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Physical features discrimination

Discrimination is treating, or proposing to treat, someone unfavourably because of a personal

characteristic protected by the law. This includes bullying someone because of a protected
Example of physical features discrimination
A fast food company will only recruit people with a certain 'look', that is, a specific height,
weight and build.
Where can discrimination occur?
Discrimination is against the law when it occurs in an area of public life such as clubs, schools
and shops, or in the workplace.

In any human community or settlement, discrimination can occur. 

Workplace: At workplaces, some employers fail to hire people because of who they are. New
staff are sometimes promoted over others who have been around longer. People’s contracts
are terminated and not renewed because of their protected characteristic or association to a

School: Children from minorities or protected characteristics have been denied admission, or

scholarships, or have been excluded from educational programs.

Housing: Many families have had to endure long periods of hard times because landlords
and housing officials have treated them unfairly. They are given all sorts of ridiculous reasons,
with the intension of making the homes available to other people that they are more
comfortable with.

Public Places: Many people have been given disrespectful treatment at public places such as
restaurants, markets, hospitals and sports facilities, just because they look like or have some
characteristics that others are not comfortable with.

Access to credit/funds: People have been denied credit or funds bust because they come
from particular families, or are known to be from poor backgrounds, or for other reasons.

Politics/Voting: People are often prevented from being active in political groups because
they are perceived to carry negative images. People have also been disenfranchised (prevented
from voting) because of their social, cultural, religious or political backgrounds.

Law/Police: People are also treated, or profiled by police just because of their skin color or
the way they dress.

Travel/Tourism: People have been denied visas, or harassed by security officers at the

airport, or been treated unfairly because they are perceived to be troublemakers or dangerous

Instances of Discrimination People with Disabilities

Store employees assuming they are stupid.
Go to the grocery store, the movie theater, a store in the mall, a restaurant or any public-type
place that has employees, and five times out of ten you'll run into an employee who will
automatically assume you're ill-equipped mentally because of an obvious physical disability.

Taxis passing them by.

People with disabilities constantly complain that taxis pass them by when they're out on the
road trying to hail a cab. Taxis frequently avoid passengers with physical disabilities, not
wanting to deal with our extra needs, seeing them as a headache and not looking at us as an
equal customer.

Stairs in public spaces.

This is architecture discrimination at its finest and we encounter it every day. That means any
store, restaurant, hotel or bar needs to meet all the ADA requirements.


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