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BOARD Sent 3 ago 2009


1 - The risks of electric shock are much greater on board ship than they are normally
ashore because wetness, high humidity and high temperature (including sweating) reduce
the contact resistance of the body. In those conditions, severe and even fatal shocks may be
caused at voltages as low as 60V.
It should also be borne in mind that cuts and abrasions significantly reduce skin resistance.
Resiko terkena electric shock (tegangan listrik) di atas kapal lebih besar dibandingkan saat
berada di darat. Beberapa kondisi seperti tingkat kebasahan, kelembaban, dan temperatur yang
tinggi (termasuk keringat) dapat mengurangi ketahanan tubuh ketika melakukan kontak. Dalam
situasi tersebut, daya listrik rendah seperti 60 V dapat menyebabkan kecelakaan yang fatal

2 - A notice of instructions on the treatment of electric shock should be posted in every

place containing electrical equipment and switchgear.
Immediate on the spot treatment of an unconscious patient is essential.
Himbauan tertulis perihal bahaya electric shock di atas kapal harus banyak dipasang di banyak
tempat terutama yang terdapat peralatan kelistrikan maupun switchgear

3 - Before any work is done on electrical equipment, fuses should be removed or circuit
breakers opened to ensure that all related circuits are dead. If possible, switches and circuit
breakers should be locked open or, alternatively, a ‘not to be closed’ notice. Where a fuse has
been removed, it should be retained by the person working on the equipment until the job is
finished. A check should be made that any interlocks or other safety devices are operative.
Additional precautions are necessary to ensure safety when work is to be undertaken on high
voltage equipment (designed to operate at a nominal system voltage in excess of 1Kv).
The work should be carried out by, or under the direct supervision of, a competent person with
sufficient technical knowledge and a permit-to-work system should be operated.
Sebelum menyelesaikan pekerjaan yang terkait peralatan elektrik, sekring harus segera diputus
hubungan. Saat sekring sudah diputus daya, pekerja yang bertugas di peralatan kelistrikan harus
dapat memastikan sebelum meninggalkan ruangan. Pemeriksaan harus dilakukan terutama yang
terkait dengan fungsi alat-alat safety. Pekerjaan yang terkait harus berada dibawah pengawasan
langsung. Setiap pengawas yang bertanggung jawab selain harus kompeten, ia juga harus
memiliki lisensi yang sesuai dengan bidang kerjanya di kelistrikan.

4 - Some parts of certain types of equipment may remain live even when the equipment is
switched off. Power should always be cut off at the mains.
Beberapa bagian dari peralatan kelistrikan tersebut mungkin akan tetap menyala bahkan saat
sudah posisi off, sehingga listrik harus diputus dari central dan tetap dilakukan pengecekkan

5 - Flammable materials should never be left or stored nears switchboards.

Material yang gampang terbakar harus disingkirkan dari sekitar daerah switchboard

Based on Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen


BOARD Sent 3 ago 2009

6 - Work on or near live equipment should be avoided if possible but when it is essential for the
safety of the ship or for testing purposes, the following precautions should be taken:
Bekerja disekitar peralatan kelistrikan memiliki resiko tinggi dan sebaiknya dihindari, namun
apabila pekerjaan tersebut memiliki fungsi yang penting di atas kapal, maka ada beberapa hal
yang dapat dilakukan, antara lain :
• A second person, who should be competent in the treatment of electric shock, should be
continually in attendance
Ketika bekerja, pastikan selalu ada Pekerja lain (second person) yang memiliki kompetensi
dalam mengatasi masalah yang terkait kelistrikan
• The working position adopted should be safe and secure to avoid accidental contact with the
live parts. Insulated gloves should be worn where practicable.
Posisi saat bekerja hendaknya aman dan menghindari kontak terlalu dekat dengan bagian
peralatan listrik. Pemakaian sarung tangan sangat direkomendasikan
• Contact with the deck, particularly if it is wet, should be avoided.
Footwear may give inadequate insulation if it is damp or has metal studs or rivets. The use of a
dry insulating mat at all times is recommended.
Kontak dengan dek tertutama jika kondisi sedang basah, harus dihindari. Selalu pakai sepatu
safety saat bekerja.
• Contact with bare metal should be avoided. A hand-to-hand shock is especially dangerous. To
minimize the risk of a second contact should the working hand accidentally touch a live part,
one hand should be kept in a trouser pocket whenever practicable.
Kontak langsung dengan bahan yang terbuat dari besi harus dihindari. Kontak tegangan dari
tangan ke tangan dapat sangat berbahaya. Untuk meminimalkan kontak kedua, saat tangan
tidak sengaja menyentuh bagian yang dialiri listrik, satu tangan lainnya harus berada di kantung
• Wrist watches, metal identity bracelets and rings should be removed.
They provide low resistance contacts with the skin. Metal fittings on clothing or footwear are
also dangerous.
Ikat pinggang, kalung, cincin dan aksesoris yang berbahan metal harus dilepas saat bekerja
karena dapat mengurangi resistansi pada kulit. Begitu juga dengan bahan metal yang terdapat di
pakaian maupun sepatu safety.

7 - Meter probes should have only minimum amounts of metal exposed and insulation of both
probes should be in good condition. Care should be taken that the probes do not short circuit
adjacent connections. When measuring voltages that are greater than 250V, the probe should be
attached and removed with the circuit dead.
Pastikan beberapa peralatan seperti Meter Probes hanya memiliki sedikit bagian metal yang
terekspos dan harus dalam kondisi yang baik. Fungsi perawatan sangat diperlukan guna
meminalkan resiko korslet.

Based on Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen

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