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DCN Questionbank

I ] Consider a network with 8 Computers , Which network architecture

should be used Peer to Peer or client server? Justitia the arsine

A In the question it is given that we are supposed to consider 8

Computers Both architecture can be considered depending upon the


requirement For 8 computers I would like to prefer Peer to Peer


network architecture because

Peer to Peer client Server

Network Network

☐ NO of user are
. Window server
comparatively less

2) Equal priority .
Security required

3) 101N Cost and temporary Network administrator

required .

4) low security

2) An organization situated in ithin a small building wants a setup for

users having equal Priorities Suggest type OF network


A Reasons : -

i) 7 users

ii ) Equal Priorities



They should use Peer to Peer network .

Questions .

☐ Define computer and explain any 4 Components of a network .

A A computer network is a system that connects numerous independent

computer in order to share information and resources .

of components : Hardware and software

any 2 types
here -

i) Hardware components : -

a) Servers: Servers are high configuration computers that mange the


resource of a network .

b) Clients : -
Clients are computers that request and receive service
From the servers to access and use network resource .

ii) software components : -

a) Network operating system : -

operating system is typically
installed inthe server and facilitate into ink stations in a network to
share Files, databases, applications e. tic .

b) Protocol Suite : -
A protocol is a tale or guideline Followed by each

computer For data communication .

2) Explain these networks by their geography and explain in detail

any 2 OF them .

A d) LAN : Local

Area Network
Cii) MAN: MetroPolitian

Area Network .

Liii) IN AN: Wide -

Area Network .
LAN: It is computer network that covers relatively small area

such as within a campus of up to a few kilometers in

building or

size They are

generally used to connect personal computers or

INOTKStation in company offices to share information .



MAN: MAN is a computer network that interconnects


users with
computer resources in the geographic region of the size of a metroPoliti -

an area The MAN is applied to the

interconnection of LAN'S .


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in details .

A d)Peer to Peer network : A Peer to Peer CP top network is a


group of networks , each of which acts as a shared drive ,

each computer acts as the server For the tiles stored upon it .

When a P2P network is established over the Internet a central


server can be used to index Files , or a distributed network can be

established where the

sharing of files is split between all the users

in the network that are

storing a given File .

I 2


3 A

P2P Network

4) Define LAN, state its Advantages and Disadvantages .

. . . .. . .... . .. .. . .... . ..
Such as within campus of up to a few kilometers in
a building or

size They are

generally used to connect personal computers or

IN or Kstation in
company offices to share information .

d) Advantages : -

a- In expensive transmission media .

b. It is used to high data transmission rate .

c. It is flexible and growth oriented -


d. It
provides Full proof of the security system against illegal access to
data .
Cii) Disadvantages
a. The initial setup costs of installing Local Area Network is high
because there is special software required to make a server .

b. Communication devices like an ethernet cable , switches ,hubs,

routers are costly .

c. LAN's are restricted in size and cover a limited area .

d. since all the data is stored in a

single server computer if it can ,

be accessed
by an unauthorized user can cause a serious data

security threat .

5) Define MAN and State it's advantages and

disadvantages .

MAN: MAN is a computer network that


interconnects users with

computer resources in the geographic region of the size of a metroPoliti -

an area The MAN is applied to the

interconnection of LAN's .

d) Advantages :
a) MAN offers a high speed connectivity in which the speed ranges

From 10 100 Mbp5


b) The security level in MAN is high and strict as compared to INHN .

c) It supports to transmit data in both directions

concurrently because
of dual bus architecture .

d) MAN can serve multiple users at a time with same highspeed

internet to all the users .

Cii) Disadvantages : -

a) The architecture of MAN is quite complicated hence , it is hard to

design and maintain .

b) This network is highly expensive because it required the high cost

to setup Fibre optics .

c) It provides less Fault tolerance .

d) The data transfer rate in MAN is 101^1 When compare to LAN's .

6) Define INAN State it's Advantages and Disadvantages .

A INAN Stands For Wide Area network It is .
a computer network that
covets consisting of two or more LAN's 05
a large geographical area


d) Advantages ÷

a) Increase efficiency .

b) Easy communication .

c) Large network Collet .

d) Boost your privacy .

Iii) Disadvantages: -

a) It is 5101N in speed .

b) It is complected and complex .

c) It is difficult to maintain network .

d) IN AN is a big and complex Problem .

7) Client server network Peer to Peer Network .

☐ Clients are server are differentiated clients and server aren't differentiated .

2) client server network focuses on info Peet to Peet Focuses on connectivity .

Sharing .

3) Centralized server is used to store data . Each Peet has it's own data .

G) Server responds the service which is by client Each node can do both

request and respond .

* i. ... .name. . .. ., man .i . .

G) More stable than Peer to Peer . Peer to Peer are less stable

7) Used For both small and large Peer to Peer is suited for small
networks .
network .

8) It is slower than Peer to Peer It is faster than client

server network .
8) List any 8 advantages computer network and explain any 2 otem
A Increased
Storage capacity : You will be able to access Files and multimedia,

such as music and images ,

which are stored remotely on another computer .

Easy sharing of file: The data you store on other devices can
- -

be shared IN ith other user and accessed i they

remotely are

connected .

Higher information security .

Faster resource sharing

Enhanced data reliability

Improved communication


9) List any 8 disadvantages of computer network and explain

any 2
OF them .

1¥ . -
Network setup : -

Setting up the network requires hard wares like

routers ,hubs and Switches and cabling that can cost significantly .

Issues with independent

usage : Because everything is centralized
• -

the network lacks independence .

Malware Infection .

Impact on productivity .

Expert assistance is required .

Health Issues .

/ 0] Difference between LAN, MAN and WAN


1- LAN Stands For Local For hide

MAN stands for Metropoli -
INAN stands
Area network -
ti an Area network .
Area network .

2 .
LAN ownership is MAN ownership can be INAN
might not be
Private orPublic
owned one

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speed is high


The propagation delay Moderate Propagation Long Propagation delay
is short in
in a LAN delay MAN . in a INAN .

It List various sharing devices .

Explain any 2 in detail .

A f) Scanner : -
scanner is type of Input device that works in the

same way as a photocopier It is used when theres data on paper


that needs to be transferred to the computers hard disk - .

Iii)Printer : A Printer is a device that accepts text and graphics

output from a computer , and it transfers this information to
Papers, Sheets e. t c.

12 List advantages of Peer to Peer network and explain
detail .

A i.
building and maintaining a Peer to
Cost : The overall cost OF

Peer network is relatively inexpensive The setup cost has been .

greatly reduced due to the Fact of there is no Central configuration .

Reliability : Peer -
to Peer network is not dependent on a

centralized system Which means that the connected computers


computers can Function independently with each other .

3. Implementation .

G. Scalability
5. Administration .

6- Resource sharing .
I 3) List Disadvantages of Peer to Peer Network .

A i) Decentralization .

ii) Performance .

iii) security .

in) Remote access

4) Backup recovery .

Vi Cyber attacks .

I G) List Advantages of client Server Network and explain any 2 OF them .

i) centralization: The main

advantage of a client server network is the

centralized control that is integrated with - All the necessary intros are
Placed in a single location .

ii) Security: The data is well Protected due to its centralized architecture

It can be enforced INith access controls such that only authorized users
are granted access .

iii) scalability .

in) Management .

11) Accessibility .

I 5) List Disadvantages of a client Server Network .

A i) Traffic congestion .

ii) Robustness
iii) cost
in) Maintain once

4) Resources .

I 6) List Applications Of Computer Network .

i) Resource
A sharing .

ii) computer sharing .

Iii) Into
sharing .

in) communication .

4) Entertainment Industry .

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