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Semester I Examination

Class : IV English Pages: 2

Date : 16.09.2022

Q1. ''So, so, what is the meaning.......earns plenty of money.
Explain Scene 4 of the chapter “Up the mountain.”
Q2. Another myth involves Heracles, the son...... friendly spirit.
Explain scene 2 of the chapter ''Olympic Games.''
Q3. Reference to Context:

''You can carry the things as far as Uncle's,'' said Dete. Peter agreed and

followed after her, while Heidi and the goats went skipping and jumping

joyfully beside him.

a. Why do you think Heidi's grandfather became angry at Dete's words?

b. Find the synonym of “joyfully “and frame the sentence.
c. Find the antonym of agreed x__________
Q4. Reference to Context:

The Olympic Games is one of the world's most prestigious international multi-

sports events that includes the summer Olympics and the winter Olympics.

The modern Olympic Games that started in the nineteenth century were

inspired by the ancient Olympics.

a. What is your favourite Sport and why?

b. Find the synonym of “prestigious “and frame the sentence.
c. Find the antonym of modern x__________

The big kite nodded: “Ah, well, ……. The little one rising steadily.

Q5. Explain Stanza 2nd of the poem “How the Little Kite learnt to fly.”
a. What is the lesson we learn from the poem - How the little kite learnt to fly?
b. Write the synonym of the word ''tranquil” and frame the sentence of the given

Q6. Explain stanza four of the poem 'I tried to do my homework' and write its rhyming
I looked up at ……. just other stuff instead.

c. Do you think Homework is very important? Why?

d. Write the synonym of the word 'inaction' and frame sentence

1. Kenny taught the class. (Identify Transitive or Intransitive verb)

2. That boy cries a lot. (Identify Transitive or Intransitive verb )

3. I baked some cookies (Identify Transitive or Intransitive verb)

4. Julia talks. (Identify Transitive or Intransitive verb)

1. Have you ever read this book? (Identify the types of sentence)
2. Please come and watch me play. (Identify the types of sentence)

3. Rainbows have 7 colours. (Identify the types of sentence)

4. Hush! keep quiet.( Identify the types of sentence)

1. She made coffee coffee. (Fill in the blank with an appropriate pronoun )

2. ____________ is my friend. (Fill in the blank with an appropriate pronoun )

1. Write a dialogue between a student and a teacher about how to learn English well.
1. Write an Autobiography of a School Bag.

2. Write a letter to your Prinicpal requesting for 5 days leave.


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