Glittering Generalities and Plain Folks Appeal

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Glittering Generalities and Plain Folks Appeal

Link =

Product = Bankwest
Plain Folks Appeal- This advertising technique appeal aims at attracting the masses by
using common people to advertise the product

Glittering Generalities- In this type of advertising, advertisers make use of vauge words and
phrases that sound good and evoke emotion rather than those that convey any information
about their product. They use appealing words without giving any concrete ideas about what
is being advertised

Semiotic Systems
Visual- The colour that is included throughout the advert is orange, what we know about the colour
orange is that it represents heart, enthusiasm, creativity and success, another thing about orange is that it
stands for Bankwest.This means that they are trying to make us feel more enthusiastic about Bankwest,
trying to lure us in to joining their bank. The colour is to brainwash you into feeling happier and to join
their bank but not actually telling you to do it. It has been scientifically proven that colours can make you
feel different emotions and can definately affect your mood, behavior and stress levels.

Visual- The salience of the advert is the lady working at Bankwest. In the image she is taking up the
entire page and sits in the middle ground, drawing our attention to her. She is also one of the first things
you see as she is the only one wearing white, this is important to draw our eyes to her. She is wearing a
white shirt and a black skirt which both stands out with the orange that was hown all the way through the
advert. She is the salience because she works at Bankwest and they want you to know that they do all the
work while you can relax, she is also an example of their workers and you relaxing.

Auditory - There is some sound effects and a voice over sometimes talking over the sound effects. The
voice over is saying all the good thing about Bankwest and promoting it without giving any concrete ideas.
In the voice over there is a person talking about the lady and the guy using third person. However, there is
a part where the person working at Bankwest talks as a first person. She said " Thanks to people like me it's
easier than ever to bank the way you want" giving you the idea that they will do everything for you.

Linguistic - The font that they used was bold and big, taking up the entire page. This means that they
want us to take it in and pay attention to it, it also says things like less paper work or less red tape giving
you ideas of what will happen but not scientific facts. When they say less red tape, they don't literally mean
that they is no longer any red tape ever, it means that it will be less work for you so you should join them.
They said this because they want you to be in their bank and listen to what they are saying and to take it in,
the font also has a shadow making it stand out from the rest of the page.
By: Shi Ern and Ern Yao

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