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One of the best-shown examples of the best out of waste in architectural aspects is
Collage House in Navi Mumbai, India. the name of this place is "Kanha" The architect's team
working on it is S+PS architects. The project type is residential, it covers an area of 520 square
meters and was constructed in 2015. The basic idea of the project is to work upon recycling
things and creating visual images of collaging old things with new things.

The site is in a hilly area and with a semi-detached house planning type. This house has 5
bedrooms and 5 bathrooms with a complete facility of rainwater harvesting, a courtyard on 1
floor, and other services, and parking for 3 on the ground floor. on the terrace, there is a pavilion.
The pooja room is grounded in the shape of a drum that has been cut in half. They have a lap
pool which can be enjoyed by the master bedroom.

The users believe in reusing waste as there is a huge amount of waste around us. The
front facade is covered with a collage of discarded windows and doors contrasted with a blue
glass balcony. For the inside part, they included waste stones found in the construction site stone
yard reuse those for cladding a wall. Leftover pieces of pipes were used to create a pipe wall with
help in creating a functional rainwater harvesting system whose capacity was around 50000
Liters. They have a mesh around the lift in which they depict the life of Vrindavan. There is a
patchwork of metal plates that are added to contrast the wall. For the interior, they had created a
chair using the chindi (leftover cloth pieces). There is an element in a room in which they have
gathered the printing blocks and created a partition out of it. Using such material the building
captured the essence of Mumbai through recycling and upcycling. There the walls have no paints
they just have hard and light to get a certain description. everything constructed here is to
celebrate handmade around the site.

The collage house is one of the greatest examples to use the scrap and convert it into such
an attractive looking masterpiece. The architects of this project were very imaginative and
created a complete wall made out of a collage of doors and windows. They have mixed modern
things with traditional things in such a creative way that looks very engaging. They know how to
maintain the natural factors of the site as the site is located at a hill at a point they were having a
depth of 4 feet which they maintained throughout the site.

Lastly, I would like to conclude by saying using waste to create something innovative is
very important. We should know if we are creating waste then we should know how to utilize it.
The collage house is a very nice example as it has created a very nice picture of its own with
such innovative ideas. The project looks at the idea of recycling and collage in several ways,
from the very physical – like materials, energy, etc. to the intangible – like history, space and

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