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NLSF 2020


Problem statement: does different depth of point in the liquid / height of water column affects the water pressure at
the certain point?
Aim: To determine the relationship between depth and the pressure
Hypothesis: the higher the depth of point in the liquid, / the higher the height of water column, the greater is the
Apparatus: tall vessel with holes, cork, ruler
Material: tap water
Science process skill: observing, interpreting data, controlling variables, experimenting and making conclusion.
Science manipulative skill: use and handling science apparatus
Set up of apparatus:
Safety precautions: make sure all the holes made in the tall vessel are in same diameter to ensure the pressure …
Manipulated variable : the depth of the point in the liquid/ the height of water column
Responding variable : the pressure of liquid/ the distance of water flow form vessel
Constant variable : volume of water, size of hole made in bottle
1. The apparatus was set up as shown above.
2. A tall vessel with three holes was prepared.
3. The three holes in the tall vessel was marked as X ,Y, and Z.
4. The marked holes were closed using a cork.
5. Cork from hole X was removed from vessel.
6. The distance of water flow from the hole X was measured and recorded in the table given.
7. Step five and six repeated for hole Y and Z.

Data collection:

Depth point at liquid Distance of water from the bottle Pressure (p)
X 3 cm Low
Y 5 cm Moderate
X 7 cm High
Result: the water from uppermost tube is found to travel the smallest distance from the base of vessel. The water
from middle tube goes a little farther whereas water from lowermost shoots out farthest all. The pressure
exerted by the liquid increases with the increases in the height of its column( depth)
Discussion: As the cork removed, the water from uppermost tube is found to travel the smallest distance from the
base of vessel. The water from middle tube goes a little farther whereas water from lowermost shoots
out farthest all. The depth of water near uppermost tube is small so the water comes out from
uppermost tube with small pressure and falls near the bottom of vessel. The depth of water near middle
tube is greater so the water comes out with greater pressure and falls farther away from the base of
vessel. The depth of water near lowermost tube is greatest so the water comes out of lowermost tube is
the greatest and goes farthest from the vessel. As the depth of water increases, the pressure of water
gradually increases.
Conclusion: as the depth of liquid increases, the pressure at the certain point increases. The hypothesis is accepted.
Application in daily life: The wall of a dam is made thicker at the bottom. The reason is that the pressure exerted by a
liquid increases with its depth. A thicker wall is required to withstand a greater pressure and
therefore the wall of the dam is made with thickness increasing towards the base

The water tank is build at a high, because the water can flow with a sufficient pressure

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