Kisi Kisi FMS 1,2,3,4

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FMS 1:

1. Week 1 (Cell)

a. Human Body at molecular and cellular level

b. Molecular Cell Biology and Modern Medicine

c. General Characteristics of Cell

d. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

Plasma membrane, Cell Surface Structure

e. Eukaryotic cell organelles

Nucleus, Nucleolus, Nuclear Envelope
Mitochondria and Mitochondrial Disorders

f. Eukaryotic Cell Structure

g. Cytoplasm and organelles

h. Cytoskeleton
Intracellular Transport

i. The cell cycle and its regulation

Cell division – mitosis and meiosis
Reversible and irreversible cell injury

j. The concept of Cell death (Apoptosis and Necrosis)

2. Week 2

a. Structure and function of genes (DNA or RNA)

b. General mechanism of transcription

c. Components involved in transcription

d. Transcription products (types of RNA: mRNA, tRNA, rRNA) General

mechanism of translation

e. Components involved in translation

f. Mechanism of DNA replication

g. Components involved in DNA replication

h. How can mutation occur?

i. How can mutation be repaired?

j. The effect of mutation on gene function and disease

3. Week 3
4. Week 4
5. Week 5
6. Week 6
7. Week 7
8. Week 8
FMS 2:
1. Week 1
2. Week 2
3. Week 3
4. Week 4
5. Week 5
FMS 3:
1. Week 1
2. Week 2
3. Week 3
4. Week 4
5. Week 5
FMS 4:
1. Week 1
2. Week 2
3. Week 3
4. Week 4
5. Week 5

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