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The Child and Adolescent Learner and Learning Principles

Name: __________________________________________________ Rating _____________

Draw educational implications of research findings related to child and adolescent learning and
development along with the biological, linguistic, cognitive, social and psychological dimensions.

1. Research on the brain reveals that the numbers of dendrite connections in the first five
years of growth are in the tens of billions. What does this underscore?
I. The significance of a stimulating early childhood education
II. The necessity of forcing the child to learn at an early age or else may never get
interested at all
III. The need to punish preschool children when they can’t follow a lesson for them to
remember the lesson
IV. The significance of right parenting
A. I and III C. I and IV
B. II and IV D. II and III

2. Which appropriate teaching practice flows from this research finding on the brain: The
brain’s emotional center is tied into its ability to learn.
A. Create a learning environment that encourages students to explore their feelings and
ideas freely.
B. Come up with highly competitive games where winners will feel happy.
C. Tell students to participate in class activities or else won’t receive plus points in class
D. To establish discipline be judgmental in attitude.

3. Which VIOLATES this brain-based principle of teaching-learning: “Each child’s brain is

unique and vastly different from one another.”
A. Giving ample opportunity for a pupil to explore even if the class creates “noise”
B. Making a left-handed pupil write with his right hand as this is better
C. Allowing open dialogue among students
D. Employing MI teaching approaches

4. Research says that development in one domain (physical, social, emotional, cognitive)
influences and is influenced by development in other domains. What is an education
implication of this finding?
I. Use MI approaches
II. Stimulate the sense of sight which is the most important of the senses
III. Use thematic teaching
A. III only C. I and II
B. I only D. I and III

5. Piagetian task state that thinking becomes more logical and abstract as children reach
the formal operation stage. What is an educational implication of this finding?
A. Expect hypothetical reasoning from learners between 12 to 15 years of AGE.
B. Engage children in analogical reasoning as early as preschool to train them for
C. Learners who are not capable of logical reasoning from ages 8 to 11 lag behind in
their cognitive development.
D. Let children be children.

6. Research says: “People tend to attribute their successes to internal causes and their
failures to external causes.” Based on this finding, what should be taught to your
students for them to be genuinely motivated to succeed?
A. Make them realize that both success and failure are more a function of internal
B. Tell them that the research finding when applied will make them genuinely motivated.
C. Convince them that genuine motivation is the only factors that matters for a person to
D. Make them realize that failure is a part of life.

7. Researchers found that when a child is engaged in a learning experience a number of

areas of the brain are simultaneously activated. What is an application of this in the
teaching-learning process?
I. Make use of field trips, guest speakers
II. Do multicultural units of study
III. Stick to the “left brain and right brain” approach
A. II only C. I and III
B. I only D. I and II

8. High levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, inhibit learning. What is an implication of this
is in the teaching-learning process?
A. Teacher should be non-threatening in her ways.
B. Avoid quizzes and tests.
C. Never raise your voice.
D. Don’t give assignments.

9. Research findings showed that student’s motivation may vary according to socio-
economic background. Which observation can attest to this?
A. Females are more likely than males to earn higher grades.
B. Students from low-income families are among those likely to be at risk for failing and
dropping from school.
C. Gifted students are more highly motivated.
D. More boys than girls become underachievers.

10. Studies in the area of neurosciences disclosed that the human brain has limitless
capacity. What does this imply?
A. Pupils can possibly reach a point where they have learned everything.
B. Every child is a potential genius.
C. Some pupils are admittedly not capable of learning.
D. Every pupil has his own native ability and his learning is limited to this native

11. Vygotsky claimed that social interaction is important for learning. What does this imply?
A. Since they are not capable of interactions, children in the crib has no learning yet.
B. Children learn well by passive presentation of information.
C. Children learn from adults and other children.
D. Children are independent problem solvers.

12. In what developmental stage is the pre-school child?

A. Infancy C. Early childhood
B. Babyhood D. Late childhood

13. The fourth year high school student is in the developmental stage of ______________?
A. Late childhood C. Adolescence
B. Pre-adolescence D. Early childhood

14. In what developmental stage will the college graduating student fall?
A. Pre-adolescence C. Early adulthood
B. Adolescence D. Middle adulthood

15. Which characteristic behavior of a Grave IV pupil makes you conclude he is behind his
development in comparison with the average Grade IV pupil?
A. Has not learned to get along with his agemates.
B. Has no achieved emotional independence from parents.
C. Has not achieved a feminine and masculine social role.
D. Has not achieved socially responsible behavior.

16. Which holds true of adolescence?

A. Spurt in physical growth and hormonal changes
B. Lack of idealism
C. Dependence
D. Defiance of peer group norm

17. Which are said to be the formative years?

A. 0 - 5 years
B. 2 – 7 years
C. 3 – 5 years
D. 0 – 7 years

18. Research on teacher-effectiveness practices shows that ______________.

A. Directions should be few and best delivered in a casual manner.
B. Planning has little impact on student learning.
C. Questioning strategies are ineffective monitoring techniques.
D. Teaching procedures on classroom routines early in the school year are essential.

Organize a learning environment that is responsive to learner’s needs and that promotes
fairness among learners of various cultures, family background.

19. Which statement/s on classroom climate is/are TRUE?

I. Classroom climate is affected by the type of leadership exhibited by a teacher.
II. Classroom climate is not affected by the type of leadership exhibited by a teacher.
III. Democratic leadership produces more task orientation and more socially acceptable
behavior than does autocratic leadership.
IV. When environmental conditions are appropriate for learning, the likelihood of
disruptive behavior is minimized.
A. II and III C. III only
B. I, III, and IV D. I only

20. Which is TRUE of a democratic classroom?

A. Policies are a matter of group discussion and decision.
B. Decision is a monopoly of the teacher.
C. Decision is left entirely to students.
D. Suggestions are frowned upon.

21. Borich identified three types of classroom climate that the teacher can use in different
situations- competitive, co-operative, and individualistic. Which classroom climate is/are
LEAST threatening?
I. Competitive
II. Cooperative
III. Individualistic
A. I and II C. I and III

22. In which type of classroom climate can students participate in the kind of “learning to live
A. In competitive classrooms C. In individualistic classrooms
B. In democratic classrooms D. In autocratic classrooms

23. Which is/are evidence of a conducive learning environment?

I. Students make mistakes and ask for assistance.
II. Students participate fully in the learning process.
III. Students are encouraged to ask and answer questions.
IV. Students attempt new approaches.
A. II and III C. II and IV
B. I, II, III, and IV D. III and IV

24. In a review of studies on the impact of support in school, a research institute found out
that a caring school climate is associated with: (a) higher grades, engagement,
attendance, expectation and aspiration, a sense of scholastic competence; (b) fewer
school suspensions, and on-time progression through grades; (c) higher self-esteem and
self-concept; (d) less anxiety, depression and loneliness; and (e) less substance.
An implication of this research finding for improved learning, is that the school should
A. Focus on grades
B. Develop a faculty that is concerned with children’s welfare.
C. Integrate substance abuse in the curriculum.
D. Track class attendance

25. Key factors in developing effective learning environment are classroom disciplinary
climate and teacher’s self-efficacy. Which conclusion can be derived from this
A. A teacher is the key to an effective learning environment.
B. Students who are subjected to disciplinary measures contribute to an effective
learning environment.
C. A disciplinarian teacher creates a favorable learning environment.
D. The discipline from an authoritarian teacher yield’s conducive learning atmosphere.

26. To enable all students to succeed, two simple approaches you should use are variety
and choice. What s mean?
I. Make use of a variety of teaching methodologies.
II. Consider learning styles and so allow students some options on how to go about
III. Allows for more flexibility in activities.
IV. Do away with routines, rules and procedures.
A. I and II C. II and III
B. I, II and III D. I, II, III, and IV

27. In transmission teaching, there is a sense of accomplishment that facts were taught and
a chapter finished. This is in contrast with active learning when the teacher needs to
construct a ______________ to guide the learning process.
A. Plan C. Signal
B. Tool D. Scaffolding

28. Which of these statements reflects BEST active learning?

A. “I hear and forget; I see and remember; I do and I understand.”
B. “I became interested in the school, I feel it is my school now.”
C. “I need more support, a network from which I could learn.”
D. “I have found that one key to student development is providing criteria for

29. Which features of learning environment support meaningful learning and assessment?
I. Attention to development
II. Authentic performance
III. Active in-depth learning
IV. Homogenous grouping
V. Appreciation for diversity
A. I, III, IV, V C. I, II, IV

30. It is advisable to promote manipulative materials to a child in his early childhood to

develop ______________.
A. Numerical skills C. Reading readiness skills
B. Social skills D. Pre-handwriting skills

31. To work for value internalization, which level of morality should we help young people
A. Post-conventional morality
B. Pre-conventional morality
C. Conventional morality
D. Between conventional and post-conventional morality

32. Which among the functions of the counselor that may need medical or psychological
a. Establishing rapport
b. Planning an action
c. be friendly
d. Referring to other related personnel

33. Which statements are NOT applicable in promoting helping relationship?

a. Informal way of giving advice, information and support by a counselor to a
b. Counselee working alone to resolve his own concern or difficulty and or foster
personal growth and development.
c. Counselor guiding his client to change in one's thinking and feeling.
d. Understanding of human behavior in its social and cultural context.

34. How is the counselee best described?

a. A concept of helping individuals.
b. A process of helping to solve an individual's problem.
c. A process of helping individuals understands their strengths and weakness.
d. A process of helping individuals understands themselves and their world and
makes appropriate decisions.

35. Which is NOT essential in the counseling process?

a. rapport
b. recommendation
c. follow-up
d. communication

36. Among the counseling traditional approaches which focus on the assistance
extended to high school graduating students who are undecisive of the course to
take in college?
a. individual counseling
b. group counseling
c. career counseling
d. directive counseling

37. Weng has been absent from her Makabayan Class for six consecutive days. What is
the best thing to do when she reports back to school?
a. Ask an excuse letter approved by her adviser.
b. Send her to the guidance counselor.
c. Give her many task to do for make-up.
d. Valuing the advantages of reporting to school regularly.

38. On what principle that the child is given an opportunity to "get in" anytime at the
Counselor's office.
a. Counseling is required of every child to open communication.
b. Counseling is focused on individual's problems and solutions.
c. Counseling is recognized the worth and dignity of individual at all times.
d. Counseling is a continuous, sequential, and educational process.

39. What should you do to a child who is intelligent but an underachiever?

a. Discover his talent
b. Develop his interest.
c. Provide challenging activities.
d. Ignore his abilities.

40. The teacher conferred with the parents of Weng regarding her academic
performance in the school. This move of the teacher is recommendable because
a. There is an open communication between the teacher and the parents.
b. There is no more time to improve the grade of Weng.
c. The principal asked for the parents of Weng.
d. The teacher does not want to pass Weng.

41. The following are necessary for the effective counseling EXCEPT
a. Professionalism
b. Atmosphere of confidentiality
c. Counselee's willingness to participate
d. Buddy-buddy relationship between the counselor and counselees.

42. Which does NOT done by a counselor when counseling?

a. Making appropriate referral.
b. Using his own values in judging decisions made by the counselee.
c. Gathering more facts about the case from reliable sources.
d. Allowing the counselee to make his own decisions and be held responsible for

43. What is the ultimate aim of counseling for the individuals to attain?
a. Self-Knowledge
b. Self-Direction
c. Self-Discovery
d. Self-Understanding

44. The Homeroom advisers requested the guidance personnel to orient the fourth year
students and grade six pupils on how to take National Achievement Test properly
and with ease. Which type of guidance service is being provided?
a. Placement Service
b. Information Service
c. Evaluation Service
d. Counseling Service

45. What is the positive measure to take when an advanced learner in your class start to
cause some discipline problems?
a. let him go to the library to read.
b. better challenge him to do something that will attract his attention.
c. Give him other activities that are very difficult for him to do.
d. tell him that you don't like misbehaving students even if they are bright in class.

46. How should you help a student who is intelligent but he is underachieving in class?
a. Provide challenging activities which he can excel.
b. Recognized his talents by asking him to help students in the work in the class.
c. Identify the immediate causes of difficulties that cause his being an
d. Allow him to work with the slow group of students to cope with the academic
needs of the lesson.

47. Ms. Alcaraz observes that her misbehaved boy is gifted in creative drawing. To
minimize his negative behavior in class, it might be well for Ms. Alcaraz to:
a. Ask him to draw illustrations for other co-teacher.
b. Have him organized by making posters and decorative work of all kinds.
c. Have his creations displayed and admired by his classmates.
d. Group him in school activities that require drawing skills.

48. How can you help your student who seems to be timid and withdrawn because of his
physical defect or abnormality?
a. Treat him like other normal students and let him join friendly and accepting
b. Advise his parents to give him a companion always.
c. Let him go to the doctor for some advice.
d. Provide him a wheelchair so that he can join the group.

49. One of your students just came from the province and he seems to have a speech
defect. How will you assist him when the whole class laughs at him the moment he is
called to recite?
a. Explain to your class his speech disorder.
b. Laugh also with them.
c. Shout at your class and stop them.
d. Encourage the whole class that he is also a learner and he should be accepted.

50. Weng was cry and was sent by the teacher to the Guidance Office. She told the
counselor that her money was lost and she suspected her friend took it. What would
be done first?
a. Scold the classmate of Weng.
b. Suspend the friend of Weng for one day.
c. Confer with Weng and her friend to discuss the problem objectively.
d. Call the parents of Weng.

51. Which assumption must be avoided in order to become successful in counseling?

a. The counselor must be able to relate to the student.
b. The environment must provide assurance of confidentiality.
c. The counselor tells the student what to do.
d. The student is willing to participate in the process.

52. Which among the diagnostic approaches gives a risk notion to individual?
a. Attaching a label to someone if the diagnosis becomes known.
b. Using standard diagnostic terminology in researching the nature and concerns of
an individual.
c. applying a diagnostic system in promoting accountability.
d. Facilitating information gathering and treatment planning with element of

53. How may you best handle a child who refuses to obey orders or displays negativism
as a developmental trait?
a. Detain him after hours for him to do what he has been ordered to do.
b. Avoid giving him orders or if you do and he objects, take back the order
c. Take every opportunity to praise him for every positive attitude displays
d. Insist on compliance to the same degree required of pupils

54. What counseling approach was used when the counselor kept on listening to the
client who was pouring out her anger for the relative who abused their family? Later
on the emotions of the client subsided and realized what she should do.
a. Counseling is required of every child to open communication.
b. Counseling is focused on individual's problems and solutions.
c. Counseling is to recognize the worth and dignity of the individual at all times.
d. Counseling is a continuous, sequential, and educational process.

55. Which testing service can effectively determine and analyze the student's career
a. Aptitude and Interest test
b. IQ and EQ test
c. Projective Technique
d. Personality test

56. What should the teacher do if she learns that one of the students has an attempt to
commit suicide?
a. Give immediate attention personally in order to know the reason/s.
b. Believe not until it happens.
c. Refer the case to the authority particularly the guidance counselor.
d. Demand for a challenge in behavior of the student.

57. Which of the following shows a counselor's competence /techniques in counseling?

a. Establishing mutual confidence with the counselee.
b. Knowing the content aspect of the counselee's problem.
c. Knowing the vocational needs of the counselee.
d. Organizing the school guidance program.

58. What should the counselor do to a client before starting the counseling session?
a. Interview the client to know his background.
b. Visit the client at home to learn about his family background.
c. Study all available data about the client.
d. Make the client feel at ease.

59. Which of the following is considered the most important qualification of a counselor?
a. Psychological background
b. Understanding and sympathy
c. Good academic background
d. Good relationship with peers

60. Which of the following greatly influences the formation of adolescent social
a. one's mental abilities
b. the influence of family relationships
c. the influence of the peer group
d. the pace of normal physical development

61. Which of the following statements is not true of counseling?

a. Counseling is done either individually or by groups.
b. Counseling is a tool of guidance.
c. Counseling is an integrated phase of school guidance.
d. None of the above is false.

62. Counseling helps a learner to develop insights by

a. helping the counselee to see his own strengths and weaknesses.
b. guiding the counselee gain personal information about his/her schooling.
c. helping the counselee gain information about possible careers.
d. none of the above correct.

63. Which is NOT characteristic of counseling based on behavioral theories?

a. Behavior is influenced by one's environment.
b. The counselor decides the data to be presented to a client.
c. All individual personalities consist of both positive and negative traits.
d. Counseling consists of scientific, researched-based methodologies.

64. Which type of counseling permits the counselor to be involved in a relationship with a
number of clients at the same time?
a. directive counseling
b. non-directive counseling
c. peer counseling
d. group counseling

65. Which describes a limitation of group counseling?

a. Counselors are able to have contact with more students.
b. Students become deeply involved in social interaction.
c. Personal problem of a member becomes secondary to the general group
d. Students are able to develop mutual interaction.

66. The major purpose of individual appraisal is to gather information helpful for
a. students to understand themselves.
b. teachers to understand their students.
c. parents to understand their children.
d. counselor to understand their clients.

67. Which statements describe the fundamental premise of appraisal service of school
a. No two individuals are alike.
b. All individuals are different.
c. Individuals are both alike and different.
d. None of the above is correct.
68. Which approach of guidance testing arrives at numerical estimates of single aspects
of learner's performance?
a. interview approach
b. observational approach
c. impressionistic approach
d. psychometric approach

69. Which philosophy of testing relies heavily on observation and self-reports for
understanding a person?
a. objective testing approach
b. standardized testing approach
c. impressionistic testing approach
d. psychometric testing approach

70. If Ms. Alcaraz Math test is able to measure the Math skills she has taught her
learners during the semester, then the test is said to be
a. valid
b. objective
c. projective
d. reliable

71. Achievement test are designed to measure

a. aspects of personality
b. readiness for a learning activity
c. innate mental abilities
d. outcomes of learning.

72. Which statement is certain about the limits of ability tests?

a. They assess extent to which innate potentials are modified by the environment.
b. They give accurate that all individuals are capable of learning.
c. They assume that all individuals are capable of learning.
d. They measure innate abilities directly.

73. Which type of intelligence tests measures the ability to do abstract thinking?
a. adaptive type
b. social type
c. cognitive type
d. production type

74. Which test should be conducted when a teacher desires to measures a pupil's
mastery of objectives covered in a unit?
a. standard test
b. achievement test
c. norm-reference test
d. criterion-reference test

75. Ms. Pila would like to find out her student's ability to use the sewing machine to
make their aprons. Which type of test should she give?
a. Readiness test
b. Performance test
c. Power test
d. Speed test

76. Which test should you give to yield information on learner's causes of difficulty in
a. Competency test
b. Aptitude test
c. Prognostic test
d. Diagnostic test

77. Which type of interest is measured among a large number of activities and
a. expressed interest
b. tested interest
c. manifested interest
d. inventoried interest

78. Which type of interest is expressed by students who actively participate in dramatic
clubs or choir groups?
a. inventoried interest
b. manifested interest
c. expressed interest
d. tested interest

79. A student who says "I like to play basketball", has verbally professed a/an
a. inventoried interest
b. expressed interest
c. manifested interest
d. tested interest

80. Which should be avoided by an observer when observing pupils for guidance
a. unconscious biases of observers
b. non-verbal behaviors
c. quality of emotions emitted
d. significant patterns of behaviors

81. Which describes a limitation of observation as a technique of appraisal?

a. Observations done over a long period of time.
b. Completing observation of the whole event.
c. Observing one pupil at a time.
d. Determining what is to be observed beforehand.

82. The most effective way of teaching young pupils the concept of moral values.
a. provision of role modeling c. reading of stories with moral values
b. setting of rules of conduct d. imposition of punitive measures

83. Best guide in handling disciplinary problems in schools.

a. upholding the dignity of the individual at all cost within a realistic teacher-pupil
b. negative approach such as sarcasm, ridicule, intimidation and the like should
never be used
c. prohibition on the use of corporal punishment and other harmful methods
d. vigilance and alertness by the teacher in sensing the needs of the pupils.

84. Joselito has been disturbing the class by his unruly behavior. As the teacher, what
should you do first?
a. call for his parents to a dialogue
b. explain to him the bad effects of his behavior
c. bring him to the Principal’s Office
d. scold him in from of his classmates

85. What guidance principle is upheld when a counselor refuses to divulge the results of the
standardized test to another person?
a. mutuality c. confidentiality
b. counseling d. objectivity

86. Aurora is lagging behind in her academic work. She should be:
a. given remedial instructions c. placed in a special education class
b. given special curriculum d. placed with students with low abilities

87. First step in the organization of an effective guidance program.

a. evaluation of the guidance program
b. allocation of duties and responsibilities
c. structuring of the organizational plans
d. formulation of the goals and objectives of the programs

88. What does it mean when one says “Punish the act, not the child”?
a. the act must be condemned for all its negative effects
b. punishment imposed depending on the gravity of the act or offense
c. identify first the causes of the offense
d. the child must be advised not to repeat the offense

89. Bernardo has a problem of frequent absences and tardiness in submitting class
requirements. This could be a result of?
a. poor study habits c. lack of motivation
b. low level of aspiration d. low intelligence

90. A child develops self-confidence if?

a. he is praised and acknowledged of his good deed
b. he is treated justly and fairly
c. he is ignored when he commits mistakes
d. he is allowed to do whatever he wants

91. Which of the following statement is TRUE being a sound principle of guidance?
a. it is curative rather than preventive
b. problem focused rather than person-centered
c. it is prescriptive rather than suggestive
d. it is preventive rather than curative

92. Which of the following is the main purpose of testing?

a. facilitate the learning process c. improve instructional process
b. enhance the effectiveness of counseling d. all of the above

93. Which of the following records students’ typical or unusual behavior?

a. attitude report c. aptitude record
b. narrative report d. anecdotal record

94. The counseling process which summarizes and recognizes data to determine the
student’s positive and negative qualities.
a. diagnosis c. analysis
b. prognosis d. synthesis

95. It refers to a counselor’s prediction of the client’s future developments.

a. prognosis c. analysis
b. diagnosis d. synthesis

96. Refers to when the counselor shows that he feels what his client feels.
a. assimilation c. warmth
b. empathy d. acceptance

97. Which of the following is a characteristic of a good guidance program?

a. reaches all members of the academic community
b. provides for coordinated activity and effort
c. provides for a continuous in-service education for teachers
d. all of the above statements are correct
e. only b and c statements are correct

98. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of the basic principles of guidance
a. guidance is concerned with prevention
b. guidance workers should observe a code of ethics
c. guidance should be a continuing process
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

99. Which of the following situations will most likely need guidance counseling?
a. when the student is unaware that he has a certain problem but is unable to cope
with it intelligently
b. when the student is suffering from major handicap and maladjustments which
demands careful diagnosis
c. when the student needs an interesting interpretation of an information which meets
his own personal difficulties
d. only a and b
e. all of the above

100. The feeling of being threatened by an overzealous and thinking student oftentimes
cause insecurity in the teacher. What should be the proper way for the teacher to
handle a student’s aggressive behavior?
a. Remain calm. Help the class give suggestions on how to handle the situation
b. Beat around the bush. Bluff.
c. Help the erring student. Show you appreciate his thoughts.
d. Ignore it and just remain quiet

101. Why should the practice of giving punishments or giving low or failing grades as a
form of discipline be avoided?
a. so as not to incite anger from the student
b. failures may result in low aspirations
c. because students have negative attitudes towards punishment
d. punishment does not develop self discipline

102. In a class of 45 students, you observed that majority are cheating during
examinations. You know that the teacher knows this but she simply refuses to take
steps to correct this misconduct. What is the best way to correct the situation?
a. Call your co-teacher’s attention to the situation
b. Simply ignore the situation
c. suggest establishing class officers through which the problem of cheating be
d. Since the class always tops the examinations in school, leave the group as they

103. Carlo continuously creates trouble in and out of classroom. You have received
complaints about him being a bully but he is one of the poorest students in your class.
What seems to be his problem?
a. He is lazy, good for nothing boy although he can beat his records if he tries.
b. He is one of the students whose parents don’t care.
c. Carlo is an attention-getter. If give the chance, he can beat his own record.
d. If found to be wanting in attention, Carlo should be helped be reorganizing his
potentials be it in academics or sports or service.

104. A second year transferee is quiet withdrawn from his classmates. What should be
done to help him join his classmates?
a. give him ample time to socialize
b. assign a group of his classmates to be with him
c. determine the cause of his behavior
d. encourage and support him by calling him during recitations

105. In San Bartolome Elementary School, intelligent pupils or fast learners have their
classes in the afternoon. Seven of the intelligent pupils are bottled water vendors who
earn a living in the afternoon, thus, they cannot attend their classes full time. How can
the counselor help the pupils?
a. Request the teachers concerned to give remedial classes to the affected pupils
b. Convince the parents to stop their children from vending
c. The counselor will conduct remedial classes for the working pupils
d. Make arrangements with the school principal and the teacher to adjust the
schedule of the affected pupils.

106. What approach does a teacher use when she provides a classroom environments
with opportunities for students to attain self-actualization of his potentials and abilities.
a. Punitive b. Developmental c. Prophylactic d. Remedial

107. What counseling strategy would the teacher use if she wants to utilize interpreting and
giving instructions, imparting of new ideas and information to shape subsequent
behavior, thoughts or feelings.
a. Informative b. Confronting c.Cathartic d. Supportive

108. This means instructing the child in the ethical principles, why and why not and how to
decide and act according to principles. Its goal is to motivate the child to have self-
a. Guidance b. Counseling c.Modeling d. Discipline

109. One of the two major styles of counseling where the counselor directs, instructs or
guides the person in need to an appropriate action.
a. Developmental b. Prescriptive c.Confronting d. Emphatic

110. What else should a counselor do to make follow up service functional aside from
knowing the reasons or cause of a particular situation?
a. Disseminate the information as to the reasons of a particular situation
b. Inform the parents of the reasons
c. Conduct an exit interview
d. Rank the reasons based on the gravity of their effect on that particular situation



111. The teacher has a vital role for the Young. Which of the following is NOT one of
these roles?
a. custodian and keeper of the young
b. lead them to be useful, upright and law-abiding
c. turn them into diehard politicians
d. guidance of the young in their formative years.

112. To help bring about social order, the teacher must perforce:
a. good qualities of a dedicated mentor
b. devotion to his duties for the best of the service
c. zealousness and dedication to his socio-obligations
d. indifference to responsibilities assigned to him

113. Which of the following is the teacher’s obligation to himself as a person?

a. Belief in his capacity to realize his ambitions
b. Observance of strict compliance to “kanya-kanya”
c. Clean in body, mind and spirit
d. Faith in the Almighty

114. Which of the following may be considered the best of the teacher’s personal
a. truly honest, fair and has integrity
b. practices what he preaches
c. has belief in himself
d. has personal discipline

115. In his relationship with his superiors, the teacher should not:
a. be loyal and respectful
b. engage in gossip mongering
c. reject constructive criticism
d. expect a promotion that is not meritorious

116. Likewise, the teacher must strive NOT to:

a. perform his work conscientiously and religiously
b. suggest ways of improving the school program
c. arouse the ire and ventilate to everyone his ill-feelings against his superiors
d. accept constructive suggestions that will improve the system

117. Which of the following is NOT included in the sphere of the teacher’s
responsibilities to his students?
a. sees they are well-fed and clothed
b. treats them fairly and without prejudice
c. develops their love for work
d. has faith in the ability of the young for advancement

118. Among the teacher’s responsibilities to his profession, which of the following is
NOT included:
a. belief in the need to widen his professional growth through readings and
involvement in the growth of his immediate environment
b. pride in his work and belief in the nobleness of his profession
c. participation in organizations whose aim is to achieve reforms by and for the
teachers in whatever manner these changes are made
d. supports movement for the general welfare of the teaching profession

119. Which of the following is within the area of the teacher’s social responsibilities?
a. participates actively in the socio-economic and civic-political improvements of
his community
b. acts as a public relations officer of the school
c. maintains wholesome family relations
d. get the trust and confidence of his superiors.

120. As public relations officer of his school, which of the following is the teacher’s
a. maintains an exemplary behavior of his school, which assures the parents’
confidence on him as their children’s teacher
b. engages the government and private officials to be interested in the school
c. develops students’ respect to authorities
d. consults his superiors in all his plans and projects

121. All of the following traits except one describe the role of the teacher in the New
Society. Which one is the exception?
a. respects government officials and barangay leaders and tries to cooperate with
b. participates in the maintenance of clean and healthful surroundings to live in
c. has belief in himself, in his aspirations and ideas which all contribute to making
him an upright, useful and law-abiding citizen
d. possesses a strong desire for power through whatever means

122. Which of the following statements is NOT true as grounds for disciplinary action
regarding government officials and employees? (per Presidential Degree No. 6.
Sept. 27, 1992)
a. Unauthorized solicitation of contributions by teachers from school children
b. Sale of tickets in behalf of private organizations which are not properly
c. dishonesty, misconduct and oppression
d. Refusal to pursue private business or profession that will be prejudicial to the
good of the service.

123. The following values are considered incumbent of the teacher. Which one is the
a. Innovative for the necessary exposure of the students to modern trends in
b. recognizes the need for working for the common good and for developing a
sense of propriety at all times
c. is self-reliant, self-discipline; possesses self respect and good personal
d. is firm and disciplined to the extend of being rude for the sake of pursuing a

124. Which of the following is NOT spelled out in the educational objectives contained in
P.D. 6-A?
a. Train manpower in the top management level skills to produce quality
b. Develop high level professionals through research to improve quality of life
c. Provide a broad general education to bring out the best in human potentials
d. Provide necessary educational foundation for the individuals development into
productive citizens.

125. A modern school should have a curriculum that is?

a. based on books available in school
b. planned by the principal, supervisors and superintendents and teachers
c. planned by experts and students
d. provided by the DepEd and followed by all schools

126. It is a sign or mark that learning has taken place in an individual

a. has made an improvement in his behavior
b. applies what he has learned to similar situations
c. he has acquired new knowledge
d. he is able to answer most questions

127. Which of the following should be considered the most important factor by a teacher
in her plans for an enriching students’ learning process?
a. the behavior of the students c. the interest of the students
b. the ability of the students d. all of the above

128. One of the following is an example of an extrinsic motivation strategy.

a. give immediate feedback to student responses built into the task itself
b. design individual or group competitions for recognition
c. give opportunities to answer different questions
d. provide more opportunities for students

129. Which of the following is NOT a recommendation on what a teacher should do to

errors made by the students?
a. ignore the errors c. correct the errors as gently as possible
b. correct errors for accuracy d. give possible feedback when correcting

130. A parent comes to your room insisting that you talk to him right away even if you
are in the middle of discussion. What should you do?
a. Ignore him. Close the door so he doesn’t bother you.
b. Talk to him for a while and tell him to come back after classes.
c. Call a fellow teacher and take over your classes.
d. Call him politely to wait until you finish your classes.

131. Three students are to leave the room to practice or review for a school competition
for the next day. What should you do?
a. Request for an excuse letter from the concerned teacher or the trainer.
b. Tell them to have their review or practice after classes.
c. Allow them to go even without the excuse letter.
d. Allow them but give them extra assignment.

132. One of your students informs you that you have a wrong answer to one of the
questions and he is right. What should you do?
a. Accept that you are wrong but reprimand him
b. Accept that you are wrong and thank him.
c. Don’t admit that you are wrong.
d. Give him more difficult problems to solve.
133. You caught a student of yours getting something from the bag of her classmate
without her classmate’s permission. What should you do?
a. Report her to the guidance office
b. Talk to the student earnestly for she might have a problem
c. Reprimand her.
d. Tell the class about what happened.

134. In your English lesson, some students told you that their previous English teacher
taught them differently with regards to the current lesson. They are now confused as
to who is right.
a. Tell them that they might have misunderstood the previous teacher.
b. Let them decide as to who is correct.
c. Let them read more about the subject matter.
d. Tell them that you are correct and the other teacher is wrong.

135. The teacher of another class is absent and you were told to handle it because you
have no classes for two periods. You would do so because
a. she handles your class when you are absent
b. you want to have a higher performance rating
c. it is the right thing to do
d. you want to be praised by you fellow teachers

136. What is the best thing to do when one of your students throw paper in front of you
with nasty remarks about you?
a. Punish the entire class unless someone admits the wrongdoing.
b. Let them write anonymously their complaints and grievances about you.
c. Punish them as to “one for all, all for one”.
d. Give them a difficult recitation or test.

137. You caught some of your students at the back looking at lewd pictures during
classes. What should you do?
a. Let them bring their parents to school
b. Give them low grades in Value Education.
c. Send them to the Guidance office
d. Shift discussion to the right things about sexuality

138. The most important thing to consider to attain the objectives in education.
a. The needs of the pupils/students c. The recommendations of the parents
b. The recommendation of the DepEd d. The materials available to the school

139. It is primary task of a classroom teacher.

a. To teach and follow the curriculum set by the DepEd.
b. To motivate and guide student learning in the most effective way
c. To develop in the students conformity with standards of life.
d. To give students a chance to belong to the middle class of society.

140. It is most important factor that would make a successful teacher.

a. Her intellectual ability and the seminars she has attended.
b. Her personality towards her students and fellow teachers.
c. Her competence of the subjects.
d. Her expertise in classroom management.

141. Learning is functional when

a. The teacher meets his present and future needs.
b. Learning could be observed and measured.
c. Learning is more of memorization.
d. Learning is applied in group activities.

142. What should a teacher do when asked a question whose answer she doesn’t
a. Tell the students she has forgotten the answer.
b. Ignore the question
c. Tell the students that she doesn’t know the answer
d. Give it as an assignment the following day.

143. What would you do if a student of yours dropped-out of school with unreturned
books and the supply officer wants you to pay for it?
a. Pay for the books.
b. Let your students contribute to pay for the books.
c. Talk to the Principal regarding the matter.
d. Refer this matter to the PTA president.

144. Which of the following tells you what may happen based on one’s scheme and
a. experimenting c. describing
b. observing d. predicting

145. Republic Act No. 6713 prohibits government employees and public officials from
engaging in private practice unless authorized by law. You are a teacher who
teaches for half-day in a public school. A private school offers you a part-time
teaching job with schedule that is in conflict or overlaps that of your teaching
schedule in the public school. What will you do?
a. Retain your public school teaching load and forego the offer from the private.
b. Take the private school offer for extra income
c. Give up the public school teaching job.
d. Ask for time adjustment so as to accommodate both teaching load

146. Which of the following situations will bring out values that would enhance and
strengthen our sense of nationhood?
a. A Filipino who pays his taxes correctly and honestly.
b. An Oversees Filipino Worker who values economic gain at the expense of the
family relations
c. Local manufacturers providing cheap labor by Filipino workers to foreign
business partners
d. Enhancing the Filipino worker to be “Industrious, Systematic, Time-Conscious
Innovative and has a Strong Value for Work (ISTIV)

147. “Maka-Diyos, Maka-Bayan, Maka-Tao at Maka-kalikasan” are the four pillars of

a. public service is a trust c. the politics of service
b. the principle of work efficiency d. Moral Recovery Program

148. It is designed to solve the social ills of society through personal transformation and
renewal and to strengthen the moral fiber of the Filipino people.
a. People’s Initiative c. People Empowerment
b. Moral Recovery Program d. WOW Pinoy Movement

149. It sets down in unequivocal terms the mandated that all government officials and
employees shall at all times be answerable for their misconduct to the people.
a. Rights c. Responsibility
b. Public Trust d. Accountability

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