Final Cad 21-40 Questions

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21. Who is the proponent of classical conditioning?

A. B. F Skinner
B. Ivan Pavlov
C. Jean Piaget
D. Urie Bronfrenbrenner
22. According to Frued’s Psychosexual Theory, what term is associated to the areas of the body that is highly sensitive to
A. Anal
B. Oral
C. Pleasure zone
D. Erogenous zone
23. In which psychosexual stage, where parents gradually introduce potty training to children?
A. Anal Stage
B. Oral Stage
C. Latency Stage
D. Phallic Stage
24. According to Piaget’s cognitive theory, In what stage does a child develops object permanence?
A. Sensorimotor
B. Pre-Operational Stage
C. Formal Operational Stage
D. Concrete Operational Stage
25. How many stages of cognitive development does Piaget proposes in his theory?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
26. The child depends on his parents to live. In what period of psychosocial theory this pertains?
A. Early Childhood
B. Infancy
C. Play Age Period
D. School Age Period
27. Joan was devastated when her boyfriend broke up with her. When someone expresses their feelings for her she will
distant herself. In which Erikson’s psychosocial stage does Joan belongs?
A. Love vs. Isolation
B. Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt
C. Ego Integrity vs. Despair
D. Generativity vs. Stagnation
28. Teacher Ana is a kindergarten teacher her lesson is all about colors. When she asks one asks her students what is the
first color of the rainbow the student answers “red” as she asks her what was the other remaining colors the student
answers “red”. What process is illustrated based on Piaget’s cognitive development theory?
A. Assimilation

B. Accommodation
C. Metacognition
D. Schema
29. Jorge is having a tantrum when his mother did not buy him his favorite ice cream. Which state personality he portrays?
A. Id
B. Ego
C. Desire
D. Superego
30. Mary Ann teaches her younger sister how to read letters. According to sociocultural theory, Mary Ann is considered as?
C. Teacher
D. Good sister
31. Which statement is TRUE about the principle of child’s development?
A. Every child is different same as their rates too.
B. Child’s development continues until puberty.
C. Every child has the same development and rates too.
D. Infant’s motor movements are very specific and directed.
32. Lisa learns to love music because of her parents. What factor influences her love for music?
A. Parents
B. Nurture
C. Nature
D. Heredity
33. According to the Principle of Child’s Development, which characteristic of a child pertains to cephalo-caudal
A. The child learns to crawl before 1 yrs. Old.
B. The infant learns to use her arm before leg.
C. Infants move their fingers together with their legs.
D. The child’s spinal cord develops first than the outer parts of the body.
34. All the statements are TRUE about the individual rates of growth and development EXCEPT?
A. All students have uniform development and rates.
B. All children have same development but differ in rates.
C. Jean has a delayed speech development from the rest of the children her age.
D. Mary and Jennie are both adolescents yet Jennie is still not experiencing puberty.
35. In principle of Child’s Development, which characteristic refers to the principle of simple to complex?
A. The development of the child proceeds from head to toe.
B. Infants learn to move their whole arm before their fingers.
C. The development of the child starts from the center to outward.
D. The child learns how to add numbers before learning how to multiply numbers.
36. What is TRUE about the concept of Nature vs. Nurture?
A. Luis and Jack learn how to cook because their mother is a chef.

B. Luis wanted to be a singer while Jack wanted to be a dancer just like their idols.
C. Luis’s blue eyes are inherited from her father while Jack’s skin complexion is the same as his mother.
D. Luis and Jack’s are tall as their father that’s why they both love basketball because their father is a basketball
37. The theory of Vygotsky’s Socio-cultural emphasizes the gap between what learner can do without assistance and what
the learner can do with assistance? Such gap is termed as?
A. Scaffolding
B. Learning gaps
C. Zone of Proximal Development
D. Zone of Actual Development
38. Which stage of moral development pertaining to the acceptance of social rules concerning right and wrong?
A. Conventional
B. Pre-conventional
C. Post Conventional
D. Universal Principle
39. Which system of ecological model encompasses cultural and societal beliefs, decisions and actions which influence
child’s development?
A. Exosystem
B. Macrosystem
C. Microsystem
D. Mesosystem
40. According to Bronfrenbrenner’s ecological model, which system illustrates the relationship of the child with his/her
parents, siblings, and school environment?
A. Exosystem
B. Macrosystem
C. Microsystem
D. Mesosystem

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