Technical English 1 Investigative Report Writing and Presentation

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CDi-3 Technical English i (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)


Investigative Report Writing and Presentation

CDI 3 Technical English 1

(Technical Report Writing and Presentation)




CDi-3 Technical English i (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)



PREFACE ........................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Unit I – Fundamentals of Report Writing .................................................................................................... 1
Unit II- Sentence and Paragraph ............................................................................................................... 10
Unit III- Types and Formats of Police Reports ........................................................................................... 28
Unit IV – Civilian Letter ........................................................................................................................... 102
References .............................................................................................................................................. 121
Rubrics: ................................................................................................................................................... 126
Glossary .................................................................................................................................................. 127
User’s Evaluation ………………………………………………………………………………………

Answer Key……………………………………………………………………………………………..

Unit I – Fundamentals of Report Writing

One of the basic tasks of researchers /investigators is writing reports.

Report is defined as an account of any occurrence prepared after a thorough
study or investigation. It could also be an account or statement describing in detail
of an event, situation or it is a result of observation or inquiry.

Learning Outcomes

 At the end of this unit, you will be able to:

 Evaluate the importance of police report writing; and
 Use the basic requirements in writing police report

Directions: A. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
1. A ____ is an official record of all the information that is relevant to any investigation/ study.

2. _____ of a report refers is establishing facts from answering the 5W’s and 1H.

3. _____ refers to the chronological or step-by-step account of an incident that transpired in a

given time, at a given place.

4. _______ is designed by asking somebody a series of questions to gather information. This is

considered as the first step of report writing process.

5. .The Philippine National Police organization caters to the ______ Person writing style.

B. Modified True – False.

Direction. Write TRUE in the blank if the statement is correct; but if the statement is incorrect,
write the word(s) which should be substituted or added for the underlined word(s) to make the
statement true. (3 points each)

__________ 1. Recognition and promotion are mostly based on the quality of the investigator’s
___________2. In the prosecution of mammals, reports are used as legal documents.
___________3. Reports are extremely helpful to the relationship of the police and community.
___________4. A report must be factual. A fact is something that has been objectively verified
and is presented objectively.
___________5. One of the important uses of police report is to improve the personality of the

Thank you for answering the test.

Please see page ___ or you may open our face book page _______
or in our goggle class with this code ______ for the key answer.

The next section is the content of this unit. It contains the Nature of
Police Report Writing, Qualities of a Good Police Report, Steps in Report
Writing Process, Guidelines in Police Report Writing, Purposes of Police
Reports and The Important Uses of Police Report.


The Nature of Police Report Writing

Basically, report is defined as an objective statement of the findings of an investigator;

this is an official record of the information that is relevant to an investigation. Hence, a good
report plays an important role in the success of any investigation (Bajado – Nano & Pioquinto,

On the other hand, Police Report deals with story of action performed by police
personnel. It is a chronological or step-by-step account of an incident that transpired in a given
time, at a given place. It is also defined as an account of some subjects specifically investigated,
or an official statement of facts. A police report is a result from the fact that someone has asked
for them and needs them for immediate or future use. In any event, police report writing has
become one of the most significant processes in modern police operations.

A police officer, after rendering his/her duty must render a report. His immediate
supervisor must be aware of the things an investigator had done in the field during their tour of
duty, and submitting this report is the only way to do it.

The success of police operation depends upon the quality of the reports and the ability of
the police officer to write them effectively. The PNP relies on written reports to relay information
to superiors, co-workers, the courts and numerous other agencies. Reports are also used to
train personnel and to get people to follow procedures and policies (Petalvo-Ballares, Marilyn, et

Police Report Writing is considered technical writing. It is the backbone of criminal

investigation and prosecution (Petalvo-Ballares, Marilyn, et al.).

Well-written reports do not happen in a snap of a finger, but rather they are products of a
series of writing activities that are perfected over constant practice. Good report writers are
those who painstakingly take the effort of writing and revising their work to achieve the best
output (Bajado – Nano & Pioquinto, 2014).

Qualities of a Good Police Report (Petalvo-Ballares, Marilyn, et al.)

All police reports must contain certain qualities, which can be categorized as:

Accurate. This means that the police report is in exact conformity to fact (errorless). A fact is
something that has been objectively verified. Facts must be reported correctly and without error.
If it’s a criminal incident report, the elements of the crime are a must for accuracy. One
must restrict his/her report to the facts of the incident as one saw it or as victim/s and witness/es
reported them. One must accurately report the conditions of the scene as he/she found them.

Clear. The language and format in one’s police report must be simple and direct to the point.
Clear means plain or evident to the mind of the reader. The writer should use simple words so
the reader will know exactly what the reader needs to know. Avoid using words that have double
meanings, slang, jargon and unnecessary abbreviations.

Complete. A report must answer the “who”, what, when, where, why and how questions (5W’s
and 1H). It must also contain the elements of the offense. Proper note-taking techniques can
assure one to write complete reports.

Concise. This means that the police report says much with a few words as possible.
Conciseness relates to the elimination of unnecessary words and does not mean short.
Writing concise reports includes using active voice, avoiding wordiness, eliminating
unnecessary words, prepositional phrases, and using ordinary and commonly understood
words. Most sentences in police reports consists of 12 to 15 words.

Factual. A report must be factual. A fact is something that has been objectively verified and is
presented objectively. One must report the facts correctly and without error.
Avoid reporting opinions, inferences (drawing conclusions), suppositions (assumptions
of truth), or hearsay as though they were facts.

Objective. One must remember that there are always two sides to every story and both sides
have the right to be told. The investigation must not be influenced by emotion, personal
prejudice or opinion. The investigator must collect and report the facts in an objective and
professional manner.

Prompt. A report must be completed in a timely manner and submitted at the soonest possible
time. One’s credibility may be open to speculation if this quality of police report is not followed.

Steps in Report Writing Process (Petalvo-Ballares, Marilyn, et al.

Police Report Writing is a five step process. During the investigation, one must complete each
of the steps, or else, the final report will lack substance.

It is designed as asking somebody a series of questions to gather information. This is
considered as the first step of the process. The investigator’s interview of the victim/s,
witness/es, and suspect/s is the backbone of the preliminary investigation.
Normally, the first officer of the crime scene has the best opportunity to conduct
interviews. If the officer fails to conduct a successful interviews, his/her actions on preliminary
investigation is incomplete.

Note Taking
It means brief notation concerning specific events while fresh in one’s mind and used to
prepare a report. An investigator must take notes to assist his/her memory with specific details,
such as names, date of birth, serial numbers, addresses and phone numbers.
Neat and accurate notes add to one’s credibility and demonstrate one’s high level of
proficiency and professionalism. Since notes are made of all pertinent information during an
investigation, they would be of great help especially when an investigator is subpoenaed or
summoned to appear in court.

It means to arrange the components of something in a way that it creates a particular
structure. Since during the note taking, all the information gathered are fragments, the
investigator must organize these information into logical manner. The sequence of events must
be followed in order to portray the incident clearly.

Writing the Narrative

In this stage is the preparation of the report. The task is not only to express your ideas,
but to make an impression upon the mind of the reader as well. In other words, you must write
for the benefit of the reader. Place yourself in the reader’s position, and try to visualize their
interest, their knowledge of the subject and their dependence upon the report.
Writing the narrative should be the easiest part of report writing. Before you begin writing
the narrative, stop and think about what you have done and what you have yet to do.

To proofread, ask yourself the following questions: Is this report the best I can do? Do I
want this to be read by the Chief of Police? (Is there anything else I can do to make it better?)
Most officers are just thankful to have finished the reports and don’t take additional
moment to review their works. Think about whom else is going to read the report.

Guidelines in Police Report Writing (Petalvo-Ballares, Marilyn, et al.).

A. Word Usage
Police officers from all over the country tend to use similar words and phrases. But you
should always make sure that you know the correct definition and spelling of the words you will
use in your reports.
Slang is usually a nonstandard vocabulary developed by a group o people. It may be a
street slang, criminal slang, or police slang. It is inappropriate to use slang in your report, unless
you are quoting someone’s statements; and
Jargon is usually a specialized language of a profession. Criminal justice professionals,
just like other professionals, use a great deal of jargons. You should avoid using of jargons in
your report.

B. Tone (First Person and Third Person)

You may write your report in either first person or third person style. Both are
First person writing style is preferred and the most widely used. You are referring to
yourself as an active participant.
The alternative to first person is the Third person writing style. You refer yourself as an
assigned officer, the undersigned or this officer. Usually, department policy specifies which style
to use. Police reports should be written in an easily understandable style. The Philippine
National Police organization caters to the Third-Person writing style.

C. The Contents of a Police Report (5Ws and 1H)

The police officer needs not to be genius to write a good police report. If the officer
obtains responses for the six interrogative questions, his report is complete.

WHO. It refers to the complete and correct name. Wrong name usually results in failure to
locate a witness or apprehend a suspect. The spelling of the name of witness/es, victim/s and
suspect/s should be correct. Name including middle name must be exact.
It also refers to exact home address, be it residence or a hotel, and telephone address.

WHAT. It refers to what type of property was attacked, e.g. building, residence, alley, vacant lot,
It refers to what type of property was stolen, lost or found. What items related to the
crime were found at the crime scene. An accurate description of all such properties stolen, lost
or found should be entered in the notes.
It refers to what offense was committed, e.g. murder, homicide, rape, physical injuries,
robbery, theft, and violation of special laws.
It refers also to what type of evidence was found or recovered.

WHERE. It concerned with the geographical location of the crime scene, property or evidence.

WHEN. It refers to the date and time when the offense was committed; property found, suspect
apprehended, etc.

WHY. It refers to the object or desire which motivated the offense. If it’s crime against person,
the object of the attacked might be revenge, ransom, or sexual pleasure. If it’s crime against
property, the reason may be to acquire money and property.

HOW. It refers to the general manner in which the crime was committed.
Generally, the “who”, “when”, and “where” appear at the beginning of the report. The
reader needs to know the person/s involved, the date and time the incident happened, and the
location at which it took place. “What” happened is usually unfolded throughout the report. The
“how” is closely related to the what. The “why” belongs to before or after the what, depending on
the situations. These six questions cover the essentials of many typical police report.
A police report is written because a crime is committed, and an investigation of it is
made. If the writer has failed to ask important questions during in the investigation and/ or failed
to note the important details in his/her field note or tickler, then the investigator is in for an
incomplete report, which understandably will be unreliable.

Purposes of Police Reports (Foronda, 2009)

1. To serve as the raw materials from which records system are made.
2. To reveal as part of the component of the record system, the direct relationship between the
efficiency of the department and the quality of its reports and reporting procedures.
3. To guide police administrators for policy formulation and decision making.
4. To serve as a gauge/yardstick for efficiency evaluation of police officers.
5. To guide prosecutors and courts in the trial of criminal cases investigated by the police.

Important Uses of Police Report (Foronda, 2009)

1. It serves as records for police administration in planning, directing, and organizing the unit’s
2. It can be used as legal documents in the prosecution of criminals.
3. It can be utilized by other agencies.
4. It can be useful to tri-media for public information purposes.
5. It can be utilized for research purposes.
6. It can improve the personality of the writer/investigator.

Learning Activities

Activity1. Comic Strip

Directions: Create a comic strip narrating the importance of police report writing in the
organization (police) and outside organization (prosecutors and courts and other various
government agencies. Submit your work in the pigeon boxes which are provided in your
department/college, or in the designated are in your locality or upload your output in our face
book page or in our goggle class with this code ____on or before the date reflected in on your
study schedule. See rubric on page ____.You may access the class work through this link:

Activity2. Formulation of 5W’s and 1H Questions (3-5 questions each)

Directions: Act yourself as an investigator. Make a recorded video in conducting an investigation

to any of these two persons involved, the victim or the witness; in a homicide, rape or
kidnapping case (choose only one). Submit your work in the pigeon boxes which are provided
in your department/college, or in the designated are in your locality or upload your output in our
face book page or in our goggle class with this code ____on or before the date reflected in on
your study schedule. See rubric on page ____.You may access the class work through this link:

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take now the assessment.
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and want to ask clarifications about it, please send me a
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class with this code _____ or through a text message or
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A. Compare and Contrast

Directions: Using a Venn diagram, compare police report writing to other forms of writing. Then,
write a blog about these similarities and differences. Submit your work in the pigeon boxes
which are provided in your department/college, or in the designated are in your locality
or upload your output in our face book page or in our goggle class with this code ____on or
before the date reflected in on your study schedule. See rubric on page you may access the
class work through this link: _______________.

Differences Differences



B. Discussion

Directions: Using a discussion web, give your perception on the question “Does writing police
report gives a big impact in solving a crime?” Submit your work in the pigeon boxes which are
provided in your department/college, or in the designated are in your locality or upload your
output in our face book page or in our goggle class with this code ____on or before the date
reflected in on your study schedule. See rubric on page you may access the class work through
this link: _______________.

NO (Reasons) YES (Reasons)




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please send me a message to our face book page ______, or in our goggle
class with this code _____ or through a text message or phone calls on the
contact number included in your course.

Unit II- Sentence and Paragraph

A learner's knowledge on correct construction of sentence and paragraph is

essential in technical writing; therefore, it is necessary that the basic concepts in
constructing a sentence and paragraph should be mastered. The learner's knowledge and
skills in crafting sentences and paragraphs could be mastered through constant review and
repeated exercise. He can engage himself in various writing practices to improve his skills,
and if certain skills have already been mastered, as a result writing comes easy. One's
knowledge in sentence and paragraph is an important factor in writing. In many cases,
technical writers have brilliant ideas, but putting these ideas into grammatically correct
sentences and paragraph is often the deterring factor. Thus, it is necessary that a writer
should have exemplary grammar skills.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, you will be able to:

 Identify four kinds of sentence according to structure.

 Construct a paragraph using transitional markers.


Multiple Choice.

Directions: Read and analyze the statement carefully. Choose the best answer and write the
letter only on the space provided.

_____1. Mr. and Mrs. Reyes have a big argument over where they should turn over the
explosives found in their house.
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex Sentence
_____2. Ann loves to read detective novels and write reviews about them.
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex Sentence
_____3. John, on the other hand, likes to read crime stories, and he also likes to watch crime
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex Sentenc

_____4. Ann says there is nothing relaxing about watching crime movies, than reading it from a
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex Sentence

_____5. John dislikes sitting down and reading a detective novel; he always gets bored
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-complex Sentence

_____6. Ann enjoys sitting down, reading detective novels, and reconstructing the
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex Sentence

_____7. This year, after a lengthy, noisy debate, the notorious robbery group decided to part
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex Sentence

_____8. John went to watch the Borne Identity movie, while Ann just stayed home read the
Bourne Identity book written by Robert Ludlum.
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex Sentence

_____9. Although the terrorist tend to disguise their identity, they were unable to fool their
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex Sentence

_____10. The investigator took the desktop computer that he uses at work, and his partner sits
on the bench with his laptop computer, which he connects to the internet with a cellular phone.
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex Sentence


The Sentence

A sentence is a group of words expressing a complete thought or idea. A complete sentence is

made up of a subject and a predicate. The diagram below explains further on this concept.


A group of words expressing complete thought or idea

Subject Predicate

-the topic of the sentence - talks about the subject

-tells who is spoken of - talks about what the subject is doing

-it is a noun or pronoun - it is a verb

Fig.7. The Sentence (Illustrated by MCBN

Four Kinds of Sentence According to Structure

There are four kinds of sentence according to structure. These are: Simple sentence, compound
sentence, complex sentence, and compound-complex sentence.

A. Simple Sentence

A group of word that can stand alone and gives a complete thought. It has two basic parts: the
subject and the predicate. The subject tells who or what is being spoken of; the predicate tells
something about the subject. A simple sentence has one subject and one predicate.


subject predicate

1. The lawyer is attending a hearing.


subject predicate

2. The serial killer lurks in the shadows.

B. Compound Sentence

This is a sentence consisting of two, or more independent clauses or simple sentence joined by
a semi-colon, coma, or a coordinating conjunction.

What is a clause?

A clause is a group of words that contain a verb and its subject. A clause that can stand alone is
called an independent clause. A clause that does not express a complete thought and cannot
stand by itself is called a dependent clause.


independent clause conjunction independent clause

1. The judge looks around the courtroom, and orders the crowd to keep silent.

independent clause conjunction independent clause

2. The witness gave his lengthy testimony, but the judge did not believe him.

C. Complex Sentence

This is a sentence containing one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.


dependent clause dependent clause

Though still shaken by the incident and the attempted burglary,

independent clause

Marina decided to report it to the police station.

independent clause dependent clause

Marina went to the police station, filed an affidavit of complaint,

dependent clause

and felt relieve


D. Compound-Complex Sentence

Contains two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.


independent clause independent clause dependent clause

When the burglars left the house, they were in a hurry and left traces of evidence.

independent clause independent clause

turned on the lights as soon as I arrive, what confronted me were broken furniture

dependent clause

and messy living room.

Four Kinds of Sentence According to Function

English can also be classified according to functions, namely:

Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, and Exclamatory. Refer to the discussion below:

1. Declarative Sentence-A sentence that states an idea and ends with a period.
Anthony is a second year Criminology student.
Criminology is the scientific study of crime and criminals. She passed the Criminology
Licensure Examination last month.

2. Interrogative Sentence- A sentence that asks a question and ends with a question mark.
Who is the principal suspect of the burglary?
What was the possible motive of the crime? When was the suspect apprehended?

3. Imperative Sentence- A sentence that gives an order or direction and ends with a period or
exclamation mark.
Please call the police station right away.
Watch out for stray bullets!

4. Exclamatory Sentence- A sentence that conveys emotions exclamation mark.

Stop! You are under arrest.
Help, call the ambulance please!
Hey! Look at those floating dead bodies! Oh, what a brutal killing!

Skills Practice
Directions: Identify what type of sentences are the statements below, and correct it by inserting
the appropriate punctuation marks.
Are you aware of the hearing tomorrow
Finish your supper
Oh, what a horrible day
Today is my arraignment
What evidences have you gathered from the crime scene
Lock your room
Shh, don’t make any noise
Have you finished your assignment
Sir, close the door
Drew participated in the shooting tournament

Rune-on Sentences, Parallel Structures, Dangling Modifiers

Rune-on Sentence
Run-on sentences are two complete sentences, but they are incorrectly punctuated. These
sentences are misleading to the readers, because there is no clear direction as to where the
first idea ends, and the next idea begins.
Run-on sentences are of two types: the fused sentence and the comma splice. Fused
sentences are two sentences fused together without any punctuations or connectors. A comma
splice on the Other hand, are two sentences joined together by a comma.

John went to the police station he filed an affidavit of complaint.
(fused Sentence)
John went to the police station, he filed an affidavit of complaint.
(comma splice)

Methods on Correcting Run-on Sentences:

1. Put a period after the first sentence to create two complete sentences.
Example: John went to the police station. He filed an affidavit of complaint.
2. Combine the two sentences by using a comma and a conjunction.
Example: John went to the police station, and he filed an affidavit of complaint.
3. Break the two sentences by using a semi-colon or by using any subordinating
conjunction or conjunctive adverbs.
Example: John went to the police station because he filed an affidavit of complaint.
(Using subordinating conjunction)
Example: John went to the police station and he filed an affidavit of complaint.
(Using a semi-colon)

Skills Practice
Correct the run-on sentences below using all of the three methods of correcting run-ons in each
sentence. Rewrite the sentence.

 Computers are important in making investigative reports, they are essential in solving

 The responding cops asked if I was hit in the stomach, they tore my shirt right away.

 Many investigators believe that the polygraph is not reliable, they still use it for security

 Illegal drugs are dangerous this is an indisputable reality.

 I gave the necessary documents to the investigators he said I still need to make a formal
statement in the police station.

Parallel Structures
These are structures or sentence elements having uniform grammatical function. These
structures are presented in the same grammatical form. For sentences to be parallel, the words
should parallel with words, verbs with verbs, nouns with nouns, phrases with phrases, and
clauses with clauses.

Series Patterns of Parallel Structures:

For a sentence to be parallel, all elements in a series should be in similar form. Take note of the
series of patterns below:

Series of Adjectives
Unparallel: On the day of the hearing, Martha was nervous, edgy, and could not wait to
nail down the suspect of her son's murder.

Parallel: On the day of the hearing, Martha was nervous, edgy, and eager to nail down
the suspect of her son's murder.

Series of Pronouns
Unparallel: When someone commits a crime, we must be ready to face the
consequences of his actions.

Parallel: When someone commits a crime, he must be ready to the consequences of his

Series of Infinitives
Unparallel: To serve and protecting the people is the living motto of every police

Parallel: To serve and to protect the people is the living motto of every police officer.

Series of Gerunds
Unparallel: Stealing, copying, and to get information from a copyrighted material without
permission is a crime.

Parallel: Stealing, copying, and getting information from a copyrighted material without
permission is a crime.

Series of Verbs
Unparallel: The security guard checks the locks of the main gate, and has to turn on the
burglar alarm system.

Parallel: The security guard checks the locks of the main gate, and turns on the burglar
alarm system.

Dangling Modifiers
A sentence is said to have dangling modifiers when the modifier is misplaced or attached with
the wrong word. When a sentence has a dangling modifier it will take on an unintended meaning
and will cause confusion, because it does not describe the words that the writer intends to
While standing in his post, a bullet hits the security guard in the head.
(The unintended meaning of the sentence above is that the bullet is standing in his post.
The words security guard should be placed right after the modifier, or within the opening word
group to avoid confusion.)

Corrected Sentences:
1. While standing in his post, the security guard is hit in the head by a bullet.
(Modifier’ placed right after the words security guard)
2. While the security guard is standing in his post, a bullet hit him in the head.
(The word security guard is placed within the opening word group)

Methods of Correcting Dangling Modifiers:

1. Specify and state the subject or doer/doer of the action.
Wrong: I could see the crime scene standing from the window.
Correct: Standing from the window, I could see the crime scene.
I could see the crime scene when I am standing from the window.

2. Correct the dangling phrase; make it a complete clause, and state the subject/doer of the
Wrong: Without sufficient evidence, it was hard to arrest the suspect.
Correct: Because the police officers have no sufficient evidence, it was hard to arrest the

3. Fuse together the phrase and the clause, and create a single sentence.
Wrong: In order to give her verdict, the murder case was reviewed.
Correct: She gave her verdict after reviewing the murder case.

Skills Practice
Directions: Correct the sentences below and make it free from dangling modifiers.
1. Returned to the crime scene in a disguise as one of the kibitzers.
2. Prohibited drugs destroy and leaving long term side effects.
3. When 5 years old, father's picture appeared in the Rouges' Gallery of the police.
4. Described as a tall man with a beard weighing 100 pounds who robbed the grocery store.
5. The police officer we meet questioned the dead body but did not divulge any information for

The Paragraph

A paragraph is a brief composition having only one main thought or idea. It is a group of
related sentences developing into one topic, or with a specific part of a longer composition or a
larger topic.
A paragraph is composed of a topic sentence and supporting details. A topic sentence
contains the main idea or thought of the composition. On the other hand, the supporting details
substantiate or help develop the main idea expressed in the topic sentence.
Read the paragraph below and identify the topic sentence and the supporting details that help
developed the main idea.
The value of human life in our society is immeasurable. Police officers are charged with
the awesome responsibility to protect life and property, and to apprehend criminal offenders.
The apprehension of criminal offenders and the protection of property must be subservient to
the protection of life. The police officer's responsibility for protecting life must include his own.
---by Bill Clede from Police Handgun Manual, p.12

Guide Questions:

1. What is the Topic of the Paragraph?

2. Identify the supporting details in the paragraph

Paragraph Unity

A paragraph is considered to be unified when all of its supporting details relate to the main topic.
Below is a sample paragraph, examine it whether each supporting details support the main

Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)

The Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) is the smallest and most radical of the Islamic separatist groups
operating in the southern Philippines. Some ASG members have studied or worked in the
Middle East and developed ties to mujahedeen while fighting and training in Afghanistan. The
group split from the Moro National Liberation Front in 1991 under the leadership of Abdurajik
Abubakar Janjalani, who was killed in a clash with Philippine police on 18 December 1998.
Press report placed his younger brother, Khadafi Janjalani (reported killed in 2002), as the
nominal leader of the group, which is composed of several factions. The ASG is engaged in
bombings, assassinations, to promote an independent Islamic state in the western Mindanao
and Sulu Archipelago. In April 1995 it raided the Ipil town first large-scale action, together with
the kidnapping of more than 30 foreigners, including US citizens, killing two of them in separate
incidents in 2000 and 2002.

Comprehension check:
What is the main topic of the paragraph?
2. Do all the supporting sentences support the main topic?
3. Point out the details that support the main topic

Transitional Markers
Transitional markers are considered as aid to the readers, because its main purpose is
to help readers comprehend the relationship of thoughts, and how these thoughts are
connected smoothly in the paragraph.
Below is an example of a paragraph that uses transitional markers. Note whether the
transitional markers help connect the writer's thoughts.

Kidnapping and Hostage Taking

The difference between kidnapping and hostage taking is extremely fine in the world of
terrorism. Indeed the two terms are often used interchangeably. However, the kidnapper would
normally be regarded as someone who confines his victim in a secret hideaway and makes
material demands i.e. money, weapons, release of prisoners; whereas the hostage taker will
confront authorities and openly hold his victim for ransom.
The hostage taker's demands are often more than material in nature. Political
concessions are frequently demanded in exchange for the lives of hostages. The importance of
hostage taking as comparatively new and popular is plain. First, because of its currency,
hostage taking attracts the media. Second, the fact that the lives of hostages are involved
increases the dramatic effect, thus allowing the terrorist to apply pressure on the authorities to

force concessions, which may not otherwise be made. Finally, the hostage is a tangible asset to
the terrorist who finds that he has something with which to bargain.

(Culled from Manual on Human Behavior and Crisis Management, p. 112)

List of Common Transitional Markers

Below are list of transitional markers and its corresponding relationships.

Transitional Markers and its Relationships

again, also, and, as' well as, further, furthermore, in addition, likewise, moreover, next, similarly

because, for, for this reason, since

briefly, after, always, at last, before, in the meantime, meanwhile, next, soon, suddenly

all, and, as, both, like, similarly

finally, hence, so, therefore, thus, to conclude

despite, although, but, conversely, however, even so, difference, nevertheless

as a result, consequently, for that reason, effect, hence, so then, therefore, thus

above all, especially, indeed, in fact

for example, for instance, in other words, specifically, such as, to illustrate

finally, first, last, least, next, primarily

finally, first, furthermore, last, moreover, next, second, third

again, as stated before, i.e. (that is), in summary, to reiterate, to repeat

finally, in brief, in short, on the whole, overall

Learning Activities

A. Directions: Rewrite the sentences below to create parallel structures.

1. Juvenile delinquents commonly exhibit these characteristics: withdrawal, restlessness,
depression, and they are rebellious.
2. In any school, vandalism can be a ground for suspension or even the students will be
3. SPOI Michael Dasigao is not only a good policeman, but also hold his responsibility as a
4. I was given an order not to take the plane or riding on a bus to avoid being tracked by the
5. Many criminals commit crime to sustain their vices, or just enjoying the act itself.

B. Directions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate transitional markers.

1. John's investigative work was successful __________he got a raise.

2. The robber was a terrible liar __________he got caught.

3. The special investigator hopes to receive the order on time _________he we will cancel the

4. Bryan was caught shop lifting ____________he was brought to the police station.

5. We are sending you the backup team according ___________your request.

6. The con artist was attractive ____________she was also very convincing.

7. ____________last week, they have been suspecting her.

8. ___________the police arrives, they need to keep the crowd away from the crime scene.

9. Please pass your report on time____________ try to be early.

10. The group is growing rapidly ___________ we are thinking of expanding the operation.

11. ___________fulfil his contract, he will have to submit his initial report by Monday.

12. ___________this evidence is very important; make sure it is deposited as soon as possible
in the crime laboratory.

13. The company has expanded __________we hiring additional investigators.

14. You can drop by at the police station_______________ request a certification of the blotter


Exercises on Kinds of Sentences

Directions: Identify the following sentences as Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound.
Complex. Write your answer in the blank before each number.
_____________1. The most popular detective TV series in the country is CSI.

_____________2. Detectives in America and Europe had several organizations, and Philippines
also had organizations that resembled CSI.

_____________3. The detective TV series as it is shown today had its beginnings in America.

_____________4. In the Middle Ages, there were already detectives.

_____________5. Police stations were built in towns, and the people who lived in those towns
make friends with their local police officers.

_____________6. Such community relations between the police and the residents is still
present today.

_____________7. The first town to build a police station was ours.

_____________8. Both the police officers and the residents helped the wounded civilians during
the earthquake.

_____________9. Now, every city of our country has a SWAT team, and the teams participate
in national trainings.

_____________10. For both the rich and poor in this country, the policemen are ready to render
services for them.

_____________11. The detectives in olden times were somewhat similar to modern policemen,
although they had little trainings.

_____________12. Philippines alone had many police stations; most of these stations have
good facilities.

_____________13. Citizens who were arrested are put in prison cells, and many are waiting for
their trials.

_____________14. The serious-minded criminology students could browse through the

archives for files of recorded crimes.

Correcting Run-on Sentences

Directions: Correct the run-on sentences and comma splices below by using any of the methods
of correction. Rewrite your sentences in the space provided.

Jay decides to take up BS Criminology he wants to be a law enforcer in the future.

A black Pajero pulled up beside my car it looked like it was the car napped vehicle.
The telephone in our busy police station has rung at least a hundred times today I'm getting
used to it.
The drug addict gulped three bottles of poison his body started to become limp.
Our police car started to sputter a strong gas odour emits from the hood.
The court clerk looked at me suspiciously I must have looked like a criminal.
The tiled floor was once shiny now it is covered with blood and debris from the bombing.
The lawyer had a hard time discussing with his client she will not cooperate in giving her the
exact details of the crime.
I have to encode again my police report it has full of grammatical errors.

The bank near the school was closed down it was badly burglarized last night.
Last year our students decided to take the Criminology board exam we encouraged them to
enroll in a review center first.
I could not read the document it was tampered very badly.
It rained so hard last night the gangsters had a chance to break in and vandalize the building.
Shane could not watch the gruesome murder video it gives her nightmares.
They were caught trafficking illegal drugs in China a death penalty was imposed on them.

Directions: Complete each statement below by adding any related or appropriate thoughts.
Make sure the sentence is correctly written and will not end up as a run-on or comma splice.
1. The investigators gathered the
2. Traffic Management is one of the responsibilities of the
3. Detecting and apprehending violators are the duties of a traffic patrol
4. Safe travel for pedestrians is an additional goal in highway traffic
5. Vehicle cannibalization is stealing the parts of the motor

Making Parallel Sentences

Directions: Correct each sentence below by writing the parallel series patterns in the same
construction, and identify each series used.

Example: Yesterday in the police station, I received five prank calls, and was writing three
blotter entries.
Answer: Yesterday in the police station, I received five prank calls, and wrote three
blotter entries. (Series of verbs)
The lady warden loves cooking, cleaning, and to do laundry when she is at home.
The prosecutors will be spending time to check, reviewing, and be able to discuss the case at
The Cebu Dancing Inmates are going to dance, and will be singing during the charted day of
Cebu City.
The burglars spend much time on learning the blueprint and having familiarized the whole
The following are rules in making a right turn: Staying on the right lane of the road, never to
make a right turn from the left lane, to make a right turn only after coming to a full stop.

The SOCO Team will secure and to photograph the crime scene.

Her family threatened to sue him, if the stolen jewelry is not to be returned.

While they were sleeping the thief broke in and stealing their priceless painting.

The barangay tanod ran after the snatcher, and he is cornering him in the intersection.


Please turn off the lights and don't forget to close the windows of the Crime Laboratory.
901 Cruz no t only likes car patrolling but also to assisting civilians in the Streets.

The sexual offender was remorseful but is not repenting.


The position you are applying for requires integrity, honor, and to serve others.

The suspect wears a black cap, was putting a false beard, and drove the stolen vehicle.

You either begin to persevere or begins packing to leave the training camp.

Repairing Sentences with Dangling Modifiers

Directions: Identify the sentences below by writing D if the sentence contains a dangling
modifier and C if it is written correctly. Write your answer before each number.

________1. The investigator could hardly read the manuscripts from the archives that was
yellowed with age.

________2. Yellowed with age, the investigator could hardly read the manuscripts from the

________3. Exhausted and out of breath, the policemen stopped running after the snatchers.

________4. The policemen stopped running after the snatchers exhausted and out of breath.

________5. While waiting for her turn on the witness stand, Ann became more nervous.

________6. Ann became nervous while waiting for her turn on the witness stand.

________7. Protected with gloves, the investigators picked the charred remains of the burnt

________8. The investigators with protective gloves picked the charred remains of the burnt

________9. At the age of 20, he was already convicted for three counts of murder.

________10. For three counts of murder, he was already convicted at the age of 20.

________11. I had second thoughts after signing the Affidavit of Desistance.


________12. After signing the Affidavit of Desistance, I had second thoughts.

________13. While securing the crime scene, some evidences have been removed.

________14. Some evidences have been removed while the officers were securing the crime

________15. Broken down and in need of repair, the computer in the laboratory could not be

Directions: Correct the sentences below to make it free from dangling modifiers. Rewrite the
sentences in the space provided for.

After studying the skid marks, the accident report was written by the traffic enforcer.


Upon receiving the verdict, the celebration was held by the survivors.


Upon graduating from Criminology School, the job vacancy was applied for by Jan.3,


Expecting with a positive reply, a motion for reconsideration was proposed by the team.


Realizing his mistakes, the statement was corrected.


Having enough money, the illegal drugs was bought by the suspect.


Being sick, the doctor told the witness to remain in bed.


When only eight years old, my father was accused of arson.


While in College, Forensics was my favorite subject.


To acquire skill in ballistics, constant practice is required.


Exercise on Transitional Markers

Insert the appropriate transitional marker in the blank. Base your answer from the list in the box.

However usually adding the fact that

By example though example

Intermittent Surveillance

Intermittent surveillance may be of the covert or overt type. ________________,

_____________________, this method is used only with the covert approach. This method is
simply observing the subject a little bit each day. _________________ supposing you want to
locate places where the subject meets people of intelligence interests, and they are not within
the priority level of technical surveillance. __________________that the subject is quite
cautious, it can bring intermittent surveillance into consideration. Such is the typical bookmaker.
You can follow him on a particular leg of his journey until all stops are identified.

Intermittent surveillance is a prime consideration in an intelligence unit that

_____________________is conducting a thorough surveillance of a subject,
there are effective substitutes for an abundance of experienced personnel. Intermittent
surveillance has a secondary value in that it permits more security introductions with greater
ease _____________________ one vehicle today, different ones tomorrow.


(Insights taken from Handbook on Police Intelligence)

Gamsahabnida! You did a great job! You may take now the
If you have not completed the task or you have found difficulty in
accomplishing the learning activities, and want to ask clarifications about it,
please send me a message to our face book page ______, or in our goggle
class with this code _____ or through a text message or phone calls on the
contact number included in your course.

Unit III- Types and Formats of Police Reports

Police Reports are document that states all of the facts,

circumstances, and timeline of events surrounding an incident.
Police reports may vary from agency to agency including the
protocol which is to be followed when completing one (study com).

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, you will be able to:

 Distinguish the types and formats of police reports

 Formulate samples for the different types and formats of police reports
Pre test
Directions: Read carefully the following question. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
__________________1. It is a record of daily events occurring within the territories/ jurisdiction
of a given police unit or command.
__________________2. It is interpreted in the simplest way as “a note to help the memory.”
__________________3 – 5. These are the major parts of a Memorandum ( in order ).
__________________6. In the radio Message Form, a ( _ ) is a person who is authorized the
transmission of the message for and in the name of the originator.
__________________ 7. This refers to an immediate initial investigative report addressed to
Higher Headquarters pertaining to the commission of crime, occurrence of natural or
man-made disaster or unusual incidents involving loss of lives and damage of
__________________ 8. This report is written account of an event or occurrence.

Thank you for answering the test.

Please see page ___ or you may open our face
book page _______ or in our goggle class with this code
______ for the key answer.

The next section is the content of this unit. It

contains the different types and formats of Police
Reports with their corresponding samples.


Types and Formats of Police Reports (Petalvo-Ballares,Marilyn, et al.).

1. Police Blotter

2. Certification of Police Blotter Excerpt

3. Memorandum

4. Radio Message

5. Spot Report

6. Incident Report

7. Initial Investigation Report

8. Progress Report

9. Final Investigation Report

10. After Operation Report

11. After Encounter Report

12. Police Operational Plan

13. Sworn Statement and Affidavit

14. Completed Staff work

15. Endorsement

16. Case Operation Plan (COPLAN)

17. Summary of Information

18. Background Investigation Report

19. Routing Slip


1. Police Blotter

It is record of daily events occurring within the territories/jurisdiction of a given police unit
or command. It contains material detail concerning the event for legal and statistical purposes.

The Police Blotter is therefore an informational record book that is utilized for evidentiary
or referral purposes (Circular Number 05, issued by the General Headquarters, Philippine
National Police, dated December 10, 1992, is the rule “Prescribing a Uniform Police Blotter for
the Philippine National Police.” This rule shall be followed by the different police officers and
units throughout the country in making an entry of events and incidents on the police blotter).

A. Contents of Entry

The entry in the police blotter should answer the following cardinal elements of a police
record, to wit: who; what; why; where; when; how; and disposition of the case.

In answering the above 5W’s and 1H and the case disposition, all such material details
about the event, including: the names of the suspect/s ; the victim/s; the eyewitness/es, if any;
the nature of the action or offense; the possible motive/s; the place; the date and time of
occurrence; significant circumstances that aggravate or mitigate the event or the crime should
be entered along with the identity of the officer to whom the case is assigned – officer-on-cases;
and the status of the case.

B. Incidents to be recorded

The following are incidents or transactions, among others are entered in the police blotter:

1. All violations of laws and ordinances reported and discovered;

2. All calls in which any member of the police force is dispatched or has taken an official action;

3. All legal papers handled such warrants, subpoenas, summonses, citations, and the like;

4. All fire alarms, reports and information received by the stations;

5. Movements of prisoners with corresponding notations on the authority for such movements;

6. Cases of missing and found persons. Animals and properties;

7. Vehicular and other types of accidents which require police actions;

8. All personal injuries, bodies found, and suicides;

9. Damage to property;

10. All cases in which a police member is involved;

11. All arrests and returns made; and

12. Miscellaneous cases, general and special orders, violations of rules and regulations and any
other reportable incident that the Chief of Police desires to be recorded.

C. Procedure in Making Entries

1. All entries in the police blotter shall be handwritten in a clear, concise and simple manner but
answering as far as practicable the 5Ws and 1H. Clarity should not be sacrificed for
2. Only facts, not opinions, are entered in the blotter.
3. No erasures shall be made on the entries. Corrections are made by drawing one horizontal
line over such word or phrases and the actual entry initialled by the police officer making
the correction.
4. A ball pen with blue, black or blue black ink is used for making the entries.
5. Misrepresentation in the blotter or any attempt to suppress any information therein are
punishable criminally and administratively.
6. The entries must be legibly written in ling hand and consecutively numbered.
7. Every page of the blotter shall be consecutively or chronologically filled up. No line of space
shall be left blank between any two entries.
8. Any development of a case to be reflected in the blotter should be a new entry at the time and
day it was reported. A reference to the previous entry number of the case, however,
should be made.
9. In every shift, the Duty Sergeant, under the supervision of the Duty Officer or Complaint desk
Officer, shall make the actual entries in the blotter and at the end of his tour of duty, both
the Duty Sergeant and Duty Complaint Desk Officer shall sign the blotter.

Sample format of a Police Blotter

Entry Date Time Disposition

2001 3 May 8:10AM Robbery This case was

45 2013 Juanito de Guzman, 34 years old, married filled in court
of No. 345 Abella Street, Brgy. Abelle, with CC No.
Naga City, reported to this police Office that 2013-0056,
on or about 2:00AM of May 2, 2013, she Branch 15,
was awaken with a noise from their kitchen RTC, Naga
and when she checked it, she saw the City
person of Aldrin Dimayuga, of minor age,
also a resident of their barangay, trying to
escape in an open outlet in the comfort
room with her laptop and when she shouted
for help, subject person assaulted her with
a bladed weapon but fortunately her father
was awaken also and successfully
subdued the suspect.
Officer-on-case: SP01 Jose C.

2 Certification of Police Blotter Excerpt

For whatever legal purpose, interested persons always seek a copy of a police blotter.
Since the entry in the police blotter is a difficult to be machine-copied due to its size (bigger than
the ordinary document), a certification on its contents of a blotter entry, it should be copied
verbatimly, meaning, it should be copied word for word and not correction in the grammar or in
any mistake should be made in the entry.
Obviously mistakes in the entry should be consulted to the Desk Officer who made the
entry and he is the only person authorized to correct it based on the procedures previously

Sample Format of the Certification of Police Blotter Excerpt

Republic of the Philippines

City of Naga



THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following is an excerpt from the POLICE BLOTTER of this
Police Unit dated May 3, 2013, to wit:

2013-45, 03 May 13, 8:10AM


Juanito de Guzman, 34 years old, married of No. 345 Abella Street, Brgy, Abella. Naga
City, reported to this Police Office that on or about 2:00Am of May 3, 2013, she was awaken
with a noise from their kitchen and when she checked it, she saw the person of Aldrin
Dimayuga, of minor age, also a resident of their barangay, trying to escape in an open outlet in
the comfort room with her laptop and when she shouted for help, subject person assaulted her
with a bladed weapon but fortunately her father was awaken also and successfully subdued the

Officer –on-Case: SPO1 Jose C. Manzanero

Disposition: The case was filed in court with CC No.2013-0056, Branch 15, RTC, Naga

Given this 8th day of May 2013 at Naga City, Philippines.



Police Superintendent
Chief, Admin Section
3. Memorandum

Common practices of inter office communication in the police service is the

memorandum. Interpreted the simplest way, a memorandum is “a note to help the memory.”
A memorandum is maybe general in application, requiring compliance by, or information
of a majority of all the officers and members of the police organization. It may be also of a
limited application, such as those directed to, or group of individuals, within a particular police
unit, directorate, service, region, province, station or section.

Police executives may issue administrative instructions in the form of a

MEMORANDUM. Subordinate officials may use this form, only on matters advisory or
informative in nature. Routine MEMORANDUM is presently resorting to a “bottom line”
technique to enable the police executives to know right away what had been done about the
problem at hand.

A. Tones of memorandum

There is no strict rule governing the tone of is usually noted

that the tone differs in accordance with the person/persons reading it.

From a chief of office to his subordinates, the tone is impersonal, i.e., “For guidance and
strict compliance.” From a writer sending a memorandum to somebody of equal rank, the tone is
casually personal, i.e., “The undersigned noticed changes in. . .” A subordinate police officer
writing a memorandum to a higher police officer uses a more formal tone, i.e., “For info and
request acknowledge.”

In other line agencies of the government similar with police offices, using FOR and TO
has been done. The “MEMORANDUM FOR:” is written above the addressee if sent to a
superior officer or to same rank and position. Police organization adopts memoranda in the ff
general usage: to inform; to answer; to record a significant event; special reports; basic
transmittals, and for some other purposes.

B. Parts of a Memorandum

1. The Heading

All the materials above the first line of the body comprise the heading.

A. Letterhead:

Printed Letterhead stationery is normally used for the first page. If not available, a typed
letterhead may be used. Each office has its own letterhead. In offices where more than one kind
of letterhead is used, the nature of the letter will determine which letterhead is proper. The top
edge of the letterhead is normally placed ¾ inch or on the fifth line below the top edge of the

Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government
Philippine Public Safety College
Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City
Tel No. 8812722n(loc 112)

B. File Reference or Office Symbol:

It is placed at the left margin, usually two (2) spaces below the letterhead. Each part of
the references are also used as identifying information on the second and subsequent pages.

Example: NFSTI-Admin

C. Addressee:

The title of the addressee is entered after the “MEMORANDUM FOR” if sent to a
superior office, “MEMORANDUM TO” if sent to subordinates. It should be written in block style
with open punctuation and normally placed two (2) spaces after the file reference.



FOR: The Director, HSS


TO: The Director, CIDG

D. Addressor:

The title of the addressor (sender) is entered after “FROM”. Authorized abbreviations are

Example: FROM: The Director, HSS

E. Channels:

Correspondence can be routed THRU channels, through a lower Chief or Supervisor

expected to exercise control, taken action or to be concerned and normally placed two (2)
spaces after the addressee.

Examples: THRU: DCA ______________

DCO _________________

TCDS ______________

F. Attention Address:

To speed routing, correspondence may be addressed to the attention of an individual or

head of a subdivision of an agency, or an office, either by reference to the name of the
subdivision or by the use of an office symbol. The name will be used only when there is a
special reason for calling the letter to the attention of the individual known to handle the type of
correspondence concerned and when it is known that he/she will at the place addressed.
Examples: Addressed to the Attention of an Individual:


TO : Regional Director, PRO CALABARZON

Camp Vicente Lim, Canlubang, Laguna

Addressed to the Attention of the Head of Office


TO : Regional director, PRO CALABARZON

Camp Vicente Lim, Canlubang, Laguna

G. Subject:

The subject line should contain not exceeding ten (10) words. It starts two (2) spaces
below the addressor. Titles capitalization rules may be used. This means capital letter for the
first letter and other important words, and small letters for the unimportant ones. When the
subject extends to two lines, the second line is blocked under the first letter of the first word i the
Example: SUBJECT: Request for Optional Retirement of


H. Date:

This refers to the date of signature and it is placed at the left portion of the page on the
last line below the subject. The day and year are numerals and the month may be spelled out or
abbreviated. If the month is abbreviated, the year must be shortened to.

Example: DATE: March 15, 2008


2. The Body

The body of the letter is the message itself. It is the substance of the typed letter as
distinct from the formal beginning and ending. This part of the letter is single-spaced. The use of
the third person, such as “the undersigned”, “this unit” or “this office” is prescribed to achieve
a. paragraphing

When a letter consists of only one paragraph, the paragraph will not be numbered,
although its sub-paragraph will be lettered, If there are two or more. When there are two (2) or
more paragraph, they will be numbered consecutively. He second succeeding lines will begin at
the left margin.


a. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

b. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

b. Abbreviations:

This kind of communication allows abbreviations which are generally accepted in the
police service. They are usually written without spacing or periods, except geographical
locations which can be written with or without periods. If the full name is used, the abbreviated
rank is permissible, if family name only, the rank is spelled out.

However, good practice tells the writer to use abbreviations sparingly. But definitely,
abbreviations are not used in correspondence going outside the Philippine National Police.

Examples: PDIR - stands for Police Director

PCSUPT - stands for Police Chief Superintendent

PSINP - stands for Police Senior Inspector

Memo - stands for Memorandum

c. References

References to publications must be specific and fully identified. References will not be
made to a publication or document which is not available to the addresses of the
correspondence. References to correspondence will include the type of correspondence, file
reference, office origin, date and subject.


1. Reference: Memo from the Director, NFSTI dated August2,2007, subject as stated above.

d. Page Numbering

The first page should not be numbered (silent Pagination). Subsequent pages, including
those on which endorsements are prepared, will be numbered consecutively, beginning with the
second page as 2. Page number will be centered 1 inch from the bottom of the page. The
number will stand by itself; it will not be set off by dashes, parenthesis or other punctuations.


e. Dividing a Paragraph

Three (3) or fewer lines will not be divided between pages. At least two (2) lines of a
divided paragraph will appear on each page. In dividing a sentence between pages, at least two
(2) words will appear on each page.

The complimentary ending will not appear alone on a page without a part of a body or
text.When the space below the text is not sufficient for the close, at least two (2) lines of the
paragraph or sub-paragraph which in its entirely consist of only one (1) line may be placed on
the last page together with the complimentary ending.

On the second and each succeeding pages, the file reference and subject will be typed,
beginning at the left margin 1 ¼ inches from the top edge of the page. The date will be placed
so that it ends at the right margin. The text will be continued on the second line below the
identification line.


NFSTI-Admin. Request for Optional Retirement of PSINSP JUAN B DELA CRUZ

dated August 2, 2007

3. Complimentary Ending:

Like in business letter, there is also a closing portion. Complimentary Ending refers to
the material found below the last paragraph of the body.

a. Authority Line:

An authority line will be shown when the correspondence is signed for the chief or head
of office by an individual authorized to do so. This reflects the fact that the communication is an
expression of the will of the chief or head of office.

The authority line will begin on the second line below the last paragraph directly under
the first letter of the first word of the preceding main paragraph. It is typed in capital letter
without abbreviations.

Note: A staff officer may sign under the authority line only when authorized to do so.

Example: For guidance and compliance.


b. Signature:

The signature contains the name of the officer, sign in ink (black or blue-black, never
blue or any other color); the name being typed, stamped or printed in capital letters identical
with the written name, the officer’s rank or service and title or designation.


Police Senior Superintendent
Director, NFSTI

The use of double signatures should be avoided. Instead of this, a designated individual
may sign his own name and add the word “FOR” in front of the typewritten name in the
signature. If an individual in the police service signs “FOR” the rankof the signing individual may
be shown.


Police Senior Superintendent
Director, NFSTI

Police Chief Inspector
Deputy Director, NFSTI

The typewritten portion of the signature begins approximately one space to the right of
the centre of the page, five (5) lines below the authority line of the body. Block style and open
punctuation are used. Abbreviation of rank and service and titles may be used. By block style,
the first letter of the rank is placed directly under the first letter of the typewritten signature, but
not necessarily blocking under the last letter of the type written signature.

c. Enclosures

Enclosures are supplementary documents which are sent with communications to

provide additional information. When a letter has one or more enclosures, this fact is entered at
the left side of the page.

Example: Incls.
2-Memo form
3- Memo form

Sample Format of a Memorandum

Republic of the Philippines

City of Naga



FOR : The City Director

Attn: The Chief, Administrative Section

THRU : The Chief, Operation Section

FROM : The Chief, Investigation Section

SUBJECT : Augmentation Personnel, Request for –

DATE : May 8, 2013

1. Reference: Memorandum from R7, PRO5, re-submission of Daily Records Of Events,

dated May 2, 2013.

2. Request be informed that the Investigation Section has only seven (7) personnel while
on the other hand, the R7 of PRO5 requires this Section to submit daily the records of events.

3. In this connection, respectfully request additional personnel to this Section to do the ff


a. to encode, print and maintain the daily record of events;

b. to submit daily through e-mail the encoded daily records of events.
4. Further request favorable action.


Police Inspector
Asst. Chief, Inves Section


Memo from R7, PRO5



The radio message form is that one used when preparing radiographic messages
intended for transmission throughout the Philippine National Police (PNP). This is patterned
after the form used in the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), and subscribes to the
procedures based on the AFPRG 421-141, dated November 26, 1968.

A. Important Terms
1. Message. A message is any idea expressed in plain languages prepared in a form
suitable for transmission by any means of communications.
Types of Messages:
a. Single. A message which has only one addressee.
b. Book. A message which has two or more addressees, and is of such nature that the
originator considers that no addressee needs be informed of the identity of other addressee/s.
Each addressee may be either ACTION or INFORMATIO. The main advantage of a book
message is the economy in the use of communication facilities, and reduction of commercial
cost due to elimination of unnecessary addressee data.
c. Multiple. A message which has to or more addressees, and is of such nature that the
originator considers that each addressee must be aware of all the addressees to whom the
message was addressed. A multiple-address message will not be used when a book message
will suffice.

2. Originator. The originator of the message is the authority in whose message is sent,
or is the police office and/or unit in whose name a message is sent, or is the police office and/or
unit under the direct control of the authority approving a message for transmission. The
originator is responsible for the function of the drafter, and releasing officer.

The originator has the ff responsibilities:

a. To determine if a message is necessary.
b. To determine the addressees and the type of message.
c. To use the message form prescribed by the police organization.
d. To draft the text in accordance with the prescribed manner and procedure.
e. To determine the precedence.
f. To determine the security classification.
g. To ensure that the message is signed by the releasing officer.
3. Drafter. A drafter is a person who actually composes a message for release by the
originator or the releasing officer.

4. Releasing Officer. A releasing officer is a person who may authorize the

transmission of a message for and in the name of the originator.

5. Text. The text is that part of a message which contains the idea that the originator
desires to communicate. It may also contain such internal instructions that are necessary to
obtain special handling.

a. FILLING OUT of Message Form

1. For Communications Electronic Service or Signal Use, Routing Indicator for

Operator’s Use – The message form has spaces provided for use by CES or Signal Personnel.
No entries are to be made in these spaces at the time the message is prepared by the drafter or
originator. When blank sheets are used, adequate space must be left for this purpose.
2. Precedence Action – The precedence assigned to all action addressees will be
entered in this block.
3. Precedence Info – The precedence assigned to all information addressees will be
entered in this block.
4. Date-Time Group - The date-time group is placed at the date-time group block and
consists of six digits and a zone designation. The first pair of digit denotes the date; the second
pair the hour; the third; the minutes. When using abbreviated procedure, the digit denoting the
date may be omitted. It is then called a time group.

A letter DATE-TIME GROUP designates the time zone. Unless otherwise specified, the
local time of the geographical area will be used in which case there will be either no letter after
the date-time group, or the police executive, or head of the police unit will designate the zone
designation letter corresponding to the local time. For Greenwich Mean Time, the zone
designation letter “Z” is to be used when required.

5. Message Instructions – Normally reserved for communication center used by the

originator to indicate the desired method of delivery of a message, e.g., radio, landline, visual,
mail, by hand, or convey any other appropriate instructions.

6. From – In this block is entered the designation of the originator. Police abbreviations
should not be used if addressees outside the police service are included.

7. To and Attn or Info - Addressees may be designated as either action or information.

Again police abbreviations should not be used if addressees outside police service are included.

8. Security Classification

a. Responsibility – It is the responsibility of the originator to ensure that proper security

classification is indicated on the message before it is forwarded for transmission, a reply
classification, when contents of the text of the message containing the reply or reference permit.
b. Security Classification – Messages are to be classified as TOP SECRET, SECRET,
CONFIDENTIAL or RESTRICTED whenever their content falls within the definition set forth in
appropriate regulations. Those bearing no security classification should be marked
UNCLASSIFIED or the abbreviations UNCLS.

9. Cite Number – This is to be filled-up by the originator with the office, unit or
originator’s cite number for the message.

10. Text – To save transmission and circuit time required for, normally the message text
should be prepared in block form, i.e., without paragraph numbering, indenting. If paragraphing
is specifically required or desired, modified letter format should be used.
a. Paragraph shall be numbered with Arabic numerals in sequence followed by a
period; sub-sub-paragraphs shall be numbered with Arabic numerals in
parentheses, commencing with “(1);” sub-sub-sub-paragraphs shall be lettered in
parentheses, commencing with “(a).”
b. Paragraph designations are to be transmitted as those which are written and
not spelled out.
c. When message consists of only one paragraph, this paragraph shall not be

11. Reference Message – If the message refers to another message, appropriate

identifying data of the reference message will be inserted in the block.

12. Classified – If the reference message is classified, the YES block will marked, and if
unclassified, the NO block will be marked.

13. Page Number and Number of Pages – This block will be filled according to the
number of message, from pages used to complete the message.

14. Drafter’s Name Title and Phone Number – Data identifying the drafter is entered in
this block.

15. Releasing Officer’s Name, Title and Signature – Data identifying the individual
authorities to release the message is to be entered in the block.

16. PNP Addressees

a. The title and location or unit designation of the signing authority will be
b. Zip Codes or Post Office Numbers, or another coded distributions lists will not
be used as originator’s address as part of an address.
c. Messages to a police addressee will be addressed to the Chief of an installation or
head of an agency. Authorized abbreviations may be used. All messages for personnel
serving or on duty within an agency will contain internal instructions for delivery purpose.
d. Geographical location of an installation or agency will be included. Messages
addressed to an individual located at business or home address will include the street
address, the full name of the city or town and the abbreviated name of the province.

17. Purely Civilian Addressees

a. The originator’s designation will consists of the full title of the chief or head in those
messages addressed to another line agency in the government. Abbreviated titles will
not be used; rather it must be spelled out.

b. When a message is for another line agency addressee, or is to be delivered by a

commercial carrier, handling instructions will be included in the address portion of the
message form. Names of cities or municipalities will be spelled out in full; name of
provinces maybe abbreviated, i.e., Santa Rosa. N.E.
Sample Format of Radio Message Form



Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4



SPO1 Melvin D. delaJusta Clerk, Inves 09284416591



Asst Chief, Inves Section


Spot Report refers to an immediate initial investigative or incident report addressed to

Higher Headquarters pertaining to the commission of the crime, occurrence of natural or man-
made disaster or unusual incidents involving loss of lives and damage of properties.

Such incidents must be acted upon and reported to higher police office whether verbal or
written, within twenty four hours. The idea is to inform an immediate chief, which is a standard
operating procedure, considering the fact that whatever happens in the area is a command
responsibility, or that one from higher police office must be informed regarding the details
relative to a particular occurrence.

A spot report may use a radiographic message form, especially if the reporting unit is far
from the addressee or receiving higher police office concerned. Information contained therein
must be complete, answering the 5Ws and 1H.

Sample Format of Spot Report (Sent through Radiographic Message )



Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4


SPO1 Melvin D. delaJusta
Clerk, Inves Section 09284416591

Asst Chief, Inves Section
Sample Format of Spot Report (Sent through Memorandum )

Republic of the Philippines

City of Naga



FOR : The Regional Director

FROM : The City Director

SUBJECT : Spot Report, re – Stabbing Incident

DATE : January 5, 2013

1. On or about 9:00AM of January 5, 2013, a stabbing incident transpired along

Panganiban Drive, Naga City, infront of Iglesia Ni Kristo Church, wherein the victim one, JOSE
DELA CRUZ y CRUZ, 30 years old, married, jobless and a resident of No. 34 Brgy. Lerma,
Naga City, was stabbed by suspect one,MARIO EVANGELISTA y MARCELINO, 28 years old ,
single, jobless also and a resident of Brgy. Mabolo, also of Naga City.
2. As a consequence thereof, the victim sustained multiple stab wounds in the different
parts of the body and was rushed to St. John Hospital for medical treatment but was
pronounced dead on arrival (DOA) by the attending physician thereat.
3. The suspect was arrested after the incident but the weapon used was not recovered
and he is now under the custody of this Police Office for investigation and proper disposition.
The cadaver was moved to the PNP Crime Laboratory Service, Cam Sur PPO, Naga City, for
autopsy examination.
4. The motive of the incident is undetermined and the case is still under investigation.

5. Progress report will follow.


Police Senior Superintendent


An Incident Report is a written account of an event or occurrence. The purpose of this

report is to document the exact details of the occurrence as basis for further actions of
concerned public safety officers, incident reports are the jump-off points of investigations
designed to ferret out the facts and recommend solutions.

Sample Format of Incident Report

Republic of the Philippines

City of Naga

NCPO - Patrol


FOR : The Chief, Operation Section

FROM : The Chief, Patrol Section

SUBJECT : Incident Report

DATE : April 4, 2013

1. Reference: Incident recorded in Patrol Section Incident Logbook with Entry No. 2013-
25, dated April 3, 2013.

2. Request be informed that on or about 9:00PM of April 3, 2013, the car of Senator juan
De la Cruz, XUV, bearing Plate No. ABC 123, colored black, while parked inside the parking
area of Avenue Plaza Hotel, its windshield, for unknown reason, was smashed with stone by
two unidentified persons causing it to be broken. The two suspects were chased by Security
Guards but they made good of their escape and were never identified.

3. For your information and reference.

Police Chief Inspector
Copy of the Blotter Excerpt


Initial investigation is the first action to be undertaken when there is a reported or

discovered incident. The conduct of initial investigation is one of the standard operating
procedures in all police stations. This is where the spot report will be relied on. In the first phase
of investigation, the investigator tries to seek the answer of the six cardinal questions (5Ws and
1H), but it does not necessarily mean that an unanswered cardinal question will not be included
in the report. If the assailant is still unknown, cardinal question “Who is the perpetrator” could be
answered with “unidentified person”. If the value of the stolen property had not been determined
yet, the question pertaining to this could be answered with “undetermined amount of properties”.

Republic of the Philippines


NCPO – Inves


FOR : The Chief, Investigation Section

FROM : The Officer-On-Case

SUBJECT : Initial Investigation Report, re’- Malicious Mischief

DATE : April 5, 2013

1. Standard Operating Procedure of this Police Unit with reference to incident recorded
in Patrol Section Incident Logbook, Entry No. 2013-25, dated April 3, 2013.

2. Upon receipt of the report of the chief of the Patrol Section, herein investigation was
dispatched by the duty Desk Officer, SPO4 Elmer O. Bilarmino to conduct
investigation on the alleged malicious mischief being done to the car of Senator Juan
dela Cruz.

3. At the scene, the undersigned investigator observed. . . . .

4. Other details of the incident were. . . . .

5. It is respectfully recommended that . . . .

Eduardo G. Crisostomo
Senior Police Officer 1


Progress Report is being submitted if there is new finding or development in the case.
For example, the unidentified assailant reported the initial investigation report had already been
identified after follow- up operations, or if the total amount of the stolen properties had already
been computed or recovered.

Progress reports should be numbered consecutively according to the sequence of the

developments in the case. In the given example above, if you will submit report that the
assailant had already been identified, the subject title of the report should be: “Progress report
No. 1, re-Dela Cruz Case”. In the subsequent developments, subject should be: “Progress
Report No. 2 or No. 3 and so forth and so on, until you had completed all the information
necessary in order to submit the Final Investigation Report.

Republic of the Philippines

City of Naga
NCPO- Inves


FOR : The Chief, Investigation Section

FROM : The Officer-On-Case

SUBJECT : Progress Report No. 1,re- Malicious Mischief

DATE : April 10, 2013


1. Progress Report to the investigation conducted on the incident recorded in Patrol

Section Incident Logbook, Entry No. 2013-25, dated April 3, 2013.


2. Continuous follow investigation resulted to . . .

3. This report was confirmed by. . .

4. Further Document revealed that . . . .

5. It is respectfully recommended that . . .
Eduardo G. Crisostomo
Senior Police Office


An investigation Report is an objective statement of the investigator’s findings. It is an

official record of information relevant to the investigation which the investigator submits to his
superior. The effectiveness of an investigator is judged to a large extent by his/her reports of
investigation. The reputation of an investigator is measured to a large extent by the kind of
report he/she submits. The report on finished cases provides the vehicle for higher
headquarters to act on the matter.

Purposes of an Investigation Report:

Record. The report provides permanent official record of relevant information obtained in the
course of the investigation;

Leads. The report provides other investigators with information necessary to further advance
their own investigation; and

Prosecution Action. The report is a statement of facts on which designated authorities may base
a criminal, corrective or disciplinary action.

Criteria of Good Investigation Report:

An investigator report is subject to close scrutiny at all level of the command. It must meet
certain criteria, some of which are:

 It must be grammatically correct:

 Abbreviation must be used appropriately and correctly; and
 The report should avoid slang, colloquialism or unnecessary technical terms.

Requisites of Good Investigation Report:

Accuracy. The report should be a true representation of the facts to the best of the
investigator’s ability. Information both favorable and unfavorable to the suspect should be
included. Information should be verified by statements of other witness and by reference to
official records or to other reliable sources;

Completeness. The question WHEN, WHERE, WHAT, WHY, WHO and HOW should be
answered. The elements of crime should be established and the additional facts developed
should tend to prove these element. The report should be documented by appending important
statements, letters, findings of other agencies and laboratory reports:

Brevity. Irrelevant or unnecessary materials should be omitted:

Fairness. The investigator should take the facts as he/she finds them, and if ever he/she has
theories, it must be consistent with these facts;

Form and Style. The arrangement of the materials presented should be in a manner which will
make the report easy to read. Form includes proper paragraphing, underscoring, capitalization

and heading. The report should be in the third person, the investigator referring to himself as the

Prompt. The report must be completed in a timely manner. Your credibility may be opened to
speculation if this requisite is not followed.

Characteristics of Reports Writers:

 Those who write without thinking:

 Those who write and think at the same time; and
 Those who think first and write afterwards.

How the Investigators are Rated on Report Writing?

Points to be considered:

 Conciseness
 Clarity
 Organization
 Thoroughness
 Accuracy;
 Adequacy and
 Pertinence of leads

Errors of Form:

 Grammar and syntax errors

 Misspelling;
 Typographical errors;
 Wrong File Number;
 Wrong Block; and
 Others of the same nature.

Errors of Substance:

 Delay in investigation;
 Delay in reporting;
 Omission in the investigation whether intentional or not;
 Misstatement of facts;
 Incomplete Description;
 Neglect to state that the subject is dangerous or has homicidal tendencies;
 Failure to cover previous leads;
 Inadequate interviews;
 Lack of imagination in solving the case;
 Improper handling of evidence;

 Failure to include essential facts which shows jurisdiction, prosecutive action taken and
basis for investigative steps taken; and
 Failure to include essential facts which were undoubtedly available and known to the

Supervision of Reports

Assure good reports:

The chief must sincerely want good reports. He/she should insist on training and insist that
his/her men write good reports;

Standard of good reporting must be set so that all will know what is expected of them. Training
must be given

System of spot –checking must be set up to make sure that corrections are being made and to
assure uniformity. Don’t sign the report unless it is completely correct. If you do not check
reports, you lose control over them.

Protect Reputation of the Department and its Officers:

 Good reports reflect favorably on the officers preparing it and on the department they
 Good report help refute false charges against officers and the department they

Methods of Supervision:

 Tickler System. The supervisory official keeps a “3X5” index cards on each case
showing the basic data, dates, etc. and to whom it was assigned. The card filled behind
the officer’s name in the card index box. This is also assures a regular check on each
pending case;
 Assignment Record: This should show the cases assigned to each officer and should
include a record of reports submitted: and
 All reports should be read and signed by the supervisory officials. It is best to have a rule
that no report can be filled until approved by the supervisor. The supervisor should be
held jointly responsible with the reporting officer for important errors in reporting. This
would serve as a guide for the supervision and prevent overlooking relevant errors.
Additionally, good supervision assures a good investigation and good report. Even if the
subordinate officer complains about it, he/she will be a good investigator and a good
report writer.

Approved SOP in the Investigation of Cases:

Upon receipt of the case, the Duty PNCO/ Desk Officer enters it in the Complaint
Logbook/blotter and then , refer it to the OIC/Chief of the Investigation Unit:

The OIC/Chief of the investigation Unit assigns the case to an investigator. The Chief
investigator should maintain a Logbook of all cases referred to him, either in person or through
communications, recording therein the nature of the case, name of the complainant, name of
the investigator and the date it was assigned the Duty PNCO/Desk Officer should reflect on the
Complaint Logbook the name of the Investigator to whom the particular case was assigned;

If the nature of the case so warrants, Officer-On-Case should immediately respond to the crime,
conduct an ocular investigation/inspection and interview the complainant, witness and all
persons who could shed light on the case;

Based on the initial investigation, the officer-On-Case should prepare any of the following police

 Alarm Report – for the theft and robbery cases;

 Advance Information Report – for the crimes against persons, like murder, parricide,
homicide, etc;
 Crime Report – for all other cases like estafa, crime against chastity, white slavery, etc;
 Information Report – for some cases initially taken cognizance by a police station but
later turned over to or found out to be handled by special operating units.

The investigator should then take the sworn statements of the complainant/s, witness/es and if
possible, suspect/s. At this stage, the investigator should exert all efforts to unearth and gather
all evidence relevant to the case;

Invitation for suspect/s to appear before any investigating unit/ group should be signed by the
chief of the Unit/Group and duly accorded in a logbook intended for this purpose. The result of
the invitation should be reflected in the case folder to from part of the records of the case;

A progress Report should be submitted by the investigator regarding the apprehension of the
suspect/s, recovery of the evidence and all other developments on the case;

Once the suspect/s has been apprehended and duly investigated, the investigator should
prepare the corresponding referral to the inquest prosecutor for appropriate recommendation;

Before the investigator file the case with the Prosecutor’s Office, the case should be first
endorsed, through channel , to the Legal Division for the appraisal, evaluation,
recommendation or legal advice and such other legal measures as may be necessary; and

Final Investigation Report should be prepared by the Investigator in all cases involving high
government officials, wherein the complainant is a government agency or entity; big and
sensational; or those involving prominent personalities and those with insurance coverage.

Final Investigation Report Format

Republic of the Philippines

City of Naga

NCPO- Inves


FOR : The Chief, Investigator Section

FROM : The Office-On-Case

SUBJECT : Final Investigation Report. Re- Malicious Mischief

DATE : April 20, 2013



1. This section should contain a brief statement of when, where and by whom the
investigation was on the basis of oral order, this fact should be stated, naming the individual
issuing the order and the date thereof. It was made pursuant to the document, stating the date
and the original directing authority, whether local or chief higher PNP Office, is necessary.


2. This section of the report represents the mission of the investigator/investigating officer. In
other words, “What is the investigation about?” Most of these reports are written complaints,
alleging that some persons have committed some crimes or unjust treatments. If the allegations
are too long to cite, a synopsis is in order. Approximate references may be made to the copy of
the papers in the appendix upon which the investigation was based.


3.This section presents the real truth respecting the matters investigated. Clear and complete
descriptions should be applied here. Presentations of facts should be coherent, unbiased, and
fully supported by evidence. The facts regarding the several matters at issue should be
presented in the same space manner as that which the allegations are presented in the
preceding section. If there are several allegations to be handled, the presentation should be
such that the reader will know at all times which allegation is being considered. The facts of
each allegation should be put together to tell the story, especially if the investigating officer is

reporting orally. Brevity is not permissible, if it involves the omission of the single fact necessary
to the only evidence procurable concerning an element of the case. If there is a conflicting
statement of the two witnesses whom seems to be entitled to equal credence, the investigating
office may quote from both testimonies. But this procedure should be exceptional and not be
used in lieu of making a determination of the facts based on a study, analysis and weighting of
the evidence.


This section should indicate the presumptions and interference from all the circumstances in the
case to give the directing authority the clearest possible picture. It should contain such related
factual matter of arguments as may be necessary, in addition to facts presented to establish the
conclusions and recommendations based thereon. On simple case requiring circumstances, this
section may be avoided and indicated or worded “This case possess no aspects or conditions
requiring especial discussion; and there is no mitigating or extenuating circumstances. “
Frequently, however, the evidence is so evenly divided, pro and con, or the attending
circumstances are so unusual that some explanatory justifying conclusions reached are
necessary. In the event acts of irregularity or misconduct are established in the case of a person
whose past record has otherwise been such excellence, justice requires that it should be
included in the discussion. When the only obtainable evidence is that contained in the testimony
of the informant and of the person accused, the facts cannot positively be established. However,
the records and character of the accuser may be used to assist in determining the appropriate
action. In such cases, the investigating officer’s observation and opinion may appropriately be
presented in this section of the report. Whenever the available evidence is scanty and
conflicting but the investigating officer has strong and well-supported convictions of the matter,
the basis for the conclusions he reaches should be presented in the discussion.


This section represents a concise summary of the results of investigation directly consequent
from and supported by the facts. This should logically follow from the facts of the case as found
and set forth in the report, and should contain no item not supported by the facts contained in
the preceding parts of the report. They are usually stated in the order naturally suggested by the
statement of the allegations or facts. Conclusions should be a repetition of the facts, merely
worded differently. Since the facts upon which they are based will have preceded this section,
no further statement of facts or repetition is necessary or described in the conclusions. They
should represent the investigating officer’s honest, well-studied opinion as to the real truth of
each of the matters at issue. As such, they should contain no apology, or qualifications such as:
if appears” “ it is believed,” or “it seems probable”.


This section should contain the practical suggestion as to appropriate action to be taken to
make suitable disposition of all phases of the case. They should follow, as far as practicable, the
same sequence as was used in the presentation of the conclusions. Recommendations should
be consistent wit and appropriate to the conclusions. They constitute the investigating officer’s
judgment. In view of the facts he has established, as to the action the directing authority should
take. They should stipulate the proper action in the case of a wrong committed or the remedy for
an unsatisfactory situation or condition found and exist. If the facts and conclusion disclose, the
recommendation may be that the case be closed.

Investigating Officer

*Necessary document required

Final Investigation Report Sample

Republic of the Philippines

City of Naga


FOR : The Chief, Investigation Section

FROM : The Officer-On-Case

SUBJECT : Final Investigation Report, re Stabbing Incident that Resulted to thE


DATE : January 7, 2013



Verbal Instruction of ____________________________________________;

Complaint Sheet of ____________________________ dated (Tab “A”); and

Memo from __________ dated _____ subject ______ ( Tab “B”).


A stabbing incident that transpired on or about 9:00 AM of January 5, 2013, along Panganiban
Drive, Naga City, infront of Iglesia Ni Kristo Church; and

To determine the criminal liabilities of the suspect and to know the premises surrounding this
particular incident.


That on or about 9:00 AM of January 5, 2013. A stabbing incident transpired

along Panganiban Drive, Naga City, infront of Iglesia Ni Kristo Church, wherein the victim one,
JOSE DELA CRUZ y CRUZ, 30 years old, married, jobless and a resident of No. Brgy. Lerma,
Naga City, was stabbed by suspect one, MARIO EVANGELSITA y Marcelino, 28 years old,
single, jobless also and a resident of Brgy. Mabolo, also of Naga City. As a consequence
thereof, the victim sustained multiple stab wounds in the different parts of the body and was
rushed to St. John Hospital for medical treatment but was pronounced dead on arrival (DOA) by
the attending physician thereat. The suspect was arrested after the incident but the weapon
used was not recovered and he is now under the custody of this Police Office for investigation

and proper disposition. The cadaver was moved to the PNP Crime Laboratory Service, Cam Sur
PPO, Naga City, for autopsy examination.

Investigation conducted by this office disclosed that the motive of the incident emanated from an
old grudge/misunderstanding between them wherein the victim was threatened to kill by the
suspect at any opportune time. This office invited three (3) vital witnesses to shed light to this
particular incident.

In the sworn statement of one EDNA DELA CRUZ – Marciano of Brgy. Lerma, Naga City dated
January 5, 2013, she averred that she is the wife of the victim and that while she together with
her friend were waiting for a tricycle on or about 9:00 AM of January 5, 2013 along Panganiban
Drive, she saw her husband being attacked and repeatedly stabbed by one MARIO
EVANGELSITA, alias Mar (suspect), with the use of bladed weapon. She further averred that
after incident, they rushed her husband to St. John Hospital for medical treatment but was
declared dead on arrival (DOA) by the attending physician thereat. She likewise averred that the
cause/motive of the incident might be due to an old grudge/ misunderstanding between them
wherein the victim was threatened to kill by the suspect if he be given a chance or an
opportunity to do it (Tab “C”).

In the sworn statement of one DANTE DE LEON y Sta Cruz of Brgy. San Felipe, Naga City,
dated January 6, 2013, he stated that while he was on duty as security guard at the gate of
Iglesia Ni Kristo Church on or about 9:00 AM of January 5, 2013, he saw a man being attacked
and stabbed by his attacker who was then armed with a bladed weapon (balisong). He further
stated that he immediately reported the incident to the barangay tanod who were conducting
patrol at the vicinity of the said place that resulted to the arrest of the suspect, wherein through
the investigation conducted by the police, he identified as one MARIO EVANGELISTA alias Mar
of Pasig City ( “Tab D”).

In the sworn statement of one PACIFICO DE JESUS y Sta Maria of Brgy. Lerma, Naga City
dated January 6, 2013, he said that while he was tending his merchandizes along Panganiban
Drive, Naga City or about 9:00 AM of January 5, 2013 he saw a man being attacked and
stabbed by his attacker who was then armed with a bladed weapon ( balsiong). He further said
that after the incident, he helped other bystanders to rush the victim to St. John Hospital where
he succumbed to his death while undergoing medical attention thereat. He likewise identified
the suspect during the investigation conducted by the Police as one MARIO EVANGELSITA
alias Mar of Pasig (“Tab E”).

In the joint Affidavit of Arrest of FRANCISCO STA MARIA y De Leon and DANILO CASTRO y
Bernardo, both of Brgy.Lerma, Naga City, dated January 6, 2013, they said that they are duly
appointed barangay tanod of Brgy. Lerma and that while they were conducting patrol on or
about 9: 00 AM of January 5, 2013 along Panganiban Drive, they were summoned and
responded to a stabbing incident at the said place wherein they were able to arrest the suspect
through positive identification given by the witness and they further turned – over him to the
police station for investigation. They identified the arrested suspect, through the investigation
conducted by the police, as one MARIO EVANGELISTA alias Mar of Pasig City and temporarily
residing at Brgy. Mabolo, Naga City (“Tab F”).

Based on the Medical Certificate issued by the attending physician at St. John Hospital, the
herein victim sustained multiple stab wounds in the different parts of the body that caused of his
death (Tab “G”). Likewise, attached are copies of the autopsy/Necropsy Report and the Death
certificate of the Victim for perusal and ready refrence (Tab “H”).

On January 6, 2013, a case of Murder against the suspect was referred to the Office of the City
Prosecutor, Naga City and docketed under I.S Number 13-0015 for final disposition (Tab “I”).
Commitment Order was issued by the court and the suspect was subsequently transferred to
the BJMP district Jail, Brgy, Del Rosario, Naga City. The court recommended no bail bond for
the temporary liberty of the suspect ( Tab “J”).


The victim and the suspect had personal differences/ misunderstanding before the incident.
The herein suspect, with treachery, evident premeditation and with intent to kill, stabbed the
herein victim several times with the use of a bladed weapon (balisong) that resulted to his
untimely death.


After a careful perusal surrounding this particular incident, probable causes exist that the herein
suspects is criminally liable, hence, the filing of a murder case against him is necessary.


WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the undersigned respectfully recommends that this
case be considered solve and close.


List of Exhibits/Annexes to IR
“A” – Complaint Slip /Sheet
“B” – Authority to Investigate
“C1” – SS of the witness 1
“C2” – SS of the witness 2
“D3” – SS of the Suspect 1
“D4” – SS of the Suspect 2
“E1” – Arrest Booking Sheet
“E2” – Laboratory Reports
“E3” – Photographs
“E4” – Other Documentary evidence

(Note List of Exhibits/Annexes – Only five (5) letters is used. In case of additional SS, add
annexes “C3’, etc. and “D3” etc.)


After major operations, a report must be submitted and this is the After Operation
Report. This informative report detailing every action performed by personnel during police
operations. This is being done no matter what the result of operations was. This would be the
basis also of staff officers for administrative actions whether the participating personnel deserve
awards or whether there was lapse on their part which is tantamount for administrative sanction.

After Operation Report Sample

Republic of the Philippines

City of Naga

NCPO- Opns


FOR : The Chief, Operation Section

FROM : The Team Leader

SUBJECT : After Operation Report

DATE : February 21, 2013

A. References:
a. HWI of the Chief, Operations Section to the undersigned to provide police assistance
and conduct rescue operations at Brgy. Carolina, Naga City.
b. OPLAN “Sagip Nene”

B. On February 20, 2013, the undersigned was directed to lead the team to rescue Annabel
de Ramos, 14 years old, minor, a resident of Brgy. Mabolo, Naga Cit, who was
reportedly working as Guest Room Officer (GRO) at one of the beer house at Brgy.
Carolina, Naga City, particularly at Sweet Rose Beer House along Km. 14, Brgy.
Carolina, Naga City. The team was composed of seven (7) PNP members and three (3)
personnel from CSWD.

C. On or about 9:00 AM of February 20, 2013, the team met the parents of Annabel de
Ramos, Jose and Perlita de Ramos, who earlier reported that their daughter is being
forced against her will, to work as entertainer at said beer house. At about 9:30 A.M of
given date, the team proceed to Brgy. Carolina and coordinated first with the Barangay
Chairman, then together with some barangay tanods, the team proceeded to Sweet
Rose Beer house.

D. At the scene, there were several male persons who seemed to be guards of the place
but they did not show of resistance when the team broke into the said beer house. At the
said place, the team found the victim , Annabel de Ramos together with five (5) more
minors from different provinces in Bicol Region.

E. The maintainer, Juanita Hernandez y Cruz, 35 years old, widower, a resident of Manito
Albay, was arrested and brought to this police office together with Annabel de Ramos
and the other five (5) minor girls.

F. Appropriate charges is about to file now with the office of the Naga Prosecution.

G. For your information and reference.


Police Senior Inspector


 List of participating personnel

 Summary of resources consumed
 Coordination forms (CSWD, Barangay Officials, other agencies)
 Photographs
 Other necessary documents


After encounter report is a report on special mission or combat operations involving

lawless elements and subversive terrorist or rebels. This report also includes salient supporting
documents such as sketch of the encounter scene, list of participating troops, summary of
ammunition expended, summary of ammunition stock status, recommendation for an award for
troop members for exhibiting superior combat skills and bravery in the face of danger and the
proposed citation.

Republic of the Philippines

City of Naga

NCPO- Opns


FOR : The Chief, Operations Sections

FROM : The Team Leader

SUBJECT : After Encounter Report

DATE : March 15, 2020

I.AUTHORITY: OPLAN No. 30-15 (Palakot) Hqs Naga City Police Office dated February 24,

II. PERIOD COVERED: March 13 to 14, 2020

III.AREA COVERED: Sitio Caromatig. Brgy Carolina Naga City.



1. On March 13, 2020 at about 9:00 AM, this station received a reliable information from
an assets that an undetermined number of CPP/NPA/NDF (CNN) led by Ansenio Dimayao,
alias “Ka Sel” were planning to collect food stuffs and conduct teach-ins to barangay folks in
Sitio Caromating, Brgy. Carolina , Naga City.

1.Acting on the Information, the undersigned immediately organized two police teams
with the mission to seek, engage and neutralized the reported CNNs. An 11-man PNP team
from City Mobile Group lead by PSINSP AMBROSIO D. PONTILLO and an equal number of
PNP elements from Patrol Section under this reporting officer simultaneously jumped off on
March 14, 2020 at about 6:00 AM passing through Brgy. San Isidro and subsequently

maneuvered to ambush position at the probable enemy route in the morning of March 14, 2020.
Hours of long wait, however, proved futile as the expected enemy failed to show up.

2. Realizing the futility of waiting any further, the team tactically moved towards Brgy.
Carolina at about 2:00 PM, passing through the thick forest area along Sitio Caromating of
Same Barangay. While the government troops were manuevering in the vicinity of Sitio
Caromating, they were met by a heavy burst of gunfire from different directions prompting them
to seek cover and return fire toward the direction of the enemy.

3. Heavy firefight ensued. Using available fore powder, the government troops valiantly
engaged the CNN in a heated gun battle. In a determined effort to seize the initiative and gain
tactical advantage, the team of PINSP PONTOLLO, in utter disregard of their safety,
courageously maneuvered towards the hilly portion of a terrain while the team of the
undersigned provided cover fire. The tactics paid-off as they were able to inflict heavy
causalities on the enemies who were overwhelmed by the aggressiveness and ferocity of the
government troops.

4. Sensing possible annihilation, the enemy frantically withdraw towards the forest area
but an alert team led by SPO4 Armando D. Dimas, cut them with automatic gunfire and
thunderous explosion from their M-203 grenade launches. Others, however, managed to
escape bringing along with their wounded comrades as evidenced by the bloodstain on the
route of withdrawal.

5. When the smoke of gun battle subsided, about thirty minutes later, fourteen (14)
CNNs lay dead. Anselmo Dimayao, alias “Ka Sel” who was seriously wounded in the initial
exchange of gunfire, was captured. There was no casualties on the government side.

6. After securing the area and vicinity from possible enemy counterattack. The troops
started recovering the items left behind by the enemy, to include firearms and ammunition. Four
(4) dead CNNS were later identified as Ulopiano de Castro alias “Ka Ulo”, Rodolfo Demetrio
alias “Ka Dolfo”, Igmedio Remedios alias “Ka Igme” and Rodrigo Saysay “alyas Ka Rod”. While
the rest remained unidentified.

7. After clearing the area, the team of undersigned conducted pursuit operations on the
CNNs who were able to escape. Following the traits and bloodstains, pursuing elements caught
up with the enemy about two kilometers north of encounter scene on March 14, 2020, at 3:30
PM. The troops engaged about ten (10) CNNs for about 15 minutes, after which the enemy
withdrew. As a result, two more CNNs were killed. Recovered from their possession were two
(2) high powdered firearms (1 M16 and 1 AK-47) and subversive documents. Again, there was
no casualty on the government side.


1. Enemy Side:
a. Personnel Losses
1.Killed – Fourteen (14)
2. Wounded – Undetermined

3. Captured – Anselmo Dimayao, alias “Ka Sel)

b. Material Losses
1. Firearms
a. Five (5) M16 Cal. 5.56mn

b. Three (3) M14 Cal. 7.62 mm

c. Four (4) AK 47 Cal. 5.6mm

d. Two (2) M203 GL

a. Two (2) pairs of tropical combat shoes

b. One (1) knapsack with voluminous subversive documents

c. Assorted ammos and magazines for M16, M15 and AK 47 rifles

d. Medicines, medical paraphernalia and assorted supplies

2. Government Side
a. Personnel Losses

2. WIA- None

3.captured –None

b. Materials Losses-None


1. Good and timely intelligence, bold and aggressive deployment manpower, achievement
of surprise and exploitation of enemy weakness are vital to the success of any internal
security operation.

2. The 30-minutes fire-fight showed that the CNNs have already developed the capability to
engage the government troops in a sustained gun battle. However, security forces with
sufficient strength /firepower, determination and strong will to fight and stability under
pressure have a higher survivability during an encounter even with a superior enemy

3. In any armed encounter, tactical edge is the key to increasing one’s survival advantage.
Flexible and initiative of the maneuver team to counter attack immediately contributed to
the success of the internal security operations.

4. Speedy reinforcement of troops from headquarters and other police unit is severely
hampered by the lack of modern transportation and communication equipment.


1. Awarding of Medalya ng Kagitingan (PNP Medal of Merit) to the participating PNP

troops for their courage and combat skills against a superior numbers of CNNs.

2. Immediate replenishment of ammunition expended.

3. Issuance of vehicle and communication equipment to further enhance the unit’s
operational efficiency and effectiveness

Police Inspector

1. List of participating troops
2. Sketch of the encounter scene
3. Summary of ammunition expended
4. Summary of Ammo Stocks Status
5. Recommendations for Award
6. Proposed Citation
7. Pictures


The police parlance, this is commonly known as OPLAN. Every Police operation should
have its corresponding operational plan in order to have systematic deployment of personnel
and economical use of resources. In this OPLAN, the concept of operations based on the
mission is clearly stated, the tasks of every personnel are in line as well and the resources
needed are properly accounted.
Aside from daily police activities, special occasions should have also their corresponding
Operational Plans such as fiesta, New Year, Summer Vacation, Labor Day celebration, School
Opening, All Saints Day, Christmas Season and other occasion needing the preparation of
In the preparation of police operational plan, the planner must always consider the
proper and economical utilization of personnel and material resources, at the same time the
police operational plan must be suitable, acceptable, feasible and flexible. Flexibility is an
important requirement for changes and contingencies.

Parts of Police Operation Plan

The Heading

The heading of Operational Plan is n the right-most part of the document containing the
number of copies of the OPLAN; the originating office and the date.


It is the subject of the operational plan. In this part, a code number or a code name may
be used. What is important in this portion is that it must be reflective on the mission and
execution of the operational plan.

The title must provide gist and idea, in the first place, about what the operational plan is
all about. For example, operational plan for All Saint’s Day may be named as “ OPLAN
KALULUWA”. Commonly, under this portion are the Reference and the Task Organization.
Reference is the authority why this OPLAN exist and the task organization is the list of all PNP
personnel involved in the execution of the OPLAN.


Briefly, this portion tackles the rationale why this OPLAN is being adopted. It is also
presents the current situation in the area by describing the peace and order situation as well as
the current trend of the criminality. Enemy forces that pose threats to the situation must be
properly identified in this portion; friendly forces within the area must be specified; human
resources should be ascertained whether there are attached or detached personnel to unit and
finally, assumptions of possibilities should be predicted in order to lay out counter measures.


This will cover what the plan is all about and what it intends to do, in general terms, it
could be protection of the locality, safeguarding of lives and properties, securing of a premises
for sensitive activities, or maintenance of peace and order and ensuring of public safety in a
given occasion. The mission is sub-divided into the purpose, goals and objectives.


In this part of the operational plan, the concept of the project will be outlined and
explained. For easy reading and to prevent the main study in becoming too long, if the concept
of project will be a page or more, it must be made as an “annex”. This will explain how the
operational plan will be carried out using the various aids to police organization, the human and
material resources. Enumerated under this sub-topic will be the task for those involved in the

The task will be enumerated so that the responsibility can be made definite. Support of
friendly forces and outside agencies, coordination internally and externally, if needed,
classification of the operational plan initially, and when in operational plan can be classified
“confidential” and later downgraded to “restricted” upon implementation. Certain operational
plans like those involving sabotage or espionage by necessity will remain secret or confidential.

Administrative and Logistics

Administrative and logistics portion involves the listing of logistical requirements. The
supplies and materials needed to implement the project will likewise be enumerated as an
annex. Human resources and the administrative upkeep will fall under this item. Transportation
and dry ration requirements to implement this operational plan will likewise be included. The
financial portion in the annex will summarize all the expenses like cost of equipment, salaries,
supplies, and materials and others that will require funding.

Command and Signal

Command and signal is the last portion and this pertains to the channels of
communication needed when implementing the operational plan until in full operation. This part
includes also the types of reports the operations officer will render from time to time to the police
executive and/or intermediate office, like summary, progress and evaluation reports.


Only the original copy of the OPLAN should be signed by the chief of the Police or the
Chief of the Police Unit. Succeeding copies are to be signed by the Operations Officer. Only the
family name of the Chief of Police or Unit Head should appear in the right side of the document
and his rank immediately under it. In the left portion under the name of the Chief of Police or
Unit Head is the name of the operations officer in full name and under it is the designation.

Police Operation Plan (OPLAN) Sample Format

Copy No. ___ of ___ copies

Naga City Police Office
City of Naga
January 8, 2010


Reference: Situation Map

Task Organization (Annex “A”)


Naga City is located in the floodplains of Camarines Sur and its urban area was said to
be part of San Miguel Bay Itself thousand years ago. The city topographic clearly shows that its
urban core is in the lowest lying end of cities land area. All of the build-up area in the city is
within the 0 to less than 5-meters elevation, making the present urbanized area prone to
flooding. Based on the flood hazard map, the flood area of the Naga City covers about 800
hectares spread over the 17 out of 27 barangays of the City. The area affected may appear
small relative to the total land area of the City (10% of the total), but this area is inhabited by
85% of the city’s aggregate population and the site of most of the main economic activities,
thereby the impact of flooding hazards becomes highly significant. For all the flood-return
periods analysed, the extent of flooding is widespread and disastrous. Most of the flood areas
are located in the vicinity of the Bicol and Naga rivers on the western side of Naga City.

The depth of flooding varies from less than a meter to more than two or more meters
which had recorded in the barangay of Triangulo, Sabang and Mabolo. The ten (10) remaining
barangays are prone to wind hazard. They are categorized as high hazard areas in view of their
location and relatively open as well as dispersed settlements. Overall, about 24% of house or
7,270 out of 29,208 houses are at high risk due to wind hazard at various return periods.

a. Enemy Forces: Current INTSUM (Ommitted)

b. Friendly Forces:
1. Camarines Police Provincial Office
2. 504th PNP Provincial Mobile Groups
3. High Patrol Group, Camarines Sur Office
4. Bureau of Fire Protection
5. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
6. Criminal Investigation Detection Group
7. 5th PNP Maritime Group, Naga City

8. Neighbouring Municipal Police Stations

9. National Bureau Of Investigation
10. 9th ID, Camp Elias Angeles, Tinangis, Pili, Cam Sur
11. All Intelligence Unit within OAR
12. Reservist and Reserved Officers
13. Government and Private Security Agency
14. Barangay Tanods
15. Naga City Public Safety Office

c. Attachments/ Detachments: None

d. Assumptions:

1. A tropical cyclone alert hosed over Bicol Region and this developed into typhoon
until Public Storm No. 4 raised over the province of Camarines Sur including Naga

2. Due to heavy rains, water level continue to rise until flood warning level reached to
level 3 affecting the low lying areas of Naga City, comprising mostly of resident
houses and commercial establishment, resulting to mass evacuation.

3. While in the upper portion of Naga City, due to strong winds brought about by
typhoon, major crops destroyed, tress unrooted and houses unroofed, resulting to
more disastrous condition of the residents.

4. There would be having shortage and high prices of prime commodities due to
hoarding by unscrupulous businessmen.


The Naga City of Police Station, concurrent with its mission and functions shall exert
efforts in minimizing the damage to properties and harm to the citizens brought about
disaster by adopting a preparedness plan.


A. Concept of Operation:
 Pre – Disaster
 Identify and pre-position manpower, vehicles, communication equipment
to a augment resources in vulnerable areas.
 Provides support to warning and information task unit.
 Performs such other functions that may be assigned by CDCC Chairman
from time to time.
 Disaster Phrase

 Initiates security measures to protect the evacuation operations and the

evacuation centres.
 Provides security support over movement of relief assistance and
 Documents all disaster victims for legal basis in provided assistance from
higher DCC.
 Performs such other functions that may be assigned by DCC chairman
from time to time.

 Post- Disaster Phase

 Assist the registration of the disaster victims for security purposes
 Assist in the clearing operations
 Assist in the conduct of damage assessment and reporting.
 Provides other assistance to the CDCC’s concerns when required
 Performs such other functions that may be assigned by DCC chairman
from time to time.

B. Tasking:

1. Operations and Plans Section:

a. OPR of this OPLAN
b. Compose and supervise the Crisis Management Team and Search and Rescue
Operations team.
c. Make an inventory of equipment and other resources needed when disaster
d. Coordinate with CDCC and other line agencies in time of disaster.
e. Provided security personnel to all places needing protection during disaster until
after restoration of all basic facilities.
f. Other tasks as directed.

2. Admin Section:
a. Provide administrative Support I the implementation of this OPLAN;
b. Issue order for the detail of personnel to special assignments;
c. Perform other tasks as directed.

3. Intel Section:
a. Monitor group of lawless elements that may take advantage of the situation;
b. Perform other task as directed.

4. Logistics/Finance Section:
a. Prepare necessary equipment during disaster particularly in search amd rescue
b. Seek the assistance of LGU and higher police office for logistical requirements
not available in CPO;

c. Perform other tasks as directed.

5. PCR Section:
a. Conduct seminars or provide information through leaflets to barangay residents
the things to be done in case of disaster;
b. Provided proper information to relatives of the victims and the public in general;
c. Give advisory about incident;
d. Perform other task as directed.

6. Investigation Section:
a. Conduct investigation of cases relative to the disaster;
b. Perform other task as directed.

7. PCMG:
a. Provided personnel for evacuation and rescue operations;
b. Secure places of evacuation and the effect building;
c. Perform other task as directed.

8. Precincts:
a. Provide assistance to NCPO in terms of personnel and equipment;
b. Assist in evacuation and rescue operations.
c. Perform other task as directed.

C. Coordinating Instructions:
1. Lateral coordination with CDCC/AFP and other agencies is highly encouraged;
2. Prime and foremost the safety of lives and properties is paramount;
3. Strict adherence to Rules of PNP Operational Procedures shall be adopted in any
given situations.
4. Radio discipline shall be observed at all times.


1. One (1) basic load per weapon.

2. Evacuation – Bicol Medical Center, Naga Hospital or the nearest government or private

3. Logistical requiremnts beyond the capability of this situation shall be coursed through the
LGU and higher police offices.


1. Signal: Current CEIO/Call words in effect.

2. Command Post: Naga City Police Central Station

Temporary Command Post : at any designated place


Pol.Sr Supt



Chief, Operations and Plans Section

Annexes: Distribution:
“A” – task Organization -A- All Units, CPO
“B” – Map of Naga City -B- Chief of Police
“C” – Detailed of Personnel -C- File
“D”- Radio Net


The sworn statement refers to a written statement voluntary executed under oath by any
person, a suspect or a witness, which may be taken in a “question and answer format” or in a
“narrative format (affidavit)”.

The sworn Statement and affidavit shall state only facts or direct personal knowledge of
the affiants which are admissible in evidence and shall show their competence to testify the
matters stated therein. Everyone can give statements but not anyone can lay claim to know the
technique and rudiments of statement-taking. In investigation, statement-taking is a necessary
and inherent for the documentation of the narrated facts.

Types of Written Statement

Question and Answer type. It is preferable to narrative. It is easier to developed or prove the
essential elements of an offense through questions and answers. However, leading and
misleading questions should be avoided in the Question and Answer Type.

Leading Question- suggests to the witness, affiant, informant, respondent or complaint the
answer which the investigator desires.

Misleading Questions – is one which assumes a true fact not yet testified to by the witness or
suspect or contrary to that which he/she has previously stated whereby may be induced to give
an answer which appears to say more than he/she means.

Narrative Type (Affidavit). It is hard for the judge to believe that in a narrative type of
confession/statement, the subject voluntary dictated all that is in the confession/statement.
Affidavit is a form of sworn statement made in a narrative style. It is usually started with a
“SCILICET” which is usually abbreviated as “S.S.”


Republic of the Philippines)

City of Naga . . . . . . . )S.S.


The term “Scilicet” is derived from the Latin word “ Scirelicet”, ‘it is permited to know” and is
translated to mean “ to wit or namely, and utilized here to a particularized the place of the
execution of the instrument.

Basic Parts of the Sworn Statement:

The sworn statement of the witness, complainant/victim and informant should be in a

language understood or used by him and should contain the following basic parts:

 The title identification of the statement containing the name and address of the affiant,
the name of the investigator as well as his rank, the witness to the statement,
information as to where and when the statement was taken;

 The affiant shall be informed of his Constitutional Rights;

 The questions revealing the personal circumstances of the affiant;

 The question asking the affiant if he/she knows why he/she is being questioned;

 The questions proving the individual elements of the suspected violation/crime (WHAT,

 The affiant’s sworn statement should contain sufficient details as to the commission of
the offense/crime;

 The affiant’s shall be informed that the investigator has no more question to him/her;

 The sworn statement should contain errors or mistakes in every page intentionally
committed by the investigator. While reading it, the affiant’s attention should be invited to
these errors or mistakes. He/she should be made to correct them in his/her own
handwriting and affix his/her initials thereto. In many instances, the affiant upon advice of
the counsel would wish to deny the statement or set up the defense that he/she has
signed the statement without reading it. All personal corrections of the affiant thereof
would disprove all the foregoing denials; and

 The signature of the affiant ( if minor – to include the signature of the parents/guardian.

Sample Format of Sworn Statement ( Question and Answer)

MALAYA AT KUSANG LOOB NA SALAYSAY NI (Name and address of the affiant) NA

(Name and address of the office) NGAYON IKA- (Month, date and year), SA GANAP NA IKA-
(Time) NG UMAGA/HAPON/GABI, SA HARAP NINA (name of the witnesses at least 2) .SA

(Ang nagsasalay say ay pinahiwatigan o pinaalalahanan ng lahat ng kanyang mga

karapatan alinsunod sa itinadhana n gating Bagong Saligang Batas).


01. Tanong Ginoong/Ginang ________. Ikaw ba ay magsasabi ng buong

katotohananat pawing katotohanna lamang sa pagsisiyasat na ito?


02. Tanong Ikaw ba ay handang mag bigay ng iyong Malaya at kusang loob na .


03. Tanong Maari mo bang sabihin sa pagsisiyasat na ito ang iyong tunay na .
pangalan at iba pang magkakakilanlan sa iyong tunay na pagkatao?


04. Tanong ano naman ang dahilan at ikaw ay naririto sa aming tanggapan at .
nagbibigay ng iyong Malaya at kusang loob na salaysay?


05. Tanong Saan at kalian nagyari ang naturang insidente?


06. Tanong Sino ang may kinalanaman sa naganap na _______________?


07. Tanong Paano naman nayari ang _________________?


08. Tanong Kilala mob a itong biktima?


09. Tanong Sa ikaliliwanag ng pagsisiyasat na ito, maaari mo bang isalaysay o

sabihin kung ano ang tunay na nagyari sa naganap na ______?


10. Tanong Sa iyong pagkakaalam, ilan sa mga ________ ang may mga dalang baril
at anu-anu ang mga lakibre nito?


11. Tanong Bukod sayo, may alam ka bang mga taong nakakita sa naturang


12. Tanong Ano nman ang iyong ginawa matapos mong masaksihan ang naturang . .


13. Tanong Kung muli mo silang makikita at makaharap, makikilala mo ba ang mga


14. Tanong Pansamantala ay wala na akong itatanong saiyo, mayroon kabang ibang
. ibig idagdag o bawasan sa salaysay mong ito?


15. Tanong Ikaw ba ay tinakot, pinangakuan, o binigyan ng pabuya sa pagbibigay mo

. ng salaysay na ito?


16. Tanong Handa mo bang lagdaan ang mga salaysay mong ito na binubuo ng .
(bilang ng mga pahina) pahina?





SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this (Date) at (Place)


Administering Officer


I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I have personally examined the herein affiant under oath and that I
am fully satisfied that he/she voluntarily executed and understood his/her statement.


Administering Officer

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Quezon ..)S.S


AKo, Si ______________________________________, Filipino, ____ taong gulang,

walang asawa/may aswa, naninirahan sa ________________________________________,
matapos na makapanumpa nang naayon sa saligang batas ng Pilipinas ay nagsasaad ng mga

Na, noong _______________________, isang nagngangalang _______________ na

taga __________________________________ at/o may Agency na ____________________
na matatagpuan sa ______________________ ay ay nag pakilala sa akin na may kakayahan
na mangalap ng mga manggagagawa para sa ibang bansa partikularmente sa bansang
____________ sa pammamagitan nag ___________________________.

Na ako, sa buong pagtitiwal ay nag-aply sa taong natururan bilang isang


Na, ang taong nabanggit ay pinangakuan ako ng trabaho sa ibang bansa na bilang kpalit
ako ay pinagbibigay/pinagbabayad na aking nman ibinigay/ibinayad ang mga sumusunod:


_____________ ________ ___________________________________
_____________ ________ ___________________________________
_____________ ________ ___________________________________
_____________ ________ ___________________________________

Na. ang nasabing mga halaga/bagay ay tinanggap ni ___________________________.

at ang nasabing tao ( ) NAGBIGAY ( ) HINDI NAGBIGAY ng kaukulang resibo;

Na, sa kabuuang halaga ako ay nahingian at/o nagbigay ng perasa taong naturan na
umabot sa halangang humigit kumulang sa ____________________ ( ) kasama na ang aking
mga nagastos habang nag-aaplay ( ) hindi pa kasama ang aking mga nagasos habang ako ay
nag-aaplay sa kanya;
Na, noon, ______, ako ay lumuwas patungong Maynila sakay ng _________________
at ako ay dumeretso sa bahay/ agency na matatagpuan sa ____________________________.
Na habang ako ay nag aaplay ng aking pag- alis ako ay pansamantalang pinatira ng
taon naturan sa kanyang bahay na matatagpuan sa __________________________________.
Ako ay tumuloy sa naturang bahay sa loob ng ___________. Habang ako ay nanunukuyan sa
nasabing bahay ako ay pinababayad ng halagang ______ bawat araw/buwan para sa aking
pagkain at iba pang gastusin para sa aking pansamantalang panunuluyan;

Na, habang ako auy pansamantaang nanunuluyan sa nasabing bahay, ako ay kanyang
pinapagawa ng mga gawaing bahay tulad ng _______________________________________.
Ito raw umano ay parte ng aking training bilang isang _________________________________;

Na, ang taong nabanggit ( ) ay nabigo na maipadala ako sa ibang bansa ( ) ako’y
nakaalis papunta sa nasabing bansa bilang isang _______________ upang magtrabaho noong
_________ at bumalik noong ________ sa kadahilanang _____________________________.

Na, ang atong ay nabigo at/o ayaw ibalik ang aking pera/papeles sa kabila ng aking
paulit-ulit na kahilingan;

Na, aking natuklas nan g tao naturan ay walang lisensya o karapatan na mangalap at
magpadal ng mga manggagawa sa iabng basa;

Na, hanggang sa ngayon ang taong nabanggit ay pinapangakuan ako na matutuloy

maka-alis patungong ibang bansa at ako ay kanyang hinihinhian ng dagdag na bayad na
nagkakahalagang ________ kapalit ng aking diumanoy pag alis;

Na, ang taong naturan ay naninirahan at/o maaring mapasabihan sa _


Na ginawa ko ang sinumpaang salaysay na ito upang ihabla si/sina

_____________________ ng illegal recruitment at/o estafa at/o Human Trafficking;

Na, aking pinatutunayan na ako ay hindi naghain ng reklamo katulad nito sa mga taong
nabanggit sa iba pang ahensya o sangay ng pamahalaan maliban dito.

BILANG PATUNAY, ako ay lumagda sa ibabaw ng aking pangalan ngayon ika- ____ng
___, ____.


SINUMPAAN AT PINATOTOHANAN sa harap ko ngayon ika ____ng ____, ____.

Piantutunayan ko na ang nagsalaysay ay aking nasiyasat at ako ay may sapat na paniniwal na
siya ay kusa at malayang nagsalaysay.

Administering Officer


A complete staff work is a format communication which contains a brief and exact
analysis of a situation, resulting from a thorough research made by its author because there is a
specific problem or a specific problem area. This study provides the chief an official report on
such analysis which helps him in making a decision on complex or controversial questions.

However, that report does not only analyse a situation through presentation of facts,
logical discussion of the subject matter and the corresponding conclusion thereon. It also
recommends to the head of an office or agency what course of action he should take.

A fixed format prepared, with the following titles: Problem, Assumptions, Facts Bearing
the Problem, Discussion, conclusion and Recommendations. Aside from these, a complete staff
work bears the concurrence of the staff officer concerned by means of affixing his initial,
followed by his/her name, title and position on the space provided.

Complete Staff Work (CSW)

Republic of the Philippines

City of Naga
August 12, 2018


TITLE : Solution to Traffic Problems in Central Business District of Naga City -



The Current Traffic Problems in Central Business District of Naga City


1. Traffic law in CBD will be smoother upon completion of the recommended course of
2. Observance to traffic laws and regulations by undisciplined drivers and pedestrians;
3. Organized sidewalk vendors which will be confined to only one place.


The city of Naga was designed with narrow streets may be due to lack of foresight for
development by former local elected officials. History relates that it was only the “calesa” as the

major means of transportation then in the city. Only prominent families can afford to buy four-
wheeled vehicles.
Now come this time was that even a mere employee can afford to have his own vehicle
brought about by the presence of several small assembly shops in the province using second
hand motor assemblies. Motor vehicles running on the streets continue to grow from hundreds
to thousands but the streets they are using remain as is since they were constructed in 1950.

One can experience traffic congestions in Naga City, particularly in CBD1 during rush
hours (7:00 AM to 10:00 AM and 4:00 to 7:00 PM). Several proposals and traffic
experimentations had already been done by the police and the Naga City Public Safety Office
looking for possible solutions, but it seems that the solutions to a single problem may even bring
more traffic problems in some parts of the city.


In any survey conducted, the following major thoroughfares in CBDI frequently suffer
traffic congestions:

1. Junctions of Panagniban Drive and Penafrancia Avenue, from 7:00 AM to 10:00AM and
from 4:00 to 7:00 PM during working days;

2. Junction of Calle Caceres and General Luna Streets, from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM and
from 4:00 P.M to 7:00 P.M,everyday;

3. Junction of Elias Angeles- Arana Streets, from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM and from 4:00 PM
to 7:00 PM during school days;

4. Junctions of Elias Angeles – Calle Caceres Streets, from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM and from
10:00 AM and from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, everyday;

5. Junction of Hernandez Avenue – Abella Street, from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM and from 4:00
PM to 7:00 PM, everyday;

6. Junction of Hernandez Avenue – Zamora, from 7:00 AM and from 4:00PM to 7:00 PM,

Upon personnel observations, these busy streets of Naga have long lines of
sidewalk vendors. In Hernandez Avenue alone, sidewalk vendors with illegal structures
aligned themselves from corner Abella to Zamora Street. In General Luna, portions of
public market along General Luna Street which are intended for pedestrian are occupied
by vendors, same with others streets such as Calle Cacere, Zamora underpass and
parts of Elias Angeles Street.

In this situation, market goer and other pedestrian are force to walk on the
pavement of the streets, instead of using the sidewalk intended for them. This is the

reason why vehicles passing through tend to stop for quite sometimes to give way to the
pedestrians and marketers walking along Hernandez Avenue.
Another thing that hinders the continuous flow of vehicles along General Luna is
the misplaced pedestrian lanes having shorter distance from each other, causing
vehicles to move slowly to give way to the passing pedestrian.

One thing also is the illegal parking of the vehicles particularly in Hernandez
Avenue. Some of these illegally parked vehicles are owned by owners of the
establishments thinking that the portion sidewalk in front of their establishment are also
their own.
Another is the usual behaviour of undisciplined drivers and pedestrian that
frequently violates traffic rules, aggravated by lack of necessary traffic signs and traffic


Based on the preceding discussion, it revealed that the following facts are caused of
traffic problems in CBD1 of Naga City:

a. The presence of sidewalk vendors along the busy thoroughfares

b. Illegal parking of vehicles;
c. The usual behaviour of undisciplined drivers and pedestrian;
d. Lack of traffic signs and traffic personnel and laxity in traffic enforcement
e. Misplaced pedestrian lanes along General Luna Street


Therefore, it is hereby recommended the following;

a. Relocation of sidewalk vendors to other area which would not affect the flow of traffic in
CBDI. The proposed place is along PNR Road after the Tabuco Bridge where minimal
number of vehicle passes by.

b. Relocation of pedestrian lane to strategic portion of General Luna Street. Two pedestrian
lanes are sufficient from corner General Luna- Calle Caceres Street to General Luna-
Kinastillohan Streets. One is in front of the Public market ant the other is in front of
Robertson Department Store.

c. Designated strategic parking area along Hernadez Avenue and General Lua which
would not hinder the flow of traffic.

d. Establishing more of the traffic signs and assigning more traffic personnel to strategic

3.Respectfully recommend appropriate action.


Police Chief Inspector
Chief, Operation Section


Traffic Section : Concur:_____________ Non-Concur:_________________

Patrol Section : Concur: ____________ Non- Concur: _________________
Market Administrator : Concur: ____________ Non- Concur: _________________
Public Safety Office EXO : Concur: ____________ Non- Concur: _________________

 Sketch of portion PNR Road, possible relocation area for sidewalk vendors.


_________________ Approved Date: ____________________

________________ Disapproved Date: _____________________


Police Senior Superintendent
City Director


An endorsement is a reply or a forwarding statement usually added to a letter. Among

men and women, in uniform a basic communication may not just be a letter; it can be a
message; it can be a memorandum from higher office. It is a communication within a
communication. It becomes an integral part of the correspondence and is not withdrawn from
the basic communication to which it is appended.

Regarding the content, it is meant to furnish information, comment or recommendation

on the matter at hand. The use of the third person in endorsement may refer to himself as “the
writer”, “the undersigned” or “this office” or by his official title. After all, this is not a personal
matter; it is an official one wherein the sender acts on a particular problem in behalf of the
agency he/she belongs to. No complimentary close is used in endorsement, the signature and
title being given directly after the close of the endorsement.

In endorsement writing, unlike in ordinary letter writing, each paragraph may be started
single- spaced. Since this is not compulsory, double-spacing may be used. It will be numbered
consecutively, starting with “1st” or “2nd”. Starting with the word “Respectfully” (whether
Forwarded, Returned, Referred, Transmitted) the text, which is usually composed of one
paragraph, should really be brief, accurate and clear.

In the different line of government agencies, there is a Standard Operating Procedure

(SOP) in paragraphing an endorsement text. The PNP caters to this procedure. A
communication being sent by endorsement to a superior office is always “RESPECTFULLY
FORWARDED” or “RESPECTFULLY equal rank, it is originated or where it has been recorded
is “RESPECTFULLY RETURNED” regardless of the rank of the two offices concerned.

An endorsement should be given useful and necessary information comment or

recommendation on the matter at hand, The writer should avoid mere “FORWARDING” or
“RETURNING” endorsement.

But in some cases, an endorsement is being patterned to a civilian letter with the
following parts: Heading, Dateline Address, salutation, body, Complementary Close and

Sample format of Endorsement

Republic of the Philippines

City of Naga

NCPO- Admin


FOR : The Regional Director

Attn: Chief, HRDD

FROM : The City Director

SUBJECT : Endorsement

DATE : March 15, 2013

1. Reference: PRO 5 Recruitment Quota for C.Y 2013

2. Respectfully forwarded here with is the list of qualified PNP applicants together with their
respective folders after careful and thorough screening conducted by the member of the
Ad Hoc Body created for the said purpose.

3. Request acknowledges receipt.


Police Senior Superintendent


Case Operational Plan (COPLAN) refers to a preparatory plan on how to carry out a
case operation. Case operations refer to a definite target specific activity conducted in relation
to an intelligence project under which it is affected. Several case operations may fall under one
(1) intelligence project. Case operation is the last report measures to pursue intelligence
objectives when normal police operations fail.

Republic of the Philippines




FOR : The Officer-in-Charge

FROM : Chief Intelligence Section, NCPO

SUBJECT : Case Operational Plan (COPLAN) 110111 “Gulay”

DATE : 01 November 2020


1. Respectfully submitted is the Case Operational Plan (COPLAN) against the target
personally involved in illegal Drugs which was initiated by Intelligence Section,
NCPO, covering the period from November 1 2011 to January 31, 2021, to
neutralized the target personally involved in illegal Drugs operating in OAR and
particularly in Brgy. Mabulo Naga City.

2. For Information and Request Approval.


Police Chief Inspector

Copy Nr.___ of ____ Copies

Naga City Police Office
Barlin St. Sta. Cruz, Naga City
November 1, 2011

Case Operational Plan 110111 “GULAY”


a. Anti- illegal drug Campaign Program of this CPO for the 4 th quarter 2011.
b. Updated Watch list of drug personalities in Naga City.


As a general assessment the drug problem in Naga City is still under control. Despite of
limited resources, the campaign illegal drugs is somehow successful. The intelligence
section of the Naga City Police Office, PDEA, other law enforcement agencies and the
LGU Naga thru its Naga City Dangerous Drug Board (NCBD), continue to collaborate to
put an end to this pestering problem in community.

Marijuana is still the re-emerging drug of abuse in City of Naga, by the users, if
they have no budget for their shabu and or when they wany to subside the effect of the
shabu in their body.

Notwithstanding of the campaign of the government against drug traffickers,

these Dabgerous Drug is spreading aout and proliferating in the City majority in local
drug pusher who get kilos of Marijuana from Metro Manila and Baguio City.

In view of the foregoing situation and in line with the directive of the City director,
NCPO, this office had identified personality for our target this 4 th quarter of 2011, thus
this COPLAN.


a. These drug personalities are expected to expand their drug trades

operation/activities in the City of Naga and adjacent Municipalities.

b. They will establish linkages with the other local drug pusher in the area to
facilitate disposal of their stuff.



1. To collect intelligence data and regulate information intended to support the

proposed operational design and course of action for the arrest/ neutralization
and successful prosecution of the target personality.

2. To closely monitor the targeted personality.

3. To identify their contacts and accomplicies.


1. To identify and locate the whereabouts of the suspects to include their

protectors and involvement in the criminal activities;
2. To pinpoint all safe houses of the suspects;
3. To affect the arrest thru buys bust or search warrant operation or cause the
surrender of the suspect;



A. Concept of Operations:
a. Intelligence Build-up

1. Agent Acquisition/Employment

a. The initiative to obtain the coordination and services of two action

agents appropriate for this case has been made. The need to sustain
their active utilization is desired.
b. Action Agents will provide the necessary information vital to the
success of the mission; and under direct supervision and control, of
Case Supervisor.
c. Spotting, investigation, recruitment, training and protection of the
potential action agents will always be a continuous activity/project.
2. Operational Research

a. Continuing leg work for background investigation and record checks

of identified target personalities, to further uncover identities of their
b. Continuing analysis and interpretation of documents records and
other materials previously obtained.
c. Elicitations of information from action agent shall be conducted on a
continuing basis; subject to validation and assessments.

b. Negation Phase

1. Arrest
a. Arrest of target shall be affected upon careful determination of the
exact whereabouts base on acquired case build-up data.
b. All actions shall be done in accordance with the Police Operational
Procedures and established case operational plan.

2. Interrogation/investigation

CIS and CIDMS shall conduct thorough interrogation and investigation of

arrested personality subject of this COPLAN and other arrested persons
who will be later found involved or associated with the suspects.

3. Disposition
Existing policies on the disposition of arrest suspect/s and evidence shall
be strictly observed.

4. Exposure of Targets

Case compartmentation and related developments to identify listed

information pertaining to target personalities shall be strictly implemented.
Uncordinated and timely press release shall not be considered for
it will be prejudicial to the entire case project.

c.Termination Phase

COPLAN termination shall be upon neutralization of the target

personalities. The Case Supervisor/officer may also terminate the service of A/As only
after careful and thorough evaluation of their viability.

B. Task Organization

1. Case Director (C/D)


The Case Director will provide the direction and control in the conduct of this
intelligence project.
2. Case Supervisor (C/S)
a. Responsible for the over-all implementation of the Case Operation Plan;
b. To prepare the over-all plan and concept of the operation;
c. To conduct all other activities necessary for the accomplishment of the
COPLAN mission and objectives.

3. Case Coordinator (C/C)

The Case Coordinator is responsible for all activities within his area of
expertise that shall guide the Case Officer.

4. Case Officer (C/O)

a. Assist the C/S in the direction and control of the project:
b. Attends to all administrative and operational requirements of the Case
Operational Plan:
c. To render timely updates and reports to C/S; and
d. Perform other tasks directed by C/S or C/C.

5. Principal Agent (P/A)

a. Act as Agent handler;
b. Plans, direct and supervises the activities of the A/As;
c. Makes necessary reports regarding development of the operations;
d. Obtain timely reports for A/As to endorse reports to the C/O without delay;
e. Performs operational duties that may be assigned to him by C/O.

6. Action Agent (A/A)

a. Will penetrate targets, maintain contact with P/A, keep under close
surveillance and monitor all plans and activities of the target
b. Locate and identify target’s safe house/s and staging areas to include
armaments, vehicle used, etc; and
c. Make timely report to P/A in a secure and clandestine manner.

7. Support Agent( S/A)

a. Act as cut –out between P/A and A/A.
b. Assist the A/A in obtaining valuable and timely intelligence information
against the target; and
c. Perform Operational task that may be valuable and timely to him by the
C/C and C/O.

C. Agent Selection:

Recruitment of additional A/As and S/As shall be based on access to the targtes,
motivation and susceptibility to clandestine control.

D. Training:

A/As shall undergo constant training on security, information gathering clandestine


E. Operational Support Units:

1. PRO5 will be responsible for the operation and logistical support of the
2. Other units concerned may be asked to provide necessary assistance during
actual negotiation when needed.

F. Security:

1. This COPLAN will be classified as “SECRET”.

2. Use of code names, call signs, password and countersigns shall be strictly
3. Treatment of reports shall be in the “NEED TO KNOW” basis.

G. Plan Coordination:
1. An initiated time frame of three (3) months from effective date of this
COPLAN is required to accomplish this mission.

2. Observance of the PNP Operational Procedures shall be strictly followed.

3. Subsequent specific instructions relative to this project shall be issued by C/S

or C/O when necessary.

4. Raids,search or arrest to be conducted shall be coordinated with unit

Commander’s/Chief of Police Offices concerned.


A. Personnel – (Annex “A”)

B. Finance – (Annex “B”)
C. Supply and Equipment
1. Organic supply equipment shall be used if necessary.
2. Technical equipment shall be provided if necessary.
3. Transportation
4. Organic vehicle shall be provided if necessary. Rented or borrowed vehicle will be

5. Personnel/private vehicles will be used.

6. Additional POL allocation will be requested.
D. Miscellaneous
Safe house rented to be used by Action Agents.


A. Radio Net
- NCPO Radio Net
- Cell phones and text messaging
- Internet mode

B. Others means of Communications

1. Regular
Primary – Cell phone call/SMS messaging
Alternative – Coded Writings
2. Secondary
Primary – Courier
Alternative – drops (Live and Dead)
3. Emergency
Primary – Personal Contract

C. Report System
1. Development Report - ASAP
2. Project Assessment - ASAP
3. Agent Report/ Intel report - ASAP
4. Spot Report - ASAP
5. After Operational Report - ASAP


Upon approval.

Case Officer
Police Chief Inspector
C,Intel Section, NCPO


Summary of information (SOI) is an intelligence report rendered regarding any illegal

activity or violation of laws being observed by intelligence operatives within a given area of
responsibility. This is the usual basis of case operations hence information received should be
cared, validated, counter-checked, analysed and evaluated.


Republic of the Philippines

City of Naga

NCPO/B2 041313-108


FOR : The Regional Director

Police Regional Office 5
Camp Gen. Simeon A. Ola, Legazpi City
(Attn: C, RID)

FROM : The Officer in- Charge

SUBJECT : Information Report

DATE : April 13, 2013

1. References: Text message from concern citizen dated April 13, 2013.

2. Forwarded to your office is the Information Report re- alleged suspected “budol-budol”
group utilizing dark gray van with plate no. PKD-815.

3. For references and request acknowledged receipt.



Chief, Intelligence Branch


1. File NCPO-2-13-04-003
2. Reference SMS from concerned citizen
3. Subject Alleged suspect “budol-budol “ group
Utilizing dark gray van with Plate No. PKD-815
4. Date of Report April 13, 2013
5. Reported SPO3, Feliciano B. Aguilar, Jr
6. Designation/Unit CI, Intel PNCO, NCPO
7. Evaluation B2
8. Source Y
9. Date Acquired April 13, 2013
10. Manner Acquired Through text message

Information disclosed that a dark gray van with plate no. PKD-815 was utilized by unified
armed men, allegad budol-budol group coming from other place that are now in our AOR,
planning to conduct illegal activities and their modus pretend selling frozen products like hotdog
to look prospective victim/target.

12.COMMENT/s: Subject for validation/confirmation

13. ACTION TAKEN/s TO BE TAKEN/REQUEST: This information report (IR) was relayed to
all PCP commanders and CPSC through text message for validation and appropriate action.

14. ATTACHMENT/s: None

SPO3 Feliciano B. Aguilar Jr.



This intelligence report is very important in rendering the result of a background investigation on
any newly designated or appointed or assigned personnel of a uniformed unit. Background
investigation essentially involves records check and neighbourhood check regarding the
personnel background, present activities, previous criminal records or administrative records
and behaviour of the subject in the community especially in the place where he/she resides.


Republic of the Philippines

Taiong, Quezon

Date: 21 October 2012




Alias : “Epang”

DOB : July 3, 1985

POB : Palagaran, Tiaong, Quezon

Sex : Female

Age : 27 years old

Civil Status : Married

Blood Type : Married

Completion : Dark

Address : Palagaran. Tiaong Quezon

Ethnic Group : Tagalog


Educational :

Elementary Location Date Attendance Year Graduated

Palisa Elementary School Palisa, Tiaong Quezon 1992-1998 1998
High School
Palisa National High School Palisa, Tiaong Quezon 1998-2002 2002
San Pablo Collge San Pablo City, Laguna 2004-2008 2008

A gap was noted in the year 2002-2004, in that period of time, subject person
temporarily stop her studies due to financial problem.

In the year 2004, she enro;;ed at San Pablo Colleges where shee took-up BS Nursing
and graduated at the said school last March 2008.

After her graduation, she review for the Nurses Licensure Examination at San Pablo
College and took examination on June 1 & 2, 2008, held at Manila and passed with the rating

On September 9, 2010, she got married to Danilo Luna Dimaano of Candelaria Quezon.


Height :1.63cm

Weight : 50 kg

Build : Medium

Distinguish Mark : None


Morality: Subject’s morality is unquestionable, she possesses the standard of conduct

of an individual which is morally upright, considerate to others, respectfully and has positive
attitude in dealing with elders, members of the community.

Integrity: Her integrity can be boasted because of his uprightness in character,

soundness of moral principle, honest and freedom from moral delinquencies.

Discretion: Has sound descretions and good judgement.

Character: a person with good moral character, peace loving.

Reputation: Clean leaving.

Vice: none


Parents- Name of the Father: Francisco Ancheta y Demetrio, a retired Police Officer
With the rank of PSI, 74 years old, separated at Palangaran, Tiaong Quezon.
Name of Mother: Juanita De Jesus Atienza, (deceased)
Her father had married three (3) times, namely:
1. Corazon Umali- legal wife- they have two (2) children (1) son & 1 daughter.(Separated).
2. Juanita de Jesus (deceased) 2nd wife – they have one (1) child.
3. Anita Pagdingalan- 3rd wife- gifted with two daughters. (separated).
Name of Brothers/Sister:

1. Ret. SPO1 Rodrigo U. Ancheta of legal age, married of Barangay de Rosario, tiaong,
Quezon (Half-brother from father side 1st family)
2. Elena U. ancheta of Legal age, married of Lucasan, Tiaong Quezon (half- sister from
father side)
3. Subject PNP Applicant
4. Marygrace P. Ancheta, 24 yrs old, single of Lucasan, Tiaong Quezon (half-sister from
father side/3rd family)
5. Janet p. Anchedt 16yrs old, minor of Lucasan, Tiaong Quezon (Half-sister from father
side/3rd family).

V. NAME OF SPOUSE (if Married)

Name of Spouse : Danilo Herndandez Dimaano

DOB : September 15, 1977
POB : Candelaria Quezon
Nationality : Filipino
Region : Roman Catholic
Date of Marriage : May 8, 2010
Place of Marriage : Municipal Hall, Tiaong Quezon- Officiated by Mayor Liling Umali.
Occupation : Security Guard

Name of Children Relationship Date of Birth Place of Birth

Marianne A. Dimaano Daughter December 31, 2010 Tiaong, Quezon


Inclusive Date Address
1985- 1995 Zone 3 Brgy. Paiisa, Tiaong, Quezon
1996-1998 San Roque, Pasay City
1998-2002 Zone 3-, Brgy. San Isidro, tiaong, Quezon
2003 to present Zone 2 Brgy, Palagaran. Tiaong Quezon


Agency/Company Address Type/nature of Nr. Of years of Reason for
Employment service Leaving
Quezon Provincial Lucena City Skill 4 Months Finished
Hospital Enhancement contract
Quezon Provincial Lucena City Nurse 10 months Resigned


Interview conducted by undersigned operative to her neighbour namely; Mrs. Corazon
Dela Cruz, Ms. Ederliat Tinere, and Mrs. Adeliada Cano, all of said barangay disclosed that
subject person has a good moral character and law abiding citizen. She is of unquestionable
integrity, discretion and good associated habits and has a positive in dealing with elderly/senior

IX. CREDIT REPUTATION: No negative feedback and criticism had been elicited
against her.




a. Director for Intelligence :

b. DCS for intelligence :
c. National Bureau of Investigation : No criminal record
d. Department of Foreign Affairs :
e. Department of Immigration :No Criminal Record
f. Department of Justice :
g. Police Clearance : No Criminal Record
h. RTC Clearance : No Criminal Record
i. MTC Clearance : No criminal record
j. City Prosecution : No Criminal Record
k. Barangay Clearance : No Criminal Record

XIII. ANALYSIS: Based on information gathered during the conduct of background

investigation on subject person, she has no criminal record or derogatory records per
information obtained her morality, integrity, loyalty, discretion, character and

XIV. RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on the factual data and information gathered, she is
a morally upright person with excellent credibility in her profession. No negative
feedback or criticism had been reported on her. She is suited indeed to be a member
of Philippine National Police.

Prepared by: Verified by:

SPO2 Juanito G. Belmonte PCI EDGAR T. CASTILLO

CI, PNCO Chief, Intelligence Section


The Routing Slip is primarily aimed in transmitting papers from office to office within the
Headquarters, or from branch, within an office. It is never used to forward papers to an agency
outside of a Headquarters. It is used to speed up transmittal or correspondence direct to action
section without using brief a, DF or an endorsement.
However, when it is foster to stamp a comment on a basic communication and this
comment is intended to from part of the recorded, the Routing Slip will not be used. It is also
used for inter-office routing in a Headquarters for the purpose indicated by the remarks printed
on the form. It may be contain informal comments which are not intended to be forwarded
beyond the addressee on the slip. Because the routing slip is ordinarily not filed, it will never be
used for approvals, disapprovals, concurrences or other important actions or comments, no
matter how brief.
Some offices use a Routing Slip in plain white communication demanding immediate
action. This colored paper will thus indicate that the papers to which it is attached must be given
priority. To achieved greater efficiency in processing documents or tracking them down, the
DILG, thru its Memorandum Circular Number 92-18, has issued guidelines and procedures in
preparing a Routing Slip.

Some Instructions in Making Routing Slip

A routing Slip shall be attached to every document which needs to be acted upon;
The routing slip shall indicate the following information; CONTROL NUMBER, ORIGINATING
For purpose of tracking, each office/unit shall have its own documents control number;
Additional information shall indicate the DATE and TIME the documents is acted upon; the
name of the processor under the column FROM:; the name of the person to whom the
document is referred to for further processing under the column TO:; and a check mark on the
action taken from among those listed in the Routing Slip; and
The person to whom the document is released shall fill up the DATE RELEASED and
the RECEIVED BY entries.
Control No. _______________________ Document Type: ____________________
Originating Office: _________________ Date of Document: __________________
To: From: Date: Sender’s Action Requested
Last Name:

Learning Activities

Activity 1. Formulating Police Reports Sample (See Rubric in page 117).

Assume the following roles enumerated below and do the task intended for each. Follow
the prescribed format on the following forms discussed in this unit.

Submit your work in the pigeon boxes which are provided in your department/college,
or in the designated are in your locality or upload your output in our face book page or in our
goggle class with this code ____ on or before the date reflected in on your study schedule. See
rubric on page ____. You may access the class work through this link: _______________

A. a police officer assigned to make police blotter entry and certification of Police Blotter
Excerpt of person involved in ( choose one: Domestic violence, rape or theft ).

( 2 outputs)

B. a senior police officer in the investigation section assigned in a case (choose one: vehicular
accident, robbery or arson), Do the spot report sent in a radiographic
message and sent through a memorandum and incident report.

( 3 outputs)

C. a senior police officer in the investigation section assigned in (choose one: rape, murder or
rape with murder), Do the initial investigation report and progress report.

( 2 outputs )

D. a police officer assigned to take the sworn statement in a narrative form and question
and answer form and affidavit of arrest of a person involved in a case (choose
one: assault and battery, shoplifting or motor vehicle theft ).

( 3 outputs )

Activity 2. Police Reports Samples Portfolio

Make a compilation on the following police reports samples namely; Final

Investigation report, After Operations report, After Encounter report, Police Operational Plan,
Complete Staff Work, Endorsement, Case Operational plan and Routing slip. Collect two (2)
samples on each form mentioned. Then, create a professional quality of portfolio covering the
police reports samples mentioned. Submit your work in a power point presentation.

Submit your work in the pigeon boxes which are provided in your department/college,
or in the designated are in your locality or upload your output in our face book page or in our
goggle class with this code ____ on or before the date reflected in on your study schedule. See
rubric on page 117. You may access the class work through this link: _______________

Chughahabnida! You made it!

You may take now the Assessment.

If you have not completed the task or

you have found difficulty in accomplishing
the learning activities, and want to ask
clarifications about it, please send me a
message to our face book page ______, or
in our goggle class with this code _____ or
through a text message or phone calls on
the contact number included in your course.

Formative Assessment

A. Directions: Using the organizer below, make a video presentation on the importance
of police reports to the police organization, to the outside organization and to the
individual officer.

Submit your work in the pigeon boxes which are provided in your
department/college, or in the designated are in your locality or upload your output
in our face book page or in our goggle class with this code ____ on or
before the date reflected in on your study schedule. See rubric on page 119.
You may access the class work through this link: ______________

Importance of Police reports

to the to the to the

Police Outside individual
organization organization officer

B. Writing Essay
Directions: Explain the relevance of the different types of Police reports to the present crime
situations in our community. Cite example/s.
Submit your work in the pigeon boxes which are provided in your
department/college, or in the designated are in your locality or upload your output in our face
book page or in our goggle class with this code ____ on or before the date reflected in on
your study schedule. See rubric on page ____. You may access the class work through this
link: _______________

Gamsahabnida! You did a great job!

If you have not completed the task or you have found difficulty in
accomplishing the learning activities, and want to ask clarifications about
it, please send me a message to our face book page ______, or in our
goggle class with this code _____ or through a text message or phone
calls on the contact number included in your course.

Unit IV – Civilian Letter

Police uses a purely civilian letter when

communicating outside the PNP organization
such as the President of the Philippines,
Department Secretaries, Provincial Governors,
City or Municipal Mayors, owners/ managers of
the private companies and head or chief other
government agencies and the likes.

Learning Objective

At the end of this unit you will be able to:

Create their civilian letter with correct format and appropriate content.


Try this! Matching Type. Match column A to Column B. Write the letter that correspond to your
answer on the space provided before the number

_________1. A letter usually refers to that one securing a speaker for an

. important occasion. Claim Letter

_________ 2. This letter is written as a result of complaint the way Request Letter
. supplies were delivered, services rendered, or account paid.
Adjustment Letter
_________ 3. A letter that is written in an answer to a claim.
_________ 4. Because this is letter that asks, this is also termed as an .
. “asking letter”. Invitation

_________5. Part of the letter that greets the reader and the greeting
. may be formal or informal, cordial or personal.

Content letter

The police up to now still subscribe to some military conventional communications, such
as radio graphic message, memorandum, and solely used inside the PNP organization.

Civilian letter, unlike the radiographic message, memorandum and endorsements, has a
different form, because the former is particular on symmetry or a well- balanced appearance.
Also, a civilian letter has different phraseology and its paragraphing is not numbered, not unless

Parts of Civilian Letter


A typed or a printed letterhead may be used. It includes the writer’s office and office address.
Abbreviations shall not be made for the city, municipality and province.

Usually used in correspondence addressed outside of the police organization, the printed or
typed letterhead includes these pieces of the information, i.e., name of the police unit or office,
its address, telephone number and Zone international Postal (ZIP) code, if any. Sometimes, the
unit or office slogan and seal is written.

File Reference

The use of identifying file reference is optional depending upon the instructions issued by the
chief or head office. If ever used, it is placed at the left margin two spaces below the letterhead,
and on line with and/or below the current date.


Month, day and year in that order is the dateline. In civilian letter the month is never
abbreviated, it is spelled out. Also st as in 1 st, nd as in 2nd, rd as in 3rd, or th as in 4th is not used
after the day, so with ’03 as in 2003 in writing the year.

Inside Address

The addressee name should be written fully. It should always be preceded by a courtesy title,
except in case of M.D., Ph.D., and few others. The first line shows the addressee’s name and
designation, if any: the second line, the name of the agency or company of the addressee
belong; the third line, the address of the agency or company. If not belonging to any agency or
company, the addressee’s local address will do.

Attention line

To speed up the handling of the letter, the attention line is used when the letter is addressed to
a company or to a particular department of a company or to an individual aside from the


The salutation greets the reader and the greeting may be formal or informal, cordial or personal.

Subject Line

The subject line is the gist of the message. It helps a very busy person find out in split second
what the letter is all about. As it is a part of the message, this line appears logical above it, and
below the salutation.


The body is the message itself. In it, one of the problems may confront a correspondent is
paragraphing. This, however, does not pertain to the appearance of the message: but rather, to
its contents. A correspondent focuses on how to end and how to begin another paragraph. The
general rule for paragraphing is to have each separate idea or subject occupying a separate

Complimentary Close

A complementary close is usually followed by a comma, and comes immediately after the last
line of the message. The first word starts with a capital letter.

Company Signature

In civilian letter company signature may be shown immediately above the writer’s signature,
based on the theory that the company not the writer is the legal entity. In other words, the
company assumes a greater responsibility than the individual does; otherwise, the company
signature is omitted, especially if including it is not a standard policy of the firm.

It is important to note that “Mr.” should never be placed before the writer’s signature – printed or
signed name. The female correspondent may or may not enclose in parenthesis her “Miss” or
“Mrs.” Identity. And it is always advantageous to print writer’s name before he signs,
immediately above it. In a pen-writer letter, a second signature is enclosed in parentheses.

Reference Initial

Initials of the writer and his/her typist or secretary appear at the left of the stationery, about two
spaces below the writer’s identification. These initials are aligned with the left margin of the


If a writer has forgotten something in the message, he adds a P.S. it is intentional to attract
attention. The postscript may be flushed with the letter margins or may be flushed with the letter
margins or may be indented from both margins five spaces.

Copy Furnished

When one or two copies are furnished, a carbon copy (cc) notation is indicated on the original
and all copies of the letter. This may be done of two ways indicated.

This notation can be substitute the traditional “COPY FURNISHED” notation.

A blind carbon copy (bcc) notation does not appear on the original because the writer does not
want the addressee to know that a certain copy is furnished to another. This notation just
appears on carbon copies.


Information Letter

Because of the close association with the community member, the police executive receives
inquires and answers it. Furthermore, in order to uphold the dignity of the police organization,
the concerned police officer assures maintenance of peace and order, as well as dispersion of
justice to all.

Invitation letter

An invitation letter usually refers to that one securing a speaker for an important occasion. It
mentions the following: 1.) date, time, and place of the speaking engagement; 2.) topic to be
discussed; 3.) time limit; and 4.) verification of acceptance

Invitation Refusal

Between an invitation acceptance and an invitation refusal, the latter is more difficult to write.
The writer therefore, considers the following guides: 1.) appreciation for invitation; 2.) reason for
refusal: and 3.) possibility of accepting a similar invitation in the future.

(Your name)
(Your address)
(Your contact information)


(Recipient’s Name)
(Recipient’s Job Title)
(Recipient’s Company Name)
(Recipient’s Address)


I am much delight to receive the invitation to the (event name). I regret to inform you
that I will not be able to attend to your event due to (decline reason).

However, I would certainly try my best to attend on another occasion.

Respectfully yours,

(Your Name and Signature)


Claim Letter

A claim letter is written as a result of complaint the way supplies were delivered, services
rendered, or account paid. Anybody intending to write this kind of letter must think of courtesy
despite of their ire. The correspondents must not write when angry as to do means to project the
temper. The rudeness will be reflected in the letter.

However, when correspondent delays the communication, somehow, it finds the time to sobriety
before putting into words the ideas in the mind. Here are hints to guide the correspondent in
writing a claim letter: 1.) what is wrong: 2.) What is inconvenience was do far created; 3.) what
suggestions can be offered to remedy the situation?

Sample Claim Letter

(Your name)
(Your address)
(Your contact information)


(Recipient’s Name)
(Recipient’s Job Title)
(Recipient’s Company Name)
(Recipient’s Address)


On (date of contract) I purchased a (product or service) from you: model xyz, a piece of
(give as much detail as possible- include model or other identifying number that might

The purchase agreement was made at your store located at (give detail about the location
of the store, the person you dealt with and any particular or relevant representations made
as you about the product, good or services).

Describe the problem here,

(Then state exactly what you want from the business.)

I look forward to your immediate reply. You can contact me at my home telephone
number at (Conclusion: indicate that you are expecting an early response/resolution as of
your complaint and your emergency and other contact information).

Yours truly,

(Your name and signature)


Adjustment Letter

An adjustment letter is written in an answer to a claim.

Request Letter

Because this is letter that asks, a request letter is also termed as an “asking letter”. Specific
suggestion in writing a request letter:
To speed the handling of the request, the writer should address his/her letter to a particular
person or to a particular department if the addressee is not known.
The writer bust be clear in his/her own mind as to what he/she wants to know, omitting to ask
information that can be obtained from references, book, or other sources that are readily
The writer must express his/her gratitude by saying “thank you” but not Thank you in advance”
or thanking you in advance”.
As this is a special favor, a stamped self- addressed enveloped should be enclosed.

Transmittal Letter

A transmittal is a letter that sends. It identifies what is being sent and what it is being intended
for. It sends an important paper request for appointment or promotion, and formal reports, a
check a bank draft or money order.

If money is involved, it is usually a remittance letter. The writer indicates the amount and a form
of payment is to be applied.

When transmitting a report, the letter may invite the reader’s comments or suggestions and
performed the following important functions: 1.0 it provides a permanent record or transfer 2.) it
shows the date on which the report was submitted: 3.) it states the name and position of the
writer of the report; and 4.) it shows why and whom the report was authorized.

Credit Letter

Credit is generally defined as the power to obtain good and services in the present time with a
promise to pay in the future. Credit helps the debtor in his /her financial difficulties and enables
him/her to obtain a good and services which he/she cannot afford on a cash basis. The debtor
gets from the creditor- the individual money lenders or loan sharks, retail stores, pawn shops,
banks, sales finance companies, credit unions or insurance companies.

A person wishing to established credit will usually go to a credit bureau for him/her to be
interviewed or he/she may call up instead. Otherwise, he/she writes a credit application,
emphasizing the following points: 1.) what is desired: 2.) guarantee; and 3.) reference if

Order Letter

An order letter is written when a person or a customer for that matter asks for goods from a
seller or supplier. It needs to be correct, complete, and definite so that the reader may feel it
exactly as the writer wishes. Incompleteness or error may mean further correspondence,
shipping delays, complicated billings, repacking, reshipping and loss of business.

Inquiry Letter

A letter of inquiry wants to know about a product or a service. It is courteously worded. As

follows: 1.) clear, brief, and specific questions, including names, dates, and places which will
help the reader in answering them; 2.) reason why the information is important to the reader:
and 3.) omission of demanding replies, such as “at once.” “ as soon as possible” and the likes.

Recommendation Letter

Sometimes, an employee asks for a recommendation letter. Morally obligated, an employee

responds to the request and considers the following; 1.) the person being recommended; 2.)
his/her history of employment, qualifications and skills: 3.) an assessment of his/her personality:
and 4.) final recommendations.

Reference Letter

Because there are also civilian personnel employed in the police and/or in the military
installations, there are also sensitive positions which are meticulously considered. An
application for a delicate position which is scrutinized through the conduct of background
investigation. His/her former employer, for instance, receive a reference letter for his/her
prospective employee. This letter specifies the period of employment, the extent of the
employee’s competence or efficiency, and assurance of doing the same favor needed.

Application Letter

When a job seeker tries to sell his/her service through his/her qualifications or skills to a
prospective employer, he/she writes an application letter. Students and professionals, even
police resignees and retirees need his kind of letter when looking for a job.

This letter may be written in answer to an advertisement in the papers or bulletin boards. It may
be written through a hint of a friend of a relative on certain vacancies. Sometimes, it is done
through the writer’s own initiative: he/she tries his/her luck buy writing any corporation he/she
thinks need a worker like her/him.

However the applicant needs to know some gimmicky techniques for him/her to sell his/her
personality successfully to his/her would-be employer. He/she presents or shows the right
approaches. One of them is neat in appearance of the letter. Another is the systematic
arrangement of ideas.

As a guide, here are the contents of an application letter: 1.) source of information; 2.) interest in
a particular position; 3.) personal qualifications; 4.) urgent reason for needing the position; 5.)
assurance of respectable people as reference; and 6.) availability for a personal interview.

Condolence Letter

Usually, this letter depends on how well the sympathizer knows the bereaved. But more often
than not, the tone is personal in approach, sincere in condoling. To condole is to comfort.

Appointment Letter

An appointment letter is sent to a person who has been appointed to serve a committee or who
has been selected to perform a special task. It may be rejected or accepted.


Full- Block Style

Full-block format is considered the most formal among the three styles. In full-block style, every
single line is justified to the left margin. The dateline is placed two to six-line spaces below the
last line in heading or letterhead. The inside address placement varies depending upon the
length of the letter. A common spacing is four-line space below the date line. The salutation of
the letter is place two lines below the attention line ( if the attention line is provided). The first
line of the body is placed place two line below attention line or two to four lines below the last
inside addressed line. When using full-block, paragraphs are single spaced, with a double
space between paragraphs.

Semi- Block Style

Semi-block style is frequently called modified semi-block because it is a slightly less formal
modification of full-block format. This letter style places the date line in alignment with or slightly
to the right of dead center. Another option of placing the dateline in semi- block is flush right.
Similar to full block, semi-block places the inside address, salutation and any end notations
flush with the left margin. The complementary close and signature are aligned under the date.

Indented Style

If you are using the indented form, place your address and the date on the top right side of the
page. Skip four lines and type the inside address. Skip two line and type the salutation flush left.
Skip two lines and indent the first line of each paragraph one-half inch. Skip lines between
paragraphs. Instead of placing the closing signature lines flush left, type them at the right, even
with the address and date above. Skip four lines between the closing line and your name
allowing room for your written signature.

Sample Format of Full- Block Style

Naga College Foundation

City of Naga

March 23, 2013

Mr. Dominador Lopez

DILG Officer
Tigaon, Camarines Sur

Attn: Mr. Efren T. Tolentino

Dear Mr. Lopez:

Subject: 5 day Orientation Seminar

Full-block format is considered the most formal among the letter style. In full-block style, every
line is justified to the left margin. The dateline is placed two to six line spaces below the last line
to the heading letterhead.

The inside address placement varies depending upon the length of the letter. A common
spacing is four-line space below the date line. The salutation is placed two lines below the
attention line (if the attention line is provided).

The first line of the body is placed two lines below the salutation line or two to four lines below
the last address line. When using full- block, paragraphs are single spaced, with a double space
between paragraphs.

Sincerely yours,

Pedro San Juan


Sample Format of Semi-Block Style

March 23, 2020

Mr. Dominador Lopez

DILG Officer
Tigaon, Camarines Sur

Attn: Mr. Efren T. Tolentino

Mr. Lopez:

Subject: 5-day Orientation Seminar

Semi-block style is frequently called modified semi-block because it is a slightly less formal
modification of full-block format. This letter style places the date line in alignment with or slightly
to the right of dead centr.

Another option of placing the dateline in semi-block is flush right. Similar to full block, semi-block
places the inside address, salutation, and any end notation flush with the left margin.

The complimentary close and signature are aligned the date.

Sincerely yours,

Pedro San Juan


Penafrancia Avenue
Naga City

March 23, 2020

Mr. Dominador Lopez

Tigaon , Camarines Sur

Mr. Lopez

Subject: 5-day Orientation Seminar

If you are using the indented form, place your address and date on the top right side of
the page. Skip four lines and type the inside address. Skip two line and type the salutation flush
left. Skip two line and indent the first line of each paragraph.

Skip lines between paragraphs. Instead of placing the closing signature lines flush left,
type them at the right, even with the address and date above. Skip four lines between the
clossng line and name allowing room for your written signature.

Sincerely yours,

Pedro San Juan


Learning Activity

Writing a Civilian Letter. Read the situation and do what is asked.

Situation: Your team was assigned to conduct a seminar on Drug Awareness in a barangay in
your area of jurisdiction. The team agreed to conduct it on July 20, 2015 at the Barangay hall
from 8:00 – 11:00 AM. and 1:00 – 5:00 P.M. For the opening program, you planned to invite a
member of the barangay council to give an inspirational talk. Write a letter to this particular
person you wish to invite. Be sure to include all the parts in civilian letter.

Encode it on a Legal size bond paper (long).

Learning Assessment

Fill in the blanks. Supply the word or group of words to complete the statement.

1. You write a/an _________________ letter to complain about the way supplies were
delivered, service rendered or accounts paid.
2. Since a request letter is asking for a special favour, the writer should enclose a
_____________ to ensure a reply for his request letter.
3. You write a/an ___________ letter to send an important paper requesting for
appointment or promotion, and formal reports, a check, a draft or a money order.
4. A person writes a/an ___________ letter to obtain goods and services in the present
time with a promise to pay in the future.
5. A person writes a/an ____________ letter in answer to an advertisement in the paper,
bulletin boards, and posters or through a friend or relatives about vacancies.
6. The ____________ letter is personal in approach and sincere in sympathizing with the
bereaved family.
7. When writing a/an ___________letter, it should be correct, complete and definite to
avoid delay in shipping, complicated billings, repacking, re shipping and loss of
8. When you write a/an _____________ letter you specify the period of employment, the
extent of the employee’s competence or efficiency and assurance of doing the same
favour needed.
9. When writing a/an ______________ letter, you also mention appreciation for invitation,
cite reason for refusal and assure possibility of accepting invitations in the future.
10. The _________________ letter is written in answer to a claim letter or complaint letter.

Summative Assessment

Write your own application letter addressed to any agencies/Department you wish to apply
using full block style See Rubric on Page 120).

Gamsahabnida! You did a great job! You just completed the unit!

If you have not completed the task or you have found difficulty in
accomplishing the learning activities, and want to ask clarifications about it, please
send me a message to our face book page ______, or in our goggle class with this
code _____ or through a text message or phone calls on the contact number included
in your course.

Rubric for Writing Essay / Discussion Web ( Unit 1, Assessment 1 and 2 )

( Unit 3, Assessment 2 )

Criteria Excellent Adequate Limited Mark

( 5 Points ) ( 3 Points ) ( 1 Point )

Content There is one There is a specific The topic and

specific and topic. Ideas are ideas presented
well-focused clear but are not are not clear.
topic. Ideas are supported by
clearly and are detailed
well supported information.
by detailed and

Grammar and Writer makes no Writer makes 1-2 Writer makes

Spelling errors or spelling errors in grammar more than 2 errors
that distracts the or spelling that in grammar or
reader from the distracts the reader spelling that
content. from the content. distract the reader
from the content.

Presentation The form and The writer’s The reader

presentation of message is receives garbled
the text understandable. message due to
enhances the problems relating
ability to the to the presentation
reader to of the text, and is
understand and not typed.
connect with the
message. It is
pleasing to the

Rubric for Formulating Police Report Samples ( Unit 3, LA 1)

Criteria Excellent Adequate Limited

( 5 Points ) ( 3 Points ) ( 1 Point )

Content Information is Important information The presentation

complete and well is missing, or there does not include
supported by details. are few supporting information on the
details. major points.

Mechanics Spelling, grammar, A few (1-2) errors in More than two (2)
capitalization and spelling, grammar, errors in spelling,
punctuation in any text capitalization and grammar,
in the form are all punctuation. capitalization and
correct. punctuation.

Presentation  Typed or  Typed or  Typed or

Format computer computer computer
generated generated generated

 Balanced  Somewhat  Format

margins balanced distracts
margins from
 Appropriate strengths
fonts  Font size is and
appropriate informatio

 Fonts

Rubric for Police Report Samples in PPT Presentation ( Unit 3, LA 2 )

Criteria Excellent Adequate Limited

( 5 Points ) (3 points) (1 Points) Mark

Portfolio is Portfolio is fairly Portfolio

completely and well organized. A shows some
Organization neatly organized. A reader may have a errors at
reader can easily little difficulty of organization.
find things. finding things. A reader has
difficulty in
finding things.

Sources All sources are Few (1-2) sources Too many

accurately / are not accurately source (3 or
properly cited / properly cited. more) are not

Whole package Incomplete Incomplete

Content complete, all forms compilation, one compilation,
are available. (1) – two (2) forms many forms
are missing are missing.

Rubric for Video Presentation ( Unit 3, Assessment 1)

Criteria Excellent Adequate Limited

( 5 Points ) (3 Points) (1 Points) Mark

Appearance Choice of Choice of clothing is Choice of clothing

clothing is acceptable for the is inappropriate for
appropriate for presentation the presentation
the presentation
Groom attempt is Poor grooming
Very well-groom evident/seen (disarray hair)
(hair – neatly

Neat and smart in


The presentation The presentation was The presentation

Organization was very easy to easy to follow was difficult to
follow follow due to
Most (90%-95) of the disorganization
All content is content is clear and
clear and informative Fewer than 75% of
informative. the content is clear
and informative

Communication Speaks clearly Speaking is unclear Speaking is

Appropriate use Articulate goal but difficult to
of sentence they are not specific understand (ex.
structure and mumbling)
grammar Lapses in sentence
structure and Unstable to
Commitment and grammar were done articulate goals
enthusiasm for
the presentation Knowledge of the Facts about the
is shown/seen topic is minimal topic is not
Volumes conveys Volume is uneven
business/formal Volume is
tone inappropriate for
the presentation
(spoke too loudly or
too softly)

Rubric for Application Letter Writing ( Unit 4 Summative)

Exemplary – 5 Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Rating

Opening The opening paragraph The opening The opening
Paragraph arouses the interest of paragraph is poorly paragraph is poorly
the employer by stating written or is missing written and is missing
why they are interested one of the required more than one of the
in the organization, elements: why you required elements.
names the specific job are interested,
applied for and states specific job, where
where you heard of the you heard of the
job. job.

Middle The middle paragraph is The middle The middle paragraph

paragraph neatly written and paragraph is poorly is poorly written and
creates a desire for an written and does does not make the
employer to know more not create a desire employer want to
about you. It for the employer to meet the individual,
emphasizes the resume know more about emphasize the
pointing out the student or does resume and does not
achievements and not emphasize the refer to the job
qualifications that meet resume. description.
the job description.

Closing The closing paragraph The closing There is no closing

Paragraph paves the way for an paragraph leaves paragraph.
interview by offering to the employer
call in the future. unsure if the
applicant would like
an interview or does
not offer for call in
the future.
Grammar Evident control of Limited control of Minimal control of
and grammar, mechanics, grammar, grammar, mechanics,
Spelling spelling usage and mechanics, spelling, usage and
sentence formation. spelling, and usage sentence.
and sentence


Appendix A.

Irregular Verbs

Present Past Past Participle

Am or be Was Been
Arise arose Arisen
Awake awoke Awaken
Bear Bore Borne
Beat Beat Beaten
Become Became Become
Begin began Begun
Bend Bent Bent
Blow Blew Blown
Break broke Broken
Bring brought Brought
Broadcast broadcast Broadcast
Burst burst Burst
Catch caught Caught
Choose chose Chosen
Climb Climbed Climbed
Cling clung Clung
Come came Come
Cut Cut cut
Dive dived Dived
Do Did Done
Draw Drew Drawn
Drink drank Drunk
Drive drove Driven
Drown drowned Drowned
Eat Ate Eaten
Fall Fell Fallen
Fight Fought Fought
Flee Fled Fled
Flow Flew Flown
Flow Flowed Flowed
Fly Flew Flown
Forbid Forbade Forbidden
Forget Forgot Forgotten
Forsake Forsook Forsaken
Freeze Froze Frozen
Get Got Got, gotten
Give Gave Given
Hang (most sense) Hung Hung
Hang (punishment) Hanged Hanged
Hide Hid Hidden
Hurt Hurt Hurt

Know Knew Known

Lay (to put, to place) Laid Laid
Leap Leaped, leapt Leaped, leapt
Lend Lent Lent
Lie (to recline) Lied Lied
Lose Lost Lost
Plead Pleaded Pleaded
Prove Proved Proven, proved
Ring Rang Rung
Rise Rose Risen
Run Ran Run
Say Said Said
See Saw Seen
Seek Sought Sought
Set (to place) Set Set
Shake Shook Shaken
Shine Shone Shone
Show Showed Shown, showed
Shrink Shrank Shrunk
Sing Sang, sung Sung
Sink Sank Sunk
Sit Sat Sat
Slay Slew Slain
Sleep Slept Slept
Speak Spoke Spoken
Stay Stayed Stayed
Steal Stole Stolen
String Stung Stung
Stop Stopped Stopped
Swear Swore Sworn
Swing Swung Swung
Take Took Taken
Teach Taught Taught
Tear Tore Torn
Tell Told Told
Think Though Though
Throw Threw Thrown
Try Tried Tried
Understand Understood Understood
Wake Waked, woke Waked
Wear Wore Worn
Weave wove Woven
Weep wept Wept
Win Won Won
Wind Wound Wound
Wring Wrung Wrung
Write Wrote Written

Appendix “B”

Commonly Used Verbs in Police Reports

A. Vehicular, Traffic and Road Accidents

1. Alight – to descend; to go down

2. Ascend – to go or move upward; to climb
3. Accost – to approach; confront
4. Block – to obstruct, or stop
5. Board – to get into, to enter
6. Bump – to come into contact with; to collide ; to knock against with force
7. Careen- to twist from side to side; to crisscross or zigzag
8. Commander – to take over by force or by threat of force
9. Cruise – to move or proceed at moderate speed for sustainable travel.
10. Deflate – to collapse by the removal of contained air or gas
11. Flag down - to cause to stop, by signalling with a flag or with waving.
12. Ferry- to bring or take to a print of delivery
13. Flip- over – to throw or put in motion with jerk
14. Hail- to call out so as to attract attention
15. Maneuver – to manipulate, perform or conduct skilfully
16. Negotiate – to cross or cope with (some obstacles)
17. Ply- traverse regularly, make regular tips
18. Puncture- to pierce with a sharp point; to make by pricking, a hole
19. Ram- drive or force down into something; to dash against
20. Run- over- to ride or drive over
21. Sideswipe- to strike a glancing blow to or from the side of something
22. Shuttle – to move to and fro
23. Skid – to slip or slide sideway
24. Smash – to crash; to break or dash in pieces noisily and with violence
25. Swerve- to turn sharply or to cause to turn
26. Trail – to follow behind
27. Transport – to carry or convey from one place to another
28. Traverse – to pass over, across or through
29. Turn turtle- to overturn, to flip over; to turn up side upside down.
30. Waylay – to intercept or attacked in order to rob or stay; to accost; to ambush.

B. Mauling, Stabbing and Shooting Incidents

1. Altercation – argument, quarrel, disagreement

2. Bear- endure
3. Beat-up – to strike repeatedly
4. Brandish- to wave, shake triumphantly, menacingly or defiantly
5. Chase – to purse with intent to catch or capture.
6. Cuss – to curse
7. Draw – to pull out
8. Ensue – follow, succeed, arise
9. Erupt – to break out; to occur
10. Flee – to run-away, as from danger, from harm or enemies
11. Gang up- to attack or act against, together
12. Get- back – to revenge oneself on
13. Hack – to cut or chop rudely and irregularly
14. Lunge – to thrust suddenly
15. Maul – to beat and bruise; to batter or assault
16. Mediate – to settle or reconcile; to intervine
17. Nab- to catch
18. Pacify – to appease; to calm
19. Pique – to provoke or excite to resentment
20. Poke – to thrust or push in; to jab; to make thrust as with a stick or weapon
21. Proceed – to go on or forward
22. Punch – top strike sharply, with a fist
23. Rush – to move or go swiftly; to hurry or hasten
24. Square off – to prepare to fight
25. Sustain – to have inflicted on one; suffer , as loss or injury
26. Thrust- to stab; to push or shove with force or sudden impulse
27. Verbal tussle – verbal battle; disagreement
28. Whip- to strike with a lash, rod or strap

C. Theft and Robbery incidents

1. Break into – to enter

2. Cart – away – to haul and carry
3. Divest- to strip, as of clothes, ornaments, possessions
4. Frisk – to search and check for hidden weapons by running one’s hand over someone’s
5. Grab – to gasp or seize forcibly or suddenly
6. Loot – to plunder; to rob
7. Overreach – to reach or extend too far or beyond something
8. Pull a heist – to hold up; rob at gun point
9. Ransack – to loot; to raid
10. Scour – to search; go over with a fine- tooth comb
11. Shoplift – to steal something from a shop or store while pretending to shop for goods
12. Snatch – to take forcibly, to seize; to take, grab or gasp something hastily while there is
an opportunity
13. Steal- to take away from another without right, authority or permission, usually in secret



Accurate – it means that the police report is in exact conformity to fact (errorless).

After encounter report - is a report on special mission or combat operations involving lawless
elements and subversive terrorist or rebels.

After Operation Report - is informative report detailing every action performed by personnel
during police operations. This is being done no matter what the result of operations was.

Background investigation - essentially involves records check and neighbourhood check

regarding the personnel background, present activities, previous criminal records or
administrative records and behaviour of the subject in the community especially in the place
where he/she resides.

Case Operational Plan (COPLAN) refers to a preparatory plan on how to carry out a case

Case operations - refer to a definite target specific activity conducted in relation to an

intelligence project under which it is affected.

Clause - is a group of words that contain a verb and its subject. A clause that can stand alone is
called an independent clause.

Complete staff work - is a format communication which contains a brief and exact analysis of
a situation, resulting from a thorough research made by its author because there is a specific
problem or a specific problem area.

Declarative Sentence - a sentence that states an idea and ends with a period

Endorsement - is a reply or a forwarding statement usually added to a letter. Among men and
women, in uniform a basic communication may not just be a letter; it can be a message; it can
be a memorandum from higher office.

Exclamatory Sentence - a sentence that conveys emotions.

Fact - is something that has been objectively verified

Imperative Sentence - a sentence that gives an order or direction and ends with a period or
exclamation mark.

Incident Report - is a written account of an event or occurrence.


Initial investigation - is the first action to be undertaken when there is a reported or discovered
incident. It is record of daily events occurring within the territories/jurisdiction of a given police
unit or command.

Interrogative Sentence - a sentence that asks a question and ends with a question mark

Investigation Report - is an objective statement of the investigator’s findings. It is an official

record of information relevant to the investigation which the investigator submits to his superior

Paragraph - is a brief composition having only one main thought or idea

Police Report - deals with story of action performed by police personnel. It is a chronological or
step-by-step account of an incident that transpired in a given time, at a given place.

Police Reports - are document that states all of the facts, circumstances, and timeline of
events surrounding an incident.

Progress Report – is being submitted if there is new finding or development in the case.

Report - is defined as an objective statement of the findings of an investigator; this is an official

record of the information that is relevant to an investigation

Routing Slip - is primarily aimed in transmitting papers from office to office within the
Headquarters, or from branch, within an office. It is used to speed up transmittal or
correspondence direct to action section without using brief a, DF or an endorsement.

Run-on sentences - are two complete sentences, but they are incorrectly punctuated. These
sentences are misleading to the readers, because there is no clear direction as to where the
first idea ends, and the next idea begins.

Sentence - is a group of words expressing a complete thought or idea. A complete sentence is

made up of a subject and a predicate

Spot Report - refers to an immediate initial investigative or incident report addressed to Higher
Headquarters pertaining to the commission of the crime, occurrence of natural or man-made
disaster or unusual incidents involving loss of lives and damage of properties.

Summary of information (SOI) - is an intelligence report rendered regarding any illegal activity
or violation of laws being observed by intelligence operatives within a given area of

Sworn statement - refers to a written statement voluntary executed under oath by any person,
a suspect or a witness, which may be taken in a “question and answer format” or in a “narrative
format (affidavit)”.

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