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The First 15 seconds of the music video set the theme and location, it shows 17 shots of various parts of a typical American suburb. The shots are very quick passed, un-steadyand consist of close up shots, mid shots, and some long shots representing the everyday busyness of the people and streets. The lighting is also very colourful but weak, suggesting an early morning, sunrise feel.


The singer of the Band is then introduced briefly into the video by a close up shot on a roof, the lighting again suggests its the start of the day as the light peeps behind the building giving a silhouette of the buildings, this suggests its only the beginning of the video, and th eres more to come. The camera work is

very shaky and purposely faces the sun to create the effect shown below, this give the video a homemade feel and relates back to the busy shuffling lives of the people on the streets.


The focus then changes back to the streets, filming everyday activities of the people who live there, from young to old, this helps build a relationship with the audience as they can relate to the footage. They also subtly include some graffiti on a wall that introduces to the story of the music video.


The band are then all introduced, but again this is very brief and each shot is cut quickly. The are all dressed in dark clothing which make the setting/location stand out.


The focus then changes to a shot of a girl and later a shot of the band, they are shot in different locations and the length of the shot is much longer than previous, this signifies there importance within the story of the music video.

The characters have all been incorporated in to the busy scenes that were shown earlier in the video, this makes them more relatable and realistic. The lighting has also changed to look less like the morning and more like daytime, the colour saturationhas also been increases through editing.


As it becomes closer to the chorus of the song, the busyness of the shots tone down to simply the bandwalking through the backstreet, to smooth the transitions of the shots, the camera is turned to face the sun to create a lens flare effect to ease the shots into each other.


The start of the chorus begins with the band back on the roof, this time the focus is fully on the band and not the scenery/location bringing them to the foreground representing the importance of this part of the song.


It then returns to the characters on the street. The story/interaction between the characters begins here, showing the lead singer of the band noticing the girl who appears to have been left waiting for someone by a shot reverse shot, this story represents the age the music is intended for teens/early twenties meaning they can relate to the characters and plot.


The story continues as he follows her till she starts to laugh, the character connection is very visible from the close up camera shots of them making there interaction the centre of attention and the cars and people around them become the background.


There is a switch in focuses, instead of the busy activity and people around them being the focus, the two character are now the focus point of the video and the busyness around them is now used to separate shots.Between two shots a man waiting to cross the road Is used as a separating shot as shown below.


They continue to walk along the streets fading in and out the foreground shown buy a range of different shots. The lighting remains dim but certain background features are edited to stand out, for example the graffiti on the wall against the brown background, the red flowers against the blue house.

The camera remains shaky and when the singer is running through the cramp shop the camera only focuses on his face and legs to show the intensity of him running.


It is now early night time light which makes the neon signs, car lights and shop lights stand out more, the change in light is introduces by a long shot that then turns and pans to focus on the two actors.


To keep the video edgy the shots are kept very short and are all shot from different angles, just to keep it to the pace of the music. A separating shot is again used to separate the actors and the band, in this case a shot of a taxi is used.


It then returns to the two characters, and the lighting has again got darker, so the only light is now coming from shops, street lights and signs. It begins with an establishing shot of the band and the two characters and continues with a range of long and close up shots.


At this point of the music video it is not the last chorus, the band are shown here for the longest time. It shows a range of shots of the band, mainly close ups of each member singing/playing an instrument.


In this sequence of shots the camera blurs to give the lights a boken effect, this makes the colours stand out. The shots are also close ups of the characters making it very intimate so the audience can see the feelings they share.

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