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Indonesian golfers gain career, skill boost through Ciputra golfpreneur foundation

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News Item Text
A. Definition of News Item:
News item is a text which informs readers about events of the day. The events
are considered newsworthy or important.

B. Generic Structure of News Item:

1. Newsworthy event (Main Event) :
News item text presents the daily newsworthy. In this example of news item
text, the first paragraph is the main event.
2. Background Events (Elaboration) :
The second paragraph of this example of news item gives further explanation
about the main event.
3. Source (Resource of information) :
The last paragraph is the official statement from the expert or the authority
which strengthen the news of the main event.

C. Language Feature of News Item:

1. Using Action Verbs
2. Using Saying Verbs
3. Using Passive Sentence

D. Contoh Example
Indonesian golfers gain career, skill boost through Ciputra golfpreneur foundation

In a video screened during a Tuesday press event, the late business tycoon Ciputra explained
his love of golf. The sport, he said, had given him one important lesson: integrity.

 “[In golf] if you lose you cannot blame anybody but yourself. Without integrity, you cannot
excel,” said Ciputra, affectionately known as Pak Ci by many.

The businessman, who passed away November of last year, had been a loyal supporter of the
sport. He had built golf courses and organized tournaments for junior players.

Pak Ci’s legacy is now continuing through the establishment of the Ciputra Golfpreneur
Foundation, which had been one of his lifelong desires.

Private patrons have played pivotal roles in supporting sports in the country, especially a
sport like golf, which requires serious financial support.

 “We can see what Pak Ci has done for the sport,” said Budiarsa Sasrawinata, Ciputra’s son
in law, representing the foundation.

“Pak Ci had planned to establish the foundation since last year. We had been waiting [for the
right time] to launch the foundation, but God had another plan. Now this is the right time,” he

The term golfpreneur, Budiarsa explained, was coined by Pak Ci himself as he wanted the
golfers not merely to play but to develop their entrepreneurial abilities to enable themselves
to stay afloat even if they stopped playing professionally.

The foundation plans to support the career of five professional golfers and five junior golfers
at the amateur level. The professional golfers being supported are Elki Kow, George
Gandranata, Jordan Surya Irawan, Joshua Andrew Wirawan and Kevin Caesario Akbar.

In the junior category, Alfred Raja Sihotang, Holly Victoria Halim, Jonathan Xavier Hartono,
Jose Emanuel Suryadinata and Kentaro Nanayama gained support from the foundation.

All 10 golfers, with the foundation’s support, will be allowed to practice at the Damai Indah
Golf Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD) Course in South Tangerang, the Pantai Indah Kapuk Golf
Course in North Jakarta and at Ciputra Golf Surabaya for free.
The foundation’s member Dading Soetarso said the amount of financial support for the golfer
would be based on their performance.

“For example, if one golfer is competing in a tournament in Thailand and they need about
US$1,000, we will provide them 50 percent of the total cost. If they made the cut to play on
the weekend, we will immediately disburse additional funds,” he said.

“For the juniors our priority is for them to excel at the annual Ciputra Junior World
Championships which were earlier slated to be held on April 28 to 30, but due to the
outbreak, they will be postponed until August,” he said referring to the coronavirus outbreak.

“In terms of facilities, we provide the same arrangement as the pros, free access to the course,
without caddies, to improve their individual skills without assistance, driving range balls and
technical or mental coaching as required.”

The foundation also encouraged the juniors to pursue college golf scholarships in the United
States. As of now, three of the five juniors are linked to college golf scholarship in the US.

“Alfred will be going to Oregon State University, and Jose will be enrolled at Idaho
University this fall. Kentaro is already committed to attend Purdue University in two years’
time. So we certainly encourage further education to obtain this entrepreneurial spirit that Pak
Ci has always wanted to create. That is part of the values we thrive on,” Dading said.

The foundation will also take a small portion of the prize money if the pro golfers win a
tournament, which will later be used to support the next generation entering the sport.

Among the five professional golfers supported by Ciputra Golfpreneur, George Gandranata
holds the highest world ranking at number 1716th, followed by Joshua at number 2088th.

Selected as one of the recipients, Joshua felt grateful as he acknowledged that he had
difficulty finding sponsors to fund his tournaments.

“It’s quite hard to find sponsors [for golf] in Indonesia. If Pak Ci were not passionate about
the sport, this would not happen. For a long time, it has been rare to find Indonesian
professional golfers getting full sponsorship, while here we are supported in practice and
tournaments,” he said, adding that the support boosted his confidence.

With the support of Ciputra, Joshua aims to break into the top 500 by the end of the year. He
plans to compete in six or seven tournaments on the Asian Development Tour (ADT) and
Asian Tour before July.

Right now, Indonesia only has two golfers in the world top 1000. Danny Masrin, who
recently finished eighth at the SMBC Singapore Open in January, followed by Rory Hie in
575th place, who became the first Indonesian to win the Asian Tour as he won the Classic
Golf and Country Club International Championship in India last September.

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