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Year : 2021-22


Subject Code : BA 7401 Branch : MBA

International Business
Subject Name : Year/Sem. : II / IV

1. Define (What is) International Business. Nov/Dec’10, May/June’13,

2. What do you mean by globalization? May/June ‘14
3. Write short note on Transnational Company. May/June ‘14
4. What do you mean by the term home country?
5. What is international trade? Apr/May ‘15
6. What is meant by host country?
7. Write short on different approaches towards International business. April/May
8. What is ethnocentrism? April/May ‘11
9. Differentiate between Ethnocentrism and Polycentrism in the context on
International Business. Nov/Dec ‘13
10. What does the term internationalizing business mean?
11. What are the factors causing globalization of business? Nov/Dec ‘13
12. Define exchange rate. Nov/Dec ‘12
13. What is International business environment?
14. Write short note on country attractiveness.
15. Mention various types of risks involved in carrying out international business.
16. Define protectionism.
17. What is liberalization of global business environment? May/June ‘13
18. What are the perils of liberalization? April/May ‘11
19. List down any two reasons signifying need for international business.
20. Write down the factors determining international business.
21. Give few advantages & disadvantages of international business.
22. Distinguish between international business and domestic business.
23. List down the challenges of globalization.
24. What is political environment?
25. What is meant by cultural environment? Nov/Dec ‘10
26. Differentiate between political & economic environment in International

1. Explain in detail the need for international business in India by giving suitable
examples wherever necessary.
2. Discuss the importance of international business in the economic development
of a country? May/June ‘13
3. Discuss about the drivers of International Business in detail.
4. Examine the dimensions of International Business Environment. May/June ‘14
5. Discuss International Environment. Nov/Dec ‘10
6. Discuss about international business environment and its macro political and
cultural environment. Nov/Dec ‘12
7. Discuss the factors that cause globalization of business. Nov/Dec ’10,
April/May ’11, May/June ’13, Apr/May ’15
8. What are the factors causing globalization of business? Explain advantage of
international business. Nov/Dec ’12, Apr/May ‘15 (or) Explain the important
factors causing globalization of business. May/June ‘16
9. Elucidate the various factors influencing country attractiveness and its influence
on international business in detail.
10. Explain the steps needed to upgrade domestic business into international
business. May/June ‘14
11. Explain in detail how political environment influences international business.
12. Analyze the international business environment in India.
13. Outline the political, economic, social and cultural environment of international
business with suitable real time examples. Apr/May ‘15
14. Elaborate on the advantages & disadvantages of International business.
15. Explain in detail the various risks associated with International Business.
16. Explain the determinants of country attractiveness. April/May ‘11
17. Imagine that you are the Vice President, Marketing, in a domestic firm which is
not very keen to go international despite good business opportunities overseas.
Write a detailed note to the President of the company explaining the advantages
to the company if it enters international business and markets. Nov/Dec ‘13
18. Explain the causes, concerns & issues in economic globalization.
Nov/Dec ‘13
19. Culture is dynamic. Businesses have to adjust. Comment with examples and in
context with the various models of corporate cultures seen around the world.
Nov/Dec ’13
20. Explain the evolutionary pattern of MNE’s from purely domestic company to
multinational corporation. Nov/Dec ‘13
21. Explain the types and elements of culture as an Environment in the
International Business Management. May/June ‘12
22. Describe the modern Challenges in International Business domain along with
their possible solutions. May/June ‘12
23. Explain the Economic Conditions and prevailing Economic Policies for the
global linkage of International Businesses. May/June ‘12
24. Narrate the salient features of ‘Liberalization’ in the present Global Business
Scenario. May/June ‘12
25. Analyze the trend of international business environment in India.
May/June ‘16

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UNIT-II Year : 2016-17

Subject Code : BA 7401 Branch : MBA-B

International Business
Subject Name : Year/Sem. : II / IV

1. Define Global Business.
2. List down some of the functions of WTO.
3. Briefly write on WTO. Nov/Dec ‘10
4. What are the objectives of WTO? June ‘16
5. Write a short note on GATT. May/June ‘14
6. Write down some of the roles played by WTO/GATT.
7. How is WTO different from GATT? May/June ‘13
8. What is international trade? May/June ‘16
9. Define Subsidies.
10. What is globalization? May/June ‘13
11. What is meant by Ad Valorem tariffs?
12. List down some areas based on which WTO agreements are made.
13. Define ‘Cross National Agreements’. Apr/May ‘15
14. What is Voluntary Export Restraint?
15. Mention the challenges being faced by global business.
16. What are the various theories of International Investment?
17. What are the various theories of International Trade?
18. What is Regional Trade Block (RTB)? Nov/Dec ’10, May/June ’14, April ’15,
May/June ‘16
19. State the advantage of RTB. April/May ‘11
20. What is the specialty of RTB? Nov/Dec ‘12
21. What is meant by Global Competitiveness?
22. What is the significance of factors endowment theory? Nov/Dec ‘12
23. What is meant by comparative advantage in international trade? Nov/Dec ‘12
24. Write down some of the major regional trade blocks across the world.
25. What are the features of multilateral agreement? April/May ‘11
26. Define 'Multilateral settlements’. Apr/May ‘15
27. List down any four objectives of Gulf Co-operation Council.
28. Mention any four objectives of ASEAN.
29. Write down the various parameters involved in functioning of SAPTA.
30. Mention the challenges involved in SAARC.
31. Mention some of the outcomes of negotiations after IX round of talks.
32. List down the various determinants of global competitiveness.
33. What do you understand by the term ‘absolute advantage’ of a country as
advocated by the Theory of Absolute Advantages? May/June ‘12
34. List out the major regional Trade Blocks that prevail across the Globe pertaining
to International business. May/June ‘12
35. Differentiate between ‘Factors of Production’ and ‘Factors of Endowments’.
Nov/Dec ‘13
36. List down the features of ‘Free Trade Area’. Nov/Dec ‘13
37. What is Free Trade Regime? May/June ‘16


1. Explain in detail the role of GATT/WTO in promoting global business.

2. Discuss the differences between GATT and WTO. Apr/May ‘15
3. Explain the role of World Trade Organization (WTO) in International Business.
Nov/Dec ’10, May/June ‘14
4. What are the challenges of Global Business? (Explain) Describe them. Nov/Dec
’10, May/June ‘16
5. Enumerate the various theories of International trade & investments.
May/June’14, Apr/May‘15 (or) Describe any two theories of International Trade.
May/June ‘16
6. Discuss about the theory of Mercantilism and Absolute Advantage in detail.
7. Explain the Heckscher-Ohlin theory in detail.
8. Elucidate the various challenges for global business in detail.
9. Explain Product Life Cycle theory in detail.
10. Discuss the role of WTO in the development of international business. What
are its limitations? May/June ‘13
11. Discuss the regional trade blocks and its different types. What are their merits
and de-merits? May/June ’13, Apr/May ‘15
12. Describe in detail the various determinants of global competitiveness.
13. Critically examine the need for global competitiveness in international business.
Nov/Dec ‘12
14. Examine the salient features and the outcomes of the IX round discussions &
agreements. April/May ‘11
15. Explain the need for global competitiveness & its impact on global business.
April/May ‘11
16. Explain in detail the outcome of VIII round of WTO in detail.
17. Discuss the differences between GATT and WTO. Apr/May ‘15
18. Explain the theories of international investment. Apr/May ‘15

19. Describe the functions and basic principles of WTO as a Global Trade
promoting Agency. May/June ‘12
20. Explain with examples the factors that influence the parent investors in their
International Investments. May/June ‘12
21. How India can gainfully utilize the WTO subjects (key domains) for enhancing its
global presence. May/June ‘12

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22. Compare and bring out the differences between the ‘Internationalization
Investment Theory’ and the ‘Market Imperfections Investment Theory’. May/June
23. Examine the multilateral trade negotiations & agreements. Nov/Dec ‘12
24. Explain the bases of International PLC and Porter’s Competitive Advantage
theories of international trade. Nov/Dec ‘13
25. Discuss Heckscher-Ohlin theory of factor proportion and the paradoxes
associated therewith. Nov/Dec ‘13
26. Compare and contrast the various levels of Regional Trade Agreements with
examples. Nov/Dec ‘13
27. Briefly discuss the various Trade Barriers & Non-Trade Barriers. Nov/Dec ‘13
UNIT-III Year : 2016-17

Subject Code : BA 7401 Branch : MBA-B

International Business
Subject Name : Year/Sem. : II / IV


1. Define International / Global Strategic Management.

2. What is International Strategic Planning?
3. Write short notes on Strategic Management. May/June ‘14
4. What is strategic options & strategic compulsions?
5. What are the areas of strategic compulsions?
6. What is competitive advantage? June ‘16
7. What is standardization? May/June ‘13
8. Difference between Differentiation & Standardization.
9. What are the advantages of differentiation strategy? April/May ‘11
10. What are the four strategies for doing business internationally?
11. What is Global Portfolio Management?
12. What are the factors affecting or problems in Global Portfolio Investment?
13. What are the benefits of Global Portfolio Investment?
14. What are the different modes of entry or forms of international business?
Apr/May ‘15 (or) What are the various global entry strategies? April / May ‘11,
Nov/Dec ‘11
15. Give the global entry strategy. Nov / Dec ‘10
16. Define ‘Wholly owned subsidiaries’. Nov/Dec ‘13
17. What are the advantages of firm in International Trade? Nov/Dec ‘10
18. What is licensing & franchising?
19. What is International licensing? May/June ‘16
20. Difference between merger & acquisition.
21. What is Turnkey Operations?
22. What is Piggybacking?
23. What is strategic alliances & joint ventures?
24. What are the different forms of ‘Joint Ventures’? Nov/Dec ‘13
25. What are the factors affecting the selection of entry mode?
26. What is organization Structure?
27. Difference between vertical & horizontal organization.
28. What is vertical integration as a strategy? May/June’12
29. With an example, narrate the meaning of ‘Core Competency’ of a Global Firm.

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30. What are the different organizational structures adopted for international
business? Nov/Dec ‘11
31. Explain at least two merits of decentralized organizational structure for an
international firm. May/June ‘13
32. What are the objectives of control system?
33. What are the types of control?
34. What are the approaches to control system in international business
35. What are the control mechanism used to control the business?
36. What are the constraints in control system?
37. What are the objectives of Performance Evaluation?
38. What is ‘Balanced Score Card’? Nov/Dec ‘13
39. What is Balance of Trade? Apr/May ‘15
40. What is Performance Evaluation System? May/June ‘14

1. Explain in detail the framework of International Strategic Management.
2. Briefly explain the various strategies for doing business internationally. (or)
What are the various strategies in International Business? Discuss. Nov/Dec’10
3. Enumerate on different modes of entry of International business. May/June’13
(Or) Discuss the various forms of International business & their relative merits &
pitfalls. April/May ‘11
4. Explain the advantages & disadvantages associated with the various
International Business Entry Strategies adapted by business firms. Dec/Nov ’11
(or) Discuss the different forms of International Business with advantages and
disadvantages. May/June ’14
5. Describe the different forms of global entry strategy. May/June ‘16
6. Compare & contrast various strategies of global entry in international business.
Nov/Dec ’12
7. You are the marketing executive in EXZ Company Ltd. Your company has decided
to enter into international markets without any investments abroad. Discuss
various modes on entry suitable in this regard and also explain their merits &
limitations. Nov/Dec ‘13
8. Elaborate on the various organizational issues involved in International Business.
(or) What are organizational issues in International Business? Explain. Nov/Dec
9. What factors you would consider when choosing the entry mode to run
international business. Explain them in detail. ( Factors affecting the Selection of
Entry Mode)
10. Identify the various organizational structures in international business.
What are the factors that affect the choice of a structure of an MNC. Nov/Dec
11. Examine the nexus (central point) among structure, Control, Information and
Performance evaluation in relevance to strategic considerations of MNC’s. Nov/Dec
12. What is Organization Structure? Explain its components in detail.
13. Describe in detail the types of Organizational Structure. (or) Describe the
organizational structure that can be adopted by an International firm to reduce
the costs of control. June ‘16
14. Discuss about organizational structure of global business firms. Nov/Dec ’12
15. Discuss the approaches to control of MNEs in routine and special situations.
Nov/Dec ‘13
16. List out various approaches to control international business. How the
developing countries do affect due to control process? April/May ‘11
17. Explain the types & approaches of Control System along with the mechanism
involved in an International Trade.
18. Write short notes on Performance Measurement of Global Business.
19. Explain the various performance measurement indicators of a Multinational
corporation in detail. Apr/May ‘15
20. What are the features of an effective control mechanism in international
business? Explain any two techniques of control. Apr/May ‘15
21. In detailed manner explain the Differentiation & Standardization Strategy. (or)
Distinguish between standardization and differentiation strategies with suitable
examples. Apr/May ‘15
22. Explain the steps in Controlling of International Business. May/June ‘14
23. Discuss the various evaluation methods of international business.
May/June ‘13
24. Write Short Notes on the following May/June’12
a) Various Forms of International Businesses
b) Polycentric & Geocentric Predispositions in Global Strategic process
c) Factors influencing Organizational Structures of Global Firms
d) Performance Evaluation domains in Global business

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UNIT-IV Year : 2016-17

Subject Code : BA 7401 Branch : MBA-B

International Business
Subject Name : Year/Sem. : II / IV


1. List down the issues in global production?

2. How is production & logistics related to each other?
3. What are the objectives of production & logistics in an International firm?
- Refer the introduction part of written notes
4. What is Six Sigma?
5. What factors would you consider while locating a plant?
6. What are the criteria for export packaging? Nov/Dec ‘12
7. Write short note on quality. May/June ‘14
8. How cost of production could be manipulated in the global production process?
April/May ‘11
9. What is Minimum Efficient Scale?
10. What is value-to-weight ratio?
11. What are the social responsibilities of a global organization? Apr/May ‘15
12. What is Economy of scale? May/June ‘16
13. What do you mean by Make & Buy decision? May/June ’13, May/June ‘14
14. What are the advantages of Make & Buy Decision?
15. Why are make decision preferred over buy decision?
16. Why are buy decision preferred over make decision? April/May ‘11
17. List any 4 global supply chain issues in international business. Nov/Dec ‘11
18. Under what circumstances you would prefer make & buy decision.
19. What are the various challenges in product development for global markets?
Nov/Dec ‘11
20. What are the marketing mix involved in global marketing?
21. What is market segmentation?
22. Define “Market Oriented Export Pricing”. Nov/Dec ‘12
23. What is channel length & Channel Exclusivity?
24. What do you understand by ‘Vertical Marketing Systems’? Nov/Dec ‘13
25. How would you select the distribution strategy in global marketing.
26. What are the barriers to international Communication?
27. What is Push & Pull Strategy?
28. When any organization would go in for using Pull & Push Strategy?
29. What is price discrimination?
30. What is predatory pricing?
31. What is capital budgeting?
32. Define “Exchange Rate”. Nov/Dec ‘12
33. What is exchange-rate risk? May/June ’13, May/June ‘16
34. What is investment decisions?
35. List some of the major investment decisions for international business. Apr/May
36. What is the strategic role of International HRM in global business?
37. What are the different staffing policy used in selection of an employee
38. What is ethnocentric, polycentric & geocentric approach?
39. Who are expatriate managers?
40. Name any four impacts of Culture Shock, on the Expats. May/June ‘12
41. Name any one function of GATS and TRIMs. May/June ‘12
42. What are the reasons for failure of expatriate managers?
43. Explain what is F.O.B? Nov/Dec ‘10
44. Briefly give details on C.I.F. Nov/Dec ‘10


1. Discuss the selection of expatriate managers. Nov/Dec ‘10

2. How and why the selections of expatriate mangers affect the International Human
Resource functions? Explain. April/May ‘11
3. Explain training and development of managers in international business. Nov/Dec
4. What are the various avenues of training & development in the selection of
expatriate managers? Nov/Dec ‘12
5. Describe the compensation strategy that should be adopted by the International
6. Why is staffing important? Explain the various policies involved in selecting the
employees in International Business.
7. What factors you would consider when locating a production process abroad? (Or)
Cite an example of the location facilitating and debilitating the Global Production
process. April/May ’11 (or) What are the factors to be considered by an
international firm to locate its production activities? Explain. May/June ‘16
8. Enumerate on the importance of Make decision & Buy decision.
9. Discuss the issues involved in global supply chain management. Apr/May ‘15
10. What are the challenges in international product development? Apr/May ‘15
11. Elaborate on the four elements of marketing mix in global marketing.
12. Explain the components of International Marketing Management. May/June ‘14
13. Write short notes on (i) Product Attributes (ii) Distribution Strategy
(iii) Communication Strategy (iv) Pricing Strategy

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14. Explain in detail the push & Pull Strategies. Under what circumstances pull &
push strategy would be used in an International Business.
15. Discuss the challenges involved in product development, pricing, production &
channel management and investment decisions in global business. May/June ‘13
16. What are the challenges in designing global marketing strategies? Discuss about
channel management in global business. Nov/Dec ‘12
17. Explain in detail the sources of financing in International Business.
18. Discuss about the various types of exchange rate systems and state the factors
determining the exchange rate. Apr/May ‘15
19. How do you determine exchange rates? Explain the various types of exchange rate
systems. May/June ‘16
20. Explain the risks involved with Foreign Exchange Management besides the
strategic steps for averting them. May/June’12
21. Examine the concept of International Financial Management in Foreign Trade.
May/June ‘14
22. Elucidate the basic concepts of foreign exchange (Forex, in short) its nature and
types of Forex market. Nov/Dec ‘13
23. Present the types of Forex risk, the internal & external hedging strategies for
transaction and operating risks. Nov/Dec ‘13
24. Discuss on global strategic management. May/June ‘13
25. Explain the terms of domestic marketing, international marketing, multinational
marketing and global marketing. In the context of these four terms, describe how
the international marketing involvement and commitment of a company changes.
Nov/Dec ‘13
26. Comment on the concepts of Investment decisions & capital budgeting.
27. Write Short Notes on the following May/June’12
a. Cross Cultural Training for Expats.
b. Business Controlling systems employed by MNCs.
c. Role of International Transportation in Global Logistics.
d. Types of Dumping in International Pricing
UNIT-V Year : 2016-17

Subject Code : BA 7401 Branch : MBA-B

International Business
Subject Name : Year/Sem. : II / IV


1. What is conflict in International Business? Nov/Dec ’10, May/June ‘13

2. What are the types of conflict in International Business?
3. What is Intra & Inter conflict?
4. What is goal conflict? What are its types?
5. What is role conflict?
6. What is accommodating , Collaborating, Avoiding, Competing, &
Compromising Conflict Management Styles?
7. What are the sources of conflict in an International Business? April/May ‘11
8. How can conflicts be prevented & what strategies could be implemented?
9. How can conflicts be resolved in an International Business?
10. Define negotiation. May/June ‘13
11. What is exchange risk? Apr/May ‘15
12. Differentiate between conflict and dispute. Apr/May ‘15
13. Mention two disadvantages of international business. May/June ‘16
14. What are the basic elements of negotiation in an International Business?
15. What is the role of negotiation in International Business? April/May ‘11
16. List down any 4 international agencies in negotiation to conduct business at
global level. Nov/Dec ‘11
17. What is Business Ethics?
18. Why is International Business Ethics important?
19. What are the ethical values in International Business?
20. Mention any 4 ethical issues involved in International Business.
21. What is ethical decision making? Nov/Dec ’10, June ‘16
22. What are the various conflict resolution measures in international business?
Nov/Dec ‘11
23. List down any 4 factors affecting negotiation process.
24. Name any 2 mistakes normally committed by Negotiators during the
International Negotiation Process. May/June ‘12
25. What do you mean by international arbitration? Nov/Dec ‘12
26. What is the significance of “Conflicts of Laws”? Nov/Dec ‘12

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27. Differentiate between ‘Functional’ vs ‘Dysfunctional conflicts’. Nov/Dec ‘13
28. How ‘Salami Tactics’ as a Negotiation technique helps to resolve conflicts.
Nov/Dec ‘13
29. What is Win-Win Strategy? May/June ‘14
30. What is decision making? May/June ‘14

1. Critically examine the disadvantages of International Business. How does one
overcome the disadvantages. April/May ‘11
2. Describe the sources & types of Conflicts. Explain the steps in conflict
resolutions. May/June ‘14
3. What conflict resolution strategies could be implemented in an International
Business? Discuss on them in detail.
4. Elaborate on the various sources & types of conflicts in International Business
& its resolution measures. Nov/Dec ’11, Nov/Dec ’12, May/June ’13 (or)
Explain the different types of conflict and conflict resolution techniques in
international business. June ‘16
5. What are the sources of conflict? Explain. Nov/Dec ‘10
6. Discuss the causes of Organizational Conflicts that MNEs may face during
negotiation. Nov/Dec ‘13
7. Discuss the negotiation process in international business and the stages
involved therein. Nov/Dec ‘13
8. Elaborate on the factors affecting Negotiation in an International Business.
9. Examine the role of WTO in dispute resolution among countries. Nov/Dec’13
10. Name and describe the role of various international conflict resolution agencies
to which MNC’s resort to in maintaining smooth conduct of business worldwide.
Nov/Dec ’13, Apr/May ‘15
11. Explain the different stages of negotiation. May/June ‘13
12. Explain in detail the role of International Agencies in Negotiation Process
May/June ‘16
13. What are the various international agencies supporting the development of
international business? Discuss the different roles played by the international
agencies. Nov/Dec ‘11
14. What is International Business Ethics? Why is it important & what ethical
values should be considered while engaging in an International Business
15. What is the scope & issues involved in ethical decision making? April/May ‘11
16. Discuss the steps involved in Ethical decision making process. May/June ‘14
17. Discuss the ethical issues in International Business. Nov/Dec ’10,
Apr/May ‘15
18. Explain the steps involved and followed in the international Negotiation
process. May/June ‘12
19. With workplace examples, describe various conflicts that affect International
Business along with suitable mitigation techniques. May/June ‘12
20. What is Ethical decision making and explain why it is perceived as a complex
task in International business management. May/June ‘12
21. Explain ethical decision making & ethical issues in international business.
Nov/Dec ‘12

Faculty In-charge HoD / MBA


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