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NIM. H0115716




TITLE PAGE APPROVAL...........................................................................i

LIST OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................ii
A. Background ........................................................................................1
B. Problem Problem ................................................................................4
C. Objective of the Study ........................................................................4
D. Significant of the Study........................................................................5
A. Previous Research Studies.................................................................6
B. Some Pertinent Ideas..........................................................................9
1. Students’ Achievement....................................................................9
a. Defenition of Students’ Achivement.............................................9
b. Factors Affecting Learning Achivement.....................................12
c. The Types of Learning Achievement ........................................24
2. Attitude...........................................................................................34
a. Defenition of Attitude..................................................................34
b. Component of Attitude...............................................................35
c. Factor Infleunce of Attitude........................................................37
C. Theoretical Framework......................................................................38
D. Reseacrh Hypothesis........................................................................41
A. Research Design..............................................................................42
B. Subject of the Study.........................................................................43
C. Research Instrument........................................................................45
D. Research Procedure.........................................................................47
E. Data Analysis Technique..................................................................49



This chapter presents the background to thesis study followed by

research question. Next, objective of research, research hypothesis, and

the significance of the study are stated and scope and limitation to the

study are presented along with the definition of the term.

A. Background

Education is the effort to help anyone be own master to do the work

in their life. Education is to bring up consciously by the educator for

developing the learners’ spiritual and physical to be good personality.

Education is integral in the construction in process. The process of

education cannot be separated from the development process itself.

Development is directed to develop quality human resources. One aspect

that can increase the human quality can be viewed in terms of education.

In the national formulation (UUR.I. No. 2 of 1989), the term education is

described as a conscious effort to prepare students through counseling,

teaching, and or training for the role in the future. Conscious effort is

intended, that education held by the steady plan, clear, complete,

thorough, objective-based rational thought. Education is not held to be

incidental or accidental and arbitrarily, or based on dreams and fantasies

In the Dictionary of Psychology (Chaplin, 1972), education is

defined as roommates: “The institutional procedures are employed in

accomplishing the development of knowledge, habits, attitudes, etc.” The


term is usually applied to the formal institution. According to the definition,

explaining that education can take place in informal and non-formal. Even

education can take place by way of teaching yourself.

There is a process of learning activity. The process is an activity

undertaken by the student in achieving the goal of teaching. On TAP MPR.

II/MPR/1993 stated that the purpose of education is to improve the quality

of human in Indonesia, the man whose faith and piety, noble character,

personality, independent, advanced, powerful, intelligent, creative, skilled,

disciplined and be future-oriented. Another goal of education said in

desired behavioral changes that occur after a person learns.

Learning is a mental activity/psychic that takes place in an active

interaction with the environment that result in changes in knowledge,

attitudes and skills (Winkel, 1986). In the study there is a learning process.

The process aimed at improving the personality with the road trying to get

a new understanding, new values, and new skills. Success or failure of a

person to run a learning process associated with the act. The act is

defined as the result of a learning process that is made possible by a state

of physical, spiritual, social and environmental. In this case attitude is seen

as one of the personalities that affects the learning process. Attitude is

closely related to learning because attitudes are internal factors that can

affect learning.

Attitude is one manifestation of learned behavior. Attitude is

considered as a tendency of students to act in a certain way. In this case


the behavior of student learning will be marked by the emergence of a new

trend that has been changed to an object. Attitude can vary from more

specific to more general. Usually, embodiment of attitude that gives

assessment (accept or reject) of the object is encountered (Suryabrata,


Suryabrata says that another factor affecting student achievement

is attitude. Attitude is something that is learned, and attitude determines

how individuals react to the situation and determine what people look for in

life. In education, science aims to provide guidance a person's life from

birth to death. So, to get the right guidance and educational goals

appropriate to consider also the psychological factor in student learning

because it is 4 basically the science of psychology is closely related to

education. In the course of the learning process, teachers should pay

attention to the attitude, because attitude will affect the responses of

students in a given teacher receives the material.

The word “achievement” derives from “achieve” which means to

succeed in reaching a particular goal, status or standard especially by

effort, skill, courage, etc. Hornby (1995) explain that achievement is a

thing done successfully, especially with effort and skill. Based on the

statement above, it shows that achievement is a result of the students in

learning activities and it is shown by score.

Relying on students’ attitude achievement and students’ attitude

were successfully implemented in a research study conducted by Kurnia


Rian Rachmasari (2013). She carried out quantitative study with

correlational research design. She distributed questionnaire and

administered English test. The result of data analysis showed that there is

not positive correlation between students’ attitude toward English


From the explanation above, the researcher wants to describe the

positive correlation between students’ achievement and students’ attitude,

the researcher uses the correlational research in order to get the data.

Based on the study above, the writer carries out a study entitle: “The

Correlation Between students’ achievement and students’ attitude at SMP

Negeri 4 Majene”

B. Research Problem

The problem to be discussed in this research will be summarize in

the following research question:

Based on the statement above, the writer can formulate the research

problem, as follow: Is there any positive correlation between students’

achievement and students’ attitude at SMP Negeri 4 Majene?

C. Objective of the Study

Consciously, the researcher studies this problem in order to reach

some purposes determined. It aims to get the answers from the problems.

From the problems state above, the write has a purpose as follow:

To know whether there is any positive correlation between students’

achievement and students’ attitude at SMP Negeri 4 Majene.


D. Significant of the Study

By concluding this study, the writer hopes that the result of the study

will be useful for the readers, especially:

1. The institution the researcher hopes this research may give positive

input for the institution to improve the quality of students’ attitude and

their English achievement in the institution can be increased.

2. The English teacher the researcher hopes that the result of this study

can be useful for the teacher as one of the resources in teaching

English which is can applied in the future.

3. The students the researcher hopes that this research may useful for

English students to improve the students’ motivation to learn about


4. The further researcher the researcher hopes that the result of the

research can become the useful information and references for the

next researcher who want to conduct the similar research.




This chapter presents some theories that are relevant with the

research. The researcher divides the chapter into some parts. This

chapter presents about learning, embodiment learning behavior and factor

that influence learning. Then, the next part discusses about achievement,

the factors that affecting learning achievement and the type of learning

achievement. Next, there is explanation about attitude, component of

attitude, and the factors.

A. Previous Related Studies

Some researchers had conducted the research and exposed the

ability of the students to comprehend speaking material. Some of them as


1. Putri in her research the correlation between Attitude towards English

and Learning Achievement: A Case Study of English Students”. This

research was focused on the students’ attitude, students’ learning

achievement and correlation between attitude and learning

achievement. The population of this study was English Department

Students of the 2015 consisting of 101 students. The methods of data

collection were questionnaire and English test. Techniques of data

analysis was by calculating the correlation coefficient through SPSS

22.0. The result of this study showed the average score obtained from

attitude was 45 and the average score obtained from the English was

57. Based on the analysis of data through calculation by SPSS 22.0 for

Pearson Product Moment analysis showed that the correlation

coefficient of this case was positive 0.215 and significant (2-tailed)

value was 0.254. The correlation coefficient of this case was positive

0.215. It means that the variable between attitude and English learning

achievement was positive. The significance (2-tailed) value was 0.254.

Test of significance when Sig > 0,05, (0,254> 0,05) then the null

hypothesis (Ho) was accepted. It was concluded that there is no

significant correlation between students’ positive attitude and their

English achievement for students of English Department of USU (Putri,


2. Dyah in his research “The Correlation between Students’ Attitude in

Online Learning and their English Achievement at MTsN 3 Ponorogo.”.

The researcher applied a quantitative approach and used correlational

design. The population of this research is all of the eighth-grade

students at MTsN 3 Ponorogo. To analyze the data collection, the

researcher used correlation product moment formula by pearson was

to determine whether there was correlation between students’ attitude

in online learning and their English achievement at the eighth graders

of MTsN 3 Ponorogo The result of this research shows that the

correlation coefficient between students’ learning attitude in online

learning (X) and the students’ English achievement (Y) is 0,362. It

means that both variables have correlation and the interpretation is a


weak correlation. The significance (2-tailed) value is 0.049. Test of

significance when Sig < 0.05, (0.049 < 0.05) the alternative hypothesis

(Ha) is accepted. It means that there is correlation between students’

attitude in online learning (X) and the students’ English achievement

(Kurniasari, 2021).

3. Kartubi in her research “the correlation between students’ attitude

towards english and their english proficiency of the eleventh-grade

students of sma n 1 pangkalan lampam”. Based on the result of

analysis in the previous chapter, the researcher concludes that: The

main purposes of the present study were to empirically investigate the

possible correlation and the influence between students’ attitude

towards English and their English proficiency of the eleventh-grade

students of SMA N 1 Pangkalan Lampam. The sample of this study

was taken by using convenience sampling, consisting 120. The method

used in this study was a correlational study. The data were collected by

using the attitude questionnaire to measure students’ attitude towards

English and TOEFL Junior test to measure students’ English

proficiency. The data were analyzed by using pearson product moment

correlation coefficient. The results showed that there was no significant

correlation between students’ attitude towards English and their

English proficiency with r-obtained (.103) was lower than r-table (.178).

This study could have implications for English teachers, course

designers, parents, other researchers, and student (Kartubi, 2017).


That research has similarities with the present research conducted

by the researcher. The present researchs also uses qualitative method to

analyze the correlation of students’ achievements and students’ attitude,

While the difference between their research and this study, the first

research was focused on the students’ attitude, students’ learning

achievement and correlation between attitude and learning achievement,

the second research, correlation between students’ attitude in online

learning (X) and the students’ English achievement, and the third

research, the correlation between students’ attitude towards english and

their english proficiency while for this study, it analyzed one problem

research, that is the correlation of students’ achievement and students’


B. Some Partinent Ideas

1. Students’ Achievement

a. Defenition of Students’ Achievement

Achievement is the abilities of the students after he received

a learning experience. Student achievement are essentially

changes include the areas of cognitive, affective and psychomotor

oriented learning process experienced by students (Sudjana,

1991). According to Syaodih (2003) achievement is realization

from facility or capacity of someone. Students’ achievement can

be seen from their behavior, which in authority in knowledge,

critical thinking and psychomotor. Meanwhile, Dimyati and


Mudjiono (2006), student achievement is the result of an

interaction acts and acts of teaching and learning. In terms of

teachers, teaching acts ends with the evaluation of learning

achievement. In terms of students, achievement of the summit

was the end of the teaching-learning process.

Sudjana (1991) says that the achievement related to

instructional objectives and learning experiences experienced by

students. Here, the correlation instructional objectives, learning

experiences and student achievement.

Instructional Objectives

Learning Experiences Students Achievement

Fugure 2.1 instructional objectives

This chart illustrates the elements contained in the learning

process. The results in this study relate to instructional objectives

and learning experiences. The existence of a written guide

instructional purposes will change the desired behavior on

students, while learning experiences include anything experienced

by students in both the activity Instructional objectives. Learning is

to observe, to read, to imitate, to try something themselves, to

listen, and to follow direction (Spears, in Sardiman, 2004).


The national education system and the formulation of

educational goals; both curricular and instructional goals in

general classification learning achievement using Bloom is broadly

split into three domains, cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.

Cognitive learning outcomes relating to intellectual consisting of

six aspects, namely: knowledge, comprehension (understanding),

application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The second

aspect of the first so called low-level cognitive and following four

aspects including high-level cognitive. Attitude regarding the

affective domain consisting of five aspects, namely: acceptance,

answers or reactions, assessment, organization, and

internalization. Psychomotor domain of learning outcomes with

respect to the skills and abilities to act consisting of six aspects,

namely: reflexes, basic movement skills, perceptual ability,

harmony or precision, complex movement skills, and expressive

and interpretive movement (Sudjana, 1991).

Regarding to the explanation above, it can be concluded

that the learning outcomes are changes in the cognitive, affective

and conative as a learning experience influence experienced by

students in the form of a section, unit, or chapter of certain

materials that have been taught. In this research aspects are

measured at the level of cognitive changes alone.


b. Factors Affecting Learning Achievement

Djamarah (2002) states that a person's success or failure in

learning caused by factors originating from within the individual

and factors outside the individual. Clark supports this by stating

that 70% of student learning outcomes at school are influenced by

the ability of students and 30% influenced by the environment.

1) Internal factors. Internal factors are factors that come from

within the individual and can influence individual learning

achievement. Internal factors include physiological factors and

psychological factors.

a) Physiological Factors

Physiological factors are factors related to the physical

condition of the individual. These factors can be divided into

two kinds. First, the physical state. Physical state in general

greatly affects one's learning activities. The physical condition

of a healthy and fit will be a positive influence on individual

learning activities. In contrast, poor physical condition or

illness will hinder the achievement of maximum learning


Second, the state of physical function/physiological.

During the learning process takes place, the role of

physiological functions in the human body greatly affects the


results of learning, especially the five senses. Five senses are

functioning properly will facilitate learning activities well too.

b) Psychological Factors

Psychological factors are a person's psychological state

can affect the learning process. Some of the main

psychological factors affecting student learning is intelligence,

motivation, interest, attitude and talent.

(1) Intelligence/intelligence students.

The level of student’s intelligence determines the level

of success of student learning. This means, the higher

intelligence capabilities of students, the greater the chances

for success, conversely, the lower the intelligence capabilities

of students, the smaller the chances for success. Each

prospective teachers and professional teachers rightly

realized that intelligence incredibility students, either positive

or negative as superior as borderline, usually lead the

student's learning success. On one side is a very intelligent

student would feel not receive adequate attention from school

because lessons are presented too easy for him. As the

consequence students bored and frustrated because they

desire was a dammed demand unfairly. On the other hand,

students who are ignorant will feel lousy follow lessons dish

because it was too difficult for them. Hence the students were

very depressed, and eventually get bored and frustrated as

his experienced tremendous positive (Syah, 2003)

(2) Motivation

Motivation is a physiological and psychological

condition contained in one who pushed to perform certain

activities in order to achieve the goal divulging (needs) (Djaali,

2012). While the motivation to learn by Clayton Aldelfer is the

tendency of students in learning activities that are driven by

the desire to achieve the best possible learning outcomes

(Nashar, 2004).

From the point source of motivation is divided into two,

namely intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic

motivation is all factors that come from within the individual

and provide the impetus to do something. Like a student who

likes to read, then he does not need to be ordered around to

reading because reading is not only an activity to be becoming

happiness but also needs. In the process of learning, intrinsic

motivation has an effective influence, because of the relative

intrinsic motivation and no longer dependent on external

motivation (extrinsic).

According to Arden N. Frandsen, in Hayinah are

included in the intrinsic motivation to learn among other things


(a) Encouragement curious and want pry into wider world.

(b) The existence of a positive and creative nature that exist in

humans and desire to move forward.

(c) The desire to achieve a feat that has the support of key

people, eg. parents, siblings, teachers, and friends.

(d) There is a need to master the science or knowledge useful

to him.

Extrinsic motivation is a factor that comes from outside

the individual but to give effect to the will to learn. Such as

praise, regulation, order, exemplary teachers, parents,

etcetera. The lack of response from environment will positively

affect the spirit of a person learning to be weak.

(3) Memory

Theoretically, there are three aspects related to the

functioning of memory, namely: (I) accept the impression, (II)

saving impression, and (III) producing an impression. Perhaps

because these functions, the term "memory" is always defined

as the ability to receive, store and reproduce the impression.

Skills accept impression very central role in learning. Through

these skills, student’s subjects were able to remember the

things he had learned. In the context of learning, these skills

can be affected by several things, among which the learning

techniques used educator. Learning techniques are


accompanied by props going deeper impression. In addition,

the development of learning techniques that utilize the

"catwalk memory" is also more memorable for students,

especially for the learning material in the form of formulas or

sequences specific emblem. Examples of interesting case are

to remember the names of key tone G (warm), D (and), A

(chicken), B (duck) and so on.

(4) Interest

Interest is a fixed tendency to notice and remember

some of the activities. Activities of a person of interest, note

that with continuous pleasure. So different from the attention,

because attention is temporary and not necessarily followed

by a sense of fun, while the interest is always followed by a

feeling of pleasure and satisfaction derived from it (Slameto,

2003). Simply put, interest (interest) means the tendency and

high excitement or great desire towards something. But apart

from his popularity, interest as well as intelligence and

motivation, for giving effect to the learning activity, it would not

be eager or even willing to learn. Therefore, in the context of

learning in the classroom, a teacher or other educator needs

to arouse the interest of students that are interested in the

subject matter to be faced or learned.


To generate interest in learning the many ways that can

be used. Among other things: 1. By making the material to be

studied as attractive as possible and not boring, either from

the form of book materials, instructional design that frees

students explore what is learned, involving all students'

learning domains (cognitive, affective, psychomotor) so that

students become active and the performance of teachers

interesting when teaching. 2. Selection of majors or areas of

study. In this case, it would be nice if the majors or fields of

study chosen by students according to their interests.

(5) Attitude

In the learning process, individual attitudes can affect

the success of the learning process. Attitude is internal

affective symptoms such as a tendency to react or respond

relatively permanent way to objects, people, and events and

so on, either positively or negatively (Syah: 2003). Attitude is

also the ability to pass judgment on something that brings in

conformity with the appraisal. The assessment resulted in an

attitude about something accept, reject, or ignore. Students

have the opportunity to learn. However, students may accept,

reject, or ignore the learning opportunities.


(6) Talent

Other psychological factors that affect the learning

process are talent. Talent or aptitude is a potential skill of a

special nature, which is specialized in a certain field or ability

(Syaodih, 2005). If a person in accordance with the field of

talent that is being studied, then the talent that will support the

learning process so most likely he will succeed. Basically,

everyone has the talent or the potential for achievement of

learning according to their capabilities.

Therefore, the talent base is also defined as the ability

of individuals to perform certain tasks without depending on

education and training efforts. Individuals who have had a

particular talent, it will be easier to absorb information related

to talent learn languages other than their own language.

Because learning is also influenced by the potential of being

owned every individual, so educators, parents, and teachers

need to pay attention to and understand the talent of being

owned by his son or learners, among other things with the

support, code eloped, and not force the child to choose majors

that do not fit with his talent.

(7) Concentration Learning

Concentration of learning is the ability to focus on the

lesson. Concentration of the attention focused on the content


and process of acquiring learning materials. To strengthen

attention to the lesson, the teacher needs to use a variety of

teaching and learning strategies, and take into account the

learning time and break interlude. In classical teaching,

according Rooijakker, strength of attention for thirty minutes

has declined. He suggested that teachers provide a distraction

a few minutes of rest.

(8) Confidence

The confidence arises from the desire to manifest itself

act and succeed. In terms of development, self-confidence

can arise due to the recognition of the environment. In the

process of learning is known that the performance

achievement is proof stage "self-realization" that is recognized

by teachers and friends. The more often successful

completion of the task, the greater the gain recognition from

the public and then the confidence is getting stronger.

The opposite can also occur. Repeated failures can

cause insecurity. If insecurity is very strong, it is suspected the

student will be afraid to learn. The fear of learning

complementary intertwined with the fear of failing again. Thus,

teachers should encourage student’s courage continuously,

provide a variety of amplifier and provide recognition and trust

for students.

(9) Habits of learning

In day-to-day activities found any good study habits

lacking. Study habits include:

(a) Study at the end of the semester.

(b) Learning irregular.

(c) Dissipation-wasting an opportunity to learn.

(d) Just for the prestigious School.

(e) Dating late style as a leader.

(f) Male style such as smoking, self-patronizing another


(g) Style calls for "mercy" without learning.

These bad habits can be found in schools in big cities,

small cities, rural and other schools. For most people, the

study habits of students due to the lack of understanding in

the sense of learning for themselves. Things like this can be

corrected with coaching self-discipline.

(10) Students’ ideals

In general, every child has a dream in life. Dreams are

intrinsic motivation. However, there are times when "clear

picture" of a role model for students not yet exist. As a result,

students behave just went along. Ideals as intrinsic motivation

need didactical. Planting has aspirations to be started since

elementary school. In secondary school education and


attainment ownership ideals - ideals are increasingly targeted.

Ideals are form of self-exploration and the emancipation of

students. Planting ownership and achievement of the ideals

already should stem from the ability of achievement, starting

from the simple to the more difficult.

By linking ownership aspirations with outstanding

ability, the students are expected to brave the ability to

explore according to themself.

2) External Factors.

In addition to student characteristics or endogenous

factors, external factors can also influence the students

learning process. In this case, the external factors influencing

study abroad can be classified into two categories, namely

social and environmental factors nonsocial environmental


This test is administered by selecting a passage that

incorporates test specs and by recording the test taker‟s

output. The scoring is relatively easy because all of the test

taker‟s oral production is controlled.

a) Social environment

Which includes the social environment is the interaction

of students with others around them, the attitude and behavior

of people around the students and so on. Social environment


affects learning many parents and families are the students

themselves. The properties of the parent, family management

practice, family strain, everything can be good or bad impact

on the activity of learning and results achieved by the students.

(1) The social environment of the school. Like the teachers,

administration, and classmates can affect a student's

learning process. Harmonious relationship as between

the three can be a motivation for students to learn more

in the school. Sympathetic behavior and can be an

example of a teacher or administration may be incentive

for students to learn.

(2) Social environment. Environmental conditions of the

communities in which students would affect student

learning. Student’s seedy environment, many

unemployed and neglected children may also affect the

activity of students learning, most students do not need

friends when trouble learning, discussion, or borrow the

tools of learning that has not happened to property.

(3) Family social environment. This environment greatly

affects learning. Family tensions, parental characteristics,

family demographics (the houses), family management,

all of them can have an impact on students' learning

activities. Between relationship of family members,


parents, children, brother, or sister harmonious activity

will help students learn well.

b) Non-social environment

Factors including non-social environment is;

(1) Natural environment. Is a protégé neighborhood, living,

and trying therein. In this case the state of temperature

and humidity is very influential in the learning of the

students. The students will learn better in a state of

fresh air. From this fact, people tend to be more

comfortable learning when the morning, but because

when it's high absorption. It’s like in a classroom

environment. And the air temperature must be observed

in order to satisfy learning outcomes. Because learning

in a state of heat, it will not be maximized (Djamarah,


(2) Instrumental Factors. Instrumental factors are learning

device that can be classified two kinds. First, the

hardware, such as school buildings, learning tools,

learning facilities, sports fields, and so forth. Second,

the software, such as school curriculum, school rules,

book, syllabus and so forth.

(3) Factors subject matter (which is taught to students).

This factor should be adjusted to the age of the


development of students as well as teachers' teaching

methods, related to student growth conditions.

Therefore, in order that teachers can provide a positive

contribution to the students learning activity, the teacher

must master the subject matter and teaching methods

that can be applied in accordance with student’s


c. The Types of Learning Achievement

Bloom (Sudjana 2005) divides learning outcomes in three

domains, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains.

1) Cognitive.

Cognitive learning is a way of learning that helps

students use their brains more effectively. This method of

learning is active, constructive, and long-lasting. It encourages

students to fully engage in the learning process so learning,

thinking, and remembering get easier. At Grade Power

Learning, our cognitive teaching strategies focus on meaningful

learning. We don’t focus on memorization or repetition.

Instead, our tutors teach students the fundamentals of lifelong

learning. Your child will learn skills and strategies that will help

him or her on the way to better grades in school, including how

to think critically and how to make lasting connections between


topics. Here's a graph on the cognitive domain of taxonomy


Figure 2.2 The cognitive domain of taxonomy bloom

This aspect with regard to intellectual learning outcomes

which consists of six aspects, namely: (a) Knowledge

(knowledge) Type of knowledge include low-level cognitive.

However, the type of learning achievement is a prerequisite for

the following types of learning outcomes. This applies to all

fields of study subjects. For example, memorize a formula

would lead to understand how to use the formula; memorized

the words to make it easier to make a sentence; (b)

Understanding Understanding can be seen from the

individual's ability to explain something of a problem or

question. (c) Applications Application is the use of abstractions

in concrete situations or special circumstances. Abstraction

may idea, theory, or technical guidance. Applying abstraction

into a new situation called application. Repeating apply them to


the situation turned into rote knowledge or skills. (d) Analysis

The analysis is choosing business integrity are the elements or

parts so clear hierarchy and or arrangement. The analysis is a

complex skill, which utilize the skills of the three previous

types. (e) Synthesis The unification of the elements or parts to

form a whole is called synthesis. Thinking is a synthesis of

divergent thinking which brings together elements into integrity.

(f) Evaluation Evaluation is the provision of a decision about

the value of something that might be seen in terms of goals,

ideas, ways of working, solving methods, etc.

2) Afective.

The affective domain is one of three domains in Bloom's

Taxonomy, with the other two being the cognitive and

psychomotor (Bloom, et al., 1956). For an overview of the three

domains, see the introduction. The affective domain

(Krathwohl, Bloom, Masia, 1973) includes the manner in

which we deal with things emotionally, such as

feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasms, motivations,

and attitudes. The five major categories are listed from

the simplest behavior to the most

Affective consist with respect to attitudes and values.

Type of learning achievement appear on students' affective

behavior such as various behavior his attention to lessons,


discipline, motivation to learn, respect teachers, study habits,

and social relationships.

Receiving Phenomena: Awareness, willingness to

hear, selected attention. Examples: Listen to others with

respect. Listen for and remember the name of newly

introduced people. Key Words: acknowledge, asks,

attentive, courteous, dutiful, follows, gives, listens,


Figure 2.3 The affective domain of taxonomy bloom

Responds to Phenomena: Active participation on

the part of the learners. Attend and react to a particular

phenomenon. Learning outcomes may emphasize

compliance in responding, willingness to respond, or

satisfaction in responding (motivation). Examples:

Participates in class discussions. Gives a presentation.

Questions new ideals, concepts, models, etc. in order to

fully understand them. Know the safety rules and practice


them. Key Words: answers, assists, aids, complies,

conforms, discusses, greets, helps, labels, performs,

presents, tells.

Valuing: The worth or value a person attaches to a

particular object, phenomenon, or behavior. This ranges

from simple acceptance to the more complex state of

commitment. Valuing is based on the internalization of a

set of specified values, while clues to these values are

expressed in the learner's overt behavior and are often

identifiable. Examples: Demonstrates belief in the

democratic process. Is sensitive towards individual and

cultural differences (value diversity). Shows the ability to

solve problems. Proposes a plan to social improvement

and follows through with commitment. Informs

management on matters that one feels strongly about.

Key Words: appreciates, cherish, treasure,

demonstrates, initiates, invites, joins, justifies, proposes,

respect, shares

Organization: Organizes values into priorities by

contrasting different values, resolving conflicts between

them, and creating an unique value system. The

emphasis is on comparing, relating, and synthesizing

values. Examples: Recognizes the need for balance


between freedom and responsible behavior. Explains the

role of systematic planning in solving problems. Accepts

professional ethical standards. Creates a life plan in

harmony with abilities, interests, and beliefs. Prioritizes

time effectively to meet the needs of the organization,

family, and self. Key Words: compares, relates,


Internalizes Values (characterization): Has a value

system that controls their behavior. The behavior is

pervasive, consistent, predictable, and most important

characteristic of the learner. Instructional objectives are

concerned with the student's general patterns of

adjustment (personal, social, emotional). Examples:

Shows self-reliance when working independently.

Cooperates in group activities (displays teamwork). Uses

an objective approach in problem solving. Displays a

professional commitment to ethical practice on a daily

basis. Revises judgments and changes behavior in light

of new evidence. Values people for what they are, not

how they look. Key Words: acts, discriminates, displays,

influences, modifies, performs, qualifies, questions,

revises, serves, solves, verifies.


3) Psychomotor.

The results appear in the form of learning psychomotor

skills (skills) and the ability of the individual to act.

The psychomotor domain (Simpson, 1972) includes

physical movement, coordination, and use of the motor-

skill areas. Development of these skills requires practice

and is measured in terms of speed, precision, distance,

procedures, or techniques in execution. Thus,

psychomotor skills rage from manual tasks, such as

digging a ditch or washing a car, to more complex tasks,

such as operating a complex piece of machinery or


Figure 2.4 The psycmotor domain of taxonomy bloom

The seven major categories are listed from the

simplest behavior to the most complex:


Perception (awareness): The ability to use sensory

cues to guide motor activity.  This ranges from sensory

stimulation, through cue selection, to translation.

Examples:  Detects non-verbal communication cues.

Estimate where a ball will land after it is thrown and then

moving to the correct location to catch the ball. Adjusts

heat of stove to correct temperature by smell and taste of

food. Adjusts the height of the forks on a forklift by

comparing where the forks are in relation to the pallet.

Key Words: chooses, describes, detects, differentiates,

distinguishes, identifies, isolates, relates, selects.

Set: Readiness to act. It includes mental, physical,

and emotional sets. These three sets are dispositions

that predetermine a person's response to different

situations (sometimes called mindsets). Examples:  

Knows and acts upon a sequence of steps in a

manufacturing process. Recognize one's abilities and

limitations. Shows desire to learn a new process

(motivation). NOTE: This subdivision of Psychomotor is

closely related with the “Responding to phenomena”

subdivision of the Affective domain. Key Words: begins,

displays, explains, moves, proceeds, reacts, shows,

states, volunteers.

Guided Response: The early stages in learning a

complex skill that includes imitation and trial and error.

Adequacy of performance is achieved by practicing.

Examples:  Performs a mathematical equation as

demonstrated. Follows instructions to build a model.

Responds hand-signals of instructor while learning to

operate a forklift. Key Words: copies, traces, follows,

react, reproduce, responds

Mechanism (basic proficiency): This is the

intermediate stage in learning a complex skill. Learned

responses have become habitual and the movements can

be performed with some confidence and proficiency.

Examples:  Use a personal computer. Repair a leaking

faucet. Drive a car. Key Words: assembles, calibrates,

constructs, dismantles, displays, fastens, fixes, grinds,

heats, manipulates, measures, mends, mixes, organizes,


Complex Overt Response (Expert): The skillful

performance of motor acts that involve complex

movement patterns. Proficiency is indicated by a quick,

accurate, and highly coordinated performance, requiring

a minimum of energy. This category includes performing

without hesitation, and automatic performance. For


example, players are often utter sounds of satisfaction or

expletives as soon as they hit a tennis ball or throw a

football, because they can tell by the feel of the act what

the result will produce. Examples:  Maneuvers a car into

a tight parallel parking spot. Operates a computer quickly

and accurately. Displays competence while playing the

piano. Key Words: assembles, builds, calibrates,

constructs, dismantles, displays, fastens, fixes, grinds,

heats, manipulates, measures, mends, mixes, organizes,

sketches. The Key Words are the same as Mechanism,

but will have adverbs or adjectives that indicate that the

performance is quicker, better, more accurate, etc.

Adaptation: Skills are well developed and the

individual can modify movement patterns to fit special

requirements. Examples:  Responds effectively to

unexpected experiences.  Modifies instruction to meet

the needs of the learners. Perform a task with a machine

that it was not originally intended to do (machine is not

damaged and there is no danger in performing the new

task). Key Words: adapts, alters, changes, rearranges,

reorganizes, revises, varies.

Origination: Creating new movement patterns to fit

a particular situation or specific problem. Learning


outcomes emphasize creativity based upon highly

developed skills. Examples:  Constructs a new theory.

Develops a new and comprehensive training

programming. Creates a new gymnastic routine. Key

Words: arranges, builds, combines, composes,

constructs, creates, designs, initiate, makes, originates.

2. The Concept of Attitude

a. Definition of Attitude

There must be a lot of factors contributing to the success

of these high achieving students. The two factors that

significantly contribute are attitudes and motivation. This is

because learners’ attitudes are widely believed to be able to

determine learners’ motivation. In this study focus on one factor

only that is attitudes. According to Krech and Crutchfield in

Ahmadi (2002) attitude is organization from motivation,

emotional, perception or monitoring in aspect from individual

life. Choyimah in Cahyono and Emaliana (2014) said that

attitude is one of affective factors contributing to the success of

learning, including success in learning. English. In general,

attitude can be interpreted as learners’ positive or negative

reaction to the target language.

Another definition also expressed by Mar’at in Djaali

(2012) about attitudes: Attitude entails an existing


predisposition to response to social object which, in interaction

with situational and other dispositional variables, guides and

directs the overt behavior of the individual.

In word predisposition consist meaning behavior direction

that do by people related to the object. Direction itself is to

avoid or closing on. Do avoid or closing an object (people,

things, idea, environment, etc.), based on feeling in individual

estimation that involving an object itself. Such, she/he like or

dislike something, happy or unhappy, agree or disagree.

Attitude involve some knowledge of situation. However,

the essential aspect of the attitude is found in the fact that some

characteristics felling or emotion is experienced, and as we

would accordingly expert, some definite tendency to action is

associated (Ellis in Purwanto, 2014). The important things in

attitude is emotional factor. The second factor is reaction or

response or predisposition to react. In this case, attitude is

important determinant in human behavior. As the reaction,

attitude always related to two alternative that is like or dislike,

obey and perform or avoid it.

b. Components of Attitude

Attitude is a concept that helps in understanding human

behavior. Travers, Gagne, and Cronbach agree that attitude


involves three components that interact with the object

(Ahmadi, 2002). These components include:

1) Cognitive component, associated with knowledge, beliefs or

thoughts that are based on information associated with the

object. For example, people know that it's worth the money,

because they see the price in daily life. Our attitude towards

money it implies that we know about the value of money.

2) Affective component, refers to the emotional dimension of

attitudes, emotions are associated with the object. Here the

object perceived as pleasant or unpleasant. For example, if

someone says that they are happy the money, these

describe their feelings toward money.

3) Behavior or conative component involving one of

predisposition to act towards the object. For example,

because the money is worth something, people liked it, and

they are trying to get a big salary. Choyimah in Cahyono

and Emaliana (2014) gives addition that behavioral aspect

of attitude deals with how learners react and behave in

particular condition. In the context of English teaching and

learning, behavioral aspect of attitude can be seen from how

learners react to native speakers’ way in speaking English.

The learners’ eagerness in imitating native speakers’ ways

in speaking English, their desire to learn or not to learn more


about the culture of English-speaking countries are just a

few examples of behavioral aspect of attitude.

Component behavior is influenced by the cognitive

component. This component related to the tendency to act so

that in some literature this component is called the action

tendency component. Action tendency components can be

divided into two kinds.

1) Positive attitude. The attitude of the show, accept

acknowledge, approve, and implement associated with the


2) Negative attitude, attitudes which show or showed rejection

or disagree on matters relating to the object.

c. Factor that Influences Attitudes

Factors that influence attitudes (Azwar, 2009):

1) Personal experience It can be the basis for the formation

of attitudes, personal experiences should leave a strong

impression. Therefore, the attitude will be more easily

formed when personal experience occurs in situations

involving emotional factors.

2) Influence others that are considered important in general,

people tend to have a conformist attitude or direction of the

attitude of people who are considered important. This

tends among motivated by the desire for affiliation and the


desire to avoid conflict with the people who are considered


3) Influence of culture Unwittingly steering line culture has

instilled our attitude towards various issues. Culture has

colored the attitude of members of the community because

the pattern is culture that gives individuals experience

public care.

4) The mass media in the newspapers and the healthcare

radio or other communications media, which supposedly

factual news delivered objective likely to be influenced by

the attitude of the author, consequently affect the attitudes

of consumer.

5) Institute of Education and Religious Institutions Moral

concepts and teachings of educational institutions and

religious institution determine the belief system it is not

surprising that in turn affects the attitude concept.

6) Emotional Factors Sometimes, a form of attitude is a

statement that is based on emotion which serves as a sort

of channeling frustration or alienation of the ego defense


C. Theoretical Framework

Theoretical framework is a design or mindset that explains

relationships between variables or problems that are organized from


various theories described to be analyzed and solved so that it can be

formulated a hypothesis. This is reinforced by Sugiyono in his book as


Uma in Sugiyono (2015) proposes "Frame of mind It is a conceptual

model of how theories relate to various factors that have been identified as

important issues." The meaning of the statement is a theoretically

explained frame of mind about problem relationship with existing theories

in research as well as regulations between the variables that will be

studied, therefore in every preparation of scientific work must bebased on

the skeletal.

Achievement is the result of learning activities stated in form of

symbols, numbers, letters, or words that may reflect results that have been

achieved by students in a given period. To know the students’

achievement, teacher needs for administering the test which covers all the

learning materials. In this case, the students’ achievement measured by

the value of the test was given by the teacher.

Attitude is a person's reaction or judgment about the likes and

dislikes of the person, event, or other aspects of the environment. It is a

psychological phenomenon that is usually manifested in the form of

behavior or action. The components of the attitude consist of cognitive,

affective and behavior or conative components. This study focused to

student’s attitudes in English.


Correlation is defined as a statistical test to determine the tendency

or pattern for two (or more) variables or two sets of data to vary

consistently. Correlation in this study is a study about the association

relationship between students’ attitude and their English achievement.

In avoiding the readers misunderstanding, the researcher will give

limitation of the study. The scope of this research is focused on the

students’ achievement and Students’ attitude at SMP Negeri 4 Majene.

The subjects who are involve at this research are first grade students at

SMP Negeri 4 Majene.

The conceptual framework underlying this research was given in

the following figure:

Figure 2.5 Conceptual Framework

Students of SMP Negeri 4 Majene

Students’ Achivement Students’ Attitude

The Correlation of Students’ Achivement and

Students’ Attitude in Learning English at SMP
Negeri 4 Majene

D. Research Hypothesis

A basic hypothesis or assumption is a temporary answer to a

problem. It is still a presumption because it still has to be proven the truth.

Revelation which is still temporary it is formulated in variable form in order

to be able to test empirically, therefore in this study researchers writes

hypothesis. As follows:

Sugiyono (2015) says "Hypothesis is the answer while on the

formulation of research problems, where research problems have been It

is expressed in the form of a question." The purpose of the name is the

hypothesis is a temporary answer because the answer is based on

relevant theories are not yet based on theory through data collection.

Based on this statement, the researcher has the following hypothesis:

H1: there is correlation students’ achievement and Students’ attitude

at SMP Negeri 4 Majene.

H0: there is no correlation students’ achievement and Students’

attitude at SMP Negeri 4 Majene.




Research is an important way to get fact of a problem. Research

methodology, moreover, is the most significant aspect in conducting

research. In research, it does not only follow some kinds of the step but

also a certain requirement. In this chapter, the writer discusses the

description of the procedures in this research. They are research design,

subject of the study, research instrument, validity and reliability, normality

testing, data collecting method and data analysis.

A. Research Design

Research design is defined as the strategy or the way how the

researcher gets the valid data, analyze them, and finally come to the

answers of the research problem. This study used quantitative approach.

The research design that used in this study was correlative research

design. Creswell (2012) said that correlational research design are

quantitative designs in which investigators use a correlation statistical

technique to describe and measure the degree of association (or

relationship) between two or more variables or sets of scores. The

resulting the data is numeric data.

According to Ary (2010) Quantitative research uses objective

measurement to gather numeric data that are used to answer questions or

test predetermined hypotheses. It generally requires a well-controlled

setting. Furthermore, in this study, the researcher used quantitative


research to obtain the significance of the relationship between two

variables that are students’ attitude toward English and the students’

achievement in English.

Because one of the uses of correlational research is to assess the

relationship among two or more variables in a single group as cited in Ary

(2010) and the researcher want to describe the positive correlation

between students’ attitude and their English achievement for first grade at

SMP Negeri 4 Majene, the researcher used the correlational research in

order to get the data.

B. Subject of the Study

Population is the large group to which one hopes to apply the results.

Ary (2010) says that the population is defined as all members of any well

or the larger group which the generalization is made. In addition,

population is the whole of research subject consist of human, things,

animals, plants, symptom, test value, or event as the data source that

have characteristic of the research (Hadari Nawawi in Margono, 2010).

According to the explanation above, the population in this research

was all of first grade students on first semester at SMP Negeri 4 Majene,

academic year 2022/2023. The total numbers of population are 187

students who divided into six class for first grade students on first

semester, they are A class, B class, C class, D class, E class, and F class.

Meanwhile, according to its characteristic (Margono, 2010), the

population is divided into homogeneous and heterogeneous population. In


this study, these students include a heterogeneous population. Overall,

this is because individuals in this population have traits that differ from one

student to another students.

To determine the sample, this research use sampling. Sampling is a

technique to take sample. Margono (2010) says sampling is way of taking

sample that the total appropriate with the portion of sample as the data

source, with shows the characteristics and spreading population to get the

representative sample. By sampling, the researcher enables to study a

portion of population rather than the entire of population. The sampling in

this study used random sampling. According to Choyimah (2014) random

sampling is a sampling technique in which each subject has a chance to

be selected because of chance methods or random numbers.

The sampling technique that used in this study was probably simple

random sampling technique. The researcher will use random sampling

because whole of students can have a chance as the sample in this

research. Sampling was done by randomized process. To determine the

subjects as the sample, firstly the researcher creates a lottery numbering

1-187. 1-187 are an order of the students in population of X-A Class

through X-F Class. This lottery is inserted into the bowl then shake

thoroughly. After the researcher took a paper and wrote down what the

number was stamp on the paper. This activity continues until get 47

number because of the total subject of this study was 47 students.


Sample are part of the population (Supranto, 2001). As criterion, the

researcher has several hundred subjects in the population, they can

determine approximately 20-25% of the subject. On the basis of the

population and sampling will use in this study, the researcher does not

involve all of them because it was a big number. If the subject in

population<100 is better to take it all, so the research about the population

research. But, if the population is big number can take between 10-15% or

20-25% or more (Arikunto, 2006). In consequence, the researcher will take

sample approximately 25% from the population. The total of samples in

this study are 47 students that consist about 25 male and 22 female.

C. Research Instrument

In order to collect the data for research, the researcher will use some

instruments. In this case, the instruments are questionnaire and


1. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is either based on a set of structured items (in which

the respondent chooses from a limited number of responses) or

unstructured (in which open-ended question are given that a respondent

can answer as he or she chooses) (Richards, 2001). Through

questionnaire, the researcher gets all information that she wants to know.

The researcher uses questionnaire in order to know the students’ opinion

related to their attitude.


The type of questionnaire by Arikunto (2006) are closed

questionnaire, provided answer so the respondents only choose one of it

and open questionnaire, give a chance for respondents to answer with

their own words.

Form of the questionnaire used in this study was closed

questionnaire. This means that the questionnaire was a list of questions

provided by the researcher to the students as research subject. In term of

answer, this questionnaire was a questionnaire directly because the

students can answer directly filled by the students themselves on subject

attitudes toward the English language. The researcher developed the

questionnaire by adopted from Kurnia Rian R. (2013) as the previous

researcher. The questionnaire in this study used Likert scale with 4

answer choices that answer choice strongly agree the worth 4 points,

agree has 3 points, disagree has 2 points and strongly disagree has 1

point. Totally about 25 questions.

2. Documentation

Documentation which comes from word “document”, means written

objects. Document in this data is such kind of written data that will help

much and also as strengthen data in doing this study. Ary (2012) says that

documents here refer to a wide range of written, physical, and visual

materials. Moreover Sukardi (2003) states that documentation is used to

collect data from written thing such as books, magazine, document,

notable, memo, etc.


The document that the writer needed in doing this method is list of

English score in all subject from the teacher, because the data has

function to look for whether any correlation between students’ attitude and

their English achievement. The English scores are taken from a good

process actually from the teacher itself. Moreover, students’ English score

was the new English score and it can be said as the authentic score of

English. Therefore, the researcher can know about students’ English


D. Research Procedure

Data collecting method is the technique will use by the researcher to

obtain the data. This data gathering took place in SMP Negeri 4 Majene

especially for first grade students. Research procedure in this study is:

Distributing questionnaire, Questionnaire is one of ways to gather the

data regarding learning style. Through questionnaire, the researcher gets

all information that she wants to know. The researcher will use

questionnaire in order to know the students’ opinion related to their

attitude. Here, the researcher shows the lattice work that included in the

questionnaire. In this study, the questionnaire used to get the data about

students’ attitude towards cognitive component, students’ attitude towards

affective component, and students’ attitude towards behavioral or conative

component. It is easy for the reader because the reader knows what the

indicator included in the questionnaire that used by the researcher.


In this research, the questionnaire is written in Indonesian. It means

that the questionnaire made in order to make easier the respondent

answer the questions. The questionnaire consists of twenty-five questions.

In this part, the researcher will ask the students to choose one option that

they want. It means that the answer has to reflect their personality or their

real life.

In distributing questionnaire, the researcher will share it to the all

sample in a week. The questionnaire is completed of class time. The

students require to respond the questions freely without limited time.

Before that, the students are asked to give the immediate response than

they should not hesitate and change their answers. The questionnaire will

collect and the respond computed into computer for data analyses. The

questionnaire will distribute in a week.

Beside the questionnaire, the researcher also use documentation.

Documentation come from the word document, which has a meaning

something written. The document that the researcher needed in doing this

method was list of students’ names and their English score in all subject

from the teacher, because the data has function to look for whether any

correlation between students’ attitude and their English achievement, as

strengthen the questionnaire.


E. Data AnalysisTechnique

The qualificaton of instrument used in research is very important.

Validity and reliability are essential requirements should be fulfilled to

ensure the instrument is qualified.

a. Likert Scale.

Learners’ motivation, learning style, and attitude toward English

score into two categories. They are positive and negative statement and

the format of likert scale can be showed in the table below:

Table 3.1. The Scoring System of Likert Scale

Postitive Statement Score Negative Statement

Strongly agree 4 Strongly agree
Agree 3 Agree
Disagree 2 Disagree
Strongly disagree 1 Strongly disagree
Source: Borich & Kubiszyn (1993)

b. Validity and Reliability

Validity to Fraenkel, et al. (2012) construct validity refers to the

nature of psychological construct or charaterisctic being measured by the

instrument. To make easy and understand the learners fill out the

questionnaire. Validity is an important key to affective research. If a piece

of research is invalid, it is worthless. Addressing validity concerns the

nature of what validity means, how to know if one has achieved an

acceptable level of validity enters design, inferences and conclusions

(Cohen, Manrow & Marrison, 2018). Based on Crano, Brewer & Lac

(2015) in addition validity is the degree of relationship, or the overlap,


between a measurement instrument and the construct it is intended to

asses. In this study, the researcher will use students’ achievement and

attitude of questionnaires, all data obtained from the questionnaire will be

tested for validity through the SPSS 24.0. The decision-making criteria

used in the Validity Test with the help of SPSS for windows are as follows:

If sig. ≤ 0.05, it is valid.

If sig. > 0.05, it is invalid.

According to Crano, Brewer & Lac (2015) reliability is essentially an

umbrella term for dependability, consistency and replicability overtime,

over instruments and over group of respondents. Reliability is concerned

with precision and accuracy. In addition, reliability is the consistency that

a measurement instrument asses a given construct. To assess the

reliability of the scores, the consistency of the instrument must be

consistent when the instrument will be measured with another sample. To

know the questionnaire is reliable, whenever the reliability coefficient of

test score shall be at least 0.700, and preferably higher (Cohen, Manion &

Marrison, 2007). In order to know the contribution of students’ achivement

and attitude will be analyzed into regression analysis. In the correlation of

study, the analysis estimated a statistical process of the correlation

between variables or between one or more predictor variables and the

criterion variable. The result of the analysis indicates the percentage of

the predictor variables that contributed to the criterion scores. In addition


to, all the statiscaly calculation above will be completed by SPSS 24.0

(Statistical Package for Social Science).

According to Wiratna (2014) explained that reliability tests can be

conducted together against all items or question items in the research

questionnaire. The reliability test is as follows:

1) If Cronbach's Alpha value > 0.06 then the questionnaire or

questionnaire is declared reliable or consistent.

2) If Cronbach's Alpha value > 0.06 then the questionnaire or

questionnaire is declared unreliable or inconsistent.

Correlation Analysis, in finding the correlation between students’

achievements and students’ attitude, Pearson product moment Coefficient

used. It is also applied for investigating the correlation of individual

differences. To interpret the correlation Coefficient, the following criteria

from (Cohen, Manion & Marrison, 2007) will use as follows:

Table 3.5. The Interpretation of the Correlational Coefficient

Interval Coefficient Level of Correlation

0.20 – 0.35 Weak
0.35 – 0.65 Fair
0.65 – 0.85 Strong
Over 0.85 Very Strong
Source: Cohen, Manion & Marrison (2007)


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