measurement of finance lease by lessors?
or a third party unrelated to the lessor that is a. A lessor shall recognize finance income over the
financially capable of discharging the obligations lease term, based on a pattern reflecting a
under the guarantee constant periodic rate of return on the lessor’s net
IV. The exercise price of a purchase option if the investment in the lease.
lessee is reasonably certain to exercise that option b. A lessor shall apply the lease payments relating to
V. Payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the period against the gross investment in the
the lease term reflects the lessee exercising an lease to reduce both the principal and the
option to terminate the lease unearned finance income.

a. I, II, III, IV and V c. IV and V only

b. I, II, III and IV only d. I, III, IV and V only

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c. If there has been a reduction in the estimated b. The consideration for the lease increases by an
unguaranteed residual value, the lessor shall revise amount commensurate with the stand-alone price
the income allocation over the lease term and for the increase in scope and any appropriate
recognize immediately any reduction in respect of adjustments to that stand-alone price to reflect the
amounts accrued. circumstances of the particular contract.
d. A lessor shall apply the derecognition and c. Both a and b.
impairment requirements in PAS 36 to the net d. Neither a nor b.
investment in the lease.
69. For a modification to a finance lease that is not
62. Sor Company entered into a lease of equipment to See accounted for as a separate lease, how should a lessor
Company. The lease term was six years. The account for the modification?
equipment cost P40,000 and Sor plans to earn a a. If the lease would have been classified as an
P4,000 dealer profit. Sor’s implicit rate on the lease is operating lease had the modification been in effect
12 percent. As a result of this agreement, Sor will at the inception date, the lessor shall (i) account
receive year-end lease payments of for the lease modification as a new lease from the
a. P7,333 c. P10,702 effective date of the modification and (ii) measure
b. P8,213 d. P12,090 the carrying amount of the underlying asset as the
net investment in the lease immediately before the
63. An asset with a market value of P100,000 is leased on effective date of the lease modification.
January 1, 2020. Five annual lease payments are due b. The lessor shall apply the requirements of PFRS 9.
each January 1 beginning January 1, 2020. The lessee c. Either a or b.
guarantees the P40,000 residual value of the asset at d. Neither a nor b.
of the end of the lease term. The lessor’s implicit
interest rate is 8%. What is the annual lease payment? 70. Which statement is incorrect regarding lease of land
a. P16,877 c. P23,191 and building?
b. P18,227 d. P25,046 a. In classifying a lease of land and buildings, land
and buildings elements would normally be
64. The interest rate implicit in the lease is the rate of considered separately.
interest that causes the present value of the lease b. The lease payments are allocated between the land
payments and the unguaranteed residual value to be and buildings elements in proportion to their
equal to relative fair values.
a. The fair value of the underlying asset. c. In determining whether the land element is an
b. Any initial direct costs of the lessor. operating lease or a finance lease, an important
c. The sum of a and b. consideration is that land normally has an
d. The difference between a and b. indefinite economic life.
d. The building element is normally classified as
65. Alu Corp. leases a machine with a fair value of finance lease.
P109,444 to Card Inc. for five years at an annual
rental (in advance) of P25,000, and Card Inc. does not 71. The Minor Company leased a freehold building for 20
guarantee the estimated residual value of P15,000 on years, the useful life of the building, with effect from 1
return of the asset. What would be the interest rate January 2020. At that date the fair value of the
implicit in the lease? leasehold interest was P7.5 million of which P6.0 million
a. 14% c. 10% was attributable to the building. Annual rentals of
b. 12% d. 9% P800,000 are receivable in advance on 1 January.
How much should Minor recognize as an operating lease
income in the year ended 31 December 2020?
Use the following information for the next two questions.
a. Nil c. P160,000
Lessor Company leases computer equipment to customers b. P640,000 d. P800,000
under direct financing leases. An item of equipment was ICAEW
leased to a lessee with the following provisions:
72. For finance leases, a lessor shall disclose the following
Annual rental payable in advance P500,000
amounts for the reporting period:
Lease term and useful life of equipment 5 years
a. Selling profit or loss
Cost of equipment P1,955,000
b. Finance income on the net investment in the lease
Initial direct cost P65,000
c. Income relating to variable lease payments not
included in the measurement of the net investment
66. The total interest income to be recognized over the
in the lease.
lease term is
d. All of these.
a. P480,000 c. P545,000
b. P500,000 d. P273,700
73. For finance leases, a lessor shall:
a. Provide a qualitative and quantitative explanation
67. The interest income to be recognized in the first year
of the significant changes in the carrying amount
of the lease is
of the net investment.
a. P242,400 c. P273,700
b. Disclose a maturity analysis of the lease payments
b. P182,400 d. P203,700
receivable, showing the undiscounted lease
payments to be received on an annual basis for a
68. A lessor shall account for a modification to a finance
minimum of each of the first five years and a total
lease as a separate lease if:
of the amounts for the remaining years.
a. The modification increases the scope of the lease
c. Reconcile the undiscounted lease payments to the
by adding the right to use one or more underlying
net investment in the lease.
d. Do all of these.

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74. For operating leases, a lessor shall disclose: 77. Ronnel should measure the right-of-use assets at
a. Lease income, separately disclosing income a. P650,000 c. P300,000
relating to variable lease payments that do not b. P350,000 d. P 80,000
depend on an index or a rate.
b. A maturity analysis of lease payments, showing 78. Ronnel should recognize gain on sale and leaseback of
the undiscounted lease payments to be received on a. P950,000 c. P370,000
an annual basis for a minimum of each of the first b. P580,000 d. Nil
five years and a total of the amounts for the
remaining years. 79. Alex will recognize annual depreciation of
c. Both a and b. a. P160,000 c. P65,000
d. Neither a nor b. b. P100,000 d. Nil

75. PFRS 16 requires a lessor to disclose information about

a. Assets subject to operating leases separately from 80. In a sale and leaseback treated as a sale of the asset,
owned assets held and used for other purposes by if the fair value of the consideration for the sale of an
the lessor. asset does not equal the fair value of the asset, or if
b. How it manages its exposure to residual value risk. the payments for the lease are not at market rates, an
c. Both a and b. entity shall make the following adjustments to
d. Neither a nor b. measure the sale proceeds at fair value:
a. Any below-market terms shall be accounted for as
a prepayment of lease payments.
76. If the transfer of an asset by the seller-lessee satisfies b. Any above-market terms shall be accounted for as
the requirements of PFRS 15 to be accounted for as a additional financing provided by the buyer-lessor
sale of the asset: to the seller-lessee.
a. The seller-lessee shall measure the right-of-use c. Both a and b.
asset arising from the leaseback at the proportion d. Neither a nor b.
of the previous carrying amount of the asset that
relates to the right of use retained by the seller-
lessee. 81. If the transfer of an asset by the seller-lessee does not
b. The seller-lessee shall recognize only the amount satisfy the requirements of PFRS 15 to be accounted
of any gain or loss that relates to the rights for as a sale of the asset:
transferred to the buyer-lessor. a. The seller-lessee shall continue to recognize the
c. The buyer-lessor shall account for the purchase of transferred asset and shall recognize a financial
the asset applying applicable Standards, and for liability equal to the transfer proceeds.
the lease applying the lessor accounting b. The buyer-lessor shall not recognize the
requirements in PFRS 16. transferred asset and shall recognize a financial
d. All of these. asset equal to the transfer proceeds.
c. The seller-lessee and the buyer-lessor shall
account for the financial liability and the financial
Use the following information for the next three questions. asset, respectively, applying PFRS 9.
d. All of these.
Ronnel Corp. sold to Alex Co. two depreciable assets and
simultaneously leased them back. The transfers satisfy
- done -
the requirements of PFRS 15 to be accounted for as a sale
of the assets.

Additional information:
Asset #1 Asset #2
Sales price P600,000 P1,000,000
Carrying amount P100,000 P550,000
Economic life 10 years 10 years
Lease term 8 years 4 years
PV of lease payments as
a % of sales price 80% 40%

Page 8 of 11 FAR.3028


Nuggets Enterprises has a long-standing policy of acquiring
Interest expense P 2,268
company equipment by leasing. Early in 2020, the
Lease liability 22,732
company entered into a lease for a new equipment. The
Cash P25,000
lease stipulates that annual payments will be made for 5
years. The payments are to be made in advance on
December 31 of each year. At the end of the 5-year
period, Nuggets may purchase the equipment. The
Interest expense P 2,268
estimated economic life of the equipment is 12 years.
Lease liability 22,732
Nuggets uses the calendar year for reporting purposes and
Accumulated depreciation 102,028
straight-line depreciation for other equipment. In addition,
Loss on lease 117,840
the following information about the lease is also available:
Right of use asset P244,868
Annual lease payments (including
executory costs of P5,000) P60,000
Purchase option price P25,000 Amortization schedule:
Estimated fair value of equipment Carrying
after 5 years P75,000 Date Payment Interest Principal amount
Implicit rate 10%
1/1/20 244,868
Date of first lease payment Jan. 1, 2020
1/1/20 55,000 - 55,000 189,868
REQUIRED: 12/31/20 55,000 18,987 36,013 153,855

1. Prepare the 2020 journal entries relating to the lease 12/31/21 55,000 15,386 39,614 114,241
on the books of Nuggets (Round off present value 12/31/22 55,000 11,424 43,576 70,665
factors to four decimal places.)
12/31/23 55,000 7,067 47,933 22,732

2. Prepare the journal entry to record the exercise of the 12/31/24 25,000 2,268 22,732 -
purchase option.

3. Prepare the journal entry at the end of the lease term PROBLEM NO. 2 – Lessee, with GRV
if the purchase option is not exercised. On January 1, 2020, Nets Company entered into a lease
contract with Denver Company for a new equipment that
had a selling price of P2,120,000. The lease contract
SOLUTION: provides that annual payments of P420,000 will be made
for 6 years. Nets made the first payment on January 1,
REQUIREMENT NO. 1 2020, subsequent payments are made on January 1 of
January 1, 2020 each year. Nets guarantees a residual value of P367,122
at the end of the lease term. After considering the
To recognize asset and liability guaranteed residual value, the rate implicit in the lease is
determined to be 12%. Nets has an incremental
Right of use asset P244,868
borrowing rate of 15%. The economic life of the
Lease liability P244,868
equipment is 9 years. Nets depreciates its equipment
using straight line method.
To record initial payment
Lease liability P55,000 REQUIRED:
Cash P55,000
1. Prepare the 2020 and 2021 journal entries relating to
To record payment for executory costs the lease on the books of Nets (Round off present
Expenses P5,000 value factors to four decimal places.)
Cash P5,000
2. Prepare the journal entry at the end of the lease term
December 31, 2020 if the fair value of the leased asset is P400,000.

To record the second payment 3. Prepare the journal entry at the end of the lease term
if the fair value of the leased asset is P300,000.
Interest expense P18,987
Lease liability 36,013
Cash P55,000
To record payment for executory costs
Prepaid expenses P5,000
Cash P5,000 January 1, 2020

To record depreciation To recognize asset and liability

Depreciation P20,406* Right of use asset P2,120,000
Accumulated depreciation P20,406 Lease liability P2,120,000


Page 9 of 11 FAR.3028


To record initial payment PROBLEM NO. 3– Lessor and Lessee

Lease liability P420,000 , (Lessor, Direct Financing Lease)
Cash P420,000 Assimilator Controls Corporation is in the business of
leasing equipment. Assimilator Controls purchased new
December 31, 2020 equipment on December 31, 2020. The equipment was
delivered the same day (by prior arrangement) to
To record accrual of interest Tantalum Investment Company, a lessee. The corporation
Interest expense P204,000 accountant revealed the: following information relating to
Interest payable P204,000 the lease transaction:
Cost of equipment to Assimilator
To record depreciation
Controls P550,000
Depreciation P292,146* Estimated useful life and lease
Accumulated depreciation P292,146 term 8 years
Expected residual value
(unguaranteed) P40,000
Assimilator Controls' implicit rate
January 1, 2021
of interest 12%
Tantalum’s incremental
To record the second payment
borrowing rate 14%
Interest payable P204,000 Date of first lease payment Dec. 31, 2020
Lease liability 216,000 Annual lease payments P95,950
Cash P420,000
Additional information is as follows:
December 31, 2021 (a) At the end of the lease, the equipment will revert to
Assimilator Controls.
To record accrual of interest (b) Tantalum is aware of Assimilator Controls' rate of
Interest expense P178,080 implicit interest.
Interest payable P178,080 (c) The lease rental consists of equal annual payments.

To record depreciation REQUIRED:

Depreciation P292,146 Prepare the 2020 and 2021 journal entries relating to the
Accumulated depreciation P292,146 lease on the books of Assimilator Controls and Tantalum
Investment Company


To record return of equipment to lessor December 31, 2020

Interest payable P 39,337
Lease liability 327,785 Commencement of finance lease
Accumulated depreciation 1,752,878 Finance lease receivable (FLR) P807,600
Right of use asset P2,120,000 Equipment P550,000
Discount on FLR* 257,600

REQUIREMENT NO. 3 * Alternatively, “Unearned Interest Income”

To record return of equipment to lessor To record initial payment

Interest payable P 39,337 Cash P95,950

Lease liability 327,785 Finance lease receivable P95,950
Accumulated depreciation 1,752,878
Right of use asset P2,120,000 December 31, 2021

To record payment to lessor To record the second payment

Loss on lease P67,122 Cash P95,950

Cash P67,122 Finance lease receivable P95,950

Amortization schedule: To record amortization of discount on FLR

Discount on FLR P54,486
Date Payment Interest Principal amount Interest income P54,486

01.01.20 2,120,000 LESSEE’S BOOKS

01.01.20 420,000 - 420,000 1,700,000
December 31, 2020
01.01.21 420,000 204,000 216,000 1,484,000
01.01.22 420,000 178,080 241,920 1,242,080 To recognize asset and liability
01.01.23 420,000 149,050 270,950 971,130 Right of use asset P533,844
Lease liability P533,844
01.01.24 420,000 116,536 303,464 667,665

01.01.25 420,000 80,120 339,880 327,785 To record initial payment

01.01.26 367,122 39,337 327,785 - Lease liability P95,950
Cash P95,950

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December 31, 2021 To record initial payment

Cash P440,000
To record the second payment Finance lease receivable P440,000
Interest expense P52,547
Lease liability 43,403 July 1, 2020
Cash P95,950
To record the second payment
To record depreciation Cash P440,000
Depreciation P66,731 Finance lease receivable P440,000
Accumulated depreciation P66,731
To record amortization of discount on FLR
Amortization schedule - lessor Discount on FLR P293,415
Carrying Interest income P293,415
Date Payment Interest Principal amount
12/31/20 550,000 December 31, 2020
12/31/20 95,950 - 95,950 454,050
To record amortization of discount on FLR
12/31/21 95,950 54,486 41,464 412,586
12/31/22 95,950 49,510 46,440 366,146 Discount on FLR P284,620
Interest income P284,620
12/31/23 95,950 43,938 52,012 314,134
12/31/24 95,950 37,696 58,254 255,880 LESSEE’S BOOKS
12/31/25 95,950 30,706 65,244 190,636
12/31/26 95,950 22,876 73,074 117,562 January 1, 2020
12/31/27 95,950 14,107 81,843 35,719
12/31/28 40,000 4,281 35,719 - To recognize asset and liability
Right of use asset P5,050,012
Amortization schedule - lessee Lease liability P5,050,012
Date Payment Interest Principal amount To record initial payment
12/31/20 533,844 Lease liability P440,000
12/31/20 95,950 - 95,950 437,894 Cash P440,000
12/31/21 95,950 52,547 43,403 394,491
July 1, 2020
12/31/22 95,950 47,339 48,611 345,880
12/31/23 95,950 41,506 54,444 291,436 To record the second payment
12/31/24 95,950 34,972 60,978 230,458 Interest expense P276,601
12/31/25 95,950 27,655 68,295 162,163 Lease liability 163,399
12/31/26 95,950 19,460 76,490 85,673 Cash P440,000
12/31/27 95,950 10,277 85,673 -
December 31, 2020

PROBLEM NO. 4 – Lessor and Lessee To record accrual of interest

(Lessor, Sales-type Lease) Interest expense P266,797
Excel Inc. leases equipment to its customers under Interest payable P266,797
noncancelable leases. On January 1, 2020, Excel leased
equipment costing P4,000,000 to PRTC Co., for nine years. To record depreciation
The rental cost was P440,000 payable in advance Depreciation P561,112
semiannually (January 1 and July 1). The equipment had Accumulated depreciation P561,112
an estimated life of 15 years and sold for P5,330,252 with
an estimated unguaranteed residual value of P800,000.
Amortization schedule (partial) - lessor
The implicit interest rate is 12 percent.
REQUIRED: Date Payment Interest Principal amount
1/1/20 5,330,252
Prepare the 2020 journal entries relating to the lease on
the books of Excel and PRTC (Round off present value 1/1/20 440,000 440,000 4,890,252
factors to four decimal places.) 7/1/20 440,000 293,415 146,585 4,743,667
1/1/21 440,000 284,620 155,380 4,588,287
Amortization schedule (partial) - lessee
January 1, 2020
Commencement of finance lease Date Payment Interest Principal amount
Finance lease receivable P8,720,000 1/1/20 5,050,012
Cost of sales 3,719,760 1/1/20 440,000 440,000 4,610,012
Sales P5,050,012 7/1/20 440,000 276,601 163,399 4,446,613
Discount on FLR 3,389,748 1/1/21 440,000 266,797 173,203 4,273,409
Inventory 4,000,000
J - end of FAR.3028 - J

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