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ITCA J FEPANE secur Lesson 2 — Other Life Experiences Objective: To name other life experiences. Grammar point: For 5 years / Since 2015 Practice for the Speaking test 1, Language Exploration (GROUP WORK). First match and check with a partner. Then, practice pronunciation with your teacher and ask for clarification. (20 min) Language and vocabulary: I’ve been married (U) Ci've seen (H ) for (G) G've fallen asleep (R ) Ove lived (@) since (1) Ol've had (J) lve studied (A) D How tong have you.?(& ) I've known (E ) OI haven't tried (w ) Have you ever..?(K) Cit've lost (x) Ct have worked (0) D Have you... (Y) yet/before? My brother has seen a sunset. (A) He estudiado (6) por, durante (R) Me he quedado dormido,-a {€) He conocido (H) He visto {) gPor eudinto tiempo has...? (desde (0) He tenido (W)No he probado (0) He trabajado (K) éAlguna vez has..? _(X) He perdido (U) He estado casodo,-a (Q) He vivido ()e¥ahas..2 IT A Ag FEPAI 2. Grammar - Speaking (GROUP WORK). Study the examples below with your classmates. Then go on with the exercise. Teacher, what’s the meaning of..? (10 min)“ 1. I've lived in my neighborhood for }6 months. 2.1%ve worked at 1A for 21 years. 3. ve studied Engh since)1996. /7:00 am. / February 17. Theyve been maried... 4. "ve had my cll phone since 2019, & 5.1 haven't been married yet) Ve af ly 6.thaven't had kids yer 2 7.1haven't been in a car accident ye. 8.rve Seen Toy Story 4.betore 9.rve lost my cell phone and house keys before 10.1've tried garrobo before Now tell me about other life experiences, Complete each sentence with your own information. Then add an example & practice with five different classmates, Teacher, how do you say...? (10 min) atve lived in my _oeigh’: 2.tve_loeen working in cons! —____for__©_yeoss, ave stwdied —ouchilelore :20 am Jonoary actve hod my computer ____since___ 018. Teme 6.thavent_hod Kids at Zthavert_had___o __Playlotion vet. Bim seen the dew’s howe before a.tve Lost m4 shoes and cell _phene before to, tve_kried crab _____ before. tnand_i hover’) Wied Gorcbo or 8 gees, 3. PARTICIPATION POINTS (PAIR WORK). Pick 6 statements, include the language in circles, and Lup to 3 partici ints by telling the teacher ti s you've had. You may look at the next pages for reference. Mispronunciation won't get you points. (60 min) ITCA Wf FEPANE SE OTHER LIFE EXPERIENCES (I’ve...for.../since...) (I haven’t..yet, /before.) been married erore, T hover maried yet fallen asleep in class had a family ye fallen ogleep in class betote. ! T've had lived with my somily For 4 years. 3 known my best friend i = lived in my neighborhood T ve Known my best yiend ror 20} T have lived in my colony for 18 years geors. u 3 ITCA WJ FEPANE rE OTHER LIFE EXPERIENCES (I’ve...for.../since...) (I haven’t...yet. /before.) lost my cell phone seen a sunset Thover't Wart my cel ghone since 2014 | T'ye geen 0 onsel before studied English worked ‘haven't worked since 201% Tive slodied Englich since 2021 H for... since... yet. .-before. (my example - 1 extra point) 1 Trhaver'l been bo Nexico yet. ITCA Wf FEPANE ieennos tenemos 4. Questions - Speaking (GROUP WORK). First choose the best choice to complete each question. ‘Then write what you would answer to each one. Add 1 new original question of your own. Finally, practice with 6 classmates to get up to 3 more participation points TODAY. (40 min) lived / studied / known / had 1. How long have you studied english? (i've studied English) for 24 years. Yow long hove yoo slodied “cooking 2 2. How long have you___ #49. your call phone? (ve lead my phose jt) since January Wow long have ‘had? yoor ‘computer 3. How long have you__*Now! your best friend? (’ve__KNOWN him) for 6 months Wow long have ‘|ived? your { pels 4. How long have you_LINEO____inyourneighborhood? trve-bvel yaya (How lon have you lived’ with your! Grandmother’: (Tie Wwedjuith my grondmenther since 2014 HOW LONG HAVE YOU SEN TEACHING ENCLTSH? 5, 2 ITCA J FEPANE ‘Questions - Speaking continuation. First choose the best choice to complete each question. Then write what you would answer to each one. Add 1 new original question of your own. Finally, practice with 6 classmates to get up to 3 more participation points TODAY. seen /been /tried / fallen asleep 1. Have you ever been to another country? Yes, ! have. I've been to Guatemala and Honduras so far. / No, | haven't. Have yoo ever been in another apartmel ? 2, Have you ever_1airo sushi? Yes, | have. It’s really delicious. / Unfortunately, | haven't. Hove you ever tried anahe? 3. Have you ever _FAUEN ASLEEP? in cass? Yes, | have. Last week. /No, ! have never. Hove yoo ever fallen asleep ono drip that ramed? 4. Have you ever_sttn a sunset at the beach? Yes, thave. I've_S€€N__ it many times. / No, | have never. one. Hove you ever seen » dolphin? Hove you ever gone Lo the beach? ITCA WJ FEPANE otra = - First choose the best choice to complete each question. Then write what you would answer to each one. Add 1 new original question of your own. Finally, practice with 6 classmates to get up to 3 more participation points TODAY. ‘been /lost / worked / been 1. Have you been inlove yet? Yes, I have. When | was 15. /No, I haven't. Wave goo rmaried Ga)? 2. Have you worked before? Yes, | have. Last Christmas. At a supermarket. / No, | have never. Hove you Gorke)) GC berore? 3. Have you eet yourcell phone before? Yes, | have. At a mall. / Luckily, | haven't. a ae 4, Have you_been __ inacaraccident before? Yes, | have. Two years ago. / Luckily, ! have never. Have you berore? s. Hove you been bo any conuiy berore? ? 5. PARTICIPATION POINTS (PAIR WORK). Now books closed, ticipation points ing corr stions your classmate will (60 min)

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