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School Tomlinson Depot

District Harare Urban

Learning English Language


Level Ordinary Level



CALA Title: Actions that can be implemented in anticipation of any lockdown imposing scenario with a
purpose of benefiting the academic system of Zimbabwe.

Topic: Guided Composition.

Sub-topics: Report Writing.

CALA Type: Field research, Pen and Paper Component.


The emergence of world level affecting pandemics really brought a serious downslide within many of
Zimbabwean operational facets. Taking our gaze towards the country’s educational system, an

Be principled, for in the end you shall reap what you’d have sown… @Sir~Ryan
implementation of schemes that could help the Zimbabwe’s academic progression hasn’t been addressed
wholly pertaining the stated times of trouble.

The academic calendar has been affected, in that the period that the learning process would normally take
has now been reduced due to lockdowns.

Now, with these imposed lockdowns, the conditions and quality of local learning had deteriorated across
the nation. Even the release of results by the ZIMSEC Board has also been affected due to late final-exams
finishing dates. Upon realizing all this, a meeting has been called up, involving all the ZIMSEC Senate with
the sole intention of addressing the negative effects of such times.

The Meeting Discussed that:

 A field research is supposed to be conducted individually by all the learners on the solutions that
can be put in place to address the above stated matter.
 A report is supposed to be presented before the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education,
[chapter 8.4, skill 4: writing and brailing], English Language Syllabus 2015-2022.


a) Using a provided questionnaire, conduct a field research and provide proof of your well presented
interview with any reasoning persons. [10]
b) From the research done in part a) above, pick 5 of the most appropriate points of your choice and
properly explain them. [10]
c) Now, compile a report as the ZIMSEC Students Representative to the Minister of Primary and
Secondary Education of Zimbabwe with the solutions on the challenges posed by national
lockdowns on academics. [20]


 Evidence of research, i.e. a handwritten copy from attachment but signed questionnaire by the
member(s) whom the interview would have been conducted with.

 Clarity in expression of points and facts throughout the whole CALA activity.

 More marks shall be attained through being neat and organized.

CALA Tips:

Be principled, for in the end you shall reap what you’d have sown… @Sir~Ryan
You may use ICT tools if the interview is to be conducted over social media, then transfer the
responds to a handwritten copy as assigned.

Be principled, for in the end you shall reap what you’d have sown… @Sir~Ryan

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