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"His haircut is horrible" "She needs to lose weight" "What a loser…" "Look at the bulge on her
stomach" Ladies and gentlemen, don't I sound extremely rude? Of course I do. I said rude
things, unkind things. Trust me they are not meant for this audience. These are comments
received by victims of cyberbullying. Comments that not only hurt but makes the recipient feel
bad about themselves.
Dear members of the audience, my name is Natalyee Chao and today my topic is cyberbullying
and its very harmful effects.

Cyberbullying, what does it really mean? Cyberbullying is when a person uses electronic
devices to send messages where they can either hurt, threaten or intimidate someone. There
are many types of cyberbullying which include name-calling, sexual harrasement and physical
threats.This can happen through any online app such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram or
even Youtube. If you have ever had typed out mean or rude comments, you are cyberbullying;
even if you intended it as a joke. 80% of teens cyberbully because they find it "funny".

In fact, some people cyberbully and don't even realize it. Cyberbullying is a huge problem in our
society and is a growing threat. People get cyberbullied everyday and many suffer in silence.
Cyberbullying has a very serious impact on a person's well-being. Why? That's exactly what I
am going to present on today. The harmful effects of cyber bullying and why immediate action
needs to be taken.

First of all, why do people cyberbully? Why do they send all these mean and hurtful comments?
Well, I think its quite obvious. Some people feel insecure about themselves so they bully others
to make themselves feel better about themselves and powerful. Some people even cyberbully
people for fun but dont undertsand how they have hurt others. They don't think before sending
their messages. They don't seem to understand how their messages can affect a person's
health and life.

Let's look at some of the harmful effects of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can cause depression
and anxiety. Did you know that even famous celebrities like Selena Gomez have suffered from
depression and anxiety due to cyberbullying? Since her cyberbullying got so serious, she had to
take a break from social media since it was affecting her mental health. If this can happen to a
priviledged and famous celebrity, imagine the harm it will inflict upon a child. Depression and
anxiety coming from cyberbullying can even lead to suicide. According to U.S. study, young
adults under the age of 25 who were cyberbullied were twice as likely to commit suicide or self-
harm. Isn't it traumatizing!?

Cyberbullying also lowers a person's self esteem. By pointing out their flaws and imperfections
cyberbullies make an insecure person feel even more unsure and self-conscious about
themselves. Some people even get fat-shamed. "She's a mess!" "She's got off the deep end!"
these were some hurtful comments Selena Gomez got when she was getting fat-shamed. When
people get fat-shamed, they take drastic measures and even go on crash diets just so that they
can look skinny at the expense of their health. This is an example of what a lowered self-esteem
can do to a person.

Don't worry, here are some tips and solutions on how to avoid getting cyberbullied. Firstly, no
matter how hard it may seem to ignore those mean and harsh comments, don't reply. By you
replying makes the bully feel happy because they have managed to affect you. If possible, try
blocking that bully and avoid all contacts with him/her.

Privacy is prevention. Go to any place where you store personal information and data and make
sure that the privacy settings there are air tight. If you use Facebook, be sure to remember to
not let your email and phone number become visible. If not, bullies can hack and send more
messages to you.

One final method to prevent getting cyberbullied is to save all information. Most cyberbullies
think that they can get away with cyberbullying since they think you don't know who they
actually are but they don't really know that they are leaving a pretty significant electronic trail.
So, save any threatening corrospondence email, phone numbers etc and show it to someone
you trust like a friend, your parents and guardians or even your teacher.

Now that you know how cyberbullying can affect a person's being, I hope that these ideas will
help you overcome cyberbullying. Once again, we need to put a stop to cyberbullying not only
for the betterment of ourselves but for our society and the world. Remember, don't suffer in
silence. Instead do call the government's dedicated Hotline-Kasih 15999 if you ever do get
cyberbullied or know of anyone who is a victim. I hope this has been beneficial for you. Thank

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